1361 6528/aa7a54
1361 6528/aa7a54
1361 6528/aa7a54
In this paper, we demonstrate a novel low temperature nanofabrication approach that enables the
formation of ultra-sharp high aspect ratio (HAR) and high density nanotip structures and their
integration onto nanoscale cantilever beams. The nanotip structure consists of a nanoscale
thermally evaporated Cr Spindt tip on top of an amorphous silicon rod. An apex radius of the tip,
as small as 2.5 nm, has been achieved, and is significantly smaller than any other Spindt tips
reported so far. 100 nm wide tips with aspect ratio of more than 50 and tip density of more than
5 × 109 tips cm–2 have been fabricated. The HAR tips have been integrated onto an array of
460 nm wide cantilever beams with high precision and yield. In comparison with other
approaches, this approach allows the integration of HAR sharp nanotips with nano-mechanical
structures in a parallel and CMOS compatible fashion for the first time to our knowledge.
Potential applications include on-chip high-speed atomic force microscopy and field emission
Keywords: nanotips, high aspect ratio tips, high density tips, spindt tips, nanocantilever
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2.2. Fabrication of HAR nanotips at 300 °C on the Si nanocantilevers as an etch stop layer
followed by spin coating of a 280 nm thick PMMA
Using the Cr Spindt tips of various size and spacing as masks,
(figure 2(b)). An array of 70 nm circular openings are defined
the a-Si film is vertically etched down in a STS RIE-ICP
on the PMMA by EBL at the tip of each nanocantilever, and
system to form self-aligned HAR structures having sharp tips
the SiO2 is reactive ion etched using the PMMA as a mask
at the top of a tall cylindrical a-Si column (figure 1(d)). The
(figure 2(c)). After the removal of the PMMA in NMP, 1 μm
etching recipe consists of 50 sccm SF6 and 100 sccm of C4F8
of PECVD amorphous Si is deposited at 300 °C on top of the
at 20 mTorr, 170 W of coil power and 100 W of platen power
thin PECVD SiO2 (figure 2(d)). Subsequently, another
at 15 °C platen temperature. In order to achieve high aniso-
280 nm thick PMMA layer is spin-coated on top of the
tropy as the aspect ratio increases, the gas flow ratio of the
amorphous Si and another array of circular openings with the
recipe is varied. The details will be discussed in section 3.2.
required tip width of 100 nm is defined on the PMMA by
EBL precisely over the PECVD SiO2 openings (figure 2(e)).
It should be noted that the second openings on the PMMA
2.3. Integration of HAR nanotips with nanocantilever
must be made wider than the first PECVD SiO2 openings in
The integration process flow is illustrated in figure 2. 12 μm order to avoid the silicon nanocantilevers from being etched
long and 460 nm wide nanocantilevers and alignment marks when defining the HAR tips subsequently. The Spindt tips are
are first patterned on PMMA that is spin-coated on a SOI then formed by thermally evaporating Cr until the opening are
wafer with a 220 nm thick active silicon layer using EBL. The completely closed and followed by Cr layer lift-off, which
active silicon layer is then reactive ion etched with the leaves the Cr Spindt tips at the position where the second
PMMA as a mask to define the silicon nanocantilevers PMMA openings are defined earlier (figure 2(f)). The
(figure 2(a)). A 100 nm thick PECVD SiO2 layer is deposited thermally evaporated Cr nanoscale Spindt tips are used as
Nanotechnology 28 (2017) 32LT01
Figure 5. Tip radii versus 280 nm thick PMMA opening diameter for
Figure 3. SEM image of an array of Cr tips on a silicon substrate various evaporation rates.
with 50 nm pitch and width.
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Figure 6. (a) Dimensions relevant to tip formation; (b) tip angle deviation versus PMMA thickness for various opening diameters; (c) tip
angle deviation versus PMMA opening diameter for various evaporation rates.
280 nm. The resulting average tip radius increased from PMMA opening diameters, thicknesses, and Cr deposition
10–15 nm for PMMA thickness of 440 nm and from 5–13 nm rates. This is expected because the initial tip angle is largely
for PMMA thickness of 280 nm. We have also observed determined by lateral sticking and diffusing probability of the
significant improvement in reproducibility and yield from evaporated Cr atoms rather than geometric factors as
thermally evaporated Cr Spindt tips. demonstrated in previously reported microscale Spindt tips
In order to have a better understanding of the tip for- [6, 7]. The measured initial tip angle for the thermally eva-
mation, various dimensions of the fabricated tips have been porated Cr Spindt tips is 68° equivalent to an aspect ratio of
measured. The measured dimensions include tip height (htm), 1.24 and close to the reported aspect ratio of 1.43 for
tip width (tw) and initial tip angle (qi ) which is the angle that microscale Cr Spindt tips [6]. The tip angle deviation, α, is
the tip forms with the substrate as shown in figure 6(a). Other calculated as the difference between initial tip angle, qi , and
dimensions are calculated from the measurements. They are effective tip angle, qt . Based on the initial tip angle and tip
the ideal tip height (hti), effective tip angle (qt ), tip angle width, the ideal tip height, hti, would be the height that have
deviation (α) and tip height deviation (htd). The effective tip been achieved by the tip if the initial tip angle (qi ) was to be
angle (qt ) is defined as an arctangent of tip height to half of tip maintained throughout the formation of the tip. It is worth
width. Measurements show that the initial tip angles (qi ) are noting that the ideal tip height, hti, is larger than the measured
similar for the all fabricated tips and independent of initial tip height, htm, indicating slower deposition rate inside the
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Figure 8. (a) SEM image of FIB milled tip cavity at 45° view; (b) AFM image of the top surface of closing aperture.
Figure 9. Tips array viewed at 45°: (a) a array of 100 nm wide Spindt tip with 100 nm pitch (b) 1 μm long 100 nm wide tips with 100 nm
pitch (c) 5 μm long 100 nm wide tips (d) 3 μm long 200 nm wide tips (e) 5 μm long 200 nm wide tips.
capability of the method in achieving aspect ratios ranging significant negative angle as evidenced from the SEM image
from 10:1 to 50:1. The key to enabling such HAR sharp tips in figure 9(d) and the recipe is found to be unsatisfactory for
is the development of RIE-ICP etching recipe with high etching depth of more than 1.5 μm.
degree of anisotropy and high selectivity between Si and Cr. The recipe is then modified so as to gradually increase
The RIE-ICP etching recipe used in this work is based on the flow rate of C4F8 from 100–130 sccm through the duration
SF6/C4F8 plasma chemistry rather than the typical Bosch of the etching. By this modification, the formation of 5 μm
process. Sidewall scalloping in the Bosch process limits its tall tips with slightly positive taper at bottom is shown in
usefulness for HAR etching in the nano-scale regime. The figure 9(e). The slight positive taper at the bottom may be
starting recipe exhibits an exceptionally high selectivity necessary to increase the mechanical stiffness of the tips.
between Si and Cr. A 10 nm Cr film is barely reduced in Based on the modified process, 5 μm tall and 100 nm wide Cr
thickness when silicon is etched deeper than 100 μm yielding tips have been fabricated yielding aspect ratio of 50 with tip
selectivity well above 1:10 000. This recipe produced vertical radius of 6 nm, as shown in figure 9(c). From the etching
structures of up to 1 μm tall as shown in figure 9(b). How- profile, it can be seen that the a-Si body is slightly wider than
ever, further increase in etching depth starts to produce the Cr tip width. This is due to polymer deposition on the tip
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4. Conclusion
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