Generic You Can Have It All V 1.4
Generic You Can Have It All V 1.4
Generic You Can Have It All V 1.4
The most powerful things on offer here are enough to let you take on anything or anyone, short of Jump-Chan
and her siblings.
You may choose where you arrive or you can roll a d12 dice for some generic location. You’ll get +200CP for
rolling (said roll may influence your setting).
The Jumper gets a 50% discount for one Perk that is worth 1000CP or less. You can also take a perk that is
worth 100CP or less as a freebie.
The Bank allows you to store any unspent CP from a jump, including any sections and/or supplements. Any
points stored can then be spent in any other jump/supplement/etc. including this one.
The Bank grants a CP interest of +1CP per month spent in a jump, plus an extra +10CP per month per
1000CP currently in The Bank.
You may also use the Bank to store any Normal Currency(NC), keeping it safe from thieves and the like.
For the sake of convenience, all currency can, regardless of form or origin, be converted to any other currency
at a 1 to 1 rate.
The Bank also grant's interest on NC, with a rate of +10% per 1000NC currently in The Bank, with a permanent
+1% increase per year spent in jump.
This Bank can either reside in your warehouse or a pocket universe that only you and those you allow access
can enter, or something thematically similar, like a cave in the world you are in, the backroom of a bar, or in a
bank, though once placed it can't be moved until after your current jump is over.
No Jump Doc, CYOA, or verse may in anyway subjugate or claim your chain or jumper you are above them all
no matter what the text says for example in the Terra Hypnagogica Jump it claims that you are a native and
that you were always there even the Drop-In implies it. This makes sure that's not true a Jumper is above
everything and is beholden to no setting you exist beyond every verse and are merely a visitor/outsider unless
you say otherwise even if it's a verse that contains everything and is infinite with omnipotent beings you're still
a outsider from beyond it and so is your chain all settings/jumps/Verses are just apart of your chain and your
chain will never be part of a setting unless you will it so no matter what the text says. All Verses are also
separate no matter what the text says and docs cannot interfere with eachother.
No Force (100CP)
You know those Jumps where if you want something like a certain Race/Species or perk or anything else
you're forced to take a drawback well not anymore whenever that happens you can ignore that stipulation and
take whatever it is you want without having to also take a drawback only paying the necessary CP or whatever
other currency that Jump uses.
Agelessness (100CP)
You no longer age beyond your prime (about mid-20s for humans). That’s it. If you are above that age you just
stop aging. You may turn this off and on at will.
Refining (200CP)
Users of this perk can refine anything to its purest potential, refining ore into metal, removing illness from a
body, removing impurities in an illness to make it stronger, etc. Refining something means it can become a
much stronger variant, or all together progress into a new, pristine form.
As I Recall (800CP)
You now have a perfect memory. Not only can you remember everything without flaw but also everything to the
last details (e.g. sight, taste, even your exact thoughts at those moments). It is even beyond eidetic memory.
Like in Harry Potter (pensieves) you can “revisit” a mental image of this memory and look at these memories
from different angles. That allows you to see details which you couldn’t have noticed before. This memory
boost also increases your learning capacity since you can’t make the same mistake twice (without realizing).
Increased muscle memory also boosts martial arts (and similar motion based) training.
Edicts are the physical and metaphysical manifestations of your will, and as varied and powerful as you wish.
They can destroy cities, blight kingdoms, or drain the seas. Some are devastating on an apocalyptic level,
while some are so subtle the victims never even notice it has been cast. When an Edict is cast, you choose the
target(s), effect, how long it will last, and if there is a condition that will end the effect.
Any of your powers, skills, abilities and anything else you have and will have can never be drained, reduced, or
otherwise limited in any way shape or form on any level whatsoever unless you want it to happen.You have
complete control over all of your abilities, powers and anything else you have and can dial the strength of
anything in any way you want or turn it off completely. No entity no matter who or what they are or how
powerful they are or what powers they have including Jumpchan and anything on that level or greater can
double cross, betray, force their will, or otherwise try and cheat you in a contract, deal or empowerment like a
CYOA and or Jumpchain in any way shape or form. Those that try will implode to nothingness with no way of
recovering whatsoever or some other punishment you might fancy. Nothing happens if you cheat them,
Body-Mod-Index (1000CP)
Everyone knows how hard changing your Body-Mod is. With this Perk you can now add a Perk once per Jump
to your Body-Mod. Simply select a Perk, pay three times the usual purchase amount (even if it is a freebie) and
said Perk will permanently be a part of your Body-Mod. You can also use your once per Jump on another
Companion instead.
A customizable system, it can be any type of system, you can modify it, add or remove features however you
please, can either be a system that grows alongside you or an already all powerful system.
You can permanently absorb anything like armor materials used to create armor and even esoteric substances
like Dragon Blood directly into your body to enhance it without turning your body into metal and keeping only
the benefits without giving yourself any weaknesses.You can absorb Adamantium/Barbadium into your flesh,
skin, bones, organs etc and make them just as durable as that metal or you can absorb an armor that nullifies
harmful magic to grant your body that ability. These enhancements will apply to every body and alternate form
you have or will obtain in the future unless you don't want them to.
All origins, perks, abilities, powers, alternate forms and whatever else you have and are or will ever have and
will be in any way shape or form shall effect and influence each other positively and strengthen, refine,
enhance, complete and perfect each other filling in any gaps and removing any imperfections, flaws and
weaknesses from each other continuously and without end and will work together in perfect harmony and
balance without any flaws, downsides and instability in any way shape or form whatsoever on any level making
you greater and greater until you are truly Greatness On A Different Level.
Unlike that species from Doctor Who you gain the ability to control the flow of time. You can halt time for
everyone (including you but you can use it to plan; this may improve in time so it only freezes time for them
and/or halts their growth/aging process), reverse the time flow for objects and people and you can also age
others and objects. Furthermore you will never age beyond your prime and you can change your age at will.
Should you be on death’s door you can reverse your time flow (or that of others) and de-age to a state before
your fatal injury. Time travel itself is beyond you with just this purchase.
Perfection (1200CP)
You have the power to instantly reach the zenith of your potential in all aspects. While also providing the
memories and experience needed to wield your abilities with absolute perfection. This does not require any
training, effort, research or studying on your part, nor would it require any outside resources or equipment
should you possess an ability requiring such. So with the potential of a regular human you will suddenly find
yourself becoming a master of every possible human skill, achieving peak human appearance, health and
physicality, and gaining all the knowledge and memories needed to become the perfect human. The only limit
of this power is that it cannot raise your potential. (if you take this in combination with Absolute Potential you
only reach the potential prior to the new unlocked absolute potential (like you receive both at the same time
and the latter perk consists of gradual progress), it may however increase any other unlocked potential aside
the Absolute instantly to its maximum)
Masochism (1200CP)
You are now capable of getting enjoyment and pleasure from stressful situations, hard challenges and pain.
This doesn’t make you addicted but this perk makes sure that you won’t give up or surrender no matter how
hard something is (while still retaining your sound judgement). This perk also allows you to grow and surpass
your limits under this strain. Whether it is in terms of skill or actual attributes (even those that usually don’t
grow) you will continue to slowly grow until you can beat the challenge or the aggravating situation/pain is over.
You are also more capable of exploiting loopholes and thinking of alternate solutions to your problems because
of that. (If you already have an increased growth rate or potential with perks, this perk further increases your
growth in above mentioned situations.)
Sadism (1200CP)
You are now capable of getting enjoyment and pleasure from causing stressful situations, hard challenges and
pain to others. This doesn’t make you addicted but this perk makes sure that you know how to best inflict pain
and stress (while still retaining your sound judgement). This perk also allows you to help others grow and
surpass their limits under this strain. Whether it is in terms of skill, actual attributes (even those that usually
don’t grow) or even character development they can slowly grow beyond their limits under this stress/pain. If
you don’t want to help others you can turn this effect off (and on at will) and you just know how to make them
collapse under this strain.
Good News! You can use money to outright negate any wounds, curses and/or ailments dealt to you (and/or
your allies) if you want to. While minor scratches and bruises will only cost you a few dollars, losing a limb
might cost you many thousands of dollars (prices may vary slightly depending on local healthcare – if
healthcare or medicine is worse (compared to 20th century) then the price rises). If someone is capable of
landing a fatal blow it would take half of your remaining money (since perma-death would cost you everything)
and revive you to full health. Upon using this 1-up this perk will go inert for 10 years or until the end of the
Jump (whatever is sooner). Should you have any other 1-up perks, those perks will be used first.
The user can subjugate any sentient and non-sentient beings to their control through pure respect, reverence
and sheer adoration for the user as they become completely willing to follow the user's will. At first, they grow
attached and warm up to the user, then start to put the user into a pedestal, taking what the user says as final
by implicit trust, ending up as seeing the user as an awe-inspiring example to follow. Through the user's
desires they are held as a figure that is held as a god, a messiah, a divine king or a similar icon by his or her
supporters who become willing to lay their lives down to protect and/or serve the user. Subjects aren't turned
into mindless drones, remaining essentially the same except for their new-found loyalty, which makes them
very difficult to distinguish from normal people.
The result of The White Event, this symbol of a many pointed star brands you as the protector of the universe.
At the start you will have access to a wide array of powers, which are superhuman durability, able to casually
tank a hit from both the Hulk and Thor's hammer, supersonic flight in atmosphere and in a vacuum, matter
creation and manipulation at the quantum level, the ability to rapidly heal both yourself and others from any
physical injury, the ability to create and manipulate any known form of energy, which also allows you to create
energy blast that can destroy entire planets, and this energy can also be used to power any biological
processes, letting you selectively toggle on or off your need to breathe, eat, drink sleep, or use the restroom,
with your matter manipulation removing your need to sweat or bathe, and finally your cosmic scenes, letting
you sense anything on the same planet as you, though your senses will passively search for and alert you to
any cosmic level threats within the entire universe.
While at first your powers will be limited, with time and practice your power will go to an infinite degree,
allowing you to take on anything that would threaten your universe or others.
You can choose any character(s) from any Verse you visit. They will be destined to meet and fall in love with
you, the love being true and deep, and will last for eternity being just as strong and vivid without weakening in
any way. If you desire it, then you will be their very first love and lover, though the last part will be unable to
happen if they are parents, unless you arrive before they become parents.If you pick more then one or you get
other lovers, they will be willing to share you.You will be able to do this every Jump and Post-Chain you will be
able to do this for every Verse you visit. The price is so high because you can choose literally anyone.
A perfectly round white ball, standing taller than a man, the Time Matrix allows you to travel through time and
space as well as the ability to alter reality. Should you request something entirely detached from reality, it has
the power to send you to a new universe specifically created for you.
The user has absolute potential, capacity for growth and learning, allowing them to learn/master absolutely
anything they want, regardless of their skills, personality, species, etc. They have no ceiling to what they can
learn and no limitations on what they can develop, allowing them to develop endlessly in any and all areas, and
can attain all powers naturally.
A true hero kills with their eyes (1500CP)
You can now use any ability or power you have through a different body part. Want to use that cool fire ability
through your eyes but it says it can only work through hands? Well shoot it out of whatever you want cause
now you can. This may also modify these powers a bit. Like for instance if you wanted to use Decay through
your eyes then you can now activate it at will because we don’t want you decaying everything around you. You
have a cool space power that twists whatever you touch? Well now you can twist whatever you can see. This
allows for use of things in ways they aren't supposed to be used. Or if you have a cool power like the ability to
destroy whatever you can see with your eyes you can now use it with your legs or your arms or something
The mind is quite strange. It is surprisingly resilient yet easily manipulated. This ability does not target the mind
but the subconscious beneath the mind. But the mind can fight back against intruders. A good way to
circumvent that is if you are stronger than your target. A better way is if the target is willing to let you in. The
best way is if the target isn’t even aware of your presence.
Once you are inside the subconscious you can do a lot inside. You can change the morals and guidelines or
even reinforce them to make the target more stubborn or doubtful. You can enhance the instincts and make the
target more willing to ignore guidelines. The most terrifying thing you can do though is to enhance the entire
subconscious and drown out the conscious mind. This transforms the mind into an empty shell that only does
whatever it currently feels like doing. Any changes to the subconscious aren’t easily undone either. Unless you
add something that cannot possibly belong to the target it is next to impossible to notice any changes.
(Enhancing and reducing character traits are an easy way to avoid detection).
One last warning: It is heavily advised not to use this ability on yourself.
The user is completely immune to any and all void and erasing abilities making them completely and totally
inerasable, protecting their whole existence against even the most dire kind of nonexistence. They are
essentially inerasable to the point that they don't rely on a source or field of existence to reside in but they
totally self-contain their own existence no matter what state they are in whether they are healthy, damaged,
alive or dead, amortal and so on.This means that even if there will be no existence left they will keep on like
nothing has happened. Unlike full-on True Unkillability, Meta Erasure Immunity grants total protection from any
and all kinds Erasure and existence alteration, which makes them unable to be erased by existential or
conceptual means but still vulnerable to anything else from explosions and death-force to natural reasons such
as aging and deathly weaponry. Overall, this ability is able to perform feats worthy of Absolute Immortality in
scope, such as staying unaffected by the end of time and being conceptually anchored but possess seemingly
great weaknesses.This power is usually held in a package with extremely defensive abilities such as Flawless
Indestructibility or Meta Resurrection. Also this power cannot be removed by any means necessary.
Infinite Eternal Jumping (2000CP)
You can now continue to use Jumpchain even after Sparking and if you do any more End Jumps then those
sparks will be merged with with your spark with all their power and anything else added to your spark
increasing your power and also all restrictions that required sparking to be removed are of course removed in
short you have all the advantages of a Post-Spark Jumper while still being able to continue Jumping and if you
want you don't have to Keep Jumpchan this Almighty Absolutely Omnipotent Perk will instead power your
Jumpchain meaning Fiat backing, Items, Perks and anything else Jumpchain related as such you will be
beholden to no one but yourself. Of your chain will still follow your Jumpchain rules whatever they are and
were and yes that means if you were in Creative Mode you'll still be in creative mode even without Jumpchan
and this also means no chain failure for any reason and you can also enter a verse at any time period and stay
for as long as you want and leave at anytime you want you can also redo any Jump you've already done as
many times as you want at anytime you want while keeping what you've gained from those jumps. Also no one
and nothing can take this Perk from you, destroy it, restrict it or damage or do anything negative to it in any
way shape or form not even Jumpchan or any being on that level in fact not even more powerful beings can do
it no one absolutely no one and nothing can it's yours and yours alone obeying and serving only you now and
forever and this applies to everything else that's yours as well. And if you're wondering how this perk can do all
this it just does that why it's Almighty and Absolutely Omnipotent and also don't worry this perk can't be used to
harm you in any way shape or form on any level nor is there any downside to it like not being able to handle it
power or such nonsense but it can only be used to Jumpchain doing everything Jumpchan is supposed to do
for you and everything else in the perks description. Now go forth and enjoy your endless adventure.
You are The Ruler Of The Seas and as The Ruler of The Seas, all the water of all the worlds and all that dwell
within them are yours to control. You don't need to cast spells to control water or ice, as they respond to your
very will and you are immune to water and ice-based attacks. All water-based creatures see you as their god,
regardless of their power or intelligence. Likewise, the storms are yours to command and will form or dissipate
according to your whims.
Omni-Magic (2000CP)
The user possesses every form of magic, mystical or overall supernatural force that existed in the past,
currently, or will materialize in reality. The user's vast magical inventory may sprout from birth/creation,
prolonged training and experience of every supernatural force, or genetic conditions notorious for harboring
excellent mastery/talent over magic. Users possess all forms, variations, and expressions of magical energies
but not immediately understand them. Due to this restriction, the user must learn, master, and repeat the same
process similar to omni-scientific entities, constantly training through ordinary or extraordinary means to
efficiently utilize their magical powers. Various types of magic are available to the user, ranging from weak
magic to transcendent-level magic that archmages, supernatural entities, or gods have. By using their
overwhelming magical power, they can manipulate reality, altering its variables, aspects, matter, energy,
extradimensional strings, quantum mechanics, mass, planes of existence, etc., break, bend, and replace the
laws of magic, authorizing exotic features and results to occur than traditional magic would permit. The user
attains a esoteric form of nigh-omnipotence, possessing all magic in all settings and potential mastery over all
of them.
This is the ultimate method of hiding. Once activated nobody can sense your presence. Nobody can see you,
hear you or otherwise sense you. This goes beyond invisibility. Anyone who sees you will quickly forget about
you. Even on cameras as well as other evidence concerning your presence is easily dismissed. Given some
practice they can even forget about your existence entirely (While this specific effect is reduced when you are
in combat it is still nigh-impossible to predict your movements). This also grants you immunity to mind-reading
abilities. From others POV it will even look like you are phasing in and out of existence. It should suffice to say
that no supernatural method for locating you will ever work. This can be toggled off and on at will.
Are you tired of Thanos curb-stomping you? Well, no more! With this perk any foe in the same solar system will
be brought down to your level. Super-tech will suddenly shut down, Super Intelligence may be reduced to
average IQ and even the most durable enemy will be as frail as you. No matter what advantages they have
they will all be nullified. But what if you already are as strong as Thanos? Don’t worry! With the reverse setting
you can strengthen anyone, all or anything in-between loyal to you up to your level within range. With this you
could take in average persons and make an entire army of Thanos.
Users of this perk can sense/detect the weakness of anything, including people and objects, possibly including
more insubstantial targets such as relationships, societies, organizations, even things like laws of
nature,concepts of reality and other perks are not exempt from this perk's detection abilities.The user's of this
perk can also obviously use this perk on themselves and what belongs to them as well.
- Manipulate matter for a number of purposes, erecting nigh impenetrable force fields, barriers which can shield
entire cities.
- Placing multiple permanent enchantments on items, like Mjolnir, lasting until you yourself cancel them or they
are overpowered by a superior enchantment
- All this and more is what you'll be capable of and unlike Odin you won't have to enter The Odin Sleep to
replenish your power The Odin Force will regenerate just like every other pool of magic you have and any
perks you have that aid that will speed up the recovery of The Odin Force.
Are you tired of plot convenience dictating the plot of the Jump? Isn’t it disgusting if the villain always gets
away and heroes suddenly think they have to spare him (after killing all henchmen)? Now you gain the power
to install a healthy dose of realism into jumps (don’t worry, you can toggle it off and on at your convenience).
The power of friendship or true love is in your way? Well, it turns out that those don’t actually develop within 24
hours – so you are OK! The villain is about to be spared? No, the heroes don’t get any last-minute doubts. The
Big Bad uses a plot device for ultimate power and is about to become invincible? It doesn’t come with an
instruction manual, so the heroes are still fine.
This perk makes sure that any named/important character gets the same treatment as a random mook in the
setting. If a mook can do it or get away with it under the same circumstances (not just because the plot
demands it) then the named character can do it, too. It basically aims to strip away any plot armor and plot
convenience from a setting. This can be turned off and on at will.
Users have all their capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level. At the most basic
level, users have a supreme and absolute physical and mental condition,with absolutely nothing being able to
surpass them in those attributes. For example, with their strength, they could lift multiverses or punch so hard
reality is distorted. With their speed, they could travel infinite distances/execute infinite actions within a finite
amount of time and go everywhere and everywhen faster than instantly. With their intellect, they could outsmart
the smartest cosmic beings effortlessly. The other attributes of the user (if they have them) will also be at an
absolute or near absolute level depending on the user, such as his regeneration, invulnerability and potential,
actually having the physiology of a nigh-omnipotent being.
Nephilim (29,000CP)
You are Nephilim. Not a false pretender but a child of the Primordial Demon who is also the Primordial
Darkness and the Primordial Holy who is the Primordial Light. This alone makes you a god in the flesh
comparable to the strongest of any world but it gives you three forms. Demon form allows you absolute control
of Primordial Darkness. Angel form gives you absolute control of Primordial Light and Nephilim form gives you
absolute control of both. You also have a limitless growth ability and your speed at which you grow is about
100x’s Saitama’s growth rate. Who could grow fast enough to beat someone who matched him in about five
minutes. You are true Nephilim. Meaning you also deserve one more thing. You get one concept that you are
better at controlling than even the Primordial of that thing.
Magic Resistance - EX
Independent Action - EX
Presence Detection - EX
Nightmare Walker - EX (35,000):
The infinite thoughts across infinite worlds define Its existence and feed it more power, yet it is a non-existent
Entity. A paradoxical being, resting on the Outside.
This Skill is composed of three additional elements that act as complementary support to the three main
components of the Chaos Theory:
4. Voru-Ieusan: The complete nullification of any attacks upon the avatar's person, having them cease to exist
once they come in contact with it. The same applies to all defensive methods. Nothingness is just that:
Nothing. There is nothing to attack, nothing to defeat, nothing to defend against, and nothing to kill.
5. Metagnostic: This Skill renders the Entity and the avatar completely untraceable. No breathing patterns, no
heat or mana signature, no heartbeat. Skills like Mind's Eye or Clairvoyance are nullified against it. If desired,
the mere concept of his existence can be concealed, as if it were a self-sealing idea. Strangely, this ability
usually remains inactive due to an irrational hatred of the number 5, self-censoring concepts, and... starfishes.
6. A Plague of Thought: The Entity can instantly know everything there is to know about any sentient being
once It is perceived, from their current thoughts to distant memories. It also pinpoints the location of the mind's
owner to the Entity, no matter what place, time, or plane of existence they are in. Even hearing or reading the
avatar's name, (Y/N) (L/N), is sufficient to trigger this phenomenon. If you can see It, then It can see you.
Imaginary Solutions - EX (40,000)::
(Requires Hammerspace: Everything In Nothingness - EX, Main Character Hax: Screw The Rules, I'm The
Protagonist - EX, Toon Force: Principle of Comedic Warfare - EX)
The Thesis of the Primal Exodus phenomenon can be roughly translated as "The absolute is pure being". A
permanently active Anti-Existence Noble Phantasm, the Entity can manipulate Pataphysics. It is the ability to
have control over the ineffable, the unknown, and the unknowable, transcending metaphysical laws and
boundaries. A permanently active Anti-Existence Noble Phantasm, the Entity can manipulate Pataphysics. It is
the ability to have control over the ineffable, the unknown, and the unknowable, transcending metaphysical
laws and boundaries. This Noble Phantasm is normally split into three components:
Main Character Hax (Narrative) denotes the alteration of a narrative and story tropes to the avatar's
Toon Force (Concept) disregards the "rules" of the narrative and allows free reign over any actions, regardless
of concepts.
Hammerspace (Reality) grants the avatar an infinite arsenal of fictional objects and abilities, with instant
mastery and knowledge on how to use them. If used in tandem with the Antithesis, the Entity's final Noble
Phantasm can be activated.
The Absolute most overpowered Best Boi ever (50,000CP)
OH man. It seems there's another one of these idiots. Based on the best boi from a certain fanfiction you just
seem to be able to do…Anything. Want to make up a cool new destructive power? Make it and have it
mastered instantly. Fighting an Omnipotent God? Kill him. Just do it. You seem to be able to just DO whatever.
And everybody seems to somehow love you. You have a habit of messing with the plot HARD. And you also
seem to mold the world. Think that penguins are the perfect Killing machines? They are. Watch them kill a
dragon. Think that Patrick Taylor the Postman is an all powerful amazing Postman? He exists. And he is.
You're just broken. And you seem to have a bit of a problem. You also seem to be the most annoying person.
Ever. But Your butt is a perfectly formed booty of the gods. Your thighs are perfectly Thicc. And you seem to be
so mysterious even Sherlock Holmes wouldn't be able to figure you out. Here are just some of your abilities
taken straight from the source.
Should any Item be destroyed or lost it will be replaced within a year (unless otherwise specified). Everyone
(The Jumper as well as Companions) also receives a 100CP Item for free. The Jumper additionally gets a 50%
discount for one Item that is worth 1000CP or less. By default any item can be bought more than once.
T-Shirt (Free)
You gain a dozen T-Shirts saying “I couldn’t have it all and all I got is this lousy T-Shirt”. Said shirts are
indestructible and immune to stains. They even change the size should you shapeshift.
Draw-Brick (200CP)
Did you ever want to ruin someone’s life or turn it into slapstick comedy? With this indestructible golden brick
you can force any Drawbacks you ever had onto other people as long as you hit them with this brick. This can
be either temporary, otherwise conditional (e.g. until it’s no longer funny) or permanent. You can cancel this
effect at will.
Anti-Aging-Pills (200CP)
You gain a small bottle with 500 pills which will replenish every day. One pill a day halves the aging rate, two
pills halt the aging process and three pills reverse the aging process for the day until you or whatever person
stops taking the pills. Taking any more a day is not advised. (If someone takes one more pill it triples the
reversed aging while the pill duration can increase anywhere from 2 days to 10 days. Taking any more pills
within that period will further multiply effect and duration… I think you see where this is going.)
IQ-Ex (300CP)
Are you tired of geniuses making fun of you? Are aliens making your civilizations look like barbarians? Well,
with this football-sized machine/orb you can reduce anyone’s IQ. It can be just one or two points, a mental
regression back to a child, taking away someone’s sanity or much more. You can even specify if it is just for
one person, any specific group or everyone in general. Nobody in the same country (approx. France or Texas)
will be safe. It has a 3 minutes cooldown time but you can use said time to specify if the effect should be
temporary or permanent or revoke already persisting IQ loss. Naturally you and your companions are safe
(unless you willingly turn off that function). IQ? Ex! Here today, gone tomorrow!
Build-a-Trap (400CP)
You gain a regular toolkit to create trapped corridors, buildings, rooms and/or parkour challenges. All tools are
infinite within said toolkit. There are automatic crossbow (with 30 arrows each, you can manually set shooting
frequency), swinging wrecking balls, an automatic harpoon gun (with 1 harpoon shot (or volley up to ten spread
harpoons) and potentially an attached rope), fake walls/floors, real walls/floors, glass panels/walls, doors, spike
traps, flamethrower traps (with 30 second charge each), homing air-based mines (you read that correctly),
landmines, industrial fans, spinning windmills/ wind turbines, jets, cannons, electric fences, laser barriers and
peak-human robot guards (which may have a melee weapon) with a very simplistic AI. Any used traps will
reset after all hostiles leave the trapped area. These traps will also not activate if someone has been
authorized to enter this area.
For 700CP this gun can transform anyone into anything or any species. It also has a reverse switch as well as
a timer function (as in transformation for a pre-set amount of time) now. If someone is transformed into a
supernatural creature he/she only gains a modicum of supernatural powers at the start. (The target may
gradually gain the average supernatural abilities pertaining to the species if the user wishes so.)
SCP-963 (800CP)
An indestructible amulet. The first time someone wears it, their consciousness will be harmlessly transferred to
Demiplane (1500CP)
You have access to an alternate dimension. You can summon a door to enter and leave this place at will
without energy upkeep and you can also make it disappear at will. It starts out with a 100 meter (325 feet) cube
and it can grow over time if you feed it energy. While its growth rate is slow (unless you feed it a lot of energy)
you can expand this place indefinitely. Anybody can breathe in here without any problems and any non-living
objects won’t deteriorate or start to decompose. You could even introduce a day-and-night cycle or even create
an ecosystem if you have the power to do so. (It is one of the Items with high long-term benefits rather than
focusing on short-term benefits.)
Nekonomicon (1800CP)
This is the lesser cousin of the Necronomicon. It contains the means of summoning and controlling cats and
making them subservient to you. From the cutest cat to the most ferocious feline all will bow before you. It also
will update with cat monsters, cat-anything-hybrids and even cat deities from any Jump you visit or have
already visited. Finally the owner (you) will become immune to cuteness and other negative side effects from
dealing with cats. Please note that while cat deities will become compliant they will not act suicidal in order to
do your bidding.
Necronomicon (4000CP)
This is one of the most infamous books in history. It contains the means of summoning eldritch monsters and
making them completely subservient to you. While not only having the original monsters within written down it
also updates with every Jump you have been to. Finally the owner of said book (aka you) will become immune
to any negative side effects of dealing with said beings (whether physical in form of injuries or mental in form of
sanity loss).
Hell (5000CP)
This afterlife expands whenever new space is needed. It takes in mostly evil and lacking those sometimes
neutral aligned souls (once toggled on; you can take either both types or only evil/neutral souls). In this place
damned (now immortal) souls are forced to work and manufacture stuff for you. By default these are melee
weapons or any pre-industrial stuff but they can be taught to build anything you want while Hell provides the
base materials. For every 10 souls there is 1 demon/devil that guards them. These guards tend to stay within
hell and only attack in case someone tries to break out or someone plans to attack them (they are surprisingly
nice as long as you aren’t on their bad side or part of the enslaved workforce). Said guards are individually
strong enough to destroy entire buildings with a punch as well as durable enough to withstand attacks of that
level without a scratch and can control flames (that is without taking into account that they have melee
weapons and probably some magic ranged attacks like magic missiles and/or laser beams or the fact that they
could train to get stronger). You start out with condemned 1 million souls.
Purgatory (5000CP)
This afterlife takes in neutral and evil aligned souls (when toggled on; you can take either both types or only
evil/neutral souls). In it the trapped people are forced to suffer under infinite hot steam vents with little to no
respite. Especially horrible people will spend eternity being burned alive. This suffering fuels your powers
(separately from other energy sources as universal power source). It not only increases your maximum
capacity but also your overall magic power (1 soul = enough energy to kill a person with one blast). You start
out with 1 million souls.
Heaven (5000CP)
Unlike the other afterlives this starts out with infinite space. It takes in good aligned as well as neutral people
(as well as some redeemable villains, if you want to). It has anything you can ask for. It has for example any
sort of entertainment, tabletop and computer gaming groups, VR mode for everything, masseurs, top-grade
therapists and so much more. Everything here is designed to make people happy and to reform them to be
their best selves. There are even some time travel devices (although paradox-proofed) allowing you to review
the past (or see/create what-if scenarios). There are some nigh-omnipotent reality warping beings in heaven
but they are mostly benevolent (but unwilling to interfere in other dimensions) as long as you don’t disrupt the
peace of Heaven. Anyone who is stupid enough to invade won’t live to tell the tale (if that person is lucky). This
is literally paradise. It is a world where fun never ends. Even if somehow something gets boring there is
everything you can do here (even combat in VR) and this “boring and overdone” stuff won’t stay boring for
long. For those who have mental issues (e.g. schizophrenia, PTSD) they can be cured within a few days at
worst. You can also set all regular residents to look like any species you want per default (e.g. humans, angels,
elves, etc.).
You and your companions (and some other good/nice persons from the current realm) can enter and leave
Heaven at will whether you are awake or asleep. The only real downside is that time flies when you are having
fun (luckily not literally, time in Heaven actually runs 5 to 20 times faster than on Jump-time; aka 5 to 20 hours
Heaven, 1 hour Jump-Time). I recommend having a watch on you at all times if there is something important
on your to-do list.
Generic Pet (Free/100/200CP, you may only take the 100 or 200 CP option only once)
Do you seek companionship? You may take any non-sentient being as a pet/follower for free. These beings will
be absolutely loyal to you. This level can be taken as many times as you want.
For 100CP you may take any mundane animal as a pet/follower. This being will get near-human intelligence.
Said pet also has Agelessness, Photo Frenzy and Genetic Perfection as Perks. (Yes, dinosaurs and other
extinct animals technically count as mundane/non-magical animals)
For 200CP you may take any animal or non-sentient plant (whether it is mundane or mythical) as a
pet/follower. In addition to the 100CP level advantages you may also bestow up to three Perks (from this Jump,
regardless whether you have said perks or not) as long as their total/combined cost is 2000CP or less.
There is no Drawback Limit. (It would be pointless in a “You can have it all” Jump, wouldn’t it?) Companions
may receive personal Drawbacks. They do not have a Drawback Limit either. Unless a Drawback says
otherwise it stops working on you at the end of the Jump.
Crossover Time (Free)
You may use this Jump as a Supplement for any other Jump. The CP for both Jumps will be spent separately.
Keep in mind that the Drawbacks from both Jumps will apply to you until the Jump’s end. You may also choose
a setting which doesn’t have a Jump instead.
Multi-Crossover (Free)
Alternatively – if you aren’t satisfied with merely one setting – you could also insert some factions, locations or
people from other settings into this generic Jump to make it a bit livelier. Keep in mind that inserting these will
give you (the Jumper) no control or knowledge how these will be integrated into this new world (it will lead to
unpredictable results). It also doesn’t give you any special opportunities to recruit these characters.
Extended Stay (+100/200/500/800/1200CP)
You know the drill. For an additional ten years of staying here you get 100CP. This amount increases to 200CP
if the Drawback CP are 2000 or higher aside from the Extended Stay. Should you somehow reach or exceed
5000 Drawback CP aside from this drawback, you will receive 500CP per Extended Stay. If you manage the
impossible by reaching 10,000 Drawback CP (aside Extended stay) you get 800CP per Extended Stay. Be
proud of yourself. You earned those points. If you actually are insane enough to reach the 20000+ Drawback
CP (aside Extended Stay) mark, then you not only get 1200CP per Extended Stay but you also may add the
Masochism perk to your body-mod for free. (If you are willing to make your experience here that miserable you
deserve to be rewarded).
You can take this as many times as you want but you only get CP for the first seven times.
Lazy VA (+400CP)
Everyone within this Jump speaks with a monotonous voice now that only sounds like apathy. Yes, that
includes you too.
Those Mad Cultists (+100/400/1500/4000CP, requires Cult of Jumper, only for the Jumper)
Your cultists want to help you at any cost. Sadly their plan of “helping” you consists of trying to free you from
the mortal coil (either by attacking you or aiding your enemies). They retain all their perks as well as their
replenishment rate. If you manage to take out all members it will take about 4 years for the cult to gain full
strength and act again. The bigger your cult is, the more CP you get. The first two levels (100 and 300) grant
you only 100CP, the two following (600 and 1200) 400CP, the conspiracy-sized (2500 and 5000) are worth
1500CP. The last one is worth 4000CP since the entire planet is trying to kill you.
Oh no! It’s the Jumper Show! (+300CP, requires The Jumper Show)
Before you start your Jump you have to sit through an exclusive VIP session of this show. It is mostly the same
as the cartoon except for 2 factors. The “acting” is very amateurish and instead of watching a cartoon it’s a
performance with sock puppets instead. At least any distracting needs (like eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.) are
put on hold for this viewing.
Extra Credit (+1000CP, requires Power Bank and at least 20 prior Jumps)
You really need those CP, don’t you? You are even leasing out your identity. There is another person out there
who has all your out-of-Jump Perks, Items, memories (aka you lose them for this Jump), a 1000CP perk
stipend and the friendship of your companions (imported Companions still have all their Perks and Items but
are firmly on the side of the Borrower). Said person will believe themselves to be the true Jumper and act
exactly like you. The upside is that the substitute has no idea who you are and doesn’t care about you. The
downside is that whatever higher power has granted you access to the Jumpchain will be heavily biased
towards them.
Everything is artificial (+800CP, requires the purchase of at least one non-Jumpchain-related perk)
It turns out that transplanting abilities is not feasible for a lot of beings. All (in this Jump) purchased perks will
be replaced by items which hold the same power of the perks. While all Jumpchain-related perks (e.g. Species
Swap, CP Share) will simply be replaced by buttons or small cubes, you will have to carry all other Items with
you if you want to use their powers (They will be anywhere around the size of a basketball or up to full-size
body-armor; they will look thematically fitting for the power). These Items will transform back into Perks after
the Jump.
I am Vengeance! (+400/900CP)
You seem to be more irritable than usual. Perhaps you could relax a little more?
For 400CP you are more ruthless when it comes to dealing with grudges/enemies. You don’t want to see your
enemies merely killed, you want them to suffer before killing them and/or ending their career. It looks like
sadism to me. This may scare others but it also puts your allies on edge.
For 900CP you also have a fiery temper. You get angry with just a slight provocation. It is also really easy for
you to go overboard when it comes to violence. You are prone to disproportionate retribution. (Seriously, do
you have to make an entire family homeless for being swindled out of twenty bucks?) It is an easy way to make
a lot of enemies.
Not so stupid after all (+800CP, incompatible with “the World’s a stage” and “These stupid civilians”)
In comics, games etc. unnamed characters are usually depicted as weaklings, punching bags and/or idiots.
With this drawback all (who start as) civilians/an actual unaffiliated third party and characters without or only
with serialized names (e.g. Villager A/B/C, Male/Female Guard, Goblin A/B) gain a huge IQ boost (of 30 IQ
points). This gives them the ability to think outside the box and allows them to reverse-engineer stuff. This in
turn grants them a greater affinity for “futuristic” (compared to the setting) as well as sci-fi/magical technology.
In case of a common threat they are more willing to work together. (They also gain unknown to everyone else –
incl. the Jumper – huge resistances against mind-control/manipulation as well as the ability to pretend that
nothing is wrong.) These “no-name characters” are quick to develop contingencies against those who try to
harm or exploit them. Anyone who has such plans will have a hard time dealing with them. Using this
Drawback will derail any plot that a setting may have (since most rely on very specific circumstances).
Too smart for their own good (+1000CP, requires “Not so stupid after all”, incompatible with The Drums of War)
Usually the new “smart” population strives for a fair society and works against abuse. However, now there is
always somebody who proves him-, herself or themselves to be smarter than the rest and becomes the person
in charge. This leads to people getting smarter and more creative and rebelling against the usurper(s) within a
civil war. That leads to a peaceful rebuilding period, which leads to a dictatorship (or a similar brutal regime),
which leads to a civil war, which leads to a peaceful rebuilding period, and so on. This cycle is completed within
1 year and will continue/repeat throughout your stay.
The World’s a stage (+400/1500CP, incompatible with “Not so stupid after all”)
I mentioned a nigh-omnipotent deity before, didn’t I? Unlike before this one desires to kidnap and put random
(mostly average) people (about 10000-50000 each) through improbable/nigh-impossible scenarios for
entertainment (e.g. zombie apocalypse, natural disasters, alien invasions, crashing meteorites/moons etc.).
This happens once per month. While this deity can’t directly attack people, they can still create (even
logic-defying) monsters, (pseudo-)natural disasters, open rifts to other dimensions and warp reality. Any
participants will have their all attributes (aside mental ones) reduced to peak human.
For 400CP whatever happens in this hypothetical scenario stays there. Even should someone die they just
wake up as if nothing happened (even the Jumper). Psychological scars upon being (brutally) killed and
paranoia will still remain. For 1500CP everything is real. Random chunks of the world will suddenly be (and
stay) terraformed. Any created monsters that are still alive or opened rifts will continue to haunt the world. Pray
that you aren’t among the “volunteers”.
It’s a Conspiracy! (+2000CP, requires 5000+ Drawback CP aside this and Extended Stay)
Somebody out there is watching you. While the Drawbacks are usually somewhat open to interpretation (and
loophole-abuse) that person is actively twisting the rules to kill you and hurt you as much as possible. Frequent
mockery? It will happen every hour! Losing all pre-Jump memories? You also lose basic skills along with it! The
only upside is that if you beat said person (that hangs around and hides in your city) after a hard battle the
drawbacks will recede to a “normal” level (what the average person would interpret these drawbacks).
The Everything Lottery (+2000/3000CP, prevents taking Drawbacks which require specific Perks and Items)
With this twist, you can’t choose with perks and items you will get. Make a list of all Perks and Items which you
can get from this Jump with your total CP and roll a dice or use a random numbers generator for the things you
actually get. Whenever you get something subtract the points and roll again until you are out of CP (or you are
bored, then store the remaining CP in the free bank). If there are multiple versions of a Perk or Item, you may
actively choose which one you take. If you get something a second time, then reroll. (You may also just take
any doubles and/or those now out of your price class just off of your list.)
Any discounts and freebies are automatically applied whenever applicable. If you either have the Power Bank
Drawback or 6000+ Drawback CP, this Drawback is worth 3000CP instead.
The Mighty Jumper System (+2500CP, requires Custom System and at least 20 prior Jumps)
The whole world gains access to a powerful system (separately from yours later and additional to other
power-ups). That system is you and your perks. Your job is to create a whole system (including your perks,
item access, etc.) for this whole Jump. Expect both your past perks (or rather their in-Jump versions) and your
items (partly as “lesser versions” of your originals) to be widely distributed. Like all standard works of this kind
you will have to design this system from scratch, grant growth potential and so on to at least a majority of the
The end result has to be a functioning system (you could theoretically leave some bugs and glitches in it but
you will feel a huge drain whenever those happen/are abused). Luckily you have up to a century pre-Jump to
create and refine it. (Within that time you are stuck in the void and are restricted to interacting with users of the
The Midas Touch (+2500CP, requires 2500+ CP in Items with no duplicates)
Well, good news! You get basically 2500CP! The only catch is that whatever Items you buy will be used against
you during the Jump. Opponents and random bystanders will be using (copies of) these Items to your
detriment. These people may not (always) have the intent to kill you but you will encounter these items
whenever it is the most inconvenient (and/or harmful if you have enemies). Even if your chosen Items have no
attack-based potential there will always be some creative ways that they will be used to ruin your day.
Unlike other Drawbacks the encounter rate increases the more other Drawback CP you have. If you have just
this as a drawback, you might encounter those Items once or twice per month. With every additional 2000CP
(aside Midas Touch) this encounter rate doubles.
Lost: The Jump (+4000CP, requires at least the third level of "If everyone is Super")
You just lost the Jump. As such your patron is forced to get a replacement and will get one after ten years.
However, there cannot be a replacement if you are the only one alive, can there? You have to kill all other
sentient beings within a Jump before the ten years are up (or else it means a chain-fail). Once people notice
your killing spree they will start uniting against you.
If the population is reduced to 40% or lower, the Guardian of the Jump will appear. While you are not required
to kill the Guardian, it will do its best to end you (and your killing spree). (Said Guardian has “Efficient Body”,
“Flawless Coordination”, “Self Source”, Absolute Stamina”, “Infinite Resourcefulness”, “Serene Existence”,
“Omni-Magic”, “Weakness Detection”, “Meta Erasure Immunity” and “Miracle Maker” as well as several
millennia of experience with these abilities. It also has the improved Encompassing Energy Emitter as well as
The Pain Train, Bishamonten’s Pagoda and The Banhammer.)
But why would you do that to yourself? Well, you will get a 90% discount for purchasing the in-Jump Spark
(even upon return Jumps). Just keep in mind that your patron will be upset with you afterwards for taking away
Ten years have passed (or more with time extensions) and your Drawbacks have stopped affecting your life.
How will you proceed? Do you long for a normal life again, do you really want to have it all or do you wish for
something more (or something less)? The choice is yours.
Go Home - The prospect of everything has apparently spooked you. Since you are going home you keep all
Perks and Items you received until now. You also get 1 Item worth 300CP or less for free as an apology for
overwhelming you.
Stay - I guess you still want more stuff from here. Fine, for staying in this Jump you get another 3000CP. Since
a lot of people will probably come here you will need them.
Move on - Jumpers have the need to get everything. It’s perfectly understandable. Just go to the next Jump
and don’t forget: “You can have it all.”
The location and the setting are usually up to the Jumper but by rolling a dice you sacrifice some autonomy
over choosing the setting in exchange for CP.
Infinite Ammo Code – Even turrets or other remote controlled weapons benefit from the Infinite Ammo Code.
Ultimate Cook – While pancakes are usual the Wonder Tart is a reference to Cuphead while Soul Melter Curry
is a reference to Kirby Star Allies. (While only Kirby is only shown adding spice to the curry you could gain a
literal soul melting curry since he looks soulless in the end)
Subconscious Stream – For more information on the mind, please look at the following information pages (this
ability is based on Koishi Komeiji from the Touhou Series):,_ego_and_super-ego
Everyone is here – Please note that the usual amount this Jump is the token which is 700CP worth. Therefore
everyone would get a token (700CP>600CP)
Encompassing Energy Emitter – The displayed maximum durability is when the shield is utilized at its
maximum range. Using it at a lower range can improve the durability by up to 300%.
The Hypno Ray is originally from de Blob 2 but there isn’t a Jump for that and it has been slightly enhanced
from the original (by taking away the need for a power source) I think it is still allowed.
The Room of Infinite BS is a reference and enhanced version of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (DBZ).
Bishamonten’s Pagoda, Miracle Mallet and Sorcerer’s Sutra Scroll are (as of yet non fiat-backed) items from
the Touhou Series. They are also slightly changed/enhanced/clarified compared to the originals. (Creator’s
Clay is also based on one of their character’s abilities)
Some Perks and Items in the list have really good synergy with each other (e.g. Infinite Ammo Code +
Auto-Aim RPG = Infinite Missile Spam)
Hammerspace, The Absolute most overpowered Best Boi ever, And Talking Dishrag based off of the powers of
Best Boi Neo’s Character from these Fanfics read for more context and to figure out your…issues
“Live From Jumper’s Habitat” and “The Jumper Documentary” are polar opposites (currently made by the same
person). While both commentators are fairly neutral at the lowest level the aforementioned perk exists to boost
the Jumper’s morale and aid in training while the latter drawback seeks to annoy the Jumper and to sabotage
the Jump.
Drawback Extra Credit – Your Companions might experience a little heartbreak if you choose this Drawback -
especially without telling them.
Drawback The Dreaded Escort Missions – Yes, it is possible to prevent more assassins coming after your
charge by eliminating the organization behind it. At the higher level you would still have to keep watch because
of the stupidity of your charge.
Drawback Project J is inspired by the “Weapon Z researcher” video clip under the TV Tropes “Too Dumb to
Live section”.
A/N for the Eternal Game – This is actually based on a dream I had (just before writing). It was a similar game
and I agreed to one of those deals (both knowing that it was a dream and I had little chance of winning which
was the condition for paying up). It was a long and hard race (last minigame) and I basically only won due to a
backfiring sabotage attempt of the opponents. I won the prize (which was a lot of money and a (slightly
restrained) alt-form of a dragon). I heard a voice saying that a tainted prize (due to the deal) is still a prize and
then I started waking up. The last thing I saw in this dream before waking up is that everyone who lost was
consumed by the darkness. This may be just a little flavour text but it presents an interesting conundrum (for
Jumpers): Would you rather place restrictions or flaws on the price you could get or would you rather risk it all
knowing that you could lose everything that makes you what you are?
Genre Shift Drawback – Possible genres include, but are not limited to: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Pirate, Superhero,
Apocalypse, Post-Apocalypse, Romance, Cosmic Horror Story, Regular Horror Story, Comedy, Isekai (yes, the
ones with overpowered cheat abilities), Xianxia (Cultivation Based Novels), Slice of Life, Mecha Anime, Time
Travel, etc.
A/N for Media Shift: I decided to put Touhou in these categories. While there are several reality warping
entities, they usually stay in Gensokyo. While there are supernatural beings roaming the world, they as well as
the incidents (games) usually don’t cause much harm to the outside world (therefore the lower rating of Touhou
However prior and after those games things get messy. Canon can easily be derailed (since incidents happen
for the most trivial reasons) and outside the mentioned games there is an impact on the outside. In the PC-98
era there was one villain that tried to nuke the planet (and potentially would have succeeded) as well as
causing eternal night by shifting the moon in one of the endings and another that not only created a world but
is also capable of destroying one (and that casually opened a portal to Earth for tourism). After these games
the outside world was affected multiple times (like that time that the world was almost overrun/invaded twice or
that time the boundary between reality and dreams almost collapsed). The Lunarians themselves are capable
of trouncing the main cast and are actively interfering in space missions (by murder).
The reason for the higher rating is that derailing the plot is way more dangerous here than going through with it
(especially since there are a few reality warpers and dimension based shenanigans).
A/N for both “Not so stupid after all” and “The world’s a stage”: Both drawbacks were inspired by ZMDE
Gaming. I thought both an “average people can outsmart stronger and/or smarter people” and another
challenge based drawback would be interesting.
A/N for “Not so stupid after all” (mild spoiler warnings): I’m not kidding. I’ll give you examples why plots would
be derailed. Harry Potter relies on the fact that he encounters circumstances (like people with just the right skill
set, a cure with long preparation time set up in advance, deus ex machina with time travel etc.) just tailored to
the situation (or that his path was planned out in advance and the fact that nobody actually does anything to try
and stop the Big Bad). Naruto’s plot hinges partly on the fact that the Uchiha and Naruto were both treated as
outcasts. (You’d think that people would be smart enough not to antagonize powerful military assets as well as
the police force – if I remember correctly) Don’t get me started on Star Wars VIII and IX. One sentence each
could have cut the movies’ length in half. (“We have an actual plan!”, “I have the coordinates right here!”) - I like
all three series but I feel obligated to point this out.
A/N for Road of Regret: Depending on how much of a perfectionist the Jumper is or how much happens
around him/her, this can be either pretty easy or insanely hard. The required Drawback CP are there to add
some stakes to this Drawback (It would be gifted CP for any semi-experienced Jumper otherwise. Besides, the
name is Road of Regret, not Road of Gifts.)
A/N for “I wanna be the Jumper“: It is that difficult on purpose. It is supposed to be nigh impossible and have a
high CP payout for greedy Jumpers. (It’s basically a giant trap. Not a totally impossible scenario but any
Jumper, especially without supernatural willpower or coping methods, is extremely likely to ragequit.) Besides if
you have ever played or ever have seen “I wanna be the Guy” you know difficulty-wise just what you are
getting into. I also noticed (after re-reading the rules) that if you are locked (from the outside) in a room and
you cannot escape then you will be locked in an infinite cycle of pain until you give up.
Some Perks (like Masochism), Items (like Build-a-Trap, Erase Gun), Companion Options (Generic Demonic
Builders and Generic Content Creator) and Drawbacks (like Road of Regret and The Midas Touch) are inspired
by the Youtuber GrayStillPlays.