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LIFESTYLE SSPE Lasagna with Sugo Funghi
1% Ape by dha parm d's scan en
ushroom twist on ths
Tiythis delicous cash
f Ingredients
@ 308 dries porcini mushvooms
0m water
1 medium onion peeled and fey chopped
200¢ fresh chestnut mushrooms finely sliced
1 clove gare
4 r2blespoons tomate puree
1 vegetable stock cube or mushraom f available
1 500g pack of dried lasagna sheets or fresh fusing
100g Freshy rated parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons double cream or creme fraiche (options!)
asi wot save
208 plan four
sg buter
‘200m ik
freshly roundback pepper
https://www.lifestylefood.com.au/recipes/254 I I/lasagna-with-sugo-funghi 24/09/20181. ina small bowl, soak the porcn! in 600m of boing wter fr 10 mins. Drain the
porcini reserving the soaking qui, and finely chop.
2. Heat? tablespoons of alive ol in 2 heavy bottom pan over 2 medium heat ane
frythe diced anion and chestnut mushrooms until soft and transient. Nex to
this ade the enopped porcil and garlic and cook for 8 further minute
| Lastystrinthe tomato puree stack cube and reserved porcini water. Lower
the heat and simmer gently for 20:30 minutes unel the sauce has reduced
slighty and thickened, Seazon toast with ak & pepper and add the cream i
Make the white sauce by melting the butter na large nonstick pan. Whisk in
the flour to form a smooth paste. Remove the pan from the heat an slowly add
the mil, continual wnsking to avoid tumps, Return tothe eat and whisk ut
ithas thickened to 8 smooth consistency. Season wth salt pepper and aie
grated nutmeg,
5. Preheat the oven to 120%C and start to assemble the lasagne by covering the
bottom ofa large ovenproof dish (approx 25cm x em) with a thin aye of he
white sauce.
6 Next adda layer ofthe past, slight overlapping ari cutting to ft were
necessary Then sp00n over a thin layer ofthe mushroom sug Lastly a coating
(of grated parmesan and then start again continuing unt! you have 3 04 of
‘hes layers finishing with te white sauce,
2. Give a final sprinkle of parmesan and dot with the bute before placing he
‘oven for 30 0-40 mins til golden brown and bubbling. TIPJust before cooking
our a tablespoon of miknto each ofthe 4 comers of te dshtopreventit
drying out.
Nutritional information
Nutritional anabis per senang (14 servings)
Energy 3074 | Fat Total 12g | Saturated Ft 6g | Protein 10g |
Croohyarate 37g | Suger 4g | Secium 443mg
Note: The information shown is Edam’ estimate based on avaliable
Ingrecient ane preparation. should et be considered a substitute for 8
professions nuiionsts aevee.
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https://www.lifestylefood.com.awrecipes/2541 I/lasagna-with-sugo-funghi