Transmission Line Construction February 2023
Transmission Line Construction February 2023
Transmission Line Construction February 2023
Transmission line
This document provides general information about the
overhead transmission line and double circuit lattice
tower construction process for the proposed Western
Renewables Link. Other tower types including single circuit
lattice towers and monopoles are also being investigated
for use in some sections of the proposed route.
2 WRLV1 – 20.02.2023
Construction overview
The Western Renewables Link is expected to Before construction activities start, we will
be constructed in sections, with construction meet with the landholder to discuss and plan
crews focused on one section at a time. Crews the construction activities to ensure any site or
will complete a series of construction steps at property specific requirements are considered,
each tower site (see diagram). The construction such as the need for fencing or the removal of
process and overall time spent at each tower livestock.
site will vary depending on the location, .
conditions, terrain and other environmental We will also inspect the site to assess
considerations, such as steps taken to protect the general area and ground conditions
threatened flora and fauna. and complete any final site investigations
for engineering and/or environmental
Pending project approvals, construction of requirements.
the transmission line is expected to be
complete in 2027.
Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:
Site preparation, access and Tower foundation works Tower assembly works Transmission line
vegetation clearance stringing works
(2 - 4 weeks) (1 - 4 weeks) (2 - 4 weeks) (4 - 10 weeks)
Removal of vegetation Foundation excavation (auger Delivery of tower steel Installation of pilot/draw wires
or drilling)
Establishment of access tracks Form and pour tower foundation Tower assembly works Winching of new conductors
*Typically a period of 1 week to several months could be expected between these stages
Commitment to landholders
Landholders on the proposed route for the We will continue to work closely with
Western Renewables Link are key stakeholders landholders throughout project design and
in delivering this significant energy transmission planning to refine the tower and access track
project for all Victorians. We are committed to locations, understand their requirements when
working with landholders in a respectful, open accessing properties and plan construction
and responsive way, in accordance with our timing and activities together to minimise the
values, the Essential Services Commission’s impacts of construction on their property and
Electricity Transmission Company Land Access operations.
Statement of Expectations, and in a manner
that reflects landholders as key stakeholders More information about the statement of
and hosts of the required infrastructure. expectations is available on the ESC website.
Step 1:
Site preparation, access and
vegetation clearance
(2–4 weeks)
Site preparation Access tracks
To prepare the site, tower locations and Temporary access tracks are used to transport Where required, construction of a new
work areas will be surveyed and pegged out. equipment to the transmission tower sites temporary access track typically involves:
Environmental, Aboriginal cultural heritage and temporary construction hardstand areas.
and historic heritage features and values will Temporary access tracks typically need to be 4 • Removal of the topsoil using graders or
be flagged for protection, as appropriate, to 6m wide depending on the terrain. tracked bulldozers.
and on-site workers will be briefed on these
areas and protections. Where the project We will work with landholders to identify any • Stockpiling the topsoil for reuse.
crosses roads, railways, electricity lines or existing access tracks that can be used or
communication lines, protective works such as upgraded for this purpose. If there are no • Surface levelling using a grader and roller.
hurdles, scaffolding and nets will be installed suitable existing access tracks, we may need
to build a new temporary access track in • Adding locally sourced material / crushed
to protect people and existing infrastructure
consultation with the landholder. If ground rock and compaction rolling.
from being damaged if any construction issues
occur during the period of the works. conditions are good and can support heavy
We will reinstate the area to original condition
loads, minimal work is generally required to
after use as required, unless the landholder
prepare an appropriate access track.
would prefer the access track to remain
Vegetation clearance
Vegetation may need to be cleared to provide
space for construction activities and ensure
safe and reliable operation of the transmission
line and manage risks associated with bushfire.
The approach to clearing vegetation varies
depending on the type and amount of
vegetation to be removed, the terrain and
landholder requirements.
Step 2:
Tower foundation works
(1–4 weeks)
Tower assembly sites
At all tower sites, we need to prepare a work The location of the work area will be selected
area for tower construction works and safe based on the site, considering terrain, fences
operation of foundation drilling equipment, and any other constraints. On sloping sites
cranes, elevated work platforms and other some levelling works, or benching, may be
vehicles. A suitable area also needs to required to provide safe access for plant
be prepared for assembly of the tower or equipment. Depending on the ground
components and to string the conductors. conditions, an area of compacted rock may
Typically, work areas are 40m by 40m, for be required to create a work area (hardstand)
220kV structures, and 50m by 70m, for 500kV for the foundation work equipment and cranes
structures, but exact dimensions and layout used to assemble the tower.
may vary based on site-specific factors.
Crane working
radius 40m
Direction of line
Transmission tower footings
ranges from
1.5 to 3m
(1.8m typical)
ranges from
4.5 to 25m
(9m typical)
Step 3:
Tower assembly works
(2–4 weeks)
The transmission towers proposed for the
project are double circuit steel lattice towers.
They are called ‘double circuit’ towers because
each tower supports two independent
electrical circuits, one on each side of the
tower. Other tower types including single circuit
lattice towers and monopoles are also being
investigated for use in some sections of the
proposed route.
Tower construction
Step 4:
Transmission line stringing works
(4–10 weeks)
Stringing works is the process of hanging Winching of new conductors
materials and equipment onto the towers and Stringing involves the following steps:
then pulling the conductors (wires) between
the transmission towers into final position. • A winch is set up at the stringing pad, to pull info
Insulators are used to attach the conductors the conductors between the transmission
(wires) to the towers. These provide insulation towers.
between the high-voltage electricity flowing What are stringing pads?
through the wires and the (earthed) metal • Pulleys (also known as stringing sheaves) are The conductors are pulled into final
towers. A ground (earth) wire safely directs fixed to the transmission tower cross-arms, position from strategically placed
electricity to the earth in the event of a fault or at each location where a conductor will be temporary work areas (known as stringing
lightning strike. attached. pads) between the transmission towers
(or behind and in line with the towers
• A helicopter, tractor or drone is then used to in some locations). The specialised
run out a winch rope (known as a pilot wire). equipment needed for stringing, such
This pilot wire is placed into the pulleys along as winches, tensioners, conductor drums
the stringing section. and anchor blocks, is placed on the
stringing pads. The distance between
• The pilot wire is connected to the conductor stringing pads can vary but they are
and pulled out under tension through the generally located every 5 to 8km along the
pulleys from the stringing pads. transmission line. Where there are large
angles or changes in direction, two pads
• The conductor is then attached to the
may be needed around a single tower.
tower, in the final fitting arrangement and
adjusted to the right tension as per design These areas, which will be returned to
requirements. their previous state once stringing is
finished, are typically up to 50m by 50m
(exact dimensions and layout may vary)
and require access tracks. Depending on
the ground conditions, compacted rock
(hardstands) may be required as a base.
Stringing drum
Testing and commissioning Site rehabilitation
Once construction is complete, there will All construction areas and access tracks that
be inspections and safety tests before the are not required for ongoing operation of the
transmission line is commissioned. Final Western Renewables Link will be reinstated and
inspections will be conducted along the line in rehabilitated, including revegetation, unless
the lead-up to electrical testing to ensure: the landholder has requested that the access
track be retained. Temporary gates, fences
• The earthing system is undamaged. and other building infrastructure and waste
will be removed progressively as construction
• Anti-climbing measures are in place. work is completed. If soil compaction or
other disturbance occurs, we will work with
• Signage and labelling are in place. landholders to remediate the site.
• Insulation strings are complete and
Frequently asked questions
How will we communicate with landholders What will the hours of work be? What are temporary laydown areas?
and communities? AusNet will minimise interruption to landholders Temporary laydown areas are used to store
We will keep landholders and affected as far as practicable. Normal working hours for and sort equipment and materials and
communities informed about upcoming all civil construction, building and demolition pre-assemble project components during
construction activities. Our Land Liaison activities would be: construction. They also provide facilities for
Officers will talk to each landholder with construction staff such as portable site offices
infrastructure planned on their property about • Monday to Friday, 7 am – 6 pm. and car parking.
planned construction activities, land access
arrangements, and our commitment to ensure • Saturday, 7 am – 1 pm. The project requires five temporary laydown
any potential impact to property, lifestyle, areas, two of which will use land associated
operations, biosecurity and any livestock is Some works may be required outside of normal with the existing terminal stations at
kept to a minimum. working hours. Where we need to complete Bulgana and Sydenham. Each temporary
works outside normal working hours, we will laydown area for construction will typically
If you are a landholder, the project team can consult with landholders about the work be up to 5 hectares, as these areas need
provide you with contact details for your Land activities, duration and times. to accommodate large quantities of steel
Liaison Officer. Phone 1300 360 795 or via email members and transmission line materials.
How will noise, dust and other impacts be We will work with landholders who live
managed? near these laydown areas on local traffic
How long will construction take? We will manage impacts such as noise, management and other concerns they
Construction may occur at multiple transmission vibration, dust and air quality in line with EPA may have.
towers at the same time. There may also be requirements and any requirements identified
a time lag between each construction step through the Environment Effects Statement Once construction is complete, we will remove
at a tower site when no construction works and Minister’s assessment. We will design all temporary laydown areas used for the
are being undertaken for a period of time. For mitigations to minimise disruptive impacts project and reinstate any disturbed areas.
example, once foundations are complete, work from construction.
may stop until crews return to assemble and How do we manage safety and fire risk during
erect the transmission towers. Work may then construction?
Where will the workforce come from?
stop again until crews return for stringing. The
timeframe for construction and each step will Where possible, we will employ the general AusNet’s Electricity Safety Management
vary depending on a range of factors, including construction workforce from within local Scheme lays out the way our network and
weather, geological conditions or the amount of communities along the transmission line assets, including the Western Renewables
vegetation to be cleared. and use regional contractors and suppliers. Link, should be designed, constructed and
Specialist work crews will be assigned to maintained for safety; this includes fire safety
We will keep landholders informed of what’s construct the tower foundations and steelwork, measures that apply to all projects.
happening at different stages of construction, build the terminal stations and undertake
including when we expect to start and finish transmission line stringing. During construction, we will manage safety
each step. and fire risk in accordance with all government
The size of the construction workforce will vary requirements, total fire ban days and the fire
Construction of the proposed transmission line is depending on the stage of construction. The danger period.
expected to take about two years and, pending crew size at any one tower location is likely to
project approvals, be complete in 2027. be 5 to 15 workers. All construction activities will be risk-assessed
before commencement and on an ongoing
basis, with appropriate controls being
What equipment will be used? What other related activities may occur? implemented to manage any hazards or risks
A variety of plant and equipment will identified. Considerations of fire risk include but
Throughout construction, other related
be required to construct the overhead are not limited to:
activities will be carried out on each property
transmission line. Heavy vehicles will be used to as required and as agreed with the landholder
• Construction activities.
move cables, plant, equipment, concrete and to minimise disturbance to them, their property
other materials to and from each site. and their operations. These activities may • Plant failure or incident.
The main equipment and plant required is likely • Electrical incident, inadvertent contact with
to include: • Cattle grid installation and removal. electrical assets or striking assets such as
gas or electrical.
• Mobile cranes. • Temporary fence and gate installation.
• Bushfire.
• Piling rigs. • Weed control (in accordance with
biosecurity requirements). • Asset failure.
• Rock drill (as required).
• Erosion control works. • Hot works.
• Skid steer loaders.
• Dust control. • Chemical explosion and storage.
• Bulldozers (for access tracks if needed).
• Security patrolling. We will always leave the site in a safe
• Concrete trucks.
condition. During extended breaks, any
• Semi-trailers (as required). barricaded area will be reduced in size
Are other tower types being considered?
where possible.
Feasible alternative overhead structures
• Light vehicles.
are being considered in response to the
• Trucks and heavy vehicles. Environment Effects Statement scoping Terminal stations
requirements. Further information about Further information about the construction
Typically, small portable generators will be single circuit lattice towers and monopoles process for terminal stations will be published
used to power the tower construction sites. is available on page 10 of the Transmission separately once available.
towers and conductors fact sheet on the
project website, resources page.
Western Renewables Link Other sources of
information information
desktop Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner
phone 1300 360 795
envelope ( including information about
how to make a complaint, best industry
Ballarat PO Box practice and resources for landholders.
PO Box 638, Ballarat VIC 3353
Australian Energy Market Operator
( including information on
Information straight the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission
(RIT-T) process for this project.
to your inbox
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria
Sign up for information straight to
( including information
your inbox at the project website
about complaints and dispute resolution.
Energy Safe Victoria
Translation and
interpretation services
If you need an interpreter,
please call 13 14 50.
The information in this document is for reference only – it is not designed to be, nor should it be regarded, as
professional or legal advice. You should seek appropriate independent professional and/or legal advice where
appropriate and before making any decisions based on material in this document. The information is an overview
(in summary form) and does not purport to be complete. This document, and the information in this document, will
not form the basis of any contract or commitment. AusNet Services does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy,
completeness, or currency of the information provided and AusNet Services, its directors, officers, employees,
agents and advisers disclaim all liability and responsibility (including for negligence) for any direct or indirect loss
or damage which may be suffered by any recipient through use or reliance on anything contained in or omitted
from this document.