Flow Analysis and Optimization of Supers
Flow Analysis and Optimization of Supers
Flow Analysis and Optimization of Supers
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 11, Issue 6 Ver. IV (Nov- Dec. 2014), PP 01-10
Abstract: CFD is a branch of Fluid Mechanics which rely on numerical methods and algorithms to solve and
analyze problem that involves fluid flow. CFD analysis has been conducted to analyze flow pattern of
supersonic rocket nozzle at various degree of divergent angle by using two dimensional axis-symmetric model,
which solves governing equation by a control volume method. Variation in parameters like velocity, static
pressure, turbulence intensity and temperature are being analyzed. Objective of this research is to is to
investigate best suited divergent angle. The phenomena of oblique shock is visualized and it was found that at 15
degree of divergent angle it is completely eliminated from nozzle. Also intensity of velocity is found to have an
increasing trend with increment in divergent angle thereby obtaining an optimum divergent angle which would
eliminates instabilities due to shock and satisfy the thrust requirement from the nozzle.
Keywords: shockwave; divergent angle; CFD analysis.
I. Introduction
Nozzle is used to convert the chemical-thermal energy generated in the combustion chamber into
kinetic energy. The nozzle converts the low velocity, high pressure, high temperature gas in the combustion
chamber into high velocity gas of lower pressure and temperature. Swedish engineer of French descent who, in
trying to develop a more efficient steam engine, designed a turbine that was turned by jets of steam. The critical
component – the one in which heat energy of the hot high-pressure steam from the boiler was converted into
kinetic energy – was the nozzle from which the jet blew onto the wheel. De Laval found that the most efficient
conversion occurred when the nozzle first narrowed, increasing the speed of the jet to the speed of sound, and
then expanded again. Above the speed of sound (but not below it) this expansion caused a further increase in the
speed of the jet and led to a very efficient conversion of heat energy to motion. The theory of air resistance was
first proposed by Sir Isaac Newton in 1726. According to him, an aerodynamic force depends on the density and
velocity of the fluid, and the shape and the size of the displacing object. Newton‟s theory was soon followed by
other theoretical solution of fluid motion problems. All these were restricted to flow under idealized conditions,
i.e. air was assumed to posses constant density and to move in response to pressure and inertia. Nowadays steam
turbines are the preferred power source of electric power stations and large ships, although they usually have a
different design-to make best use of the fast steam jet, de Laval‟s turbine had to run at an impractically high
speed. But for rockets the de Laval nozzle was just what was needed.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an engineering tool that assists experimentation. Its scope is
not limited to fluid dynamics; CFD could be applied to any process which involves transport phenomena with it.
To solve an engineering problem we can make use of various methods like the analytical method, experimental
methods using prototypes. The analytical method is very complicated and difficult. The experimental methods
are very costly. If any errors in the design were detected during the prototype testing, another prototype is to be
made clarifying all the errors and again tested. This is a time-consuming as well as a cost-consuming process.
The introduction of Computational Fluid Dynamics has overcome this difficulty as well as revolutionised the
field of engineering. In CFD a problem is simulated in software and the transport equations associated with the
problem is mathematically solved with computer assistance. Thus we would be able to predict the results of a
problem before experimentation. The current work aims at determining an optimum divergent angle for the
nozzle which would give the maximum outlet velocity and meet the thrust requirements. Flow instabilities
might be created inside the nozzle due to the formation if shocks which reduce the exit mach number as well as
thrust of the engine. This could be eliminated by varying the divergent angle. Here analysis has been conducted
on nozzles with divergent angles 5°, 10°, 15° . Experimentation using the prototypes of each divergent angle is a
costly as well as a time consuming process. CFD proves to be an efficient tool to overcome these limitations.
Here in this work the trend of various flow parameters are also analysed.
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Meshing Pattern
Mesh generation also called as a „grid generation‟ is an important part of CFD. Meshing for CFD, is
pivotal in achieving realistic renderings and physical simulations. Realistic rendering and high precision
simulations depend on the quality of meshing for CFD.
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II. Conclusion
Influence of variation in divergent angle on different flow property is shown in below two tables.
Properties at throat section
No Divergent Velocity Static Turbulent Static
. angle magnitude pressure intensity Temp.
(degrees) (m/s) (Pascal) (%) (K)
1 5 1.35e+03 5.88e+06 2.24e+01 3.32e+03
2 10 2.5e+03 5.62e+06 2.30e+01 3.25e+03
3 15 3.61+01 5.40e+06 2.40e+01 3.02e+03
Table 1: values at throat section Properties at exit section
No. Divergent Velocity Static Turbulent Static
angle magnitude pressure intensity Temp. (K)
(degrees) (m/s) (Pascal) (%)
1 5 1.592e+03 1.36e+05 1.56e+01 2.18e+03
2 10 3.06e+03 1.20e+05 2.01e+01 2.96e+03
3 15 5.28e+03 1.26e+05 2.25e+01 4.06e+03
Table 2: Values at exit section
Above results were found after conducting this investigation. It was observed that oblique shocks are
formed during flow through the nozzle, when the divergent angle was 5°. It is observed that the shock is
completely eliminated from the nozzle when divergent angle increase to 15° and this could be considered as a
good design for the nozzle. At the exit section velocity magnitude is found to be increase with increment in
divergent angle. similarly, at throat section velocity magnitude goes on when divergent angle increased. The
static pressure decrease with increasing divergent angle. The efficiency of supersonic rock engine nozzle
increase as we increases divergent angle of nozzle up to certain limit.
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