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Purpose: Environmental-friendly organic fertilizers reduce the adverse impacts of chemical fertilizers.
This study was conducted to formulate organic liquid fertilizers using selected plant materials i.e., Tithonia
diversifolia, Mikania scandens, Chromolaena odorata and Gliricidia sepium with selected organic
wastes to compare the efficacies of foliar and soil-applications over the growth of leafy vegetables;
Basella alba and Centella asiatica.
Research Method: Selected plant materials were allowed to decompose for two months and thereafter
fish waste was hydrolyzed separately with fruit wastes of Carica papaya, Ananas comosus and (1:1 w/w)
mixture of both were mixed and nutrients analyzed. Fertilizers were foliar and soil-applied separately on
C. asiatica and B. alba in RCBD in pot trials.
Findings: Fertilizer formulated with decomposed plants + fish waste hydrolyzed with C. papaya
significantly recorded the highest N (0.57%), P (0.06%) and highest growth of C. asiatica and B. alba
over both soil and foliar applications followed by the fertilizer formulated with decomposed plants + fish
waste hydrolyzed with C. papaya + A. comosus. Foliar-application of B. alba significantly showed the
highest growth than the soil-application [shoot height (36.6±3.4 cm vs 30.0±1.5 cm), number of leaves
per plant (21.7±1.4 vs 17.5±0.8) and plant fresh-weight (61.5±1.8 vs 55.6±0.9 g)] whereas, C. asiatica
indicated no significant difference considering both fertilizer application methods.
Research limitation: Pot experiments were carried out to provide uniform soil conditions for the
experiment which was the main limitation compared to field trials.
Originality/value: The formulated novel fertilizers could be utilized effectively in organic farming for
safe and healthy leafy vegetables which reduce the adverse impacts of chemical fertilizers.
Keywords: Basella alba, Centella asiatica, foliar application, leafy vegetables, liquid organic fertilizers.
The increasing demand for organic fertilizers, adoption of organic agricultural practices.
organic farming and organic foods are becoming
The basis of sustainable organic farming
more popular globally due to the foremost public
is the use of locally produced and low-cost
concern on food safety and security. Most of the
biomass resources to rebuild and maintain soil
multifaceted environmental and health issues
productivity (Jensen et al., 2006). As reported
are associated with excessive use of chemical
by many researchers, the addition of organic
fertilizers i.e., deterioration of soil, loss of soil
materials provides many beneficial effects on
fertility, loss of organic matter, increased soil
soil physical properties i.e. increasing water
acidity, reduction of biodiversity, contamination
infiltration capacity, water holding capacity,
of groundwater (Herath et al., 2014; Ranaweera
aeration, porosity and permeability, water-
et al., 2010) and health problems such as
chronic kidney disease, methemoglobinemia Department of Plant and Molecular Biology, Faculty of
Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
etc (Jayasumana, et al., 2015; Sutharsiny et al., ratna@kln.ac.lk
2014). These issues could be mitigated by the https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8566-1390
Open Access Article
stable soil aggregation and rooting depth while easily available nutrients for effective nutrient
decreasing soil crusting, bulk density, runoff uptake and plant growth. The application of
and erosion (Haynes and Naidu, 1998; Dahama, undigested solid organic fertilizers takes a longer
1997) improving the soil texture and structure time to decompose, mineralize and release
by enhancing chemical and biological properties nutrients. Hence, it was found that only 50% of
in a sustainable way (Smith, 1999; De costa N, P and K mineralized were within the three
and Sangakkara, 2006). Organic fertilizers are months of the crop life cycle (Fahruuozi et al.,
derived from plant-based raw materials i.e., crop 2016; Foth and Ellis, 1997) or mostly less than
residues, green manures, wood ash, fruit waste, 10% of the initial N in composts mineralized
domestic waste, woodland litter, seagrass, etc. within 4-6 months (Hartz et al., 2000). Timing
and/ or animal-based materials such as livestock to release nutrients to the soil depends on the
manure, bird dropping, fish waste and bone C/N ratio of the organic materials, moisture
meals, etc. (Burnett et al., 2016; Wakui, 2009). content, diversity and density of soil macro and
Fast-growing nutrient-rich plants i.e., Tithonia microorganisms. Therefore, many studies were
diversifolia, Mikania scandens, Chromolaena conducted and recommended on the use of
odorata etc. that are available in the vicinity organic fertilizers as digested liquid forms i.e.,
of agricultural fields also show great potential compost extracts, aerated compost teas, herbal
in the preparation of organic fertilizers due to extracts, vermicompost extracts, food stillages
their high nutrient contents (Ranasinghe et al., which are applied on to foliage or into the soil
2019a; Suthar and Singh, 2008). In addition to or both (Canfora et al., 2015, Kim et al., 2015;
their nutrient values, T. diversifolia, C. odorata, Jayasundara et al., 2016).
Lantana camara and Croton aromaticus plant
extracts possess antibacterial, fungicidal, Moreover, agricultural production is highly
nematocidal and insecticidal effects against vast affected by climate and weather changes
crop-damaging pests and diseases (Odeyemi et i.e., climate extremes and constraints due to
al., 2014; Ngatimin et al., 2014; Ahamad et al., unpredicted rains and other natural perils which
2010; Malahlela et al., 2019; Kuri et al., 2011; will remarkably reduce agricultural production
Dilhani et al., 2016). Hence, they also provide (Pradhan et al., 2015). This has led the
additional values as an eco-friendly botanical government to increase the focus of the public
alternative to synthetic agrochemicals. in maintaining their home gardens, which are
under the control against natural disasters as
Soil application of organic fertilizers as classic well as undue effects of chemical fertilizers.
solid compost, fresh or digested organic Hence, there will be a higher possibility for
materials (Carrera et al., 2007) are the most most people to start their cultivations in their
common method of supplying essential home gardens. Especially during the COVID-19
nutrients to plants that are facilitating the incidence in 2020, most Sri Lankans tried to
absorption of applied nutrients by the roots. cultivate their home gardens. Furthermore, the
Moreover, the plant can absorb nutrients prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the
via plant foliage comprising leaves, stems, major parts of the country discourage farmers
inflorescences, and fruits (Pandey et al., 2013). to use synthetic agrochemicals in agriculture
Foliar application of fertilizers is practiced (Weeraratna, 2013). As a remedial measure to the
since 1844 to overcome the chlorosis by foliar above problems, home gardens or commercial
spraying of iron (Oosterhuis, 2009) and this agriculture needs to introduce cost-effective and
technique is practiced for the productive and environmentally friendly fertilizers. Currently,
sustainable management of crops (Fernandez the Sri Lankan government has launched a
and Brown, 2013). Liquid compost tea derived national programme named “One million
from aqueous extraction of solid compost in of prosperous home gardens” (Saubhagya
aerated or anaerobic conditions is also used for gewathu dasalakshayak) in April 2020 during
the foliar applications (Zaccardelli et al., 2018, the global COVID-19 virus pandemic condition
Netpai 2012). These liquid organic fertilizers to strengthen and popularize the home-
are more homogeneous and provide soluble and gardening concept which aimed to stabilize
the country’s economy being self-sufficient in MATERIALS AND METHODS
essential food i.e., vegetables, leafy vegetables,
fruits, and cereals. Growing leafy vegetables in Formulation of organic liquid fertilizers
home gardens are comparatively easy and much Eight kilograms of fresh plant leaves and tender
popular as they grow faster within a shorter shoots of the common plant species i.e., Tithonia
period. The interest in cultivation and the diversifolia, Mikania scandens, Chromolaena
consumption of leafy vegetables i.e., Centella odorata and Gliricidia sepium (1:1:1:1 w/w)
asiatica, Alternanthera sessilis, Basella alba, were collected from non-cultivated areas away
Amaranthus viridis, Trianthema portulacastrum from the roadsides in Gampaha district, Sri
etc. are also high among Sri Lankans due to the Lanka. Those were rinsed with distilled water
presence of high nutrients i.e., calcium, iron, twice to remove any contaminants or dust
phosphorus and micro-nutrients, fibers, vitamin particles present on plant materials and cut into
A, C and K, carotenoids, folate and a wide small pieces and mixed with 200 g of topsoil
range of antioxidants and flavonoids (Kananke evenly with 5 L of distilled water in plastic
et al., 2014; Nadeeshani., 2018). Moreover, the containers that were covered with double
use of organic methods in agriculture is of great layered 2 mm nylon mesh. The mixtures were
significance in producing healthy, nutrient-rich, decomposed for eight weeks.
and safe foods (Mie et al., 2017).
The procedure developed by Ranasinghe et al.
Among different organic materials, the weeds (2019) b was used to hydrolyze the fish waste
i.e., M. scandens (N 3.44%, P 0.35%, and K samples. Accordingly, 400 g of fish waste
3.30%), T. diversifolia (N 3.39%, P 0.37%, and samples were digested separately using three
K 2.53%) and C. odorata (N 2.94%, P 0.28%, different combinations of proteases i.e., crude
and K 1.62%) possessed higher macronutrients bromelain extracted from A. comosus (fruit
(Ranasinghe et al., 2019 b). Fish waste is peels + crown); crude papain extracted from
another potential organic waste to enhance C. papaya (ripe fruits peels + leaves) and the
the nitrogen content as the growth of leafy mixture of both enzymes (1:1w/w) for 48 hrs.
vegetables preferentially required a higher Crude proteases were prepared by extracting
nitrogen content for their vegetative growth 1:1:5 w/w/v of each plant component in distilled
(Shormin and Kibria, 2018). water. Thereafter, digested fish waste samples
Moreover, studies on the comparison of were mixed separately with the decomposed
efficacies of both foliar and soil applications of plant materials and allowed to decompose
the same liquid fertilizers are scarce. Hence, the further two weeks with regular aeration. Those
aims of the present study were: 1) to formulate three combinations of liquid extracts were
organic liquid fertilizers from easily available enriched by adding aqueous extracts of fresh
organic waste materials and 2) to compare leaves of Croton aromaticus and Lantana
the efficacies of both foliar and soil-applied camara of 500 g of each (1:1 w/v) that soaked
liquid organic fertilizers over the growth of for 72 hrs in distilled water and 50 g of coconut
two leafy vegetables Basella alba and Centella husk ash separately to formulate three different
asiatica. The findings of this study would combinations of liquid fertilizers as shown in
allow identifying the agronomically efficient the below (Table 01). Three replicates were
and environmentally friendly liquid organic conducted for each fertilizer combination and
fertilizers formulated with widely available finally, those were filtered through a 2 mm
weeds and other potential organic wastes. plastic sieve and a muslin cloth to remove the
undigested plant debris.
Table 01: The composition of the formulated liquid fertilizers
Fertilizer Common components for all fertilizer Specific components for each
combinations fertilizer
FT1 Decomposed plant materials Powdered fish waste (0.4 kg)
T. diversifolia (2 kg) hydrolyzed with aqueous extract of
M. scandens (2 kg) C. papaya (ripe peel + leaves)
C. odorata (2 kg)
FT2 G. sepium (2 kg) Powdered fish waste (0.4 kg)
hydrolyzed with aqueous extract of
Topsoil (0.2 kg)
A. comosus (ripe peel + crown)
Distilled water (5 L)
FT3 Powdered fish waste (0.4 kg)
Aqueous extracts of fresh leaves of hydrolyzed with (1:1 aqueous
Croton aromaticus and Lantana camara extract of A. comosus + C. papaya)
(0.5 kg of each)
Coconut husk ash (0.05 kg)
Nutrient analysis of liquid fertilizers plantlet of the same size was transplanted
separately in plastic pots filled with sieved
All fertilizer formulations were subjected to the garden soil. Similarly, individual healthy C.
following nutrient analysis. The total nitrogen asiatica plantlets of the same maturity were
content was determined following the Kjeldahl collected from the Botanical Garden of the
method (Motsara and Roy, 2008). Phosphorus University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka and a single
content was determined following the Vando- plantlet was planted separately in plastic
molybdate method, and the contents of potassium, pots. Both B. alba and C. asiatica plants
calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, and were kept for a week to acclimatize before
copper were determined using atomic absorption the commencement of fertilizer treatments.
spectrophotometry (Varian Spectra A-110) For each treatment, six replicates with
following a tri acid digestion using a mixture single plantlets were used and arranged in a
of HNO3, H2SO4 and HClO4 acids in 9:4:1 ratio completely randomized block design. Five
(Motsara and Roy, 2008). The presence of milliliters of 1:5 diluted fertilizers of FT1,
Escherichia coli was determined growing on FT2 and FT3 were foliar sprayed twice a week
Eosin Methylene Blue agar (EMB) medium. As for three months on both leafy vegetables.
the control, the pure culture of E. coli was grown In all foliar applications, liquid fertilizers
separately on EMB. were sprayed carefully on the surfaces of
plant leaves and stem parts. Moreover, the
Determination of the effectiveness of the liquid topsoil layers of the pots were covered with a
fertilizers on the growth performances of the circular-shaped transparent plastic sheet that
selected leafy vegetables by foliar application matched with the diameter of the pot to avoid
any spillages to the soil in the pot. Distilled
The formulated liquid fertilizers were applied on water was used as the negative control and
leafy vegetables, i.e., Basella alba (variety: Green the selected commercially available seaweed
spinach) and Centella asiatica (variety: Paduru liquid fertilizer (M) was used as the positive
Gotukola) on pot trials in Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (6° 95' control. The growth parameters measured in
59.16'' N, 79° 94' 43.11'' E) during February 2018 this study were the shoot height, number of
to Aug 2018 to evaluate their growth performances. leaves, leaf area, plant fresh and dry weights
Seeds of B. alba obtained from the Department of of whole plants at the end of three months.
Agriculture, Sri Lanka were allowed to germinate
for two weeks in a nursery and a healthy single
Determination of the effectiveness of the liquid the statistical analyses were performed using
fertilizers on the growth performances of the the IBM SPSS software package (SPSS version
selected leafy vegetables by soil application 20 for Windows).
(FT1: decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from C. papaya;
FT2: decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from A. comosus and
FT3: decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from C. papaya and A.
comosus; C: negative control and M: positive control).
Means sharing a common letter(s) in each treatment at a given time are not significantly different by
Tukey’s multiple comparison test (p<0.05). Each data point represents the mean of three replicates
± standard deviation.
As shown in Figure 02, the highest Cu content favorable microbes to accelerate the degradation
was recorded in FT1 and FT3 fertilizers (0.9±0 of organic materials throughout the preparation
and 0.8±0 mg L-1) whereas the positive control of liquid organic fertilizers.
(M) possessed the minimum (0.33±0.05 mg L-1).
There were no significant differences between Microbial parameters in formulated liquid
Mn contents. However, significant higher Fe organic fertilizers
content was recorded in FT3 fertilizer followed
by FT1 (53.1±0.9 and 48.5±0.0 mg L-1). All the formulated liquid organic fertilizers were
Significantly, higher Zn content was recorded free from E. coli. The isolated pure culture of E.
in FT3 and FT1 (15.5±0 and 13.4±0.2 mg L-1 coli that grew on EMB as the control produces
respectively) whereas the lowest was recorded small colonies with a metallic sheen.
for the FT2 fertilizer (1.8±0.1 and 3.3±0.7 mg
L-1). Effect of the formulated organic liquid
fertilizers on the growth of selected leafy
Protein-rich fish wastes were enzymatically vegetables
hydrolyzed using plant-based crude proteases Effect of foliar and soil applications of organic
of papain and bromelain extracted from the liquid fertilizers on the growth of Basella alba
fruit wastes of C. papaya and A. comosus
respectively to increase the available nitrogen Fertilizing methods and the different fertilizers
to the plants (Wisuthiphaet and Kongruang, significantly affect the shoot height, the number
2015; Gioseffi et al., 2012). Similarly, amino of leaves, leaf area and plant fresh weight
acid liquid fertilizer formulated from the acid of B. alba. Moreover, there were significant
hydrolysis of pig hairs recorded high total amino interactions between the fertilizing methods x
acid and nitrogen contents (Wang et al., 2019). fertilizers on shoot height, number of leaves,
Coconut husk ash was incorporated as the main plant fresh and dry weights of B. alba (Table
potassium source (K 9.28%) and topsoil with 02).
decaying litter was used as an inoculant of the
(FT1: decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from C. papaya; FT2:
decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from A. comosus and FT3:
decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from C. papaya and A. comosus;
C: negative control and M: positive control).
Means sharing a common letter(s) in each treatment at a given time are not significantly different by
Tukey’s multiple comparison test (p<0.05). Each data point represents the mean of three replicates
± standard deviation.
Table 02: Growth parameters of B. alba over foliar and soil applications of different
organic liquid fertilizers
Means having a p-value greater than 0.05 (p>0.05) is not significantly different by Turkeys multiple comparison test.
As shown in Figure 03a the foliar application controls. This could be due to the higher
of organic liquid fertilizers during the twelve nitrogen content in the formulated fertilizers as
weeks, the highest average shoot heights of B. it enhances the photosynthesis rate by increasing
alba were obtained for FT1 fertilizer followed the chlorophyll content and accumulation of
by FT3 and positive control (M) (36.6±3.4, carbohydrates in leaves increasing the plant
29.4±2.4 and 27.7±0.9 cm respectively) whereas weights (Shormin and Kibria, 2018). Moreover,
the lowest was recorded for the negative control this result is agreed with Khan et al. (2014)
(C) (21.7±1.8 cm). Similarly, the highest number who reported that foliar sprayed vermiwash has
of leaves per plant of B. alba resulted in the FT1 improved Capsicum assamicum plant growth
fertilizer (21.7±1.4) followed by FT3 (20.0±1.3) and nutrient uptake under pot trials. Purwanto
whereas the negative control (C) possessed the et al. (2017) also reported that foliar application
minimum (11.0±1.3) (Figure 03-b). However, of liquid organic fertilizers on coconut plants
there was no significant difference in the leaf increased the chlorophyll contents of leaves
area of B. alba plants treated with FT1, FT3 and and neera production by enhancing its volume
positive control (M) (71.7±1.2, 71.1±1.6 and and sugar contents. Moreover, they stated that
68.6±2.1 cm2 respectively) (Figure 03-c). The foliar application facilitates effective nutrient
highest plant fresh and dry weights (61.5±1.8 absorption avoiding microbial transformation or
and 5.81±0.6 g respectively) were observed for nutrient leaching compared to soil application.
the FT1 and the lowest was recorded for the
control (41.7±1.0 and 3.8±0.1 g respectively) Considering the soil application of liquid
(Figure 03- d and e). In accordance with these fertilizers, the highest average shoot height
results, Shormin and Kibria (2018) also reported was recorded for the FT1 fertilizer followed
that higher nitrogen supply through fertilizers by FT2 fertilizer (30.0±1.6 and 28.0±1.6 cm
significantly enhances the plant height, the respectively) however, the negative control (C)
number of leaves per plant, fresh and dry showed the lowest (20.5±0.8 cm) (Figure 03-a).
weights of plants of B. alba. Furthermore, they The higher number of leaves per plant of B. alba
stated that the application of nitrogen is highly was obtained for soil applied FT1, FT3, FT2
essential in the growth of leafy vegetables as it and positive control (M) (17.5±0.8, 16.7±1.0,
involves increased cell division and enlargement 15.8±0.8 and 16.8±0.8 respectively) showing
resulted in higher number of leaves. Moreover, no significant differences within the formulated
all the plants treated with foliar-applied fertilizers and the positive control (M). The
formulated fertilizers showed a comparatively negative control possessed the significantly
higher greenish appearance compared to lowest number of leaves (10.2±1.5) of B. alba
(Figure 03-b). Considering the leaf area, soil- amount of nitrogen and other major nutrients.
applied FT3 fertilizer significantly resulted Foliar-applied amino acid liquid fertilizer
in the highest (68.8±0.8 cm2) followed by formulated from the acid hydrolysis of pig hairs
FT1and the positive control (67.7±2.3 and also revealed significantly higher cowpea yields
65.9±1.2 cm2) whereas the negative control compared to the chemical fertilizer due to the
possessed the lowest (50.1±2.1 cm2) (Figure presence of degraded proteins in available
03-c). Significantly, the higher plant fresh form (Wang et al., 2019). Soil application of
weight was recorded for the FT1, FT3 and inorganic nitrogen fertilizers also enhanced the
the positive control (55.6±0.9, 54.7±1.6 plant fresh and dry weights due to the increase
and 51.4±2.6 g respectively) showing no of photosynthesis process and accumulation of
significant differences among them whereas high carbohydrate contests in leaves (Shromin
the negative control recorded the lowest and Kibria, 2018). Moreover, Michael et al.
(42.0±1.1 g). Similarly, the highest plant (2010) also revealed that soil application of
dry weight also resulted in soil-applied FT1 nitrogen-rich poultry manure increased the
fertilizer (5.1±0.2 g) followed by FT3 and the number of leaves and accelerated the growth of
standard (4.9±0.2 and 4.7±0.2 g respectively) leaves in leafy vegetables i.e., lettuce.
while the lowest was recorded in the control
(3.9±0.2 g) (Figure 03-d and e). Effect of foliar and soil applications of organic
liquid fertilizers on the growth of Centella
Fertilizer that contained decomposed plant asiatica in a pot experiment
materials + fish waste hydrolyzed using the
papain enzymes from C. papaya fruit waste As shown in Figure 04-a, the foliar application
(FT1) recorded the highest plant growth of C. asiatica, recorded significantly, the highest
performances of B. alba with respect to both average number of leaves for FT1 fertilizer
fertilizing methods as it contained the highest (15.5±0.5) whereas the lowest was recorded for
Figure 03: Effect of the enriched fertilizer treatments on growth performances (a) shoot
height, (b) number of leaves per plant, (c) leaf area, (d) plant fresh weight
and (e) plant dry weight of B. alba over foliar spray and soil application.
Each data point represents the mean of six replicates ± standard deviation. Means sharing a common
letter (s) in each column of a separate treatment are not significantly different p< 0.05 by Tukey’s multiple
comparison test.
the negative control (9.0±0.9). Similarly and number of leaves per plant of C. asiatica
significantly, the highest leaf area of C. asiatica resulted in FT1 fertilizer (14.4±0.6) followed
resulted in FT1 fertilizer and the positive control by FT3 and the positive control (14.0±0.6 and
(18.4±0.4 and 18.3±0.7 cm2 respectively) 13.7±1.4 respectively) whereas the negative
showing no significant differences (p>0.05), control recorded the lowest (9±1.3) (Figure
whereas the negative control recorded the 04-a). However, there were no significant
lowest (14.3±0.6 cm2) (Figure 04-b). Moreover differences among the soil-applied FT1, FT3
and significantly, the highest plant fresh and fertilizers and the positive control which
dry weights also recorded for the FT1 fertilizer showed the leaf areas ranging from 17.4±0.4
(22.7±1.0 g and 4.7±0.3 g respectively) whereas - 16.7±0.6 cm2. Significantly, the highest
the control possessed the least (16.1±0.6 g and plant fresh and dry weights were recorded
3.4±0.3 g respectively) (Figure 04-c and d). for the FT1 fertilizer (23.4±0.9 and 4.3±0.1
As evident from Jayasundara et al. (2016), g) followed by the positive control and FT3
foliar-applied liquid fertilizers formulated with fertilizers (Figure 04-c and d).
G. sepium and poultry manure significantly
recorded the highest number of branches, plant Moreover, the number of leaves, whole plant
length, leaf area and plant fresh weight of leafy fresh and dry weights of C. asiatica plants
vegetable Alternanthera sessilis. Similarly, showed a significant effect on different
Khalil et al. (2005) stated that high nitrogen fertilizers and their fertilizing method (Table
contents improve vegetative growth. 03). There were no significant interactions
between the fertilizing methods and fertilizers
Among the soil-applied fertilizers, the highest on C. asiatica except for the leaf area.
Figure 04: Effect of the enriched fertilizers on growth performances (a) number of
leaves per plant, (b) leaf area, (c) plant fresh weight and (d) plant dry weight
of C. asiatica over foliar spray and soil application.
Each data point represents the mean of six replicates ± standard deviation. Means sharing a common
letter (s) in each column of a separate treatment are not significantly different p< 0.05 by Tukey’s multiple
comparison test.
The research findings were similar to what was sprayed with nitrogen followed by soil-applied
reported by Fahrurrozi et al. (2019) where both and soil + foliar-applied nitrogen.
soil and foliar applications of Tithonia-enriched
liquid fertilizer were similarly effective for the However, locally produced effective organic
growth of sweet corn. Moreover, they stated fertilizers are still not prevailing widely at a
that the leaf area also plays a vital role in the commercial scale in the market due to poor
effectiveness of foliar application as narrow- understanding in the society and no proper
leaf structures resulted in lower effectivity published information on the same subject.
than the broader leaves. In this study also, C. This research has successfully shown effective
asiatica that had a comparatively lower leaf area liquid organic fertilizers that can be easily
resulted in no significant differences of both produced even by home gardeners without
soil and foliar applications whereas B. alba that much of the scientific knowledge for the
had a comparatively higher leaf area recorded maintenance of their leafy vegetables and other
a significant effect. Similarly, Hamayun et al. crops to strengthen the family economy, food
(2011) also resulted in a marginally higher safety and health.
mean number of lentil seeds per pod in foliar
Table 03: Growth parameters of C. asiatica over foliar and soil applications of different
organic liquid fertilizers
Means having a p-value greater than 0.05 (p>0.05) is not significantly different by Turkeys multiple comparison test.
Each data point represents the mean of six replicates ± standard deviation. Means sharing the same letter in each
row are not significantly different at p<0.05 by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (FT1: decomposed plant materials
+ fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from C. papaya; FT2: decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed
with proteases from A. comosus and FT3: decomposed plant materials + fish waste hydrolyzed with proteases from C.
papaya and A. comosus; C: negative control and M: positive control).
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