GEA34919 WP MMC-for-Hydro EN 20230814
GEA34919 WP MMC-for-Hydro EN 20230814
GEA34919 WP MMC-for-Hydro EN 20230814
White Paper
By Piotr Sadowski
Power Conversion Germany, Berlin
The generator is started via the SFC and once the generator (synchronous machine) is
at rated speed and synchronized to the grid the SFC will be bypassed via a bypass switch.
The synchronous machine is connected to the grid, the pump-turbine can generate power
or consume power from the grid. As the SFC is only used for start-up of the machine,
the power rating of the SFC can be lower than the rated power of the machine.
Although the structure of this type of topology is quite simple there are some disadvantages
linked to this topology. One disadvantage is clearly that the power during pump mode
(power consumption from the grid) is limited to a fixed value at a given head of the reservoir.
Additionally, the usable head range is limited with a fixed speed.
Another disadvantage of fixed speed systems is given at deviations in the head and power
compared to rated valuta, which can lead to a significant reduction of efficiency [3].
Power adjustment in pump mode with fixed speed systems can be achieved by using
multiple smaller fixed speed systems and control the power in pump mode by activating/
deactivating several systems to adjust the power of the entire power plant.
However, this results in multiple start/stop sequences and well-balanced control of the
multiple systems [4].
Especially high power FFSM require a stator voltage that
is typically higher than the output voltage of conventional
VSI. To achieve the desired power of the PHSP converter
currents are increased leading to a parallel connection of
several VSIs with an interconnection between converter
of current harmonics on the generator side which can
lead to additional losses in the generator. This could either
be compensated by increasing the effective switching
frequency of the converter, by increasing switching
frequency of the semiconductor devices, by adding
interleaving reactors/transformers, or by implementing
appropriate filters on the output of the converter.
The Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) was Both solutions would decrease the harmonic content in the
introduced in the early 21st century and has primarily generator current but also mean additional components or
been employed for large HVDC transmission systems. higher losses in the converter. This can be omitted when a
multilevel converter is used.
Nowadays, an increasing number of Fully Fed Synchronous
Machines (FFSMs) are being implemented using MMC
technology. The key benefit of MMC technology lies in
the modularity and scalability it offers for the converter Benefits of Multilevel Converters
system. Multilevel converters have a smoother output voltage
waveform with lower total harmonic distortion (THD)
resulting in lower harmonic content of the output or
Challenges with conventional generator current.
VSI Systems MMC converter are used in different topologies. With all
Conventional VSI Systems are designed for a specific topologies each phase leg (so-called arm) consists of
voltage and power rating. Thus, the design of the motor several identical submodules.
generator is somehow linked to the given converter
output voltage.
4 I MMC for Hydro
These can be realized either in a full-bridge configuration Due to the high scalability of such a system higher SM
with four power semiconductors (typically insulated voltage can be achieved and thus higher output power
gate bipolar transistors or integrated gate commutated ratings without the need of parallel connected converter
thyristor) together with a DC capacitor or in a half-bridge units can be reached. Converter ratings of up to 100MVA
configuration with just two semiconductor devices per can be achieved without parallel connection.
submodule and a DC capacitor.
Upgrading an existing PHSP to VarSpeed operation
by replacing the synchronous machine (SM) and, if
necessary, the pump-turbine can improve the efficiency
of both components and increase the achievable output
Most existing PHSPs utilize fixed speed pump turbines Additionally, the selection of SM parameters (e.g., voltage
with all the known and described disadvantages (e.g., no and frequency) can be adopted to the converter resulting
power regulation in pump mode and significantly reduced in an overall optimized systems with increased efficiency.
efficiency in partial load). Selecting voltage and frequency values enables the use of
a direct AC/AC MMC topology as shown on p5. However,
Upgrading an existing fixed speed pump-turbine to
this means a major upgrade with new added components
VarSpeed eliminates these disadvantages and brings
and thus high CAPEX.
additional benefits to the power plant operator.
Synchronous machines designed for direct online operation are aligned with specific voltage levels, reducing the
demand for scalability and flexibility. This allows for a simpler converter topology to be employed when upgrading
fixed-speed pump-turbines to VarSpeed operations.
A combination of a modular multilevel converter together with a conventional VSI
can reduce the complexity of the converter system.
The shown converter topology consists of a MMC Active-Front-End (AFE) and a
5-Level Machine Converter. Due to the topology of the machine converter (MC) the
AFE can be equipped with half-bridge modules. The machine converter topology is
a so-called nested NPP topology [9].
The complexity of this converter topology is notably lower when compared to
an MMC-based design (with half-bridge and full-bridge submodules), given an
assumed grid and machine voltage of 13.8kVAC. A full MMC solution (a combination
of half- and full-bridge submodules) requires nearly 60% more semiconductor
devices than a mixed MMC/VSI solution. The machine converter can achieve
equivalent torque characteristics to other conventional VSI topologies.
As the machine side converter is a 5-Level VSI, an output filter will be needed to
achieve an output voltage with similar characteristics as the grid.
Power Conversion introduced this kind of mixed Conventional two or three level topologies require many
topology in 2021. The solution is called Hybrid MM7 IGBTs or IGCTs connected in series. Due to the nested NPP
and is available for machine voltages of 11kVAC and structure a series connection of only four IGBTs is needed
13.8kVAC. The machine converter consists of proven to achieve an output voltage of 13.8kV.
5-Level technology and is part of the MV7 product With the MMC topology acting as an active front end (AFE)
offering. the voltage of the AFE has low harmonic content and
The figure shows the machine converter of the hybrid harmonic filters are not needed.
MM7 utilizing a 5-Level nested NPP topology.
The 5-level inverter is built of two 3-level cells (IGBT
inverter 1 and 2). These inverter cells are connected via
a so-called flying capacitor.
[1] Toshiba, „Toshiba Science Museum,“ [Online]. Available:
index.htm. [accessed on March 30, 2022].
[2] International Hydro Association, „Hydropower status report,“ 2021.
[3] M. V. a. A. Nysveen, „Variable_speed operation of Hydropower Plants,“ IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, pp. 18-27, September/
October 2018.
[4] eSTORAGE, „Potential for conversion of classical PSP to variable speed units in EU15, Norway and Switzerland“ European Commission
– Directorate General for Research , 2016.
Hydropower Plants – Celebrating 40 Years of Industry-Academic Engagement, pp. 373-384, 2018.
[6] MWH Americas, Inc., „Pumped Storage and Wind Power Integration with Wind Power in the Pacific Northwest“ 2009.
[7] S. Antheaume, G. Darona, J.-B. Houdeline und Y. Labrecque, „Hydro Review,“ 17 February 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www. [Zugriff am 30 March 2022].
[8] B. Miodrag, A. Schwery und D. Dujic, „Highly Flexible Indirect Modular Multilevel Converter for High Power Pumped Hydro Storage
Plants,“ IEEE, 2020.
[9] M. Mechlinski, S. Schröder, J. Shen und R. De Doncker, „Grounding concept and common-mode filter design methodology for
transformerless MV drives,“ IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 53, NO. 6,, pp. 5393- 5404, November /
December 2017.
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