Process Dynamics and Control Lab
Process Dynamics and Control Lab
Process Dynamics and Control Lab
The unit consists of a small bench mounted Console contains a number of different
instruments and connection points for sensors. A temperature controlled heater plate is
also available as well as a computerized data acquisition system with computer monitor and
printer. The sensors available are: Platinum Resistance, Thermistor, & three types of
thermocouple. A vacuum flask and stainless steel beaker are also available
Temperature can be defined technically as an indication of intensity of molecular activity.
The temperature of a body is a measure of the thermal potential of that body and
determines whether heat is supplied to or rejected from the body when in contact with a
body at different temperature.
Different scales are used in thermometry such as Centigrade scale which is based on the
point at which ice melt and pure water boils at standard atmospheric pressure. The Celsius
scale indicated that the ice point be substituted by the triple point which in the state of
pure water existing as a mixture of ice, liquid and vapor in equilibrium, and equals
0.01°celsius. Another scale is the Kelvin scale, and another one is the international
temperature scale.
The Peltier thermoelectrical effect (1834) can be stated as follows: current flowing across a
junction of dissimilar metals causes heat to be absorbed or liberated. The direction of heat
flow can be reversed by reversing the current flow. The rate of heat is proportional to
temperature versus the voltage reading.
Exp. (2) The Seebeck Thermo-Electrical Effect:
The Seebeck effect or Seebeck principle discovered by T.J Seebeck (1821) states that an
electric current flows in a circuit of two dissimilar metals if the two junctions are at
different temperatures.
In Figure 1: The temperature of the hot junction is the temperature being measured
and Tc is the cold junction temperature or the reference temperature. The most
common thermocouples are: platinum-rhodium/platinum, chromel/alumel, and
copper/constantan. The circuit in figure 1 can be used for temperature measurement as
shown as in figure 2. In chemical industries, sometimes it is not possible to maintain
the cold junction at 0 C. Normally, the cold junction is at ambient temperature, with
correction is made automatically by temperature-sensitive resister.
1. Shahian, B. and Hassul, M., Control System Design. Prentice Hall, 1993.
2. Considine, D., M., Process Instruments and Control Handbook. McGraw- Hill, 1974.
Figure (2): Emfs are additive for materials.
Note that equation 1 follows from the last result, where TI satisfies: T0 TI T .
1. A thermocouple of type J (iron-constantan) has the following input-output data from
standard tables:
T ( C ): 0 30 300
emf (mV): 0 1.5 15
2. Discuss the validity of the law of intermediate temperatures on the basis of
Seebeck principle over a wide temperature range (0 t0 500 C).
Experiment Four
Temperature Sensors
To understand the static and dynamic characteristics of measuring devices and in particular
temperature measuring devices
One of the most important variables in chemical industries is the temperature. It is not only
used as a direct control variable, but also as a means to infer about other controlled
variables (inferential control). Table 1 below shows the most popular sensors used for
temperature measurement.
The term sensor is used to identify an element that produces a signal when subjected an
input physical change. Often the term transducer is used interchangeably with the term
Fig.(1): Details of bimetallic strip thermometer [1].
The most commonly used metals are platinum, nickel, tungsten, and copper. A Wheatstone
bridge is generally used for the resistance reading and, consequently, for the temperature
Fig.(3): Resistance thermometer device (RTD): a- Assembly. b- Components [1,4].
Modern thermistors are usually mixtures of oxides such as the oxides of nickel,
manganese, iron, copper, cobalt and titanium, other metals and doped ceramics. The
material is formed into various forms such as beads discs and rodes as shown in Fig.(4).
Thermistors can have either a negative temperature coefficient (NTC), where the resistance
decreases with temperature, or a positive temperature coefficient(PTC) depending on the
type of materials used. They were originally named from a shortened form of the term
thermally sensitive resistor. The resistance-temperature relationship can be described by:
R = Ke b / T (2)
The thermocouple is the best-known industrial temperature sensor. It works on a principle
discovered by Seebeck in 1821. The Seebeck effect, or Seebeck principle, states that an
electric current flows in a circuit of two dissimilar metals if the two junctions are at different
temperatures. Fig.(4) shows a simple circuit in which M1 and M2 are the two metals,
TH is the temperature being measured, and TC, is reference temperature. The voltage
produced by this thermoelectric effect depends on the temperature difference between
the two junctions and on the metals used.
Static Characteristics:
The output values given when steady state condition is attained, after a certain input is
received, are known as static characteristics of the sensor. The most important static
characteristics are:
1. Range: The limits between which the input can vary.
2. Error: The difference between the true (standard) value and the result of
3. Accuracy: The extent to which the value indicated by the measuring device is wrong. It
is the sum of all the possible expected errors including the calibration accuracy.
4. Precision: It describes an instrument’s degree of freedom from random errors.
5. If a large number of readings are taken of the same quantity by a high precision
instrument, then the spread of readings will be very small.
6. Repeatability: It describes the closeness of output readings from the measuring device
when the same input is applied repetitively over a short period of time, with the same
measurement conditions, same instrument and observer, same location and same
conditions of use maintained throughout.
7. Reproducibility: describes the closeness of output readings for the same input when
there are changes in the method of measurement, observer, measuring instrument,
location, conditions of use and time of measurement. Fig.(6) compares the accuracy,
repeatability and reproducibility.
8. Sensitivity: Sensitivity is the ratio of the change in response of an instrument to the
change in the stimulus (how much output you get per unit input).
9. Hysteresis: The difference between the measuring device readings during a
continuously increasing and decreasing change of the input. Fig.(7) shows a typical
hysteresis curve.
Fig.(7): Measuring device static characteristics with hysteresis.
Dynamic Characteristics:
The dynamic characteristics of a measuring instrument describe its behaviour between the
time the input value changes and the time the instrument output attains a steady value in
In any linear, time-invariant measuring system, the following general relation can be
written between input and output for time t > 0:
Where y and u are the output and input respectively, a 0, a 1, ...a n and b0 are constant model
Fig.(8): Zero-order instrument dynamic response.
The above equation is solved for the output after replacing: d / dt by the D operator to
Where: Ke and t e are the instrument sensitivity and time constant respectively. The
exact solution of Eq.(6) due to step change in u is shown in Fig.(9). In this figure the output
response reaches 99 percent of its final value after five time constants ( 5t e ).
A good example for such instrument (first order instrument) is the liquid-in-glass
thermometer. If a thermometer at room temperature is plunged into boiling water, the
output does not rise instantaneously to a level indicating 100°C, but instead
approaches a reading indicating 100°C in a manner similar to that shown in Fig.(9).
1. Study experimentally the static and dynamic characteristics of the available
temperature measuring instruments in the Lab.
2. Investigate the dynamic linearity of the selected temperature sensor using the
mirror image method.
Several experiments can be performed in the temperature measurement unit:-
Exp. No. 1: The use of liquid in glass thermometer, Vapor pressure & bi-metallic
expansion devices for measurement of fixed scale point.
1. Partially fill the vacuum flask with ice and water and place one of the glass tube
thermometers in the mixture.
2. Fill 2/3 of the stainless steel beaker with pure water and place rubber disc on top,
place the beaker on heater plate and turn on the main switch. Set the heater
plate to a temperature of about 200°C.
3. Once the water has reached boiling point, turn the temperature setting down to
about 120°C.
4. Record the temperature of the water in the beaker and in the vacuum flask.
5. Repeat using vapor pressure thermometer & the bi-metallic expansion
thermometer instead of liquid in glass thermometer.
1. Select two of the shrouded type K thermocouples and connect them as instructed.
2. Place BOTH thermocouples in the vacuum flask and record the millivolt.
3. Place one thermocouple in the stainless steel beaker on the hot plate together
with a glass thermometer, and record the millivolt.
4. Place the thermocouple that has been immersed in the vacuum flask into the hot
water with the other thermocouple, note the millivolt reading.
5. Now reverse the positions of the thermocouples (Hot beaker thermocouple to
vacuum flask), and record the millivolt.
Exp. No. 4
Exp. No. 5
Exp. No. 6
are shown as K. The pair of thermocouples shown as H are in the
stainless steel beaker and the pair of thermocouples shown as C are
shown in the vacuum flask.
3. Once the water in the stainless steel beaker starts boiling, observe and record the
millvolt meter display.
Each number indicates to experiment number:
1. Record the temperature of the water by using Glass thermometer, Vapor pressure,
Bi-metallic expansion device, Platinum resistance, Thermistor & Thermocouple, and
explain why the temperature doesn’t reach 0°C and 100 °C.
2. Plot the temperature readings of the devices used versus time and note the
response of each measuring device.
3. Record the reading of millivolt as indicated and explain the negative reading you
get in both Peltier thermo-electric effect & Seebeck effect.
4. Refer to the tables in the lab sheet for a type of thermocouple that you used in this
experiment showing the millivolt signal and corresponding temperature when the
reference junction is held at 0°C and at each temperature reading, compare
between the recorded millivot reading and the millivolt from the table that
corresponds to that temperature.
5. Record the reading of millivolt as indicated and explain your results.
6. Record the reading of millivolt as indicated and explain your results.
Temperature Measurement
Part 1
Part 2
Temperature (oC )
Glass thermometer
Part 3
a- Peltier thermo-electric:
Ambient temperature:
Temperature (oC )
Glass thermometer
b- Seebeck effect:
Part 5
Intermediate metal:
Voltage for the junction without intermediate metal:
Junction A in hot water
Junction B in hot water
Junction C in hot water
Junction A in ice
Junction B in ice
Junction C in ice
Voltage for the junction with intermediate metal:
Junction B in hot water
Junction B’ in ice
Intermediate Temperature:
E hot – E ice
E hot-E hand
E hand- E ice
Part 6
Parallel connection: Series connection:
Temp by depress switch # 1
Temp by depress switch # 2
Temp by depress switch # 3 Voltage =
Temp by depress switch #4
Temp by depress switch #5
An experiment was performed to study the Control Modes by means of Level Measurement
Apparatus, then we were make two experiments in this apparatus, first one to study the
ON_OFF mode, second one two study PROPORTIONAL AND INTEGRAL modes, results
showed that the proportional and integral can arrive to the desired set point faster and
more accurate than the only proportional mode or on _off mode.
P3009 process pressure control has been designed to demonstrate the functioning of a 3
term pneumatic pressure controller and enable ‘process’ and ‘controller’ parameters to be
varied so that their effects on the system can be investigated. The pressure controller may
be operated in any of the following modes of control:
a- Manual control.
b- Proportional control.
c- Proportional and integral control.
d- Proportional and derivative control.
e- Proportional and integral and derivative control (3 terms).
Thus it is possible to select the control mode to give the desired conditions which can then
be optimized by suitable adjustment of the process and controller parameters.
1- To explain the operation and characteristics of the closed-loop automatic control
2- To demonstrate and explain the operation and the characteristics of the ON/OFF
control mode.
3- To investigate the main characteristics of the proportional integral control mode.
4- To recognize the characteristic of the addition of integral mode to the
proportional mode and the resultant characteristics.
The process model consists of small pressure vessel ( of 8 liters capacity), together with inlet
and outlet airlines see Figure (3.1) pneumatic pressure control apparatus P3009. A filter-
regulator I used to control pressure of the inlet airline to the pressure vessel, and a control
valve adjusts the flow of air through a pressure vessel bypass line so that the pressure can
be regulated.
Needle valve V1 and V2 are included in the inlet line to the vessel, one on either side of the
bypass valve connection. A further needle valve V3 I situated in the outlet line from the
pressure vessel. By suitable adjustments of these valves various changes to the process
parameter can be made. For safety purpose a relief valve is also fitted to the pressure
The control and measuring equipment associated with this apparatus consists of a 3 terms
pneumatic pressure controller, an auto-manual selector station, a chart recorder and the
control valve previously mentioned. Using the 3 term controller, manual adjustment of the
proportional, integral, and derivative action can be made, and the controller provides a 3 to
15 psig output signal for the control valve. The pressure signal from the pressure vessel to
the chart recorder ( this via the auto-manual station) I transferred by flexible line. The auto-
manual; station enables the control of the bypass valve to be selected as required. The chart
recorder is a 2 pen device enabling both process signal
(i.e. pressure within the vessel) and the controller output signal to be measured and
This mode of control can position the final control element in proportion to the error signal.
Thus for a range of errors about the set point each value of error has a corresponding
output from the controller. The range of error that covers the controller output range of
0(zero) to 100% is called the proportional band.
This mode can be expressed in algebraic form as:
P K P * E P P0
P: controller output
KP: proportional constant between error and output
EP : error from the set point
P0 : initial controller output with no error
Proportional controllers are used where process conditions do not cause frequent and
intermittent large load change, which would be likely to produce unacceptable offset. Offset
is the difference between the desired value and the actual value of the parameter being
controlled and I an inherent characteristic of proportional control action when a load change
occurs. The higher the gain however the lower the value of offset.
The integral action mode of a controller is only apparent when an error exists. If no error
exists then the output remains at the preset value. As soon as disturbance occurs, the error
is acted on by the integral term to produce a rate of change of final control element setting.
For small integral times this rate of change is fast.
The action of the integral term is to repeat the signal generated by the proportional band in
a time equal to the integral time.
The algebraic representation of integral action is:
As opposed to the previous terms the derivative action does not act directly as the error but
as the rate of change of error. For a rapid change of error the derivative action will be more
The concept of derivative action can be expressed in algebraic form is:
P KD * P0
KD : derivative time.
DEP /Dt: rate of change of error.
` P: controller output.
P0 : output with no change in error.
1. Done for a set point = 50% of tank level and a disturbance of drain = 25%
2. The included chart shows the cycling period around the set point (Hysteresis).
Maximum Level = _________%
Minimum level is =___________%
Oscillation range = __________ %
A continuous process is one in which the output or product is at continuous flow. Examples
are in chemical process, refining process for gasoline, or a paper machine with continuous
output of paper onto rolls. Process control for these continuous processes cannot be
accomplished fast enough using a PLC’s on-off control. The control scheme most often used
is PID (proportional- integral-derivative) control. PID control can be accomplished by
mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, or electronic control systems as well as by some PLCs and
most PACs.
Many advanced PLCs and all large PLC systems have PID control functions, and are
therefore able to accomplish process control effectively. In this manual, we discuss the
basic principles of On/Off Control, PID control, Feedforward and other types of control
used in the industry utilizing a National Instruments Programmable Automation
Process Description
The setup consists of the following component
Running the Experiments:
To run the experiments, complete the following steps:
1. Turn the PT001 Process Trainer [ON], and make sure the “Power
2. On” Status LED on the Electrical Control Box is [ON[
3. Run the PT001 Software.
4. Click on [Run Experiments] to access the experiments menu.
5. When you run an experiment (Non-Simulation Experiment), make sure the message
“CompactDAQ is connected” appears on the bottom of the screen.
The experiments screen is shown in the figure below:
1. Buttons Pane
2. Process Flow Chart
3. Parameters and/or Explanations Box
4. Chart
5. Level Meter Button
6. Pump Button
7. Level Meter Picture
8. Pump Picture
Figure 2 - Experiment's Screen
1.1 You can access the sensors in Experiment 1 “Acquiring Physical Phenomena” by
clicking on its button or picture in the Process Flow Chart. An example is Level Meter
Button (No. 5) or Level Meter Picture (No. 7) as shown above.
1.5 In chart (No. 4) shown in the above figure, you can see the relationship between the
input current, voltage, and the measured value for any sensor or the process variable
(PV), Setpoint, or Controller’s Output.
1.5 Other experiments have slightly different Buttons. Panel (No (1.has [Start Process],
[Stop Process], and [Quit] buttons. To start the control process you need to click on
the [Start Process] button.
1.5 Some experiments have controller parameters that can only be changed by Lab
Administrators. To be able to change any of the parameters in the Parameters and/or
Explanation Box (No3( you need to consult with your lab administrator. Changing the
controller’s parameters is not recommended, as the system will become unstable if
the parameters entered are not correct.
6. Stop the experiment by pressing the [Stop Process] button, and then click on the
[Quit] button to go back to the experiments menu. Observe that the “Process
Indicator” LED will now be turned off.
Experiment Eight
Acquiring Physical Phenomena
Computer-based measurement systems are used in a wide variety of applications:
laboratories, field services and on manufacturing plant floors. These systems act
as general-purpose measurement tools that are well suited for measuring
voltage signals. Many real-world sensors and transducers require signal
conditioning before a computer-based measurement system can effectively and
accurately acquire these signals. The front-end signal conditioning system can
include functions such as signal amplification, attenuation, filtering, electrical
isolation, simultaneous sampling, and multiplexing. In addition, many transducers
require excitation currents or voltages, bridge completion, linearization, or high
amplification for proper and accurate operation. Therefore, most computer-
based measurement systems include some form of signal conditioning in
addition to plug-in data acquisition DAQ devices.
There are five components to be considered when building a basic DAQ system:
A transducer is a device that converts a physical phenomenon into a
measurable electrical signal, such as voltage or current, or frequency. The
ability of a DAQ system to measure different phenomena depends on the
transducers ability to convert the physical phenomena into a signal measurable by
the DAQ hardware. Transducers are synonymous with sensors in DAQ systems.
There are specific transducers for many different applications, such as measuring
temperature, pressure, or fluid flow. The table below shows a short list of some of
the transducers used in the PT001 Process Trainer and the phenomena they can
“On/Off” is the most commonly used form of control, and for most applications it is
perfectly adequate. It’s used where precise control is not necessary, in systems which
cannot handle the energy being turned On and Off frequently, and where the mass of the
system is so great that temperatures change extremely slowly.
Advantages of the On/Off control include simplicity and price however, its use is limited
in process control due to continuous cycling of controlled variables which will cause
excessive wear on the control valve.
In this section the student will have the chance to perform two experiments in
On/Off Control:
Level Control:
Experiment Nine
As the name suggests, PID algorithm consists of three basic coefficients; proportional,
integral and derivative, which are varied to get optimal response. Closed loop systems, the
theory of classical PID and the effectiveness of PID control by using typical process response
curves are discussed.
In this section the student will have the chance to perform the following
1. To introduce the student to closed loop systems.
2. To introduce the principle of PID Feedback control and its differences to
the On/Off control.
3. To observe the behavior and performance of PID controllers while
controlling different process variables at different set points.
4. To introduce the behavior of PID controller in controlling relatively fast
(Flow Control) and slow (Level and Pressure Control) processes.
5. To give the student an understanding about disturbance rejection and set
point tracking abilities of PID controllers.
6. To introduce the principle of set point profile and its importance in the
Lead and lag compensators are used quite extensively in level control. A lead
compensator can increase the stability or speed of the response of a system; a lag
compensator can reduce (but not eliminate) the steady state error. Depending on
the effect desired, one or more lead and lag compensators may be used in various
Figure 32 - Block Diagram Equivalent
to Upper Figure