NDT Lab - Vitamins, Minerals, Water - Unaccomplished
NDT Lab - Vitamins, Minerals, Water - Unaccomplished
NDT Lab - Vitamins, Minerals, Water - Unaccomplished
Definition: Facts
1. It must be a vital organic substance that is not an Vitamin A – Retinol kauna-unahang nadeclare na
energy-producing carbohydrate, fat, or protein and vitamin
usually necessary in only very small quantities to
- Within 6 months stored in liver
perform a particular metabolic function or to prevent an
associated deficiency disorder. Calcitriol – active form of Vitamins D soluble in fat and
heat stable
2. It cannot be manufactured by the body and must
therefore be supplied in food. Pinakasafe na Vitamin E – tocopherol, tocariol
3. By its absence or underutilization causes a specific - Good scavengers,
deficiency syndrome. - Works well selenium
DEFINITION OF TERMS Vitamin c deficiency – scurvy infantial scurvy
1. Antioxidant - a substance that can inhibit reactions of 90 mg
free radicals such as reactive species of oxygen; also
used to describe Vitamin C and E, some carotenoids 75 mg – female
ubiquinones and bioflavonoids. Smokers – plus 35 mg per day
2. Bioflavonoids - a group of vitamin-like substances Minerals
food in plants with antioxidant properties.
Niacin – tryptophan – precursor
3. Ubiquinones - vitamin-like metabolites that play
essential role as coenzyme Q10 in respiratory energy Cobalamin – cobalt stored in the liver
metabolism and have antioxidant properties that may
spare Vitamin E in cells.
Deficiency – antagonists
Large Intestine – most absorption taken place in
Excretion – urine, sweating (skin), feces
Mineral to mineral interaction – nonhyme iron – baba
Reflex Tears – ang absorption ng zinc
Continuous Tears – lubrication of eyes for protection Excessive intake of zinc – dedecrease ang copper
By recommendation – microminerals Best storage in toothbrush – without cap (2 to 3
Ca – vitamin antagonists’ magnesium
Sanitized in dip water
Best absorbed in acidic environment
Vanadium – recording
Barium – radioisotopes