NP4 Recalls7
NP4 Recalls7
NP4 Recalls7
You are caring for patient Igaram, a patient with D. Relieving anxiety.
Addison’s disease. You utilize your knowledge on this
concept to help care for the patient. Dec. Aldosterone no water retention fluid volime
Adrenal gland adrenal cortex
Addisons disease: Dec. Gluccorticoids, You are a nurse tasked to care for patients with different
mineralcorticoids, androgen pituitary disorders. You are to take care of Karoo and
Koza, both diagnosed with SIADH, and Paula, who is
diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. You utilize your
1. Igaram was just recently diagnosed with Addison’s knowledge on this concept to help care for your patients
disease. He still lacks knowledge about his disease so he safely.
decided to ask you some questions. Igaram asked you,
“How does the disease happen?” You answer him SIADH: inc. Antidiuretic hormobe--. Fluid
correctly by stating that this disease results from: volume excess
6. One of the clients in your unit, Karoo, is diagnosed to
A. Insufficient secretion of growth hormone (GH). have a pituitary tumor. Karoo developed Syndrome of
dwarfism Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH). Which of
B. Dysfunction of the hypothalamic pituitary. Not the following interventions should you implement as
primary disease process Karoo’s primary nurse?
C. Idiopathic atrophy of the adrenal gland.
D. Oversecretion of the adrenal A. Assess for dehydration and monitor blood glucose
medulla. pheochromocytoma levels.
B. Assess for nausea and vomiting and weigh daily.
2. Igaram is admitted to your unit. After your assessment Early symptoms of SOADH: body weight is for fluid retention
on him, you formulated the nursing diagnosis Deficient
C. Monitor potassium levels and encourage fluid intake
fluid volume related to inadequate fluid intake and to
dilutional hyponatremia.
fluid loss secondary to inadequate adrenal hormone
D. Administer vasopressin IV and conduct a fluid
secretion. As Igaram’s oral intake increases, which of the
deprivation test. Vasopressin=ADH
following fluids would be the most appropriate for him?
Fluid Deprivation--SIADH
Waetr challenge Test SIADH
A. Milk and diet soda. 7. You are reviewing the chart of Karoo who has
B. Water and eggnog. SIADH. Which of the following clinical manifestations
C. Bouillon and juice. you noted in Karoo’s chart should be reported to his
D. Coffee and milkshakes. primary care physician?
3. You are instructing Igaram how to adjust the dose of A. Serum sodium of 112 mEq/L and a headache. 135-
the glucocorticoids he is taking. As his nurse, you should 145
explain to him that he may need an increased dosage of B. Serum potassium of 5.0 mEq/L and a heightened
glucocorticoids in which of the following scenarios? awareness. 3.5-5.0
C. Serum calcium of 10 mg/dL and tented tissue turgor.
A. Completing the spring semester of school. D. Serum magnesium of 1.2 mg/dL and large urinary
B. Gaining 4 pounds. output.
C. Becoming engaged.
D. Undergoing a root canal. 8. Another patient in your unit, Koza, was diagnosed
with SIADH secondary to cancer of the lung. He tells
you that he wants to discontinue his fluid restriction and
Inc. glucocorticoidsinc. cortisol (stress hormone)inc. need during that he does not care if he dies. Which of the following
physical stress example surgeries actions by the nurse is an example of the ethical principle
of autonomy?
4. Igaram is diagnosed with Addison’s disease. As a
knowledgeable nurse, you know that this condition may
A. Discuss the information the client told the nurse with
lead to Addisonian crisis if not adequately managed.
the health-care provider and significant other.
Which of the following manifestations would be
B. Explain it is possible the client could have a seizure if
expected in Igaram if he develops this condition?
he drank fluid beyond the restrictions.
C. Notify the health-care provider of the client’s
A. Fluid retention.
wishes and give the client fluids as desired.
B. Pain. Head abdomen, extremeties, back
D. Allow the client an extra drink of water and explain
C. Peripheral edema.
the nurse could get into trouble if the client tells the
D. Hunger. Nausea, Vomiting
health-care provider.
5. If Igaram develops Addisonian crisis, which of the
9. Paula, another patient assigned to you in the unit, is
following would be your priority as Igaram’s primary
recently diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. Which of the
following interventions should you implement as Paula’s
primary nurse?
A. Controlling hypertension. DI: ↓ADH fluid volume deficitDehydration
B. Preventing irreversible shock.
A. Administer sliding-scale insulin as ordered. B. “After this surgery you will no longer have ulcerative
B. Restrict caffeinated beverages. colitis.” UC affect only the large intestine
C. Check urine ketones if blood glucose is >250. C. “When you return from surgery you will not be able to
D. Assess tissue turgor every four (4) hours eat solid food for several days.”
D. “You will have an ileostomy when you return from
10. Following Paula’s diagnosis of diabetes insipidus, this surgery.” Temporary ileostomy
she stayed in the hospital for a few days. She is now
about to be discharged and you are conducting your 14. Wyper, a 20 year old male client, is admitted to your
health teaching regarding her condition. Which of the unit because of the exacerbation of their ulcerative
following statements made by Paula warrants further colitis. You go into Wyper’s room to complete an initial
intervention? assessment, and he yells, “Get outta here! I am tired of
you nurses and doctors looking at my body all the time!”
A. “I will keep a list of my medications in my wallet and Which of the following is your best action?
wear a Medic Alert bracelet.”
B. “I should take my medication in the morning and
leave it refrigerated at home.” Q 8-12 hours A. Leave the room and ask a male colleague to complete
C. “I should weigh myself every morning and record any the assessment.
weight gain.” B. Verbally acknowledge the client’s frustration and
D. “If I develop a tightness in my chest, I will call my anger.
health-care provider.” C. Call the health-care practitioner and ask for a sedative
Situation D. Tell the client that gathering data about his current
You are a nurse caring for patients with condition will promote effective timely treatment of his
inflammatory bowel disease. health concerns
11. Pierre is a patient admitted to the hospital with a 1. Let patient verbalized feeling
diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. You are currently 2. Acknowledge patient feeling
reviewing his history and physical assessment chart.
Based on Pierre’s diagnosis, which of the following 15. You are caring for Conis, a patient admitted in your
information should you expect to see in Pierre’s medical unit who is diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. She has
records? undergone a barium enema that demonstrated the
presence of strictures in her ileum. Based on this
A. Abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea finding, you should monitor the client closely for signs
B. Weight gain and elevated blood glucose of:
C. Abdominal distension and hypoactive bowel sounds Strictions-narrowing
D. Heartburn and regurgitation
A. peritonitis.
Abdominal Paininflammation B. obstruction.
Bloody: ulcerations
Diarrhea: inflammation irritation
C. malabsorption.
D. fluid imbalance.
12. Pierre had a recent exacerbation of ulcerative colitis.
UC: affects only the large intestine: inner lining
He is put on mesalamine (Asacol), which is to be Chron’s Disease can affect the both small and large intestine all layes
administered rectally via an enema. Pierre finds this of the intestione
procedure distasteful and he asks you, “Why can't the
medication just be given orally?”. You answer Pierre Situation
correctly by saying which of the following? You are a new nurse assigned to take care of patients
with various eye disorders. You use your knowledge
Prevent Side Effects to help these patients with their condition.
A. “It can be given orally; I’ll contact the doctor and see
if the change can be made.” 16. One of the patients in your unit, Pagaya, is diagnosed
B. “Rectal administration delivers the medication with glaucoma. Which of the following symptoms should
directly to the affected area.” you expect the client to report during your initial
C. “Oral administration will not be as effective for the assessment with him?
disease condition.”
D. “It can be given orally, I’ll make the change and we’ll A. Loss of peripheral vision. Open angle
tell the doctor in the morning.” B. Floating spots in the vision. Retinal detachment
C. A yellow haze around everything. Digoxin toxicity
13. You overhear a licensed practical nurse (LPN) D. A curtain coming across vision. Retinal detachment
talking to one of your patients, Mousse, who is being
prepared for a total colectomy with creation of an 17. Pagaya has now been prescribed a miotic
ileoanal reservoir for her ulcerative colitis. To decrease cholinergic medication for his glaucoma. Which of the
Mousse’s anxiety, you should intervene to clarify the following data indicates that the medication has been
information given by the LPN when you hear the LPN effective on Pagaya?
A. No redness or irritation of the eyes
A. “This surgery will prevent you from developing colon B. A decrease in intraocular pressure
C. The pupil reacts briskly to light B. Bradycardia.
D. The client denies any type of floaters C. Wheezing.
D. Decreased bowel sounds
18. You are caring for Gan Fall, a postoperative patient, Neurogenic shock loss of SNS response PNS response only
after his retinal detachment surgery. Gas tamponade was 23. One of the patients in your unit, Hamburg, was
used to flatten the patient’s retina during the procedure. diagnosed with septicemia. The following are the orders
Which of the following interventions should you given by Hamburg’s primary physician. Which of these
implement first? orders will have the highest priority?
A. Teach the signs of increased intraocular pressure. SEPTICEMIA: systemic/ widespread bacterial infectionof
B. Position the client as prescribed by the surgeon. the blood
C. Assess the eye for signs/symptoms of
complications. A. Provide a clear liquid diet.
D. Explain the importance of follow-up visits. B. Initiate IV antibiotic therapy.
C. Obtain a STAT chest x-ray.
Increase ICP
Infection D. Perform hourly glucometer checks.
Another retinal Detachment
19. You are caring for Conis, a patient with severe 24. You wrote the nursing diagnosis of “alteration in
myopia. She is scheduled for a laser assisted in situ comfort related to chills in fever” in one of your
keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery. Which of the patients who has sepsis. Which of the following
following instructions should you discuss with Conis interventions would you include in this patient’s plan of
prior to her discharge from the surgery? care?
A. Wear bilateral eye patches for three (3) days. A. Ambulate the client in the hallway every shift.
B. Wear corrective lenses until the follow-up visit. B. Monitor urinalysis, creatinine level, and BUN level.
C. Do not read any material for at least one (1) week. C. Apply sequential compression devices to the lower
D. Teach the client how to instill corticosteroid extremities.
ophthalmic drops. ↓Inflammation and edema D. Administer an antipyretic medication every four
(4) hours PRN.
20. Eneru, a 65 year old male client is complaining of
blurred vision, but denies having any type of pain. He 25. A patient named Chiqicheetah presents themselves in
reports to you, “I feel like I need to clean my glasses all the emergency department complaining of abdominal
the time”. Which of the following eye disorders should pain, is pale and clammy, and has a pulse of 110 and a
you suspect that Eneru has? blood pressure reading of 92/60. Chiqicheetah has
vertebral fractures, and she reported she has been self-
A. Corneal dystrophy medicating with Ibuprofen, a type of nonsteroidal anti-
B. Conjunctivitis inflammatory drug (NSAID). Which of the following
C. Diabetic retinopathy type of shocks should you expect in patient
D. Cataracts Opacity of the lense Chiqicheetah?
You are a nurse studying the different types of shock and A. Cardiogenic shock.
its appropriate nursing interventions. You come across B. Hypovolemic shock.
the following patients in your unit. You applied the C. Neurogenic shock. Spinal cord injuries
concepts you’ve learned to your nursing practice. D. Septic shock.
Ibuprofen GI irritant—u;ceration in GIT bleeding
27. You are assigned to care for Ace, a patient diagnosed 32. Gol is your patient diagnosed to have testicular
to have hypokalemia. As a knowledgeable nurse, you cancer. He expressed his concerns regarding fertility
know that the electrolyte that must be corrected in this since him and his partner desires to eventually have a
scenario is: family. As Gol’s primary nurse, you discuss the option of
sperm banking. You inform Gol and his partner that
A. Calcium. sperm banking needs to be performed when?
B. Magnesium.
C. Manganese. A. Before treatment is started. Chemotherapy
D. Zinc B. Once the client is tolerating the treatment.
C. Upon completion of treatment.
28. You are caring for a group of patients in the ward. D. When tumor markers drop to normal levels.
While reviewing each of the patient’s charts, you
determine which of the following patients is most likely
at risk for fluid volume deficit? 33. You are working with Bellamy, a client with known
risks for lung cancer. He asks you why he is scheduled
A. A client with an ileostomy stool will not go to large for a computed tomography (CT) scan as part of his
intestine anymore for water reabsorptionFVD
B. A client with heart failure FVE initial workup. You answer Bellamy correctly when you
C. A client on long-term corticosteroid therapyInc. respond by saying:
Aldosterone water retention FVE
D. A client receiving frequent wound irrigations FVE A. “CT is far superior to magnetic resonance imaging for
evaluating lymph node metastasis.”
B. “CT is noninvasive and readily available.”
29. You are refreshing your knowledge on sodium C. “CT is useful for distinguishing small differences
imbalances. As a knowledgeable nurse, you know that in tissue density and detecting nodal involvement.”
which of the following patients in the ward is most likely D. “CT can distinguish malignant adenopathy from
to develop a sodium level at 130 mEq/L (130 mmol/L)? nonmalignant adenopathy.”
Hyponatremia 135-145 34. You are caring for Cricket, a patient with pain
related to bone cancer. You conducted an assessment
A. The client who is taking diuretics Potassium magnesium on Cricket in relation to this. You know that which of the
sodium wasting hyponatremia following is the most important component of a thorough
B. The client with hyperaldosteronism pain assessment specific for patient Cricket?
C. The client with Cushing’s syndrome Pain is whatever the patient say it is
D. The client who is taking corticosteroids
A. Intensity. Indicative of pain severity important
30. You are reviewing one of your patient’s progress for evaluation efficacy
notes. You read that the physician has documented B. Cause.
“insensible fluid loss of approximately 800mL daily”. As C. Aggravating factors.
a knowledgeable nurse, you make a notation that D. Location.
insensible fluid loss occurs through which of the
following types of excretion? Occur without the persons
awareness skin Lungs 35. Noland is a cancer patient you are tasked to care for.
He is receiving the medication vincristine (Oncovin).
A. Urinary output You plan your health teaching for Noland regarding this
B. Wound drainage medication. Which of the following should you include
C. Integumentary output in your instructions to Nolan?
D. The gastrointestinal tract
Vincristine s/e Constiption
A,B,D Fluid loss oocurs the patient is aware Vincristine a/e:
39. You are caring for Nico, a patient with cancer who
requires a bolus tube feeding. You prepare to administer
the bolus tube feeding and as a skilled nurse, which of
the following nursing interventions is most appropriate
to decrease the risk of aspiration in this patient?
43. You are caring for patient Whitebeard immediately
A. Place the client on bed rest with the head of the bed following an insertion of a permanent pacemaker via his
elevated to 60 degrees for 2 hours. right subclavian vein. As a skilled nurse, you know that
B. Place the client on the left side with the head of the the action that can best prevent pacemaker lead
bed at 45 degrees for 15 minutes. dislodgement is:
C. Assist the client out of bed to sit upright in a chair
for 1 hour. A. inspecting the incision site dressing for bleeding and
D. Ask the client to rest in bed with the head of the bed the incision for approximation
elevated to 30 degrees for 20 minutes. B. limiting the client’s right arm activity and
preventing the client reaching above shoulder level
40. Portgas is a cancer patient receiving chemotherapy. C. assisting the client with getting out of bed and
He is experiencing a flare up of pruritus. You are ambulating with a walker
planning to develop a care plan for Portgas. In order to D. ordering a stat chest x-ray following return from the
develop the nursing care plan, you should ask him if he implant procedure
has been:
A. Wearing clothes made from 100% cotton. Cotton is 44. You are increasing activity for patient Bon with an
least irritating in the skin admitting diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome.
B. Sleeping in a cool, humidified room. Comfort+ hydration Which of the following symptoms experienced by patient
C. Increasing fluid intake to at least 3,000 mL/ day. Bon best supports the nursing diagnosis of activity
hydration intolerance? Body is not able to adapt activity
D. Taking daily baths with a deodorant soap. Dring and
irritating skin
A. Pulse rate increased by 15 beats per minute during
Situation activity
B. Blood pressure (BP) 130/86 mm Hg before activity; A. Start an intravenous line with an 18-gauge needle.
BP 108/66 mm Hg during activity Rapid fluid replacement/ transfusion of blood products
C. Increased dyspnea and diaphoresis relieved when B. Have the UAP take the client’s vital signs.
sitting in a chair C. Ask the client to provide a stool specimen for blood.
D. A mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 80 following D. Send the client to radiology for an abdominal CT
activity scan.
47. An apartment fire broke out near the hospital. The 51. Ms. Hange observes that one of the female staff
injured victims are sent to the emergency department of nurses is not performing her duties very well. Which of
the hospital. Five families of the injured patients arrived the following strategies will she implement to assist the
in the ED subsequently to inquire about the health status staff nurse?
of their family members. Which of the following is your
best action? A. Discuss with the staff nurse her performance and
ways she can improve.
A. Take the families to the triage area so they can be with B. Allow the staff nurse to select own assignment.
their loved ones C. Assign the staff nurse several clients with various
B. Ask the families to wait in the waiting area until illnesses.
information is available D. Ask the staff nurse to work as an assistant charge
C. Ensure that there is a designated area for family nurse.
staffed by available social workers or clergy Support
D. Direct families to a lounge where a receptionist will
be keeping families informed 52. Ms. Hange notes one of the male staff nurse is
frequently absent and his absence has adversely affected
the quality of care given to the clients unit. Which of the
48. Patient Aokiji is a male client that presented themself following would be the BEST approach?
in the emergency department after vomiting a “large”
amount of bright red blood. Which of the following A. Talk with the staff nurse regarding the concern
actions should you implement first? and remind him of the standards of the agency.
Bright red blood arterial bleedinghigh pressure B. Write the staff nurse a memorandum regarding his
bleeding hemorrhage shock absence.
C. Inform the staff nurse that his absence will be a
ground for termination.
D. Record the absence of the staff nurse in a log book.
58. Which of the following statement is TRUE about
53. Ms. Hange assigns a new staff nurse to administer terminally ill clients?
the medications of a client. Which detail of the client’s
drug therapy is the staff nurse legally responsible to A. Terminally ill clients require minimum physical care.
document? The ________. B. Health care personnel do not understand their own
feelings about death and dying therefore they avoid
A. Peak concentration time of the drug. caring for terminally clients.
B. Safe ranges of the drug. C. Terminally ill clients have the right to die with
C. Client’s socio-economic status. dignity. Treat patient with honor and respect
D. Client’s reaction to the drug.
D. Terminally ill client’s experiences pain most of the
54. Ms. Hange decides what is best for a recovering time.
client and acts on the decision without consulting the
client. Ms. Hange is applying a moral principle which is 59. The dying client wishes to donate her eyes after she
_________. dies. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE
about organ donation?
A. Paternalism the HCP decide
B. Beneficence A. Any individual, at least 15 years old of age and of a
C. Fidelity sound mind may donate a part of his body to take the
D. Autonomy effect after transplantation needed by the recipient.
B. Sharing of human organs or tissues shall be made only
Situation through exchange programs duly approved by the
The nurse cares for a female client who is Department of Health.
C. The choice to donate an organ must be a written
terminally ill and is experiencing pain.
D. Laws do not require the consent of a family members
55. The nurse prepares a care plan for the client. The to retrieve organs if the donor has expressed his last wish
overall goal for the client is ________. to donate.
The client will:
The nurse in the emergency department admits
A. Achieve control of pain and discomfort. a 45 year old female for vomiting blood.
B. Receive adequate cerebral oxygenation and perfusion. According to a family member who
C. Be free from infection. accompanied the client, the client had a gastric
D. Receive life sustaining food and liquids.
ulcer for several years. The nurse assesses that
the client is in shock.
60. Which of the following assessment findings indicate
56. The nurse is aware of the document that expresses a hypovolemic shock?
client’s wish for life sustaining treatment in the event of
terminal illness or permanent unconsciousness. This A. Systolic blood pressure is less than 90 mmHg. Later
document is the ______; stages of the shock when compensatory mechanism fail
57. The client nears death and requests that no 61. In the early stages of shock, the nurse expects the
medication be given that would cause a loss of result of arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis to indicate
consciousness, including pain medication. The nurse which of the following conditions ____________:
would promote the best end-of-life care for the client by
which of the following? A. Respiratory alkalosis
B. Respiratory acidosis
Promotion of clients dignity respect wishes of the C. Metabolic alkalosis
client D. Metabolic acidosis
A. Increase comfort of the client and her family. 69. Nurse Petra plans care for a cancer client
B. Minimize oxygen consumption. experiencing pain. She is aware that an important
C. Prevent infection. principle of using medication to manage pain is to:
D. Stabilize fluid and electrolyte balance.
A. Individualize the medication therapy to the client.
B. Provide the medication as soon as the client
Situation requests for it.
C. Discontinue the medications periodically to
A 60 year old male is admitted to the oncology discourage the development of drug tolerance.
unit. According to the client, he felt a growth D. Avoid giving client addictive medications.
during a routine digital prostate examination.
He complains of pain on urination and frequent
urination. 70. Nurse Petra collaborates with the physician in the
development of a drug regimen for the clients. Which of
the following medications should be avoided in the
65. The nurse understands that the function of the treatment of cancer pain?
prostate gland is primarily to ______;
A. Morphine
A. Regulate the acidity and alkalinity environment for B. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) non opioid analgesic
proper sperm development. indicated for mild pain
B. Produce a secretion that aids the nourishment and C. Meperidine (Demerol)
passage of sperm. D. Hydrocodone
C. Secrete a hormone that stimulates the production
and maturation of sperm.
71. When titrating a drug for the client in pain, which of
D. Store undeveloped sperm before ejaculation.
the following actions is MOST appropriate?
66. The nurse analyzes the laboratory values and notes
A. Ask the physician to include a medication order for
that the serum phosphate level is elevated. This finding
breakthrough pain.
indicates which of the following:
B. Follow the physician’s order for the first 24 hours.
C. Reassess the client every 8 hours for drug
A. It confirms the diagnosis of prostate cancer. BIOPSY
B. The progression or regression of prostate cancer.
BLOOD TEST or IMAGING SCAN D. Seek a new order after 2 doses that do not achieve
C. The likelihood of metastasis to the bones. a tolerable level of pain relief. Drug in effected due to drug
D. There are complications associated with cancer.
67. The nurse knows that hormone therapy is the mode 72. One of the clients experiences severe, intractable
of treatment for a client with prostate cancer. The goal of pain and complains that the pain medication is not
this form of treatment is to ______: working for him. Which of the following actions is
MOST appropriate for Nurse Petra?
Prostate Ca.: Androgen dependent cancer
A. Suggest to the client to try deep breathing to cope
A. Limit the amount of circulating androgens. with the pain.
B. Increase prostaglandin level.
B. Explore the nature of the pain and encourage the client 78. The following statements are true about patients and
to perceive it in a different way. hospital records EXCEPT:
C. Support the client emotionally and tell him he will a. Confidential records must be protected against loss,
receive the next dose of medication as soon as possible. damage , unauthorized access, modification and
D. Refer the client to the attending physician disclosure
immediately and report that the pain medication is b. Patients have the right to confidential treatment of
not providing adequate pain relief. information they provide to health professional
c. Health records are the property of community
where the patient is treated HOSPITAL
73. Nurse Petra assesses a client complaining of acute d. Hospital records maybe released without the patient’s
pain. The MOST appropriate nursing assessment would consent when required in investigation for serious
include which of the following? criminal offenses
A. The nurses’ impression of clients’ pain.
B. The clients’ pain rating. Severely of the painhelps Situation
evaluation of pain/ pain management technique
C. Nonverbal cues from the client.
Ms. Mika is a director of the critical care unit of
D. Pain relief after appropriate nursing interventions. hospital x. She utilizes the nursing process to
communicate care to the client.
Ms. Helen is a nurse supervisor of three
departments in hospital X. She attends an 79. She is called to the bedside of a client who is
orientation seminar on hospital records scheduled to have laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The
client’s pulse is slightly irregular. Ms. Mika confers with
the primary nurse regarding the client’s condition, which
step of the nursing process is Ms. Mika applying?
74. Ms. Helen understands that good client care relies Collaborate for problem solving and decision making
on good record keeping. Which of the following is NOT
a purpose of hospital record keeping? A.Implementation
b. Evaluation
a. Records provide evidence of a hospital’s c. Planning
accountability. d. Assessment
b. Records are a key source of data for medical research
or statistical reports. 80. Ms. Mika calls for a conference with the staff
c. Records provide data on health information system. members who are attending to the client. They decide to
d. Records provide personal information on the obtain a 12-lead ECG for a more definitive picture. They
physicians and nurses caring for the clients. conclude that the client has no serious cardiac or
pulmonary problems. Which step of the nursing process
is in effect in this situation?
75. Ms. Helen is aware that when a client is readmitted
to a hospital, the client’s file is retrieved from the ECG provide objective dataASSESMENT
_______________. a. nursing diagnosis
b. assessment
a. physician’s file c. evaluation
b. civil service file d. planning
c. master patient index file
d. hospital library record file 81. Ms. Mika consults with the attending physician and
the anesthesiologist. She advises the primary nurse to
proceed with the preparations and to remain alert for any
76. Ms. Helen is aware that when a client is readmitted adverse symptoms. Which step of the nursing process is
to a hospital, the client’s file is retrieved from this?
Collaborate for problem solving and decision making
a. Physician’s file a. Assessment
b. Civil service file b. nursing diagnosis
c. Master patient index file electronic medical c. planning
record/database that maintains unique id of each patient d. evaluation
d. Hospital library record file
82. Ms. Mika confers with the client’s primary nurse
the following morning. Together they determine that the
77. Ms. Helen is aware that when a client is discharged client is ready for surgery. This step of the nursing
or dies, the following details should be entered in the process is:
client’s record which is the_______________. Judjement was doneconclude that care rendered in the patient is
a. Final diagnosis a. evaluation
b. Outcomes classification b. planning
c. Educational attainment c. nursing diagnosis
d. Religion d. assessment
83. Ms. Mika applies the human relations approach in a. void before the procedure dec. risk of bladder puncture
this situation. She is aware that the key to productivity is b. a laxative the evening before the procedure
_________________. c. nothing by mouth for 8 hours before the procedure
d. a low soapsuds enema the morning of the procedure
a. “Wash the dishes in hot soap as you usually do.” a. clear breath sounds
b. “Let the dishes soak in hot water overnight before b. positive pedal pulses
washing.” c. normal potassium level
c. “You should boil the client’s dishes for 30 minutes d. increased urine specific gravity more solute, less fluid
after use.”
d. “have the client eat from paper plates so they can be 91. The nurse understands that a client with
discharged.” albuminuria has edema because of:
Albumine in urine
86. During an AIDS education class a client states,
“Vaseline works great when I use condoms.” Which a. fall in tissue hydrostatic pressure
conclusions about the client’s knowledge of condom use b. rise in plasma hydrostatic pressure
can the nurse draw this statement? c. rise in tissue colloid osmotic pressure
d. fall in plasma colloid oncotic pressure
Vaseline Petreleum jelly --? Breakdown condom
integrity inc risk condom failure 92. When the nurse uses the clamp on the
administration set to manually adjust the flow of IV fluid
a. an understanding of safer sex
into a client by gravity, what change in energy takes
b. an ability to assume self-responsibility
c. ignorance concerning correct condom use
d. ignorance concerning the transmission of HIV a. potential energy is converted to kinetic energy
b. kinetic energy is converted to potential energy
87. The client with AIDS is experiencing nausea and c. chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy
vomiting. The Nurse would make which of the following d. potential energy is converted to chemical energy
dietary alterations for this client to enhance nutritional
intake? 93. The client with which condition has an increased
risk for developing Hyperkalemia?
a. Avoid dairy products and red meat dairy, red
meat(high fat GI irritant inc. HCl acid secretion in the a. Crohn’s disease diarrhealoss of potassium
stomach reflux
b. Plan large nutritious meals
b. Cushing’s syndrome
c. Add spices to food to enhance flavour
c. Chronic heart failure
d. Serve foods while they are warm
d. End-stage renal disease no excretion of potassium
A 21 year old male is admitted to the burn unit of x
hospital. He sustained burns on the chest, abdomen, right
arm and right leg.