Assessing The Domestic and Foreign Islamic Banks Ef Ficiency: Insights From Selected Southeast Asian Countries
Assessing The Domestic and Foreign Islamic Banks Ef Ficiency: Insights From Selected Southeast Asian Countries
Assessing The Domestic and Foreign Islamic Banks Ef Ficiency: Insights From Selected Southeast Asian Countries
The objective of this study is to examine the technical efficiency (TE) and the decomposition of pure technical efficiency (PTE)
and scale efficiency (SE) of domestic and foreign Islamic banks from the selected Southeast Asian Countries. The sample
comprised of 29 domestic and foreign Islamic banks from Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei over the period of 2006–2014. This
study employ the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method to measure banks’ efficiency. In addition, the parametric (t-test) and
non-parametric (Mann-Whitney [Wilcoxon] and Kruskall-Wallis) tests also performed to examine the difference in the efficiency
of the foreign and domestic Islamic banks. The results indicate that the domestic Islamic banks have exhibited higher efficiency
levels compared to their foreign bank peers. In addition, the empirical findings from this study seem to suggest that the domestic
Islamic banks have exhibited a higher efficiency levels for all three efficiency measures and consistent with home field advantage
theory. The findings of this study are expected to contribute significantly to the regulators or policymakers, Islamic banking itself,
investors and existing knowledge on the operating performance of the Islamic banking sector.
& 2017 Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Future University. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keywords: Islamic banks; Efficiency; Data envelopment analysis; Malaysia; Indonesia; Brunei
1. Introduction
According to Kamarudin, Sufian, and Nassir (2016) Islamic and conventional banks operate on different
principles. Among others the Islamic banking system prohibits interest (Riba’) and substitutes it with the principle of
Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) and is based on Syari’ah rules (Ariff, 1988; Ariff, 2006). Despite differences in
principles, Islamic banks share the same objective as their conventional bank peers i.e. to enhance shareholders’
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F. Kamarudin), (F. Sufian), (F.W. Loong), (N.A.M. Anwar).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Future University.
2314-7210/& 2017 Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, Future University. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
34 F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46
value or wealth creation through profit maximization (Olson & Zoubi, 2008). To remain competitive Islamic banks
have to efficiently utilize their scarce resources so as to attain the most optimal profit level. Therefore, it would be
reasonable to expect Islamic banks strive to be profit efficient.
Southeast Asian countries especially Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei are one of the largest concentration Muslims
in the world. There were approximately 61.4%, 88.1%, and 51.9% of Muslim population in Malaysia, Indonesia and
Brunei respectively (Pew Research Center, 2011). Khan and Bhatti (2008) reported that Southeast Asia represent as
one of the central hubs of Islamic banking and finance.
Islam has greatly influenced the economic growth of these countries in last three decades. Islamic financial
institutions such as Islamic banks are well-established and operating efficiently. The efficient Islamic banking
industry contributed to the stability of the financial system and better able to withstand negative shocks (Venardos,
2005). Given the rapid development of the Islamic banking sector, it is reasonable to expect that the performance of
Islamic banks has become the center of attention among Islamic bank managers, stakeholders, policymakers, and
Despite its humble beginning, Islamic banks have blossomed throughout the world. The Islamic banking system
has today become more competitive compared to the conventional banking system. At present, Islamic banks have
presence in more than 75 countries, from Malaysia to Bahrain to Europe and the U.S. Qorchi (2005) reported that the
number of Islamic financial institutions has quadrupled to more than 300 institutions over the past three decades.
Total assets of Islamic financial institutions are estimated to be US$250 billion and are projected to be increase at
about 15% rate per year, three times the rate of conventional banks. According to Ghafour (2007), the size of the
world Islamic banking industry assets is estimated to have grown in excess of $265 billion from merely hundreds of
thousands of dollars in the 1970s.
Given the rapid development of the Islamic banking sector, it is reasonable to expect that the performance of
Islamic banks has become the center of attention among Islamic bank managers, stakeholders, policymakers, and
regulators. Berger and Humphrey (1997) point out that studies focusing on the efficiency of financial institutions
have become an important part of banking literature since the early 1990s. Furthermore, Berger, Hancock, and
Humphrey (1993) suggest that if banks are efficient, they could expect improvement in profitability levels, better
prices and service quality for consumers, and greater amounts of funds intermediated.
Although considerable developments in the Islamic banking sectors worldwide, very few attention has been given
on the efficiency of its operations. Instead of focusing on the Islamic banks’ expansion, it is better to examine their
efficiency level to ensure their improvement sustainability. Therefore, the ultimate objective of this study is to
examine the efficiency of foreign and domestic Islamic banks in Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei over the period of
2006–2014. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the question whether the efficiency of foreign banks differs from
domestic Islamic banks. Why would the efficiency of a foreign bank differ from the efficiency of domestic bank?
According to Lensink, Meesters, and Naaborg (2008) and Demirguc-Kunt and Huizinga (2000) there are two
important reasons for this. First, foreign banks may be less subject to domestic credit allocation rules than domestic
banks. Second, domestic banks may have informational advantages relative to foreign banks.
By employing a non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, we analyze the technical efficiency
(TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE) and scale efficiency (SE) of foreign and domestic Islamic banks in Malaysian,
Indonesia and Brunei over the period of 2006 to 2014. In addition to DEA, this study performs a series of parametric
(t-test) and non-parametric (Mann-Whitney [Wilcoxon] and Kruskall-Wallis) tests to examine whether the foreign
and domestic banks are drawn from the same population.
The article begins with a brief review of related studies. Section 3 discusses on the methods employed in the study
and variables employed in the panel regression analysis. We present the empirical findings in Section 4. The article
concludes and provides discussions on the policy implications in Section 5.
Despite considerable developments in the Islamic banking sector, there have been very limited studies done
focusing on the efficiency of Islamic banks. To date, empirical evidence examining the performance of the Islamic
banking sector focuses more on the profitability with the help of financial ratios and are constrained by the time span
and the number of Islamic banks (Rahim, Bakar & Ganapathy, 2015). However, studies that address the efficiency of
F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46 35
foreign and domestic Islamic banks from Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei are scanty. Therefore, before go further, we
should understand the theories of efficiency and ownership of the banking sectors.
Lensink et al. (2008) suggested that a foreign bank is usually defined as a bank of which more than 50% of the
shares are owned by non-domestic residents. This indicates that a bank may be a domestic bank in one country, but a
foreign bank everywhere else. For example, Citibank is a domestic bank in the US but it will be regarded as a foreign
bank in all other countries.
Isik and Hassan (2002) studied the impact of different ownership and organizational structures on the efficiency of
the Turkish banking industry over the period 1988 to 1996 by using a series of parametric and non-parametric
techniques. They found that the foreign banks operating in Turkey were relatively more efficient rather than their
domestic counterparts, while private banks were found to be more efficient relative to public banks for all efficiency
Havrylchyk (2006) summarized that foreign banks in transition and developing markets show higher efficiency
than their domestically-owned counterparts. On the other hand, foreign banks in developed countries show another
way around.
There are two theories suggested by Berger, DeYoung, Genay, and Udell (2000) namely global advantage and
home field advantage theory. The global advantages theory implies the foreign banks might benefit from competitive
advantages relative to their domestically-owed peers. Foreign banks could exercise more advanced technologies due
to a stiff home market competition. They also have an active market for corporate control in the home country and
have access to an educated labor force that is able to adapt new technologies. Besides, Havrylchyk (2006) also
discovered similar findings that foreign banks could produce higher profit due to the modern information
technologies and better risk management.
Meanwhile, home field advantage theory states that foreign banks suffer some disadvantages when compared to
domestic banks. Foreign banks are assumed to perform worse than domestic banks due to lower revenue (revenue
inefficient) or higher costs (cost inefficient) in offering the same financial services. Hymer (1976) also pointed out
that the foreign firms are likely to face competitive disadvantages relative to national firms because the latter are well
informed about their country's economy, language, laws and politics. Therefore, this leads to the hypothesis that
foreign banks suffer more from bad institutional framework in the host country rather than domestic banks.
Aghimien, Kamarudin, Hamid, and Noordin (2016) investigate the efficiency level of 43 Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) banks on technical efficiency (TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE) and scale efficiency (SE) over the
period from 2007 until 2011. PTE and SE represent the potential factors that influence the efficiency of the GCC
banks. By using the DEA approach, on average, the results show that many GCC banks are operating within an
optimal scale of efficiency. Nevertheless, the results also show managerial inefficiency in the use of resources.
Furthermore, the results indicate that, while the larger banks (the 22 largest) tend to operate at constant returns to
scale (CRS) or decreasing returns to scale, the smaller banks (the 21 smallest) are susceptible to operate at either CRS
or increasing returns to scale.
Kamarudin et al. (2016) provides new empirical evidence on the revenue efficiency of Islamic and conventional
banks with the impact of country governance. The empirical analysis is confined to Islamic and conventional banks
operating in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries banking sectors during the period of 2007 to 2011 using
DEA method. They conclude that Islamic banks operating in the GCC countries banking sectors have been relatively
less efficient compared to their conventional bank counterparts on all three efficiency measures (statistically
significant at the 1% level in all cases). The empirical findings to a certain extent concur with the results from the
earlier study by Srairi (2010) which finds that Islamic banks have been relatively less efficient compared to their
conventional bank peers. The empirical findings from this study clearly suggest that Islamic banks have been
generating low revenues relative to the costs incurred resulting in a high wastage of inputs. As a consequence,
Islamic banks in the GCC countries have exhibited a lower profit efficiency compared to their conventional bank
peers due to the lower revenue efficiency.
36 F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46
Havid and Setiawan (2015) examined the efficiency of Indonesian Islamic banks over the period of 2008–2014 by
employing DEA. They suggested that technical inefficient (TIE) of Islamic banks is due to scale inefficient. Yildirim
(2015) who examined efficiency and productivity of Islamic banks in Malaysia and Turkey over the period of 2010–
2014 found that TE level of Islamic banks in Malaysia and Turkey are not always increasing. He suggested that scale
inefficiency is the major reason for TIE and Islamic banks are not operating on an optimal scale.
Rahman and Rosman (2013) further the investigation of TE study of Islamic banks in MENA and Asian countries
over the period of 2006–2009. They found that Islamic banks operated at the wrong scale and cause TIE.
Subsequently, Islam, Rahman, and Hasan (2013) compared the TE of Islamic banks of Southeast Asia and South
Asia over the period of 2009–2011 by using DEA. They found that the efficiency of Southeast Asian Islamic banks
was higher than South Asian Islamic banks. They suggested that the smaller size of the Islamic banks in Southeast
Asia, the more efficient the banks in generating outputs from inputs.
Sufian, Noor, and Majid (2008) perform an analysis on the efficiency of Islamic Banks using empirical evidence
from the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and Asian Countries. By using the Data Envelopment Analysis
(DEA) method, they estimate three different types of efficiency measures, namely TE, PTE and SE. The result shows
that pure technical inefficiency (PTIE) outweighs scale inefficiency (SIE) in the Islamic bank. Although the Islamic
banks have been operating at a relatively optimal scale of operations, they are managerially inefficient to exploit their
resources to the fullest.
Sufian (2007) investigates the efficiency of the domestic and foreign Islamic banks in Malaysian banking sector.
This study employed the DEA methodology to identify the differences of TE, PTE and SE between domestic and
foreign Islamic banks. The results from the DEA suggest that Malaysian Islamic banks efficiency declines in 2002
before it recovers slightly in years 2003 and 2004. The domestic Islamic banks are more efficient compared to the
foreign Islamic banks, albeit marginally. The source of inefficiency of Malaysian Islamic banks in general has been
scale, suggesting that Malaysian Islamic banks have been operating at the wrong scale of operations.
Sufian and Kamarudin (2015) examined the revenue efficiency of 15 domestic Islamic banks and 6 foreign Islamic
banks operating in Southeast Asian countries specifically Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei over the period of 2006–
2011 by using DEA. The results showed that revenue efficiency on domestic Islamic bank is higher compared to
foreign Islamic banks.
Rahim et al. (2015) examined cost, revenue and profit efficiency of 17 Islamic banks in Malaysia over the period
of 2008–2009 based on four categories including domestic bank-backed, stand-alone domestic, foreign bank backed
and stand-alone foreign. They found that domestic bank-backed Islamic banks were the most efficient while the
stand-alone Islamic were the least efficient. They suggested that domestic bank-backed Islamic banks have the
opportunity to leverage on its conventional banks. However, foreign bank-backed Islamic banks have limited branch
network and need to expand on its own in order to reach the potential customers.
The above literature reveals the following research gaps. First, the majority of these studies have mainly
concentrated on the Islamic banks from the numerous developed and developing countries. Second, empirical
evidence on the efficiency ownership of foreign and domestic banks, particularly the Islamic banking sector, is
scarce. Finally, very few has been published on the TE, PTE and SE on the foreign and domestic Islamic banks from
Southeast Asia Countries. In the light of these knowledge gaps, the present paper seeks to provide new empirical
evidence on the TE, PTE and SE on the foreign and domestic Islamic banks from Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei
Islamic banking sectors.
3. Methodology
This study is an attempt to examine the TE, PTE and SE of foreign and domestic Islamic banks in Malaysia,
Indonesia and Brunei over the period of 2006–2014. The source of financial data is collect from the BankScope
database produced by the Bereau van Dijk which provides banks’ balance sheets and income statements. The
samples are selected on the basis that the bank has Islamic banking operations within the period of study and also on
the basis of data availability. All currencies are converted to US dollars (USD) for the purpose of comparability. It
includes 23 domestic Islamic banks and 6 foreign Islamic banks. Domestic Islamic banks are referred to the head
office of Islamic banks located within the country. While, foreign Islamic banks are referred to the head office of
F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46 37
Islamic banks located outside the country. Table 1 indicates the list of Foreign and Domestic Islamic banks in
this study.
The non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method was employed with the variable returns to scale
(VRTS) model in this study, to measure input-oriented TE of banks. In addition, the other technical efficiency
decompositions namely pure technical and scale efficiencies are also investigated at this stage in order to identify the
factors that may influence the banks’ technical efficiency. There are numerous studies employed this method to
measure the efficiency of the banking sectors such as Kamarudin, Nordin, and Nasir (2013), Kamarudin, Nordin,
Muhammad and Hamid, (2014a), Kamarudin, Nasir, Yahya, Said, and Nordin (2014b) and Sufian, Kamarudin, and
Noor (2014).
This study employed the DEA under the model of VRTS by adding the convexity constraint in the CRTS model:
N10 λ ¼ 1 (Coelli, Prasada-Rao, & Battese, 1998):
minθ;λ θ;
subject to yi þ Yλ Z 0;
θ xi Xλ Z 0;
N10 λ ¼ 1
λ Z 0;
Table 1
List of Foreign and Domestic Islamic banks. Source: Bank Negara Malaysia (2015), Bank Indonesia (2015) and Autoriti Monetari Brunei
Darussalam (2015).
N1 is a N 1 vector of ones.
This approach forms a convex hull of intersecting planes which envelope the data points more tightly than the
CRTS conical hull and thus provides TE scores which are greater than or equal to those obtained using the
CRTS model.
TE scores obtained from a CRTS DEA can be divided into two components, one due to SIE and one due to the
PTIE. This may be completed by conducting both a CRTS and a VRTS DEA upon the same data. If there is a
different in two TE scores of DMU, it indicates that the DMU has SIE and the SIE could be measured from the
difference between the VRT'S TE (PTE) score and CRTS TE (TE) score (Coelli et al., 1998). Although the SE
measure will provide information concerning the degree of inefficiency resulting from the failure to operate with
CRTS, it cannot provide the information as to whether a DMU is operating in an area of increasing returns to scale
(IRTS) or decreasing returns to scale (DRTS). This may be determined by running an addition DEA problem with
non-increasing returns to scale (NIRTS) imposed. This can be done by altering the DEA model in Eq. (1) by
substituting the N10 λ ¼ 1 restriction with N10 λ r 1, to provide:
minθ;λ θ;
Table 2
Summary statistics of variables input and output in the DEA model (in million USD). Sources: Bankscope database and authors’ own calculations..
Domestic Islamic Banks 2006–2014
Total Loans (y1) 3128.885 13.436 30,823.806 4228.154
Total Investments (y2) 767.048 0.001 4983.785 972.805
Foreign Islamic Banks 2006–2014
Total Loans (y1) 1176.216 0.001 3006.438 806.426
Total Investments (y2) 265.779 0.001 1224.378 242.510
Notes: x1: Total deposits (deposits and short term funding), x2: Labour (personnel expenses), x3: Physical capital Physical capital (interest income
on loans and other interest income on loans), y1: Loans (total of short-term and long-term loans), y2: income (gross interest and dividend income).
F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46 39
subject to yi þ Yλ Z 0;
θ xi Xλ Z 0;
N10 λ r 1
λ Z 0;
Therefore, the nature of the scale inefficiencies, due to either IRTS or DRTS could be determined by the difference
between the NIRTS TE and VRTS TE score where:
If the VRTS TE @ PTE a NIRTS TE, then DMU is operating at IRTS.
IF the VRTS TE @ PTE ¼ NIRTS TE, then DMU is operating at DRTS.
It is commonly acknowledged that the choice of variables in efficiency studies significantly affects the results. The
problem is compounded by the fact that variable selection is often constrained by the paucity of data on relevant
variables. The cost and output measurements in banking are especially difficult because many of the financial
services are jointly produced and prices are typically assigned to a bundle of financial services. Two approaches
dominate the banking theory literature: the production and intermediation approaches (Sealey & Lindley, 1977).
Under the production approach, pioneered by Benston (1965), banks are primarily viewed as providers of services
to customers. This approach has primarily been employed in studying the efficiency of bank branches. Under the
intermediation approach, financial institutions are viewed as intermediating funds between savers and investors.
Generally, various of the studies that examine the efficiency on banking sectors mostly adopted the intermediation
approach such as, Sufian and Kamarudin (2014), Sufian, Kamarudin, and Noor (2012) and Sufian, Kamarudin, and
Noor (2013). In our case, the intermediation approach is used where Islamic banks produce services through the
collection of deposits and other liabilities and in turn these funds are invested in productive sectors of the economy,
yielding returns uncontaminated by usury (riba’).
The Islamic banks are modelled as multi-product firms producing three inputs and two outputs (refer Table 2).
According to Cooper, Seiford, and Tome (2002), there is a rule required to be complied with in order to select the
number of inputs and outputs. The rule of thumb which could provide guidance is n Z max {m s, 3(m þ s)}.
where, n is the number of DMUs; m is the number of inputs; and s is the number of outputs. Therefore, three
inputs and two outputs are chosen. Total deposits (x1), labour (x2) and capital (x3) are selected as input measures
whereas loans (y1) and investments (y2) are selected as output measures. Table 2 indicates the inputs and outputs for
Islamic banks in Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.
4. Empirical results
Before proceeding with the discussion of DEA results, this study first tested the rule of thumb on the selection of
inputs and outputs variables suggested by Cooper et al. (2002). Since the total number of DMUs (29 banks) in this
study is more than the numbers of inputs and outputs variables (3 inputs x 2 outputs @ 3 [3 inputs þ 2 outputs]), the
selection of variables are valid since it complies with the rule of thumb and allows the efficiencies of DMUs to be
This section will discuss on the TE change of the domestic and foreign Islamic banking sector that is measured by
the DEA method and its decomposition into PTE and SE components. In the event of the existence of SIE, this study
could provide evidence on the nature of the returns to scale of each bank.
According to Isik and Hassan (2002), constructing an annual frontier specific to each year is more flexible and
more suitable than estimating a single multiyear frontier for the banks in the sample. Based on the earlier studies, for
the purpose of the study, separate annual efficiency frontier for each year is more preferable. Therefore, there were
nine separate frontiers (2006–2014) constructed for the study. According to Isik and Hassan (2002), the principal
advantage of having panel data is the ability to observe each bank more than once over a period of time. The issue is
also critical in a continuously changing business environment due to the technology of a bank that is most efficient in
one period may not be the most efficiency in another. In addition, it also may reduce the problems related to the lack
40 F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46
of random error in DEA by allowing an efficient bank in one period to be inefficient in another, assuming that the
errors owing to luck or data problems are not consistent over time (Isik & Hassan, 2002; Sufian et al., 2008).
Table 3 illustrates the mean efficiency scores of the Domestic Islamic banks for the years 2006 (Panel 1), 2007
(Panel 2), 2008 (Panel 3), 2009 (Panel 4), 2010 (Panel 5), 2011 (Panel 6), 2012 (Panel 7), 2013 (Panel 8) and 2014
(Panel 9) and All Years (Panel for All). The results seem to suggest that the domestic Islamic banks’ mean TE has
Table 3
Efficiency scores for domestic Islamic banks from 2006 until 2014.
been on a fluctuation trend (refer Fig. 1) from 88.7% in year 2006 but finally declining to 87.6% in year 2014. The
decomposition of TE into its PTE and SE components suggests that SIE dominates PTIE of domestic Islamic banks
during all years except for the years 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2013. These years are excluded due to the higher in SE
rather than PTE.
Nevertheless, the interesting finding has been discovered during the period 2005 to 2014 where the results from all
years (Panel for All) suggest that, domestic Islamic banks have exhibited that the inefficiency of TIE could be
attributed mainly to PTIE (9.5%) rather than SIE (9%). The result reported that mean TE 82.8%% with input waste of
17.2%. The results on TE suggests.
Thus, the results imply that domestic Islamic banks could have produced the same amount of outputs with only
82.8% of the amount of inputs used. In another word, domestic Islamic banks could have reduced their inputs by
17.2% and still could have produced the same amount of outputs. Overall the results imply that during the period of
study, although the domestic Islamic banks were more scale efficient operating, they were mainly operating at the
managerially inefficient in controlling costs.
Table 4 illustrates the mean efficiency scores of the foreign Islamic banks for the years for all years 2006 to 2014.
The results (refer Fig. 2) seem to suggest that the mean of TE for foreign Islamic banks has been on a increasing
trend from 35.4% to 71.2% during the year 2006 to 2007, decreased to 59.8% during the year 2008, before increasing
again to 67.6% in year 2009. In year 2010, TE level decreasing to 66.5% and increasing to 76.1% during 2011.
However, although the level of TE in 2012 reducing by 3.2%, foreign Islamic banks could manage to enhance their
TE level to 92% in 2014. The decomposition of TE into its PTE and SE components suggests that PTIE dominates
SIE of foreign Islamic banks for all years excluding for the years 2006 and 2009. The both years are excluded due to
the higher in PTE rather than SE.
The results for all banks in all years (Panel for All) have, in general, confirmed the earlier findings the managerial
inefficiency is the dominant factor influencing foreign Islamic banks efficiency. Over the all period 2006 to 2014, the
results from Panel for All suggest that, foreign Islamic banks have exhibited mean TE 71.6% with input waste of
28.4%. The decomposition of the TE into its PTE components suggests that the inefficiency could be attributed
mainly to PTIE (16%) rather than SIE (15.8%).
Therefore, the results documented that the foreign Islamic banks can produced the same amount of outputs with
only 71.6% of the amount of inputs used or they may reduced their inputs by 28.4% to produced the same amount of
outputs. Generally the results exhibited the foreign and domestic Islamic banks are behave similarly since the level of
TE is contaminated by the inefficiency of managerial (PTIE) over the years 2006 to 2014.
Table 5 shows the summary of TE, PTE and SE scores for each foreign and domestic Islamic banks in Malaysia,
Indonesia and Brunei over the period of 2006–2014. The empirical findings seem to indicate that the domestic
Islamic banks have exhibited higher mean TE (82.8% vs. 71.6%), PTE (90.5% vs. 84%) and SE (91% vs. 84.2%)
Table 4
Efficiency scores for foreign Islamic banks from 2006 until 2014.
levels relative to their foreign Islamic bank counterparts. In essence, the empirical findings seem to indicate that
domestic and foreign Islamic banks have not fully utilized the inputs efficiently to produce the same outputs.
As for TE, the average domestic and foreign Islamic banks could only generate 82.8% vs. 71.6% of outputs, less
than what it was initially expected to generate due to the higher level of efficiency in managerial. Hence, outputs is
lost by 17.2% vs. 28.4% (TIE), indicating that the average domestic and foreign Islamic banks loses an opportunity
to receive 21.4% vs. 29.1% more outputs given the same amount of resources. This result shows that the domestic
Islamic banks are more managerial efficient in overall to controlling cost compare to the foreign Islamic banks since
the level of the TE in the domestic Islamic banks are higher than foreign Islamic banks.
F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46 43
Table 5
Overall efficiency scores for Domestic vs. Foreign Islamic bank.
No. Domestic Islamic Bank TE PTE SE No. Foreign Islamic Bank TE PTE SE
1 Affin Islamic Bank Berhad 0.752 0.762 0.986 1 Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation 0.630 0.712 0.833
(Malaysia) Berhad
2 Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad 0.965 1.000 0.965 2 Asian Finance Bank Berhad 0.487 0.750 0.668
3 AmIslamic Bank Berhad 0.949 0.978 0.970 3 HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad 0.838 0.901 0.932
4 Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam 0.478 0.528 0.904 4 Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Berhad 0.770 0.876 0.872
5 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad 0.897 0.974 0.909 5 OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad 0.921 0.945 0.975
6 Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad 0.792 0.856 0.918 6 Standard Chartered Saadiq Berhad 0.722 0.905 0.814
7 CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad 0.899 0.950 0.947
8 EONCAP Islamic Bank Berhad 0.831 0.892 0.928
9 Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad 1.000 1.000 1.000
10 Maybank Islamic Berhad 1.000 1.000 1.000
11 PT Bank BRI Syariah 0.652 0.805 0.815
12 PT Bank Jawa Barat Banten 1.000 1.000 1.000
13 PT Bank Maybank Syariah 0.938 1.000 0.938
14 PT Bank Mega Syariah 0.860 1.000 0.860
15 PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk 0.775 0.898 0.854
16 PT Bank Panin Syariah 0.766 0.886 0.876
17 PT Bank Syariah BNI 0.757 0.875 0.846
18 PT Bank Syariah Bukopin 0.689 0.867 0.789
19 PT Bank Syariah Mandiri 0.728 0.945 0.764
20 PT Bank Victoria Syariah 1.000 1.000 1.000
21 PT BCA Syariah 0.598 0.914 0.678
22 Public Islamic Bank Berhad 0.860 0.870 0.988
23 RHB Islamic Bank Berhad 0.864 0.927 0.934
Mean 0.828 0.905 0.910 Mean 0.716 0.840 0.842
For the SE, the results seem to suggest that the average domestic and foreign Islamic banks could only 91% vs.
84.2% of size efficient. Therefore, the both Islamic banks are lost the opportunity to generate 11% vs. 20.5% (SIE)
more optimal outputs from the minimum level of inputs that may lead to the higher profit. The result state that the
level of SE is higher in the domestic Islamic compared to the foreign Islamic banks. This implies that the domestic
Islamic banks are more scale efficient than foreign banks to produce more outputs by utilize the less inputs to
generate higher profit due to the optimal scale of operation.
Regarding PTE, the results indicate that on average domestic and foreign Islamic banks have utilized only 90.5%
vs. 84% of the resources or inputs to produce the same level of outputs. On average, the both banks have wasted
9.5% and 16% (PTIE) of its inputs to produce the same level of outputs. Noticeably, the level of the PTE is higher in
domestic Islamic banks rather than foreign Islamic banks. This indicates that the domestic Islamic banks are capable
44 F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46
Table 6
Robustness tests for efficiency scores of Domestic and Foreign Islamic banks 2006–2014.
Test groups
Technical Efficiency
Domestic Islamic Banks 0.828 2.778*** 106.81 -2.789*** 106.81 7.776***
Foreign Islamic Banks 0.716 80.51 80.51
Scale Efficiency
Domestic Islamic Banks 0.910 2.033** 106.04 -2.459** 106.04 6.046**
Foreign Islamic Banks 0.842 82.95 82.95
Note: ***, ** and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level respectively.
to utilize the minimum resources and involve with lower wastage of inputs rather than foreign Islamic banks because
higher efficiency in the managerial purely.
In conclusion, the result shows that the level of TE for domestic Islamic banks are higher than foreign Islamic
banks due to the similar problem where their PTIE outweighs SIE. In other words, although the domestic and foreign
Islamic banks have been operating at a relatively optimal scale of operations, they were managerially inefficient to
exploit their resources.
After examining the results derived from the DEA method, the issue of interest now is whether the difference in
the TE, PTE and SE of the domestic and foreign Islamic banks is statistically significant. Coakes and Steed (2003)
suggest that the Mann-Whitney [Wilcoxon] is a relevant test for two independent samples coming from populations
having the same distribution. The most relevant reason is that the data violate the stringent assumptions of the
independent group's t-test. In what follows, we perform a series of robustness checks including parametric (t-test) and
non-parametric (Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis) which suggested by Sufian and Kamarudin (2015) to obtain
more robust results.
Table 6 shows the robustness tests. The results from the parametric t-test and non-parametric Mann-Whitney
(Wilcoxon) test suggest that the domestic Islamic banks have exhibited a higher mean TE level than foreign Islamic
bank peers (0.828 4 0.716) and significantly different at 1%. Likewise, the domestic Islamic banks have also
exhibited a higher mean PTE (0.905 4 0.840) and SE (0.910 4 0.842) levels compared to foreign Islamic banks and
significantly different at 5%. The results from the parametric t-test are further confirmed by the non-parametric
Mann-Whitney (Wilcoxon) and Kruskall-Wallis tests.
Based on the results presented in Table 6, this study concludes that domestic Islamic bank is more efficient than
foreign Islamic bank in these Southeast Asian countries since all tests shows those efficiencies are significant at 1%
and 5%.
F. Kamarudin et al. / Future Business Journal 3 (2017) 33–46 45
5. Conclusion
In this study, we examine the TE, PTE and SE of Islamic banks in selected Southeast Asian countries namely
Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. This study examines 23 domestic Islamic banks and 6 foreign Islamic banks over
the period of 2006–2014.
We discovered that domestic Islamic banks could have produced the same amount of outputs with only 82.8% of
the amount of inputs used. In another word, domestic Islamic banks could have reduced their inputs by 17.2% and
still could have produced the same amount of outputs. Overall the results imply that during the period of study,
although the domestic Islamic banks were more scale efficient operating, they were mainly operating at the
managerially inefficient in controlling costs.
Meanwhile, the foreign Islamic banks can produced the same amount of outputs with only 71.6% of the amount of
inputs used or they may reduced their inputs by 28.4% to produced the same amount of outputs. Generally the results
exhibited the foreign and domestic Islamic banks are behave similarly since the level of TE is contaminated by the
inefficiency of managerial (PTIE).
In summary, this study found that domestic Islamic banks have exhibited higher TE, PTE and SE level than
foreign Islamic banks in Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei over the period 2006–2014 significance at 1% and 5%
significance level. The result shows that the level of TE for domestic Islamic banks are higher than foreign Islamic
banks due to the similar problem where their PTIE outweighs SIE. In other words, although the domestic and foreign
Islamic banks have been operating at a relatively optimal scale of operations, they were managerially inefficient to
exploit their resources.
The findings of this study provide the policy makers, banks’ managers and investors an important insight on the
performance of domestic and foreign Islamic banks. The policy makers may consider on a new rules and regulations
in order to improve these Islamic banks efficiency. While, the manager of bank should consider improving the
operations of Islamic banks to increase their market shares in Islamic banking industry. Furthermore, the investors
and customers can easily make decisions for investing in Islamic banks based on their efficiency scores.
Due to its limitation, we would like to suggest that this study could be extended in a number of ways. Future
researchers could consider measuring cost, revenue and profit efficiency of Islamic banks if the price data are
available. In addition, researcher may employ the Malmquist Productivity Index for further investigation of changes
of productivity in Islamic banks over the time.
We would like to thanks the editors and the anonymous referees of the journal for constructive comments and
suggestions, which have significantly helped to improve the contents of the paper. Furthermore, special thanks to
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) Vot No. 5524716 sponsored by Malaysian Ministry of Higher
Education and Universiti Putra Malaysia Grant IPM Vot No. 9473700 sponsored by Universiti Putra Malaysia as an
organizations that funded my research. The usual caveats apply.
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