+ Brenan, Dunedain Scholar, Level 6
+ Brenan, Dunedain Scholar, Level 6
+ Brenan, Dunedain Scholar, Level 6
-1 +1 14 +2 30 4
8 +6
✔ +7
+2 39
14 +7 6
+3 Even your friends know that trouble follows you and they will do everything they can to help you on your way while keeping you as safe as possible. This means that you
✔ +6
0 +2
often have knowledge of the lesser-known hiding places and catacombs in the castles and cities that you visit.
Hands of a Healer: You know how to treat wounds and illness and poison. You have a pool of healing tricks and techniques that
10 ✔ +5
✔ +7 that replenishes when you take a short rest. You have one Healing Die (1d8) per level in the Scholar class. If you can touch a creature,
+3 you may expend one Healing Die per action, instantly granting them hit points equal to 1d8 plus your wisdom modifier, up to their maximum. If instead you tend the
creature for at least 10 minutes, binding their wounds, treating them with herbs and poultices, and offering soothing words, then you may multiply the 1d8 by your
proficiency modifier. Then add your Wisdom modifier. Alternatively, you can spend a Healing Die to cure one disease, neutralize one poison, or remove one condition
affecting a single target. You can remove the Frightened, Paralysed, Stunned, or Unconscious conditions.
Armour: Light armour News from Afar: At the start of each adventuring phase or after spending time in a Sanctuary,
Weapons: All simple weapons the Loremaster should inform you of one or two events of importance occurring somewhere in Wilderland.
Tools: Herbalism kit, pipe Sterner than Steel: You resist Shadow corruption better than most, for your spirit is resolute, and your mind is not easily overthrown. Raise your Wisdom score by 1
Languages: Sindarin, Westron point. You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws against Corruption.
his© byCubi
cle7 Cha
40 1.77 m 61 kg
Blue Long Grey Pale
Specialty: Master Scholar: You have studied A black hooded travelling cloak
ancient books and scrolls in the treasured at is hidden or lost. gear for the current season
libraries of the great cities, or you learned Backpack
rhymes of lore and secrets unwritten from Belt dagger
some older master. You know much that is Black boots
hidden or lost. Brooch, hairloom of your line
Shadow of the Past: You find deeper Pipe
meaning in the long history of Middle-earth. Ink + Parchment
If you remind another Player-hero of a Leather Corslet
relevant tale from the history of their people, Arrows (20)
then that character gains one Scholarly --> Shortbow
Tongues of Many People: You know a little
of many languages. You can hold a simple --> Inspiration die, a d6, which they may use
conversation in any of the tongues of Men to add to any roll. Recharge= LR
or Elves, and know a few common phrases
in the tongues of the other peoples enough
to offer a greeting or shout a warning,
or insult someone. 20
Ο Μπρέναν διαισθανόταν πως το Άρθενταϊν Dark Knowledge: Dark and terrible is the lore
βρισκόταν σε κίνδυνο. Ένιωθε τη Σκιά να τον of the Enemy and you, perhaps, know more
κυνηγάει και να είναι στο όρια να τον of it than is safe. Upon selecting this secret,
κυριεύσει. Αποφάσισε να την αντιμετωπίσει
you learn the Black Speech of Mordor and
με τον τρόπο που ήξερε καλύτερα.
Διαβάζοντας και μελετώντας βιβλία τόσο για can make ability checks about information
την περιοχή του Rhudaur όσο και για την regarding the Shadow and its followers
Angmar. Η ενδελεχής μελέτη του τον without penalty.
οδήγησε στο να έχει πολλές γνώσεις για τη
σκιά και τον θεωρούσαν από τις καλύτερες
πηγές πληροφορίας τους οι αξιωματικοί Webs of Deceit: At 5th level, your insight and
πληροφοριών. Συχνά τον έστελναν στο learning is sufficient to manipulate others
Rhudaur να περιδιαβεί τα γεμάτα σκοτάδι with well-timed words (or theatrics and
κακοτράχαλα εδάφη του και να μαζέψει cheap tricks). At the start of any interaction,
πληροφορίες για τον εχθρό. Η ψυχή του είχε you may make an Wisdom (Insight) test
σίγουρα σκοτεινιάσει αλλά ήταν ένα ρίσκο
που έπρεπε να πάρει για το καλό των against a DC of 15 + the target’s Wisdom
Ελεύθερων Λαών της Μέσης-γης. modifier. If successful, then at any point in
the conversation, you may gain advantage
on any one skill check through your
scholarship and preparation.
his© byCubi
cle7 Cha