Iso 22367-2020
Iso 22367-2020
Iso 22367-2020
First edition
Reference number
ISO 22367:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
ISO 22367:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Risk management ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
4. 1 Ris k management p ro ces s ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
4. 3 Qualificatio n o f ..........................................................................................................................................................
p ers o nnel 10
4. 4. 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................
General 10
4. 4. 2 f
S co p e o ...........................................................................................................................................................
the p lan 11
4. 4. 3 f
C o ntents o ...................................................................................................................................................
the p lan 11
5 .3 I ntended medical lab o rato ry us e and reas o nab ly f o res eeab le mis us es ............................................. 13
5 .5 I dentificatio n o f ..............................................................................................................................................................
hazards 13
5 .8 f
E s timatio n o f
the ris k(s ) o r each hazardo us s ituatio n ..................................................................................... 14
9.2 f
Evaluatio n o overall res idual ris k ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Annex D (informative) I d e n ti fi f
c a ti o n o c h a ra c te r i s ti cf s re .................................................................. 37
l a te d to s a e ty
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation o f national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the di fferent approval criteria needed for the
di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted. This document was dra fted in accordance with the
editorial rules o f the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso .org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights. Details o f
any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list o f patent declarations received (see www.iso .org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature o f standards, the meaning o f ISO specific terms and
expressions related to con formity assessment, as well as in formation about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
URL: www.iso .org/iso/foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 212, Clinical laboratory testing and in
vitro diagnostic test system s.
This first edition cancels and replaces (ISO/TS 22367:2008) which has been technically revised. [It also
incorporates the Technical corrigendum ISO/TS 22367:2008/Cor.1:2009.]. The main changes compared
to the previous edition are as follows:
— Change in title to indicate this document focusses on the complete risk management cycle for all
processes in the medical laboratory. The part on continual improvement is le ft out;
— The numbering o f the clauses is in accordance with the formal risk management process as indicated
in Figure 1;
— The content is as far as possible in agreement with the approach used in ISO 14971 Medical devices
-Application o f risk management to medical devices;
— The relation with ISO 15189:2012 is indicated in Annex A in which Figure A.1 provides a flow chart
which indicates how to apply risk management in the laboratory;
— Addition o f 10 new annexes, all in formative, providing valuable in formation about the di fferent
processes in the risk management cycle without demanding more than justified for the specific
— Annex F. provides an extensive list o f aspects which could be considered as source for risks in the
di fferent types o f medical laboratories.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing o f these bodies can be found at www.iso .org/members .html.
This document provides medical laboratories with a framework within which experience, insight
and judgment are applied to manage the risks associated with laboratory examinations. The risk
management process spans the complete range o f medical laboratory services: pre-examination,
examination and post-examination processes, including the design and development o f laboratory
ISO 15189 requires that medical laboratories review their work processes, evaluate the impact o f
potential failures on examination results, modi fy the processes to reduce or eliminate the identified
risks, and document the decisions and actions taken. This document describes a process for managing
these sa fety risks, primarily to the patient, but also to the operator, other persons, equipment and other
property, and the environment. It does not address business enterprise risks, which are the subject o f
ISO 31000.
Medical laboratories o ften rely on the use o f in vitro medical devices to achieve their quality objectives.
Thus, risk management has to be a shared responsibility between the IVD manu facturer and the medical
laboratory. Since most IVD manu facturers have already implemented ISO 14971:2007, “Medical devices
-Application o f risk management to medical devices,” this standard has adopted the same concepts,
principles and framework to manage the risks associated with the medical laboratory.
Activities in a medical laboratory can expose patients, workers or other stakeholders to a variety o f
hazards, which can lead directly or indirectly to varying degrees o f harm. The concept o f risk has two
a) the probability o f occurrence o f harm;
b) the consequence o f that harm, that is, how severe the harm might be.
Risk management is complex because each stakeholder may place a di fferent value on the risk o f
harm. Alignment o f this standard with ISO 14971 and the guidance o f the Global Harmonization Task
Force (GHTF) is intended to improve risk communication and cooperation among laboratories, IVD
manu facturers, regulatory authorities, accreditation bodies and other stakeholders for the benefit o f
patients, laboratories and the public health.
Medical laboratories have traditionally focused on detecting errors, which are o ften the consequence o f
use errors during routine activities. Use errors can result from a poorly designed instrument inter face,
or reliance on inadequate in formation provided by the manu facturer. They can also result from
reasonably foreseeable misuse, such as intentional disregard o f an IVD manu facturer’s instructions
for use, or failure to follow generally accepted medical laboratory practices. These errors can cause
or contribute to hazards, which may mani fest themselves immediately as a single event, or may be
expressed multiple times throughout a system, or may remain latent until other contributory events
occur. The emerging field o f usability engineering addresses all o f these ‘human factors’ as preventable
‘use errors.’ In addition, laboratories also have to contend with occasional failures o f their IVD medical
devices to per form as intended. Regardless o f their cause, risks created by device mal functions and use
errors can be actively managed.
Risk management inter faces with quality management at many points in ISO 15189, in particular
complaint management, internal audit, corrective action, preventive action, sa fety checklist, quality
control, management review and external assessment, both accreditation and proficiency testing.
Management o f risk also coincides with the management o f sa fety in the medical laboratories, as
exemplified by the sa fety audit checklists in ISO 15190.
Risk management is a planned, systematic process that is best implemented through a structured
framework. This standard is intended to assist medical laboratories with the integration o f risk
management into their routine organization, operation and management.
2 Normative references
There are no normative re ferences in this document.
[SOURCE: ISO 14971:2007, 2.8, modified – “manu facturer” has been changed to “in vitro diagnostic
manu facturer”.“A medical device” has been changed to “an IVD medical device ” (3.10). “Attention is
drawn to the fact that” has been deleted in Note 1 to entry. In addition, Note 2 to entry has been deleted.]
in vitro diagnostic medical device
IVD medical device
device, whether used alone or in combination, intended by the manu facturer for the in vitro examination
(3.3 )
o f specimens derived from the human body solely or principally to provide in formation for
diagnostic, monitoring or compatibility purposes and including reagents, calibrators, control materials,
specimen receptacles, so ftware, and related instruments or apparatus or other articles
[SOURCE: ISO 18113-1:2009, 3.27]
in vitro diagnostic instrument
IVD instrument
equipment or apparatus intended by a manu facturer to be used as an IVD medical device (3.10)
[SOURCE: ISO 18113-1:2009, 3.26]
information supplied by the manufacturer
written, printed or graphic matter
— a ffixed to an IVD medical device (3.10) or any o f its containers or wrappers or
— provided for use with an IVD medical device (3.10),
related to identification and use, and giving a technical description, o f the IVD medical device (3.10), but
excluding shipping documents
EXAMPLE Labels, instructions for use (3.13 ).
Note 1 to entry: In IEC standards, documents provided with a medical device and containing important
in formation for the responsible organization or operator, particularly regarding sa fety, are called “accompanying
Note 2 to entry: Catalogues and material sa fety data sheets are not considered labelling o f IVD medical devices (3.10).
[SOURCE: ISO 18113-1:2009, 3.29]
instructions for use
information supplied by the manufacturer (3.12) to enable the sa fe and proper use of an IVD medical
device 3.10 )
Note 1 to entry: Includes the directions supplied by the manu facturer for the use, maintenance, troubleshooting
and disposal o f an IVD medical device (3.10), as well as warnings and precautions.
[SOURCE: ISO 18113-1:2009, 3.30]
intended use
intended purpose
objective intent o f an IVD manufacturer (3.9) regarding the use o f a product, process (3.19) or service (3.37)
as reflected in the specifications, instructions and in formation supplied by the IVD manufacturer (3.9)
Note 1 to entry: Intended use statements for IVD labelling (3.12) can include two components: a description o f
the functionality o f the IVD medical device (3.10) (e.g., an immunochemical measurement procedure (3.17 ) for the
detection o f analyte “x” in serum or plasma), and a statement o f the intended medical use o f the examination (3.3)
© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 3
ISO 22367:2020(E)
laboratory management
p ers on(s) who d i re c t a nd manage the ac tivitie s o f a lab orator y
N o te 1 to entr y: T he ter m ‘l ab o rato r y m a n agement’ is s ynonymou s with the ter m ‘to p m a n agement’ in
I S O 9 0 0 0 : 2 0 1 5 , 3 .1 .1 .
[S O U RC E : I S O 1 51 8 9 : 2 01 2 , 3 .10]
chance o f s ome th i ng happ en i ng
i s u s e d with the i ntent th at it s hou ld h ave the s a me b ro ad i nter pre tatio n a s the ter m “ probability ” (3 .1 8 ) h a s i n
ma ny l a ng u age s o ther th a n E n gl i s h .
[S O U RC E : I S O Gu ide 7 3 : 2 0 0 9, 3 . 6 .1 .1]
s p e c i fie d way to c arr y out an ac tivity or a process ( 3 .19 )
N o te 1 to entr y: P ro ce du re s c a n b e do c u mente d or no t.
[S O U RC E : I S O 9 0 0 0 : 2 01 5 , 3 .4. 5 ]
me a s ure o f the ch ance o f o cc u rrence e xpre s s e d as a nu mb er b e twe en 0 a nd 1 , where 0 i s i mp o s s ibi l ity
[S O U RC E : I S O Gu ide 7 3 : 2 0 0 9, 3 . 6 .1 .4]
s e t o f i nterrelate d or i nterac ti ng ac tivitie s th at u s e i nputs to del iver a n i ntende d re s u lt
N o te 1 to entr y: W he ther the “i ntende d re s u lt” o f a pro ce s s i s c a l le d output, pro duc t o r service (3.37) depends on
the conte x t o f the re ference .
reasonably foreseeable misuse
us e o f a pro duc t, process 3 .19 (
service ) or (3.37 ) i n a way no t i ntende d b y the s uppl ier, but wh ich may
N o te 1 to entr y: Re ad i l y pre d ic tab le hu m a n b eh avio u r i nclude s the b eh aviou r o f a l l typ e s o f i ntende d users ( 3 . 42 ).
N o te 2 to entr y: I n the co nte x t o f con s u mer s a fe ty, the ter m “re a s on ab l y fo re s e e ab le u s e” i s i nc re a s i n gl y u s e d a s a
Note 3 to entry: Applies to use o f examination (3.3 ) results by a healthcare provider (3.8) contrary to the intended
use ( 3.14), as well as use o f IVD medical devices (3.10) by the laboratory contrary to the instructions for use (3.13 ).
Note 4 to entry: Misuse includes abnormal use, i.e. intentional use o f the device in a way not intended by the
manu facturer.
Note 5 to entry: Adapted from ISO Guide 63:2012, 2.8, to apply to medical laboratories.
Note 6 to entry: Misuse is intended to mean incorrect or improper per formance o f an examination (3.3) procedure
(3.17) or any procedure (3.17) critical for patient sa fety.
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014, 3.7, modified — “a product or system” has been changed to “a product,
process (3.19)or service ” (3.37 ), and “can” has been changed to “may”. In addition, “Note 3 to entry to
Note 6 to entry” have been added.]
document stating results achieved or providing evidence o f activities per formed
Note 1 to entry: Records can be used, for example, to formalize traceability and to provide evidence o f verification
(3.44), preventive action and corrective action.
Note 2 to entry: Generally records need not be under revision control.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.10]
residual risk
risk (3.23
) remaining a fter risk (3.23 ) control measures have been taken
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2012, 2.9]
combination of the probability (3.18 ) of occurrence of harm (3.5) and the severity (3.38) of that harm (3.5 )
Note 1 to entry: In standards that focus on management o f risks to a business enterprise, such as ISO 31000, risk
is defined as “the e ffect o f uncertainty on objectives.” ISO 14971 and this document have retained the definition
from ISO/IEC Guide 51:1999 because they are externally focused on risks to the sa fety o f patients and other
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014, 3.9]
risk analysis
systematic use o f available in formation to identi fy hazards (3.6 ) and to estimate the risk (3.23)
Note 1 to entry: Risk analysis includes examination (3.3 ) o f di fferent sequences o f events (3.2 ) that can produce
hazardous situations (3.7 ) and harm (3.5 ).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014, 3.10, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
risk assessment
overall process 3.19) comprising a risk analysis (3.24) and a risk evaluation (3.28 )
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014, 3.11]
risk control
process 3.19) in which decisions are made and measures implemented by which risks (3.23 ) are reduced
to, or maintained within, specified levels
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2012, 2.12]
© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 5
ISO 22367:2020(E)
risk estimation
process 3 .19) u s e d to a s s ign va lue s to the probability ( 3 .1 8 ) of occurrence of harm ( 3 . 5 ) and the severity
(3 . 3 8) o f that harm 3 . 5 ( )
[S O U RC E : I S O/I E C Gu ide 6 3 : 2 01 2 , 2 .1 3 ]
risk evaluation
process 3 .19) o f comp ari ng the e s ti mate d risk (3.23 ) agai n s t given ri sk criteri a to de term i ne the
risk management
s ys tematic appl ic ation o f management p ol icie s , procedures ( 3 .17 ) and prac tice s to the ta s ks o f a na lys i ng ,
risk management documentation
set of (
records 3 . 2 1) and o ther do c u ments that a re pro duce d b y risk management ( 3.29 )
[S O U RC E : I S O 149 71 : 2 0 0 7, 2 . 2 3 ]
risk management plan
s cheme s p e c i fyi ng the appro ach , the management comp onents and re s ou rce s to b e appl ie d to the
risk management policy
s tatement o f the overa l l i ntention s and d i re c tion o f a n orga n i z ation rel ate d to risk management ( 3.29 )
[S O U RC E : I S O Gu ide 7 3 : 2 0 0 9, 2 .1 . 2 ]
risk matrix
to ol for ran ki ng a nd d i s playi ng risks (3.23 ) b y defi n i ng range s for con s e quence and likelihood ( 3 .16 )
[S O U RC E : I S O Gu ide 7 3 : 2 0 0 9, 3 . 6 .1 .7 ]
risk monitoring
conti nua l che cki ng , c ritic a l ly ob s er vi ng or de term i n i ng the s tatu s i n order to identi fy change from the
[S O U RC E : I S O Gu ide 7 3 : 2 0 0 9, 3 . 8 . 2 .1 , mo d i fie d — “M on itori ng” h as b e en cha nge d to “ri sk mon itori ng”.
“Sup er vi s i ng” h as b e en dele te d , and “p er formance” ha s b e en change d to“ risk ” ( 3.23 ) I n add ition, No te 1
to entr y h as b e en dele te d .]
risk reduction
ac tio n s ta ke n to le s s e n the probability ( 3 .1 8 ) o r ne gati ve c o n s e que nce s o r b o th , a s s o c i ate d w i th a
risk (3.23)
[S O U RC E : I S O 2 2 3 0 0 : 2 01 8 , 3 . 2 10]
reedom from unacceptable risk (3.22)
Note 6 to entry: Use error includes the use o f an examination (3.3 ) result for an unintended target group or for an
unintended diagnostic or patient management purpose.
Note 7 to entry: The term was chosen over “user error”, “human error” or “laboratory error” because not all
causes o f error are partially or solely due to the user (3.42). Use errors are o ften the result o f poorly designed user
(3.42) inter face or processes (3.19), or, inadequate instructions for use (3.13 ).
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 62366-1:2015, 3.21 modified — “(laboratory medicine)” has been added. “Per forming
a laboratory examination (3.3) or”, “an IVD” and “laboratory or” have also been added. Note 6 to entry
was deleted. A new Note 6 to entry and a Note 7 to entry were added.]
individual responsible for an action that is intended to lead to a desired outcome
Note 1 to entry: Although such individuals are o ften laboratory personnel that are expected to be trained and
competent to per form the action, this term is not limited to such personnel
Note 2 to entry: The use o f this term is not intended to imply that a device is utilized for the action; it is used as a
general term to include any individual that has a role in producing the desired outcome.
confirmation, through the provision o f objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended
use(3.14) or application have been fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: The objective evidence needed for a validation is the result o f a test or other form o f determination
such as per forming alternative calculations or reviewing documents.
Note 2 to entry: The word “validated” is used to designate the corresponding status.
Note 3 to entry: The use conditions for validation can be real or simulated.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.13]
confirmation, through the provision o f objective evidence, that specified requirements have been
Note 1 to entry: The objective evidence needed for a verification can be the result o f an inspection or o f other
forms o f determination such as per forming alternative calculations or reviewing documents.
Note 2 to entry: The activities carried out for verification are sometimes called a qualification process (3.19 ).
Note 3 to entry: The word “verified” is used to designate the corresponding status.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.12]
4 Risk management
— risk evaluation;
— risk control;
— risk management review and;
— risk monitoring.
Where a documented quality management system exists, such as that described in ISO 15189, it shall
incorporate risk management into the appropriate parts.
NOTE 1 Annex A provides additional guidance for using a documented quality management system, such
as is required in ISO 15189, to address patient sa fety in a systematic manner, in particular to enable the early
identification o f hazards and hazardous situations in order to implement appropriate risk control measures.
NOTE 2 Annex H o f ISO/TR 24971:2019 [2 ] 1) provides guidance on risk management for in vitro diagnostic
medical devices.
NOTE 3 A schematic representation o f the risk management process is shown in Figure 1 .
as s igne d to them . T h i s knowle dge and e xp erience s ha l l i nclude, where appropri ate, the pro ce s s and
4.4.1 General
with the ri sk management pro ce s s de s crib e d i n th i s do c u ment. T here fore, the me d ic a l lab orator y
sha l l e s tabl i s h, do c u ment, a nd i mplement one or more ri s k ma nagement plan s for the s er vice s or
The scope o f the plan or plans shall be determined by laboratory management. A risk management
plan may be created, for example, for technical and management processes, for specific pre- and
post-examination aspects, for one or more examinations per formed by a particular IVD system, for a
particular examination developed by the laboratory, or for all o f the examinations per formed by the
laboratory in which risks could be identified and assessed.
The scope o f the plan and the extent o f the risk management activities required shall be proportional
to the risks associated with the examinations. Factors that should be considered include but are not
limited to:
a) relevant quality specifications;
b) medical decision levels and critical values;
c) patient populations;
d) reliability o f the measurement system and measurement uncertainty;
e) per formance characteristics (precision, bias, specificity, etc.);
f ) pre-examination contact with the patient (e.g., phlebotomy); and
g) clinical use o f the examination results (e.g., screening, diagnostic, confirmatory tests).
Unless specified otherwise and justified, the risk management plans for medical laboratory
examinations shall include pre- and post-examination aspects and the processes that are identified as
presenting a risk to patients or other persons.
The plan shall be updated i f significant changes occur that could a ffect the risk assessment. A record o f
changes to the plan shall be maintained.
NOTE Examples o f significant changes that could a ffect the risk assessment include:
a) modification o f laboratory facilities or utilities;
b) introduction o f new policies, procedures or work instructions;
c) acquisition, purchase or introduction o f new equipment, including laboratory in formation systems;
d) introduction o f new examinations or services, or change in service delivery level;
For each examination procedure or service, or group o f related examinations or services within scope
o f the plan, the laboratory shall establish and maintain risk management documentation. In addition to
the requirements o f other clauses o f this document, the risk management documentation shall provide
traceability for each identified hazard to:
— the risk analysis;
— the risk evaluation;
— the implementation and verification o f the risk control measures; and
— the assessment o f the acceptability o f any residual risk(s).
The risk management documentation may be in any form or type o f medium.
To enhance the laboratory’s ability to gather all risk management documentation, a virtual risk
management file may be designated. While this risk management file may not physically contain all
the records and other documents, it needs to contain at least re ferences or pointers to all required
documentation (e.g., in a controlled index).
Compliance with the requirements o f this document is assessed by inspection o f the risk management
documentation. All components o f this document should be addressed and recorded in this
5 Risk analysis
5.1 General
The scope o f the risk analysis may be broad (e.g., for the development o f a new examination with which
a laboratory has little or no experience), or the scope may be limited (e.g., for analysing the impact
o f a change to an existing examination procedure for which much in formation already exists in the
laboratory, for analysing the risk associated with a specific examination procedural failure or IVD
medical device mal function, or for analysing specific aspects o f a laboratory examination, such as
sample collection and transportation, or reporting examination results).
I f an examination procedure involves an IVD medical device, andi f the IVD manu facturer followed a
risk management process in con formance with ISO 14971, the laboratory’s risk analysis may start, but
should not be limited to, the residual risks disclosed by the IVD manu facturer.
I f a risk analysis, or other relevant in formation, is available for a similar examination procedure or
service, that analysis or in formation may be used as a starting point for the new analysis. The degree o f
relevance depends on the di fferences between the examinations or services. The extent that an existing
risk analysis can be used should be based on a systematic evaluation o f whether these di fferences could:
— significantly a ffect the outputs, characteristics, per formance or results;
— cause the introduction o f new hazards;
— lead to the development o f new hazardous situations.
NOTE 1 Some risks which can occur in medical laboratory examinations are described in Annexes D, E and F.
5 . 4 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f c h a ra c te r i s ti c s re l a te d to s a f
e ty
For the particular examination being considered, the laboratory shall identi fy and document those
qualitative and quantitative characteristics that could a ffect the sa fety o f the patient, and where
appropriate, their defined limits.
EXAMPLES diagnostic specificity, diagnostic sensitivity, measurement specificity, measurement
precision, measurement bias, analytical inter ference, reagent stability, analyte stability, sterility (for
phlebotomy services), biological re ference intervals.
NOTE Annex D, contains a series o f questions that can serve as a guide in identi fying the characteristics o f
the examination and any IVD medical devices involved that could have an impact on sa fety.
5 . 5 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f h a z a r d s
The laboratory shall identi fy and document known and foreseeable hazards associated with the
examination and other critical processes and their causes (e.g., potential failure modes and use errors).
Hazards in both normal use (i.e., correct use and use errors),reasonably foreseeable misuse and fault
conditions shall be addressed.
For examinations involving the use o f an IVD medical device, the laboratory may obtain in formation
from the IVD manu facturer about potential hazards that were identified but not fully eliminated during
the manu facturer’s risk management process.
NOTE 1 The most common hazards to patients from medical laboratory examinations are incorrect results,
misidentified results and delayed results. The examples o f possible hazards in Annex E can be used as guidance
when identi fying hazards to laboratory workers, service personnel and other persons.
NOTE 2 Annex F can be used to obtain in formation on the di fferent steps where noncon formities can lead
to errors in di fferent steps (pre-examination, examination and post-examination) and for di fferent medical
laboratory disciplines.
NOTE 3 Sources that can help identi fy the potential causes o f hazards include laboratory investigations
o f complaints, noncon formities, use errors and incidents, as well as the IVD manu facturer involved. IVD
manu facturers that follow ISO 14971 are required to disclose significant residual risks to laboratory users.
5 . 6 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f p o te n ti a l l y h a z a rd o u s s i tu a ti o n s
Reasonably foreseeable sequences or combinations o f events that can lead to a hazardous situation
shall be considered and the resulting hazardous situation(s) shall be recorded. The decision regarding
which event in the sequence o f events exposes a patient to the possibility o f harm (i.e., a hazardous
situation) should be made by the laboratory to suit the risk analysis.
NOTE 1 Sources o f in formation about potential hazardous situations associated with medical laboratory
examinations or services include the manu facturer(s) o f any medical device used, the medical and scientific
literature, experience with similar examinations, expert medical or scientific opinion, and consensus positions
o f medical laboratory associations. Re fer to Annexes E and F for guidance for developing the list o f hazardous
NOTE 2 An incorrect result received by a healthcare provider can be considered the event that creates a
hazardous situation for a patient, since subsequent medical decisions and actions that could harm the patient
are beyond any reasonable means o f risk control by the laboratory. Examples o f other hazardous situations are
provided in Annex E .
NOTE 3 Hazardous situations can arise from use errors in the per formance o f laboratory examinations, either
from a laboratory worker choosing to do something or failing to do something. Re fer to Annex H for guidance on
identi fying and classi fying use errors for risk analysis.
5 . 7 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o ff o re s e e a b l e p a ti e n t h a r m s
Reasonably foreseeable harms that could result from each hazardous situation shall be identified
and classified along with the severity o f each harm. This process and the identified harms, shall be
NOTE Sources o f in formation about foreseeable patient harms that could be caused by incorrect or delayed
examination results include medical literature, experience with similar examinations, expert medical opinion
and consensus positions o f pro fessional medical societies. Re fer to Annex E for guidance for developing the list o f
foreseeable patient harms.
6 Risk evaluation
The laboratory shall determine and document acceptability criteria for evaluating the overall
residual risk.
NOTE 5 Annex J describes three criteria that can be the basis for evaluating acceptability o f the overall residual
risk: a) The risk associated with an examination procedure or laboratory service compares favourably to similar
examination procedures or laboratory processes already in use. b) The medical benefits o f the examination
procedure or laboratory service outweigh the overall residual risk. c) The overall residual risk has been reduced
as far as reasonably feasible and verification o f the risk control measures demonstrates that they are e ffective.
7 Risk control
7 . 2 Ri s k c o n tro l ve r i fi c a ti o n
I f the residual risk is judged not acceptable using these criteria, further options for risk control shall be
considered (see 7.1).
I f further risk reduction is not feasible, the laboratory may conduct a risk/benefit analysis o f the residual
risk to determine whether to continue to develop or implement an examination or service (see 8 ).
For residual risks that are judged acceptable, the laboratory shall determine what in formation is
necessary to communicate to the intended recipients in order to disclose the residual risks. Copies
o f any communications that disclosed the residual risks shall be maintained in the risk management
NOTE Guidance on how residual risk(s) can be disclosed is provided in Annex L .
8 B e n e fi t- r i s k a n a l ys i s
The medical laboratory may per form an analysis o f relevant clinical evidence to determine i f the
medical benefits o f the intended use outweigh the residual risk. This analysis may be per formed at the
level o f an individual residual risk or for the overall residual risk.
NOTE Clinical evidence is obtained from sources such as the medical literature, clinical studies, per formance
evaluations, adverse event experience, and expert medical opinion. Re fer to Annex K for further guidance for
per forming a benefit-risk analysis.
I f the residual risk is demonstrated to be outweighed by the benefits, then the risk may be considered
acceptable. The laboratory shall determine which in formation is necessary to disclose the residual risk.
I f the evidence does not support the conclusion that the medical benefits outweigh the residual risk,
then the risk is not acceptable.
The results o f the benefit-risk analysis and the in formation to be disclosed to intended recipients shall
be recorded.
9 Risk management review
I f the overall residual risk is judged not acceptable using the criteria established in the risk management
plan, the laboratory may conduct a risk-benefit analysis (see Clause 8) to determine i f the medical
benefits o f the intended use outweigh the overall residual risk. I f the clinical evidence supports the
conclusion that the medical benefits outweigh the overall residual risk, then the overall residual risk
may be judged acceptable. Otherwise, the overall residual risk remains not acceptable.
For an overall residual risk that is judged acceptable, the laboratory shall determine what in formation is
necessary to give healthcare providers to disclose the overall residual risk. Copies o f the communications
that disclosed the overall residual risk shall be maintained in the risk management file.
NOTE Guidance on how residual risk(s) can be disclosed is provided in Annex L .
c) a review o f the risk management documentation for the examination or service shall be conducted,
and i f there is a potential that the residual risk(s) or its acceptability may have changed, the impact
on previously implemented risk control measures shall be evaluated.
The results o f this evaluation shall be recorded in the risk management documentation.
NOTE Aspects o f monitoring for unanticipated risks are o ften the subject o f national regulations.
T he i m me d i ate ac tion s may a l s o i nclude an i nve s tigation to de term i ne the ro o t cau s e s a nd re as s e s s ments
o f the ri s ks .
Annex A
Implementation of risk management within the quality
management system
F i g u r e A . 1 — R i s k a s s e s s m e n t f l o w c h a r t
This Annex provides guidance for medical laboratories that have implemented ISO 15189, which
requires that risk management be incorporated into their quality management system. All re ference to
clauses in ISO 15189 will be so stated (e.g., ISO 15189:2012, 4.6); i f a clause is listed by itsel f (e.g., 4.4.5),
it re fers to the clause in this document.
Assessment o f risks introduced by vendors should result in clarification o f the roles and responsibilities
o f the laboratory and supplier. For examples, contractual considerations may include:
— ownership o f the specifications and the change control process;
— ensuring that new in formation is communicated when it becomes available;
— speci fying the extent o f risk management to be conducted by the laboratory and by their supplier.
Supplier management and acceptance activities generate in formation and data that should be part o f
the risk monitoring that continues throughout the examination cycle. The output o f risk management
activities may result in risk control measures to be carried out such as purchasing controls and
acceptance activities.
A.3.2 Purchasing
The procedures for the selection and purchasing o f external services, equipment, reagents and
consumable supplies should require identification o f hazards and evaluation o f risks potentially
introduced by suppliers, and should require risk-based decisions regarding the selection and approval
of suppliers.
Where appropriate, prescribed risk control measures derived from the laboratory’s risk management
process (Clause7) should be included in the purchasing requirements as part o f the purchasing
in formation.
Criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation o f suppliers o f purchased products, including
IVD medical devices, and services, such as re ferral and re ference laboratories and external quality
assessment programs, should be established based upon the risk associated with identified hazards
related to the purchased products and services.
A.3.3 Acceptance activities
In developing the acceptance criteria for purchased product and services, results o f risk management
activities should be considered. Specifically, the identified hazards and their related risk control
measures should be taken into account when developing criteria for verification and acceptance
A.3.4 Servicing
Laboratory equipment and IVD medical devices may require installation, maintenance and repair
activities provided by internal or external suppliers.
When servicing is a specified requirement, in formation from risk management activities should be
considered. Periodic servicing and maintenance as a means to ensure proper functioning o f a device
can be an e ffective method o f risk control.
I f a certain risk control measure is necessary for an examination process, it may also be necessary to
apply the same (or similar) risk control measure to the servicing process.
When there is a hazard to service personnel, clear instructions should be included in servicing manuals
or documentation and appropriate training shall be provided.
A.4.1 General
This subclause applies only to medical laboratories that develop examination procedures for their own
use, or modi fy previously validated examination procedures or IVD medical devices.
Risk management activities (e.g., risk assessment and risk control) should be an integral part o f the
design and development process for laboratory examinations.
NOTE An examination procedure developed for a laboratory’s own use is o ften re ferred to as a “laboratory
developed test”, “LDT”, or “in-house test”.
The following guidance is based on the iterative design and development process described in 7.3 o f
ISO 13485:2016 (8), in which design and development is conducted in the stages listed below. This
approach is followed by most IVD manu facturers, and should be considered by laboratories when
developing examinations for their own use.
— design and development planning;
— design and development inputs;
— design and development outputs;
— design and development review;
— design and development verification;
— design and development validation;
— design and development trans fer;
— control o f design and development changes.
Risk management activities should begin as early as possible in the design and development process,
when it is feasible to incorporate sa fety features in the design. For each identified hazard, the risk in
both normal and fault conditions is estimated (Clause 5). The laboratory decides whether risk reduction
is needed (Clause 6). The results from this risk evaluation, such as the need for risk control measures,
then become part o f the design and development input.
Risk control measures (Clause 7) are part o f the design and development output and their e ffectiveness
is verified during design and development verification. This design and development input/output/
verification cycle iterates and continues throughout the overall design control process until the residual
risks have been reduced to an acceptable level and can be maintained at an acceptable level. The overall
e ffectiveness o f the risk control measures is confirmed during design and development validation.
A.4.2 Design and development planning
Design and development planning ensures that risk management activities are coordinated during
design and development and continue throughout the li fe time. Design and development planning
should identi fy:
— the inter-relationship(s) between appropriate risk management activities and design and
development activities;
— the design and development resources required, including the expertise to address potential sa fety
A.4.3 Design and development input
Design and development inputs are documented as the foundation for subsequent design and
development activities. Design and development inputs include adequate consideration o f intended use
and functional, per formance, sa fety and regulatory requirements.
Risk control measures are an output from risk management activities, which become inputs into the
design and development process.
Hazard identification starts with consideration o f the intended use, the characteristics related to sa fety
and the use environment and results in a preliminary list o f known and foreseeable hazards. Each
identified hazard could lead to several di fferent harms, and several di fferent hazards could lead the
same harm. The probability o f occurrence o f each harm and its severity are determined to estimate
the risks (see Clause 5). Each risk is evaluated against previously established acceptability criteria to
determine whether risk controls are needed.
During development, any proposed changes to the identified design characteristics, specifications, and/
or risk control measures and their associated hazards from the current risk analysis should be care fully
evaluated with respect to continued sa fety and specified per formance o f the examination procedure
be fore approval.
I f the examination procedure is intended to be used in combination with any equipment or IVD medical
device, then hazards and risk control measures should be evaluated for each component individually as
well as for the system or combination.
When establishing design and development inputs, the need for risk control measures should be
considered. When risk control measures are determined to be necessary and are initially defined, these
become an output as part o f the iterative cycle.
A.4.4 Design and development outputs
The risk control measures identified during the input phase are evaluated during design and
development, and i f feasible, will be incorporated into the design in the order o f priority given in 7.1 . If
inherent sa fety or design for protective measures are not reasonably feasible, less e ffective risk control
measures such as labelling or training may be necessary. The design and development output includes
the design specifications for the risk control measures.
Design and development outputs are generally o f three types:
— specification o f the characteristics o f the examination procedure, in particular those essential for
its sa fe and proper use;
— requirements for purchasing, production, handling, distribution and servicing;
— acceptance criteria.
All types may include in formation essential for sa fe and proper use. Risk control measures may fall into
any o f these categories.
A.4.5 Design and development review
Design and development reviews should be conducted at appropriate points to ensure the examination
procedure meets the identified medical needs. The reviews should confirm that any individual residual
risks as well as any overall residual risk are acceptable and adequately disclosed. These reviews should
confirm the validity o f risk/benefit decisions related to the acceptance o f the residual risks. Reviewers
should have the necessary competence to assess design decisions concerning risk acceptability.
Design review procedures should define risk review tasks that should be per formed at appropriate
stages o f design and development. Design and development reviews should assess, for example:
— whether all hazards have been identified, risk has been properly assessed and potential risk control
measures have been identified;
— the e ffectiveness o f risk control measures for individual risks;
— i f design validation activities e ffectively assessed the overall residual risk associated with the
per formance o f the examination procedure by the intended user;
— whether any new risk-related issues identified during the design trans fer process were controlled
and verified.
A . 4 . 6 D e s i g n a n d d e ve l o p m e n t ve r i fi c a ti o n
Verification generates objective evidence that the design requirements were met, including requirements
that identified risks were addressed, risk control measures were implemented as necessary, and risk
control measures were e ffective so that the end result meets the defined acceptability criteria.
Procedures should define appropriate verification methods and should ensure traceability between
identified hazards, risk control measures, design and development requirements, test plans, and test
results. Annex F contains an example of a risk management summary in a table format, which also
demonstrates traceability.
A.4.7 Design and development validation
Validation confirms that the examination or service meets client needs, intended uses, and that the
overall residual risk meets the approved acceptability criteria. To ensure risk control measures are
adequately addressed, the validation plan should include all intended uses to give confidence that the
overall residual risk determination is consistent with expectations. Any simulated use testing should be
designed to provide similar levels o f confidence. Any un foreseen hazards that emerge from validation
should be assessed (Clauses 5 and 6 ) and, i f necessary, controlled (Clause 7 ).
A.4.8 Design and development transfer
During trans fer o f the examination procedure from research and development to laboratory operations,
the laboratory should ensure that the required risk control measures were implemented and will be
e ffective in the actual use environment. The laboratory should also ensure that any newly identified
risk-related issues are resolved prior to the release o f the examination procedure to laboratory
A . 5 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n a n d c o n tro l o f n o n c o n f
o r m i ti e s
The prioritization and extent o f complaint investigations should be commensurate with the level o f risk
represented by the event, based on the risk assessments (Clause 5 and 6 ). I f so, review o f the existing
risk analysis may be necessary to determine whether it requires an update.
Complaint evaluation and investigation activities generate in formation and data that should be part o f
the risk monitoring that continues throughout the li fetime o f an examination.
Work i n s truc tion s s hou ld b e reviewe d and up date d to refle c t a ny ri s k control me as u re s identi fie d
accord i ng to C lau s e 7 .
I n formation may b e com mu n ic ate d to d i s tribution, ha nd l i ng , and s torage p ers on nel from the ri sk
ma nagement ac tivity, i f d i s tribution, h and l i ng , or s torage prac tice s or cond ition s cou ld c au s e or
contribute to a ha z ard from the u s e o f any re agent or o ther pro duc t (e . g. , s torage temp eratu re and
hu m id ity, temp eratu re a nd hu m id ity control duri ng sh ippi ng , ne e d for pro te c tive p ackagi ng) .
When con s ideri ng the fre quenc y o f the qua l ity control, wh ich i nclude i nterna l and e xterna l control s ,
a ri sk b as e d pri ncip le s hou ld be appl ie d with con s ideration o f the me tho d va l idation/veri fic ation
outcome, the s tabi l ity o f the e qu ipment, me tho d and envi ron ment and the cl i n ic a l outcome o f the
A.13 Control of laboratory information systems
S e e I S O 1 51 8 9 : 2 01 2 , 5 .10 .
L ab orator y i n formation s ys tem s shou ld b e va l idate d for u s e to a degre e com men s urate with the ri sks
as s o c iate d with the exam i nation s b ei ng p er forme d and the e xam i nation re s u lts b ei ng rep or te d and
the i ntegrity o f the s ys tem and its data . Typic a l ly, s uch s ys tem s are i ntegra l to the workflow o f the
lab orator y and c an pre s ent p o tenti a l ri s ks pre dom i nantly i n the pre - exa m i nation a nd p o s t- exam i nation
ph as e s o f p atient c a re .
I s s ue s to p o tentia l ri s ks c an i nclude:
— abi l ity to prop erly identi fy a nd trace a p atient and a l l relevant p ers on nel th roughout the exa m i nation
pro ce s s;
— abi l ity to prop erly and corre c tly tran s m it and d i s play i n formation th at is re adable a nd
— orderi ng i n s truc tion s from the he a lthc are giver to the s p e c i men col le c tor or l ab orator y
— i s s ue s with the s a mple or the exam i nation that may i mp ac t i nterpre tation
— abi l ity to tolerate a nd/or re cover from d i s r up tion s o f the lab orator y i n formation s ys tem;
— p o tenti a l for h acki ng i nto s ys tem s con ne c te d to i nterne t (d i re c tly or i nd i re c tly) and changi ng or
s te a l i ng p atient data;
1. C ol le c tion o f i n formation o f qua l ity s p e ci fic ation s a nd re qu i rements from ma nu fac turers , u s ers ,
Annex B
Developing a risk management plan
B.1 General
The risk management plan can be a separate document or it can be integrated within other
documentation, e.g., quality management system documentation. It can be sel f-contained or it can
re ference other documents to fulfil the requirements described in 4.4 .
The level o f detail for the plan should be commensurate with the complexity o f the risk associated with
the process, laboratory service or examination and its associated risks. The requirements identified in
4.4 are the minimum requirements for a risk management plan. Laboratories can include other items
such as time-schedule, risk analysis tools, or a rationale for the choice o f specific risk acceptability
4.1 . 2 . 4) .
B . 6 Ve r i fi c a ti o n a c ti vi ti e s
do c u ment wi l l b e c arrie d out. Veri fyi ng the e ffe c tivene s s o f ri s k control me as u re s c an re qu i re the
col le c tion o f lab orator y data, us abi l ity s tud ie s , e tc . T he ri s k ma nagement plan c a n de tai l the veri fic ation
ac ti vitie s e xpl ic itly or by re ference to the pl an for o ther veri fic ation ac tivitie s .
pro ce du re s to col le c t i n formation from va riou s s ou rce s , s uch as he a lthc are providers , i n s tr u ment
op erators , s er vice p ers on nel, tra i ni ng p ers on nel , i ncident rep or ts and c u s tomer fe e db ack. Wh i le a
re ference to the qua l ity management s ys tem pro ce du re s i s s u fficient i n mo s t c as e s , a ny exa m i nation-
s p e ci fic re qu i rements (e . g. , pro ac ti ve s ur vei l lance, fol low- up cl i n ic a l s tud ie s) shou ld b e d i re c tly adde d
what s or t o f s u r vei l l ance is appropri ate for the exa m i nation pro ce dure or lab orator y s er vice, for
exa mple, whe ther re ac tive s u r vei l l ance i s ade quate or whe ther pro ac tive s tud ie s are ne e de d . D e tai l s o f
Annex C
(in fo rmative)
C.1 General
According to 4. 2 o f th i s do c u ment, lab orator y management i s re qu i re d to defi ne and do c u ment the
p ol ic y for de term i n i ng the c riteri a for ri s k accep tabi l ity (s e e 6 .1) . T h i s p ol ic y i s i ntende d to en s ure that
— ta ke i nto account avai lable i n formation s uch as the genera l ly accep te d s tate o f the a r t a nd known
s ta keholder concern s .
T he p ol ic y cou ld cover the enti re range o f a l ab orator y's exa m i nation s or s er vice s , or it c a n ta ke
d i fferent form s dep end i ng on whe ther the e xam i nation pro ce du re s or lab orator y s er vice s are s i m i la r
to e ach o ther, or whe ther the d i fference s b e twe en group s o f exam i nation pro ce dure s or lab orator y
— us i ng appl icable s tandard s that s p eci fy requi rements wh ich, i f i mplemented, wi l l i ndicate achievement
o f accep tabi lity concerning p ar ticu lar kinds o f exami nation pro ce dures or p ar ticu lar ri sks;
— comp ari ng level s o f ri s k evident from o ther e xam i nation pro ce du re s a l re ady i n u s e;
— ta ki ng i nto accou nt the s tate o f the ar t re gard i ng e xi s ti ng te ch nolo g y and c u rrent me d ic a l lab orator y
prac tice .
“State o f the ar t” i s u s e d here to me a n what i s c u rrently and genera l ly accep te d a s go o d prac tice .
Variou s me tho d s c a n b e u s e d to de term i ne "s tate o f the a r t" for a p ar tic u la r exam i nation pro ce dure .
E xample s a re:
— b e s t prac tice s for o ther e xam i nation pro ce du re s o f the s a me or s i m i lar typ e;
C.3 Recommendations
T he l ab orator y shou ld e s tabl i s h guidel i ne s for developi ng the ri sk accep tabi l ity criteri a for the
p a r tic u lar e xam i nation pro ce dure s or lab orator y s er vice s b ei ng con s idere d , wh ich wi l l b e i nclude d or
provide s s er vice s;
— relevant re co gn i z e d s ta nda rd s ( pre ferably I nternationa l Standa rd s) for the p a r tic u l ar exa m i nation
or s er vice, or for its i ntende d u s e, that c an help identi fy pri nciple s for s e tti ng the criteri a for ri s k
— i n formation on the s tate o f the ar t c an b e ob tai ne d from review o f the l iteratu re a nd o ther i n formation
on s i m i lar exa m i nation pro ce du re s or l ab orator y s er vice s the lab orator y h as provide d, as wel l a s
— va l idate d a nd comprehen s ive concern s from the ma i n s ta keholders . S ome p o tentia l s ou rce s o f
foru m s , a s wel l a s i nterna l i nput from dep ar tments with e xp er t knowle dge o f s ta keholder concern s .
When de term i n i ng the c riteria for ri sk accep tabi l ity, the lab orator y s hou ld con s ider whe ther de ath or
s eriou s de terioration o f he a lth i s l i kely to o cc u r, either due to a device ma l func tion, de terioration o f
cha rac teri s tic s or p er forma nce, any i nade quac y i n the lab el i ng or i n s truc tion s for u s e, or i n norma l
op eration . I f s eriou s advers e events are l i kely to o cc u r, the lab orator y s hou ld de c ide i f the ri sk i s
accep table . I n any c as e, the ri sk s hou ld b e re duce d . I n doi ng s o , the l ab orator y may cho o s e an end-p oi nt
for ri s k re duc tion, u s i ng a re as onable de ci s ion pro ce s s s uch as the fol lowi ng:
Ri sk accep tabi lity shou ld pre ferably b e b as ed on recogni zed s tandards s p e ci fyi ng s tate o f the ar t ri sk
control me as ures for p ar ticu lar categories o f exami nation pro cedures or lab orator y s er vices . B as i ng the
ri sk reduc tion end-p oi nt on harmoni ze d s tandards ens ures that the ri sk i s reduced to an accep table level .
I f no re co gni z e d s tanda rd s are avai lable, o ther publ i s he d gu idel i ne s or s c ienti fic l iteratu re s hou ld b e
con s idere d . B a s i ng the ri sk re duc tion end-p oi nt on pub l i s he d gu idel i ne s or s cienti fic l iterature help s to
Where no i ndep endent publ ic ation s are avai lab le, the lab orator y s hou ld de term i ne and do c u ment the
b e s t ri s k re duc tion me a n s , and s hou ld i nclude i n the do c u mentation the rationa le for thei r s ele c tion .
T he criteri a for ri s k accep tabi l ity s hou ld b e b a s e d on h i s toric a l data, b e s t me d ic a l lab orator y prac tice s
and the genera l ly acknowle dge d s tate o f the ar t, a mong o ther criteri a .
I f a re duc tion to the approve d accep table level c a n no t b e ach ieve d, a ri sk-b enefit ana lys i s ca n b e
C ompl ia nce may b e demon s trate d b y refle c ti ng s uch end-p oi nts i n the criteri a for ri s k accep tabi l ity a nd
do c u menti ng the de ci s ion s i n the ri sk management fi le . Where s a fe ty c a nno t b e demon s trate d as s uch,
I S O 1 51 8 9 : 2 01 2 , c an demon s trate the appropri atene s s o f previou sly u s e d c riteri a for ri s k accep tabi l ity
T he p ercep tion o f ri s k o ften d i ffers from empi rica l ly de term i ne d ri sk e s ti mate s . T here fore, the
p ercep tion o f ri s k from a wide cro s s s e c tion o f s ta keholders s hou ld be ta ken i nto accou nt when
give add itiona l weighti ng to s ome ri sks over o thers . I n s ome c a s e s , the on ly op tion cou ld b e to con s ider
that identi fie d s ta keholder concern s refle c t the va lue s o f s o c ie ty and that the s e concern s have b e en
ta ken i nto accou nt when the lab orator y ha s u s e d the me tho d s l i s te d ab ove .
Annex D
I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f c h a ra c te r i s ti c s re l a te d to s a f
e ty
This following guidance is adapted from ISO 14971:2019 and ISO/TR 24971:2019, and has been
expanded to address aspects o f medical laboratory examinations and services.
D.1 General
5.4 requires that the laboratory identifies those characteristics o f the laboratory examination or service
that could a ffect sa fety. Consideration o f these characteristics is an essential step in identi fying the
hazards associated with the examination procedure or laboratory service as required in 5.5 .
A use ful way to develop the list o f potential hazards is to ask a series o f questions concerning the intended
uses, users, use environment and any reasonably foreseeable misuses, as well as the development o f the
examination, preparation and use o f patient specimens, reagents, equipment and accessories, and their
ultimate disposal. I f these questions are asked from the point o f view o f all the individuals involved
(e.g., users, maintainers, healthcare providers, patients, etc.), a more complete picture can emerge o f
where the hazards can be found.
Questions starting in D.3 are intended to aid the laboratory in identi fying all the characteristics o f the
examination or laboratory service that could a ffect sa fety. The list is not exhaustive, nor representative
o f all examinations or laboratory services. The medical laboratory is advised to add questions and
points-to-consider that can have applicability to the particular examination or laboratory service, and
to skip questions that are not relevant. The laboratory is also advised to consider each question not
only on its own, but also in relation to others.
D.2.1 General
In addition to the chemical, mechanical, electrical and biological characteristics that create risk
for medical laboratory personnel, IVD medical devices and medical laboratory examinations have
per formance characteristics that determine the accuracy and clinical utility o f the examination results.
Failure to meet the per formance characteristics required for the intended medical use could result in a
hazardous situation that should be evaluated for risk to particular patient populations.
There fore, failure to meet the specifications established by the medical laboratory or the IVD
manu facturer for any o f the per formance characteristics related to sa fety should be evaluated in order
to determine i f a hazardous situation could result. Tools for analysing such hazards, such as Preliminary
Hazard Analysis (PHA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode and E ffects Analysis (FMEA) are
described in Annex G .
D.2.2 Performance characteristics of quantitative examination procedures
Quantitative examination procedures are intended to determine the amount or concentration o f
an analyte in a patient’s specimen. Results are typically reported on an interval scale. Some o f
the analytical per formance characteristics o f quantitative examination procedures are precision
(imprecision), trueness (bias), analytical specificity and quantitation limit. Per formance requirements
depend on the intended medical applications. A falsely high or falsely low result, for example, can lead
to an incorrect diagnosis or delayed treatment, and the consequent harm to the patient could depend
on the concentration o f the analyte and magnitude o f the bias. For this reason, it is also important to
include the correct biological re ference intervals definition or verification.
D.2.3 Performance characteristics of qualitative examination procedures
Qualitative examination procedures are intended to detect the presence or absence o f an analyte.
Results are reported as positive, negative or inconclusive. Per formance o f qualitative examination
procedures is generally expressed in terms o f diagnostic sensitivity, diagnostic specificity and detection
limit. A positive result when the analyte is absent or a negative result when the analyte is present can
lead to incorrect diagnosis or delayed treatment and to harm to the patient.
D.2.4 Reliability or dependability characteristics
When physicians depend on IVD examination results to help make urgent medical decisions, such as
in an emergency care or intensive care setting, timely results can be as important as accurate results.
Failure to report an examination result to a healthcare provider when it is needed in a critical care
situation could result in a hazardous situation for the patient.
D.2.5 Ancillary patient information
In some cases, examination results can require demographic in formation about the patient, as well
as pertinent in formation about the sample or its examination, for proper interpretation. Patient
identification, sample identification, sample type, sample description, measurement units, re ference
intervals, age, gender, and genetic factors are examples o f such in formation, which might be entered
manually by a laboratory analyst or automatically by a laboratory computer system. I f an examination
procedure is designed to report ancillary in formation with the examination result, failure to associate
the correct in formation with the examination result could a ffect the proper interpretation o f the result
and lead to a hazardous situation.
D.3 Generic questions pertaining to IVD medical devices and medical laboratory
D.3.1 What is the intended use and how are the examination results used?
Factors that should be considered include:
— What is the examination’s role relative to diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation
o f disease?
— What are the indications for use (e.g., intended patient populations)?
— Are the examination results intended for critical medical decisions?
— Are the quality specifications appropriate for the intended use and decision levels?
D.3.2 Is the IVD medical device or examination procedure intended for use at the point
of care?
Factors that should be considered include training o f POCT operators, compliance and monitoring o f
POCT operators, comparison o f results to those obtained in the central laboratory.
D.3.3 What materials or components are utilized to verify, validate or control the
equipment used to perform the examination?
Factors that should be considered include quality assurance o f materials, verification, quality control
and quality assurance.
D.3.4 Are the reagents stored under special conditions to ensure stability?
Fac tors that s hou ld b e con s idere d i nclude temp erature, hum id ity, and ti me frame for s torage .
D.3.5 Is the equipment or IVD medical device intended to be routinely cleaned and
disinfected by the laboratory?
Fac tors that shou ld b e con s idere d i nclude the typ e s o f cle an i ng or d i s i n fe c ti ng agents to b e u s e d a nd
any l i m itation s on the nu mb er o f cle an i ng c ycle s . C on s ideration shou ld b e given to the e ffe c t o f cle an i ng
and d i s i n fe c ti ng agents on the p er formance or rel iabi l ity o f the e qu ipment or I VD me d ic a l device .
from i nput or acqu i re d data, the a lgorith m s u s e d, and con fidence l i m its . Sp e ci a l attention s hou ld b e
D.3.8 Is the examination procedure intended for use in conjunction with other
examinations or IVD medical devices?
Fac tors th at shou ld b e con s idere d i nclude identi fyi ng a ny o ther e quipment, I VD me d ic a l device s , or
acce s s orie s that c an b e i nvolve d a nd the p o tentia l problem s as s o c iate d with s uch i nterac tion s .
D.3.9 Are the examination results intended for use by the healthcare provider in
conjunction with other examination results?
Fac tors th at s hou ld b e con s idere d i nclude identi fyi ng a ny o ther exa m i nation re s u lts th at c a n b e i nvolve d
and the p o tenti a l problem s a s s o ci ate d with thei r combi ne d i nter pre tation .
ion i z i ng , non-ion i z i ng , and u ltraviole t/vi s ib le/i n frare d rad i ation) , contac t temp eratu re s , le a kage
Sub s ta nce -relate d fac tors th at s hou ld b e con s idere d i nclude s ub s ta nce s u s e d i n i n s ta l lation, cle an i ng or
te s ti ng havi ng u nwa nte d phys iolo gic a l e ffe c ts i f they rema i n i n the s ys tem .
O ther s ub s ta nce -relate d fac tors th at s hou ld be con s idere d i nclude d i s ch arge o f chem ic a l s , was te
i nclude l ight, temp eratu re, hu m id ity, vibration s , s pi l l age, s u s cep tibi l ity to vari ation s i n p ower a nd
D.3.12 Are there essential consumables or accessories associated with the examination
procedure or IVD medical device?
Fac tors that s hou ld b e con s idere d i nclude s p e ci fic ation s for s uch con s u mable s or acce s s orie s a nd a ny
D.3.14 Does the examination procedure or IVD medical device contain or use software?
Fac tors that shou ld be con s idere d i nclude whe ther s o ftware is i ntende d to be i n s ta l le d, veri fie d ,
D.3.15 Do the components of the examination procedure or IVD medical device have a
restricted shel f-li fe?
Fac tors that s hou ld be con s idere d i nclude l ab el l i ng or i nd ic ators o f the e xpi ration dati ng and the
rep e titive ac tion s , me chan ic a l fatigue, lo o s en i ng o f s trap s and attach ments , vibration e ffe c ts , l ab el s
D.3.17 What determines the lifetime of the examination components or IVD medical
Fac tors th at shou ld b e con s idere d i nclude agei ng , b atter y deple tion, e tc .
D.3.18 What is the intended use and how are the examination results used?
Fac tors that s hou ld b e con s idere d i nclude: i s the re s u lt u s e d i n con fi rmation with its i ntende d u s e . For
D.3.19 Is the medical device intended for single use or multiple use
Fac tors that s hou ld b e con s idere d a re: do e s the me d ic a l device s el f- de s truc t a fter u s e? I s it ob viou s that
the device has b e en u s e d? What a re the p o s s ible con s e quence s as s o c iate d with re -u s e?
exam i nation pro ce s s , mai ntena nce and s er vic i ng contai n toxic or ha z ardou s materi a l or cou ld contai n
D.3.22 Does installation or use of the equipment or IVD medical device require special
training or special skills?
Factors that should be considered include:
— the novelty o f the examination procedure or IVD medical device;
— the likely skill and training o f the person installing, using or servicing the equipment;
— commissioning and handing over to the laboratory and whether it is likely/possible that installation
can be carried out by people without the necessary skills.
D.3.23 How will information for safe use be provided?
Factors that should be considered include:
— whether adequate in formation has been provided to the laboratory by the IVD manu facturer?
— whether provision o f the in formation involves the participation o f third parties such as installers,
care providers, or health care pro fessionals, and whether this will have implications for training;
— based on the expected li fe o f the device, whether re-training or re-certification o f operators or
service personnel would be required.
D.3.24 Will new examination processes need to be established, introduced or modified?
Factors that should be considered include new technology or a new scale o f operation.
D.3.25 Is successful use of the instrumentation or IVD medical device critically
dependent on human factors, such as the user interface?
Factors that should be considered include sta ff training and competence assessment.
D.3.26 Can the user interface design contribute to use error?
Factors that should be considered are user inter face design features that can contribute to use error.
Examples o f inter face design features include: control and indicators, symbols used, ergonomic features,
physical design and layout, hierarchy o f operation, menus for so ftware driven devices, visibility o f
warnings, audibility o f alarms, standardization o f colour coding. Annex F and IEC 62366-1 contain
additional guidance on usability evaluation.
D.3.27 Is the IVD medical device used in an environment where distractions can cause
use error?
Factors that should be considered include:
— the consequence o f use error;
— whether the distractions are commonplace;
— whether the user can be disturbed by an in frequent distraction.
D.3.28 Does the IVD medical device have connecting parts or accessories?
Factors that should be considered include the possibility o f wrong connections, similarity to other
products’ connections, connection force, feedback on connection integrity, and over- and under-
are conti nuou s or d i s c re te, a nd the revers ibi l ity o f s e tti ngs or ac tion s .
D.3.30 Does the examination equipment or IVD medical device display information?
Fac tors that s hou ld b e con s idere d i nclude vi s ibi l ity i n va riou s envi ron ments , orientation, the vi s ua l
cap abi l itie s o f the u s er, p opu lation s a nd p ers p e c tive s , cl arity o f the pre s ente d i n formation, un its , colou r
D.3.31 Has the IVD medical device been tested in relation with cybersecurity?
Fac tors th at shou ld b e con s idere d are mentione d i n F.9
lo c ation o f s e tti ngs , navigation me tho d, nu mb er o f s tep s p er ac tion, s e quence cla rity and memori z ation
problem s , and i mp or ta nce o f control fu nc tion relative to its acce s s ibi l ity a nd the i mp ac t o f devi ati ng
enter a control le d op eration mo de, wh ich en large s the ri s ks for the p atient and wh ich c re ate s awarene s s
s ys tem s , un rel i able remo te a larm s ys tem s , and the me d ic a l s ta ff’s p o s s ibi l ity o f u nders ta nd i ng how the
D.3.35 In what ways might the IVD medical device be deliberately misused?
Fac tors that shou ld b e con s idere d are i ncorre c t u s e o f con ne c tors , d i s abl i ng s a fe ty fe atu re s or a l arm s ,
D.3.36 Does the IVD medical device or the LIS hold data critical to patient care?
Fac tors th at shou ld be con s idere d i nclude the p o tenti a l for i ntru s ion by ma levolent ac tors and
D.3.37 Is the IVD medical device intended to be mobile or portable (e.g., for point of care
Fac tors that s hou ld b e con s idere d are the ne ce s s a r y grip s , ha nd le s , whe el s , bra ke s , me cha n ic a l s tabi l ity
D.3.39 Are personnel trained and periodically monitored in the use of equipment?
Fac tors that s hou ld be con s idere d i nclude comp e tence as s e s s ment, trai n i ng and re s p on s ibi l ity
as s ign ments .
rep or t rele a s e
D.3.41 Are quality control processes adequate to assure quality of examination results?
Fac tors that s hou ld b e con s idere d i nclude prop er pla nn i ng , p er form i ng a nd mon itori ng o f i nterna l
qua l ity control and mon itori ng o f ex terna l qua l ity as s e s s ment.
Annex E
Examples of hazards, foreseeable sequences of events and
hazardous situations
E.1 General
5.3 requires that the laboratory compile a list o f known and foreseeable hazards associated with the
examination in both normal and fault conditions. 5.4 requires the laboratory to consider the foreseeable
sequences o f events that can produce hazardous situations and harm.
According to the definitions, a hazard cannot result in harm until exposure to the hazard occurs, creating
a hazardous situation. Sequences o f events or other circumstances can lead to the creation o f a hazard
from some initiating event, to the development o f a hazardous situation, and/or to the occurrence o f
harm. Each event in the sequence can occurs with a certain probability, and the overall probability o f
harm is the cumulative probability o f all o f the events occurring. The goal o f risk management should
be to prevent the hazardous situation from occurring, i f possible; otherwise, to minimize the overall
probability that the hazardous situation will occur.
Figure E.1 represents the progression from initiating event to harm, and shows how the overall
probability o f harm can be estimated by combining estimates o f the component probabilities, in this
case P1 representing the probability that a hazardous situation would occur (e.g., in the case o f an
instrument mal function or use error), and P2 representing the probability that the hazardous situation
would lead to harm. This approach allows the component probabilities to be estimated by qualified
experts, e.g., laboratory personnel for P1 and medical experts for P2 . The level o f risk is determined as a
function o f both the probability o f harm and the severity o f harm.
In situations where either P1 or P2 can be estimated and the other probability cannot, a conservative
approach can be followed by setting the unknown probability equal to 1. The risk can then be assessed
based on the severity and the conservative estimate o f the probability o f occurrence o f harm.
Although the quantitative probabilities P1 and P2 are di fficult to formally establish by the medical
laboratory, literature or in-laboratory historic data may be used as a source for these values. Annex I
will discuss qualitative approaches to risk assessment. Nonetheless, the progression leading to harm as
given in the figure is valid whether quantitative probabilities can be determined or not.
The thin arrows represent elements o f risk analysis and the thick arrows depict how a hazard can lead
to harm.
E . 2 I d e n ti fi c a ti o n o f h a z a rd s
A starting point for the compilation o f a list o f potential hazards is a review o f experience with the same
or similar types o f examinations and IVD medical devices to identi fy the likely causes o f hazards. The
review should take into account the laboratory’s own experience as well as the experience o f other
laboratories as reported in adverse event databases, publications and other available sources. This type
o f review is particularly use ful for the identification and listing o f typical hazardous situations and
the harms that can occur. This listing and aids such as the list o f examples in Table E.1 can be used to
compile an initial list o f hazards.
The laboratory can then begin to identi fy some o f the sequences o f events that can trans form the
hazards into hazardous situations and harm. Hazards that would not result in a hazardous situation
and thus could never result in harm can be eliminated from further consideration.
Although use ful, it should be recognized that this approach is not a thorough analysis. Many sequences
o f events will only be identified by the use o f systematic risk analysis techniques aimed at the causes o f
potentials hazards, such as FMEA, FTA and other methods described in Annex G .
Analysis and identification are further complicated by the many initiating events and circumstances
that have to be taken into consideration such as those listed in Table E.2. Thus, more than one risk
© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved 45
ISO 22367:2020(E)
analysis technique, and sometimes the use o f complementary techniques, may be needed to complete
a comprehensive analysis. Table E.3 provides examples o f the relationship between initiating events
(causes), hazards, sequences o f events, hazardous situations, and harm.
Although compilation o f the lists o f hazards, hazardous situations, and sequences should be completed
as early as possible in the design and development process to facilitate identification o f appropriate
risk control measures, in practice identification and compilation is an ongoing activity that continues
throughout the use o f examination procedures and IVD medical devices. IVD manu facturers rely on
feedback from medical laboratories (e.g., complaints) to help identi fy causes o f IVD device mal functions
and adverse events (actual and potential).
This annex provides non-exhaustive lists o f possible hazards that can be associated with di fferent
types o f examination procedures and IVD medical devices (Table E.1), and o f initiating events and
circumstances (Table E.2) that can result in hazardous situations that can lead to harm. Table E.3 gives
examples o f logical progressions o f hazards trans formed by sequences o f events or circumstances into
hazardous situations and ultimately harm.
Recognizing how a hazard can progress to a hazardous situation and how a hazardous situation can
progress to harm, is critical for estimating the probability o f occurrence and the severity o f the harm
that could result. The objective is to compile a comprehensive set o f hazardous situations for use in risk
analysis. The tables in this annex are intended to aid in the identification o f hazardous situations.
It is important to emphasize that it is up to the laboratory to determine what events in the sequence are
called a hazard and a hazardous situation (i.e., exposure to the hazard) to suit the risk analysis being
per formed, as illustrated in Figure E.1 .
— non-commutable calibrator;
— non-specificity (e.g., inter fering factors);
— sample or reagent carryover;
— measurement imprecision (instrument-related);
— stability failures (storage, transportation, in-use).
Failure modes that can result in delayed results in urgent care situations should be considered when
identi fying IVD hazards in fault conditions; e.g.,
— unstable reagent;
— hardware/so ftware failure;
— packaging failure.
Failure modes that can result in incorrect patient in formation should be considered when identi fying
hazards in fault conditions; e.g.,
— incorrect patient name or identification number;
— incorrect birth date or age;
— incorrect gender.
E.5 Hazards due to use error
Incorrect results can occur in normal use, due to use error.
For examples o f use errors see Annex H .
Annex F
N o n c o n f o r m i ti e s p o te n ti a l l y l e a d i n g to s i g n i fi c a n t r i s ks
F.1 General
The investigation o f noncon formities in the medical laboratory includes an evaluation o f the potential
or it to result in a hazard.
The examples o f noncon formities can be used as starting points to help identi fy hazards associated with
the main laboratory services. The noncon formities are roughly grouped by the laboratory specialty and
phase (pre-examination, examination and post-examination) where they commonly occur. Added is as
well a list related to in formation sa fety (see F.9). They are not intended to be complete lists.
F. 2 . 1 P re - e xa m i n a ti o n p h a s e
— i n s u fficient or i ncorre c t do c u mentation o f s c ienti fic evidence for ana lytic va l id ity or cl i n ic a l
— no t veri fyi ng o r va l idati ng the e xam i nation pro ce du re i n appropriate p atient p opu lation;
— i ncorre c tly de term i ne d acc u rac y, ana lytic s en s itivity and s p e ci fic ity, rep or table range/c ut- o ff
va lue s , e tc . ;
— a mbiguou s rep or t;
— i ncorre c t or i ncomple te s p e ci men identi fic ation (e . g. , ab s ent or errone ou s marki ng o f ma rgi n s or
— i ncorre c t s ample col le c tion (e . g. , no pre s er vative or u n s ati s fac tor y sl ide s) ;
— i nade quate che cki ng at acce s s ion i ng to en s u re that re que s t form and s p e ci men de tai l s match;
— no con fi rmation that the s p e ci men a nd re que s t form de ta i l s match b e fore p er form i ng d i s s e c tion;
— failure to exclude from allogeneic inventory units collected from donors not screened for use o f
teratogenic drugs.
F.4.2 Examination phase
— incorrect typing o f blood unit;
— incorrect typing o f patient sample;
— failure to provide clinically indicated, antigen negative blood for a patient with known red blood cell
— failure to per form coombs crossmatch for patient with known red blood cell antibody.
F.4.3 Post-examination phase
— failure to irradiate a cellular blood unit for an immunodeficient or immunocompromised patient;
— failure to wash blood unit for an IgA deficient patient;
— release o f blood unit for the wrong patient;
— release o f blood unit contaminated with a bacterial pathogen.
When per forming molecular testing, background sample in formation including history such as
acquisition, handling and transport is important.
Patient sample mix-up
— insu fficient communication between the laboratory and clinical users causing ordering o f incorrect
examination procedures;
— failure to reject the test request with incomplete in formation concerning in formed consent, genetic
counselling or confidentiality;
— failure to indicate not su fficient in formation was present concerning the sample related to pre-
analytical steps;
— lack o f quality assurance monitors to track appropriate handling and transport o f specimens.
Sample-derived risk
— lack o f in formation regarding material source (FFPE, fresh, blood, urine, stool, others);
— incomplete in formation o f handling and/or transport (temperature and/or mechanical stress);
— possibility o f misidentification o f patient sample (DNA fingerprinting could be per formed).
F.6.2 Examination phase
Lack o f/or incomplete traceability
— traceability o f version o f each component (extraction reagent, reaction reagent, sequencer and
so ftware (algorithm and database) not secured
— lack o f mutual compatibility o f the system (extraction reagent, reaction reagent, sequencer and
so ftware (algorithm and database)
— insu fficient validation o f examination methods (e.g., not including samples representing mutations/
variations or organisms that may be encountered in patient samples, not fully optimized assays
or assay components such as primers, oligo’s, or nucleic acid sequences, insu fficient homology
search, etc.);
— carryover contamination by post-amplification PCR products;
— i n s u ffic ient qua l ity control prac tice s s uch as no t i nclud i ng ade quate and appropriate control
s a mple s .
— fai lure to u s e up date d a nd op ti m i z e d s o ftwa re with relevant d atab a s e, or thei r trace abi l ity;
— rep or ti ng “i ncidenta l/s e conda r y fi nd i ngs ” without s u ffic ient va l idation o f te s t re s u lt;
— u n re co gn i z e d ana lytic a l va riation for me a s urand de term i nation s p er forme d on more tha n one
i n s tr ument;
e ffe c t) ;
— a mbient ai r conta m i nation o f blo o d gas s ample s (no te: th i s may o cc u r i n s a mple col le c tion or du ri ng
a na lys i s) ;
— u n re co gn i z e d s ample problem s in co agu lation ( h igh hemato crit, clo ts , use o f i ncorre c t c itrate
— i ncorre c t i nternationa l s en s itivity i ndex for convers ion o f pro th rombi n ti me to i nternationa l
norma l i z e d ratio;
— hep ari n therap eutic range mon itori ng b y ac tivate d p ar tia l th romb op las ti n no t corre c te d for lo t
change s;
— i ncorre c t re ference ra nge for c u rrent pro th rombi n and ac tivate d p ar ti a l th romb opla s ti n ti me lo ts;
— m i s match i ng o f s p e c i men, s p e c i men contai ner a nd re que s t form, i . e . s p e ci men i n wrongly lab ele d
contai ners , th i s cou ld o cc u r when contai ners are pre -lab ele d;
s p e c i men m i x-up or i ncorre c t data entr y at th i s s tage a ny future pro ce s s e s comprom i s e d . To a l leviate
— ade quate che cki ng o f s p e ci men a nd re que s t to en s u re no m i s match; two i ndep endent che cks to
en s u re s p e c i men and re que s t form match , i nclud i ng re conci l i ation b e twe en re gi s tration and
— any lab el i ng d i s c rep anc ie s a re re corde d and fol lowe d th roughout the te s t c ycle with fu l l aud it trai l
and the i s s ue s identi fie d on fi na l rep or t, i nclud i ng s p e c i men i n formation s uch as wrong s ite a s wel l
a s p atient i n formation;
— pro ce du re s for m i n i mu m lab el i ng re qui rements a re do c u mente d and a l l s p e ci men s a re che cke d
— i nade quately/u n lab ele d s p e ci men s may b e re -lab ele d i n lab orator y for trace abi l ity but origi na l
lab el i s re tai ne d;
— a ny d i s crep ancie s b e twe en re que s t form and s ample re corde d in L ab orator y i n formation a nd
— fai lure i n double s tage data entr y o f c ritic a l i n formation wherever p o s s ible;
— fai lure i n l i n ki ng s p e c i men s and re que s t form s to en s u re gro s s c ut-up no te s re corde d corre c tly.
bre ach [ma lwa re] , i n s e c u re data tran s fer outs ide a pro te c te d ne twork s uch as b y ema i l) ;
— fai lure o f data ha rdware or s o ftwa re (d i s k d rive fa i lu re, s o ftwa re appl ic ation fa i lu re [c ras h] ,
ran s omware) ;
Annex G
Risk analysis tools and techniques
G.1 General
This annex provides an introduction to some techniques for risk analysis. These techniques can be
complementary and it might be necessary to use more than one o f them. The basic principle is that the
sequence o f events is analyzed step by step. In depth sources should be used to guide the application o f
these tools to a specific instance.
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) is a technique that can be used early in the development process o f
a new examination procedure or laboratory service, implementation o f a new IVD device, or evaluation
o f a significant change in a process to identi fy the hazards, hazardous situations, and events that can
cause harm when few o f the details o f the design o f the examination procedure are known.
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is especially use ful early in the development stages for the identification and
prioritization o f hazards and hazardous situations, as well as during the monitoring stage for analysing
adverse events.
Failure Mode and E ffects Analysis (FMEA) is a technique by which e ffects or consequences o f individual
failure modes (e.g., hazards) are systematically identified and addressed. It is more appropriate for a
mature system, process or application, when the failure modes are known.
Process mapping is a technique by which a process is broken down into the individual steps for analysis.
It is used together with FMEA to per form a process FMEA, which can be especially use ful for laboratory
examination processes including the pre-examination and post-examination aspects.
See IEC/ISO 31010:2009 [14] for more in formation on per forming a PHA.
Following stepwise identification o f undesirable system operation to successively lower system levels
will lead to the desired system level, which is usually either the component fault mode or the lowest
level at which risk control measures can be applied. This will reveal the combinations most likely to
lead to the postulated consequence.
FTA results are represented pictorially in the form o f a tree o f fault modes. At each level in the tree,
combinations o f fault modes are described with logical operators (AND, OR, etc.). The fault modes
identified in the tree can be events that are associated with hardware faults, human errors, or any other
pertinent event, which leads to the undesired event. They are not limited to the single- fault condition.
FTA allows a systematic approach, which, at the same time, is su fficiently flexible to allow assessment
o f a variety o f factors, including human interactions. FTA is used in risk analysis as a tool to provide
an estimate o f fault probabilities and to identi fy single fault and common mode faults that result in
hazardous situations. The pictorial representation leads to an easy understanding o f the system
behaviour and the factors included, but, as the trees become large, processing o f fault trees can require
specialized computer programs, which are readily available.
See IEC 61025:2006 for more in formation on per forming FTA.
In order to use FMEA to support risk management, the examination, system or process should be known
in some detail.
Note that in conventional FMEA, the probability estimate represents the probability that the cause o f
the failure will occur, not the probability o f the failure mode. It is assumed that the immediate and long-
term consequences o f the failure will occur.
Detectability may be considered only i f three conditions are met. The operator or user needs to:
— know what to do and how;
— have enough time to react; and
— be expected to take the correct action.
FMEA can also be a use ful technique to deal with use error. Disadvantages o f this technique can
arise from di fficulties in dealing with redundancies and the incorporation o f repair or preventive
maintenance actions, as well as its restriction on single- fault conditions.
See IEC 60812:2006 for more in formation on the procedures for per forming FMEA.
The Severity, Occurrence and Detection scores are summarized in column 9 from Table G.1 as a “Risk
Priority Number” (RPN), which is calculated by multiplying the three individual values. The FMEA
methodology uses the RPN as a numerical index to prioritize the significance o f the failures, based on
— the frequency o f occurrence o f the failure (actually the failure cause),
— the severity o f the potential consequences, and
— the ability to detect the failures in time to prevent those consequences.
The use o f RPN illustrates two other di fferences between FMEA and risk analysis. In FMEA, detection
o f the failure is identified a separate factor, whereas in risk analysis detectability o f the hazard is
included in the probability estimate. FMEA also multiplies the rankings from the severity, occurrence
and detection scales, which is not mathematically valid because the ranks are ordinal numbers.
Nevertheless, FMEA methodology can be a use ful reliability tool to drive reduction o f failure rates.
As a general rule, preventive action should be considered for any RPN >100 when severity, frequency o f
occurrence and controls are evaluated using a 1-10 scale for each.
A fter implementation o f the proposed new process, unanticipated failure modes might appear. The
FMEA should be updated to include these new failure modes and using the RPN as a guide, the team may
need to identi fy new actions to reduce the severity, occurrence and/or detection to an acceptable level.
An example is shown in Table G.1 for specimen mislabeling, as stated in Column 1, Two potential failure
modes are identified in Column 2: Failure to check armband and missing armband. The potential
e ffects for both failure modes are the same, that being incorrect patient identification on the specimen.
There fore, the severity o f both modes is the same, and is felt to be severe.
However, the likelihood o f occurrence o f each mode is di fferent: Investigation shows that forgetting
to check the armband as a cause o f this failure mode rarely i f ever occurs, so its occurrence is rated
as 1 (unlikely). On the other hand, computer issues result in the admission o f some patients without
armbands, with an assessed occurrence o f 3.
There is no control for not checking the armband, so it cannot be detected i f it occurs (rating o f 10),
whereas a patient without an armband could still be asked for a name. As a control for a missing
armband, this is felt to be relatively inadequate, since 80% o f patients without armbands are trauma
patients who cannot give their names, giving a detection rating o f 8.
The risk priority number for not checking the armband is 100 (10 × 1 × 10), which is under the threshold
for action. The situation with a missing armband has a risk priority number o f 240 (10 × 3 × 8), so three
recommended actions are listed. Each action is also rated for severity, occurrence and control, with
resultant risk priority numbers; all three actions now are evaluated as having risk priority numbers
below the threshold for action and the analysis stops at this point.
Annex H
Risk analysis of foreseeable user actions
— fa i l i ng to do s ome th i ng.
NO T E 2 Nes cient i s u s ed i n the context o f a lack o f awarene s s o f the advers e con s e quences o f a ski l l-b as e d ac tion .
and have b e en mo d i fie d to h igh l ight the d i s ti nc tion b e twe en abnorma l u s e and u s e error. T he advers e
events were clas s i fie d as i nd ic ate d fol lowi ng eva luation o f the error agai n s t the i ntende d ac tion .
It is recognized that di fferentiating use error from abnormal use is not always an easy task and so
o ften requires care ful investigation, analysis, and documentation. A care ful investigation might include
trending and root cause analysis as techniques to classi fy events.
H.2.1 Examples of use errors
The following are brie f descriptions based on actual events that were determined at the time to be
examples o f use errors.
— User con fuses two buttons and presses the wrong button;
— User misinterprets the icon and selects the wrong function;
— User enters incorrect sequence and fails to initiate operation o f a device;
— User fails to detect a dangerous increase in pressure because the alarm limit is mistakenly set too
high and user is over-reliant on alarm system;
— User partially disconnects a plug when walking over an unprotected cable;
— User cleans a centri fugal pump with alcohol, although it is made from material that is incompatible
with alcohol. It is reasonably foreseeable that alcohol might be used to clean the pump, since alcohol
is readily available in the laboratory and no clear and prominent warning is provided;
— Unintentional use o f pipette out o f its calibration range;
— Analyzer placed in direct sunlight causing higher reaction temperature than specified;
— User uses a well-intentioned shortcut on procedure or pre-use checklist, etc., thereby omitting
important steps. It is not obvious that the shortcut is hazardous;
— User unintentionally omits an important step in an excessively lengthy or complicated procedure or
pre-use checklist.
H.2.2 Examples of abnormal use
The laboratory is responsible for applying all reasonable means o f risk control. These can include
in formation for sa fety, which is one element in a hierarchal approach to risk control. Following the
process in ISO 14971, the laboratory uses one or more o f the following in the priority listed:
a) Inherent sa fety by design;
b) Protective measures in the examination procedure or the IVD medical device;
c) In formation for sa fety, e.g., warnings in the instructions for use, display o f a monitored variable,
training and materials for training, maintenance details.
I f, despite having been provided with validated in formation for sa fety, the user acts contrary to such
in formation for sa fety, the incorrect use can be classified as abnormal use.
The following are brie f descriptions o f complaint reports taken from a Global Harmonization Task
Force (GHTF) paper on reporting o f use errors. [24] These examples are based on actual events that were
determined at the time to be examples o f abnormal use. In each case, it was determined that the relevant
risks had been addressed using reasonable means o f risk control. These included proper design, proper
training, in formation for sa fety, and descriptions o f correct use as established by the laboratory. For IVD
medical devices, in formation supplied by the manu facturer will typically speci fy intended correct use.
— Deliberate violation o f a validated, simple pre-use sa fety checklist as specified in the accompanying
in formation supplied by the manu facturer.
— Use o f a method or an IVD medical device prior to completing installation, validation or verification.
— Continued use o f an IVD medical device beyond the prescribed maintenance interval as clearly
defined in the instructions for use because o f the laboratory’s failure to arrange for maintenance.
— The laboratory allowed an untrained user to use an IVD medical device leading to patient harm. The
device is working in accordance with its specifications.
— The use o f damaged equipment or supplies in spite o f clear evidence o f damage, causing an incorrect
result that led to a patient injury.
— Use o f an IVD instrument in violation o f manu facturer’s warnings; i.e.; de feating a sa fety interlock
or ignoring a calibration expiration message.
NOTE There is a di fference between well-intentioned and malevolent abnormal use. As the examples show,
abnormal use is o ften well-intentioned (i.e., the user accepts a certain risk for the expected benefit o f the patient).
This is distinct from the situation where the user did not appreciate the risk involved in their action/inaction
because the risk was not clearly indicated, where the event can be considered a use error.
Annex I
Methods of risk assessment, including estimation of probability
and severity of harm
e tc .) . L ab oratorie s s hou ld defi ne the c ategorie s expl icitly s o that there wi l l b e no con fu s ion over what
i s me a nt. O ne appro ach i s to a s s ign a range o f non- overlappi ng nu meric a l va lue s to e ach o f the d i s c re te
level s (e . g. , Table I . 2 ) . I t i s j u s t an exa mple b e c au s e the i nd ic ate d fre quenc y wi l l b e s trongly i n fluence d
For pro s p e c tive ri sk ana lys i s , prob abi l ity o f ha rm e s ti mate s shou ld encomp as s the ci rc u m s tance s and
enti re s e quence o f events from the o cc urrence o f the i n iti ati ng c au s e th rough to the o cc u rrence o f h arm .
I mpl icit i n the con s ideration o f the prob abi l ity o f ha rm i s the concep t o f e xp o s u re . T here fore, the
prob abi l ity o f harm s hou ld ta ke i nto con s ideration the level and/or ex tent o f exp o s u re . For exa mp le,
there i s gre ater exp o s u re to a ha z ard, the prob abi l ity o f a ha z ardou s s ituation wi l l i nc re a s e . T here fore,
— e xp er t j udgment.
i ndep endent che cks on e ach o ther, a nd i ncre as e con fidence i n the re s u lts . C on fidence i s en h ance d
when a quantitative e s ti mate o f the prob abi l ity o f o cc urrence i s b as e d on acc urate and rel i able data .
O ther wi s e a re as onable qua l itative e s ti mate s hou ld b e made . I n s ome c a s e s , when s u ffic ient data a re
E xample s of qua l itative a nd s em i- qua ntitative defi n ition s of prob abi l ity level s are given in
Tab le s I .1 and I.2 . T he de s c rip tion s a re i l lu s trative and the lab orator y shou ld ma ke the s e defi nition s
s p e c i fic a nd e xpl ic it to en s u re the level s are appropri ate and repro ducible for a given ri sk a s s e s s ment.
E xample s:
3 O cc a s ion a l
L i kel y to o cc u r s ome ti me s with the e xa m i n ation pro ce du re; e x p e c te d to b e
T a b l e I . 2 — O ve r a l l P r o b a b i l i t y o f H a r m S c a l e ( S e m i - Q u a n t i t a t i ve)
4 Re a s on ab l y L i kel y E ach we ek
2 Remote E ach ye a r
1 Un l i kel y L e s s th a n once a ye a r
e s ti mate i s i n doub t, it i s o ften ne ce s s ar y to e s tab l i s h a bro ad range for the prob abi l ity, or de term i ne
that it i s no wors e tha n s ome p ar tic u lar va lue . E xample s where prob abi l itie s are ver y d i ffic u lt to
e s ti mate i nclude:
— s o ftwa re fa i lu re;
— novel, p o orly unders to o d ha z ard s , s uch a s the pre s ence o f a n u nexp e c te d i n fe c tiou s agent i n a
— cer tai n toxicolo gic a l ha z ard s , s uch as geno toxic c a rc i no gen s and s en s iti z i ng agents , where it m ight
I n the ab s ence o f a ny data on the prob abi l ity o f o cc u rrence o f harm, it i s no t p o s s ible to e s ti mate the
ri sk, and it may b e ne ce s s ar y to eva luate the ri sk on the b a s i s o f the natu re a nd s everity o f the harm
a lone . I f it c an b e conclude d that the ha z ard i s o f l ittle prac tic a l con s e quence, the ri sk c an b e j udge d
to b e accep table and no ri s k control me a s u re s a re ne ce s s a r y. For s ign i fic ant h a z a rd s , however, wh ich
cou ld i n fl ic t h arm o f h igh s everity s uch as tho s e no te d ab ove, no level o f exp o s u re c an b e identi fie d that
wou ld corre s p ond to a ri sk s o low that it ca n b e ignore d . I n s uch c as e s , the ri s k e s ti mate s hou ld b e made
on the b a s i s o f a re as onable wors t- c a s e e s ti mate o f prob abi l ity. I n s ome i n s tance s , it i s convenient to s e t
th i s de fau lt va lue o f the prob abi l ity to one a nd to b as e ri s k control me as u re s on preventi ng the ha z ard
enti rely, re duci ng the prob abi l ity o f harm to an accep table level or i n re duc i ng the s everity o f the ha rm .
o f a d i s cre te nu mb er o f s everity level s s i mpl i fie s the ana lys i s . I n s uch c a s e s , the lab orator y de cide s how
many c ate gorie s a re ne e de d and how they a re to b e defi ne d . T he level s c a n b e de s crip tive, a s i n the
exa mple s i n Table I . 3 . I n a ny c as e, s everity level s s hou ld no t i nclude any element o f prob abi l ity.
S everity level s s hou ld b e cho s en a nd j u s ti fie d b y the lab orator y for a p ar tic u lar e xam i nation under
cle arly defi ne d cond ition s o f u s e . L ab oratorie s s hou ld ma ke the s e defi n ition s are s p e c i fic and expl icit to
Table I.3 — Severity of Harm Scale (Qualitative)
Score Category Description
5 Critical Li fe-threatening injury/death
4 Serious Permanent (irreversible) bodily damage or impairment
3 Significant Non-permanent bodily damage or impairment; reversible with medical interven-
2 Marginal Temporary bodily damage or impairment; reversible with no medical intervention
1 Negligible Temporary discom fort or inconsequential injury
I.6 Examples
I.6.1 Risk assessment example
The following table summarizes the results o f a risk assessment o f noncon formities associated with
delayed or errant patient reporting. The decisions are based on the risk acceptability criteria shown in
the Risk Chart in Table I.5 .
Table I.6 — Risk assessment of nonconformities associated with delayed or errant patient
Nonconformity Probability Severity Risk
Wrong patient identification Occasional (3) Critical (5) Unacceptable
Wrong test result Occasional (3) Critical (5) Unacceptable
Report delayed (stat) Likely (4) Marginal (2) Acceptable with risk reduction
Report delayed (24 hours) Likely (4) Marginal (2) Acceptable with risk reduction
Report lost Occasional (3) Marginal (2) Acceptable with risk reduction
Sent to wrong primary clinician Remote (2) Marginal (2) Acceptable
Sent to wrong clinician (copy) Remote (2) Negligible (1) Acceptable
Annex J
Overall residual risk evaluation and risk management review
The following guidance is adapted from ISO 14971:2019, and ISO/TR 24971:2019.
J.1 Overview
Overall residual risk evaluation is the point where residual risk is viewed from a broad perspective.
A fter the assessment o f every identified hazardous situation, the laboratory then considers the
combined impact o f the individual residual risks, and decides whether the overall residual risk meets or
exceeds the criteria for residual risk acceptability.
This step is particularly important for complex examination procedures or laboratory services or
those with a large number o f individual risks. The evaluation can be used to determine whether the
examination procedure or laboratory service is sa fe.
The determination o f overall residual risk can be a di fficult and challenging task that cannot be achieved
simply by the numerical addition o f all individual risks, because the risks are based on di fferent
probabilities and severities o f harm. This di fficulty also arises for the following reasons:
— Confidence in the probability estimates can vary considerably. Some probabilities are known
precisely either from history with similar examinations or services, or from testing. Probabilities
are generally imprecise estimates, and may not be known at all, such as the probability o f harm
resulting from a so ftware failure. Further, it is usually not possible to combine the severities o f
individual harms within the broad categories typically encountered in risk analysis.
— The acceptability criteria for individual risks need to be the same as the criteria for overall risk
acceptability. The criteria used to evaluate individual risks are usually based on the probability o f
occurrence o f particular severities o f harm.
The laboratory needs to decide how to evaluate the remaining residual risk with respect to the
acceptability criteria. There is no pre ferred method for evaluating overall residual risk and the
laboratory is responsible for determining an appropriate method. Some general approaches for
evaluating overall residual risk, along with considerations a ffecting their selection, are given
below. Both the criteria and the methods associated with applying them should be stated in the risk
management plan. This guidance is intended to help in establishing such criteria and methods.
Overall residual risk evaluation needs to be per formed by persons with the knowledge, experience,
and authority to per form such tasks. It is o ften desirable to involve specialists with knowledge o f and
experience with the particular examination procedure or laboratory service (see 4.3 ).
Ultimately, the evaluation o f overall residual risk has to be based on clinical judgment. The results o f the
overall residual risk evaluation and the rationale for the acceptance o f the overall residual risk should
be documented in the risk management file.
The laboratory can compare the examination procedure or laboratory service under review to similar
examination procedures or laboratory services already in use. The collated individual residual risks
can be compared against the risks for similar examination procedures or laboratory services, e.g., risk
by risk taking account o f di fferent contexts o f use. Care should be taken in such comparisons to use
up-to-date in formation on adverse events for the examination procedures or laboratory services. In
order for the laboratory to make well considered conclusions about the overall residual risk in relation
to the medical benefits, up-to-date in formation on intended use and associated adverse events o f
similar examination procedures or laboratory services should be reviewed, as well as in formation
from scientific literature, including in formation about clinical experience. The key question is whether
the examination procedure or laboratory service under review o ffers the same or better sa fety as an
examination procedure or laboratory service that can be considered to have an acceptable overall
residual risk.
a) The laboratory can also use outside experts to provide input on overall residual risk in relation
to the medical benefits o f the examination procedure or laboratory service under review. These
experts can come from a variety o f disciplines, including those with clinical experience and those
who have experience with similar examination procedures or laboratory services. They can
help the laboratory to take into account stakeholder concerns. An assessment o f the benefits to
the patient associated with the use o f the examination procedures or laboratory services can be
per formed in order to demonstrate acceptability o f the overall residual risk. One approach could
be to get a fresh view o f the overall residual risk by using laboratory specialists that were not
directly involved in the development o f the examination procedure or laboratory service under
review. The laboratory specialists would evaluate the acceptability o f the overall residual risk,
considering aspects such as usability in a representative medical laboratory environment. Then,
the laboratory specialists would evaluate the examination procedure or laboratory service in the
medical laboratory environment to confirm the acceptability.
b) Even though all individual risks should have been identified and accepted prior to evaluation o f
the overall residual risk, some risks could need further analysis. For example, there could be many
risks that are close to being not acceptable. Hence, the overall residual risk acceptability could be
suspect and a further investigation can be appropriate for the examination procedure or laboratory
service and the associated risk management file. Another example can be that there are risks that
are interdependent with respect to either their causes or the risk control measures applied. Risk
control measures should be verified for e fficiency, not only individually but also in combination
with other risk control measures. This can also be true for risk control measures that are designed
to counter multiple risks simultaneously. A Fault Tree or Event Tree Analysis can be a use ful tool to
demonstrate such connections between the risks and risk control measures used.
c) Other considerations for overall residual risk evaluation include the following:
— The results o f usability evaluation or clinical experience during design validation testing can
provide use ful in formation.
— Visual representations o f the residual risks can be use ful. Each individual residual risk can be
shown in a risk matrix, giving a graphic view o f the distribution o f the risks. I f many o f the risks
are in the higher severity regions or in the higher probability regions o f the risk matrix, or it
clusters o f risks are borderline, then the distribution o f the risks can indicate that the overall
residual risk may not be acceptable, even i f each individual risk has been judged acceptable.
— During overall residual risk evaluation, all individual risk/benefit analyzes should be taken into
— When there have been trade-o ffs between risks in the risk analysis, this might be indicative
that the overall residual risk should be analyzed more care fully. These are instances where one
risk might have been allowed to increase somewhat in order that another risk could be reduced.
For example, the risk to one person (the user) is allowed to increase so that the risk to another
(the patient) can be reduced. This is called risk parallax. The evaluation can take the form o f
reviewing related major risks, describing why the trade-o ff balance is practical, and explaining
why the combined risk level o f the risks in the trade-o ff decision is acceptable.
Annex K
C o n d u c ti n g a b e n e fi t- r i s k a n a l ys i s
The following guidance is adapted from ISO 14971:2019, ISO/TR 24971:2019 and MEDDEV 2.7/1.
K.1 General
A benefit-risk analysis is used to justi fy a risk once all reasonably feasible measures to reduce the risk
have been applied. I f, a fter applying these measures, the risk is still not judged acceptable, a benefit-
risk analysis is needed to establish whether the examination results or laboratory service is likely to
provide more benefit than harm.
Generally, i f the risk control measures are insu fficient to satis fy the risk acceptability criteria, the
service, IVD device or examination should be abandoned. In some instances, however, greater risks
can be justified, i f they are outweighed by the expected benefits o f examination results or laboratory
service. This document allows laboratories an opportunity to per form a risk/benefit analysis to
determine whether the residual risk can be accepted because o f the benefits.
The decision as to whether risks are outweighed by benefits is essentially a matter o f judgment by
experienced and knowledgeable individuals. An important consideration in the acceptability o f a
residual risk is whether an anticipated clinical benefit can be achieved through the use o f alternative
options that avoid a particular risk or reduce the overall risk. The feasibility o f further risk reduction
should be taken into account be fore considering the benefits. This document explains how risks can
be characterized so that a risk estimate can be determined with confidence. There is no standardized
approach for estimating benefits.
K. 2 B e n e fi t e s ti m a ti o n
The benefit arising from laboratory examination results or services is related to the likelihood and
extent o f improvement o f health expected from their clinical use. Benefits can be estimated from
knowledge o f such things as:
— Use o f the examination results (including point o f care) by clinicians;
— The patient outcome expected from use o f the examination results;
— Factors relevant to the risks and benefits o f other diagnostic options.
Confidence in the benefit estimate is strongly dependent on the reliability o f evidence addressing these
factors. This includes recognition that there is likely to be a range o f possible outcomes and factors such
as the following that need to be taken into account.
— It will be di fficult to compare di fferent outcomes, e.g., which is worse, pain or loss o f mobility?
Di fferent outcomes can result from the side e ffects being very di fferent from the initial problem.
— It is di fficult to take account o f non-stable outcomes. These can arise both from the recovery time
and long-term e ffects.
Because o f the di fficulties in a rigorous approach, it is generally necessary to make simpli fying
assumptions. There fore, it will usually prove expedient to focus on the most likely outcomes for each
option and those that are the most favorable or un favorable.
An estimate o f patient benefit can vary markedly be fore and a fter development o f a new examination,
inauguration o f a new laboratory service, or acquisition i f a new IVD device. I f reliable clinical data
demonstrating the consistent per formance and e ffectiveness o f the examination are available, the
clinical benefit can be estimated confidently. In cases where clinical data are limited in quantity or
quality, benefit is estimated with greater uncertainty from whatever relevant in formation is available.
However, in the absence o f relevant clinical data, the likelihood o f achieving the intended per formance
and the desired clinical e ffect will have to be predicted by re ference to quality assurance measures and
per formance characteristics.
Where significant risks are present, and there is a high degree o f uncertainty in the benefit estimate, it
will be necessary to veri fy the anticipated per formance or e fficacy as soon as possible through a clinical
evaluation or a clinical per formance study. This is essential to confirm that the risk/benefit balance
is as expected and to prevent unwarranted exposure o f patients to a large residual risk. ISO 20916
specifies good study practices for the conduct o f clinical per formance studies o f IVD medical devices.
relate d to the ri s k/ b enefit de term i nation and do c u ment the b enefit-ri s k conclu s ion s with rationa le s a s
app l ic able . Gu ida nce on conduc ti ng a l iteratu re s e a rch o f cl i n ic a l data for I VD me d ica l device s c an b e
fou nd i n i n GH T F S G5/N2 R8 (2 2 ) .
Annex L
(in fo rmative)
Residual risk(s)
L.1 General
Re s idua l ri s k i s the ri sk remai n i ng a fter a l l ri s k control me a s ure s (wh ich c a n i nclude i n formation for
s a fe ty) have b e en ta ken .
T he de c i s ion of the lab orator y rega rd i ng d i s clo s u re of re s idua l ri s k shou ld be re corde d in the
D i s clo s u re o f re s idua l ri sk i s genera l ly de s crip tive and c a n provide b ackgrou nd on the re s idua l ri sks
i n formation to enable the u s er, the he a lthc a re provider, a nd even p o tenti a l ly the p atient, to ma ke
an i n forme d de c i s ion that weigh s the re s idua l ri sks aga i n s t the b enefits o f u s i ng the exam i nation
and to whom it i s d i re c te d i n order to i n form, mo tivate and enable u s ers to fol low the exam i nation
pro ce dure a nd u s e e qu ipment s a fely and to i n form cl i n ici an s o f any l i m itation s that cou ld a ffe c t p atient
s a fe ty. T he lab orator y s hou ld e xam i ne the re s idua l ri s ks identi fie d i n 7.6 and 9. 2 to de term i ne what
should be disclosed.
T he lab orator y shou ld con s ider:
— the i ntende d re c ipients (e . g. , i n s tru ment op erators , s er vice p ers on nel, cl i n ici an s , p atients) ;
— the me an s/me d i a to b e u s e d .
T he lab orator y shou ld de term i ne the appropriate me a n s and me d ia to d i s clo s e the re s idua l ri sk.
T h i s i n formation c a n b e s ign i fic ant i n the pro ce s s o f cl i n ic a l de ci s ion ma ki ng. With i n the fra mework of
the i ntende d u s e, the lab orator y d i re c tor i n com mu n ic ation with the cl i n ici an s de cide i n wh ich cl i nic a l
s e tti ngs the exam i nation re s u lts or I VD me d ic a l device (e . g. , p oi nt o f c are) c an b e u s e d to ach ieve
For exa mple, p er form i ng a p oi nt o f c are gluco s e me as u rement i n the ne onata l s e tti ng h as the ri sk
o f re s u lts b ei ng le s s pre ci s e b e c au s e o f the i n fluence o f h igh hemato crit va lue . H owever, havi ng
an i m me d iate but le s s acc urate gluco s e re s u lt c an b e i mp or tant to a ler t the cl i n ici an to p o tenti a l
hyp o glycem i a, but e s p e c ia l ly with low va lue s the do c tor shou ld b e aware .
[1] ISO 14971:2019, Medical devices — Application of risk management to medical devices
[2] ISO/TR 24971:2019, Medical devices — Guidance on the application of ISO 14971
[3] ISO 15189:2012, Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality and competence
[4] ISO 15190:2003, Medical laboratories — Requirements for safety
[5] ISO 18113:2009, In vitro diagnostic medical devices — Information supplied by the manufacturer
[9] ISO 20916:2019, Clinical performance studies for in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) using specimens
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