MapInfo-Pro 9 RN
MapInfo-Pro 9 RN
MapInfo-Pro 9 RN
0 Release Notes
These Release Notes are a reference to known problems in the MapInfo Professional 9.0 product and provide information on problems that have been fixed.
Pitney Bowes MapInfo Corporate Headquarters: Phone: 518 285 6000 Fax: 518 285 6070 Sales: 800 327 8627 Government Sales: 800 619 2333 Technical Support: 518 285 7283 Pitney Bowes MapInfo UK and EMEA Headquarters: Phone: 44 1753 848200 Fax: 44 1753 621140 Technical Support: 44 1753 848229 Pitney Bowes MapInfo Asia Pacific Headquarters: Phone: 61 2 9437 6255 Fax: 61 2 9439 1773 Technical Support: 61 7 3844 7744 2007 PB MapInfo Corporation. All rights reserved. MapInfo and the MapInfo logo are trademarks of PB MapInfo Corporation and/ or its affiliates. June 15, 2007
Table of Contents
Known Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Licensing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Windows Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing on a Network Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FME License Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curved Labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Layout Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Running Online Help from a MapInfo Professional Client . . . . . . Homeland Security Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Universal Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Universal Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resolutions to Known Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9
Known Problems
This section contains a list of the known problems in MapInfo Professional 9.0.
Concurrent Licenses
Premature termination of MapInfo Professional because of network problems, a power outage, or other reasons that disrupt the connection to the MapInfo License Server may prevent a license from being checked in. In these cases, the license remains checked out until the MapInfo License Server can be restarted.
Minimum Requirements
The following table gives the minimum system requirements for MapInfo License Server 9.0. Minimum Memory 128 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC 64 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC 128 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC 64 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC Minimum Disk Space Application 12.7 MB
Windows XP Professional SP 2
Application 12.7 MB
800x600 display
Windows Vista
Application 12.7 MB
800x600 display
Windows 2003 SP 1
Application 12.7 MB
800x600 display
Recommended Requirements
The following table gives the recommended system requirements for MapInfo License Server 9.0: Recommended Memory 256/512 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC 256/512 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC 256/512 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC 256/512 MB of RAM with a minimum of a Pentium PC Recommended Disk Space Fast EIDE 2 or SCSI Interface with 2 GB or better Recommended Graphics Mid to high 2D/3D card with 128 MB or better
Windows XP Professional SP 2
Windows Vista
Windows 2003 SP 1
Windows Vista
This section describes issues in MapInfo Professional that occur when you are running the Windows Vista operating system.
Client Solution
The Local Security Policy on Windows Vista must be modified for each MapInfo Professional client that is running on Vista. To modify the settings. 1. Select Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Local Security Policy. 2. Expand Local Policies. 3. Select Security Options. 4. Locate the policy titled "Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode". 5. Right click on this policy and select properties. 6. Select Disable. 7. Restart the operating system. 8. Start MapInfo Professional. You will be unable to activate the product. 9. Start MapInfo Professional again. You will be able to activate the product or start the courtesy period.
Server Solution
To resolve the problem on the server, the server Permission settings must be modified so that access to a server is granted based on the computers local system account. Enabling Access to Network Shares for SYSTEM Account Description In some cases it is necessary to grant access to a file share based on a computers local SYSTEM account rather than the currently logged in USER account. If part of a task is to reach out to network file share resources on a Windows domain, then the network file share access control list on the target server needs to be configured to allow such access from the domain computer because the task does not run as the logged in user but rather SYSTEM. In the cases where a computer needs to access resources and it is not part of a shared domain, the Guest account needs to be enabled on the target server and the share needs to be configured for anonymous access. Prerequisites Administrative rights on the target server (server that hosts the file share) and client computer. Note: The data partition on the target server should be NTFS to allow for more granular ability to specify access privileges. This document assumes a Windows server host. Check with your storage vendor for similar procedures on different storage devices. Assumes that the Simple File Sharing check box (Explorer> Tools > Folder Options> View tab) is not selected.
Procedure Both computers share a common Windows domain or are in trusted domains. 1. In Explorer, right click on the folder that is to be shared and select Sharing and Security from the popup menu. Click the Sharing tab from the folder Properties dialog box. 2. In the window that appears, click on the Permissions button (See Figure 1). 3. Click the Add button 4. Click the Object Types button 5. Check the Computers box and click OK.
6. Enter the name of the computer followed by a $ sign to give a single computer access (e.g., CLIENT1$) or add predefined Active Directory groups such as Domain Computers or a manually defined group and click OK. (See Figure 1). 7. Ensure that the proper level of access is applied to each item in the list.
Figure 1 8. Click the Security tab and ensure that the proper rights are granted to allow the computer(s) to read at the file level. Repeat steps 3-6 to add the same groups if necessary.
Silent Installs
You cannot perform a completely silent install of MapInfo Professional on Windows Vista computers. The commandline options /q and /qn do not work on Vista. These options turn off the user interface during the installation, which suppresses the Windows Vista User Access Control (UAC). Users must interact with the UAC to provide the necessary credentials to run the installation as an administrator. If the user interface is turned off, the installation is terminated without warning because the UAC cannot gather the appropriate credentials. To work around the problem, use the /qb option in the command line when you run the silent install. This option gives the installation a basic user interface and allows the UAC to display on the screen. To perform a silent install on a Windows Vista computer using the /qb option: 1. Place the installation CD in the target computers disk drive. 2. From the command line on the target computer, type: "d:\Install\MI_PRO\DISK1\setup.exe" /s /v"/qb USERNAME=\"MyUser\" COMPANYNAME=\"MyCompanyName\"PIDKEY=MI############## ACCD=######" where: PIDKEY=MI############## is the product serial number ACCD=###### is the access code 3. When User Access Control displays on the screen, click Allow. For concurrent licenses, the license server name and port number parameters must be included: LNAME="LicenseServerName" LSPN="LicenseServerPortNumber" Substitute the appropriate license server name and port number when you perform the silent install.
Side-by-Side Installations
In a side-by-side installation of MapInfo Professional 9.0 and a version of MapInfo Professional earlier than 9.0, removing the earlier version of the product may remove the 9.0 FME license. When you start MapInfo Professional 9.0, you may receive an error informing you that the FME license failed. FME may be looking in the registry for the ProgramDirectory key under the pre-9.0 version of MapInfo Professional. To work around the problem: 1. Start MapInfo Professional 9.0. 2. An FME license failure error message displays on the screen. 3. Close MapInfo Professional and then restart it.
Curved Labels
Moving a Curved Label
You cannot click and drag a curved label to another location. Use the Label tool to move the label to another location along the segment.
Layout Templates
If you create a Layout template that uses a Legend window, you will only be able to add a cartographic legend to the layout. For example, you have a Layout template that has Map and Legend windows in it, and you have a thematic map that you want to use in the layout. To create a legend for the layout, you open a Legend window by using the Show/Hide legend tool in the Main toolbar. When you choose Map>Print from Layout, no legend is rendered in the output. However, if you create a cartographic legend and choose Map>Print from Layout, you are prompted to select a legend. You are able to select the cartographic legend. In the output, the cartographic legend is rendered correctly.
The MapInfow.chm is copied to the allusers directory when the client is installed. This enables the MapInfow.chm to be accessed locally from the client. However, other .chm files that support other MapInfo Professional features were not included in these modifications: IDW TIN MapShell UT
These files cannot be accessed from within MapInfo Professional. To run them, copy them locally, and then doubleclick on the desired .chm file to open the help.
Universal Translator
Date/Time and Time Types
When you attempt to translate a .tab file using the Date/Time or Time field types to another format, the Universal Translator fails and reports the following error: No specified layers were found in MapInfo Dataset 'C:\Temp' Program Terminating Translation FAILED. Unable to generate mapping file. The same error occurs when you use projection #32 (Krovak).
Swedish Indices
When you convert a MapInfo .tab file that contains a Swedish index through the Universal Translator, the translation fails no matter what format you convert the file to. You receive the following error message: Translation failed. See log file for details.
Universal Data
MIF File Translation
Translating very large MIF files to an E00 format file can fail because of out-of-memory errors.
Connecting to ArcSDE
You cannot connect to ArcSDE with the Open Universal Data command (File>Open Universal Data) if the user name has quotation marks in it.
Side-by-Side Installations
A side-by-side installation of MapInfo Professional 9.0 and MapInfo Professional 8.5.2 (or earlier) on a Windows Vista computer corrupted the Mapshell registry. On Vista, even if you are running with admin rights, MapInfo Professional/ MapShells attempts to write to the registry did not work as expected. This occurred under these circumstances: 1. Install MapInfo Professional 8.5.2 or earlier. The application runs without error. 2. Install MapInfo Professional 9.0. The application runs without error. 3. Run the earlier version of MapInfo Professional.The following error displays on the screen: Unable to convert to short paths! OLE registry may be corrupt! 4. Run MapInfo Professional 9.0 again, and you will get the same error. MapInfo Professional has been updated so that it will not attempt to register itself when running on Vista. This has the following implications under these installation scenarios:
If a version of MapInfo Professional has been uninstalled, leaving an existing version without a registered Mapshell, then you must force re-registration of Mapshell by running "mapinfow -regserver" as an administrator.Do the following: 1. Create a shortcut to mapinfow.exe and add -regserver. This can be done by right-clicking on the shortcut, and selecting Properties. On the Shortcut tab, add-regserver to the Target edit box after mapinfow.exe. 2. Run the shortcut from the desktop as Administrator. Right-click on the shortcut and select Run as Administrator.
A change to the EPSG reference for Irish Grid from 29900 to 29902 affected the use of WMS/WFS services in MapInfo Professional. For MapInfo Professional 9.0, the EPSG reference for Irish Grid has been changed to 29902.