GET Service Agreement
GET Service Agreement
GET Service Agreement
This agreement made this _____ day of _____ two thousand ________ between Maruti
Suzuki India Limited (hereinafter referred as the “Company” of the third party), which
expression where the context so admits, shall include the successor in interest and
permitted assigns.
A. “Trainee” means the engineering graduate recruited from the empanelled institutions
of MSIL, who undergoes training for the period defined in the appointment letter and
on satisfactory completion of training, is confirmed as the regular employee of the
B. “GET (Graduate Engineering Trainee – L-EO)” is the terminology used to identify the
trainee during his training period.
C. The Company proposes to appoint the Trainee as a “GET”, by its appointment letter
no. ___________________________, dated _______________, (hereinafter referred
as the “Appointment Letter”) and the trainee agrees to join the Company upon the
terms and conditions contained in the Appointment Letter.
E. The Company shall incur costs, time and efforts upon the Trainee in imparting
training to him. Therefore, as a return on consideration against investment which the
Company would make on the Trainee in terms of costs, time and effort, the Company
proposes to the Trainee to serve it for a minimum period of one year, excluding
training period, which the trainee agrees to do, on the terms and conditions mutually
agreed between the parties and contained in this agreement.
The Company hereby covenants to devise and impart requisite training to the trainee
and pay him remuneration, as specified, in the Appointment Letter. However, the
Company shall be responsible for any interruption or stoppage of training, as well as,
service due to exigencies of work on for causes beyond its control.
a) To serve the Company for a period of training, as well as, unauthorized leave
without pay and study leave, if any.
c) Failing to complete successfully, the period of training, to serve the Company, for
a period of one year, excluding the training period, shall mean and include:
d) To obey and abide by all applicable policies, rules, regulations, service conditions,
code of conduct & business ethics and standing orders of the Company and of its
authorized offers and representatives, issued from time to time.
e) To intimate to the Company, the event of death, insolvency, tenancy of the Surety,
within fifteen days of its occurrence and execute the fresh agreement with a new
surety, as may be necessary, without prejudice, to the rights and liabilities of the
parties under this agreement.
a) To stand Guarantee for the said Trainee to compensate the Company, due to non-
performance or non-compliance by the trainee of the terms and conditions
specified herein above and the Surety hereby further agrees, that no indulgence
shown or concession granted to the trainees shall have the effect of discharging the
said Surety or shall effect his liability arising out of this agreement to the extent of
Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only).
This agreement shall commence from the date of joining of the trainee with the
Company and shall continue to be in force till the period of one year after excluding
the period of training, of the Surety compensating the Company, as agreed in this
The conditions of appointment of the Trainee with the Company, as contained in the
appointment letter issued by the Company, save as expressly notified hereby, shall
remain unaffected and shall continue to be binding on the trainee and Surety.
If any difference or dispute arises between the parties hereto, as to the construction or
true intent and meaning of any of the terms and conditions herein contained or as to
any payment to be made in pursuance hereof or as to any other matter arising out of or
connected with or incidental to these presents or as to the rights, duties and
obligations of either party, such difference or dispute whenever arises, shall be
referred to arbitration of a Sole Arbitrator, to be appointed by Managing Director,
Maruti Suzuki India Limited. The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with
the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The venue of such Arbitration shall be at
New Delhi.
This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, with respect to
the subject matter thereof. This Agreement supersedes and replaces any oral and
written understanding, agreement or representations between the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties to this Agreement have set their hands, the date
and year first above written.
In presence of Witness 1:
Witness 2:
(Signature of Surety)