2 - Watson
2 - Watson
2 - Watson
Human Caring Science: A Theory of Nursing is
the title of Jean Watson's latest work, it was renamed
(1)_________________________________. Theory of
Human Caring
3. How does Watson define the three of the four metaparadigm concepts?
ding to her theory, caring can be demonstrated and practiced by nurses. Caring
patients fosters development; a caring atmosphere accepts a person as they are
also anticipating what they could become. Watson also defined three of the four
_______________________________nursing metaparadigm concepts: person or
human being, health, and nursing.____________________________
4. Watson has refined and updated the relationships of the theory, bringing
them closer to her current way of understanding human caring and
spirituality. What are the relationships to the theory?
________________________________The theory focuses on "the significance of
human caring and the caring-to-caring ___________________________
personal interaction and its healing potential for both the caregiver and the cared-
This implies that a nurse practitioner invests his or her own feelings in the caring
nship, not closing himself or herself off to new spiritual and mental encounters while
caring for the patient's needs.
E 1. Human a. "Where there is disharmony among
the mind, body and soul or between a
person and his or her nature and
relationship with the larger
world/universe, there is a disjunctive
between the self as perceived and
____C 2. Health one's actual experience
b. The moment of coming together in a
caring moment occasion presents the
two persons with the opportunity to
decide how to be in the relationship—
what to do with the moment"
____G 3. Nursing c. Associated with the degree of
congruence between the self as
perceived and the self as experience.
____B 4. Actual caring d. "The totality of human experience
moment (one's being in the world) ... is the
individual's Frame of reference that
can only be known to that person"
I 5. Transpersonal e. to be Cared for, respected, nurtured,
caring moment understood, and assisted"
D 6. Phenomenal field f. The past is prior to, or in a different
____ mode of being than the present, but it
7. Life is not clearly distinguishable.
g. A human caring science of persons
____H and human health-illness experiences
that are mediated by professional,
personal, scientific, esthetic, and
8. Harmonydisharmon ethical human care connections and
y relationships.
____A h. defined as spiritually, mentally,
emotionally and physically being-in-
9. Time theworld as a unitary being which is
1. The sharing of feelings is a risk-taking experience for both nurse and patient.
The nurse must be prepared for either optimistic or pessimistic feelings.
2. This factor is an important concept for nursing in that it separates caring from
curing. The nurse facilitates this process that are
designed to enable patients to provide self-care, determine personal
needs, and provide opportunities for their personal growth.
3. Are learned early in life, but can be greatly influenced by nurse educators.
This factor can be defined as satisfaction through giving Jean Watson and
extension of the sense of self.
4. This is crucial for transpersonal caring. This promotes and accepts the
expression of both positive & negative feelings.
6. Nurses must recognize the influence that internal & external environments
have on the health and illness of individuals. This
includes comfort, privacy, safety and clean, aesthetic surroundings
10. This factor, incorporating humanistic and altruistic values, facilitates the
promotion of holistic nursing care and positive health within the
patient population
Formation of
Instillation of Faith- Altruistic System of
Hope Values
Assistance with
Cultivation of Gratification of
Sensitivity of Self Human Needs
and to Others Provision for
Protective, and
Systematic use of Corrective
the Scientific Mental,
Problem-Solving Physical,
Method for Sociocultural,
Decision Making and Spiritual