Drain System Specifications

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Bashar Issa PETL
STANDARDS M. Khalid Elshobary ESQASL
APPROVAL Matthew W. Forster MDE


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Liability for utilization by personnel/organizations outside ADMA-OPCO

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document,
neither ADMA-OPCO nor its employees will assume liability for any application
or use outside ADMA-OPCO premises/assets.

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1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 OBJECTIVE................................................................................................................................5
1.2 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................5
1.3 COVERAGE ...............................................................................................................................5
1.4 EXCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................6
1.5 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................6
1.6 ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................................................................7
1.7 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................7
1.8 USE OF LANGUAGE ................................................................................................................7
1.9 UNITS .........................................................................................................................................7
1.10 LESSONS LEARNT...................................................................................................................7
1.11 METEOROLOGICAL DATA ....................................................................................................8
1.12 NEW TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................................................8
2. QUALITY ASSURANCE .......................................................................................................... 8
2.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM..........................................................................................8
2.2 QUALITY PLAN........................................................................................................................9
2.3 INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .....................................................9
3. OVERVIEW OF DRAIN SYSTEM ....................................................................................... 10
3.1 PURPOSE OF DRAIN SYSTEM .............................................................................................10
3.2 DRAIN SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION ....................................................................................10
3.3 EFFLUENT CATEGORIES IN OPEN DRAINS.....................................................................11
3.4 EFFLUENT CATEGORIES IN CLOSED DRAINS................................................................12
3.5 DRAINS FROM H2S SYSTEMS .............................................................................................13
3.6 SEGREGATION OF VARIOUS DRAINS ..............................................................................13
3.7 PIPING DESIGN ......................................................................................................................16
3.8 PIPING MATERIALS & RATING ..........................................................................................17
3.9 OPEN DRAIN DRUM DESIGN ..............................................................................................17
3.10 CLOSED DRAIN DRUM DESIGN .........................................................................................17
3.11 DOCUMENTATION FOR STATUTORY APPROVALS ......................................................18
4. ONSHORE DRAIN SYSTEMS .............................................................................................. 19
4.1 OPEN DRAIN SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................19
4.2 CLOSED DRAIN SYSTEMS...................................................................................................28
5. OFFSHORE DRAIN SYSTEMS ............................................................................................ 36
5.1 OPEN DRAIN SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................36
5.2 CLOSED DRAIN SYSTEM .....................................................................................................42
5.3 WELL HEAD TOWERS (WHT)..............................................................................................43

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APPENDIX-A: ONSHORE MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS ............................................ 45


APPENDIX-C: SEAL POT AND U-SHAPED SIPHON .............................................................. 47


APPENDIX-E: OFFSHORE PLATFORM DRAINS SCHEMATIC ......................................... 49

APPENDIX-F: WELL HEAD TOWERS (WHT).......................................................................... 50

APPENDIX-G: ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................. 51

APPENDIX-H: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................ 53

APPENDIX-I: REFERENCED DOCUMENTS............................................................................. 55

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1.1 Objective

This Specification stipulates the overall process design requirements, sizing criteria
and design factors of drainage systems, specific and general project applications.
The objective of this Specification is:
a. To assist in developing a project specific design basis for “Drain Systems”.
b. To use this Specification in conjunction with the project specific “Drain
Systems” design basis.

1.2 Scope

This Specification is intended to provide the minimum basic requirements of

ADMA-OPCO and shall not relieve the Contractor of his contractual obligations.
Any deviation from this Specification shall be identified by Contractor and shall
require written approval from ADMA-OPCO.

This Specification shall apply to all studies/projects at all stages.

The scope of this Specification includes:

a. Categorization of drain types.

b. Design criteria for open drains.
c. Design criteria for closed drains.
d. Design criteria for Well Head Towers (WHT) drains.
e. Design criteria for chemical drains such as Glycols/Amines.

1.3 Coverage

This Specification covers both “Onshore” and “Offshore” facilities operated by


This Specification shall not be limited to new facilities; it shall be extended to

cover the integration of new facilities/upgrades with existing facilities. This shall
cover the compatibility of new studies with existing facilities with respect to
utilities, tie-ins, fluid properties, material, controlling, drainage systems, ESD, etc.
The integration and interface requirement to be coordinated closely with ADMA-

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1.4 Exclusions

This Specification excludes:

a. Detailed selection criteria and specification for vendor packages such as API
/ CPI / PPI separators.
b. Design guidelines for secondary treatment methods of wastewaters.
c. Design guidelines for sewage drains.
d. Design guidelines for laboratory wastewater drains.
e. Produced water from the separation units.
f. Design of spill containment systems due to failure of equipment, corrosion or
mechanical damage.

1.5 References

1.5.1 General

The latest edition (at the time of the contract award) of the Documents listed in
Appendix-I shall to the extent specified herein, represent part of this Specification.

The latest edition/revision of ADMA-OPCO Standards Engineering Documents

shall be utilized as indicated in the Status List SL-001.

1.5.2 Equivalent Standards

Standard Documents equivalent to those referred to herein shall not be substituted

without written approval from ADMA-OPCO. Approval of equivalent Standard
Documents will not, in any way, remove responsibility from the Contractor to
meet the best practices and/or requirements of the Standard Engineering
Documents referred to herein, in the event of conflict.

Where differences and/or conflicting issues occur between the referenced

documents themselves or the requirements of this document, the requirements of
this document shall overrule unless otherwise advised by ADMA-OPCO.
However major conflicts shall be reported in writing to the ADMA-OPCO
Standards Authority/Technical Custodian appearing in the front sheet of this
Procedure for arbitration/resolution.

The following hierarchy of adherence to standards shall be followed:

a. Whenever ADMA-OPCO Standard Engineering Documents (SED’s) relevant

to the system and/or equipment design are available, the same shall be
utilized first for the purpose of design.

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b. Shareholder SED’s shall be utilized next in the hierarchy, if the relevant
subject is not covered by ADMA-OPCO standards.
c. National or International standards (tailored to suit ADMA-OPCO needs)
shall be utilized, if the required subject is not covered either by
ADMA-OPCO or Shareholder SED’s.

The Contractor shall equip himself with copies of all the referenced Standard
Engineering Documents referred in Appendix-I of this Specification and shall
make them readily available to all ADMA-OPCO, or nominated representative,
personnel involved in the work.

1.6 Abbreviations

The abbreviations used in this Specification are listed in Appendix-G.

1.7 Definitions

The definitions used in this Specification are listed in Appendix-H.

1.8 Use of Language

Throughout this document, the words ‘will’, ‘may/can’, ‘should’ and ‘shall/must’,
when used in the context of actions by ADMA-OPCO or others, have specific
meanings as follows:

a. ‘Will’ is used normally in connection with an action by ADMA-OPCO and / or

nominated representative, rather than by a Contractor or Vendor.
b. ‘May / Can’ is used where alternatives / action are equally acceptable.
c. ‘Should’ is used where provision is preferred.
d. ‘Shall / Must’ is used where a provision is mandatory / vital.

1.9 Units

Unless otherwise specified by ADMA-OPCO, SI units should be used in

accordance with ISO 1000. However, Imperial units versus SI units should be
quoted between brackets e.g. 30°C (86°F). For commonly used units refer to
ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1060, “Process Design Criteria”.

1.10 Lessons Learnt

Upon completion of works related to the scope of this document, lessons learnt
shall be made available by the contractors/consultants/job officer & shall be fed to
ADMA-OPCO Lessons Learnt system as appropriate.

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1.11 Meteorological Data

For meteorological data refer to ADMA-OPCO specification SP-1060, “Process

Design Criteria”.

1.12 New Technologies

Unproven new process technologies can only be approved after being qualified as
per ADMA-OPCO procedure and normal practice.


2.1 Quality Assurance System

2.1.1 All activities & services associated with the scope of this Specification shall be
performed by Contractors/Vendors approved by ADMA-OPCO.

2.1.2 The Contractor/Vendor shall operate Quality Management Systems (QMS) within
his organizations, which ensure that the requirements of this Specification are
fully achieved.

2.1.3 The Contractor/Vendor’s quality management system shall be based on ADMA-

OPCO Specification SP-1009 or the latest issue of ISO 9001 Series and accredited
by an international certifying agency.

The Contractor’s quality manual shall provide details for the preparation of a
quality plan, which shall include provisions for the QA/QC of services activities.

Where an approved Contractor/Vendor revises their Quality Management System

that affect the ADMA-OPCO approved Quality / Inspection & Test Plan, then the
revised Quality Plan / Inspection & Test Plan shall be submitted for ADMA-
OPCO approval before initiating any service activities.

2.1.4 The effectiveness of the Contractor’s quality management system may be subject
to monitoring by ADMA-OPCO or its representative and may be audited
following an agreed period of notice.

2.1.5 The Contractor/Vendor shall make regular QA audits on all their Sub-
contractors/Vendors. Details of these audits shall be made available to ADMA-
OPCO when requested.

2.1.6 The Contractor/Vendor shall maintain sufficient Inspection and Quality Assurance
staff, independent of the service provider management, to ensure that the QMS is
correctly implemented and that all related documentation is available.

2.1.7 Using Sub-contractors is not allowed for services/functions carried out by a

Contractor without ADMA-OPCO approval.

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2.2 Quality Plan

2.2.1 Contracted activities associated with the scope of this Specification shall be
performed in accordance with an approved Quality Plan (QP).

The level of detail required in the Quality Plan shall be commensurate with the
scope of services provided.

2.2.2 The quality of works is an essential factor in carrying out all services and
activities covered by this Document.

2.2.3 During services/activities, quality assurance/quality control issues are the

responsibility of the Contractor, and shall be approved and certified by TPA.

2.2.4 Conflicts between Contractor and TPA shall be reported in writing to ADMA-
OPCO for resolution.

2.3 Inspection and Certification Requirements

Inspection and certification requirements for material shall be certified to ADMA-

OPCO CP-102 and BS EN 10204.

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3.1 Purpose of Drain System

Drain systems serve the following purposes:

a. Safety:
To protect personnel, plant and equipment by preventing spillage or gas
release and accumulation of hazardous liquid hydrocarbon streams, which
could result in a fire or explosion hazard.
b. Environment:
To minimize and /or prevent direct discharge of environmentally hazardous
streams to the environment by directing these streams to appropriate
treatment units.

3.2 Drain System Classification

Drain Systems can be broadly classified as:

3.2.1 Open Drains

These are defined as atmospheric drains collecting the surface waste liquids. All
their intakes (entry points) are permanently vented to atmosphere.
As a rule, facilities containing hazardous fluids (toxic and / or inflammable) or
high volatility hydrocarbon liquids shall not be drained to the open drain system.
This rule is applicable to all drains including instrument drains.

3.2.2 Closed Drains

These are defined as fully contained drains, hard piped from the systems to be
drained to the collection systems before safe disposal to the environment.
As a general rule any facility containing hazardous liquids which need to be
drained for operational and maintenance reasons and may not be drained directly
to atmosphere without undue risk to personnel, plant & equipment, shall be
connected to a closed drain system. These could be categorized as follows:
a. The hydrocarbon facilities operated under pressure, such as the separators,
columns, pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, pig traps, manifolds,
instruments (e.g. level instruments) to name a few.
b. The equipment containing toxic fluids i.e. for which open draining is not
allowed for reasons of health or environmental hazard.
c. The equipment containing high volatility hydrocarbon liquids which require
draining for maintenance / inspection purposes.

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3.3 Effluent Categories in Open Drains

3.3.1 Open Drains, Permanently Oil Contaminated (ODPOC)

These are defined as wastewater open drains contaminated in normal operation or

any other routine operation, which can be predicted during the design stage, by
significant quantities of hydrocarbon liquids.

ODPOC drains are found in hydrocarbon liquid production, process and storage
areas. Hydrocarbon liquids here mean all crude oils and gas condensates with the
exception of high volatility hydrocarbon liquids. These high volatile hydrocarbon
liquids shall be drained only to a closed drain system.

The following are typical examples that fall under this category:

a. Water collected underneath the oil process equipment such as pumps,

compressors, vessels, manifolds that are likely to produce drips and spillage
in routine operation. Such water shall be collected from a drip tray or bunded
b. Water collected underneath oil loading areas including loading arms, hose
handling areas at jetties and filling points.
c. Drainage from oil sample points.

ODPOC water collected onshore shall be further treated in a specifically designed

oily water treatment unit prior to disposal to the environment. ODPOC water
collected offshore shall be collected and discharged to a boat or routed to oily
water treatment facility.

3.3.2 Open Drains, Accidentally Oil Contaminated (ODAOC)

They are wastewater open drains, which can be categorized as below:

a. Contaminated by very small amounts of hydrocarbons during normal

operation or during other routine operations and considered in design.
b. Normally clean and for which contamination with liquid hydrocarbons can
only result from an accidental leak (e.g. weld or gasket rupture) or a rare
event (e.g. storm flooding and cross-contaminating normally clean areas).

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The following are typical examples that fall under this category:

a. In plants processing hydrocarbon liquids, wastewater collected in the vicinity

of the process units. These could be paved areas for onshore installations and
deck drains for offshore.
b. In plants not handling hydrocarbon liquids, wastewater collected in areas
contaminated with lube oils and greases from machines such as power
generation, water injection pumps or other equipment.
c. In the oil and condensate storage tanks, wastewater in bunds, which are
designed to contain an accidental spillage and are connected to the open
drains via a normally closed valve.
d. Cooling water that may be polluted with oil.

ODAOC water should not be directly discharged to the environment. This water
shall be routed to an observation basin. If the collected water meets the
environmental discharge guidelines, these are routed to environment. If they do
not meet, they shall be routed to an oily water treatment facility. As a minimum,
floating oil should be recovered.

3.3.3 Open Drains, Oil-Free (ODOF)

They are the wastewater drains in areas where the risk for contamination with
hydrocarbons or other oily products is minimal and can be disregarded.

The following are typical examples that fall under this category:

a. Rainwater at clean decks, peripheral areas away from the process equipment
and the roofs of modules and shelters for offshore installations.
b. Green belt, open undeveloped areas and roofs of buildings such as
administrative office, canteen etc. for onshore installations.

ODOF water may be discharged directly into the environment.

3.4 Effluent Categories in Closed Drains

3.4.1 Process Liquids

These are generally the hydrocarbon liquids, which are highly flammable and/or
toxic (e.g. containing H2S).

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3.4.2 Other Chemical Liquids

In a typical oil and gas installation these are the contaminated residual glycols,
amines and special chemicals (corrosion inhibitors, hydrate inhibitors, anti scale
agents). The drain philosophy for each of the chemicals has to be evaluated on a
case-to-case basis based on their flammability, toxicity, corrosivity,
incompatibility with other chemicals and disposal guidelines.

3.5 Drains from H2S Systems

Process streams containing H2S are regarded as toxic. It means that they shall not
be released intentionally to atmosphere, if any one of the following conditions

a. The concentration of H2S in the “gas on release” is 300 ppmv or more.

b. The gas / air mixture on release is heavier than air and the concentration of
H2S in the “gas on release” is 100 ppmv or more.
c. In inadequately ventilated areas: the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the
“gas on release” is 10 ppmv or more.

“Gas on Release” is defined as the gas flashing from the process liquid at
atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature.

Units handling such H2S toxic streams shall not be drained to an open drain
system. There shall be no connection to open drain intake, which allows draining
by opening a valve. Such units shall be connected to a closed drain system.

3.6 Segregation of Various Drains

Segregation of various drain effluents is very important from the viewpoint of

safety of the oil and gas installation. Segregation shall therefore be incorporated as
early as possible in the design of the drainage systems.

3.6.1 Segregation of Closed and Open Drains

Closed drains shall be segregated from open drains in order to prevent (pressure-
driven) gas from the closed drains to come back up the plant via the open drain

The piping networks hooked to the closed drains and open drains shall be
independent. No inter-connections are permitted at all.

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The closed drain drum (receiver) shall not receive directly any effluents from the
open drain system and the closed drain system drum shall not discharge into an
atmospheric receiver, receiving open drain effluents. Generally for offshore
platforms, the open drains shall be collected in an open drain drum. The open
drain drum contents shall be allowed to be transferred to the closed drain drum if
the following conditions are met:

a. Double dissimilar check valves are used at the discharge of the open drain
drum transfer pump connecting the closed drain drum.
b. A HAZOP has been conducted as per ADMA-OPCO GDL-005 and the
possible back flow of gas from the closed drain drum to the open drain drum
has been addressed with recommendations for mitigating such an event.

3.6.2 Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Areas for Open Drain Systems

Hazardous and non-hazardous area drains shall be segregated in order to remove

the risk of hydrocarbon gas migrating to non-hazardous areas from hazardous
areas. This categorization is necessary since the probability of ignition of a
flammable atmosphere will be higher in areas designed as non-hazardous areas.

The piping networks hooked to the hazardous area drains and non-hazardous area
drains shall be independent. No inter-connections are permitted at all.

Main drain headers from hazardous and non-hazardous areas may all discharge
into a common oil trap or oily water treatment facility, provided the conditions
mentioned below are fulfilled:

a. Headers from hazardous areas are not connected to headers from non-
hazardous areas and each header enters the common treatment facility via its
own dedicated inlet nozzle.
b. Hydraulic seals are provided at the inlet of the trap or treatment facility. It
means that the drain header from the non-hazardous areas shall be sealed at
entry with 1 m water depth minimum in the drain receiver.

For offshore facilities, the hazardous and non-hazardous area drain headers should
enter an open drain drum via their independent inlet nozzles.

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3.6.3 Bunded and Paved Areas

Effluents whose mixing is not compatible shall be collected separately and if

necessary treated separately.

a. The requirement for bunded areas/drip trays:

A bunded area or drip tray shall be provided for every process and utility
facilities likely to contaminate drainage water during routine operation. The
purpose is to effectively segregate and direct oily water to the open drain
system. The facilities that require a bunded area include:

a.1 Hydrocarbon liquid processing equipment, which can cause drips and
spillages in routine operation such as pumps, compressors, vessels,
manifolds, heat exchangers, pig launchers/receivers, etc., in general all
hydrocarbon-processing equipments with some concentration of non-
welded fittings. Drains from such bunded areas and drip trays are
a.2 Equipment not handling hydrocarbons but likely to release lube oils and
greases such as machinery and transformers containing insulating oils.
Drains from such bunded areas and drip trays are ODAOC.
a.3 Small skid mounted units handling chemical additives such as corrosion
and scale inhibitors, demulsifiers, etc. and where drips and spillages can
occur in routine operations. Drains from such bunded areas and drip trays
are ODAOC.
b. The requirement for paved areas:

On-shore installations shall be paved to prevent infiltration of oily effluents

into the soil. Paving shall be also be provided to avoid solids/sand entering
underground open drain pipe network.

c. Segregation between various bunded areas:

The arrangement and sizing of the open drainage system shall be such that no
flooding of the bunded area occurs and any spread of fire or flammable liquid
from one containment area to another is prevented.

To achieve this, the open drain systems shall be capable of handling the
specified design flows.

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3.7 Piping Design

3.7.1 General

The design of the drainage systems shall minimize the presence of stagnant
hydrocarbon mixtures (liquids, emulsions, and solid residues) on surfaces and
inside the collection system.
Evacuation of drainage effluents shall be by gravity. Drain headers shall normally
be laid horizontally with sizes and at gradients such as to ensure proper emptying.
Open drain horizontal headers shall not be filled with liquid more than 75% of the
pipe diameter.
Restrictions shall be avoided in piping. As a general rule “tees” and pipe routings
with a high resistance to flow should be avoided.
Other than siphons and seal pots (or manholes onshore), drain headers shall
contain no pockets and continuously slope towards a drain drum or oily water
treatment facility.

3.7.2 Piping Diameter

For both onshore and offshore installations the minimum drain header size shall
be 3” for open and closed drains.
For onshore, the minimum nominal diameter of the main open drain header routed
to the oily water separation unit shall be 8”.

3.7.3 Piping Gradients

The minimum gradient of the horizontal piping are specified below (for gravity-
type drains, non flooded pipes):

Type of Installation Line size Minimum gradient

Φ ≥ 18” 0.2%
Onshore 18” > Φ ≥ 6” 0.4%
6” > Φ ≥ 3” 1.0%
1% + hook-up
Offshore pre-fabricated module Φ ≥ 3”
Offshore Φ ≥ 3” 1%

3.7.4 Branch Connections to Headers

Open Drain branch connections shall be at 45 degrees angle as a general rule.

Exceptions can be allowed to give branch connections at an angle of 90 degrees if
sufficient rodding-out points are provided.

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3.8 Piping Materials & Rating

3.8.1 Closed Drains

Piping material shall be carbon or alloy steel, depending upon service. Glass
Reinforced Plastics (GRP) shall not be used for closed drains.

Pipe class shall depend on the highest pressure rating of any components in the
closed drain system including the source vessel/equipment to which the closed
drain-piping network is connected.

3.8.2 Open Drains

For ODPOC or ODAOC drains the piping material shall be either steel or GRP
depending on service.

For ODOF drains, the piping material shall be either GRP, concrete or steel.

The pipe shall be ASME/ANSI Class-150 for both Steel & GRP.

3.9 Open Drain Drum Design

The design pressure and temperature shall be as per ADMA-OPCO SP-1060.

For atmospheric venting of open drain drum, dispersion calculations are required.
The software to be used and the acceptable limits for dispersion calculations to be
discussed with and approved by ADMA-OPCO.

3.10 Closed Drain Drum Design

The closed drain drum shall be designed for at least a design pressure of 3.5 bar
(gauge) in line with API STD 521 to minimize resistance to an internal explosion.
The design temperature should be considered based on the highest operating
temperature of any of the process equipment connected to it. If any of the process
equipment connected to the closed drain drum can undergo steam-out, the same
shall be evaluated for finalizing the design temperature. In case of steam-out, if
the closed drain drum can see vacuum due to condensation, adequate protection
against vacuum shall be provided or the drum shall be designed for vacuum. The
minimum design temperature shall be considered based on sudden pressure
reduction of the equipment connected to the closed drain drum.

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3.11 Documentation for Statutory Approvals
3.11.1 General
Disposal of treated wastewater to the environment (marine or land based) shall be
in compliance with the relevant ADNOC water discharge criteria. Documentation
containing proposed treated wastewater characteristics in lieu of the permissible
limits (as per ADNOC guidelines) shall be submitted to the relevant authorities
for approvals and necessary permits. Reference is also made to Appendix-2 of
ADNOC-COPV2-01 for discharges to the marine environment.
3.11.2 Standard Limits for Effluent Water Discharged to the Marine Environment (1)
Desirable Max.
Parameter Symbol Unit
Limit Limit
Total Suspended Solids TSS mg/l 20 30
Total Dissolved Solids TDS Shall not vary the salinity of receiving water >5%
pH pH Units 6.5-8.5 6-9
Turbidity NTU 60 90
Nitrogen, ammoniacal (as N) mg/l 0.2 0.5
Nitrate NO3-N mg/l 40
Chlorine Residual Cl- mg/l 0.15 0.5
Cyanide CN- mg/l 0.05 0.1
Sulfide S-2 mg/l 0.1 0.2
Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOD5-20 mg/l 25 30
Total Phosphorus (as P) PO4-3 mg/l 20 30
Chemical Oxygen Demand COD mg/l 100 150
Arsenic As mg/l 0.05 0.1
Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.03 0.1
Total Chromium Cr mg/l 0.5 1.0
Copper Cu mg/l 0.5 1.5
Iron Fe mg/l 0.3 2.0
Lead Pb mg/l 0.05 0.1
Manganese Mn mg/l 0.2 1.0
Mercury Hg mg/l 0.001 0.001
Nickel Ni mg/l 0.1 0.5
Selenium Se mg/l 0.02 0.05
Silver Ag mg/l 0.05 0.1
Zinc Zn mg/l 0.1 5.0
Oil mg/l 5 15
Phenols mg/l 0.01 0.1
(1) Reference- Environmental Protection and Occupational Health, ADNOC Group Policy and
Guidelines, 1992.

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4.1 Open Drain Systems

Refer section 3.2.1 for general definition of Open Drain systems. A Schematic for
the Open Drain system categorization, handling and treatment is enclosed in

4.1.1 General

Refer section 3.3 for the different categories in Open Drains.

The three different types of wastewater encountered at onshore installations are


The open drain systems shall be capable of handling all the above-mentioned

Refer BP RP 4.1 for general design of Open Drain systems. Refer Appendix-A for
manhole and catch basin schematics.

4.1.2 Oily Water Drain Typical (ODPOC/ODAOC)

a. Installations that require oily water treatment:

All installations producing or processing crude oils, and most of the

installations handling gas condensates shall be provided with an oily-water
treatment unit.

Exceptions for not providing treatment facilities are:

a.1 Gas plants which do not handle hydrocarbon liquids in significant

a.2 Onshore well head clusters and/or production manifolds located far from
the processing centre. At these installations drainage effluents may be
collected in a dedicated open drum, which is periodically offloaded to an
external oily water treatment facility.
Note : This is a general statement for onshore oil rigs and not directly
applicable to ADMA-OPCO.

b. Handling of ODPOC:

All ODPOC drains shall be routed to Oily water treatment facility.

As a minimum, oily water treatment shall consist of a primary treatment
facility such as an API separator.

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c. Handling of ODAOC:

Surface drains from paved areas around the oil/condensate processing

equipment categorized as ODAOC along with other ODAOC drains such as
drains from non hydrocarbon storage tank bunds, workshop drains shall be
routed to an observation basin (an observation basin is a pit acting as the final
oil trap before disposal of oily water to public waters). If the collected water
is not suitable for discharge to the environment, i.e. it does not comply with
section 3.10.2 Then it can be sent to API separators or collected in vacuum
trucks. These trucks may deliver the effluent to the treatment facilities outside
ADMA-OPCO facilities.

Drains from hazardous and non-hazardous areas shall be collected separately

in independent headers and the headers shall be sealed at entry in the
observation basin.

c.1 Collection of the Drainage:

c.1.1 Liquid Hydrocarbon Storage Tank area:

Reference is made to BP RP 4-1, Fig. 9

The water contaminated due to accidental leaks in bunded areas of

hydrocarbon storage tanks shall be categorized as accidentally oil-
contaminated (ODAOC). Wastewaters generated as a result of
accidental leaks shall be sent to the observation basin as a

Sampling waste shall be minimized using controlled sampling

methods. Spillages if any during sampling may be washed using
water and this wash water shall be regarded as accidentally oil-
contaminated (ODAOC).

The storage tank bunds shall be provided with suitable drainage

facilities for rainwater and firewater.

In locations within the bunded area, which can be contaminated

with oil (e.g. under valves and manifolds), the contaminated oil-
water mixture shall be regarded as accidentally oil-contaminated
(ODAOC). Such water shall drain by gravity to a gully located at a
low point within the bund, as far as practicable from the tank. The
connection to the drain system shall be valved outside the bund.
This valve shall normally be closed.

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c.1.2 Buildings:

Buildings classified as non-hazardous areas, may contain

mechanical equipment that need to be connected to the oil-
contaminated open drains because they are sources of
contamination such as lube oils and greases. Examples of these are:
shelters for utility pumps and compressors (not handling
hydrocarbon streams), diesel engines and workshops. These
buildings are called “industrial buildings”.

The above-mentioned industrial buildings require floor drains,

which shall be regarded as accidentally oil-contaminated
(ODAOC). Tundishes and gullies shall be used which should be
equipped with siphons (minimum seal depth: 150 mm) and shall be
connected to vented manholes sealed at entry (minimum seal depth:
300 mm). Refer Appendix-A.

Due care shall be taken so as to prevent flammable gases from

entering an industrial building (classified as non-hazardous) via the
drainage system. As a minimum, floor drainage from industrial
buildings shall be routed to treatment separately from hazardous
area drains.

c.2 Observation basin design:

The rainwater and firewater from paved areas should be directed to the
observation basin.

The observation basin should be designed to capture and retain the first
10 mm of rainfall (or equivalent firewater) from paved areas. The water
excess than as mentioned above should be diverted to the environment.
Reference is made to section 4.4.2 of BP RP 4-1.

4.1.3 Handling of ODOF

Rainwater falling on unpaved, uncontaminated ground within an oil and gas

installation should normally be disposed of by natural percolation into the sub-soil
and evaporation.

If the land lacks sufficient permeability, the surface should be sufficiently graded
to catch basins discharging to a piped system. If this is not practicable, land drains
(channels) should be provided.

ODOF drains can discharge directly to public waters.

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Explanation : Catch basins are used for collecting relatively clean waters (e.g.
rain) and contain a sump to collect sediment/debris. The inlet is typically a grate
and the outlet connects to a drain pipe linked to the main storm-water piping
network. Refer Appendix-A for schematic of a catch basin.

4.1.4 Onshore ODPOC/ODAOC/ODOF Handling/Treatment/Disposal Flow Chart

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4.1.5 Rain/Firewater/Washdown Water Collection

a. Rainwater:

For onshore installations, it is necessary to collect the rainwater from paved

areas in open drains in order to prevent any contamination of hydrocarbon
processing and/or storage areas due to rainwater runoff. It is important to note
that paved areas contribute almost 95% of their surface to the open drain

The contribution of run-off from unpaved areas should be considered on a

case-by-case basis. They can constitute a significant proportion of the flow.
The run-off water rates in an onshore plant for design of the open drain
systems can be calculated as below:

The method used is known as rational method & the rational formula used to
determine the design flow is:

Qr = C*I*A

Qr = Peak run-off rate or the peak flow rate at the particular point in the
drain system under consideration (m3/min)

C = Run-off coefficient for the catchment or sub-catchment area. This is

the ratio of the amount of run-off flowing from the catchment to the
total amount of rainfall that falls on the catchment area,
dimensionless. Typical values are mentioned in Table below.

I = Design rainfall intensity for the calculated time of concentration,


A = the size of the catchment area contributing run-off to the drains, (m2)

Design rainfall intensity (I)

Reference is made to SP-1060 “Process Design Criteria” Section 3.1

“Meteorological Data for Rainfall.”

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Typical values for Run-off coefficient (C) are listed below:

Nature of Catchment Area C

Asphalt or concrete paving, roof 0.95
Brick roads, tiled areas, paving with large joins 0.70
Stone roadways, bare offsite areas (depending on soil) 0.40 to 0.70
Grassed areas, clay soils 0.50
Grassed areas, sandy soils 0.1 to 0.30

b. Firewater:

The firewater flow rate to be considered for design of drain systems shall be
based on fire water demand calculations (as per NFPA 15 or IP 19) for
equipment located in that area.

The observation basin for collecting ODAOC shall be sized to collect the first
10 mm of rainfall or equivalent firewater from paved area. Reference is made
to BP RP 4-1. Excess over 10 mm of rainfall or equivalent firewater shall be
routed to storm water channel, which is further routed to public waters.

c. Washdown water:

Consider a flow rate of 5 m3/h per utility station; multiply with number of
utility stations provided in the area.

4.1.6 Open Drain System Design

a. Design flows:
The loading on drainage system mainly consists of:
• Rainwater (Qr) flow rate
• Fire-fighting water (Qf) flow rate
• Washdown water (Qw) flow rate
Drainage systems shall be designed for the greatest of the following three
• Firewater case = Qf
• Rainwater case = Qr
• Washdown case = Qw

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b. Hydraulics:
b.1 Flow Velocities:
Reference is made to Sections 5.2.3 to 5.2.6 of BP RP 4-1.
Velocities shall be kept within a range that allows self-cleansing,
prevents emulsification and damage to the pipe and fittings (erosion).
b.1.1 Minimum Velocity:
Use a minimum velocity of 0.8 m/s for the maximum flow rate
calculated from section 4.1.6a to determine preliminary pipe size.
In drainpipes where heavy amount of sand or other solids may be
present, 1.2 m/s shall be the minimum velocity.
1. If the line size calculated on the basis of the minimum velocity
criteria is lower than the minimum header sizes as described in
section 3.7.2, the minimum pipe diameters as mentioned in section
3.7.2 shall govern for the purpose of sizing.
b.1.2 Maximum Velocity:
In oily water drain pipes; velocities should be kept below 1.5 m/s to
prevent emulsification.
c. Flow velocities in piped drains:

Drainage System Minimum Maximum

ODOF 0.8 m/s 3 m/s
ODPOC, ODAOC 0.8 m/s 1.5 m/s

(1) 1.2 m/s for heavy amount of sand or other particles present

d. Pipe Minimum Diameters and Gradients:

Refer to 3.7.2 and 3.7.3 in section 3.7 for diameters and gradients.

4.1.7 Open Drain System – Other Considerations

a. Drainage Piping: Washing/Clearing:

For the purpose of rodding out provide accessible flanged connections on
drain pipes specifically at pipe diversions. In straight pipe sections, provide a
flanged connection at least every 60 m of straight run. Flanged connections
may not be provided where drain manholes or intakes are falling in between
the pipe routing, since the same can be used for rodding/washing/clearing.

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b. Gas Migration and Fire Spreading:

Hydraulic seals and vents shall be installed within the drain systems as
barriers against gas migration and fire spreading.
All vent outlets discharging into areas where a source of ignition may be
present shall be fitted with flame arresters to prevent fire spreading.

4.1.8 Primary Treatment Facilities

a. General:

The primary treatment here is defined as those treatment facilities, which use
gravity separation by settling to separate suspended solids coincidentally with
oil from the influent wastewater. These are facilities, which will separate free
oil from wastewater but will not separate soluble substances, nor will they
remove emulsified oil.

b. Design Principles of Gravity Separators:

In an ideal separator, the principles governing design may be expressed

mathematically and although there is a practical limitation to separator
effectiveness due to the varying factors involved, the following design rules
should be followed for new designs or for assessing the performance of
existing designs.
For oil separation, the removal rate of an oil droplet of given size shall be
equal to or greater than the “overflow rate”. The overflow rate being the flow
rate through the separator divided by its surface area.
The rising velocity of an oil globule expressed, as Vr can be determined using
Stokes’ Law, as follows:
Vr = (g/18μ) * (ρw - ρo) * D2

Vr = rising velocity of oil globule (cm/s)
D = diameter of oil globule (cm)
ρw = density of water at the design temperature (g/cm3)
ρo = density of oil at the design temperature (g/cm3)
μ = absolute viscosity of the waste water at the design temperature (poise)
g = acceleration due to gravity (981 cm/s2)

Reference is made to equation A-7 in Appendix-A of API 421.

Where possible, all physical properties of the influent should be determined

by measurement.

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c. Gravity Separator Types:

Types of gravity separators are listed below:

- API (American Petroleum Institute) Separator

- CPI (Corrugated Plate Interceptor) Separator
- PPI (Parallel Plate Interceptor) Separator

c.1 API Separator:

The API separator consists of a rectangular tank or basin in which the

wastewater flows horizontally while the free oil particles rise due to buoyancy
forces as governed by Stokes’ Law.

The design of the API separators shall be based on API 421.

c.2 CPI Separator:

The CPI separator consists of packs of corrugated (like roofing material)

plates mounted parallel to each other at a separation distance of 1.0 to 1.5
inch. The plate pack is at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees from the horizontal and
the wastewater flow is forced downward. As the wastewater flows between
the plates, the lighter oil globules float upward into the top of the corrugations
where they coalesce into larger drops, which move up the plates, and into a
floating layer that is continuously skimmed from the surface of the tank. The
plates establish laminar flow conditions through the plate pack, thus reducing
the distance the oil drops must rise to be collected. Solids are settled and
collected in the sludge compartments where they can be removed by

c.3 PPI Separator:

Parallel-Plate Separators are the predecessors of the modern CPI separators

having plates. They were basically designed for the purpose of increasing the
surface area of the conventional API separator. The design of the PPI
separators shall be in accordance with API 421.

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4.2 Closed Drain Systems

Refer section 3.2.2 for general definition of Closed Drain systems and section
3.6.1 for segregation of closed drains from open drains. Following are the types of
closed drains.

4.2.1 Types Of Closed Drain

a. Maintenance Drains:

The drains used to drain a system or equipment for maintenance purpose after
it has been isolated and depressurized are called maintenance drains.

b. Operation Drains:

These are drains connecting the on-line process equipment to the closed drain
system and which are necessitated by the fact that it would be impractical to
transfer the liquid to be handled back to the process.

Below are examples of operation drains:

b.1 Process System/Equipment located in a remote area, which would

produce small liquid volumes at very low pressure (e.g. vent and flare
piping low points)

b.2 Process System / Equipment which would release very small liquid
volumes very infrequently (e.g. compressor casing drains to sweep
liquids out before starting)

Operation drains can be classified as:

i. Manual Drains:
These can be operated only manually using isolation or block valves.

ii. Automatic Drains:

Automatic drains are drains that can be operated without operator manual
intervention by using automatic valve(s) and need careful evaluation
before implementation.

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c. Instrument Drains:

Some instruments like level gauges and level switches need draining either
for taking readings or for maintenance. If the drained liquid is sour and/or
volatile the drain shall be hard piped to the closed drain system. A typical
sketch representing drain from level instruments is shown below.

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4.2.2 Design Features

a. General:

Closed drain piping shall comply with hydrocarbon piping specifications; in

particular buried section shall be all-welded (no flanges).

The collection and treatment of drains shall be segregated such that icing may
not occur: cold drains (handling LNG, refrigerated LPG or NGL) shall not be
mixed with wet drains.

Drain lines shall slope continuously to the closed drain system. There shall be
no pockets in the piping.

b. Positive Isolation:

Isolation philosophy shall be in accordance with BP RP 44-10 and with the

project specific isolation philosophy requirement.

c. Diameter:

The nominal size of branch connections shall be minimum 2” while the sub-
header and headers shall not be less than 3”. When determining the diameter
of the piping, due consideration shall be given to possible occurrence of
multi-phase flow.

d. Design Pressure:

The piping upstream of the closed drain drum shall have the same design
pressure as the process system /equipment connected to it. This is applicable
to all types of closed drains including those fitted with a spectacle blind for
positive isolation from the process equipment.

The closed drain collection piping shall be segregated into sub-systems of

different piping class by providing independent headers connected to the
closed drain drum via dedicated nozzles.

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e. Design Temperature:

The piping upstream of the closed drain drum shall have the same design
temperature as the process system/equipment connected to it. The design
temperature of the process system/equipment shall be based on the maximum
expected operating temperature plus a margin as required or the steam-out
temperature, whichever is higher. The low side design temperature should be
the lowest temperature resulting from (accidental) drainage under full process
pressure. The piping and valve material shall be selected to withstand the
temperature considering flashing down to the atmospheric pressure. Drain
pipe design shall take care of pipe stresses due to possible high and low

f. Maintenance Drain Connections :

The maintenance drain connection (i.e. isolation valving from equipment to

network of closed drain piping) shall comply with BP RP 44-10.

The connection of a maintenance drain to a process facility shall be designed

as per the sketches shown below.

Branches connecting the process facilities (e.g. hydrocarbon piping and

vessels) to closed drain headers shall be of a 2” nominal diameter, as a
minimum, and be fitted with two full bore ball valves with a bleed in
between. The first valve shall be located as close as practicable to the facility
to which it is connected.

All the valves and spectacle blinds shall be accessible for operation and

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Maintenance Closed Drain System with Spectacle Blind

Maintenance Closed Drain System without Spectacle Blind

(1) Minimum distance required if icing is a possibility during drainage.

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When spectacle blinds are provided in a maintenance drain, then a bleed shall be
provided to vent the contents that could be trapped between the block valves. If
required, the bleed shall be taken to a safe area.

Definition of terms used in sketch:

f.1 Flammable: Material that on release may create a flammable atmosphere

f.2 Toxic: Material for which intentional release to atmosphere, like draining, is
not acceptable because of the resulting risk to biological health and / or the
environment. Criteria to categorize process streams containing H2S as toxic
are given in section 3.5.

g. Controlled Draining in Closed Drain Systems:

For controlled draining from pressurized hydrocarbon equipment (e.g. pig

traps, separators) to closed drains, one of the valves in the equipment
drainpipe shall be a pressure balanced plug or globe valve. Alternatively a
restriction orifice (RO) may be provided downstream of the double block
valve which shall ensure controlled draining. If the RO needs to be installed
in the horizontal section of the drainpipe, then it shall be an eccentric type to
ensure complete draining of the RO upstream piping. The minimum orifice
size for controlled draining shall be 6 mm.

Note: For hydrocarbon liquids containing moderate to heavy solids and/or

tending to form gels and hydrates restriction orifice or any other
form of pipe restriction shall not be used in the drain piping.

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4.2.3 Closed Drain Drum

a. Function:

The vessel to which the closed drains discharge basically functions as a flash
drum and is referred as a closed drain drum. It does not function as an oil-
water separator and as such shall be designed as a flash vessel.

The closed drain drum should generally be designed for a liquid retention
time of minimum 1 minute to achieve proper degassing. Reference is made to
Norsok Standard P-100 “Process Systems”.

b. Venting:

The closed drain drum vent shall be a closed vent and shall be connected to a
low-pressure gas header or a low pressure flare system refer to ADMA-
OPCO SP-1146.

Any depressurization of the closed drain drum for the purpose of maintenance
should be addressed by operational procedures.

c. Design Pressure:

The design pressure of the closed drain drum shall be minimum 3.5 bar
(gauge), in line with API STD 521 to minimize resistance to an internal
explosion. The design pressure shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for
each installation/unit.

d. Design Temperature:

The design temperature should be carefully evaluated based on the highest

operating temperature from any of the process equipment connected to the
closed drain system. Consideration shall be given to low temperatures due to
pressure reduction and high temperatures due to steam-out conditions etc.

e. Instrumentation:

Level instrumentation is the most important instrumentation for closed drain

drum. Both control and monitoring of level shall be provided. High High/Low
Low level alarm / functions shall be provided.

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4.2.4 Further Handling from Closed Drain Drum

The contents of the closed drain drum shall be transferred using the under
mentioned two methods:
a. Pumps.
b. Blow out using high pressure gas.

In case the pumping option is selected, a minimum of two pumps (one operating
and one standby) shall be provided. Operation of the pumps shall be by means of
level switches providing Start/Stop action for the pumps.

High level will start the pump and the pump will stop at low level.

Even after starting of the first pump, if the level continues to rise, then at
High/High level, the second pump shall automatically start.

The pumps should be of low shear impeller design to minimize oil emulsification.
Low speed centrifugal pumps with operating speeds below 870 rpm are
recommended. Reference is made to BP RP 4-1.

The closed drain drum shall not be connected to mobile facilities for removal of
the closed drain drum liquids. Mobile removal, if necessary, may be undertaken
from an atmospheric tank or pit.

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5.1 Open Drain System

Refer to Appendix E for the schematic showing the schematic of a drain system
for offshore platform.

5.1.1 General

Refer section 3.3 for the different categories in Open Drains.

The three different types of wastewater encountered at offshore installations are


The drain liquid flows in pipes; laid to suitable gradients between the entry points,
seal pots and treatment facilities.

For all ODPOC and ODAOC drains, siphon shall be fitted in the outlet piping of
every entry point to prevent the unwanted migration of gases. U-shaped siphons
are recommended (refer Appendix-C). The minimum seal depth of these siphons
shall be 300 mm. These shall be easily accessible and flanged to permit easy

On production, process and utility platforms, drains shall normally be configured

as follows:

a. Hazardous Area Drain:

These are the open drains in the hazardous areas i.e. the hydrocarbon liquid
production and process areas.

These drains shall be collected together in the same header and sent into an
atmospheric tank (referred to as open drain drum). Seal pots (refer Appendix-
C) shall receive effluents from each drain sub-header to allow any gases
dissolved to vent away from ignition sources. The main collection header(s)
connecting the open drain drum shall be sealed on entry.

b. Non-Hazardous Area Drains:

These are the drains in the non-hazardous areas where equipment not
handling hydrocarbons can still generate oily wastewater.

These are all ODAOC drains and they shall be routed to the open drain drum
with a separate nozzle and seal arrangement.

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c. Clean Water Drains:

These collect oil-free water from clean surfaces (ODOF) such as:

c.1 From module roofs

c.2 From open deck areas, which are unlikely to be contaminated (e.g. lay-
down areas such as on weather decks, deck peripheral areas outside
equipment modules or far from machinery and process equipment)
c.3 Firewater / Rainwater from the hazardous area

These shall be collected and piped directly to sea. The outfalls shall be open
ended below the level of the lowest, routinely accessible deck referred to as
“cellar deck”. As an exception to this rule, single deck platforms may
discharge their fire and rainwater directly overboard.

5.1.2 Collection of the Drainage Effluent

a. Drain Collection Points :

There are two main types of collection points for effluent entering the drain

a.1 Tundishes (refer details in Appendix-D).

a.2 Gullies (refer details in Appendix-D).

Tundishes are basically open pipe connections that collect drips from
“equipment drains”, sample draw-off points, instrument drains and generally
all point-type sources of oily drips and spillage. The lip of the tundishes
should be located minimum 50 mm above deck level to prevent flooding of
oily water drain systems with rain/fire water.

Gullies are open devices used as a single point to collect surface drainage,
either on deck or in drip trays. Their size and shape is a function of the
volume of effluents, which have to be collected. Gullies for rainwater
collection are channels recessed into the deck. All gullies shall be covered by
grating at deck level.

The gullies of the hazardous and non-hazardous area drains shall be designed
so as to contain a permanent layer of water They should be made short to
minimize the risk of spread of fire due to flammable liquids and vapors in the
channel (typical length 1.5 m). There should be at least 3 gullies per 100 m2
of deck surface.

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Gullies shall be provided freeboard above the design flow level. This
freeboard should not be less than 100 mm. For gullies provided with firewater
overflows, the freeboard shall be between the design flow level and the lip of
overflow tundish level.

Gullies shall be designed to slope towards the open drainpipe intake, with a
minimum 2% slope. Avoid weirs in gullies.

The normally used gulley outlet (i.e. not the firewater/rainwater overflow
gulley outlet) shall be fitted with a readily removable large-mesh strainer.

b. Drip Trays:

Drip trays shall be installed under equipment, such as pig traps, where
spillage of hydrocarbon liquids is possible. One drip tray should be dedicated
to one major item or equipment, however for small, closely grouped
independent equipment handling compatible fluids (e.g. very small pumps) a
common drip tray may be used.

Drip trays should only be installed under those parts of the equipment that
may potentially leak and not under complete equipment skids since this could
lead to excessive loading on the drain system during periods of heavy rain.

Drip trays shall be designed with a minimum 2% slope. The material of

construction shall be compatible with the process fluid in contact, but shall be
minimum stainless steel 316 (e.g. corrosion resistant material for acidic
liquids and material resistant to cryogenic temperatures for liquefied gases).

5.1.3 Drain Piping Network

a. General:

Drain piping and associated equipment of drains from hazardous area and
non-hazardous area shall be designed as per BP RP 44-11, Section 5.3.2 to

b. Drain Piping Network For ODOF:

All oil-free water from gullies (refer Appendix-D) shall be routed to an

outboard discharge point located below the cellar deck through a suitable
drain piping network.

The clean water drain headers shall also accommodate all firewater /
rainwater overflows from the hazardous areas. The greater of the firewater
and rainwater cases shall be selected for the sizing of this system.

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5.1.4 Helidecks

Helidecks shall be surrounded with gullies. Gulies on helidecks which are prone
to accidental leaks should be connected to the non-hazardous area open drain

5.1.5 Buildings

Requirements are similar to that of onshore installations. Refer section 4.1.2-c.1.2.

5.1.6 Rain/Fire/Wash down Water Flows

a. Rainwater:

Offshore rainwater intensity shall be taken from SP-1060.The surface to be

taken into account is:

a.1 On the highest deck, the total surface and

a.2 On lower decks, it shall be assumed that rain is falling at an angle of 45°
i.e. strips as large as the difference between two consecutive decks.

b. Firewater: (refer section of BP RP 44-11)

The design rate of firewater drainage from a process area shall be the greater

b.1 either the rate of firewater deluge water applied to the area.
b.2 the rate of firewater applied to the area with the maximum number of
hoses and fixed monitors in use.

Per section of BP RP 44-11, the rate of firewater applied can be

calculated on the basis of 12.2 (L/min)/m² of designated area.

Firewater flow rate employed should be the maximum output from all
installed nozzles and not just the design output of the deluge system.

c. Washdown water:

Refer section 4.1.5.c for washdown water flow rate.

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5.1.7 Sources & Destination of Drain Systems Fluids:

Expected Open Drain
Sources Closed
Components Non-
Hazardous Drain
Process equipment and lines
Oil, condensate,
1 containing hydrocarbons for --- A+B A(1, 2)
water, sand, gas
maintenance purpose
Oil, condensate,
Process drains from
2 some gas, --- --- A(3)
pressure vessels
produced water
Drip trays under process
3 Oil, wash water --- A ---
Drains from aviation fuel Aviation fuel,
4 --- A ---
storage drip- trays water
Drains/overflows on diesel Diesel fuel, wash
5 --- A+B ---
fuel tanks/systems water
Drains on compressor seal Oil / condensate
6 --- A A(5)
oil tanks, pump seal drain + Gas
Drains on turbine and
7 Lubricating Oil A A ---
compressor lube oil tanks, (4)
Small quantities
Drip trays under chemical of spilled
8 A A ---
storage tanks/vessels, (4) chemicals, wash
Floor drains in Hazardous Spilled oil, wash
9 --- A ---
area water, rain water
Spilled lube oil,
Floor drains in Non-
10 wash water, rain A --- ---
Hazardous area
Instrument Drains (typically
11 level instruments from Oil --- A A(1, 2, 7)
process equipment)
12 Flare Knockout Drum Oil, Water --- --- A
Discharge of thermal relief
13 valve in hydrocarbon Oil, Water --- A A(1, 2)
process equipment/ piping
14 Deluge Drains (6) Firewater Direct overboard to sea
Roof & Outside deck drains
15 (oil free areas) (non- Rainwater Direct overboard to sea
16 Helideck drains A --- ---
spilled fuel

A : Drain system to be used
B : Washing Operation

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1. Sour liquid to be routed to closed drain.

2. Volatile hydrocarbons to be routed to closed drain.
3. To be drained into the closed drains drum and then pumped to process from
closed drain drum.
4. Depending on whether the equipment is located in hazardous or non-
hazardous area.
5. If the drained material is toxic then closed drain shall be used.
6. These can be either from hazardous or non-hazardous areas.
7. High pressure system.

5.1.8 Open Drain Drum

This shall be an atmospheric tank directly vented to atmosphere.

The basic function of the open drain drum is to collect the hazardous and non-
hazardous area open drains. It shall not receive liquids from the closed drain

Sizing of the drum shall be based on the washdown water case. Rainwater and
firewater (spray or deluge) flows shall not be considered for sizing the drum.

The capacity of the open drain drum and the pumps shall be evaluated on a case to
case basis.

The open drain drum liquids shall be transferred to the closed drain drum via
pump. Conditions required to be fulfilled for transfer of open drain drum liquids
to closed drain drum are described in Section 3.6.1.

The drain drum transfer pump suction take-off shall typically be extended 8” or
more above the drum bottom to prevent solids/sludge entering the pump.

The atmospheric vent line from the open drain drum shall be provided with a
flame arrestor and routed to a safe location.

The hazardous area open drain header and the non-hazardous area open drain
header shall enter separately into the open drain drum and the non-hazardous area
open drain header shall be sealed on entry. The minimum seal depth shall be 1 m.

Refer Appendix-E “Offshore Platform Drains Schematic” for a typical sketch of

the open drain drum.

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5.2 Closed Drain System

5.2.1 General

Refer table in Section 5.1.7 for the sources of liquids drained to the closed drain
system. In the case of maintenance drains, it is important to note that the
equipment to be drained to the close drain system shall be isolated and
depressurized before start of draining.

All drainage to the closed drain drum should be by gravity flow.

The closed drain drum liquids shall be returned (pumped) back to the process.

5.2.2 Design Features

Refer to section 4.2.2

5.2.3 Closed Drain Drum

Additionally and specifically for the offshore platform the closed drain drum can
also receive liquids from the open drain drum by pump if the conditions specified
in 3.6.1 are met.

The open drain headers shall not be connected directly to the closed drain drums.

The pumped transfer line from the open drain drum to the closed drain drum shall
be dipped and sealed in the liquid of the closed drain drum. The minimum seal
depth shall be 1 m and the minimum distance between the dip pipe outlet and
closed drain drum bottom surface shall be 8” (200 mm) to prevent obstruction by
sludge or solids.

The capacity of the closed drain drum shall such that it can accommodate the
hold-up of the largest vessel (draining to the closed drain drum) from the Low
Low Level to the bottom of this vessel.

Refer Appendix-E “Offshore Platform Drain” Schematic for a typical sketch of

the closed drain drum.

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5.3 Well Head Towers (WHT)

The WHT shall be provided with a single drain collection vessel, which shall be
designated as “Drain Sump Tank”.

Separate closed drain header and open drain header shall be provided to collect
the drained fluid at different locations. Both the open drain and closed drain
shall be routed to the “Drain Sump Tank”.

Refer Appendix-F for drain systems schematic for WHT.

5.3.1 Closed Drains on WHT

Closed drain piping network shall collect in general the following liquid content:

a. Drain contents from production header after depressurization.

b. Drain contents from multi-phase flow meter / test separator manifold after
depressurization and prior to maintenance.
c. Drain contents from chemical storage tank.
d. Drain contents from the annuli bleeds.
e. All pig traps (launchers and/or receivers) on the WHT prior to maintenance.
Pig traps draining shall be as per the pigging procedure.
f. Drain contents from high-pressure instrument drains (e.g. level instrument of
hydrocarbon equipment such as a test separator).

All closed drain connections shall be hard piped from the equipment, hydrocarbon
piping, instruments etc. to the closed drain main header keeping the hazardous
hydrocarbon liquids out of contact with the atmosphere.

The closed drain system shall be a gravity-based system draining to the “Drain
Sump Tank”.

5.3.2 Open Drains on WHT

These are basically atmospheric drains collecting the surface waste liquids. All
their intakes (entry points) are permanently vented to atmosphere.
Open drain header shall collect in general, the following liquid content:
a. Pig Launcher/Receiver drip trays.
b. Chemical Injection Skid drip tray.

The open drain header shall be a totally independent header routed to the “Drain
Sump Tank”. This header shall be sealed on entry into the drain sump tank. The
minimum seal depth shall be 1 m.

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5.3.3 Helideck Drains on WHT
The helideck drain is considered to be an oil-free, clean drain and shall be directly
discharged into the sea.

5.3.4 Drain Sump Tank

a. Location:
It should be located on the lowest deck of the WHT platform to facilitate
gravity draining.
b. Sizing:
The sizing shall be based on the single largest source of equipment/piping on
the WHT being drained into the drain sump tank either through the open or
closed drain header. Due consideration shall be given to accumulation of
rainwater in the open drip trays surrounding equipment such as pig traps and
chemical injection skid.
c. Instrumentation:
The drain sump tank shall be provided as a minimum with a local level
indication and a remote level indication with high/low level alarms.
d. Handling and Disposal:
The recovered oil contents of the drain sump tank can be routed to the subsea
line through a pump (either electric power driven or process gas driven). If
the WHT is not in operation, the drain sump tank liquids shall not be pumped
into the subsea line and shall be emptied into a boat.
As an alternative, the drain sump tank disposal system may be designed
entirely for collection on a boat.
The following options may be exercised for transferring the drain sump tank
liquids to the boat:
d.1 Fixed pump on WHT platform (gas driven).
d.2 By a portable pump (air driven with air supplied from service boat).
d.3 Fixed pump on WHT platform (air driven with air supplied from service
d.4 Electrical motor driven pump installed on WHT for the case where WHT
has electrical power supply available.
d.5 Transferred to boat by gravity, which requires adequate elevation
difference between the drain sump tank and the boat.

e. Venting:
The vent from the drain sump tank shall be an atmospheric cold vent at a safe
location downwind of the prevailing wind direction and as far away as
possible from the boat landing stage. The vent line shall be provided with a
flame arrestor. A dispersion analysis shall be done to determine the
atmospheric cold vent height.

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Abbreviation Description

ADMA-OPCO Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company

ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

API American Petroleum Institute

CD Closed Drain

CPI Corrugated Plate Interceptor

GP Guidance on Practice

GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic

H2S Hydrogen Sulfide

HAZOP Hazard and Operability analysis

HP High Pressure

KO Knock-Out

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

LP Low Pressure

LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

NGL Natural Gas Liquids

OD Open Drain

ODAOC Open Drain Accidentally Oil Contaminated

ODOF Open Drain Oil Free

ODPOC Open Drain Permanently Oil Contaminated

PPI Parallel Plate Interceptor

ppmv parts per million volume basis

QA Quality Assurance

QAS Quality Assurance System

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Abbreviation Description

QC Quality Control

QMS Quality Management Systems

QP Quality Plan

RO Restriction Orifice

RP Recommended Practice

SED Standard Engineering Document

TPA Third Party Agency

VOC Volatile Organic Compounds

WHT Well Head Tower

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H.1 General Definition

Term Definitions

ADMA-OPCO The Abu Dhabi Marine Operating ADMA-OPCO.

The Contractor referred in this document is the Engineering Procurement

and Construction (EPC) Contractor or the Installation Contractor who shall
be responsible for carrying out all works in accordance with this
Specification and other requirements as per Contract.

All those planned and systematic actions (QA) necessary to ensure quality
Quality Assurance i.e. to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will be fit for
its intended purpose.

A Document setting out the general quality policies, procedures and

Quality Manual
practices of an organization.

A document prepared by the Contractor/Vendor setting out the specific

Quality Plan
quality practices, resources and activities relevant to a particular project.

Quality The structure organization, responsibilities, activities, resources and events

Management that together provide organized procedures and methods of implementation
System to ensure the capability of the organization to meet quality requirements.

Is the Company contracted to undertake the Third Party Inspection &

Verification Tasks (TPA) on behalf of ADMA-OPCO.

Is the named Manufacturer or Supplier in the ADMA-OPCO Purchase

Vendor Order. The term “Vendor” as used herein includes all Manufacturers and
sub-suppliers of equipment covered by this Document.

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H.2 Specific Definition (cont’d)

Term Definition
Retention basins or trays designed to collect, contain and send to the installation
Bunded Areas, drains the oily drips and spillage (hydrocarbons, oils, greases) likely to occur
Drip Trays underneath process equipment and machines in normal operation. They are
permanently connected to the installation open drains.
Closed Drains are fully contained drums, hard piped from the equipment to be drained
Closed Drains to the treatment facilities.
Mixture of flammable gas or vapor in air which will burn when ignited
A three-dimensional area in which a flammable atmosphere maybe expected to be
present at such frequencies as to require special precautions for the type and use of
Area electrical apparatus or other potential ignition sources.
Facility installed in onshore oil and gas installations as the last oil trap before disposal
of oily water to public waters. It is an open pit designed as a retention basin to retain
basin the drainage effluent for a certain time
Wastewater open drains either (1) contaminated in normal operation or during other
routine operations foreseen during design by very small volumes of hydrocarbons (an
ODAOC example would be maintenance draining) or (2) normally clean and for which
contamination with hydrocarbons can only result from an accidental leak (e.g. pipe
weld crack) or a rare event such as storm flooding.
Wastewater open drains in areas where the risk of contamination by hydrocarbons is
ODOF minimal and can be disregarded.
Wastewater open drains contaminated in normal operation or during other routine
ODPOC operations foreseen during design by significant quantities of liquid hydrocarbons
(e.g. draining for maintenance)
Oil trap Facility designed to retain and allow recovery of floating liquid hydrocarbons only.
Wastewater generated during the processing activities in oil and gas installations and
Oily water which contains oil, emulsified oil, or other hydrocarbons.
Facilities designed for the treatment (primary and secondary) of oily water to meet a
Oily water
given specification for its disposal to public waters or sea. As an example, the
treatment maximum oil and grease in ppm terms may be quantified.
They are basically atmospheric drains with their intakes (entry points) being
Open Drains permanently vented to atmosphere.
Gravity-differential separation of oil from wastewaters (API separator).
The “seals” are in this specification hydraulic seals. Drains are “sealed” if they are
provided with a hydraulic seal to prevent fire spreading and gas migration. This can
Seals, sealed be implemented by providing a siphon or by providing a dip pipe in the receiving tank
below the liquid level.

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Unless otherwise specified, the latest edition of the Standard Engineering Documents listed below
shall to the extent specified herein, represent part of this document.

Designation Title


Code of Practice on Environmental Impact Assessment.


GDL-005 Guideline for HAZOP Study.

SL-001 Status List for ADMA-OPCO Standard Engineering Documents.

Third Party Inspection and Certification Requirements for New Equipment

and Materials in Manufacture.

SP-1009 Requirements for Contractors Quality Systems on Major Projects.

SP-1060 Specification for Process Design Criteria.

SP-1146 Specification for Vent and Depressurizing Systems.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

B31.3 Process Piping.

B31.4 Pipeline Transmission Systems For Liquid Hydrocarbons And Other Liquids.

American Petroleum Institute (API)

Monographs on Refinery Environment Control-Management of Water

API 421
Discharges: Design and Operation of Oil-Water Separators.

API STD 521 Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems.

British Petroleum (BP)

BP RP 4-1 Drainage Systems.

BP RP 44-10 Isolation of Equipment for Maintenance.

Guide to the Selection on Arrangement & Specification of Offshore Platform

BP RP 44-11

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Designation Title

British Standards Institution (BSI)

BS EN 10204 Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Documents.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection.

Institute of Petroleum (IP)

Area Classification Code for Installations Handling Flammable Fluids, Part 15

IP 15
of the IP Model Code of Safe Practice in the Petroleum Industry.

Fire Precautions at Petroleum Refineries & Bulk Storage Installations, Part 19

IP 19
of the IP Model Code of Safe Practice in the Petroleum Industry.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

SI Units and Recommendations for the use of their multiples and certain other
ISO 1000

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements.

Norsok Standards

P-100 Process Systems.

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