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The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,
2015 (Hereinafter JJ Act, 2015) is a new legislation which repeals the
Juvenile Justice Act, 2000. One of the primary reasons for the introduction
of this act was to address the commission of heinous offences by
juveniles aged 16-18. This development comes after the
infamous Mukesh & Anr. vs. State of NCT of Delhi and Ors. (Nirbhaya
case). Traditional criminal law labelled offenders as ‘delinquent or
neglected children’ and proceeded to punish them as criminals but the
new law aims at reformative justice for the convicts.
The primary focus of this Act is on the procedural aspect, with regard to
pendency in cases, accountability of the functionaries, etc. It has also
highlighted the categories of ‘child in conflict with law’ under Section
2(13) and ‘child in need of care and protection under Section 2(14) of the
In this Article, the intricacies of the Juvenile Justice Board under the Act,
2015 has been discussed.
Section 4 begins with the ‘saving clause’ which means that an overriding
effect over the Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 has been given to this
provision. It means that in spite of the provisions mentioned in the Code,
the particular clause (S.4 here) would have a full operation. Therefore,
S.4 is an enabling provision. The ‘notwithstanding clause’ has been
discussed in the case of Chandavarkar Sita Ratna Rao vs. Ashalata S.
Guram (AIR 1987 SC 117).
Under Section 7 of the Act, the procedure in relation to the Board has
been laid down. The Board shall meet and carry out transactions of
business as may be prescribed. It is the duty of the Board to ensure that
all procedures are child friendly and the venue is not intimidating. If a
difference of opinion arises among the Board members in the interim or
final disposal stage, then there are two options:
Either the majority opinion will prevail or if there is no majority, then the
opinion of the Principal Magistrate will prevail.
The constitution of the Board has been defined in Section 4(2) of the Act.
It was held by the Himachal Pradesh High Court in the case of State of
Himachal Pradesh vs. Happy (2019 SCC OnLine HP 700) that judgment
passed by a single member of the Juvenile Justice Board is void ab initio.
In this case, the impugned order was passed by a single Magistrate,
without fulfilling the criteria of the composition required for the
functioning of the Juvenile Justice Board. Therefore, the order was set
o Child abuse
o Child labour
o Any other violation of human rights or immoral act
Training for Members of the Juvenile Justice Board
Under Section 4(5), the onus of sensitizing and providing training to all
the Board Members lies on the State Government. It is to be ensured that
the induction training is provided within a duration of 60 days from the
date of appointment.
Placement of Persons
The Placement of Persons under the JJ Act, 2015 has been divided into
two categories in accordance with Section 5 and 6.
Category 1 Category 2
A person who ceases to be a child during an A person who was below the age of 18
inquiry years when the offence was committed
If an inquiry has been initiated in respect of Any person who has completed 18 years
any child under the Act and during such of age, and is arrested for the
course of the inquiry, if the child completes commission of an offence when he/she
the age of 18 years, then the inquiry can be was below 18 years, then such person
continued and orders can be passed as if shall be treated like a child during the
such person was a child. process of inquiry.
1. If any Magistrate who does not have the power to exercise the powers
of the Board under this Act, believes that the alleged offender brought
before him is a child, then he shall, without any delay:
He/she is a child;
He/she was a child.
If the Court is itself of the opinion that the person was a child when the
offence was committed, then the Court shall take the following steps:
Make an inquiry;
Take evidence which is essential for determining the age of the
person, but this does not include affidavits.
Record a finding on the matter, which states the age of the
alleged offender.
Such a claim can be raised before any court and can be recognized at
any stage – this includes the stage of final disposal of the case and even
after the final disposal.
The claim will be determined according to the provisions of this Act and
the rules made thereunder, even if the person has ceased to be a child –
on or before the date of commencement of the Act.
3. If the Court concludes that the person who has committed an offence
was a child when the offence was committed, then it shall send the
person to the Board for passing appropriate orders and sentence in the
case. Further, if any orders or sentences have been passed by the Court,
the same will be deemed to have no effect on the person.
The Board constituted for any district shall have the power to deal
exclusively with the proceedings under the Act:
When an alleged child in conflict with law is produced before the Board, it
shall exercise its power to hold an inquiry according to the provisions of
this Act and may pass orders as it deems fit under Section 17 and 18 of
the JJ Act, 2015.
In the case of Puneet S. vs. State of Karnataka (2019 SCC OnLine Kar
1835), the Karnataka High Court held that only the Juvenile Justice Board
has the power to decide whether an offence committed by a juvenile is
heinous or not.
Ensuring informed participation of the child & the parent or the guardian
throughout the process
Ensuring protection of the child’s rights throughout the process of arresting the
child, inquiry, aftercare and rehabilitation
Ensuring the availability of legal aid for the child through various legal services
Adjudicating and disposing of cases pertaining to children in conflict with the law
according to the process mentioned in Section 14
08 Disposing of the matter and passing a final order which should include an
individual care plan for the child’s rehabilitation. This also includes follow-ups by
officers or an NGO.
Conducting inquiry for declaring that a certain person is fit for taking care of the
child in conflict with the law
Ordering the police for registration of FIR if any offence is committed against any
child in conflict with the law
Conducting a regular inspection of jails meant for adults, to check if any child is
lodged in such jails
Taking immediate measures for the transfer of a child found in jails for adults, to
an observation home
Any child who is in conflict with law cannot be kept in police lock-up or
jail under any circumstances. The Supreme Court said that Juvenile
Justice Boards should not be ‘silent spectators’, in the case Re:
Exploitation of Children in Orphanages in the State of Tamil Nadu vs.
Union of India and Ors.
In traditional law, the offenders were dealt with in a strict and harsh
manner. The practice of jailing the juveniles with hardened criminals led
to further trouble and disintegration of society.
It acknowledges the fact that children require special care and protection
instead of treating them in the same manner which led to their
engagement in criminal activities.
The Juvenile Justice Board aims to deal with such children in conflict with
the law in the best possible manner so that they can be integrated into
society as a contributing member at a later stage.
This is applicable provided that there are at least three members who
need to be there to dispose of the case finally.
The powers of the Child Welfare Committee are laid down in Section 29 of
the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015:
The said circular stated that the Child Welfare Committee of Thane
(Maharashtra) was not fully constituted and functional. By looking at the
above Circular, the charge of Thane Child Welfare Committee was
handed over to the Child Welfare Committee, Mumbai on the command
of the State Government. The Deputy Secretary of the Woman and Child
Development Department presented this in the Court.
The court was approached by her father who contended that the child
was originally handed over to the father by the Child Welfare Committee
but later, the Committee took away the child and then that child was
housed at the Nirbhaya Shelter Home. He contended for the custody of
the child as he was the biological father. The learned Counsel had
submitted that the child had no complaint against the father.
There was no explanation as to why the child was taken to the hospital
and where the prime accused was being treated. It is true that she may
like to have an association with her biological father. Learned counsel
then submitted that the child was taken at the instance of the police and
that statement could not be believed.
In the above circumstances, the Court was of the view that the child will
be more protected when she is in the custody of the Child Welfare
Committee. It shall be open for the petitioner to approach the Child
Welfare Committee and seek for appropriate orders and therefore
dismissed the writ petition.
Functions and Responsibilities
The Functions and Responsibilities of the Child Welfare Committee are
mentioned in Section 30 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2015. Few functions and responsibilities are listed below:
A reading of Section 27 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Act, 2015, tells us that the State Government constitutes Child
Welfare Committees in various districts. These Child Welfare Committees
are constituted for exercising powers, performing procedures in relation
to the committee, carrying out functions and responsibilities and
discharging duties that are applicable to the committees that work for
the protection and care of children by this Act.
The core principle of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
Act, 2015 is change and recovery and not punishment. The Act stipulates
that children in conflict with the law and children in need of care and
security should be catered for their essential needs by adequate care,
safety, growth, treatment, social reintegration, and child-friendly
Each child who comes into contact with the criminal justice system is a
child in challenging situations that have at some stage dropped out of
the safety net and has been deprived of a chance to have a safe and
stable childhood. In challenging situations, children in conflict with the
law should be viewed as children and the intervention of the criminal
justice system should aim at resolving the situation.
The premise behind redemption is that people are not born criminals and
an opportunity to be welcomed back to society should always be offered.
It also stops them from transforming into violent offenders. Instead of
prosecuting them as an offender, rehabilitation aims to bring the change
in juveniles who are in conflict with the law through schooling or
therapy. The law also makes sure that any child leaving a child care
institution at the age of eighteen is provided with financial assistance to
promote the reintegration of the child into mainstream society.
Registration of childcare
Without considering anything found in any other laws for the time being
in effect, all organizations, whether operated by a State Government or
voluntary or non-governmental organizations have to accommodate
children in need of care and security. These organizations have to be
registered in compliance with the act, within a period of six months from
the date of commencement of the same Act, regardless of whether or not
it receives grants from the Central or State Government.
The licensed child care institutions have the duty to accept children,
subject to the institution’s ability as directed by the Committee, whether
or not they obtain grants from the Central Government or the State
Government. Inspection committee appointed pursuant to Section
54 shall have the power to inspect any institution that houses children,
even if not registered for the purpose of deciding whether such institution
houses children in need of care and security or not.
Open shelter
The State Government may create and maintain as many open shelters
as may be necessary as mentioned in Section 43, by itself or by
voluntary or non-governmental organizations, and such open shelters
have to be registered as such in the manner specified. The open shelters
operate on a short-term basis as a community-based facility for children
in need of residential assistance with the goal of shielding them from
violence or holding them away from life on the streets. The open shelters
have to submit reports to the District Child Protection Unit and the
Committee every month, in the manner specified, concerning children
who have benefited from the shelter services.
Foster care
Children in need of support and security may be taken into foster care,
including community care by order of the Committee, after following the
protocol as may be recommended in this regard, especially in a family
which does not include the biological or adoptive parents of the child or
in an unrelated family recognized by the State Government as
appropriate for this purpose.
This can be for the short term or can be extended further by the
concerned authorities as prescribed by Section 44. The allocation of the
foster family is centred on the capacity, purpose, skill, and previous
experience of taking care of the children. All efforts shall be made to hold
siblings in foster care together unless it is best for them not to be
The State Government also provides monthly financial support for such
foster care through the District Child Protection Unit and also inspects to
ascertain the well-being of the children. If the children were placed in
foster care because their parents were found to be incompetent or unfit
by the Committee, the parents of the child may visit the child in the
foster home at frequent intervals, unless the committee feels that such
interactions aren’t in the child’s best interest.
The foster parents are responsible for supplying the child with schooling,
safety, and nutrition, and are responsible for maintaining the child’s
general well-being in the manner prescribed. In order to determine the
process, conditions, and manner in which foster care services have to be
given for children, the State Government can make rules regarding the
The Committee will perform the inspection of foster families each month
to ensure the child’s well-being, and if a foster family is found to be
failing in child care, the child shall be removed from that foster family
and transferred to another. Although, a child cannot be given for long-
term foster care.
In order to implement various initiatives for the sponsorship of children,
such as individual, group, or community sponsorship, the State
Government can make rules to facilitate them as mentioned in Section
45. The sponsorship will provide financial resources for families,
children’s homes, and special homes in order to meet the children’s
medical, nutritional, educational, and other needs in order to enhance
their well-being.
Observation homes
The State Government may create and maintain observation homes as
prescribed by Section 47, for the temporary admission, treatment, and
rehabilitation of any child alleged to be in conflict with the law in each
district or group of districts, either by itself or by voluntary or non-
governmental organizations, during the time period in which inquiry is
Special homes
Section 48 specifies that the State Government must create and
maintain, either on its own or through voluntary or non-governmental
organizations, special homes registered in any district or group of
districts as these may be necessary for the rehabilitation of those who
are found to have committed an offence and who is held there by the
order from the Juvenile Justice Board (Section 18).
Through the law, the State Government will have to provide for the
administration and supervision of special homes, including the
requirements and different kinds of services that are required for a child’s
social reintegration, and the conditions and the manner in which, the
registration of a special home may be authorized or revoked. The State
Government can also provide for the classification and differentiation of
children on the grounds of their age, gender, the severity of the offence
they had committed, and the mental and physical health of the child.
Place of safety
According to Section 49, the State Government shall create at least one
place of protection in a State registered under section 41 to locate an
individual over the age of 18 years or a child who is between 17 and 18
years of age and is suspected or guilty of having committed a heinous
crime. Every place of safety must provide various arrangements and
amenities for these children or individuals to reside throughout the
investigation process, and also for those who are convicted of committing
an offence. State government may specify the kinds of places that may
be approved as a place of protection and the facilities and services which
may be given therein.
Fit facility
A facility operated by a public agency or a charitable or non-profit entity
licensed under any statute shall be accepted by the Board or the
Committee as being capable of temporarily assuming the responsibility of
a child for the particular reason after a careful inquiry into the suitability
of the facility and the child care agency as mentioned in Section 51.
Managing Directors
Every institution shall have a management committee to be set up in the
manner specified in Section 53, to administer the institution and track
the progress of each child. The officer in charge of each institution,
housing children over the age of six, shall encourage the establishment
of children’s committees to engage in such activities as may be specified,
for the health and well-being of children in the institution.
The committee shall send reports of such visits to the District Child
Protection Units or the State Governor within one week of their visit. After
the inspection committee submits the report, the District Child Protection
Unit has to take appropriate measures within one month, and a
compliance report has to be submitted to the State Government.
There is also a necessity for control processes in instances of adoption
and foster–care. With the co-operation and sensitization of the officials
involved, a shift can be brought in the entire infrastructure. To be
effective in recovery and to maintain the children’s well-being, daily
follow-up is important. The task of social workers is all the more
important because children need continuous assistance even after the
recovery. The main objective should be to find a loving and caring family
for each adoptable child and to ensure that the child’s ‘best interests’ are
always borne in mind. The earlier a child is adopted by alternate families,
the better it is for the child’s overall growth and progress.
The JJ Act of 2015 introduced several amended laws for adoption process
to provide a suitable family to the abandoned, orphan or a surrendered
child. The adoption laws under the JJ Act were not a replacement for the
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act but it overtook the HAMA[1]. This
paper also aims to provide the complete valid adoption procedure and
other steps which are necessary to be followed for valid adoption. Despite
of the on-going initiatives of the government the adoption laws in India
face lacunas as well. The lacunas in the present adoption process and laws
in India are discussed here.
'Adoption was such a positive alternative to abortion, away to save one life
and brighten two more: those of the adoptive parents.' George W. Bush.
Adoption simply means a social and lawful process under which a parent
can take responsibility of a child to raise the child as their own. Adoption
can also be considered as the foundation to build a parent and child
relationship. The legal procedure under which a parent willingly ensures to
take care of a child as their own is known as adoption. The adoptive
parents and the biological parents must follow the legal procedure strictly
so that the adoption turns out to a valid one.
Adoption amongst the Hindus including Buddhist, Sikhs and Jains forms a
subject matter of the 'Personal Law' and their adoption rights are stated
under the Hindu Adoptions And Maintenance Act, 1956. The other
religions in India namely the Muslims, Parsis and Christians have no
separate laws for adoption, which covers the concept of adoption as their
personal law. Therefore, they can approach the court for adoptive rights
under the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 and the Juvenile Justice (Care &
Protection) Act, 2015. It is important to note that adoption can be legal or
an illegal one. Thus, the adoptive parents must abide with the laws
mentioned for a valid adoption.
Adoption is defined under section 2(aa) of the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2006. As per the act adoptions is
a procedure under which a adopted child separates from their biological
parents permanently and becomes a legitimate child of the adoptive
parents entitled to all rights, responsibilities and privileges which are
available within the relationship.[2]
Only if the female is major even if she is unmarried she gets the authority
to adopt a child. If the female gets married after adopting a child in that
case she remains the real mother and her husband becomes the stepfather
of the child.
Only if she is of sound mind.
In case any female want to adopt a child then the female should be
unmarried or if she is married her marriage is dissolved or her husband is
not alive or has entirely renounced the world.
An unmarried female can adopt a child despite that she is a mother of an
illegitimate child.[3]
Therefore, for a valid adoption the above mentioned conditions must be
followed accordingly.
Various Indian statues mention the laws relating to adoption they are as
Adoption under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 (HAMA)
The adoption process for the Hindus including Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists
are governed through the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956.
However, other religions such as the Muslims, Parsis and Christians are
excluded from the HAMA. The person who can adopt and who can be
adopted are stated above.
According to the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 any party
willing to adopt a child can write an application to the Child Welfare
Agency. The registration for adoption can be done through any agency
those are certified by Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) located
in New Delhi or through Adoption Coordinating Agency available in every
capital city of a state.
In the next stage the adoption agency conducts an interview with the
couple to know the true motives and intentions behind the adoption.
Thereafter, if the adoption agency finds good motives behind the adoption
then the party are free to decide the child they want to adopt. The party
have to file a petition at the appropriate jurisdiction court, where the court
proceeds with the adoption procedure and court hearing takes place
(within 2 months the court have to dispose of the adoption case).
Finally, the court issues the decree and the adoption procedure is finalized.
Under the Guardianship and Wards Act, 1890 the interested adopting
party has to file an application to the court and in such applications the
party have to mention reason for adoption and other necessary details as
asked in the application.
Thereafter, the court will set up an adoption case hearing date where the
court will examine all the evidences, documents and other requirements
as considered upon the minor's interests. (The procedure should be
disposed of by the court within two months)
After all the above procedure the court will decide whether the party
should be given the guardianship of the minor or not.
Adoption Process
At first the interested parents or party have to visit an authorized adoption
agency and register their names in the agency. The willing adoptive party
can visit a nearby agency were social workers will explain all the
procedures, documents and other necessary requirements for adoption
Home Study
After the registration of the adoptive parents are complete, in the next
process is home study and counselling. The allotted members of the
agency will visit the adoptive parent's house. Sometimes the members
may provide a counselling session for the parents to make the parents
aware of the weakness and strengths of parenting. As per the guidelines of
CARA such home study must be complete within 30 days from the
registration process.
Child's Referral
Once the child is ready for adoption the agency shall inform the adoptive
parents. The agency should disclose all the necessary information about
the child including medical reports and other relevant details. The agency
should allow the child and the parents to spent time together to create a
Petition Filing
After the parents have signed all the documents then the lawyer prepares
a suitable petition to present in the court. Once the lawyer is ready with
the petition accordingly he informs the parents as the petition has to be
signed in the presence of the officer.
Foster care
After the parents have signed the adoption petition in the court than the
adoptive parents can visit the foster care with the child to know more
about the child's habits from the staffs.
Court hearing
The adoptive parents have to attend the court hearing session which is
conducted between the judges and the adoptive Parents. During this
session the judge asks questions to the parents and mentions about the
amount which the parents will invest on the adopted child.
Court Orders
At last the adoption procedure ends after the adoptive parents provides
the investments to the Judge. Finally, the judge handovers the adoption
papers to the parents.[11]
Case Laws
The court held that if by any chance a wife has been absconded to an
unknown place; in that case the wife cannot be declared or considered as
dead. Until the ingredients mentioned under section 7 is fulfilled.
Mohammed Allahabad Khan v. Muhammad Ismail Khan[16]
In this case the court declared that there is vast difference between
adoption system under Muslim law and Hindu law. Under Muslim law
acknowledgement for paternity is considered to be the closest approach
towards adoption.
Section 3 of the Probation of the Offenders Act,1958 deals with the power
of court to release the offender after admonition. An Admonition, in literal
terms, means a firm warning or reprimand. Section 3 says how the
offender is benefited on the basis of admonition after satisfying the
following conditions:
Case laws
The Probation of Offenders Act of 1958 builds on the premise that
juvenile offenders should be stopped by counselling and rehabilitation
rather than thrown into jail by being regular offenders. The probation
officer focuses on the offender’s concern or desire, and tries to solve his
concern and aims to make the offender a productive member of the
community. Within the criminal justice system, the probation officer plays
a critical or important role. He is at the forefront of the rehabilitation of
the prisoners, he helps confess and rehabilitates the prisoners as a
decent citizen in society.
At the same time, the trial officer has a responsibility to mould the
offender’s character. There are therefore two aspects of supervision.
Probation control is one of the ways for courts to punish people who are
accused of criminal activity. Infractors undertake to the court to behave
properly, to prevent more crimes and to comply with the terms of the
warrant. Normal supervisory requirements include:
Decision making
Whilst deciding on the probationer under his responsibility, the probation
officer should remember that his decisions are of great importance not
only for the offender but also for the safety of the community.
1. Facilities of training,
2. Opportunities for jobs,
3. Any financial support needed, and
4. Contacts and groups such as Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, youth
programs and civic initiatives for regular citizens and co-
In order to monitor progress in rehabilitating discharged probationers
during such periods as may be prescribed by the Chief Probation
Superintendent and to submit a follow-up report to the district probation
officer and the Chief Probation Superintendent, the Probation officer will
continue to keep contact with discharged probationers. Where
appropriate, aftercare schemes and organisations such as Nav Jeevan
Mandals, District Probation and After Care Association shall be
participating in the Probation Officer.
The police have also played a key role in the rehabilitation and
socialization of the institutions’ young criminals. It is believed that the
public does not accept him when an individual is released from a
domestic institution. Society would tolerate him: otherwise, he will
engage again in anti-social activities and repetitive crimes. In this
respect, it is the duty of the police officer to restore such persons to
society and also to ensure that other agencies such as panchayat etc. are
aware of their duty to help him to socialise and carry out his ordinary
social work. In this situation, the probation officers must perform the
same form of tasks, support the offender to recover and adjust the
offenders to other members of society.
The Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 is very helpful especially in the
present context of prison reform, of a prison sentence that no longer
recognizes the jail sentence as the only course of care to ensure the
safety of society, is of considerable significance to the judiciary and
probation services.
For all suitable cases, where the concept of restorative justice has to be
enforced, it is crucial that the various criminal justice systems
organizations work together to make probation an effective method of
noncustodial care.