M Seal Phataphat
M Seal Phataphat
M Seal Phataphat
STORAGE & SHELF LIFE: Store in a cool (< 300C) and dry place. Under such storage
conditions the shelf life of the product is minimum 12 months in sealed unopened packs.
NOTE: We recommend that before using our product in full scale production, the customer should make his own tests to
determine the suitability of the product under his operating conditions. As the circumstances under which our product is stored,
handled and used are beyond our control, we can not assume any responsibility for their misuse by the customer.
STATUS : 25/4/2005
Prepared by S.S.Mahale
Ramakrishna Mandir Road, Andheri (East)
MUMBAI - 400059
Phone: 91-22-28367085-89, 28357237