PC 3.3 Commissioning Guidelines Ver 1.3
PC 3.3 Commissioning Guidelines Ver 1.3
PC 3.3 Commissioning Guidelines Ver 1.3
Commissioning Report 34
K 38
Internal Fusing:
• The PCC3300s internal fusing protection is temperature dependant. It will allow 2X rated current at 20°C (about
room temp), and allow rated current at 85°C.
• The internal fusing is a current limiting device that self resets once the short circuit is removed and it’s cooled down.
The PCC3300 control system includes a real time clock function. The Real Time Clock (RTC) is used for calculating controller
on time, recording fault occurrence times, supporting factory test, and for the automatic scheduler feature. Once
programmed, the real time clock accurately* calculates seconds, minutes, hours, date of the month, month, day of the week,
and year with leap year compensation valid up to 2100. The clock operates in 24 hour format and automatically adjusts the
end of the month for months fewer than 31 days.
When battery power is removed from the PCC3300, the RTC remains powered via internal circuitry on the PCC3300. The
internal circuitry will provide power to the RTC for about one hour, after which the RTC will become reset to 0 Seconds, 0
Hour, 0 Minutes, 0 Month, 0 Date, 0 Year. Under this condition, the “RTC Power Interrupt” Fault (1689) will become active
indicating that the clock needs to be reset.
The RTC also has supports Daylights Savings Time, which is a convention used to advance the time by one hour so afternoons
have more daylight then mornings. The DST logic adds the DST Adjustment time to the current time when the current time is
equal to the DST Start Time. The DST logic subtracts the DST Adjustment time from the current time when the current time is
equal to the DST End Time. To Enable DST, the trim Daylight Savings Enabled needs to be set to Enabled. To setup DST,
specify the values for the following trims.
Daylight Savings End Day Monday - Sunday Calendar Day in which DST Ends
Daylight Savings End Hour 02 – 19 hours Hour (24 Hr) in which DST Ends
Daylight Savings End Week Occurrence First Occurrence – Last Occurrence of Daylight Savings End Day in
in Month Occurrence which DST Ends
Daylight Savings Start Day Monday - Sunday Calendar Day in which DST Starts
Daylight Savings Start Hour 02 – 19 hours Hour (24 Hr) in which DST Starts
Daylight Savings Start Week First Occurrence – Last Occurrence of Daylight Savings End Day in
Occurrence in Month Occurrence which DST Starts
141 Warning Engine Oil Rifle Pressure 1 Sensor Circuit - Voltage 15 PSI / 103 kPa / 1.03 bar @ 800 RPM
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
415 Shutdown Engine Oil Rifle Pressure - Data Valid but Below 35 PSI / 241 kPa / 2.41 bar @ 1500 RPM
Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level 10 PSI / 69 kPa / 0.68 bar @ 800 RPM
144 Warning Engine Coolant Temperature 1 Sensor Circuit - 207 Deg F / 97 Deg C
Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
151 Shutdown Engine Coolant Temperature - Data Valid but Above 215 Deg F / 101 Deg C
Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
197 Warning Coolant Level - Data Valid but Below Normal Low Level @ 800 RPM
Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
235 Shutdown Coolant Level - Data Valid but Below Normal Low Level @ 1500 RPM
Operational Range - Most Severe Level
Shutdown Engine Over speed 115% of 1500 RPM i.e. 1725 RPM +/-1
442 Warning High DC Voltage Batt. Volt > 32 V DC
441 Warning Low DC Voltage Batt. Volt< 24 V DC
1442 Warning Weak Battery Rated Volt < 60% i.e. 14.4 V DC
1446 Shutdown High AC Voltage Rated Volt > 130% i.e. 540.8 V AC
1447 Shutdown Low AC Voltage Rated Volt < 85% i.e. 353.60 V AC, for 10
1448 Shutdown Under Frequency Rated Freq. < 90% i.e.45 Hz for 10 Sec
1472 Shutdown High Current Shutdown Rated Current > 110% as per PCC IDMT
1471 Warning High Current Warning Rated Current > 110% for 60 Sec.
1445 Shutdown Short Circuit Rated Current > 175% Instantaneous
1444 Warning Overload Rated Current > 115%, after 5 Sec. The
load dump O/P will get activated.
1459 Shutdown Reverse Power (-) Kw Power > 10% of Rated Kw for 3 Sec
8) If the Megger value not found within limit, use anti-condensation heater inside Alternator or blow warm air through
the generator with a fan. The winding should be dried out and Megger test should be repeated.
9) Ensure the Megger Value between ph-ph, ph-N, ph-Gland of Power Cable is within limit.
10) Carry out HV Test of Power cable putting both ends of cable disconnected.
11) Remove loose items from terminal box and clean the Alternator by blowing dry Air.
12) Check that Power cable connections are properly routed inside Alternator terminal box.
13) Check that Power cable termination box is properly supported no stresses on terminals.
14) Check that Power cables are tightens with Plane and spring washers.
15) Ensure RTD, BTD, and space heaters are provided and check their connections.
16) Check the ratio of CT/PT mounted inside the Alternator box.
17) Check the control cable connections of Field winding, PMG, AVR, Isolation Transformer are proper and tight and
18) Ensure other end connections of Power cable are tightly connected to the breaker incoming Bus bar.
19) Write down No load and full load excitation volt and current from Alternator Name plate.
20) Run the Engine at low idle speed and ensure there is no any abnormal sound.
21) Run the Genset at High idle speed observe the rated Voltage of Alternator and adjust if required.
Genset Controller
1) Check that Panel is grounded correctly. There is a small yellow colored wire that comes from the baseboard. This is the
chassis ground which needs to be grounded.
2) Ensure Engine Battery –(Ve) is Earthed.
3) Ensure control cable gland earthing.
4) Check and ensure that control cable connections at Genset TB strip are as per drawing.
5) Ensure connections of Genset Remote Start/Stop, Breaker ON/OFF, Load Demand Stop and Emergency Stop
buttons/switches are correct. In standalone condition and with no input signals to controller, the controller should not
show any FC or any active remote signal.
6) Change the operation mode in PCC3300 to Utility Multiple or Standalone Or as per the customer requirement.
7) Ensure CT/PT sensing wiring Harness connections at both ends is correct.
8) Ensure PMG and field wiring Harness connections at both ends are correct. All three lugs viz. PMG2, PMG3 & PMG4
should be tightly connected.
9) Ensure sharing lines TB9-7, TB9-8, TB-9, TB10, TB11 connections with other Genset (For ex PCC3100) TB-54, 55, 56, 57,
58 are correct.
For ex: -
10) Check the Oil level, Fuel, Cooling water in the system.
11) Start the Priming Pump and check Engine Oil pressure.
12) Run the Genset at Rated Speed (1500rpm) and ensure all Engine parameters are Normal, rated Voltage is built up.
13) Close the Genset Breaker from controller and ensure Controller is displaying Bus Voltage.
14) Adjust the Voltage at required level if required. (Nominal Voltage to be selected 416V).
15) Load the Genset with available load and Ensure KVA, Amp, Kw, Kvar, PF, HZ, readings on Controller.
HT Breaker Panel
11) Putting the breaker in Service mode ensure Breaker incomer and outgoing is dead and check various condition as
spring charge/ Ready to close / Breaker close / breaker Open.
12) Ensure Remote breaker Closing / Opening and Tripping is OK.
13) Check that the breaker auxiliary contact connections are operating properly.
14) Open the CT shorting links provided in the panel, Charge incoming of the breaker ensuring Breaker O/G is dead, switch
ON the breaker.
15) Check the phase sequence of supply at PT secondary output.
16) Charge the Transformer and check the Phase sequence at the output of the transformer is as per required.
Controller Calibration
There are Three Different parameters which need to be calibrated. These are voltage measurement for display, voltage
measurement for regulation, and current measurement for display.
5) Adjust the HMI current display with calibrated meter reading by decreasing or increasing the L1 %.
6) The procedure is required for all 3 phases. (Once correct password is entered, for other two parameters password is not
Settings on the PCC- Factory Settings
Note:- Clearly mention in your FSR if there is any deviation in these settings
TB15 - Service
J26- J1939 Interface
to Engine Control
J14- service Tool
TB5-Breaker Control
Connections TB3-Customer Input/output
TB1-Customer Connections
TB8-Customer Connections
PCC 3300
Note:- TB5-1 & TB5-2 are the NO contacts which closes when the breaker is closed from HMI or the contacts automatically
close in AUTO once engine reaches 90% of rated voltage and speed. The functionality is vice versa for TB5-4 and TB 5-5
NOTE: For relay specification details, please refer document part no. 0630-3440
The engine starts provided the controller is put in auto mode. Remote start indication can be seen on HMI 320.
Customer Input 1
Step -2 When PCC is being paralleled with other PCC sets (3100/3200/3201), loop the load sharing lines with respect to the
proper signals. Below figure gives a clear idea for the same.
NOTE: TB13 terminals mentioned in the below connection drawing is the TB strip on BUS PT.
1. In Run Mode, when Engine Speed & Voltage reach 90% of Rated & When the Breake
Breakerr Close button
on HMI can be pressed.
2. In Auto Mode, When Remote start command is given & only when Speed & Voltage reach 90% of
rated automatically.
1. In Run Mode, when Engine Speed & Voltage reach 90% of Rated & when the synchroni
conditions are met, the circuit breaker can be closed from HMI.
2. In Auto Mode, when Remote start command is given with Speed & Voltage reach 90% of rated and
synchronizing conditions are met, the circuit breaker closes automatically. Indication for the same can
be seen from HMI.
Step - 4 Complete
mplete the genset breaker connections. The feedback for breaker closed/open can be given for either single
position or dual position breaker feedback. Default setting in PC 3.3 is for single position contact. Tripped status is an
OPTIONAL connection.
Step - 5 Provide the bus voltage signal to PCC control. This can be done by providing AC voltage to TB 7 connector. This is the
most important step because if these signals are not provided, the controller will sense dead bus and will give the closing
command without synchronizing.
Important Note :-
PCC3300 software version 3.070 onwards will support the Toyo Denki HT alternators with PT of 110 secondary.
Earlier versions will trigger the FC# 2817 “Genset PT ratio too large” warning. This will not affect the genset
performance, but the warning will stay active. Only remedy to reset the fault is use a PT with secondary ratio
greater than 134 volts L-L.
Refer the below Genset OEM Setup Wizard snap shot for reference. All yellow highlighted parameters are
listed above.
In addition to this following parameters need to be set if the Genset Application type is “Utility Multiple”
Genset Bus PT Primary Voltage – Set it same as the Genset Nominal Voltage
Genset But PT Secondary Voltage – Set it as per the Genset Bus PT secondary Voltage
These are the only parameters need to be set for converting a 416 V L-L genset to HT Application.
Commissioning Report
Dealer promotion ID
Service Engineer
Dealer Name
Engine Model
Serial No
Controller Serial No
Engine Running Hours
Commissioning Hours
Control Run Time
KW Hours -1) Genset
2) Utility
Lube Oil Pressure
Coolant Temperature
O/P Voltage
Actual Date & Time
Controller Sleep Mode( Yes/No)
Controller Sleep Mode in Auto( Yes/No)
In case of Doubts don’t hesitate to contact the nearest Head Zonal Electronics.