S1 Fluid-Mechanics pp.421-423
S1 Fluid-Mechanics pp.421-423
S1 Fluid-Mechanics pp.421-423
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Howard H. Hu
• To introduce the techniques for computational • To specify finite-difference and finite-element
solutions of the fluid dynamic equations of equations for incompressible viscous flow
motion • To illustrate use of these equations via
• To describe the finite-difference and example calculations
finite-element formulations
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a science that, with the help of digital computers,
produces quantitative predictions of fluid-flow phenomena based on the conservation laws
(conservation of mass, momentum, and energy) governing fluid motion. These predictions
Fluid Mechanics, Fifth Edition DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-382100-3.10010-1 421 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
normally occur under those conditions defined in terms of flow geometry, the physical prop-
erties of a fluid, and the boundary and initial conditions of a flow field. Such predictions
generally concern sets of values of the flow variables, for example, velocity, pressure, or
temperature at selected locations in the domain and for selected times. The predictions
may also involve evaluations of overall flow behavior, such as the flow rate or the hydrody-
namic force acting on an object in the flow.
During the past several decades different types of numerical methods have been devel-
oped to simulate fluid flows involving a wide range of applications. These methods include
finite-difference, finite-element, finite-volume, and spectral methods. Some of them are dis-
cussed in this chapter.
As time has passed, CFD has increased in importance and in accuracy; however, its predic-
tions are never completely exact. Because many potential sources of error may be involved,
one has to be very careful when interpreting the results produced by CFD techniques. The
most common sources of error are:
• Discretization error. This error is intrinsic to all numerical methods, and is incurred
whenever a continuous system is approximated by a discrete one. For example, a finite
number of locations in space (grid points) or instants of time may be used to resolve
the flow field. Different numerical schemes may have different orders of magnitude of
the discretization error. Even with the same method, the discretization error will be
different depending upon the distribution of grid points used in a simulation. In most
applications, one needs to properly select a numerical method and choose a grid to control
discretization error.
• Input data error. This error arises from the fact that both the flow geometry and fluid
properties may be known to only a certain level of precision, or possibly in only an
approximate way.
• Initial and boundary condition error. It is common that the initial and boundary conditions of
a flow field may represent the real situation with imperfect precision. For example, flow
information is needed at locations where fluid enters and leaves the computational
domain. Here, flow properties may not be known exactly and are thus approximated to
complete a numerical calculation.
• Modeling error. More complicated flows may involve physical phenomena that are
not perfectly described by current scientific theories. Models used to solve these
problems certainly contain errors, for example, turbulence modeling, atmospheric
modeling, polymeric-fluid constitutive modeling, multiphase flow modeling, and
so on.
As a research and design tool, CFD normally complements experimental and theoretical
fluid dynamics. However, CFD has a number of distinct advantages:
Approximation to Derivatives
Consider the one-dimensional transport equation,
vT vT v2 T
þu ¼ D 2 for 0 x L: (10.1)
vt vx vx
This is the classic convection-diffusion problem for the scalar T(x, t), where u is a convective
velocity and D is a diffusion coefficient. For simplicity, assume that u and D are constants.
This equation is written in dimensional form. The boundary conditions for this problem are
T ð0, tÞ ¼ g and ðL, tÞ ¼ q, (10.2)
where g and q are two constants. The initial condition is