Rostow Models
Rostow Models
Rostow Models
In his view, at the beginning, a traditional society witnessed a few stages before
attaining the level of the age of mass consumption. Rostow’s stages of economic
development are shown below.
The traditional society has been defined as one where limited production functions
are characterised by pre-Newtonian technology. The social structure is hierarchical,
political power is confined in the hands of a feudal aristocracy. More than 75 per cent
of the population is engaged in agriculture.
The second stage is a transitional phase, the preconditions-, of which were initiated
mainly by four forces: the Renaissance, the New Monarchy, the New World and the
New Religion or the Reformation. These forces were cardinal factors behind the
changes in social attitudes, values etc.
The pre-conditions are brought about by external factors. In most parts of Britain the
situation changed with the domination of Napoleon whose victory set in new
revolutionary ideas. The preconditions for industrial development demand changes
in non-industrial sectors, viz., (i) a buildup of social overhead capital, particularly in
transport sectors; (ii) agricultural practices witnessing technological up gradation,
which leads to rising agricultural productivity; and (iii) import expansion.
The take-off stage is a significant breakthrough which ushers a ‘great watershed’ in
the society. The period lasts only about two decades.
(ii) One or more of the substantial manufacturing sectors witness high growth rate;
(iii) The political, social and institutional framework improves to meet the
requirement of expansion in the modern sectors.
So, the take-off sets in due to the development of a propulsive sector or a political
revolution which leads to a change in the production processes accompanied by an
increase in investment.
The drive to maturity is the phase when the society has been able to apply a wide
range of technology to development processes enabling it to achieve a long sustained
economic growth extending well over four decades.
(iii) Society gets exhausted by the pace of industrialisation and seeks changes which
would lead to further change.
There are three forces which increase welfare during the post-maturity
(i) The national policy is geared to enhance power and spreads its influence beyond
national frontiers;
(ii) For achieving the goal of a welfare state, the government makes provisions for
more equitable distribution of income, social security, leisure to the workforce;
2. The precondition phase is not necessary before the take-off. It is hard to believe on the
available evidence that a phase of agricultural revolution and build- up of overhead social
capital in transport must precede the take-off.
3. Stages tend to overlap. Countries such as New Zealand and Denmark experienced take-off
as a result of agricultural development. In their cases, the different stages postulated by W.W.
Rostow are not distinct.
4. There are in discrepancies in the matter of take-off. Rostow himself was sceptical
regarding the date of take-off. This is suggested by his paradoxical reference to the years
1937 and 1952 as the years of India’s take-off. He did not consider the possibilities of
economic recession during takeoff. The analysis of take-off hardly takes into account the
impact of historical heritage, extent of backwardness and other associa ted factors.
Regarding the essential conditions for take-off, some shortcomings are found:
(a) The rate of productive investment to over 10 per cent of net national product is found to
be arbitrary.
(b) Rostow’s emphasis on the role of some leading sectors like textiles, railroad, etc., in the
take-off can hardly be proved.
(c) In the third condition, Rostow argued in favour of mobilising domestic capital which is no
different from the first condition.
5. The drive to maturity is confusing. The stage contains all the features of the take-off, e.g.,
net investment over 10 per cent of national income, development of latest production
techniques etc. Therefore, the need for a separate stage where growth is self- sustained is no
longer required. In reality, no growth is absolutely self-sustaining or self- limiting.
6. Chronological order is not maintained in the stage of high mass consumption. Some
countries like Canada and Australia entered this stage even before attaining maturity.
7. The concept of take-off ideally fits the case of developing countries. Rostow’s idea of over
10 per cent capital formation and the development of propulsive leading sectors, are of
immense importance for the developing countries.
However, the take-off has few limitations in respect to the developing countries as well:
(i) The constant capital-output ratio inferred by Rostow suggests constant returns to scale.
This assumption holds true in the case of the developed countries. The economy of the
developing countries is generally characterised by primary production and primitive
technologies. Due to unchanged techniques and population explosion, the natural resources
show a rate of diminishing return.