Generic TTRPG v1
Generic TTRPG v1
Generic TTRPG v1
By Nuthenry2 - v1
You sit in a dimly lit room at a long table, In front of you is a hooded figure. The Shadowy
speaker speaks up and says “Roll for initiative!”, the lights click on and it's revealed to be
Jump-Chain! “Where is your Character sheet?” it she says “You can't play a TTRPG without
one, so take these 1000 CP and fill out this character sheet”
Setting, Location
These are determined by the TTRPG you picked, unless it's more free-formed and has
options for you to pick. Then pick an sitting that your character would fit into and location
which your character can conceivably get to.
Character Creation (Free and Mandatory)
So here's the deal, you pick a TTRPG and make a character that's legal to the rules then
you will be inserted into your created character as your origin. This perk ensures any abilities
you get will be fiat backed and work in future jumps, all though there are a few limits. First
this only fiat backs abilities gained via your character sheet, so drinking an immortality potion
won't stick but level up and gaining a class feature with immortality will. Secondly nothing is
absolute, your 100% immunity to physical damage can be bypassed or overpowered by out
of context abilities and lastly munchkinry doesn't work, while there may be optimal strategies
for strength if there was an easy path to godhood everybody would be doing it. There are
normally multiple different starting power levels with TTRPGs, so whatever you pick will
cause the rest of the setting to scale with you and even have the same abilities you could
possibly gain. And finally you can pre build your character for higher levels, so when you
level up all of your new abilities will be locked in place.
Third-Party (200)
By default you would be just using the core content and any official add-ons, extensions and
modules along with minor things that have been glossed to make it a real working world (You
can't have a galaxy spanning empire without the toilet or equivalent, but that's not going to
be in a rule book), with this it allows you to pick any and all third-party content in have for
your character and in the setting.
Downtime (300)
Normally in between adventures the characters spend time earning money, crafting items,
purchasing supplies or training. Spending weeks or months upkeep you adventuring lifestyle
is quite a drag, so with this perk once a week you can gain the benefit of 8 hours of
downtime. How this works is that you select a single outcome (Training, Hunting beasts,
Crafting, Travelling, etc) and when the end of the week rolls around it will Instantly trigger
and Deliver the end result, This will keep happening until you change it also you only be
rewarded with with A singular result so you will not gain any skill from working a job but only
the money (Unless you choose to work for experience only instead). Some things to note is
that crafting items requires the materials on hand or to spend some for the downtime
harvesting or buying them, Studying requires the textbook and supplies on hand and to earn
money there must be local jobs available that you can work.
Character Items (Free and Mandatory)
Just like ‘Character Creation’ but this fiat backs any items gained via your character sheet.
This only covers items gained with character creation, starting wealth and items given to you
from abilities, so no fiat backing all of your dungeon loot. If you purchase ‘Starting
Experience’ you gain all the benefits of level wealth or gold to XP, If your TTRPG possesses
Such things. Items destroyed, damaged, lost, stolen, used or sold will respawn or be
repaired after a month and remember any modifications made only with methods from the
Miniatures (100)
You can’t play a TTRPG without miniatures now can you. Now you gain a pewter miniature
model of each of your alt forms, any species of monster you encounter and Important people
you meet.
Recruit Anyone (Free)
Free! Anyone you want to recruit in this world is free to join you as a companion if they
agree. This is a perk you can use in future jumps.
Flaws (Mandatory)
When creating your character you may come across options that give you some more points
for a cost, These are in fact drawbacks and should be treated as such. But fear not if there
exist options in the system to remove these at a later date, you too can follow these methods
to remove such burdens. Although do note that it won't be as simple as paying someone a
100 gold, you will have to work for it.
Inspired by Generic CYOA and a lack of jumps that allows you to use 3.5e homebrew
without a gamer system. Note that this was started before the 1.1 OGL controversy and
Most of the work took place during it, so your jump-chan will give you a cookie if you pick
another setting than D&D or a Wizards of the Coast setting.
Change log:
v1 - Initial Release