Houghtosafe 620E TDS
Houghtosafe 620E TDS
Houghtosafe 620E TDS
Houghto-Safe 620E is a premium performance, water Houghto-Safe 620E passes ISO20763 standard tests in a
containing, synthetic hydraulic fluid, which conforms to the Vickers V104 Vane Pump.
requirements of ISO12922 for type HFC fluids.
It gives fewer than 100mg weight loss from ring and vanes at
an elevated test pressure of 140bar, at which many water
APPLICATION PROFILE glycols cause significant wear.
Houghto-Safe 620E greatly reduces risks where hydraulic Houghto-Safe 620E operates in a wide variety of hydraulic
equipment operates near flames, hot surfaces or molten equipment and is suitable for medium to high-pressure
metals. hydraulic applications.
Houghto-Safe 620E has no Flash or Fire Point Fluid condition may be controlled on-site or by Houghton, by
monitoring viscosity, pH and cleanliness.
Houghto-Safe 620E meets or exceeds the requirements of:
Health and Safety Data Sheets are supplied to customers to
• Spray Ignition Tests (C.E.C. Luxembourg 7th Report, comply with Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work Act
Factory Mutual, ISO15029) 1974, and should be closely studied prior to handling or use
• Factory Mutual - Hot Channel Ignition Test of the product. Copies are available from your Technical
• ISO 14935 Fluid Soaked Wick Test Health and Safety Officer. 40025
All data given in this Product Data Sheet are typical of this material. It does not however constitute a specification. We reserve the right to modify products
without prior notice. All products, services and information supplied are provided upon the terms of our standard Conditions of Sale from time to time in force.
Houghton plc
Beacon Road Trafford Park Manchester M17 1AF
Tel +44(0) 161 874 5000
Fax +44(0) 161 874 5001
E-mail uk.enquiries@houghtoneurope.com