2023 SF Primary 5

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Hong Kong International

Mathematical Olympiad
Past Paper Booklet 2023


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Primary 5 Question Paper

小學五年級 試題

填空題(第 1 至 25 題)(每題 4 分,答錯及空題不扣分)

Open-Ended Questions (1st ~25th) (4 points for correct answer, no penalty
point for wrong answer)

Logical Thinking

1. It takes exactly 8 days for 7 people to complete a task. How many

day(s) is / are needed for 4 people to finish the same task?
7 個人去完成一件任務剛好需要 8 天,那麼 4 個人完成同一件任

2. There are some chickens and rabbits in a cage. The number of

chickens is 44 more than the number of rabbits. If the chickens and
rabbits have 334 legs in total, how many rabbit(s) is / are there in the
雞兔同籠,雞比兔多 44 隻,雞與兔共有腿 334 條。問兔有多少

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 78

3. There are 20 yellow balls, 24 red balls and 21 black balls in a bag. If 5
balls are picked randomly from the bag without replacement, at least
how many ball(s) need to be picked up to ensure there are 7 balls
picked for each colour?
一個袋內有 20 個黃球、24 個紅球和 21 個黑球。若我們從袋中隨
球各 7 個?

4. A stationary store is selling pencils from a box of pencils. 7 more than

one half of the pencils in the box were sold on the first day. 9 fewer
than one half of the remaining pencils were sold on the second day.
Finally, 21 pencils are left in the box. How many pencil(s) did the box
contain originally?
某文具店正售賣一箱鉛筆,第一天賣掉了總數的一半多 7 支,第

二天則賣掉剩下的一半少 9 支,最後剩下 21 支。問原本一箱有


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78 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 79

5. According to the pattern shown below, what is the number

represented by “?”?

隨 15 36 78

3 35 12 21 ? 12

ox 7 7 16

第 Question 5


6. Find the value of

1 1 1 1 1 1
    ...    1 2  4  ...  64  128  256  512 .
512 256 128 64 4 2

1 1 1 1 1 1
    ...    1 2  4  ...  64  128  256  512
512 256 128 64 4 2

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 80
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7. Find the value of .
4 1
求 的值。
5 1

8. Find the value of 12  18  24  30    96  102  108  114 .

求 12  18  24  30    96  102  108  114 的值。 1

1 1 1 1 1
9. Find the value of      .
5  8 8 11 1114 47  50 50  53
1 1 1 1 1
求      的值。
5  8 8 11 1114 47  50 50  53

10. Find the value of 552  15 135 . 1

求 552  15 135 的值。

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 81

Number Theory

11. Define the operation symbol a  b  2  a  b   a 1  b 1 , find

the value of 5   3  6  .
定義運算 a  b  2  a  b   a  1  b 1 ,求 5   3  6  的值。

12. The sum of 11 consecutive numbers is 1221. Find the value of the
largest odd number among them.
11 個連續數之和為 1221,求當中最大奇數的值。

13. A teacher gives some candies to a group of students. If every student

gets 9 candies, 8 candies will be left. If every student gets 5 candies,
32 candies will be left. How many candy(ies) does the teacher have
老師將若干粒糖果分給一群學生,若每人派 9 粒糖果,會剩 8
粒;若每人派 5 粒糖果,會剩下 32 粒。問老師原有多少粒糖?

14. If a 9-digit number 20236 B19 A is divisible by 21, find the maximum
value of A  B .
若九位數 20236 B19 A 可被 21 整除,,求 A  B 的最大值。

15. How many 3-digit number(s) either divisible by 7 or divisible by 13 is

/ are there?
有多少個三位數能被 7 或 13 整除?

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 82

Geometry 1

16. How many time(s) is the interior angle of a regular 10-sided polygon
as its exterior angle?

17. The solid in the following figure is formed by combining 12 cubes

with side length 1, find its surface area.
下圖的立體是由 12 個邊長為 1 的立方體組合而成,求立體的表

Question 17
第 17 題

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82 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 82

18. How many rectangle(s) containing at least 2 “*” is / are there in the
figure below?
請問下圖中有多少個含有至少 2 個「*」的矩形?

Question 18
第 18 題

19. How many rectangle(s) is / are there in the figure below?


Question 19
第 19 題

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 84

20. The area of a rectangle is 2310. If sides of the rectangle are integers, 2
find the minimum value of the perimeter of the rectangle.
一個矩形的面積為 2310,若其邊長皆是整數,求矩形周界的最

組合數學 2

21. It is given that the total weight of 5 kiwifruits and 1 pineapple is 3.1kg.
The weight of a pineapple is the same as that of 7 oranges and the
weight of 3 kiwifruits is the same as that of 2 oranges. How many
gram(s) does an orange weigh?
假設 5 個奇異果和 1 個菠蘿的總重量為 3.1 公斤,若 1 個菠蘿的
重量相當於 7 個橙的重量,且 3 個奇異果的重量相當於 2 個橙的

重量。請問 1 個橙重多少克?

22. Numbers are randomly drawn from 70 integers 40 to 109 without

repetition. At least how many number(s) need to be drawn to ensure
that there are two numbers whose sum is 121?
若在 40 至 109 這 70 個整數中任意選出不同的數,最少需選出多
少個數,才必定有兩個被選數之和是 121?

23. 13 students join a competition. Only the top 4 students can be

promoted to next round. How many different combination(s) of
promotion is / are there?
13 名學生參加比賽,頭 4 名可以晉級,問有多少個晉級的可能組

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24. It is known that there are 6 classes of grade 5 in a primary school and
there are 275 grade 5 students. In the class with most students, at least
how many student(s) is / are there?
已知某小學五年級有 6 班,該校有 275 名五年級生。在最多同學

25. Choose 3 numbers from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 0 without repetition to

form 3-digit numbers. How many even number(s) greater than 300 is /
kg. are there?
從 1、2、3、4、5、8 和 0 中不重覆地選 3 個數字組成三位數。
請問當中有多少個是大於 300 的偶(雙)數?

的 ~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~

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Primary 5 Detailed Solution
小學五年級 詳細解答

填空題(第 1 至 25 題)(每題 4 分,答錯及空題不扣分)

Open-Ended Questions (1st ~25th) (4 points for correct answer, no penalty
point for wrong answer)
Logical Thinking

1. It takes exactly 8 days for 7 people to complete a task. How many

day(s) is / are needed for 4 people to finish the same task?
7 個人去完成一件任務剛好需要 8 天,那麼 4 個人完成同一件任

7  8  4  14

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 203

2. There are some chickens and rabbits in a cage. The number of 5

chickens is 44 more than the number of rabbits. If the chickens and
rabbits have 334 legs in total, how many rabbit(s) is / are there in the
雞兔同籠,雞比兔多 44 隻,雞與兔共有腿 334 條。問兔有多少

 334  88   6  41
3. There are 20 yellow balls, 24 red balls and 21 black balls in a bag. If
balls are picked randomly from the bag without replacement, at least
how many ball(s) need to be picked up to ensure there are 7 balls
picked for each colour?

一個袋內有 20 個黃球、24 個紅球和 21 個黑球。若我們從袋中隨

球各 7 個? 解

 24  21  6   1  52[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 204

4. A stationary store is selling pencils from a box of pencils. 7 more than

one half of the pencils in the box were sold on the first day. 9 fewer
than one half of the remaining pencils were sold on the second day.
Finally, 21 pencils are left in the box. How many pencil(s) did the box
contain originally?
某文具店正售賣一箱鉛筆,第一天賣掉了總數的一半多 7 支,第
二天則賣掉剩下的一半少 9 支,最後剩下 21 支。問原本一箱有

 21  9   2  7   2  24  7  2  62

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03 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 205

5. According to the pattern shown below, what is the number

represented by “?”?
e 按以下規律,求「?」所代表的數字。

15 36 78

3 35 12 21 ? 12

7 7 16

Question 5
隨 第5題

15  7  35  3
36  7  21  12
 78  16  12  104



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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 206

算術 7

6. Find the value of

1 1 1 1 1 1
    ...    1 2  4  ...  64  128  256  512 .
512 256 128 64 4 2

1 1 1 1 1 1
    ...    1 2  4  ...  64  128  256  512
512 256 128 64 4 2

解: 1023 解
1 1 1 1 1 1

        1 2  4    64  128  256  512

512 256 128 64 4 2
512  2 
 512
2 1
 1024 
512 8
 1023

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06 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 207

7. Find the value of .
2. 3
求 的值。
2 7

12 1 1 1 1 87 87
    
2 2 34 17 87  6  17 505
6 6 6 6
7 21 174 87
9 9
5 17

8. Find the value of 12  18  24  30    96  102  108  114 .

求 12  18  24  30    96  102  108  114 的值。

12  18  24  30    96  102  108  114
 114  12   114  12   6  1  2
 126  18  2
 1134

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1 1 1 1 1 1
9. Find the value of      .
5  8 8 11 1114 47  50 50  53
1 1 1 1 1
求      的值。 解
5  8 8 11 1114 47  50 50  53

1 1 1 1 1
    
5  8 8 11 1114 47  50 50  53
1  3 3 3 3 3 
       
3  5  8 8 11 11 14 47  50 50  53 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
              1
3  5 8 8 11 11 14 47 50 50 53 

1 1 1 
   
3  5 53 
1  53 5 
   
3  265 265  解
1  48 
  
3  265 


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08 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 209

10. Find the value of 552  15 135 .

求 552  15 135 的值。

552  15 135  552  452
  55  45    55  45 
 1000

Number Theory

11. Define the operation symbol a  b  2  a  b   a 1  b 1 , find

the value of 5   3  6  .
定義運算 a  b  2  a  b   a  1  b 1 ,求 5   3  6  的值。

3  6  2  3 6  4  5
 36  20
 16
5   3  6   5  16
 2  5  16  6  15
 160  90
 70

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 210

12. The sum of 11 consecutive numbers is 1221. Find the value of the 1
largest odd number among them.
11 個連續數之和為 1221,求當中最大奇數的值。

解:115 解
1221  11  111
111  4  115

13. A teacher gives some candies to a group of students. If every student

gets 9 candies, 8 candies will be left. If every student gets 5 candies,
32 candies will be left. How many candy(ies) does the teacher have
老師將若干粒糖果分給一群學生,若每人派 9 粒糖果,會剩 8
粒;若每人派 5 粒糖果,會剩下 32 粒。問老師原有多少粒糖?

 32  8   9  5   24  4  6
 9  6  8  54  8  62

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10 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 211

14. If a 9-digit number 20236 B19 A is divisible by 21, find the maximum
value of A  B .
若九位數 20236 B19 A 可被 21 整除,,求 A  B 的最大值。

2  0  2  3  6  B  1  9  A  23  A  B
23  A  B  24 / 27 / 30 / 33 / 36 / 39
 A  B  1/ 4 / 7 /10 /13 /16
190  A   360  B   202  32  A  B
32  A  B  28 / 35
 A  B  4 / 3
1 4 7 10 13 16
A0 A3 A6
4     rej 
B4 B7 B  10
A2 A5 A8
3  rej    
B  1 B2 B5
  A  B max  13

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 212

15. How many 3-digit number(s) either divisible by 7 or divisible by 13 is 1

/ are there?
有多少個三位數能被 7 或 13 整除?

999  7  142 5
99  7  14 1
999  13  76 11
99  13  7 8
999  91  10 89
99  91  18
 142  14    76  7   10  1   128  69  9  188


16. How many time(s) is the interior angle of a regular 10-sided polygon
as its exterior angle?

360 10  36
180  36  144
144  36  4

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12 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 213

is 17. The solid in the following figure is formed by combining 12 cubes

with side length 1, find its surface area.
下圖的立體是由 12 個邊長為 1 的立方體組合而成,求立體的表

Question 17
第 17 題

12  6  11 2  72  22  50

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[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 213

18. How many rectangle(s) containing at least 2 “*” is / are there in the 1
figure below?
請問下圖中有多少個含有至少 2 個「*」的矩形?

* 解


Question 18
第 18 題

3 3 3 3  3 4  2  2  3 3 2  2  2
3 3 2  2  3 3 2  2  3 3 2  2  3 3 2  2
 81  48  36
 93

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香 港 國 際 數 學 競 賽 晉 級 賽 2023
13 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 214

19. How many rectangle(s) is / are there in the figure below?


Question 19
第 19 題

1  2  3  4  5   1  2  3  4  1  2  1  2  3  4  1  2 
 1  2  3  4   1  2  1  2   1  2  1  1  2  1
 15  10  3  10  3  10  3  3
 15  30  30  10  9
 75  19
 56

20. The area of a rectangle is 2310. If sides of the rectangle are integers,
find the minimum value of the perimeter of the rectangle.
一個矩形的面積為 2310,若其邊長皆是整數,求矩形周界的最

2310  2  3  5  7 11
 2  3  7  42

5 11  55
  5  11  2  3  7   2  97  2  194

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Hong / "[從標題開始的
Kong International 1 到 2Semi-Final
Mathematical Olympiad 個字]" 2023 / 216

Combinatorics 2

21. It is given that the total weight of 5 kiwifruits and 1 pineapple is 3.1kg.
The weight of a pineapple is the same as that of 7 oranges and the
weight of 3 kiwifruits is the same as that of 2 oranges. How many
gram(s) does an orange weigh? 解
假設 5 個奇異果和 1 個菠蘿的總重量為 3.1 公斤,若 1 個菠蘿的
重量相當於 7 個橙的重量,且 3 個奇異果的重量相當於 2 個橙的
重量。請問 1 個橙重多少克?

 P  7O
 2
3K  2O

5 K  P  3100
 15 K  3P  10O  21O  31O  9300
 O  300

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16 香 港 國 際 數 學 競 賽 晉 級 賽 2023
[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 217

22. Numbers are randomly drawn from 70 integers 40 to 109 without

repetition. At least how many number(s) need to be drawn to ensure
that there are two numbers whose sum is 121?
kg. 若在 40 至 109 這 70 個整數中任意選出不同的數,最少需選出多
少個數,才必定有兩個被選數之和是 121?

40  60 : 21
的 61  81: 21
82  109 : 28
  21  28   1  50

23. 13 students join a competition. Only the top 4 students can be

promoted to next round. How many different combination(s) of
promotion is / are there?
13 名學生參加比賽,頭 4 名可以晉級,問有多少個晉級的可能組

13 12 1110
1 2  3  4
 13  11 5
 715

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Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad Semi-Final 2023
[作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 218

24. It is known that there are 6 classes of grade 5 in a primary school and
there are 275 grade 5 students. In the class with most students, at least
how many student(s) is / are there?
已知某小學五年級有 6 班,該校有 275 名五年級生。在最多同學

275  6  45...5
 46

25. Choose 3 numbers from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 0 without repetition to O
form 3-digit numbers. How many even number(s) greater than 300 is / p
are there?
從 1、2、3、4、5、8 和 0 中不重覆地選 3 個數字組成三位數。

請問當中有多少個是大於 300 的偶(雙)數?

4  5  2  3  5  2  40  30  70

~ 全卷完 ~
~ End of Paper ~ 解

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香 港 國 際 數 學 競 賽 晉 級 賽 2023
314 [作者姓氏] / "[從標題開始的 1 到 2 個字]" / 315

Hong Kong International

Mathematical Olympiad
Semi-Final 2023
Primary 5 Answer Key
Logical Thinking Number Theory Combinatorics
邏輯思維 數論 組合數學
1) 11) 21)
4 4 14 4 4 70 4 4 300 4
2) 12) 22)
4 4 41 4 4 115 4 4 50 4
3) 13) 23)
4 4 52 4 4 62 4 4 715 4
4) 14) 24)
4 4 62 4 4 13 4 4 46 4
5) 15) 25)
4 4 104 4 4 188 4 4 70 4

Arithmetic / Algebra Geometry

算術 / 代數 幾何
511 16)
4 6) 1023 4 4 4 4
87 17)
4 7) 4 4 50 4
8) 18)
4 1134 4 4 93 4

16 19)
4 9) 4 4 56 4
10) 20)
4 1000 4 4 194 4

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香 港 國 際 數 學 競 賽 晉 級 賽 2 0 2 3

4 Official Website: http://www.hongkongimo.com/

Email: hongkongimo@gmail.com

<<Hong Kong International Mathematical Olympiad -

HKIMO Semi-Final 2023 Past Paper Booklet>>

Associate Editor: Mr Wong Cheuk Yin, Mr Lai Chun Yin,


Mr Lee Ching Hei, Mr Chan Chi Hin,

Mr Liu Ming Hei, Mr Lee Chun Wah
Proofreader: Mr Ho Kin Fai
Booklet Planner: Mr Wong Lai Hei
Executive Editor: Mr Lai Tsz Hong
Deputy Editor in Chief: Mr Lee Ka Kin, Mr Cheung Chung Yu
Chief Editor: Dr. Lam Tsz Kuen
Printing Company: Wing Tai Printing & Production Co
Publisher: Olympiad Champion Education Publisher

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