Ec & Eim CH-1 PT-2
Ec & Eim CH-1 PT-2
Ec & Eim CH-1 PT-2
Lecture Outline
1. International Business
2. Factors Contributing to Rapid Growth of
International Business
Chapter-1 3. Globalization
Course Introduction, Part-2 4. The positive effects of globalization
Course Title: Electronic Commerce and Export-Import 5. The negative effects of globalization
Management in RMG
6. Why Companies Engage in International
Course Instructor : Business?
S.M. Akterujjaman
Associate Professor
Dept. of Business Administration, BUFT
7. Modes of Operation in International
Business. 2
1-9 1-10
Expanded Cross-National
Changing Political Situations
• Governments have increasingly entered into cross-
• The transformation of the political and national treaties and agreements in order to gain
economic policies of the former Soviet Union reciprocal advantages for their own firms, to attack
and the People’s Republic of China has led problems jointly that one country cannot solve
to vast increases in trade between those alone, and to deal with areas of concern that lie
countries and the rest of the world. In outside the territory of all countries. Often, such
addition, the improvements in national cooperation occurs within the framework of
infrastructure and the provision of trade- international organizations such as the United
related services by governments the world Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the
over have further led to substantial increases World Trade Organization, and the International
in foreign trade and investment levels. Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World
1-11 Bank). 1-12
1-13 1-14
Globalization has expanded the resources,
products, services and markets available to people.
The broadening set of interdependent relationships Globalization is the ongoing process
among people from different parts of a world that that deepens and broadens the
happens to be divided into nations. It is the process relationships and interdependence
of growing interdependence among countries. among countries. International
People get more variety, better quality or lower Business is a mechanism to bring
prices because of globalization. However, these about globalization.
connections between supplies and markets would
not happen without international business.
1-15 1-16
6. Economic Growth
• Clearly, economic growth can result in both
positive and negative consequences, including • 7. Off-shoring: The transferring of
damage to society and the environment. While production abroad – is controversial in
globalization can, in fact, support the terms of who benefits when costs are
sustenance of natural resources and the reduced and whether the process
maintenance of an environmentally sound exchanges good jobs for bad ones.
planet, unless the positive consequences of
globalization keep pace with the negative costs
of economic growth, the sustainability of
economic improvement on a worldwide basis
will, at best, be problematic. 1-31 1-32
• Foreign investment consists of the ownership of
foreign property for the purpose of realizing a
financial gain via profits, growth, dividends, and/or • Portfolio Investment: Portfolio
interest. investment is a no controlling interest in a
• Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when an venture made in the form of either debt or
investor gains a controlling interest in a foreign equity. Often, firms use portfolio
operation. Sole ownership represents 100% investment as part of their short-term
ownership of an operation; however, effective financial strategy.
control can be realized with just a minority stake if
the remaining ownership is widely dispersed. A
joint venture represents a direct investment in
which two or more parties share ownership. 1-39 1-40