66595bos53774 Ip Mod1
66595bos53774 Ip Mod1
66595bos53774 Ip Mod1
Study Material
(Modules 1 to 2)
Module - 1
This Study Material has been prepared by the faculty of the Board of Studies. The
objective of the Study Material is to provide teaching material to the students to
enable them to obtain knowledge in the subject. In case students need any
clarification or have any suggestion for further improvement of the material
contained herein, they may write to the Director of Studies.
All care has been taken to provide interpretations and discussions in a manner
useful for the students. However, the Study Material has not been specifically
discussed by the Council of the Institute or any of its Committees and the views
expressed herein may not be taken to necessarily represent the views of the
Council or any of its Committees.
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Under the Revised Scheme of Education and Training, at the Intermediate Level,
you are expected to not only acquire professional knowledge but also the ability
to apply such knowledge in problem solving. The process of learning should also
help you inculcate the requisite professional skills, i.e., the intellectual skills and
communication skills, necessary for achieving the desired professional
Auditing is, perhaps, one of the most practical-oriented subjects in the C.A. curriculum.
This paper aims to provide knowledge of generally accepted auditing procedures and
of techniques and skills needed to apply them in audit engagements. A good
knowledge of the subject would provide a strong foundation to students while
pursuing the Chartered Accountancy course. A good understanding of the theoretical
concepts, particularly, in the context of auditing standards would make practical
training an enriching and enjoying experience. While studying this paper, students are
advised to integrate the knowledge acquired in other subjects, specifically, accounting
and corporate laws in a meaningful manner. Such learning would only help a student
to become a better professional.
The study material deals with the conceptual theoretical framework in detail.
In each chapter, the topic has been covered in a step by step approach. The text
has been explained, where appropriate, through illustrations, diagrams, tables,
flowcharts, screenshots etc. You should go through the chapter carefully ensuring
that you understand the topic and then can tackle the MCQs, Correct/Incorrect
and other question.
For understanding the coverage of the syllabus, it is important to read the study
material along with the Study Guidelines.
The entire syllabus has been divided into thirteen chapters.
Chapter-1 discusses the basics of audit such as nature, scope, objectives,
advantages, limitations etc. of audit. Also, Audit Engagement; Auditor’s
Independence; Role of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
(IAASB) & Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AASB) have been discussed.
Chapter-2 is devoted to Audit Strategy; Audit planning and Audit programme;
Chapter-3 focusses on Audit Documentation; Audit evidence; Related Party
Transactions, Written Representations, External Confirmations, Subsequent Events,
Going Concern.
Chapter-4 is devoted to Audit Risk, Identifying and Assessing the Risk of Material
Misstatement, Risk Assessment procedures; Understanding the entity and its
environment; Internal Control.
Chapter-5 discusses the Responsibility for the Prevention and Detection of Fraud;
Fraud Risk Factors; Risks of Material Misstatement Due to Fraud; Communication
of Fraud.
Chapter-6 extensively deals with the Impact of IT related Risks, Impact on Controls,
Internal Financial Controls, Audit approach, Understanding and documenting
Automated environment, data analytics for audit.
Chapter-7 discusses about Audit Sampling.
We hope that these student-friendly features in the Study Material makes your
learning process more enjoyable, enriches your knowledge and sharpens your
application skills.
Constructing an Audit
10.4 2.16
Chapter 2: Audit Programme- Topic has been
Strategy, Audit revised
Planning and Audit
Programme Fig. at page 2.17 modified 2.17
Chapter 1 : Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit
Chapter 2 : Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
Chapter 3 : Audit Documentation and Audit Evidence
Chapter 4 : Risk Assessment and Internal Control
Chapter 5 : Fraud and Responsibilities of the Auditor in this Regard
Chapter 6 : Audit in an Automated Environment
Chapter 7 : Audit Sampling
Chapter 8 : Analytical Procedures
Chapter 9 : Audit of Items of Financial Statements
Chapter 10 : The Company Audit
Chapter 11 : Audit Report
Chapter 12 : Audit of Banks
Chapter 13 : Audit of Different Types of Entities
8.1 Role of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board ....... 1.18
Summary............................................................................................................................ 1.42
7. Changes to Planning Decisions During the Course of the Audit ....................... 2.11
Summary............................................................................................................................ 3.74
2.1 Identify and Assess the Risks of Material Misstatement .......................... 4.9
Summary............................................................................................................................ 4.50
Summary............................................................................................................................ 5.27
Glossary.............................................................................................................................. 6.21
Summary............................................................................................................................ 6.25
4. Sample Design, Size and Selection of Items for testing .................................. 7.11
Summary............................................................................................................................ 7.26
Summary ..................................................................................................................8.19