The Beauty Canon
The Beauty Canon
The Beauty Canon
Naomi Wolf’s essay the beauty myth. The female identity. Create ideals of femininity,
these ideals that create beauty standards change from one society to another. For
certain societies a woman must be thin, in Africa a woman can be overweight. All
women from all societies, are forced to feel that they must comply with mainstream
beauty standards. These beauty standards will dictate your behavior daily. Women’s
identity. In societies that are still patriarchal societies, women are valuable if they are
beautiful. Your identity is defined by beauty. 2nd wave feminism is success? According
to Naomi Wolf it is. According to NW “Beauty is last belief system that keep male
dominance intact”. In the 19th century we have seen how women get empowered.
After the success of the 2nd wave feminism, men started to make women feel weaken.
The best way to weaken women is through mainstream beauty standards. The beauty
myth is about creating, standard features for female beauty. An attack against the
success of feminism. She considers that the beauty myth, is a tyranny to subordinate
women to men. She considers that the beauty myth has existed historically, but still
oppress women. “It’s the beauty myth, an obsession with physical perfection that
traps the modern woman in an endless spiral of hope, self-consciousness, and self-
hatred as she tries to fulfill society’s impossible definite of ‘the flawless beauty’”.
The beauty myth regulates the relationship among women. You need to be this
flawless beauty to be able to establish relationship with men and women. She is going
to single out what she calls the perpetuators of the beauty myth. Tv and films,
women’s magazines, internet & social networks, pornography industry, money-
oriented fashion and beauty industries and their advertising. You have to look thin,
smooth skin, take care of your hair, better if it is long, flawless skin, white, blonde,
small nose. Western canon of beauty overview. In societies like our western society,
you spend most of your lives being unhappy, Naomi is telling that most women are
unhappy, because most of their lives they are not young. Naomi is telling that average
women like you who have constant pressure, you have to physically comply with
standards, but most of the time you cannot do that. Most of the time you think that
you are old, that you are ugly. Most of the time you feel anxiety, lack of self-steamed,
and self-hatred. Do not comply with beauty standards. The pornography industry
harms the women images. It is what men expect from women. NW considers that
pornography is very negative, also she considers that the beauty industries, are
conspirators of the beauty myth, they are businesses. By forcing women to buy things
that they do not need, to comply with the beauty myth, with standards of beauty, to
look less ugly, less old. She is telling that the pressure on women is too high, they must
comply with the beauty myth. The canon of beauty is the major obsession of women, it
becomes in certain cases the most important factor in their lives. This is what happens
in Western Societies. Women are rules by their beauty. The beauty myth is also
negative because can lead women to unhealthy behavior. A diet, eating healthy, and
do exercise is positive for our health, however, sometimes the pressure of the beauty
myth on women lead women to an obsession with these activities. Sometimes it is not
enough to reach the beauty canon. Women or at least some women are fighting to
reach the beauty myth, it guides their lives, they are obsessed with their physical
appearance. Consequence of not reaching the beaty myth? Obviously, what happens
to you lacks self-esteem, ugly and old. It leads to plastic surgery, anorexia nervosa, and
becoming target of male/social criticism. Failing to incarnate beauty standards, social
criticism in today society of mases, where your individual identity as a woman is not
take into consideration. All what matters is your beauty. This society does not care
about individual identity, all what cares is if you comply with the beauty myth, if not,
then you are going to be attacked by society.
Third wave feminisms, means a diversity of women.
Jhumpa Lahiri, Indian origins.
She writes about Indians as immigrants in the USA. Conflict between the east and the
west. The lack of communication between the east and the west.
Irish woman writer, Eavan Boland, she writes about Ireland, about women, and she
writes poems about Irish women.
Grace Nichols, from Guyana – Great Britain, a territory in South America. Emigrated to
Britain in the 1970s, how a woman feels that she does not comply with the beauty
standards due to her race. She writes poetry about the female experiences of
immigrants. Writes about black women, women of color, how much they suffer in the
Western Society, in White society.
Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder suffer by men and women alive. Anorexia’s in
women. The thin woman refuses to keep a normal body weight. She has a disturbing
picture of her physical appearance. Distorted image of their body shape. Your body is
too fat, not attracted, and in order to look more attractive, you engage in self
starvation. Afraid of being fat. What is what you are afraid of? Gaining weight. It leads
to health complications. A manorial, mental problems, and even death. Best literary
work on the perspective of an anorexic woman. Who do we have in this poem? A
female speaker, a woman undertaking a war against her own body. The female
speaker has an angry and a violent war against her own body. Self-starvation in order
to win the war for the anorexic woman against her own body. A witch. She calls her
body a witch. She calls her body ‘she’. Alienated from her own body. The bell jar, how
Ester feels alienated by her own body. Suicide. Division of the self, the body vs. the
mind. The body is the enemy of the mind. The body is not her body, because she hates
her body, it is a witch, it is a ‘She’. She wants to kill her body. Her body is her enemy.
She wants her body to die. Detached from her body. What happens in the mind of an
anorexic woman? That she hates herself. The only solution to respect herself, is to
destroy the part of herself that she dislikes, her body. The suicidal woman, like the
anorexic woman, cannot love herself, the only solution is to destroy the part of herself
that she hates. Her own body. Symbols of Christianity. In the book of Genesis with Eve.
She uses symbols of Christianity in order to discuss the life of an anorexic woman.
Food, hunger and starvation. Symbol, the most important one it’s the reference to the
Original Sin. To return to that rib, to abandon the female body. The rib means purity.
Allusion to the original sin. She wants to be an Eve, returning to Adam’s rib. Genesis,
the bible, in which Eve would return to Adam’s rib. To return to the bone, to forget
about the fact that you have a sexual body as a woman, that you have sexual
attributes. Comes from a country like Ireland, very religious. She also uses Christianity
to tell us that it creates guilt in women. Hungry of food the same way you are hungry
for sex. You have to liberate from the hunger of food. Irish woman, food sexual desire,
you have to get liberated. Particular war initiated against her body. Against her
curveless, her genitals. That is the part that you have to destroy. The female body is
sexual. What you need to burn is the witch in yourself. Salem Witchcraft Trials. Some
women were accused of being witches. Burn them alive. Anorexic woman needs to kill
the witch who is inside the anorexic woman who is hungry. My body is a witch and
flesh. Witches were a danger against God and Christianity. In the mind of the anorexic
women, hunger for sex the same why hunger for food. Denying the desires of her
body. Food, and sex. You need to punish your body. That is what makes you a sinner.
She feels that she needs to be punished by needs of self-starvation. You need to
control temptation. You need to sacrifice your body in order to empower your mind.
Dichotomy. Division of the self. Punishing your body. This poem is a social critic.
Society forces women to be thin, to control their body weight. But the speaker of the
poem is so affected that she destroys her own body, she considers that her own body
is evil. She feels empower by destroying her body, the witch inside her body. Mentally
empowered. Traditionally in patriarchal societies witches has been forced by man to
be burnt alive. Your mind has internalized that you are unworthy, a sinner, ugly, that
you do not need anyone. You do not need someone to kill it, you can kill it by self-
starvation. Women are brainwashed. She is capable of killing and punishing her own
body. Sinless = Foodless.