EM - Sci - T2 - G9 - I, II PP Ans - 2018 - Removed
EM - Sci - T2 - G9 - I, II PP Ans - 2018 - Removed
EM - Sci - T2 - G9 - I, II PP Ans - 2018 - Removed
01. The group which the micro-organisms in the picture belong is,
(1) Protozoa (2) Algae
(3) Bacteria (4) Fungi
02. Followings are three statements about micro-organisms presented by a student,
A. Micro-organisms can be used in medical field usefully.
B. Microbial activities are essential for the existance of the earth.
C. The adverse effects of micro-organisms are minimum in relative to their uses.
The correct statements are,
(1) A and B (2) A and C (3) B and C (4) A , B and C
03. Most common eye defects exists in the present are,
(1) hypermetropia and myopia (2) hypermetropia and glucoma
(3) Glucoma and cataract (4) Cataract and myopia
04. The correct diagram of the vision obtained after applying the remedy for myopia is,
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
05. What is the symbol of the element calcium?
06. Chemical formula of Carbon dioxide and sodium chloride respectively are,
(1) CO2 and NaCl (2) CO and NaCl (3) CO2 and SOCl (4) CO and SOCl
09. The reason for fixing many tires for the vehicle given in the figure is,
10. The blood vessel which combines to the right ventricle is,
11. The chemical substances that regulate the growth of plants are,
12. There are three types of plant movements are given below.
13. The organism that born very first during the evolution was,
14. The diagram given below shows the way of comparing the density of three liquids by using a
hydrometer. The liquid with lowest and highest density respectively are,
(1) A and B
(2) A and C
(3) B and C
(4) C and A
15. A product of electrolysis of water gives a 'pop' sound when introducing a glowing splint to identify
it. What is this gas?
17. A method to increase the productivity in agriculture is,
(3) Use multiple crop cultivation, crop rotation, post crop technology and genetic technology.
(4) Move to use modern machines and modern cultivation technology instead of using
traditional methods.
18. Followings are some statements presented by a group of students about the green concept.
19. What is the correct statement regarding the natural eco systems?
(4) Tanks which are constructed by man are type of inland water body.
Grade 9 Second Term Test 2018 SCIENCE Part II
² Answer for the first question and four other questions.
² The first question carries 16 marks and each other questions carry 11 marks.
01. The diagram given below is to identify electrolyte and non-electrolyte liquids / solutions.
i. State the observations separately if kerosine oil and salt solution are used as electrolyte.
ii. Classify salt solution, acidulated water, kerosine oil and copper sulphate solution which
used above as electrolytes and non-electrolytes. ^02m.&
iii. What is the positive electrode from A and B? ^01m.&
iv. States two reasons for using carbon or granite rods as electrodes in A and B. ^02m.&
v. If copper is used as the solution state the observations near the A, B electrodes and in the
solution. ^03m.&
vi. State an element and a compound that can be extracted by electrolysis. ^02m.&
vii. If it is needed to coat copper around an iron nail properly,
a. State the substances that should be used as positive electrode and as negative electrode.
b. What is the electrolyte suitable for this?^01m.&
c. Is it suitable to use 1.5V cell or a 9V cell for electric supply. ^01m.&
(16 marks)
02. A The main function of the ear is receiving senses about the sound and maintain body balance.
i. What is the structure that the senses of sound transfers to the auditory nerve? ^01m.&
ii. What is the structure that contributes the body balance which doesn't participate in
hearing? ^01m.&
iii. What is the function of eustachian tube?^01m.&
iv. What is the hearing limit frequencies of human ear? ^01m.&
v. State a precaution should be taken to protect the ear? ^01m.&
B. Production of bio gas is an instance of using micro-organisms. Micro-organisms. act an
organic substratum of organic matter and aquous solutions.
i. Name an organic substance that can be used to produce bio gas in Sri Lanka. ^01m.&
ii. What is the group of micro-organism used to produce bio gas? ^01m.&
iii. What is the main gas contains in bio gas which can be used as an energy? ^01m.&
iv. State the two elements in the gas you mentioned above. ^02m.&
v. State another use of producing bio gas except providing energy. ^01m.&
(11 marks)
03. A. The diagram given below is used by a group of students to study about the human heart.
ii. Write all the blood groups with the Rhesus factor that can be received by a person with
AB blood group. ^01m.&
(11 marks)
04. A. There is a beleive of the life was established billions of years after the origin of the earth.
i. State two theories about the origin of life of the earth. ^02m.&
ii. Name two evidences to confirm that the organisms living in the present were evoluted
from initially existed organisms. ^02m.&
iii. What is the name given to the organisms which survive even today retaining their
physical properties unchanged though million years have passed? ^01m.&
B. Eco system diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity commonly can be taken under bio
i. State an importance of bio diversity for organisms. ^01m.&
ii. What are the main two ways of bio degradation? ^02m.&
iii. Classify the given interactions under biotic - biotic, biotic - abiotic, abiotic - abiotic
interactions. ^03m.&
a. Plants use solar energy for Photosynthesis.
b. Soil erosion occurs by water.
c. Animals depend on plants for food. (11 marks)
05. A The building unit of an element is atom. There are three types of sub atomic particles in an
atom. A student was constructed following statements by naming sub atomic particles as A, B
and C.
i. Identify and name the sub atomic particles given as A, B and C. ^03m.&
ii. What are the two letters needed to write the mass number out of A, B and C? ^01m.&
iii. What is the lightest sub atomic particle? ^01m.&
iv. If an atom X has 6 of each type of sub atomic particles, what is the mass number of X
atom? ^01m.&
B. Eco systems in Sri Lanka can be divided into natural eco systems and artificial eco systems.
i. What are the three types of man made eco systems? ^03m.&
ii. State an example for a tropical rain forest under natural eco systems. ^01m.&
iii. What is the natural aquatic eco system which used in generating hydro power electricity?
(11 marks)
06. A. Animals use different appendages for locomotion. Muscles and bones which are combined
with those appendages are used for movements.
i. Name the locomotive appendage of the animals given below. ^02m.&
a. Amoeba
b. Snail
c. Parrot
d. Bat
ii. The way of folding and unfolding the hand is given by the diagram below. During this
movements P and Q muscles show contractions.
State the letter of the muscle that contract during each instance given below. ^02m.&
a. Bending the hand
b. Stretching the hand
iii. Draw a labeled diagram of a setup which is made to demonstrate the contraction of
muscles during the bending and stretching the hand. ^02m.&
ii. When the mimosa leaves are touched they shrink. What is this type of movement? ^01m.&
iii. What is the name of the method of conserving animals in their natural habitats? ^01m.&
iv. State a strategy that is used to conserve plants in their natural living environments. ^01m.&
(11 marks)