Go 4 Toxicity Factors
Go 4 Toxicity Factors
Go 4 Toxicity Factors
Routes of Administration
Oral administration is often referred to as administration per os (PO). Compounds
can be administered mixed in the diet, dissolved in drinking water, by gastric gavage,
by controlled-release capsules, or by gelatin capsules. In the first two cases, either a
measured amount can be provided or access can be ad libitum (available 24 hours
per day), with the dose estimated from consumption measurements. For certain tests
pair-feeding of controls should be considered; that is, controls are permitted only the
amount of food consumed by treated animals. In any case it is essential to consider
possible nutritional effects caused by reduction of food intake due to distasteful or
repellent test materials. In gastric gavage, the test material is administered through a
stomach tube or gavage needle; if a solvent is necessary for preparation of dosing
solutions or suspensions, the vehicle is administered also to control animals.
may be conducted on either animals or humans, using volunteer test panels for
human test
Inhalation. The respiratory system is an important portal of entry, and for evaluation
purposes animals must be exposed to atmospheres containing potential toxicants.
The generation and control of the physical characteristics of such contaminated
atmospheres is technically complex and expensive in practice. The alternative—
direct instillation into the lung through the trachea—presents problems of
reproducibility as well as stress and for these reasons is generally unsatisfactory.
Inhalation toxicity studies are conducted in inhalation chambers. The complete
system contains an apparatus for the generation of aerosol particles, dusts, or gas
mixtures of defined composition and particle size, a chamber for the exposure of
experimental animals, and a sampling apparatus for the determination of the actual
concentration within the chamber.
Other methods of injection include intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM),
intraperitoneal (IP), and subcutaneous (SC). Infusion of test materials over an
extended period is also possible. Again, both solvent controls and untreated controls
are necessary for proper interpretation of the results. There are at least 26 potential
routes of administration, with 10 of these being commonly used in toxicology.
One of the cardinal principles of both toxicology and pharmacology is that the means
by which an agent meets in contact with, or enters, the body (i.e., the route of
exposure or administration) does much to determine the nature and magnitude of an
However, routes and their implications are not fully appreciated by most
toxicologists. In the day-to-day operations of performing studies on animals, such
an understanding of routes, their manipulation, means, and pitfalls of achieving
them, and the art and science of vehicles and formulations, is essential to the sound
and efficient conduct of any in vivo study.
There are three primary sets of reasons why differences in route of administration
are critical in determining the effect of an agent upon a biologic system:
(a) Local effects: those peculiar to the first area or region of the body to which a test
material gains entry and/or contacts. As an example, for the dermal route, these
include irritation, corrosion, and sensitization. Likewise, for the parented routes,
effects may include irritation, pyrogenicity, sterility, and blood compatibility. In
general, the same categories of possible adverse effects (irritation, immediate
immune response, local tissue/cellular compatibility, and physiochemical
interactions) are the mechanisms of, or basis for, concern.
(b) Absorption and distribution: for a material to be toxic, the first requirement is
that it be absorbed into the organism [for which purpose being in the cavity of the
gastrointestinal (GI) tract does not qualify].
These are characteristics that influence absorption by the different routes and these
need to be understood by any person trying to evaluate and/or predict the toxicities
of different moieties.
4.3 Administer toxins into a guinea pig through different routes and determine the
influence of route on toxicity.
Guinea pig models have been most frequently used for detection of pulmonary
reactions to chemicals. In the guinea pig, as in the human, the lung is the major shock
organ for anaphylactic response. Like humans, the guinea pig also demonstrates
immediate- and late-onset allergic reactions as well as bronchial hyperreactivity. The
major difference in the mechanism of pulmonary responses between humans and
guinea pigs is that the antibody involved in type I reactions in the former is IgE and
in the latter is predominantly IgG1. Murine models are becoming more frequently
utilized in the evaluation of respiratory hypersensitivity. As in the human, IgE is a
major anaphylactogenic antibody in the mouse, and more murine immunologic
reagents are available, allowing for more detailed mechanistic studies.
‘weapon zed toxins’ that can annihilate large numbers of a population at a relatively
low cost compared to other weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Biological Toxicity Definition
Toxicity is a measurement of the dosage needed of a particular substance to
damage a living organism. A substance becomes toxic at the dose which begins to
damage an organism. Contrary to popular belief, all substances have a certain
toxicity. Even water and oxygen are dangerous to organisms at certain
concentrations. Furthermore, different species experience toxins in different ways.
The toxicity of a certain substance, like sulfur for instance, will vary with the species.
To humans, large doses of sulfur are fatal. However, to the organisms living in the
heat of volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean, sulfur is a necessary and welcome
Toxicity is determined by an organisms reactions to various dosages of a
chemical. The lethal dose is determined by a test in which organisms are dosed with
the chemical in question. The dosage which kills half of the population is considered
the lethal dose. This is referred to as an LD50 test, and used to be a standard measure
of toxicity. However, the ethics and reliability of this test have been called into
question in recent decades. Once it was understood that different toxins can effect
similar organisms in vastly different ways, it was no longer reliable to use laboratory
animals to predict human toxicity levels. New tests and measures are being
developed to study and determine toxicity in ethical and reliable ways. The field of
studying the toxicity of different chemicals is called Toxicology.
The most important thing to remember about toxicity is that everything is
a toxin, and only the dosage matters. Toxins work in many different ways, and
toxicology has many means of measuring and documenting the damage that different
toxins due. While some toxins seem extremely potent because they deliver a lot of
damage at once, other toxins which seep into the body slowly can do as much or
more damage.
Acute Toxicity
Certain chemicals or substances can be toxic even in a minor, or one-time
exposure. This is known as an acute exposure, and all substances have an acute
toxicity. Some substances can be very toxic acutely, even in a single exposure.
Consider snake venom. To be efficient for the snake, a very small amount of venom
must incapacitate their prey. It would cost them too much water and energy to
produce large amounts of venom, and it would also be hard to inject in a single
However, venom and poisons are not the only acute toxins. Acute toxins
include things like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Carbon dioxide is produced by
your cells as they create ATP, and nitrous oxide is the gas dentists use to put their
patients under before a surgery. Both of these gases are potentially deadly at a certain
pressure and concentration in the body.
Chronic Toxicity
Chronic toxicity is the opposite of acute toxicity. It is a measure of how toxic a
substance is over a longer period of time. This could be anything from weeks to
years, but it is just as significant to understand the chronic toxicity of a substance.
Many substances we use in consumer products are new to science. It is easy to test
their acute toxicity, because it is easy to administer a single dose and observe and
organism for a week or less. When observing chemicals for signs of being a chronic
toxin, the observer must watch the system for the entire life of an organism.
For this reason, the chronic toxicity of many products used in households is not well
understood. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as other regulatory
agencies, actively work to keep toxic chemicals out of the hands of consumers.
However, with the number of new chemicals and products appearing every year, it
is virtually impossible for these organizations to police everything. Combined with
the subtle and sometimes hidden illness associated with chronic toxins, this makes
finding and measuring chronic toxicity difficult. Scientists use the sciences of
statistics and epidemiology to track and understand chronic toxicants from products,
the environment, and other sources.
Biotransformation is the process by which substances that enter the body are
changed from hydrophobic to hydrophilic molecules to facilitate elimination from
the body. This process usually generates products with few or no toxicological
effects. Bio-transformations sometimes yield toxic metabolites, through a process
known as bio-activation. The chemical reactions responsible for changing a
lipophilic toxicant into a chemical form are known as Phase I and Phase II bio-
transformations. The two groups are defined based on the reactions that are
catalyzed. Phase I reactions transform hydrophobic chemicals to more polar
products via oxidation, hydrolysis, or similar reactions.
Biological barriers are living organisms that help protect the body. Millions of
harmless bacteria live on the human skin. Many more live in the GI tract. The
harmless bacteria use up food and space so harmful bacteria cannot grow.
In one interpretation, both biology and systems theory define sensitivity in terms of
influence of a certain stimulus on a reaction. In systems theory, sensitivity is a
measure for how strong the reaction to a certain stimulus is; the stronger the reaction
to the same stimulus, the more sensitive (to that stimulus) the system is. In biology,
sensitivity is a measure for how strong a stimulus has to be, before a system reacts
to it; the smaller a stimulus is sufficient to elicit a reaction, the more sensitive a
system is.
4.6 Explain the effects of dose and duration of exposure on toxicity.
For many years it was believed that the harmful effects of all toxic chemicals
increased with an increasing dose or exposure, and that there was a low threshold
dose below which there was no harmful effect. It was also assumed that both adults
and children responded similarly to toxic exposures. Scientific evidence now shows
that some chemicals, especially endocrine disrupting compounds, can exert negative
effects at extremely low levels of exposure, sometimes with more serious or different
effects than at higher doses. The timing, duration and pattern of exposure are just as
important as the dose. While it’s good to limit exposure to toxic chemicals and
radiation at every stage of life, it is even more important during critical periods,
including gestation, childhood and pregnancy.
4.7 Describe the effects of the following host factors on toxicity: i) Species, strain
and individual differences. ii) Sex, Hormonal status and pregnancy. iii) Age iv)
Nutritional Status v) Diseases.
Reproductive toxicity:
Reproductive toxicity refers to the potential risk from a given chemical, physical or
biologic agent to adversely affect both male and female fertility as well as offspring
development. Reproductive toxicants may adversely affect sexual function, fertility
as well as causing developmental toxicity in the offspring.
Many drugs can affect the human reproductive system. Their effects can be
desired (hormonal contraception), a minor unwanted side effect (many
antidepressants) or a major public health problem (thalidomide).
However, most studies of reproductive toxicity have focused on occupational or
environmental exposure to chemicals and their effects on reproduction. Both
consumption of alcohol and tobacco smoking are known to be "toxic for
reproduction" in the sense used here. One well-known group of substances which
are toxic for reproduction are teratogens ¨C substances which cause birth defects.
(S)-thalidomide is possibly the most notorious of these.
Bisphenol A
Bisphenol A is an example of an endocrine disruptor which negatively affects
reproductive development. Bisphenol A is a known as an estrogen mimicker
(xenoestrogen) and a likely androgen mimicker. It is used in the production of
various plastic products. Bisphenol A exposure in fetal female rats leads to
mammary gland morphogenesis, increased formation of ovarian tumors, and
increased risk of developing mammary gland neoplasia in adult life. Bisphenol A
also affects male fertility by resulting in lower sperm quality and sex function.
Lead, a heavy metal that can exist in both organic and inorganic forms, is associated
with adverse effects on male libido, erectile disfunction, premature ejaculation and
poor sperm quality. Lead is believed to predominantly affect male reproduction by
the disruption of hormones, which reduces the quantity of sperm production in the
seminiferous tubules. .
Dibromochloropropane is well-known reproductive toxicant that is known to cause
dose dependent testicular toxicity Workers in chemical factories exposed to
Dibromochloropropane have been shown to develop oligospermia and azoospermia.
Ionizing Radiation
Ionizing radiation in the form alpha, beta and gamma emissions are well known to
adversely affect male fertility. Exposure in the range of 0.1 to1.2 Gy is associated
with spermatogonial injury; whereas between 4-6 Gy reductions of sperm counts
have been reported.
A synthetic estrogen known to be another reproductive toxin, was used from 1938
to 1971 to prevent spontaneous abortions. Diethylstilbestrol causes cancer and
mutations by producing highly reactive metabolites, also causing DNA adducts to
form. Exposure to diethylstilbestrol in the womb can cause atypical reproductive
tract formation. Specifically, females exposed to diethylstilbestrol in utero during
the first trimester have are more likely to develop clear cell vaginal carcinoma, and
males have an increased risk of hypospadias.
There are generally five types of toxic entities;
1. Chemical
2. Biological
3. Physical
4. Radiation and
5. Behavioural toxicity
Disease-causing microorganisms and parasites are toxic in a broad sense but are
generally called pathogens rather than toxicants.
Influence of Age
Compared to adults, very young children are often more susceptible to chemical
toxicity because of their relatively greater inhalation volumes and gastrointestinal
absorption rate due to greater permeability of the intestinal epithelium, and because
of immature detoxification enzyme systems and a relatively smaller excretion rate
of toxic chemicals. The central nervous system appears to be particularly susceptible
at the early stage of development with regard to neurotoxicity of various chemicals,
for example, lead and methylmercury. On the other hand, the elderly may be
susceptible because of chemical exposure history and increased body stores of some
xenobiotics, or pre-existing compromised function of target organs and/or relevant
enzymes resulting in lowered detoxification and excretion rate.
Nutritional status:
Exposure to environmental pollutants is a global health problem and is associated
with the development of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease,
diabetes and metabolic syndrome. There is a growing body of evidence that nutrition
can both positively and negatively modulate the toxic effects of pollutant exposure.
Diets high in proinflammatory fats, such as linoleic acid, can worsen pollutant
toxicity, whereas diets rich in bioactive and anti-inflammatory food components,
including omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols, can weaken toxicant-associated
Overnutrition (i.e. obesity) and undernutrition (i.e. famine) have been observed to
alter prenatal epigenetic tags that may increase the risk of offspring developing
disease later in life.
Disease as host factors on toxicity:
Host factor is a medical term referring to the traits of an individual person or animal
that affect susceptibility to disease, especially in comparison to other individuals.
The term arose in the context of infectious disease research, in contrast to "organism
factors", such as the virulence and infectivity of a microbe. Host factors that may
vary in a population and affect disease susceptibility can be innate or acquired.
Some examples:
General Health
©Psychological characteristics and attitude
©Nutritional state
©Social ties
©Previous exposure to the organism or related antigens
©Haplotype or other specific genetic differences of immune function
©Substance abuse
4.8 Describe the physical and social factors that modify toxicity in organisms.
toxicants before they are absorbed or cause severe irritation, whereas humans and
dogs are capable of vomiting.
but not by others. Two major reasons are differences in absorption and distribution
within the body. For example:
The ability to be absorbed is essential to systemic toxicity. Some chemicals are
readily absorbed and others are poorly absorbed. For example, nearly all alcohols
are readily absorbed when ingested, whereas there is virtually no absorption for most
polymers. The rates and extent of absorption may vary greatly depending on the
form of a chemical and the route of exposure to it.
Metabolism, also known as biotransformation, is the conversion of a chemical from
one form to another by a biological organism. Metabolism is a major factor in
determining toxicity. The products of metabolism are known as metabolites. There
are two types of metabolism
Life Stage
An individual's age or life stage may be important in determining his or her response
to toxicants. Some chemicals are more toxic to infants or the elderly than to young
In detoxification, a xenobiotic is converted to a less toxic form. This is a natural
defense mechanism of the organism. Generally, detoxification converts lipid-soluble
compounds to polar compounds.
In bioactivation, a xenobiotic may be converted to more reactive or toxic forms.
Cytochrome P-450 (CYP450) is an example of an enzyme pathway used to
metabolize drugs. In the elderly, CYP450 metabolism of drugs such as phenytoin
and carbamazepine may be decreased. Therefore, the effect of those drugs may be
less pronounced. CYP450 metabolism also can be inhibited by many drugs. Risk of
toxicity may be increased if a CYP450 enzyme-inhibiting drug is given with one that
depends on that pathway for metabolism.
There is awareness that the gut microbiota can impact the toxicity of drugs and other
chemicals. For example, gut microbes can metabolize some environmental
chemicals and bacteria-dependent metabolism of some chemicals can modulate their
toxicity. Also, environmental chemicals can alter the composition and/or the
metabolic activity of the gastrointestinal bacteria, thus contributing in a meaningful
way to shape an individual's microbiome. The study of the consequences of these
changes is an emerging area of toxicology.
Distribution within the Body
The distribution of toxicants and toxic metabolites throughout the body ultimately
determines the sites where toxicity occurs. A major determinant of whether a
toxicant will damage cells is its lipid solubility. If a toxicant is lipid-soluble, it
readily penetrates cell membranes. Many toxicants are stored in the body. Fat tissue,
liver, kidney, and bone are the most common storage sites. Blood serves as the main
avenue for distribution. Lymph also distributes some materials.
Health Status
The health of an individual or organism can play a major role in determining the
levels and types of potential toxicity. For example, an individual may have pre-
existing kidney or liver disease. Certain conditions, such as pregnancy, also are
associated with physiological changes in kidney function that could influence
Nutritional Status
Diet (nutritional status) can be a major factor in determining who does or does not
develop toxicity. For example:
Consumption of fish that have absorbed mercury from contaminated water can result
in mercury toxicity; an antagonist for mercury toxicity is the nutrient selenium.
Some vegetables can accumulate cadmium from contaminated soil; an antagonist for
cadmium toxicity is the nutrient zinc.
Grapefruit contains a substance that inhibits the P450 drug detoxification pathway,
making some drugs more toxic.
Circadian Rhythms
Circadian rhythms can play a role in toxicity. For example, rats administered an
immunosuppressive drug had severe toxicity in their intestines 7 hours after light
onset compared to controls and to other times in the day. The rats had changes in
their digestive enzyme activity and other physiological indicators at this dosing time.
Other Factors
Presence of Other Chemicals
The presence of other chemicals, at the same time, earlier, or later may:
Decrease toxicity (antagonism)
Add to toxicity (additivity)
Increase toxicity (synergism or potentiation)
For examples:
Antidotes used to counteract the effects of poisons function through antagonism
(atropine counteracts poisoning by organophosphate insecticides).
Alcohol may enhance the effect of many antihistamines and sedatives.
A synergistic interaction between the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
and a certain concentration of oxygen results in lung damage in the form of
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.