Oral Com
Oral Com
Oral Com
Self Awareness - how one sees oneself This type refers to communication that
Perception - the way one sees the outside requires you to deliver or send the message
world is also rooted in his/her beliefs, before or in front of a group.
values, and attitudes. The message can be driven by
Expectation - oriented towards the future. informational or persuasive purposes.
Channels are more exaggerated
LEVELS OF INTRAPERSONAL Voice is louder gestures are more
Internal Monologue – stream of Audience is bigger
consciousness Speaker might use additional visual
Solo Vocalization – reading out loud channels.
Solo Writing – diary
Example: You participate in a declamation,
Example: You felt happy while thinking about how oratorical, or debate contest watched by a number
your teacher appreciated you for submitting your of people.
Oral Communication
1st Quarter | 11 – J. Rizal
This refers to communication that takes The intimate style of speech is not meant for
place through television, radio, newspapers, public communication; rather, it is best used
magazines, books, billboards, internet, and by two people.
other types of media. Language used is not shared in public.
Oral Communication
1st Quarter | 11 – J. Rizal
Assertive – the speaker expresses belief about
FROZEN REGISTER the truth of the preposition.
static register is used for printed and Examples: suggesting, putting, swearing, boasting
unchanging language.
Directive – the speaker tries to make a request to
Examples: the receiver.
Prayer, Oath taking, Biblical quotations Examples: asking, inviting, advising, begging
Commissive – The speaker commits to a future
LS6: SPEECH ACT action such as promises or oath.
Examples: Planning, promising, vowing, and
is a spoken word, phrase, or sentence that betting
performs a functions of language.
Expressive – expresses his/her emotions and
Austin (1962), speech acts are the speaker’s attitudes towards someone or something.
utterances which convey meaning and make Examples: congratulatory, thanks, and complaints.
listeners do specific things.
Declarative – speech act that perform an official
Austin (1962), when saying a performative function by their declaration.
utterance, a speaker is simultaneously doing Examples: wedding, pronouncement of being
something. guilty.
Mark Twain - Action speaks louder than words but 3. PERLOCUTION – The effects on the
not nearly as often. audience. The aim of perlocutionary speech
act is to change feelings, thoughts, or
1. LOCUTIONARY – the act of actual actions
utterance, occurs when the speaker
performs an utterance (locution), which has Persuading, Convincing, Scaring,
a meaning in the traditional sense. Enlightening, Inspiring
Examples: greeting, invitation, request, refusal, Examples: • “I was born a Filipino, I will live a
compliment, promise, and apology. Filipino, I will die a Filipino!” (inspiring)
“There’s too much homework in this subject. ”
“I’ll do my homework later. ” (promise)
“Go do your homework!” (order)