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Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X


Fazal-i-Wahid1, Muhammad Raheel1, Abdul Basit2, Izhar Ullah3, Syed Tanveer Shah1,4,
Muhammad Suleman Khan1, Muhammad Talha Awan1, Syed Razaullah1, Abdullah1, Jiyun
Correspondance: Muhammad Suleman Khan
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Crop Production Sciences, The University of
Agriculture Peshawar-Pakistan
Department of Horticulture, Kyungpook National University, 41566 Daegu, South Korea
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Ondokuz Mayis University, 55139
Departement of Agriculture, Hazara University Mansehra
Abstract: Water stress is considered as one of the most important abiotic factors that adversely affect
flowers morphology and quality flower production, through altering the growth, physiology and
metabolic activities of plants. In order to overcome the adverse effect of water stress, an experiment
was designed to assess individual and combine effect of sodium polyacrylate ( SP0 (soil without
sodium polyacrylate, SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium polyacrylate), SP2 (70% soil + 30% sodium
polyacrylate) and SP3 (50% soil + 50% sodium polyacrylate)) and irrigation interval i.e. W0 (half
day), W1 (1day interval), W2 (2 days interval) and W3 (3 days interval) on growth and flowering
related attributes of petunia at Ornamental Horticulture Nursery, The University of Agriculture,
Peshawar in February 2019.The results indicated that use of (30% of sodium polyacrylate + 70% soil)
significantly reduced days to flowering and increased number of flowers and size of flower.
Moreover, highest number of leaves, number of branches, taller plant, highest value of root length
and root volume were recorded in the plants planted in soil supplemented with (10% sodium
polyacrylate + 90% soil). The irrigation interval after 3 days produced earlier flowering, increased the
number of flowers and size of flower. Similarly, numbers of leaves plant-1, number of branches
plant-1, plant height, root length, root volume were enhanced in petunia plants irrigated with 2 days
interval. The interactive effect of sodium polyacrylate also significant effect morphological and
flower related attributes of petunia. Based on the results, it was concluded that SP2 (70% soil + 30%
sodium polyacrylate) with irrigation interval of 3 days for reproductive attributes of petunia and for
vegetative growth SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium polyacrylate), with 2 days of irrigation interval is
Keywords: Abiotic stress, Sodium polyacrylate, Hydrogels, Water Holding Capacity, Percolation

environmental factor for plant growth is drought

INTRODUCTION stress (Boyer, 1982). Bedding plants are a
popular feature in the urban landscape, being
Changing climatic patterns and high demand of widely used in public parks, town centers, and
water for industrial and domestic use, there is private gardens (as planted plants but also in
pressure to minimize water application to containers and hanging baskets). In light of
ornamental plants by local authorities (Arnell, changing climatic patterns and a greater demand
1998). With increase in the population of world, for water for domestic and industrial use
the increase in efficiency of agricultural water (Arnell, 1998), there is pressure on local
use is very critical for generation in future. authorities to minimize irrigation applied to
Innovation in science and technology is very ornamental plants. As a consequence, bedding
important for planning and managing the plants are being replaced in many landscapes by
problems regarding water storage globally more xerophytic but often less colorful species,
(Howell, 2001).On the other hand abiotic stress many of which rely on foliage rather than
known to be the most important limiting flowers for their display (Franco et al.,

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Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

2006). Without a doubt, water deficit stress is conditions (Arbona et al., 2005; Bai et al.,
one of the leading limitations to photosynthesis 2010). Moreover, hydrogel accumulation
and plant primary productivity (Elshibli et al., enhanced water retention characteristics of soils
2016). For that reason, the prompt and timely and results in the interruption and arrival of
evaluation of water status in plants through the permanent percentages of wilting under severe
use of physiological plant measurement sensors evaporation (Taylor and Halfacre, 1986).
(i.e. canopy temperature/reflectance, sap flow, In ornamental crop production good watering
stem variation) has proven useful in irrigation practice is an important factor for reducing
control (Seelig et al., 2009). leaching of nutrients. (Briggs et al., 1998; Lea-
Water is an important component for plant Cox and Ross, 2001; Tyler et al., 1996).
production and growth, water is available in soil Previous studies shows that these materials are
but leach down due to percolation depends on very functional under partial water conditions
soil types. By reducing percolation of water and (Wang and Gregg, 1990). Roots have the ability
more water availability for plant roots could be to extract water from the crystal bead and chain
achieved by adding some polymers. According of hydrogels (Ingram and Yeager, 1987).
to a study, the application of polymer Hydrogels has the ability to enhance soil
(polyacrylic acid) enhances soil water stable physico-chemical properties like structural
aggregate content by 17.27% averagely, density stability, water holding capacity and soil
reduced by 11.18%, and soil water holding productivity (Hedrick and Mowry, 1952;
capacity increased by 2.8 times (Feng, 2006). In Johnson, 1984; Guilherme et al. 2015).
1970s, super absorbent polymer was used for Good irrigation management is an important
the first time commercially, later on super best management practice in ornamental crop
absorbent polymer were used in sanitary production, reducing runoff of nutrient and
napkins in 1978 by Park Davis. European used pesticide-rich water from production sites
super absorbent polymer for the first time in a (Briggs et al., 1998; Lea-Cox and Ross, 2001;
baby diaper during 1982. The expansion of this Tyler et al., 1996). Better control of irrigation
material and research greatly led to the has other benefits as well as better plant quality,
development of ultra-thin baby more compact plants (Burnett and van Iersel,
diapers. Polymers are available in the form of 2008), and reduced damage from root
crystals or tiny beads by different names i.e., pathogens (Powell and Lindquist, 1997). In
root watering crystals, super absorbent order to overcome these problems, an
polymers and drought crystals are called experimental study was planned to check the
hydrogels, they have huge capacity of retaining response of sodium polyacrylate on
water and make it available accordingly when morphological and flower related attributes of
required by plants over time (Henderson and petunia plant with the following objectives: (i)
Hensley, 1985; Ingram and Yeager, 1987; to investigate the effect of different
Wang and Boogher, 1987; Wang and Gregg, concentration of sodium polyacrylate on quality
1990). flower production of petunia under stress
Scientists revealed that the addition of polymer condition (ii) to determine the best irrigation
into soil could increase the particle’s bonding interval in term of producing quality flower
force which is easy to disperse, and produce production.
larger aggregate structure, specifically the
aggregate ratio of particles larger than 1 mm MATERIALS AND METHODS
increased rapidly (Yuan Xuefeng, 2005).
Furthermore, it also enhances the growth and Experimental site and design
rooting of plants, as a result improves their An experiment entitled “Effect of sodium
quality and yield (Al-Darby, 1996). It might polyacrylate (hydrogel) on growth and quaity
retain the organic matter in the soil and has the flower production of Petunia under water
ability to adapt rapidly to an environment stress” was conducted at Ornamental Nursery,
characterized by alternating wet and dry Department of Horticulture, The University of

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Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

Agriculture Peshawar (34°01'22.1" North and selected plants and then their average were
71°28'43.0" East) during winter 2019. Complete calculated.
Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors
having three repetition were used during Statistical Procedure
experimentation. The treatments comprised of The data taken for different variable were
sodium polyacrylate ( SP0 (soil without sodium subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of
polyacrylate, SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium Statistical software package (Statistix 8.1, Inc,
polyacrylate), SP2 (70% soil + 30% sodium Tallahassee FL, USA) suitable for Completely
polyacrylate) and SP3 (50% soil + 50% sodium Randomized Design and LSD test (P≤0.05)
polyacrylate)) and irrigation interval i.e. W0 were used for means comparision by using.
(half day), W1 (1day interval), W2 (2 days
interval) and W3 (3 days interval). Dry baby RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
diapers were dipped in container full of water
for 10 minutes to absorb water efficiently. Days to flowering
Socked hydrogel were taken from diaper and It is obvious from (Table 1) that Sodium
mixed into the soil with different polyacrylate and irrigation interval significantly
concentrations. The combination of soil was influenced days to flowering of petunia . The
Garden soil + Silt + Leaf mould at ratio 1:1:1. early flowering (11.58) was recorded in SP2
Pots were filled with mixed soil containing (70% soil + 30% sodium polyacrylate), while
hydrogel. Petunia seedlings were transferred more days (14.33) was observed in plant
from seedling pots to individual pots and each recieved 50% sodium polyacrylate + 50% soil
pot had different concentration of sodium medium. Regarding irrigation interval, petunia
polyacrylate (hydrogel) mixed with soil in plant received irrigation after 3 days interval
different ratios (Bouranis et al., 1995). produced earlier flowering (11.25), whereas
Data Collection maximum days to flowering (15.58) was
Data was collected on morphological and recorded in half day irrigation interval. (Table
flower related attributes of petunia.Number of 1). Early flower initiation in 3 days of irrigation
leaves and number of branches of each plant interval might be due to water stress which
were counted from randomly selected plants turns plant from vegetative growth to
and their average were calculated for five plants reproductive growth as result initiate early
from each replication in each treatment. The flower prodcution. Similar findings were also
height of plant was measured by measuring tape recorded by (Kiyotoshi, 2016) who reported
from soil to highest tip of the plant in that plant switch from vegetative growth to
centimeter and then means of each plant were reproductive due to stress condition.While using
calculated. Total days were counted from of more sodium polyacrylate resulted maximum
planting date to first flower, of five randomly vegetative growth due to more retention of
selected plants from each replication and their water by hydrogel.Similar results were also
average were calculated. After every 3rd day, observed by Anupama et al (2017) reported that
number of flower were counted of each 0.5% hydrogel, had fastest growth and reached
treatments, from first flowering till fading of the the transplantable stage in (18 days) as
plant and their means were interpreted. Flower compared to (control: 28 days). While at 1.0%
size data were measured with the help of ruler treatment seedling growth took 20 days, and
in centimeter from the five selected plants in treatment with 1.5% and 2.0% took 22 days in
each replication and average was calculated. In onion. The importance of water stress was also
the five randomly selected plants of each examined by Razmjoo et al. (2008), who found
treatment the root length was measured by that the number of flowers produced by
using measuring tape from the base of the root Matricaria chamomile decreased with long
to tip of the roots and means were calculated. interval irrigation. Similar effects of water
Water displacement method was used for stress on flower production have also been
calculation of root volume of randomly five observed in crops. Passioura (2006) observed

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Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

that water deficit greatly affected crop Number of branches plant-1

productivity, especially when it occurred at the Number of branches of petunia significantly
flowering stage. influenced by sodium polyacrylate, irrigation
interval and their interaction (Table 1). The
Number of leaves plant-1 highest number of branches (4.58) was recorded
The statistical analysis of data revealed that in SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium polyacrylate),
number of leaves plant-1 was significantly while lowest number of branches plant-1 (3.75)
influenced by sodium polyacrylate, irrigation was observed in SP3 (50% soil + 50% sodium
interval and their interactions (Table 1). The polyacrylate). Regarding irrigation interval,
maximum number of leaves plant-1 (42) wer plant irrigated with 2 days interval attained
recorded in plants supplied with 10% of sodium maximum number of branches plant-1 (4.83),
polyacrylate, while lowest value of number of whereas minimum number of branches (3.25)
leaves plant-1 (24) was recorded in plant were recorded in irrigation interval of half day
received 50% of sodium polyacrylate with soil (Table 1). The interaction between sodium
medium. Similarly maximum number of leaves polyacrylate and irrigation interval revealed that
(46 ) were noticed in irrigation interval of 2 maximum number of branches (5.33) was
days compared to number of leaves (29) observed in SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium
observed in half days irrigation interval, polyacrylate) and irrigated after 2 days
respectively (Table 1). The interaction between compared to SP3 (50% soil + 50% sodium
sodium polyacrylate and irrigation interval polyacrylate) and irrigated twice a day produced
revealed that maximum number of leaves (55) minimum number of branches plant-1 (2.33).
was observed in SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium (Fıgure 1). Maximum number of branches per
polyacrylate) and irrigated after 2 days interval. plant might be due to enough moisture available
While plant treated with 50% of sodium in soil for plants to uptake maximum nutrients
polyacrylate + 50% soil and irrigated twice a from soil which resulted more number of
day produced number of leaves plant-1 (19.67) branches. Similar findings were also noticed by
(Fıgure 1). Maximum number of leaves per Hossain et al. (2013), they stated that number of
plant might be due to enough moisture available branches was significantly affected by
in the soil for plants to uptake more nutrients irrigation. Mixing of 30% sodium polyacrylate
from soil which resulted more growth and thus had best results might be due to presence of
produced highest number of leaves. Similar hydrogel in sodium polyacrylate. The present
results were observed by (Manassah et study revealed that the application of hydrogel
al.,1981). Mixing of 30% sodium polyacrylate had significant impact in improving the number
in soil had best result which might be due to the of branches per plant (Trisha-Roy et al., 2019).
fact that surrounding soil around the root zone Similar studies were in line with Francesco et
of plants starts to dry up, however hydrogel al. (2015) who reported that application of
releases water and nutrients to plant roots. hydrogel and controlled water stress enhanced
These results are in accordance with the finding branching and number of leaves, many folds in
of (Khadem et al., 2010) who reported that tomato crop. Hydrogel releases water and
hydrogel polymer application to the soil nutrient to the plants when surrounding soil
enhanced the accessibility of water in the around root zone of plants starts to dry up, plant
substrate, increase the leaf chlorophyll and leaf growth is mainly a utility of fertilizer and water
water content, improving plant growth, for prolonging the survival of plants under
minimize nutrient leaching and helps to drought conditions (Huttermann et al.,1999).
improve penetration of the soil. While the
interaction of 30% sodium polyacrylate with 2 Plant height (cm)
days irrigation interval shows best results which It is obvious from Table 1 that there is highly
might be due to sufficient water availability, significant differences between the treatments
because every plant has its own requirement of and their interaction. The highest value of plant
irrigation (Anonymous, 2014). height (19.33cm) was recorded in SP1 (90% soil

http://xisdxjxsu.asia VOLUME 19 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023 01-14

Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

+ 10% sodium polyacrylate), while lowest value Number of flowers plant-1

of plant height (16.08 cm) was observed in SP3 Data presented in Table 1 indicated that sodium
(50% soil + 50% sodium polyacrylate). polyacrylate, irrigation interval and the
Regarding irrigation interval, taller plant (20.25 interaction of both significantly influenced the
cm) was observed in petunia plant irrigated with number of flowers per plant. Among the
2 days interval, whereas minimum plant height different concentration of sodium polyacrylate,
(15.08cm) was observed by half day irrigation maximum number of flowers (16) was recorded
interval (Table 1). The interaction between in using SP2 (70% soil + 30% sodium
sodium polyacrylate and irrigation interval polyacrylate) compared to SP3 (50% soil + 50%
revealed that maximum value of plant height sodium polyacrylate that produced minimum
(22.33cm) was observed in SP1 (90% soil + number of flowers plant-1 (12). Similarly in
10% sodium polyacrylate) with irrigation different irrigation intervals, highest number of
interval of 2 days as compared to plant height flowers plant-1 (17) were recorded in irrigation
(12.67cm) observed in petunia plant treated after 3 days, while minimum number of flowers
with 50% of sodium polyacrylate + 50% soil plant-1 (7) were observed in half day interval
and irrigated twice a day (Figure 1). Maximum (Table 1). The interaction between sodium
plant height might be due to more water polyacrylate and irrigation interval revealed that
availability by sodium polyacrylate which has maximum value of number of flowers plant-1
the ability to retain water as result plant turn (21.33) was observed in using 30% of sodium
into vegetative growth. Water concentration polyacrylate + 90% soil with irrigation interval
affects the plant height because more of 3 days,while minimum number of flowers
transpiration from surface area of plant lose plant-1 (7.33) treated with 50% of sodium
more water (Ray and Sinclair, 1998). Maximum polyacrylate + 50% soil and irrigated twice a
plant height were observed in 2 days irrigation day (Fıgure 2). Maximum number of flowers
interval along with the use of 10% sodium per plant might be due to required water
polyacrylate mixed in the soil due to sufficient availability to plant, while the rest of the
water availability. The hydrogel increase applications were leads to over watering and too
efficient water consumption, decreasing much water keeps the soil wet constantly which
irrigation costs and increasing irrigation leads to lack of oxygen present in the spaces
intervals, also, implement soil's water holding between the soil particles which ultimately
capacity and soil porosity, providing plants with reduced their growth, by 1 day irrigation
eventual moisture and nutrients as well as interval or irrigation twice in a day. Our results
enhancing plant viability and ventilation and are confirmed by previous studies of (Hong,
root development which provides a conducive 1970) who reported that in amaryllis the
atmosphere for better growth of plants and maximum flowers plant-1 were recorded by
finally increases crop yield. Similar findings irrigation interval of 10 days, while irrigation
were reported by Francesco et al. (2015) who interval of 5 days produced less number of
reported that cucumber cultivation in hydrogel flowers. Use of 30% sodium polyacrylate
results in higher plant (180cm and 158cm), produced maximum flowering yield might be
moreover 50% of sodium polyacrylate had more due to hydrogel. Similar studies regarding
water but the plants gained shorter height which hydrogel by (Trisha et al., 2019) reported that
might be due more moisture and nutrients hydrogel supplimented soil improved the yield
depletion, correlating with the findings of Oad grain in wheat up to 51%.
et al. (2001) who reported that plant attain less
height due to competition of moisture, space Flower Size (cm)
and nutrients. The decrease in leaf growth might The analysis of variance revealed highly
be attributed by reduction in cell elongation that significant differences among the treatments
led to the minimize cell turgidity, cell volume and their interaction (Table 1.). The highest
and eventually the cell growth. value of flower size (5.77cm) was recorded in
SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium polyacrylate) ,

http://xisdxjxsu.asia VOLUME 19 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023 01-14

Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

while lowest value of flower size (5.05 cm) was irrigation interval of 2 days compared to plant
observed in plant recieved (50% of sodium treated with 50% of sodium polyacrylate + 50%
polyacrylate+50% soil medium). Irrigation soil and irrigated twice a day attained minimum
interval after 3 days showed maximum flower root lenght (4.33cm) (Fıgure 2). The maximum
size (5.78 cm), whereas minimum flower size root length ware recorded by irrigation interval
(5.11 cm) was recorded by half day irrigation of 2 days might be due to sufficient water
interval, (Table 1). The interaction between availability to roots of the petunia plant. Similar
sodium polyacrylate and irrigation interval results were reported by Nelson (1998) who
revealed that maximum value of flower size stated that efficient irrigation management had
(6.40cm) was observed in using 30% of sodium affect not only preserve moisture, but also
polyacrylate + 70% soil with irrigation interval increase the root growth, plant growth and
of 3 days, While plant treated with 50% of affect plant quality in commercial
sodium polyacrylate + 50% soil and irrigated production.The plants that were planted in 50%
twice a day attained minimum flower size sodium polyacrylate had more water capability
(4.43cm) (Fıgure 2). Maximum flower size of but the results were minimum in the irrigation
petunia plant might be due to sufficient water interval twice a day, might be the reason of
availably to plant because plant takes nutrients excessive water. Similar studies reported that,
from soil through water and more nutrients due to excess irrigation, root growth might be
leads to increase the flower size. Similar limited or restricted by oxygen diffusion rate
findings were also recorded by Koksal (2011) while under limited irrigation, root growth and
who reported that nutrients are transported development may be less due to lack of water or
through water. While the 50% sodium high soil strength (Klepper, 1991). The
polyacrylate had more water but excessive hydrogel particles are also taken as “miniature
water leads to reduce the oxygen availability to water reservoir” in the soil and water will be
roots which directly affected the plant growth detached from these reservoirs upon the root
and flowers size. Similar findings were also mandate through osmotic pressure
reported by Anupama (2005) who reported that difference.10 Due to the respectable volume
chrysanthemum seedlings planted in soil mixed reduction of the hydrogel as water is released to
with hydrogel up to 0.5% wt/wt increased the the plant, hydrogel creates at intervals the soil,
flower size and number of flower as compared free pore volume providing further space for air
to control treatments. and water infiltration, storage and root growth
(Miliani et al., 2017).
Root Length (cm)
The analysis of data showed that root length Root Volume (ml)
was significantly influenced by sodium The analysis of data showed that root volume
polyacrylate, irrigation interval and their was significantly influenced by sodium
interactions (Table 1). Among the different polyacrylate, irrigation and interactions of both
concentrations, longer root (10.42) was (Table 1). Among the different concentrations,
observed SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium maximum root volume (1.14 ml), was observed
polyacrylate), while minimum root length in SP1 (90% soil + 10% sodium polyacrylate)
(7.17cm) was noticed in SP1 (50% soil + 50% ,while minimum root length (0.97 ml) was
sodium polyacrylate). Regarding irrigation, noticed in SP3 (50% soil + 50% sodium
maximum root length (10.25 cm) was observed polyacrylate). Regarding irrigation, maximum
by applying irrigation after 2 days, while root length (1.10 ml) was observed by applying
minimum root length (7.50 cm) was recorded irrigation after 2 days, while minimum root
by applying irrigation twice a day (Table 1). length (0.84 ml) was recorded by applying
The interaction between sodium polyacrylate irrigation twice a day (Table 1). The interaction
and irrigation interval revealed that maximum between sodium polyacrylate and irrigation
length of root (12 cm) was observed in using interval revealed that maximum root volume
10% of sodium polyacrylate + 90% soil with (1.33ml) was observed in using 10% of sodium

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Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

polyacrylate + 90% soil with irrigation interval Acknowledgment

of 2 days compared to plant treated with 50% of Over and above everything else, I offer
sodium polyacrylate + 50% soil and irrigated my humblest thanks to the Allah Almighty for
twice a day attained minimum root lenght bestowing upon me the sense of inquiry and
(0.57ml) (Fıgure 2). Maximum root volume by requisite potential for diligence for the
2 days irrigation interval might be due to proper successful accomplishment of this piece of
and required availability of water to roots of the research. My special praise to the Holy Prophet
petunia plant. Similar results were observed by Muhammad (Peace be upon him) who is forever
(Dimitrios et al., 2014) that the increase of a source of guidance for humanity as a whole.
irrigation rate had significant effect on volume
and density of the root system, while other root The author feels vastly privileged in
characteristics associated with the yield of the taking the opportunity to record the deep sense
plants. Moreover 50% of sodium polyacrylate of appreciation and indebtedness to Dr. Fazal-
had minimum value might be the reason of time i-Wahid Assistant Professor, Department of
of irrigation (Anonymous, 2014). However Horticulture, The University of Agriculture
maximum root volume might be due to Peshawar, who is the source of instigation of
excessive water, because 50% sodium this project. Her critical insight, consistent
polyacrylate had more capacity to retain more advice, constructive criticism, personal interest
water. Similar findings were also observed by and supervision engendered the vigor for
(Ghasemi and Khushkhui, 2018) reported that excellence in its pursuits, without which this
roots, shoots and flowers of chrysanthemum work would have never been materialized. I
enhanced by using hydrogel in soil under would also cordially thank Dr. Syed Tanveer
drought stress. uses of hydrogels improving Shah, Department of Horticulture, The
plant viability, seed germination, ventilation University of Agriculture Peshawar,
and root development mainly under arid Finally, I would feel incomplete without
environments, additionally, with respect to the thanking to my respected seniors, colleagues
growth of the plant, it’s been noticed that and all my family members for their sacrifices,
there’s a significant increase in the growth of understandings and being constant source of
the plants when usage of the hydrogel prayers and inspiration, which enabled me to
complete this project successfully. I can never
CONCLUSION compensate their unlimited love and kindness.
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Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

Table 1. Growth and flower production related traits of petunia as influenced by sodium
polyacrylate and irrigation intervals
Treat Days to No. of No. of Plant No. of Flower Root Root
ment flowerin leaves leaves height flowers size length volume
s g plant-1 plant-1 (cm) plant-1 (cm) (cm) (ml)
Sodium polyacrylate (%)
14.00ab 37.08b 3.92b 17.08bc 13.58bc 5.32b 9.00b 0.88b
10 13.00b 41.83a 4.58a 19.33a 15.83ab 5.74a 10.42a 1.14a
20 11.58c 41.25a 4.42a 18.50ab 16.17a 5.77a 10.08a 1.09a
30 14.33a 24.42c 3.75b 16.08c 12.67c 5.05b 7.17c 0.79b
0.84 2.82 0.43 0.89 1.70 0.20 0.81 0.06
Irrigation intervals (days)
e a 15.58ab 28.58 3.25 15.08c 11.00c 5.11c 7.50 0.84c
1 13.58b 32.75c 4.25 17.17b 14.08b 5.38 8.92b 0.95bc
2 12.50c 45.67a 4.83 20.25a 16.08b 5.61 10.25a 1.10a
3 11.25a 37.58b 4.33 18.50b 17.08 5.78a 10.00a 1.01ab
0.84 2.82 0.43 0.89 1.70 0.20 0.81 0.06
NS Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2
70 7
(A) Twice a day
(B) Twice a day
1 1
60 6 2

Number of branches plant
Number of leaves plant

50 5

40 4

30 3

20 2

10 1

0 0
0 10% 30% 50% 0 10% 30% 50%
Sodium polyacrylate (% ) Sodium polyacrylate (% )

Twice a day
20 3
Plant height (cm)



0 10% 30% 50%
Sodium polycrylate (% )

Figure 1. Growth and flower production related traits of petunia as influenced by

interaction of sodium polyacrylate and irrigation interval

http://xisdxjxsu.asia VOLUME 19 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023 01-14

Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X

25 8
Twice a day (A) Twice a day
20 2

Number of flowers plant

Flower size (cm)




0 0
0 10% 30% 50% 0 10% 30% 50%

Sodium polyacrylate (%) Sodium polyacrylate (%)

14 1,6
Twice a day
(C) (D)
Twice a day
1 1,4 1
2 2
3 3
Root lenght (cm)

Root volume (ml)




0 0,0
0 10% 30% 50% 0 10% 30% 50%
Sodium polyacrylate (%) Sodium polyacrylate (%)

Figure 2. Growth and flower production related traits of petunia as influenced by

interaction of sodium polyacrylate and irrigation interval

http://xisdxjxsu.asia VOLUME 19 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023 01-14

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