Chapter Absorption and Marginal Costing
Chapter Absorption and Marginal Costing
Chapter Absorption and Marginal Costing
Learning 0bjectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to understand
Meaning and characteristics of absorption costing.
Ascertainment of income under absorption costing.
Advantages and limitations of absorption costing.
Meaning, definition and characteristics of marginal costing.
Assumptions of marginal costing.
Marginal costing vs. directldifferentiallvariable costing.
Marginal costing vs. absorption costing.
Determination of income under marginal costing.
Advantages of income determination under absorption and marginal costing.
Reconciliation of profit under absorption and marginal costing.
An analytical study of the behaviour of overheads in relation to
changes in volume of output
reveals that there are some items of cost which tend to
vary directly with the volume of output
whereas, there are others which remain unaffected by variations in the volume of output. The former
class of costs represent the variable overheads and the latter fixed overheads.
Besides, there are
certain items of costs which are partly fixed and partly variable and are known as
semi-variable or
semi-fixed costs.
The volume of output fluctuates from one period of time to another due to seasonal
and other
factors. But fixed costs (including fixed portion of semi-variable costs)
being same during each
period, fluctuations occur in unit cost of products produced during different periods, thus
necessitating comparison of costs from one period of time to another. To
obviate this uneven
incidence of fixed costs on units of output, fixed costs are treated as
period costs and excluded from
product costs. Again, once certain facilities are installed, so long as there is no
capacities, certain costs (i.e., fixed costs) will have to be incurred whether or notchange
in the installed
the facilities are being
used at all or to whatever extent the facilities are used. From
this standpoint also, there is
of excluding fixed costs from justification
product costs. The essence of Marginal Costing technique lies in
p t i o na n d M a r g i n
larginal Costing
Absorption and Marginal 8.3
considering fixed costs on the whole as separate, quite distinct from variable costs wi Costing Add:Value of
relevant to current operations. Variable costs only are matehed with revenues
undaonly Stock xxx
conditions of production and sales to compute what is known 'contribution' towarde.
as of Closing
: Value
fixed costs and yielding of profits. This is very useful from the point of view of recove of
control. -making and Add:
U n d e r - a b s
Fixed Fat
sorbed Fixed
o r
Factory Overheads
b e d
Less:Over-absorbed Fixed Factory Overheads XXx
(A-B) XXx
Absorption costing also known as 'full costing is the total cost technique. It is the C.GrossProfit
and most widely used technique of ascertaining cost. CIMA, London, defines conventi. Administration, Selling and Distribution Overhe XXx
"the practice of charging all costs both variable and fixed to absorption costins Variable
operations, processes or producte XXX
Under this technique, product cost is made up of all direct costs (1.e. direct ." Fixed
material, direct laho (C-D) XXX
direct expenses and variable factory overheads) plus fixed Net Income or
Profit XXX
factory overheads absorbed atur, XXx
predetermined rate on the basis of normal capacity. The administration, selling and a
overheads are treated as period costs, and hence, are written off
against the
income for the period
eTRATION 1. From the
following intormation, prepare income
statement under
which they are incurred. absorption costing.
Normal capacity
1,00,000 units
COSTING Opening stock
1,10,000 units
The basic features of absorption costing are as follows: 5,000 units
Units sold
1. All variable manufacturing costs and fixed factory overheads 1,05,000 units
are treated
and hence
product costs Selling price per unit T 30
charged to products, processes or operations. Direct material cost per unit
2. All R6
administration, selling and distribution overheads are treated as period costs, and hence Direct labour cost per unit
are written off 5
against the profits of the period in which they are incurred. Variable factory overheads per unit
3. As fixed
factory overheads are included in unit cost, the value of closing inventory includes Fixed manufacturing overheads
fixed factory/production overheads.
Variable administration, selling and distribution overheads T2 per unit sold
4. Under
absorption costing, cost per unit remains same only if there is no change in the level Fixed administration, selling and distribution overheads 71.00,.000
of output. However, in case the level of output changes, the cost
per unit also changes
because of the presence of fixed costs. SOLUTION:
The income under
absorption costing is determined as below: Particulars
A. Sales (1,05,000 x 30) 31,50,000
Income Statement Under Absorption Costing 8.Cost of Goods Sold:
Particulars Direct material cost (1,10,000 x 6) 60,000
A. Sales xXX Direct labour cost (1,10,000 x5) 5,50,000
B. Cost of Goods Sold:
variable factory overheads (1,10,000 x4) 440,000
Direct Material
XXX xed manufacturing overheads (1,10,000 x 2) 2,20,000
Direct Labour
Direct Expenses
xXx Fred manufacturing overheads absorption rate =2,00,000+1,00,000=2) 18,70,000
Ad:Opening Stock 5,000x 17) 85,000
Fixed Production Overheads (Actual Production x Predetermined 170,00
Rate) XXX
S:Closing stock (10,000 x 17) 1785,00
8.4 ADSorpuon
20,000 ords of Blocker and Weltmore, "Marginal Cost is the increase decrease in total cost which
Less: Over-absorbed fixed manufacturing overheads (2,20,000- 2,00,000) 17,138565000,000 or
e from producing or selling additional or fewer units of a product or from a change in the
ADVANTAGES OF ABSsORPTION COSTING For example, the cost of production of 1,000 units of radios is R 2,00,000 and that of 1001 units is
cost is 150, ie., 2,00,150-7 2,00,000.
The following are the important advantages ofabsorption costing: 200,150 the marginal
1. Absorption costing is a simple and most commonly used technique of ascertaining cost Marginal cost may also be defined as "the aggregate of variable costs" or "prime cost plus
2. The technique of absorption costing ensures that all costs including fixed and variah
ariable able overheads". Thus, if for the production of 1,000 units of a product the manufacturer has to
related to production are charged to products, processes or operations. er75,000 for materials, 50,000 for direct wages,
25,000 for variable overheads and 50,000
3. It ensures correct fixation of selling prices in the long run as fixed costs are also considere
dered fved overheads, the marginal cost can be ascertained as follows:
for calculating per unit cost. Per unit
4. The ascertainment of shows gross
income under absorption cOsting
various decisions.
profit and net profit (1,000 units)
separately which helps in taking
5. It discloses inefficient and efficient utilization of resources allocated to a particular 75
Ost Direct materials 75,000
centre by indicating under absorption and overabsorption of fixed production
overheads Direct Wages 50,000 50
6. It conforms to the principle of accrual and matching of costs with revenues of the
relevant PrimeCost 1,25,000 125
period. Variable Overheads 25,000 25
Marginal Cost 1,50,000 150
Absorption costing suffers from certain limitations, the most important are as follows
1. As the cost per unit the
changes with in the level of output under absorption
costing, comparison and control of costs becomes difficult. The Institute of Cost and Management Acountants, London, has defined Marginal Costing as
2. In costing, some of the current period's fixed costs are carried forward to the "the ascertainment of marginal costs and of the effect on profit of changes in volume or type of
absorption the valuation of closing stock based on cost per unit inclusive of
next period because of output by differentiating between fixed costs and variable costs". "In this technique of costing only
fixed factory overheads. variable costs are charged to operations, processes or products, leaving all indirect costs to be written
3. It of against profits in the period in which they arise."
is not helpful in taking certain managerial decisions such as selection of profitable a
product/sales mix; make or buy decisions, accept or reject decisions, additional orders or
Thus, in this context, marginal costing is not a system of costing such as process costing, job
orders export; problem of key or limiting factor, determination of the optimum level of costing, operating costing, etc. but a technique which is concerned with the changes in costs and
activity, dose or shut down decisions, etc.
protits resulting from changes in the volume of output. Marginal costing is also known as 'variable
4. fixed
The manufacturing overheads may be absorbed
under or over recovery of overheads.
on wrong or arbitrary basis causing
5. It may not be possible to prepare flexible budgets under absorption costing BASIC CHARACTERISTIcs OF MARGINAL COSTING
According to the Terminology of Cost Accountancy of the Institute of Cost and Management
The technique of marginal costing is based on the distinction between product costs and period
COsTS. Only the variable costs are regarded as the costs of the products while the fixed costs are
Accountants, Marginal Cost represents "the amount at any given volume of output by
a8gregate costs are changed if the volume of output is increased by one unit". In practice, ths is
whicn Cdred as
period costs which will be incurred during the period regardless of the volume of output.
he main characteristics of marginal costing are as follows:
measured by the total variable costs attributable to orne unit. In this context, a unit may be a ingle 1 It is a technique of analysis and presentation of costs which help management in taking
article, batch of articles,
a an order, stage of production capacity, a man-hour, a pro
decisions and is not an independent system of costing such
n as process
department. It relates to the
change in output in the particular circumstances under nany managerial
consiaeta costing or ijob costing.
LOsting AbSolpiio
whether variable or fixed are treated as product costs even though fixed cost are period
2. All elements of cost-production, administration and selling and
distribution classifios are
into variable and fixed components. Even semi-variable costs are analysed into fixed ed cOsts and have no relevance to current operations
variable. In marginal costing only variable costs are treated as product costs, fixed cost is
treated as period cost and is charged to profit and loss account for that period.
3. The variable costs (marginal costs) are regarded as the costs of the products.
costing ditters from marginal costing from the point of view of inventory
4. Fixed costs are treated as period costs and are charged to profit and loss account for t
2 Absorptionalso. In
period for which they are incurred. valuation absorption costing, the stock of finished goods and work-in-process is
valued at total cost which includes both variable and fixed cost. In marginal costing, such
5. The stocks of finished goods and work-in-process are valued at marginal costs only. stocks are valued at marginal cost, ie., variable cost only. Hence, it results in higher
6. Prices are determined on the basis of marginal cost by adding 'contribution' which is the valuation of inventories in absorption costing as compared to marginal costing.
excess of sales or selling price over marginal cost of sales.
3. In absorption costing arbitrary apportionment of fixed costs, over the products, results in
under or over-absorption of such costs. While marginal costing excludes fixed costs and the
question of under or over absorption of fixed costs does not arise.
The technique of marginal costing is based upon the following assunmptions: 4. In absorption costing, managerial decision-making is based upon 'profit which is the
1. All elements of
cost-production, administration and selling and distribution-can be excess of sales value over total cost. While in marginal costing, the managerial decisions are
segregated into fixed
and variable componernts. guided by 'contribution' which is the excess of sales value over variable cost.
2. Variable cost remains constant per unit of
output irrespective of the level of output and
thus fluctuates directly in
proportion to changes in the volume of output. DETERMINATION OF INCOME UNDER MARGINAL COSTING
3. The
selling price per unit remains unchanged or constant at all levels of activity. Under marginal costing only variable costs are charged to operations, processes or products. All
4. Fixed costs remain
unchanged or constant for the entire volume of production. fxed costs are written off against profits in the period in which they arise. The income under
5. The volume of
production or output is the only factor which influences the costs. marginal costing is determined as below:
Income Statement Under Marginal Costing
The term
marginal costing is also referred to as 'variable A, Sales
costing or incremental costing. However, these terms are not costing', the
'direct costing', 'differential XXx
example, the use of the term direct costing is not exactly same in all
respects. For B.Variable Cost of Sales:
is onvariable and fixed costs and not appropriate since the emphasis of marginal costing Direct Material Cost XXX
on direct and indirect costs as is the case in direct Direct Labour Cost
always variable costs as some of them are fixed in nature.costing
Further more, all direct costs are not
the use of the term direct Hence Direct Expernses
costing in place of marginal
exactly the same as differential or incrementalcosting in
is inaccurate. Variable Production/Manufacturing Overheads
is not Similarly marginal costing
costing spite of the fact that both are the
techniques of cost analysis and cost presentation, and both
Variable Cost of Goods Product
the techniques
are used Add: Opening Stock
for decision
making and policy formulation. Differential costs are the increase or by management
cost that result from decrease in total
producing additional or fewer units or from the Less: Closing Stock
course of action. Thus, differential adoption of an alternative
in the costing takes into account changes in fixed cost also due to
output while fixed costs are excluded from change
cost are the same when fixed
costs do not
marginal costs. In fact, differential cost and marginat Add: Variable Administration Overheads
variable costing seems to be more change with change in output. Thus, the use of the
and tem
acceptable. Add: Variable Selling and Distribution Overheads x
Absorption and Marginal
ILLUSTRATION 2. Following information relates to ABC Ltd. Costing nVANTAGES
to prepare
Comparative profitabilitv statement under 2.90
overhead rate is Re. 1 per unit.
work-in-process inventories. Fixed for
the vears assuming that materials are issued on absorption costing and
al openinginventorv in 2016 may
naginal. costing
be taken at the First-in-First-out
In 2015, the company produced 1,00,000 units and sold 90,000 units at a price of T 8 per unit. In
The value of
closing inventory in 2015. (FIFO)
2016, the company produced 1,10,000 units and sold 1,15,000 units at the same price. hzsts.
Comparative Profitability Statement
You are required to prepare income statements for 2015 and 2016 based on
absorption costind
and variable costing
Absorption Costing Marginal Costing
2015 2016
sOLUTION: Particulars 2015 2016
Income Statement Under Absorption Costing 1,26,000
Sales at R
14 per
1,40,000 1,26,000 140,000
Particulars 2015 2016 2015 2016 cost at R
2.90 per unit 29,000 26,100 29,000 26,100
( ( Add: Opening Inventory 11,400 2,900
29,000 37 500 29,000
() Sales at 8 per unit 90,000x8 1,15,000x8 7,20,000 9.20,000 29,000
Variable manufacturing cost at 4 per unit 1,00,000x4 1,10,004 4,00,000 Less: Closing Inventory 11,400 2,900
4,40,000 37500
17,600 26,100 29,000 |
Add: Opening Inventory at 5 per unit 10,000x5 50,000
Add: Fixed Cost 85,000 85,000
Add: Fixed cost at Re 1 per unit 1,00,000x1 1,10,000x1 1,00,000 1,10,000 Sales 1,02,600 1,22,500 26,100 29,000
5,00,000 Cost of 17500 99C0 1,11,00
6,00,000 i 23,400
Margin [)-i)]
Less: Closing Inventory at 5 per unit 10,000x5 5000x5 50,000 25,000 Less: Fixed cost
85,000 85,000
Standard cost of sales 4,50,000 5,75,000 23,400 17,500 14,900 26,00U
Net Profit
Less: Over Absorption of fixed overheads 10,000 Working Notes:
(i) Cost of Sales 4,50,000 5,65,000 2015
Net Income [(i)-{ü)] 2,70,000 3,55,000 10,000x 14=140,00
9,000 x 14- 1,26,000 9.000 x 2.90- 26,100
Income Statement Under Variable Costing () Calculation of 10,000 x 2.90=7 29,000
2016 2015 2016 (i) Calculation of Variable
Particulars 2015
(i) Calculation of opening Inventory
( ( in 2015
There is no opening inventory
is 1000 units, it is valued at
(i) Sales at ? 8 per unit 90,000x8 1,15,000x8 7,20,000 9,20,000 Opening Inventory in 2016 unit, and under marginal costing
at total cost per
it is valued
Variable manufacturing cost at 4 per unit 1,00,000x4 | 1,10,000x4 4,00,000 4,40,000 S o r p t i o n costing as calculated
in 2015
Add: Opening Inventory at 4 per unit 10,000 x4 40,0U0 variable cost.
taken at the value of closing inventory
in 2016 has been
4,00,000 4,80,000 Openng inventory
below. Marginal Costing
Less: Closing Inventory at 4 per unit 10,000x4 5,000x4 40,000 20,000 p) Calculation of Closing Inventory (2015) Absorption Costing
3,60,000 4,60,000 1000 x2.90-R 2900
(ii) Variable cost of Sales
3,60,000 4,60,000 29,000+85,0001.00 1,400
Contribution (i)- (i) costing
1,00,000 1,00,000 10,000 an
Less: Fixed cost vehicles. It uses
3,60,000 and sells
motor and April, 20
2,60,000 to March
Net Income Motors relating
ABC basis. Data
c a l c u l a t e d on a
system, in which unit cost
Costs a r e
relating to a factory for two years. April
ILLUSTRATION 6. The following are the cost data re:
Installed capacity (in units)
Opening Inventory (in units) Nil
1,000 Unit data
Closing Inventory (in units) 1000 Beginning Inventory
i g Notes, 8.11
8.16 Absorption and Marginal Costing March
Production 500
Caleulation o fS a le 24,000 x 350 =7 April
Sales 350
520 C a l c u l a t i o no fV a r i a b l e
84,00,000 24 000x 520=71,24,80,00
Variable cost data :
Manufacturing cost per unit produced 10,000 Manufacturing C o s t 10,000 x 500 =7
10,000 50,00,000
Distribution cost per unit sold 3,000 3,000 u l a t i o n
of Opening Inventory
in March minus
350 inventory in April is 150 units, ie.
units sold during March.
6,00,000 6,00,000 k inclusive Under 500 units
at total
« of fixed cOst. Ihe
opening absorption costing inventory
The Selling Price per motor vehicle is 24,000. s
losing inventory in March inventory in April has been taken at
calculated as below.
Present Income Statements for ABC Motors in March and April 2017 under Calculation of Closing Inventory
(c) variable costing and (b) absorption costing. (o)
000/500) x (150) =R21,00,000
(i) Explain the differences between: (@) and (}) for March and April. inventory 150+ 400-520
For April,
closing =30 units
value closing
of clos inventory (April) (60,00,000/400) x (30) =7450.0
stribution Cost April
Particulars March
April Calculation
of Variable 3,000x350-7 10,50,00 3.000520- 15.50,00
to) net income under absorption costing and variable
Sales ( 24,000 x 350 24,000 x 520
Thedifference in costing is as below:
March:7 18,50,000-12,50,000 T
84,00,000 1,24,80,000 =
Variable Cost R 4,50,000 =
Manufacturing Cost@R 10,000
Distribution Cost @3,000
35,00,000 52,00,000 April:726,70,000-31,20,000
10,50,000 15,60,000 The above shown ditterences in income are mainly due to the difference in the method of
Total Variable Cost (i)
45,50,000 67,60,000 lation of closing inventory. Under absorption costing, inventory is valued at total cost including
Contribution [i)-(ii)] 38,50,000 57,20,000
Less: Fixed Cost hedcost whereas under variable costing fixed cost is excluded from the same.
Manufacturing Costs 20,00,000 20,00,000
Marketing Costs 6,00,000 6,00,000 26,00,000 26,00,000
Net income
12,50,000 31,20,000 As discussed earlier, profit ascertained under absorption costing may not be the same as
INCOME STATEMENT OF ABCMOTORS UNDER ABSORPTIONCOSTING Rermined under marginal costing because of the difference in the valuation
of stocks umder the two
March April inctuding ixed production
kmques. Valuation of stock in absorption costing is done at total cost
( (
eheads whereas in marginal costing it is done at variable cost
Sales at 24,000 per unit 84,00,000 1,24,80,000 only
Less : Cost of Goods Sold WE Can reconcile the two profits by preparing a reconciliation statement as under
Variable Manufacturing Cost 50,00,000 40,00,000 Under Absorption and MarginalCosting
Fixed Manufacturing Cost 20,00,000 20,00,000
datement Showing Reconciliation of Profit
70,00,000 60,00,000
rott under absorption costing XXx
Add: Opening Inventory 21,00,000 dd: Fixed production overheads included in opening stock* XXX
70,00,000 81,00,000
4,50,000 76,50,000 XXX
Less: Closing Inventory 21,00,000 49,00,000 48,30,000
|55: Fixed production
10n overheads included in closing stock XXX|
Gross Income 35,00,000
Less: Marketing and Distribution Cost:
Dit under marginal costing
6,00,000 6,00,000
Fixed Marketing Cost
Variable Distribution Cost 10,50,000 16,50,000 15,60,000 21,60,000 LUSTRATION 8. Star Ltd. provides
Normal capacity
you thefollowing
intormation 40,000 units
50,000 units
Net Income 18,50,000 26,70,000
Units produced 5,000 units
Closing stock
Absorption and Marginal Costi AbBorption
Marginal Costing
8.18 overheads (50,000x 3
Opening stock Variable production produced
cost of goods 6,00,000
Units sold Variable x 12)
Stock (3,000
unit Opening ,000
Selling price per M:
Variable cost per
unit 6,36,000
Direct material
stock (5,000 x
Cost of Goods
Direct labour
Variable 5,76,000
overheads per selling and distribution overheads 5,76,000
Variable production Variable administration,
Sales (48,000 x 12) 6,24,000
Fixed Overheads Cost of
Production overheads Variable
C.Contribution (A- B)
Administration overheads R40,M D.Fixed Overheads:
distribution overheads
Selling and Production o v e r h e a d s 40,000
You are required to
: Administration overheads 30,000
(a) Prepare irncome statement under i) absorption costing and (i) marginal costing distribution overheads 30000 1,00,000
ng Selling and
Under Marginal Costing (C-D) 24,000
(b) Prepare a statement reconciling the difference in profit, if any. E. Income or Profit
(b) Statement Showing Reconciliation of Profit
(a) 5,26,000
Profit under absorption 1) 3,000
Income Statement Under Absorption Costing production overheads included
in opening stock (3,000 x
Add: Fixed
1) 5,000
A. Sales (48,000 25) Less: Fixed production overheads included in closing stock (5,000 x
12,00,000 5,24000
B. Cost of Goods Sold: Profit under marginal costing
Direct material cost (50,0005) 2,50,000
Direct labour cost (50,000 x4)
2,00,000 M Review Questions
Variable production overheads (50,000x3) 1,50,000
Fixed production overheads (50,000 x 1)
[Absorption Rate = 40,000 40,000]
1. What do you mean by absorption costing?
Add: Opening Stock [3,000x (5+4+3+1)1 2. What is full costing ?
(Sales +Closing Stock-Units Produced)
39,000 3. Give any two basic features of absorption costing.
6,89,000 4. What is variable costing?
Closing stock (5,000 x 13) 65,000 What is meant by marginal costing ?
6,24,000 What are the advantages of absorption costing ?
Less:Over absorbed fixed production overheads (50,000 40,000) 6,14,000
10,000 How is income ascertained under absorption costing ?
5,86,00 8. Give any three limitations of absorption costing
C.Gross Profit (A-B)
D.Administration, Selling and Distribution Overheads (30,000+30,000) 60,00
8 Define marginal cost and marginal costing.
E. Net Inocome or Profit 5,26,000
0. Distinguish between absorption costing and marginal costing
Distinguish between marginal cost and direct cost.
Give a proforma for ascertainment of income under marginai costng
(i) Income Statement Under Marginal Costing9 Why the profit under marginal costing differs trom profit under absorpton costing?
A. Sales (48000
B. Variable Cost
of Sales: What is absorption costing ? Explain the characteristics of absorpton costing
Direct material (50,000x5) 2,50,000
Nplain ascertainment of profit under () absorption costing, and (i) marginal costing.
Direct labour
(50,000 4) 2,00,000 |
w h a t do you understand by marginal costing ? What are its advantages and limitations ?