Animal Kingdom NCERTPUNCH
Animal Kingdom NCERTPUNCH
Animal Kingdom NCERTPUNCH
Animal Kingdom for NEET | Objective NCERT Punch Biology by Dr. Vipin Kumar
Sharma | Physics Wallah Publications
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Basis of Classification
Types of Circulatory System
Basis of Classification
Animals are classified on the basis of arrangement of cells, body Circulatory System
symmetry, nature of coelom, patterns of digestive, circulatory
and reproductive systems. Types
Examples Composed
of calcium
carbonate Skeleton Body forms Name
cnidaria is
Sycon (Scypha) Central General
Spongilla Euspongia derived from
gastro- Characteristics
(Fresh water (Bath sponge) cnidoblasts or
sponge) cnidocytes
cavity with a Distinctive
single opening feature
Mouth on (Cnidocytes)
hypostome Present on Tentacles
& body
defense & for the Contain Stinging
capture of prey capsules or
Characteristic Features
(the property of organism to emit light)
Only by sexual means
Sexes are not seperate
Both extracellular and intracellular
Ciliated comb plates (8 external rows)
Help in locomotion
Fig.: Pleurobrachia
Phylum Platyhelminthes
(a) Taenia Internal and indirect
Fertilization and
(b) Fasciola
Mostly Endoparasites
(Liver fluke) (Found in animals including
human beings)
Distinctive Flame cells (Help in
General features
Feature osmoregulation & excretion)
Some possess high Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic
regeneration capacity, and acoelomate with organ level of
E.g., Planaria organisation
Phylum Aschelminthes
Free-living, aquatic, terrestrial Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic
or parasitic Roundworms as body is and pseudocoelomate animals with
(in plants and animals) circular in cross-section organ system level of organisation
Why named?
Complete alimentary canal
Females are longer Fact
Characteristics features Fe with a well-developed
than males r
de tiliza muscular pharynx
ve tio
Examples: lop n
me and
Sexes are separate (dioecious), Ascaris (Roundworm) nt
i.e., males and females are Wuchereria (Filarial worm) Internal and direct
distinct. Ancylostoma (Hookworm) or indirect
Male Female
Fig.: Ascaris
Phylum - Annelida
Characteristic Features
Bilaterally symmetrical,
triploblastic, coelomate with organ (a) (b) (c)
system level of organisation
Phylum - Arthropoda
Arthros Jointed ½
¾ Animals having jointed appendages
Poda = Legs or Appendages ¿
and direct Antennae, eyes
or indirect (compound & Open type
rtil simple), statocysts or
tio n
na balancing organs Chitinous a tio
ve rc
Head lop
me Sensory
Exoskeleton Ci
Body nt Organs
consists of Fact Largest phylum (over two-
Abdomen General features
third of all named species on
n Respiratory Earth are arthropods)
Thorax r etio
Exc organs
Fig.: Locusta
Fig.: Anopheles Fig.: Limulus
Fig.: Bombyx
Phylum - Mollusca
Phylum - Echinodermata
Phylum - Hemichordata
External and
indirect Fe
rti Small group Through gills
ati of worm-like
dD marine animals Cylindrical
Examples: n
elo a tio
Balanoglossus pm
Consists of Body s pir
t Re Stomochord: Rudimentary
Saccoglossus Characteristic features structure in collar region;
Proboscis similar to notochord
Body is composed of
Fig.: Balanoglossus
Phylum Chordata
Chordata is the most advanced animal phylum.
All chordates possess three unique characteristics at some stage in their life history. These diagnostic features are:
(i) Presence of notochord
(ii) Presence of dorsal hollow nerve cord
(iii) Presence of pharyngeal gill slits (paired)
Maximise Your Marks
All the vertebrates are chordates, but all the chordates are
not vertebrates.
Phylum Chordata
Post-anal part
Gill slits
Fig.: Ascidia Fig.: Amphioxus
Class : Cyclostomata
Petromyzon (Lamprey)
Myxine (Hagfish)
Circulation Examples
Elongated body with 6-15 pairs Devoid of scales & paired
of gill slits for respiration General features
Body fins
Ectoparasites on
some fishes Cartilaginous Sucking and circular
cranium and mouth without jaws
vertebral column
Animal Kingdom 91
Class Amphibia
The name indicates (Gr., Amphi : dual, bios : life),
amphibians can live in aquatic as well as terrestrial habitats.
Body is divisible into head and trunk. Tail may be present
in some.
Most of them have two pairs of limbs.
Skin is smooth without scales.
Respiration takes place by gills, lungs, and through skin.
The heart is 3-chambered (two auricles and one ventricle).
Fig.: (a) Scoliodon, (b) Pristis
The eyes have eyelids.
Maximise Your Marks
A tympanum represents the ear.
Some cartilaginous fishes possess electric organs (e.g., Maximise Your Marks
Torpedo) and some possess poison sting (e.g., Trygon).
Alimentary canal, urinary and reproductive tracts open into a
common chamber called cloaca which opens to the exterior.
Class: Osteichthyes (Bony fishes)
It includes both marine and fresh water fishes with bony Sexes are separate.
endoskeleton. Fertilisation is external.
92 Objective NCERT Punch – Biology
They are oviparous and development is indirect. Skin is dry without glands except the oil gland at the base
Examples: Bufo (Toad), Rana (frog), Hyla (Tree frog), of the tail.
Salamandra (Salamander), Ichthyophis (Limbless amphibia). Endoskeleton is fully ossified (bony). Long bones are
hollow with air cavities (pneumatic).
Heart is completely four-chambered.
They are warm-blooded (homoiothermous) animals, i.e., they
are able to maintain a constant body temperature. Fertilisation
is internal. They are oviparous and development is direct.
The digestive tract of birds has additional chambers, the
(a) (b) crop and gizzard.
Respiration by compact, spongy, non-distensible lungs
Fig.: (a) Salamandra, (b) Rana
continuous with thin-walled air sacs. Air sacs connected to
Class Reptilia lungs supplement respiration.
The class name refers to their creeping or crawling mode of Examples: Corvus (Crow), Columba (Pigeon), Psittacula
locomotion (Latin, repere or reptum, to creep or crawl). (Parrot), Struthio (Ostrich), Pavo(Peacock), Aptenodytes
They are mostly terrestrial animals. (Penguin), Neophron (Vulture)
Body is covered by dry and cornified skin, epidermal scales
or scutes.
They do not have external ear openings.
Tympanum represents ear.
Limbs, when present, are two pairs.
Heart is usually three-chambered, but four-chambered in
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Reptiles are poikilotherms.
Snakes and lizards shed their scales as skin cast. Fig.: (a) Neophron, (b) Struthio, (c) Psittacula, (d) Pavo
Sexes are separate. Class Mammalia
Fertilisation is internal.
They are found in a variety of habitats – polar ice caps,
They are oviparous and development is direct. deserts, mountains, forests, grasslands and dark caves.
Maximise Your Marks Some of them have adapted to fly or live in water.
Poisonous snakes - Naja (Cobra), Bungarus (Krait), Maximise Your Marks
The most unique mammalian characteristic is the presence
of milk producing glands (mammary glands) by which the
Examples: Chelone (Turtle), Testudo (Tortoise), Chameleon young ones are nourished.
(Tree lizard), Calotes (Garden lizard), Crocodilus
(Crocodile), Alligator (Alligator), Hemidactylus (Wall
lizard). They have two pairs of limbs, adapted for walking, running,
climbing, burrowing, swimming or flying.
The skin of mammals is unique in possessing hair.
External ears or pinnae are present.
Different types of teeth are present in the jaw.
Heart is four-chambered. They are homoiothermous.
(a) (b) (c) (d) Respiration is by lungs.
Sexes are separate and fertilisation is internal.
Fig.: (a) Chameleon, (b) Crocodilus, (c) Chelone, (d) Naja
They are viviparous with few exceptions.
Class Aves Development is direct and well-developed parental care.
The characteristic features of Aves (birds) are the presence Examples:
of feathers and most of them can fly except flightless birds Oviparous - Ornithorhynchus (Platypus)
(e.g., Ostrich). They possess beak.
Viviparous-Macropus (Kangaroo), Pteropus (Flying fox),
Limbs are of two pairs:
Camelus (Camel), Macaca (Monkey), Rattus (Rat), Canis (Dog),
Forelimbs: Modified into wings. Felis (Cat), Elephas (Elephant), Equus (Horse), Delphinus
Hind limbs: Generally have scales and are modified for (Common dolphin), Balaenoptera (Blue whale), Panthera tigris
walking, swimming or clasping the tree branches. (Tiger), Panthera leo (Lion).
Animal Kingdom 93
Aschelminthes Organ system Bilateral Pseudo Absent Complete Absent Absent Often wormshaped,
coelomate elongated.
Annelida Organ system Bilateral Coelomate Present Complete Present Absent Body segmentation
like rings.
Arthropoda Organ system Bilateral Coelomate Present Complete Present Present Exoskeleton of
jointed appendages.
Mollusca Organ system Bilateral Coelomate Absent Complete Present Present External skeleton
of shell usually
Echinodermata Organ system Radial Coelomate Absent Complete Present Present Water vascular
system, radial
Hemichordata Organ system Bilateral Coelomate Absent Complete Present Present Worm-like with
proboscis, collar
and trunk.
Chordata Organ system Bilateral Coelomate Present Complete Present Present Notochord, dorsal
hollow nerve cord,
gill slits with
limbs or fins.
94 Objective NCERT Punch – Biology
Digestive tract
(from endoderm)
(a) Coelomate
Body covering
(from ectoderm)
such as
roundworms, have Muscle layer
a body cavity lined (from mesoderm)
by tissue derived Pseudocoelom
from mesoderm
and by tissue
derived from
endoderm Digestive tract
(from endoderm)
(b) Pseudocoelomate
Body covering
Acoelomates, such (from ectoderm)
as planarians, lack
a body cavity
between the Tissue filled region
digestive cavity (from mesoderm)
and outer body
wall. Wall of digestive cavity
(from endoderm)
Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm
Fig.: Body cavities of triploblastic animals
Animal Kingdom 95
Medusa Meiosis
Egg Sperm
Asexual Reproducation
Developing Planula
Polyp (larva)
9. Collar cells are also known as ___________ . 36. Ascaris is also known as ___________ .
10. Collar cells in sponges line the osculum and the canals. 37. Annelids exhibit _________ level of body organisation and
T/F _____________ symmetry.
11. Sponges reproduce asexually by __________ and sexually 38. Annelids are triploblastic, metamerically segmented and
by _______________ . pseudocoelomate animals. T/F
12. In sponges, fertilisation is external and development is 39. Annelids possess lateral and circular muscles which help in
indirect having a larval stage which is morphologically locomotion. T/F
distinct from the adult. T/F 40. Nereis possess lateral appendages that is known as _____ .
13. Coelenterates are also known as _____________ . 41. In annelids, neural system consists of paired ganglia
14. Stinging Capsule in chidarians is also known as ________ . connected by ventral nerves to a double dorsal nerve cord.
15. Cnidarians have a lateral oral-gastro cavity with a single
opening, mouth on hypostome. T/F 42. Nereis, an aquatic form, is monoecious, but earthworms
and leeches are dioecious. T/F
16. Cnidarians exhibit two basic body forms called __________
and _____________ . 43. Over one-third of all named species on earth are arthropods.
17. In Cnidarians, the polyp is a sessile and cylindrical form
like Hydra, Aurelia, etc. T/F 44. Statocysts are also known as ______________ .
18. In Obelia, Polyps produce medusae sexually and medusae 45. Excretion in arthropods takes place through __________ .
form the polyps asexually. T/F 46. Arthropods are mostly viviparous. T/F
19. Ctenophores are commonly known as___________ or 47. ___________ is known as living fossil.
__________ . 48. Mollusca is the third largest animal phylum. T/F
20. Ctenophores are inclusively marine, bilaterally 49. Molluscs are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and
symmetrical, diploblastic organisms with tissue level of acoelomate animals. T/F
organisation. T/F
50. Body of molluscs is covered by a calcareous shell and is
21. The body of ctenophores bears ten external rows of ciliated segmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral
comb plates. T/F hump. T/F
22. Digestion in ctenophores is only extracellular. T/F 51. Molluscs have a soft and calcareous layer of skin forms a
23. Bioluminescence is well-marked in ctenophores. T/F mantle over the visceral hump. T/F
24. In ctenophores, fertilisation is internal with indirect 52. In molluscs, the anterior head region has sensory tentacles.
development. T/F T/F
Animal Kingdom 97
53. Molluscs are usually dioecious and oviparous with direct 82. Some of chondrichthyes have electric organs e.g., ______ .
development. T/F 83. In females pelvic fins bear claspers in chondrichthyes. T/F
54. Echinoderm have an exoskeleton of calcareous ossicles 84. Osteichthyes includes both marine and fresh water fishes
and, hence, the name Echinodermata. T/F with bony exoskeleton. T/F
55. Some echinoderms are marine with organ-system level of 85. Osteichthyes’ body is streamlined. T/F
organisation. T/F
86. Osteichthyes have four pairs of gills which are covered by
56. The adult echinoderms are bilaterally symmetrical but
an operculum on each side. T/F
larvae are radially symmetrical. T/F
87. In osteichthyes, skin is covered with cycloid/ctenoid scales.
57. Digestive system of echinoderms is complete with mouth
on the lower (dorsal) side and anus on the upper (ventral)
side. T/F 88. Heart is ________ chambered in osteichthyes.
58. The most distinctive feature of echinoderms is the presence 89. Osteichthyes are mostly oviparous and development is
of ________________ . indirect. T/F
59. A well developed excretory system is present in 90. ____________ is an limbless amphibian.
echinoderms. T/F 91. All amphibians have two pairs of limbs. T/F
60. Stomochord is a structure similar to _____________ . 92. A tympanum represents the ear in amphibians. T/F
61. Hemichordates have a rudimentary structure in the collar 93. In amphibians, respiration occurs by gills, lungs and
region called _______________ . through skin. T/F
62. The body of hemichordates is cylindrical and is composed 94. The heart is three chambered (one auricles and two
of an anterior proboscis, a collar and a long trunk. T/F ventricle) in amphibians. T/F
63. In hemichordates, circulatory system is of closed type. T/F 95. Fertilisation is internal in amphibians. T/F
64. In hemichordates, respiration takes place through
96. The class reptilia’s name refers to their creeping or crawling
______________ .
mode of locomotion. T/F
65. In hemichordates, excretory organ is ____________ .
97. Reptile's body is covered by dry and cornified skin,
66. Chordates possess a post anal tail and a open circulatory endodermal scales or scutes. T/F
system. T/F
98. Reptiles have external ear openings. T/F
67. Urochordata is also known as ___________ .
99. In reptiles, heart is usually three-chambered, but four-
68. Protochordates are fresh water organisms. T/F chambered in _____________ .
69. In Urochordata, notochord extends from head to tail region 100. Chelone and Testudo are commonly called as tortoise and
and is persistent throughout their life. T/F turtle. T/F
70. Branchiostoma is known as ________ or _______ . 101. Vipera is known as krait. T/F
71. The members of subphylum Vertebrata possess notochord 102. The hind limbs of birds are modified into wings. T/F
during the adult period. T/F
103. The fore limbs of birds generally have scales. T/F
72. All living members of the class Cyclostomata are
endoparasites on some fishes. T/F 104. Hind limbs of birds are modified for walking, swimming or
clasping the tree branches. T/F
73. Cyclostomes have a sucking and circular mouth with jaws.
T/F 105. Skin of birds is dry without glands except the oil gland at
the apex of the tail. T/F
74. In cyclostomes, cranium and vertebral column are fibrous.
T/F 106. Endoskeleton of birds is fully ossified (bony) and the long
bones are hollow with air cavities (pneumatic). T/F
75. Cyclostomes are fresh water but migrate for spawning to
marine water. T/F 107. The respiratory tract of birds has additional chambers, the
crop and gizzard. T/F
76. After spawning, within a few months, cyclostomes die.
T/F 108. Mammals are found in a variety of habitats – polar ice caps,
deserts, mountains, forests, grasslands and dark caves. T/F
77. Petromyzon is also known as ________.
109. Among mammals no one has adapted to fly or live in water.
78. In chondrichthyes ,mouth is located dorsally. T/F
79. Notochord is persistent throughout life in chondrichthyes.
T/F 110. The skin of mammals is unique in possessing hair. T/F
80. In chondrichthyes, gill slits are separate and with operculum. 111. Internal ears or pinnae are present in mammals. T/F
T/F 112. Heart is _________ chambered in mammals.
81. Due to the presence of air bladder, chondrichthyes have to 113. Mammals are viviparous without exceptions and
swim constantly to avoid sinking. T/F development is direct. T/F
98 Objective NCERT Punch – Biology
1. True 27. False: Flatworms are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic
and acoelomate animals with organ level of organisation.
2. True
28. True
3. False: In coelenterates, the arrangement of cells is more
complex than that of sponges. 29. False: Specialised cells called flame cells help in
osmoregulation and excretion in platyheminthes.
4. False: Organ systems in different groups of animals exhibit
various patterns of complexities. 30. Planaria
5. False: An undifferentiated layer, mesoglea, is present in 31. Circular
between the ectoderm and the endoderm.
32. Organ-system
6. False: Notochord is a mesodermally derived rod-like
33. False: Ascheminthes are bilaterally symmetrical,
structure formed on the dorsal side during embryonic
triploblastic and pseudocoelomate animals.
development in some animals.
34. True
7. Sponges
35. False: In Aschelminthes, females are longer than males.
8. False: Sponges are generally marine and mostly
asymmetrical animals. 36. Roundworm
9. Choanocytes 37. Organ-system, bilateral
10. False: Collar cells line the spongocoel and the canals. 38. False: Annelids are triploblastic, metamerically segmented
and coelomate animals.
11. Fragmentation, Formation of gametes
39. False: Annelids possess longitudinal and circular muscles
12. False: In Sponges, fertilisation is internal and development
which help in locomotion.
is indirect having a larval stage which is morphologically
distinct from the adult 40. Parapodia
13. Cnidaria 41. False: In Annelids, neural system consists of paired ganglia
connected by lateral nerves to a double ventral nerve cord.
14. Nematocyst
42. False: Nereis, an aquatic form, is dioecious, but earthworms
15. False: Cnidarians have a central gastro-vascular cavity with
and leeches are monoecious.
a single opening, mouth on hypostome.
43. False: Over two-thirds of all named species on earth are
16. Polyp, medusa
17. False: The polyp is a sessile and cylindrical form like
44. Balancing organ
Hydra, Adamsia, etc
45. Malpighian tubules
18. False: In Obelia polyps produce medusae asexually and
medusae form the polyps sexually. 46. False: Arthropods are mostly oviparous.
19. Sea walnuts, comb jellies 47. Limulus (king crab)
20. False: Ctenophores are exclusively marine, radially 48. False: Mollusca is the second largest animal phylum.
symmetrical, diploblastic organisms with tissue level of
49. False: Molluscs are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic
and coelomate animals
21. False: The body of ctenophores bears eight external rows of
50. False: Body of molluscs are covered by a calcareous shell
ciliated comb plates.
and is unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and
22. False: Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular in visceral hump.
51. False: A soft and spongy layer of skin forms a mantle over
23. True the visceral hump in molluscs.
24. False: In Ctenophores, fertilisation is external with indirect 52. True
53. False: Molluscs are usually dioecious and oviparous with
25. Flatworms indirect development.
26. False: Platyhelminthes are mostly endoparasites found in 54. False: Echinoderms have an endoskeleton of calcareous
animals including human beings. ossicles.
Animal Kingdom 99
55. False: All echinoderms are marine with organ-system level 83. False: In Chondrichthyes males pelvic fins bear claspers.
of organisation.
84. False: Osteichthyes includes both marine and fresh water
56. False: Adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical but fishes with bony endoskeleton
larvae are bilaterally symmetrical.
85. True
57. False: Digestive system in echinoderms is complete with
86. True
mouth on the lower (ventral) side and anus on the upper
(dorsal) side. 87. True
58. Water vascular system 88. Two
59. False: Excretory system is absent in echinoderms. 89. False: Osteichthyes are mostly oviparous and development
is direct.
60. Notochord
90. Ichthyophis
61. Stomochord
91. False: Most of the amphibians have two pairs of limbs with
62. True some exception e.g., Ichthyophis (Limbless amphibia).
63. False: In hemichordates, circulatory system is of open type. 92. True
64. Gills 93. True
65. Proboscis gland 94. False: The heart is three chambered (two auricles and one
66. False: Chordates possess a post anal tail and a closed ventricle) in amphibians.
circulatory system. 95. False: Fertilisation is external in amphibians.
67. Tunicata 96. True
68. False: Protochordates are exclusively marine. 97. False: Reptile's body is covered by dry and cornified skin,
69. False: In Cephalochordata, notochord extends from head to epidermal scales or scutes.
tail region and is persistent throughout their life. 98. False: Reptiles do not have external ear openings.
70. Amphioxus or Lancelet 99. Crocodiles
71. False: The members of subphylum Vertebrata possess 100. False: Chelone and Testudo is commonly called as turtle
notochord during the embryonic period. and tortoise.
72. False: All living members of the class Cyclostomata are 101. False: Vipera is known as viper.
ectoparasites on some fishes.
102. False: The forelimbs of birds are modified into wings.
73. False: Cyclostomes have a sucking and circular mouth
without jaws. 103. False: The hind limbs of birds generally have scales.
74. False: Cranium and vertebral column are cartilaginous in 104. True
cyclostomes. 105. False: Skin of birds is dry without glands except the oil
75. False: Cyclostomes are marine but migrate for spawning to gland at the base of the tail.
fresh water. 106. True
76. False: Cyclostomes are marine but migrate for spawning to 107. False: The digestive tract of birds has additional chambers,
fresh water. After spawning, within a few days, they die. the crop and gizzard.
77. Lamprey 108. True
78. False: In chondrichthyes, mouth is located ventrally. 109. False: Some of mammals have adapted to fly or live in
water. e.g., bat and whale.
79. True
110. True
80. False: In Chondrichthyes, the gill slits are separate and
without operculum. 111. False: External ears or pinnae are present in mammals.
81. False: Due to the absence of air bladder, chondrichthyes 112. Four
have to swim constantly to avoid sinking.
113. False: Mammals are viviparous with few exceptions (e.g.,
82. Torpedo platypus) and development is direct.
NCERT Topic-wise MCQs
6. Organization in sponges is 15. One of the following is not the characteristic feature of
1) Protoplasmic grade 2) Cellular grade
1) Cellular level of organisation
3) Organ grade 4) Tissue grade
2) Body supported by chitin
7. Diploblastic and triploblastic are terms that describe
3) Presence of ostia
1) The number of invaginations during embryonic
development 4) Intracellular digestion
2) The number of heads during embryonic development
3) The number of germinal layers during embryonic
16. Which among the following exhibit alternation of
4) The number of cell types during development generation?
1) Physalia 2) Obelia
3) Hydra 4) Aurelia
8. In most simple type of canal system of porifera, which of 17. Which of the following traits is not shared by both sea
the following ways exhibit water flow? anemones and jelly fish?
1) Ostia o Spongocoel o Osculum oExterior 1) A medusa as the dominant stage in the life cycle
2) Spongocoel o Ostia o Osculum o Exterior 2) Presence of a central gastro-vascular cavity
3) Osculum o Spongocoel o Ostia o Exterior 3) Exhibit tissue level of organisation
4) Osculum o Ostia o Spongocoel o Exterior 4) Nematocysts on the tentacles
9. Fresh water sponge is: 18. Polyp phase is absent in
1) Euspongia 2) Cliona 1) Aurelia 2) Hydra
3) Spongilla 4) Euplectella 3) Adamsia 4) Obelia
Animal Kingdom 101
67. Bilateral symmetry does not occur in: 81. Sepia is commonly known as
1) Aurelia 2) Dentalium 1) Star fish 2) Jelly fish
3) Taenia 4) Planaria 3) Cuttle fish 4) Silver fish
68. Which of the following is not a Mollusca? 82. Sensory tentacles in molluscs are present in the
1) Loligo 2) Sepia 1) Posterior head region 2) Muscular foot
3) Chaetopleura 4) Laccifer 3) Anterior head region 4) Visceral hump
69. Second largest phylum is
1) Arthropoda 2) Animal Echinodermata
3) Plant 4) Molluscs
83. Water - vascular system is present in:
70. Phylum molluscs can be distinguished from other
1) Sepia 2) Loligo
invertebrates by the presence of
1) Bilateral symmetry and exoskeleton 3) Asterias 4) Sycon
2) A mantle and gills 84. The development in echinodermata is:
3) Shell and non - segmented gills 1) Indirect
4) A mantle and unsegmented body 2) Direct
71. Which of the following is the function of gills in molluscs? 3) Both (1) and (2)
1) Respiration 2) Excretion 4) Without free-swimming larva
3) Reproduction 4) Both (1) and (2) 85. Which of the following animal does not belong to Phylum
72. Radula is a
1) Sea cucumber 2) Sea urchin
1) Defensive organ 2) Excretory organ
3) Sea lily 4) Sea-fan
3) Rasping organ 4) Reproductive organ
73. Coelom is absent in: 86. Which of the following has radial symmetrical adult and
bilateral symmetrical larva?
1) Taenia and Ctenoplana
1) Echinodermata 2) Reptilia
2) Ascaris and Fasciola
3) Amphibia 4) Nemathelminthes
3) Taenia and Hirudinaria
87. Endoskeleton of echinoderms is:
4) Pila and Fasciola
1) Chitinous 2) Silicaceous
74. Squid, cuttlefish and Octopus belong to the phylum
3) Tunicin 4) Calcareous
1) Arthropoda 2) Echinodermata
3) Mollusca 4) Ctenophora 88. Echinoderms are -
1) Freshwater forms
75. Sea hare is the common name of
2) Exclusively marine
1) Sepia 2) Octopus
3) Aplysia 4) Doria 3) Both freshwater and marine
4) None of the above
76. The space between the hump and the mantle is called
1) Visceral hump 2) Mantle cavity
3) Hump cavity 4) Muscular cavity
77. Members of phylum Mollusca is/are 89. Excretory organ of hemichordata is:
1) Bilaterally symmetrical 2) Triploblastic 1) Flame cells 2) Nephridia
3) Diploblastic 4) Both (1) and (2) 3) Proboscis gland 4) Trunk
78. Common name of Pinctada is 90. Which of the following is the common method of
1) Pearl oyster 2) Apple snail reproduction in hemichordates?
3) Tusk shell 4) Chiton 1) External fertilisation 2) Internal fertilisation
79. Feather like gills are present in 3) Fragmentation 4) Parthenogenesis
1) Mantle cavity 2) Head 91. Hemichordates have now been placed with the non -
3) Visceral hump 4) Muscular foot chordates close to echinoderms, because:
80. Head, foot & visceral hump- this combination of characters 1) Notochord is absent
is a distinctive feature of 2) Operculum is present
1) Echinoderms 2) Molluscs 3) Stomochord is absent
3) Arthropods 4) Annelida 4) Heart is lacking
104 Objective NCERT Punch – Biology
92. Hemichordata was earlier considered as a subphylum under 104. In which of the following sets of animals do all the four
phylum give rise birth to young ones?
1) Echinodermata 2) Arthropoda 1) Platypus, Penguin, Bat, Hippopotamus
3) Mollusca 4) Chordata 2) Shrew, Bat, Cat, Platypus
93. Balanoglossus belong to the phylum 3) Kangaroo, Blue whale, Dolphin, Rat
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata 4) Lion, Bat, Whale, Vulture
3) Cephalochordata 4) Cyclostomata 105. Animals belonging to phylum Chordata are fundamentally
characterized by the presence of
Chordata 1) Notochord
2) Dorsal hollow nerve cord
94. In class Amphibia, respiration occurs through:
3) Paired pharyngeal gill slits
1) Gills 2) Lungs
4) All of these
3) Skin 4) All of these
106. Which of the following is odd one w.r.t Aves?
95. Which of the following is poisonous snake?
1) Pneumatic bones 2) Poikilothermous
1) Naja (cobra) 2) Bangarus (krait)
3) Oviparity 4) Internal fertilisation
3) Vipera (Viper) 4) All of these
107. Which is a cold blooded animal?
96. Which of the following pairs of animals comprises “jawless
fishes”? 1) Pigeon 2) Great white Shark
1) Mackerals & Rohu 2) Lamprey & Hag fishes 3) Kangaroo 4) Common dolphin
3) Guppies & Hag fishes 4) Lampreys & Eels 108. Placoid scales are found in
97. Which of the following after spawning, within a few days, 1) Scoliodon 2) Hippocampus
they die? 3) Angel fish 4) Cuttlefish
1) Petromyzon 2) Branchiostoma 109. One of the primary character of chordates is
3) Doliolum 4) Ascidia 1) Paired nerve cord
98. Which of the following possesses poison sting belongs to 2) Solid ventral nerve cord
class chondrichthyes? 3) Ganglionated nerve cord
1) Labeo 2) Myxine 4) Dorsal tubular nerve cord
3) Clarias 4) Trygon 110. Salamandra is
99. Which among these is not a homeotherm? 1) An amphibian 2) A bird
1) Aptenodytes 2) Testudo 3) A mollusc 4) An echinoderm
3) Columba 4) Neophron
111. What is common between parrot, platypus and kangaroo?
100. Which of the following is an exclusive character of class 1) Toothless Jaw 2) Oviparity
3) Mammary glands 4) Homoiothermy
1) Internal fertilisation
112. The heart is 3 or 4 chambered in the vertebrate group
2) Presence of a completely 4-chambered heart
1) Fishes 2) Amphibia
3) Homoiothermy
3) Reptilia 4) Aves
4) Presence of a muscular diaphragm
113. Which one is an oviparous animal?
101. Air bladder is present in:
1) Pigeon 2) Whale
1) Hippocampus 2) Dog fish
3) Bat 4) Tiger
3) Star fish 4) Saw fish
114. Limbless amphibian is
102. Tympanum is not present in
1) Ichthyophis 2) Hyla
1) Rana 2) Ichthyophis
3) Limbless amphibia 4) Earthworm 3) Rana 4) Salamandra
103. Two chief features of mammals which distinguish them 115. The flightless bird among the following is
from other vertebrates are: 1) Columba 2) Neophron
1) Hairy skin and Oviparity 3) Struthio 4) Corvus
2) Hairy skin and Mammary glands 116. Identify the aquatic mammals from the following?
3) Mammary glands and teeth (a) Balaenoptera (b) Equus
4) Pinna and teeth (c) Delphinus (d) Pteropus
Animal Kingdom 105
(a) Jawless vertebrate (i) Mammals 3. Match the columns and find out the correct combination:
(b) Placoid scales (ii) Osteichthyes Column-I Column-II
(c) Ctenoid scales (iii) Amphibians (a) Cyclostomes (i) Hemichordata
(d) Cloaca (iv) Cyclostomes (b) Aves (ii) Urochordata
(v) Chondrichthyes (c) (iii) Agnatha
1) (a)-(iv) (b)-(v) (c)-(ii) (d)-(iii) (d) Balanoglossus (iv) Pisces
2) (a)-(v) (b)-(ii) (c)-(i) (d)-(iv) (e) Osteichthyes (v) Tetrapoda
3) (a)-(ii) (b)-(v) (c)-(iv) (d)-(i)
1) (a)-(i) (b)-(ii) (c)-(iii) (d)-(iv) (e)-(v)
4) (a)-(ii) (b)-(v) (c)-(iii) (d)-(i)
2) (a)-(ii) (b)-(iii) (c)-(iv) (d)-(i) (e)-(v)
2. Match the columns and find out the correct combination:
3) (a)-(iii) (b)-(i) (c)-(v) (d)-(ii) (e)-(iv)
1) Ventral central nervous system – Leech
4) (a)-(iii) (b)-(v) (c)-(ii) (d)-(i) (e)-(iv)
2) Pharyngeal gill slits absent in embryo – Chameleon
106 Objective NCERT Punch – Biology
4. Match the columns and find out the correct combination: 8. Match the columns and find out the correct combination:
Column-I Column-II Column-I Column-II
(a) Euspongia (i) Spicules (a) Urochordata (i) Myxine
(b) Obelia (ii) Hooks and suckers (b) Cephalochordata (ii) Salpa
(c) Ctenoplana (iii) Metagenesis (c) Cyclostomata (iii) Lancelet
(d) Fasciola (iv) Bioluminescence (d) Chondrichthyes (iv) Carcharodon
13. Select the mismatched pair. (c) Ascidia – Notochord in larval tail only – Urochordata
1) Pinctada – Cuttlefish 2) Aplysia – sea hare (d) Amphioxus- Fish like burrowing- Urochordata
Which of the above two are correct?
3) Loligo – Squid 4) Pila – Apple snail
1) (a) & (b)
14. Study the following organism, their character and group 2) (a) & (d)
(a) Petromyzon -Fish like but without paired fins – Agnatha 3) (a) & (c)
(b) Amphibia- First tetrapoda- Agnatha 4) (c) & (d)
1. Which one of the following statements about body cavity in 6. Select incorrect statement from the following.
certain animal groups are correct? 1) In vertebrates, notochord is replaced by cartilaginous or
1) Molluscs are acoelomates bony vertebral column
2) Insects are pseudocoelomates 2) In cephalochordates, notochord extended from head to
tail region and persistent throughout life
3) Flatworms are coelomates
3) Protochordates are exclusively marine
4) Roundworms are pseudocoelomates
4) Notochord is present in tail of adult in urochordata
2. Which of the given statements are correct?
7. Read the following statements and choose option which
(a) All vertebrates are chordates. have correct ones only.
(b) Notochord is persistent throughout life in Amphioxus. (a) The body of arthropods are generally consists of head,
(c) In chordates, dorsal hollow nerve cord is present. thorax and abdomen.
1) (a) & (b) only 2) (a) & (c) only (b) In member of phylum Platyhelminthes, alimentary
3) (b) & (c) only 4) (a), (b) & (c) canal is complete with a well-developed muscular
3. Which of the statements are correct?
(c) Body of molluscans is unsegmented with a distinct
(a) In earthworm, the body shows metameric segmentation. head, muscular foot and visceral hump.
(b) Aschelminthes are pseudocoelomates. (d) In Annelids, neural system is consists of paired ganglia
(c) Sponges are mostly asymmetrical. connected by lateral nerves to a double dorsal nerve cord.
(d) Mesoglea is an undifferentiated layer present in 1) (a), (b) and (d) 2) (a), (c) and (d)
between the ectoderm and the endoderm 3) (a) and (c) 4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
1) (a) & (b) only 2) (b) & (c) only 8. Which statement is true for molluscs?
3) (b), (c) & (d) only 4) All are correct (a) These have a soft body surrounded by silica shell.
4. Which of the following statements about arthropods is (b) Body is covered with external skeleton made of chitin.
incorrect? (c) Molluscs have organ system grade of body organization
1) Arthropods have an exoskeleton made of chitin. with bilateral symmetry.
2) Arthropods include insects, spiders, and crustaceans. (d) These are oviparous with indirect development.
3) Arthropods have jointed appendages. 1) (b) and (d) 2) (c) and (d)
3) (a), (b) and (c) 4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
4) Arthropods are exclusively aquatic organisms.
9. In some chordates, the notochord is modified as the
5. Read the following statements and choose the correct
vertebral column. Such animals are called vertebrates.
Which one of these statements makes sense?
1) Flatworms are mostly endoparasites. 1) All chordates are vertebrates, but all vertebrates are not
2) In members of phylum Arthropoda excretion takes chordates.
place through flame cells. 2) All vertebrates are chordates, and all chordates are
3) All the general characters of Nereis are similar to vertebrates.
earthworm due to this these both are placed into the 3) All vertebrates are chordates, but all chordates are not
same phyla. vertebrates.
4) Members of mollusca have a segmented body which 4) Chordates are not vertebrates and vertebrates are not
have distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump. chordates.
108 Objective NCERT Punch – Biology
10. These features belong to which phylum? 16. Incorrect statements is/are
(a) They are aquatic, mostly marine, sessile or free- 1) Bioluminescence is the well-marked feature in ctenophores.
swimming, radially symmetrical animals. 2) Members of aschelminthes are monoecious.
(b) They have a central gastro-vascular cavity with a 3) Molluscs show metameric segmentation.
single opening, mouth on hypostome. 4) Both (2) and (3)
(c) Digestion is extracellular and intracellular. 17. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
1) Porifera 2) Aschelminthes (a) Arthropoda is the second largest phylum of Animalia.
3) Coelenterata 4) Ctenophora (b) Ostrich is a flightless bird.
11. Which of the following statements are correct? (c) Members of Class Chondrichthyes lack true jaws.
(d) Air bladder is absent in Osteichthyes.
(a) Birds and mammals are homeothermic.
1) (c) and (d) only 2) (a), (b) and (c)
(b) Amphibians are poikilothermic animals and cannot
3) (a), (c) and (d) 4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
regulate body temperature.
18. How many statements are correct?
(c) Coelenterates have tissue grade of organization.
(a) Urochordates are also called Tunicates.
(d) Members of phylum Aschelminthes are also called
flatworms. (b) Over two-third of all named species on earth are
1) (a), (b) and (c) 2) (a) and (d)
(c) Bufo, Hyla, Rana are placed under class Amphibia.
3) (a), (c) and (d) 4) (b), (c) and (d)
(d) Aves are homoiothermous (warm-blooded) in nature.
12. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
1) One 2) Three
1) The body of the Aschelminthes is circular in cross-
section. 3) Two 4) Four
2) In Porifera, Choanocytes lines the spongocoel. 19. Choose correct statement among the following:
3) Vertebrates have dorsal muscular heart. 1) Cyclostomata have an elongated body bearing 6-15
pairs of gill slits for respiration.
4) The digestive system of platyhelminthes is incomplete.
2) All chordates are vertebrates.
13. Choose incorrect statement among the following:
3) Gill slits are separate and without operculum in class
1) Ctenophores and echinoderms show bilateral symmetry.
2) Annelids and arthropods show radial symmetry.
4) In amphibia, heart is two chambered (one auricle and
3) Both (1) and (2) one ventricle).
4) Sponges are mostly asymmetrical. 20. Which of the following statements is true about sponges?
14. Select the correct statement: 1) Their body is supported by a skeleton made up of
1) Notochord is a endodermally derived rod-like structure. spicules
2) Platyhelminthes are pseudocoelomates. 2) They have external fertilisation
3) In cnidarians, polyps produce medusae sexually and 3) They are found only in marine water
medusae form the polyps asexually. 4) They are mostly radially symmetrical
4) Cnidoblasts are used for anchorage, defense and for the 21. Which one of the following statements is totally wrong
capture of prey. about the occurrence of notochord, while the other three
15. Correct statement/s is/are are correct?
1) Taenia and Fasciola are examples of platyhelminthes. 1) It is present only in larval tail in Ascidians.
2) Ctenophores are also called comb jellies. 2) It is replaced by a vertebral column in adult frog.
3) Hooks and suckers are present in the parasitic 3) It is absent throughout life in humans from the very
platyhelminthes. beginning.
4) All of these 4) It is present throughout life in Amphioxus.
Animal Kingdom 109
(i) D (ii)
1) Mesoglea Ectoderm Endoderm Mesoderm
2) Endoderm Mesoderm Mesoglea Ectoderm
3) Mesoderm Mesoglea Ectoderm Endoderm
1) Non-chitinous, open 2) Non-chitinous, close 4) Ectoderm Endoderm Mesoglea Mesoderm
3) Chitinous, open 4) Chitinous, close 7. The figures given show the types of coelom. Identify them and
select the correct group of organisms which possess them.
4. In the given diagram A and B represents:
1) Annelids Aschelminthes Platyhelminthes
2) Molluscs Arthropods Platyhelminthes
(a) B (b) 3) Echinoderms Aschelminthes Annelids
Diploblastic Triploblastic 4) Echinoderms Arthropods Playhelminthes
Animal Kingdom 111
8. Identify the figures A, B, C and D and select the correct 11. Identify the organism X and select the characteristic
option. which is not true for the given organism.
1) Possess dorsal hollow nerve cord
1) Pleurobrachia Cnidoblast Aurelia Adamsia
2) Heart is dorsal
2) Aurelia Adamsia Cnidoblast Pleurobrachia
3) Post anal tail is present
3) Cnidoblast Pleurobrachia Adamsia Aurelia
4) Pharynx perforated by gill slits
4) Adamsia Aurelia Pleurobrachia Cnidoblast
12. Correct statement, regarding A & B is:
9. Identify the figures A, B, C and D and select the correct
A B C D 1) Salamandra, Chelone, Chameleon,
Amphibia Reptilia Reptilia
A B C D 2) Salamandra, Chelone, Chameleon,
1) Locust Scorpion Prawn Pila Reptilia Reptilia Reptilia
2) Locust Prawn Scorpion Pila 3) Salamandra, Chelone, Chameleon,
3) Liver fluke Scorpion Prawn Snail Amphibia Amphibia Amphibia
4) Liver fluke Scorpion Prawn Pila 4) Salamandra, Chelone, Chameleon,
Urochordata Cephalochordata Hemichordata
2. A student brought home a strange animal which he found 2) All bony fishes have four pairs of gills and an operculum
outside under a rock. It had moist skin, a complete digestive on each side.
tract, a ventral nerve cord, and have metameric segments.
3) All sponges are marine and have collared cells.
Identify the phylum of the animal.
4) All mammals are viviparous and possess diaphragm for
1) Porifera
2) Annelida
3) Mollusca 9. My body is divided into head and trunk, skin is moist
without scales. Heart is three chambered. Identify me?
4) Echinodermata
1) Mammal 2) Bird
3. Which of the following is common feature of Torpedo and
Trygon? 3) Amphibian 4) Reptile
1) They live in fresh water 10. Read the statements regarding echinoderms and choose the
2) They possess electric organs as modified musculature correct option.
between eyes and nostrils (a) All are marine with organ system level of organisation
3) They have placoid scales and belong to class (b) Adults are bilaterally symmetrical
(c) They have an endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles.
4) They possess a poison sting on the tail. The poison so
released is strong enough to stun an animal (d) Fertilization is internal and indirect development is
4. Which of the statements regarding coelenterates is/are
wrong. (e) Triploblastic and acoelomate animals
(a) Cnidocytes are present on the tentacles and on the 1) (a) and (c) are correct
body. 2) (e) alone is correct
(b) Diploblastic with tissue level of organisation. 3) (a), (c) and (e) are correct
(c) Polyp forms are free living 4) (a) and (e) are correct
(d) Some exhibit metagenesis 11. Tapeworm does not possess digestive system as it:
(e) Polyps produce medusae sexually and medusae form 1) Does not require solid food
polyps asexually.
2) Absorb nutrients food through general surface
1) (b) and (d) only 2) (c) and (e) only
3) Does not require food
3) (a), (b) and (c) only 4) (c) only
4) Lives in intestine
5. In some animals, the body cavity is not lined by mesoderm,
instead the mesoderm is present as scattered pouches in 12. Which is correctly matched?
between the ectoderm and endoderm. Such type of body 1) Centipede, Prawn, Sea Urchin – Jointed appendages
cavity is represented by which group of animals? 2) Cockroach, Locust, Ascaris – Metameric segmentation
1) Platyhelminthes 2) Aschelminthes 3) Scorpion, Spider, Cockroach – Ventral solid nerve cord
3) Coelenterata 4) Hemichordata 4) Liver fluke, Sea Anemone, Sea Cucumber – Bilateral
6. Animal ‘A’ has some specific characterstic, like it belongs symmetry.
to the largest phylum. Body is divisible into head, thorax 13. Identify a, b, c, d and e.
and abdomen. Excretion by Malpighian tubules. Animal
‘A’ could be: Organ Phylum Function
Parapodia Annelida a
1) Lamprey 2) Cuttlefish
b Ctenophora Locomotion
3) Sepia 4) Locusta c Mollusca Rasping organ
7. Which of the following sets of animals shows a close Malpighian tubules Arthropoda d
taxonomic relationship? Cnidoblasts Coelenterata e
1) Jellyfish, Cuttlefish, Catfish 1) (a)-swimming, (b)-comb plates, (c)-radula,
2) Honeybee, Crayfish, Spider (d)-excretion, (e)-defence
3) Alligator, Nautilus, Turtle 2) (a)-defence, (b)-radula, (c)-comb plates, (d)-excretion,
4) Kangaroo, Octopus, Salamander (e)-swimming
8. Which one of the following categories of animals, is 3) (a)-defence, (b)-radula, (c)-comb plates, (d)-swimming,
correctly described with no single exception in it? (e)-excretion
1) All reptiles possess scales, have a three chambered 4) (a)-protection, (b)-parapodia, (c)-visceral mass,
heart and are cold blooded (poikilothermal). (d)-locomotion, (e)-excretion
Animal Kingdom 113
11. Match the following columns and select the correct option. 3) All chordates possess notochord throughout their life
(2020 Covid) 4) Notochord is replaced by vertebral column in adult of
Column-I Column-II some chordates
A. Aptenodytes (i) Flying fox
15. Match the following organisms with their respective
B. Pteropus (ii) $QJHO¿VK characteristics : (2019)
C. Pterophyllum (iii) Lamprey
Column-I Column-II
D. Petromyzon (iv) Penguin
A. Pila (i) Flame cells
1) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii) Comb plates
B. Bombyx (ii)
2) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii) C. Pleurobrachia (iii) Radula
3) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(iii) D. Taenia (iv) Malpighian tubules
4) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i)
Select the correct option from the following:
12. Match the following group of organisms with their
1) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iv)
respective distinctive characteristics and select the correct
option. (2020 Covid) 2) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i)
Column-I Column-II 3) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(i)
A. Platyhelminthes (i) Cylindrical body with 4) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(i)
no segmentation
16. Consider following features
B. Echinoderms (ii) Warm blooded animals
with direct development A. Organ system level of organisation
C. Hemichordates (iii) Bilateral symmetry with B. Bilateral symmetry
incomplete digestive C. True coelomates with segmentation of body
Select the correct option of animal groups which possess
D. Aves (iv) Radial symmetry with
indirect development all the above characteristics (2019)
1) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i) 1) Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata
2) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii) 2) Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca
3) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(iv) 3) Arthropoda, Mollusca and Chordata
4) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii) 4) Annelida, Mollusca and Chordata
13. Which of the following options does correctly represent the 17. Which of the following animals does not undergo
characteristic features of phylum Annelida? (2020 Covid)
metamorphosis? (2018)
1) Triploblastic, segmented body and bilaterally
1) Earthworm 2) Tunicate
2) Triploblastic, flattened body and acoelomate condition 3) Moth 4) Starfish
3) Diploblastic, mostly marine and radially symmetrical 18. Which one of these animals is not a homeotherm? (2018)
4) Triploblastic, unsegmented body and bilaterally 1) Macropus 2) Chelone
3) Camelus 4) Psittacula
14. All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not
19. Identify the vertebrate group of animals characterised by
vertebrates, why? (2020 Covid)
crop and gizzard in its digestive system. (2018)
1) Ventral hollow nerve cord remains throughout life in
some chordates 1) Amphibia 2) Reptilia
2) All chordates possess vertebral column 3) Aves 4) Osteichthyes
116 Objective NCERT Punch – Biology
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 4 3 2 3 2 2 1
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
1 4 1 2 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 3 2
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
1 3 2 2 2 4 4 3 1 3 4 2 2 2 4 4 1
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
NCERT 3 4 3 2 4 1 1 2 4 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 4
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
4 4 4 3 1 3 3 2 4 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 4
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
1 4 2 3 1 1 4 1 4 4 2 1 4 2 4 1 4
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
2 3 4 2 2 1 4 1 4 3 1 1 3 1 4 3 3
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
4 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 3
Matching Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
MCQs 1 1 4 1 1 4 3 1 3 3 4 2 1 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Correct & 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 4 3
Incorrect MCQs 18 19 20 21
4 1 1 3
Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Based MCQs 1 2 4 3 1 3 3 1 4 1
Assertion & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reason MCQs 1 2 4 1 3 2 1 4 2 3
Image Based 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Questions 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1
Rank Booster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
MCQs 3 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 1 2 3 1
NCERT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Exemplar MCQs 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Past 5 Years 1 2 2 4 2 3 2,3 1 4 1 2 4 1 4 2 1 1
MCQs 18 19
2 3
V i e w p u b l i c a t i o n s t a t s