7 Islamic
7 Islamic
7 Islamic
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study aims to analyze company characteristics as a determinant of conventional and Islamic bank
Received 17 December 2020 earnings management in several ASEAN countries (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). The Multiple
Received in revised form Discriminant Analysis was used to determine the differences between Islamic and Conventional Banks.
17 September 2021
This test was conducted based on Capital Adequacy Ratio, Income Before Tax and Interest, Non-
Accepted 24 January 2022
Performing and Changing Loans, Company's Size, CPI, and Kurs in banks located in Indonesia,
Available online 24 August 2022
Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam from 2014 to 2020. The data obtained from 40 banking entities were
analyzed discriminatively. The results showed simultaneous differences between Capital Adequacy Ratio,
Earnings management
Income Before Tax and Interest, Non-Performing and Changing Loans, Company's Size, CPI, and Kurs as
Islamic bank determinants of earnings management between Islamic and conventional banks. It also showed that the
Multiple discriminant analysis Company's Size was the dominant variable determining the management differences. Based on
ASEAN Discriminant Analysis, there were significant differences in conventional and Islamic earnings man-
agement determinants. The Changing Loan variable showed the highest contribution in determining
earnings management in Islamic banks. Overall, this study found that conventional banks dominated the
Islamic system in practicing earnings management.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of College of Management, National Cheng Kung
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
1. Introduction Izzeldin, and Steele (2018), Mozayani and Parvizi (2016), Packer
and Zhu (2012), and Savitri, Andreas, Syahza, Gumanti, and
A critical question in the current banking system is how man- Abdullah (2020). Meanwhile, Chan, Li, and Lin (2019) found that
agement provides valid and reliable financial information. This Islamic banking status does not determine earnings management.
behavior is closely related to earnings management, which de- Furthermore, Othman and Mersni (2014), Kao, Chen, and Lu
termines the income size. The current banking systems contain (2018), and Suzuki, Uddin, and Sigit (2019) examined the factors
varying profit sharing and interest-based systems, well-known by influencing Islamic and conventional banking policies in three
Islamic and conventional banks, which affect management countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam.
behavior in terms of earnings. Therefore, there is a need to conduct They stated that Islamic banking policy examined by DLLP, capital,
a study on earnings management in both Islamic and conventional and earnings management is more reliable than conventional and
banks to address the problem faced in controlling income (Lobo, weaker in terms of NPLs. This finding indicated that the behaviour
2017). Earnings management is a unique and interesting topic of Islamic banking earnings management is different from
that develops more accurate proxies in bank settings due to its conventional.
relatively homogeneous sample (Garsva, Skuodas, & Rudzioniene, Islamic banking is based on Profile and Loss Sharing (PLS), while
2012). conventional system is associated with interest. The principles of
Preliminary studies were conducted on this topic by Elnahass, Islamic banking operationally apply mudarabah and musharakah
techniques sourced from classical jurisprudence to avoid (usury)
interest. Therefore, in their empirical study, Prima Sakti and
Abbreviations: ASEAN, Association of South East Asia Nations. Mohamad (2018), and Suripto and Supriyanto (2021) stated that
E-mail address: Suriptob.1969@fisip.unila.ac.id. real and different economic activities support business transactions
Peer review under responsibility of College of Management, National Cheng in Islamic banking.
Kung University.
1029-3132/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of College of Management, National Cheng Kung University. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Suripto Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2023) 24e32
Another difference in Islamic banking is examined from the there is an opportunity. According to Agoglia, Hatfield, and Lambert
financing products used, namely musharaka and mudarabah, (2015), when there is no conflict of interest, the agent's actions tend
which have high capital compared to its debt. Therefore, these to be more in line with the principal's goals.
products select the pro-cyclical model, which attempts to emulate
conventional banking instruments by developing non Profile and
Loss Sharing (PLS) (Soedarmono, Pramono, & Tarazi, 2017). Mohd 2.2. Earnings management
Isa, Voon Choong, Yong Gun Fie, and Abdul Rashid (2018), Cevik
and Charap (2015) stated that the Islamic deposit rate is similar Earnings management is the manipulation of reported income,
to conventional banking. The Islamic system avoids high-risk in- hence the profit and loss account does not represent the real eco-
vestments because it is conservative and more profit management nomic conditions of banking activity. One of its practices is the
(Farook, Hassan, & Clinch, 2014). Therefore, Islamic banking tends smoothing process, which aims to reduce the composition of net
to have a smaller risk than conventional in earnings management. income for each period. Managers increase loan loss provisions
However, this is inconsistent because the sample sizes are not (LLP) when the initial condition of income has a high value and
represented (Othman & Mersni, 2014). decreases when the initial earning is low to stabilize net income
The research in Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Pakistan (Curcio & Hasan, 2015; Semaw Henock, 2019; Shu, Yeh, Chiu, &
showed that Islamic banks perform less earnings management than Yang, 2015). LLP is a cost item on the income reflecting an assess-
the conventional system (Quttainah, Song, & Wu, 2013). Pre- ment for managing expected losses due to unpaid loans, and
liminary research by Lassoued, Attia, and Sassi (2018) analyzed the keeping the records reduces net income. Furthermore, Managers
importance of organizational religiosity in making Islamic-oriented use valuations in reporting transactions to change financial state-
companies' decisions to produce adequate financial reports ments, making it impossible for stakeholders to obtain information
(Dyreng, Mayew, & Williams, 2012). Risk management in banking is on company performance (Ceccobelli & Giosi, 2019). Islamic banks
essential, as the Islamic system always reserves for loan losses, differ from conventional because they use a profit-sharing system
income smoothing, and investment risk, which are regulated in the known as Profit Loss Sharing or PLS (Soedarmono et al., 2017).
profit-loss sharing system (Boulila Taktak, Ben Slama Zouari, & The earning management is practiced to improve bank perfor-
Boudriga, 2010). The agency theory is used to explain earning mance, shown in the CAMEL approach (Capital, Assets, Manage-
management, where banks managers receive rewards in line with ment, Earnings, and Liquidity). This means that the amount of
the increase in the company's financial performance (Leventis et al., CAMEL proxied by the capital (Capital Adequate Ratio), Earning
2011). (Earning Before Tax and Provisions), and bad credit (Non-Perfor-
Therefore, the object of this research was selected based on the mance Loan) determine earnings management practices (Elnahass,
fact that Islamic and conventional banking in ASEAN countries Izzeldin, & Abdelsalam, 2014; Wijayanti, Diyanty, & Laela, 2020).
were established and developed together. In the empirical study According to Boulila Taktak et al. (2010), both conventional and
conducted by HT and Rama (2018), Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Islamic banks carry out earnings management or LLP (Elnahass
Darussalam are part of the Southeast Asian countries ranked as the et al., 2014). However, no evidence of earnings management by
highest in managing Islamic banking. This is because they have the Islamic system was found from this study to explain bank charac-
same characteristics, for example, the majority of the populations teristics, which include CAR (Positive and Significant), Size (Nega-
in these countries are Muslim. Therefore, the development of Is- tive and Significant), and Loans (Positive and Significant)1.
lamic banking is rapid in contrast to previous research by Othman The business model of PLS in Islamic banks limits the ability to
and Mersni (2014), Beck, Demirgüç-Kunt, and Merrouche (2013), manage earnings through LLP2. Additionally, the agency cost factor
which examined 21 Islamic and 18 interest-based banking systems is relatively higher because investors are not engaged in business
for eight years with limited data from seven middle-east countries. decisions directly and do not have a board of directors' represen-
None of the preliminary studies were conducted using banking tatives. These reasons require investors to monitor investment
samples in ASEAN, especially Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei through the publication of financial statements. In protecting their
Darussalam. Based on research by Ali, Noor, Khurshid, and investments, they attempt to convince bank regulators to evaluate
Mahmood (2015), these countries are Southeast Asian states and develop the governance mechanisms in the Islamic bank. This
included in the highest ranking in managing Islamic banking behavior aims to enhance the quality of financial statements
because the majority of the populations are Muslims. (Elnahass et al., 2018). One of the implications of agency theory is
In this study, earnings management in ASEAN is part of a sig- that managers improve firm performance and achieve rewards by
nificant variable used to determine Islamic and conventional banks. applying LLP in income smoothing (Elnahass et al., 2018). The use of
This research aims to determine how Earnings Management is reserves in Islamic and conventional banks is different. According
conducted in Islamic and Conventional Banks in ASEAN to deter- to Othman and Mersni (2014), the reserve policy on Islamic banks is
mine the simultaneous difference between Capital Adequacy Ratio, better than conventionals because it considers actual and future
Income Before Tax and Interest, Non- Performing and Changing losses.
Loans, Company's Size, CPI and Kurs. It was also conducted to Earnings management is measured using two concepts, discre-
determine the Changing Loan variable with the highest contribu- tionary and non-discretionary accruals. The discretionary accrual
tion in determining earnings management in Islamic banks. Over-
all, this study found that conventional banks dominate the Islamic
system in performing earnings management. The two terms are similar in meaning. However, One of the practices of earn-
ings management is the smoothing, which aims to reduce the composition of net
income for each period. Earnings management is measured using two concepts,
2. Literature review discretionary and non-discretionary accruals. The discretionary accrual is the
recognition of profit or expense, which is a management choice.
2.1. Agency theory One of the agency theory implications is that managers improve firm perfor-
mance, and achieve rewards by applying LLP in income smoothing (Elnahass et al.,
2018) The reserve policy on Islamic banks is better than conventionals in that it
Jensen and Meckling (1976) stated that in the agency theory, a considers not only actual, and also future losses (Othman & Mersni, 2014). In
conflict of interest exists between the principal and the agent, contrast, non-discretionary accruals is the recognition of reasonable profit which
where the agent act according to their individual interest when affect the financial statements (Faradila & Cahyati, 2013).
Suripto Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2023) 24e32
recognizes profit or expense, which is a management choice. In east and north Africa countries, in which conventional-based
contrast, non-discretionary accruals recognize reasonable profit management earnings more than the Islamic. Islamic banks tend
that affects the financial statements (Faradila & Cahyati, 2013). to manage income by reporting earnings and discretionary accrual
Several factors influence earnings management using LLP, such as cases. Caporale, Alessi, Di Colli, and Lopez’s (2018) research showed
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Earnings before Tax, Loan Loss Pro- that earnings management in Italian banks is counter-cyclical with
visions (EBTLLP), Non-Performing Loans (NPL), Change Loans non-discretionary components, while macroeconomic shocks play
(CLOANS), and Size. an important role.
CAR is a bank capital expressed as a percentage of the weighted CKPN has fewer occurrences in local banks because their loans
risk. The minimum ratio guarantees them to absorb the losses are more guaranteed, and supervisory activities strongly influence
before experiencing financial difficulties (Mili, Sahut, Trimeche, & their behaviour.
Teulon, 2017)3. Nadzifah and Sriyana's (2020) research conducted in Indonesia
A high allowance when capital is low is consistent with a reported that CPI and exchange rates in sharia-based and conven-
reduced capital acquisition cost that correlates with more excep- tional banks influence earnings management. Similarly, Hidayati
tional LLP practices (Packer & Zhu, 2012). Furthermore, EBTLLP (2014) stated that managers identify that when the exchange rate
measures the bank's ability to use assets in generating income appreciates or depreciates, it impacts bank profitability in con-
before tax and LLP (Elnahass et al., 2018). Good quality assets in- ventional and Islamic banks.
crease higher profitability, therefore, it is imperative for banks to The study by Shawtari, Ariff, and Abdul Razak (2019) conducted
efficiently manage them and other factors of profitability (Swamy, in Indonesia stated that earnings management at Islamic-based
2017; Rafay, Farid, Yasser, & Safdar, 2020). banks is lower than conventional, similar to Othman and Mersni's
Meanwhile, Non-Performing Loans (NPL) is the ratio of impaired (2014) research. Pinto and Ng Picoto (2018) stated that managers
tothe total loans. Change Loans (CLOANS) transform the total loans use LLP to manage income and capital regulation. The key pro-
from the current and the previous year (Elnahass et al., 2018). visions of LLP are size and NPL, while Elnahass et al. (2018) reported
Variable NPL and CLOANS are used to measure the credit quality the practice of earnings management through CKPN in
because it is more of risk than other assets, such as cash, reserves, conventional-based, especially in large banks that suffered losses.
and bonds. Therefore, high loans are associated with low credit Conversely, Islamic systems tend not to use CKPN in earnings or
quality (Packer & Zhu, 2012). Size is related to the company's in- capital management. The difference is due to the limited Islamic
ternal control system, which reduces the suspicion of earnings banking business model, strict governance, and ethical orientation.
management. Large companies have more effective internal control The following table explains previous research related to the
systems and competent auditor teams than smaller ones. ASEAN region.
This led to the reliability of the public financial statements (Ali
et al., 2015). Abdelsalam, Dimitropoulos, Elnahass, and Leventis
(2016) and Lassoued et al. (2018) examined the banks in middle-
1 Abdelsalam et al. CKPN NPL Islamic banks are smaller in managing income and adopting to more conservative accounting policies.
(2016) Loan IB
Ownership year
2 Caporale et al. CKPN NPL NPL loan IS The results show that LLP in Italian banks is counter-cyclical, with non-discretionary components and
(2018) STAMP SIGN GDP macroeconomic shocks playing an important role. Moreover, LLPs are less cyclical in the case of local banks because
Crisis their loans are more secured with more strongly behavior influenced by supervisory activities.
3 Pinto and Ng CKPN NRE STAMP NPL GDP TA Bank managers use CKPN to manage income and capital regulation. The key provisions are bank size and NPL.
Picoto (2018) Listed
4 Elnahass et al. CKPN There is a practice of earnings management through CKPN in conventional banks, especially in large ones that
(2018) Tier 1 EBTLLP NPL loans experience losses. Conversely, Islamic banks tend not to use CKPN in managing earnings or capital. The difference
Listing Crisis GDP IB is due to the limited Islamic banking business model, strict governance, and ethical orientation.
5 Mohd Isa et al. CKPN NPL Provisions of loan loss and non-performing loans are determined by interest income, loans and advances, net
(2018) Interest Income Net Profit income, and Gross Domestic Product, the moderating effect of credit risk management, and the interference effect
Loans GDP of relevance and faithful representation, which are determinants of loan loss provisions. The moderate variable of
credit risk management strengthens the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
Intervening variables relevance and loyal representatives leads to more accurate reporting of the extent of loan
loss provisions.
6 Lassoued et al. CKPN LLA NCO Islamic bank manages less income than conventional, while both use discretionary loan loss provisions to manage
(2018) Loans Loans NPL income. Institutional owners encourage earnings management in Islamic banks, and state participation increases
Loan Categories Country earnings management in conventional banks.
Control Year Control
7 Alhadab and Al- CKPN EQIN EBTLLP CPTR Earnings improve earnings management through CKPN practiced by European bank executives motivated by
Own (2019) Size Leverage Crisis IFRS executive compensation.
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (Alhadab & Al-Own, 2019). Earnings Before Tax
and Loan Loss Provisions (EBTLLP) (Elnahass et al., 2018), (Chan & Lin, 2017). Non-
Performing Loans (NPL) (Hermuningsih et al., 2020). Change Loans (CLOANS)
(Alhadab & Al-Own, 2019). Size (Kartikasari & Merianti, 2016), (Jaisinghani &
Kanjilal, 2017) and (Mamipour & Sepahi, 2015), Corruption Perception Index (CPI)
(Joseph et al., 2016), Kurs (Nadzifah & Sriyana, 2020).
Suripto Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2023) 24e32
3. Data and variables from the previous (Alhadab & Al-Own, 2019).
H4 ¼ There is a significant difference in Change Loans (CLOANS)
The data used in this study was obtained from the annual re- on earnings management between conventional and Islamic banks.
ports of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam Bank. The Size
number of samples was 40 banks, consisting of 20 from conven- The company's size is an embodiment of the total owned assets,
tional and 20 from Islamic banks, from 2014 to 2020. This study which includes the capital, rights, and obligations (Jaisinghani &
compares the variables of conventional and Islamic banking in Kanjilal, 2017; Kartikasari & Merianti, 2016; Mamipour & Sepahi,
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam, which included CAR 2015). The firm or business size was based on several elements,
for capital measurement, EBTLLP for assessing credit risks, and such as the total assets.
company size for evaluating the firm magnitude classified as large, H5 ¼ There is a significant difference in earning management
medium, or small. size between conventional and Islamic banks.
1. Earnings management Earnings management is the manipulation of financial statements by managers, using choices, estimates, and Ahmed et al.
accounting methods, to achieve several goals that are largely at odds with the underlying economic status of the (2014)
2. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) For safety in the modern banking system, banks need to plan a certain amount of capital to support the growth Alhadab and Al-
of productive assets according to the bank's work plan. Own (2019)
3. Earning Before Tax and Loan Loss A measure of a bank's capacity in using its assets to generate income before liabilities and CKPN. Elnahass et al.
Provisions (EBTLLP) (2018)
4. Non- performing Loan (NPL) The main cause of bank failure is due to bad credit with the high NPL offset by the increase in the level of Alshebmi et al.
reserves. (2020)
5. Change Loans (CLOANS) Changes in the current year's credit score with the previous year. Alhadab and Al-
Own (2019)
6. Size Company size is a manifestation of the total assets owned, which includes capital, as well as rights and Dewi and Indriani
obligations owned. (2016)
7 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) The corruption perception index data issued annually by TI is believed to be valid data in measuring the corrupt Joseph Joseph
practices of a country. et al. (2016)
8 Kurs The foreign exchange rate shows the value of one country's currency expressed in terms of another currency Nadzifah and
Sriyana (2020)
Suripto Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2023) 24e32
Suripto Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2023) 24e32
conventional banks and Islamic banks. The CLOANS variable in Test Results
conventional banks has maximum, minimum, and mean values of Box's M 691.726
13.28%, 0.23%, and 4.6773%. A decrease in CLOANS value indicates Approx. 24.047
that the level of earnings management in conventional banking is df1 28
low. A decrease in mean value indicates a decrease in CLOANS, df2 269301.779
Sig 000
which reduces earnings management practices.
The CLOANS variable in Islamic banks has maximum, minimum, Tests null hypothesis of equal population co-variance matrices.
Source: the authors' calculations in Multiple Discriminant Analysis according to the
and mean values of 61.26%, 0.05%, and 9.2239%. An increase in
statistical data.
CLOANS value indicates a high level of earnings management in
Islamic banking. In contrast, a rise in mean value indicates an in-
crease in CLOANS, which improves earnings management practices.
The standard deviation has a difference in the value of 5.56611%, significant value below 0.005 caused the co-variance matrix be-
where Islamic banks have a higher value of 8.39995% while the tween the groups to violate the discriminant assumption However,
conventional is 2.83384%. Therefore, the data regarding change the analysis of discriminant functions remained strong although
loans in Islamic banks is more diverse than conventional banks. the assumption of variance homogeneity did not correlate.
Descriptive analysis of size comparison between conventional Table 4 shows that the values of CAR, EBTLLP, CLOANS and SIZE
banks and Islamic banks. Size in conventional banks has maximum, are significant, but NPL, CPI and KURS are not significant.
minimum, and mean values of 14,075, 7.7757, and 11,85359. A high Table 5 shows that the function of the group centroid provided
size value indicates that the level of earnings management in the information on the average discriminant score. The discrimi-
conventional banking is low. Meanwhile, an increase in mean value nant score for conventional banks was 1.129 and 1.129 for Islamic,
indicates a rise in assets capable of reducing earnings management therefore, there was a. stipulated cut-off value. Meanwhile, the cut-
practices. off point of the discriminant function was calculated as follows:
The variable size in Islamic banks has maximum, minimum, and Information:
mean values of 12,325, 6.4953, and 9.598000. Therefore, a low size ZCU ¼ cut-off score
value indicates that the level of earnings management in banking is ZA and ZB ¼ centroid values for group 1 and 2
high. Meanwhile, a low mean value indicates a decrease in assets NA dan NB ¼ number of group 1 and 2
that increases earnings management practices. The standard de- From the MDA model, the cut-off determination was based on
viation has a difference in the value of 0.11791952, where con- the average value of the Z-Score from each bank (0.000). The
ventional banks have a higher value of 1.37107639 while Islamic is standards used to assess whether the bank was categorized as an
1.25315687. Therefore, it can be said that the data on size in con- Islamic or conventional bank were as follows:
ventional banking is more diverse than in Islamic. When Z-Score was calculated as <0.000, the bank was classified
Descriptive analysis of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) has as a Islamic.
maximum, minimum, mean, and standard deviation values of 63%, When Z-Score was> 0.000, the bank was classed as a
36%, 43.65%, and 7.19%. Therefore, a high Corruption Perception conventional.
Index (CPI) indicates that the level of earnings management in Wilk's Lambda Test
conventional banking is low. Based on Wilk's Lambda test in Table 6, the Size, NPL, CLOANS,
Descriptive analysis of the exchange rate has a maximum value
of a minimum value of 1.20% and an average value of 8.0057%, with
a standard deviation of 4.755%. It is said that a high exchange rate Table 4
Discriminant analysis.
indicates that the level of earnings management in conventional
banking is getting higher. Tests of Equality of Group Means
Normality Test Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
The data shown in Table 2 are from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
CAR .974 7.321 1 278 .038
normality test. The table shows that all independent variables EBTLLP .984 4.398 1 278 .032
have a significance value of 0.000, less than 0.05. This means that NPL .983 4.684 1 278 .095
the independent variables are distributed to meet the assumptions CLOANS .883 36.809 1 278 .000
used for discriminant analysis. SIZE .583 198.857 1 278 .000
CPI 1.000 0.000 1 278 1.000
The data shown in Table 3 are from the box’s M test showed that
KURS 1.000 0.000 1 278 1.000
the F value and significance were 691.726. and 0.000. The
Source: the authors' calculations in Multiple Discriminant Analysis according to
statistical data.
Table 2
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. Table 5
The determination of cut-off value.
N Unstandardized Residual 280
Functions at Group Centroids
Normal Mean 1.5000
Parametersa,b Std. Deviation .50090 Bank System Function
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .341 Conventional Bank 1
Positive .341 1.129
Negative -.341 Islamic Bank 1.129
Test Statistic .341 Unstandardized canonical discriminant functions evaluated at group means
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000c,d
Source: the authors' calculations in Multiple Discriminant Analysis according to
Source: the authors' calculations in Multiple Discriminant Analysis according to the statistical data.
statistical data
Suripto Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2023) 24e32
and EBTLLP had a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05. Table 7
Therefore, all independent variables included in the MDA model Classification results.
had significant effects. Therefore, Size, NPL, CLOANS, EBTLLP, CPI, Banking System Predicted Total
and Kurs significantly affected Islamic and conventional banking Group
earnings management. Membership
A canonical correlation was used to measure the closeness of the Conventional Islamic
relationship between the discriminant scores in the two groups. Original 100% Count Conventional 91 9
Table 6 was used to determine the CR value of 0.741. When Islamic 13 87 100
squared, it was found that 54.9% of variables explained the varia- Conventional 91.0 9.0 100.0
Islamic 13.0 87.0 100.0
tion. Therefore, the EBTLLP, NPL, CLOAN, and Size variables
Cross-validatedb 100% Count Conventional 89 11
explained the difference between Islamic and conventional Islamic 13 87 100
banking groups. The Equation Model from the Discriminant Anal- Conventional 89.0 11.0 100.0
ysis Function results is as follows: Islamic 13.0 87.0 100.0
Table 6
Wilk's Lambda.
Source: the authors' calculations in Multiple Discriminant Analysis according to statistical data.
Suripto Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (2023) 24e32
the descriptive analysis, where the average value of CLOANS in Is- conventional banks dominate the Islamic system in conducting
lamic banking was higher than a conventional system. According to earnings management.
Elnahass et al. (2018), changes in loans were less significant in Is- This study filled the gaps in the existing literature to investigate
lamic banking. This was also strengthened by Quttainah et al. the determinants of differences in Islamic and conventional earn-
(2013), stating that CLOANS was significant for CKPN. The vari- ings management. It is limited to the use of information panels
able had a positive relationship with earnings management covering only five years, which was insufficient to validate the re-
because the greater the value of CLOANS, the higher earnings sults' consistency. Future studies need to increase the period to
management, and vice versa. provide confirmation of the findings and greater robustness of the
This study focuses on investigating the determinants of earnings data collection method. This study has laid the foundation for
management between conventional and Islamic. It also determined subsequent ones on the determinants of earnings management
the factor that makes the difference. Meanwhile, research in Jordan differences between Islamic and conventional banks. Therefore, it is
examines Islamic compliance on the profitability of Islamic banks, better to add variables other than CAR, EBTLLP, NPL, CLOANS, CPI,
with both conducted using the control size variable. This research and KURS in future studies. Furthermore, the Robustness test re-
was equally carried out in developing countries. Research in Jordan sults are better to add a control and external variable other than
does not include earnings management as a determinant of prof- size.
itability. Conversely, this study examines profitability as a deter- The results showed that there were simultaneous differences
minant of earnings management between Islamic and conventional between Capital Adequacy Ratio, Income Before Tax and Interest,
banks. This study contributes to the growing body of literature on Non-Performing and Changing Loans, Company's Size, CPI, and
Islamic finance. Kurs as determinants of earnings management between Islamic
The results show that the Company's size significantly differed and conventional banks. In addition, it was found that Kurs, Com-
between both banking systems. The descriptive analysis indicated pany's Size was the dominant variable determining the manage-
that conventional banking size's average value was more significant ment differences. Based on Discriminant Analysis, there were
than the Islamic system. This was in line with the study of Elnahass significant differences in both banks' earnings management de-
et al. (2018), Lassoued et al. (2018), and Ceccobelli and Giosi (2019) terminants. Meanwhile, the highest contribution of Changing Loan
stated that earnings management was commonly used in conven- variable in determining earnings management in Islamic banks was
tional banking in large companies. Ahmed, Mohammed, and also shown. Overall, this study found that conventional banks
Adisa's (2014) research showed that Islamic banking practices dominated the Islamic system in practicing earnings management.
low management. Therefore, the size variable had a negative rela-
tionship with earnings management because the larger the com- Peer review
pany's size, the lower the profit management, and vice versa.
The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) has a descriptive analysis Peer review under responsibility of College of Management,
value indicating that the average value of the Corruption Perception National Cheng Kung University.
Index (CPI) of conventional banking is greater than the Islamic
system. This is in line with Joseph Joseph et al. (2016) research, Conflicts of interest
which stated that earnings management is generally used in con-
ventional banking in large companies. Therefore, the Corruption The authors declared no conflicts of interest.
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