Bank Market Power
Bank Market Power
Bank Market Power
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study we explore market power in 13 euro area banking sectors for the years 2007
Available online 9 June 2021 to 2019 by means of a structural model framework with demand and supply equations,
where the mark-up of price over marginal cost is parameterized as a measure of banks’
JEL classification: conduct that depends on selected factors. Our evidence indicates that EU banks enjoy a sig-
C36 nificant degree of market power, which shows a decreasing trend over time and some dif-
F36 ference across countries. More competition is associated with higher bank density, lower
bank capitalization, more efficient and stable banking systems, better macroeconomic con-
ditions, and the establishment of the SSM. Finally, a clear convergence pattern emerges in
Keywords: the behaviour of EU banks.
Banking Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Market power
European integration
1. Introduction
The European Union (EU) has played a crucial role in building a common integrated market for member countries. One of
the main objectives of integration was the enhancement of competition in the various economic sectors, with particular
respect to price reductions in favour of consumers. Such benefits have characterized also the banking industry of EU member
states. In this case, competition might have produced additional spillover effects on the involved economies, since lower
prices mean better credit conditions on loans, which produce beneficial effects on investment, consumption, and hence eco-
nomic growth. On the other side, banking markets are often characterized by significant market power of incumbents (due,
e.g., to economies of scale, customer inertia, or informational asymmetries in credit relationships, which might generate sub-
stantial barriers for potential competitors).
Thus, it is not clear whether the more competitive environment of the various EU markets has involved also the banking
sectors, or whether banks’ market power remains substantial. From the 1990 s, the banking industries in Europe have moved
several steps towards a tighter integration. The adoption of the First and the Second Coordination Banking Directives allowed
European banks to freely open branches in all member states, thus removing legal entry barriers and deregulating capital
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
⇑ Corresponding author at: Università degli Studi di Salerno, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084
Fisciano, SA, Italy.
E-mail address: (P. Coccorese).
0261-5606/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
flows. Another important factor was the adoption of the single currency, which eliminated the exchange risk for banks. How-
ever, the trend of integration reversed with the subprime crisis, then began to recover in 2013 after the European sovereign
debt crisis (ECB, 2020). This ‘‘re-integration trend” was stimulated, among other factors, by the efforts at the EU level to cre-
ate a banking union to complement the monetary union in the euro area, but has decelerated in the most recent years prior
to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.1
As Weill (2013) notes, it is commonly accepted that those events have definitely promoted competition in the EU banking
industry, but the empirical studies investigating this issue do not provide unambiguous results. For example, contrary to
widespread thought, some studies have detected a decline of competition among banks (e.g., Fernandez de Guevara et al.,
2005). However, many investigations have focused on the 1990 s or the first years of 2000 s, when regulatory reforms led
to a series of (mainly domestic) mergers and acquisitions (M&As) that reorganized the banking sectors in order to improve
efficiency and performance. The picture may have changed in more recent years, when M&As involving banks of different
countries have risen in number and, especially, the Great Financial Crisis has dramatically hit the world economies, partic-
ularly financial markets and credit intermediaries.
This paper offers new evidence on the level and evolution of EU banks’ market power in the very recent years, namely the
period 2007–2019. Through a balanced panel dataset of 13 banking sectors that includes the largest economies belonging to
the European Union, we therefore investigate the role of financial crisis, the subsequent recession, and the recovery period
on their behaviour. Since all the considered countries have a common currency and, as part of the banking union process, are
all subjected to the Single Supervisory Mechanism, we are able to avoid possible biases arising from the use of heterogeneous
data. For achieving our purpose, we employ a structural model framework that provides an index measuring the competi-
tiveness of oligopoly conduct at the country level. Being a non-structural measure of competition, it is directly estimated as a
behavioural coefficient, without resorting to indirect proxies of competition (like market shares or concentration indices).
Several novelties characterize our study. First, the behavioural index that we estimate represents a clear and
theoretically-founded measure of market power, and is built as a function of a number of factors both internal and external
to the banking industry: to our knowledge, this approach has never been implemented before within the banking industry
studies. Second, we estimate country-level measures of market power starting from country-level data, which allows to
actually consider all banks of each country, whereas employing bank-level data normally discards several observations.
Third, by means of our behavioural parameters, we perform a couple of convergence tests, to aim at assessing whether
the possible specificities on single banking markets (with the related obstacles to the spreading of competition induced
by the EU common market) are acting as a hurdle to reaching a homogeneous competitive environment during a period
of time that starts from the global financial crisis and ends just before the emergence of the Covid pandemic. As a result,
our analysis is able to offer valuable and up-to-date indications to policy makers as regards the effective progress of integra-
tion as well as possible supplementary measures to be implemented in order to further strengthen the banking union.
In what follows, Section 2 reviews the previous literature on banking competition, Section 3 presents the theoretical
model, Section 4 provides a description of our empirical methodology, Section 5 discusses the empirical evidence on the
degree of market power in the European banking markets, Section 6 examines its convergence across countries, and Section 7
2. Literature review
Assessing market power in the banking industry has been a widely investigated topic in the latest economic literature,
because of phenomena like financial market deregulation, M&A activities, and the pervasive diffusion of technology, which
all occurred in the last thirty years or so. Indeed, this research issue is crucial due especially to the effects of banks’ market
power on at least two ‘‘public goods”: the stability of the banking industry, and the performance of the economy as a whole.
Regarding the first aspect, the ‘‘competition-fragility view” states that rivalry among banks triggers a reduction of profit
margins and thus encourages banks’ risk taking, while the ‘‘competition-stability view” argues that more market power, by
allowing banks to charge higher loan rates, is likely to increase bank risk because customers will find it harder to repay loans,
thus amplifying adverse selection and moral hazard problems (Berger et al., 2009; Schaeck et al., 2009). Regarding the overall
economic impact, a competitive banking market may reduce lending rates for borrowers and raise deposit rates for lenders,
thus boosting both savings and investments, hence economic development, but may also shrink the supply of credit to infor-
mationally opaque borrowers, because of adverse selection and moral hazard, as well as reduce business risk diversification
and the exploitation of economies of scale (Beck, 2015; Coccorese, 2017).
The empirical literature usually employs two different techniques for determining the level of competition – hence the
degree of market power, the other side of the same coin – in the banking sector. According to the structural approach, based
on the traditional ‘‘structure-conduct-performance” (SCP) paradigm, in highly concentrated markets collusion is simpler and
thus more likely to occur, therefore banks should gain higher profits. The ‘‘new empirical industrial organization” (NEIO)
The banking union was created in 2012 and is based on two pillars: the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), that is the system of banking supervision in
Europe and includes the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national supervisory authorities of the participatory countries; and the Single Resolution
Mechanism (SRM), that aims to ensure the efficient resolution of failing banks with minimal costs for taxpayers and to the real economy.
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
approach employs non-structural models of price and output determination for estimating a conduct parameter that mea-
sures the market power exercised by banks.
Given that the SCP paradigm predicts a positive relationship between industry structure and performance (e.g., Bain,
1951), it normally focuses on the estimation of a relationship between an index of market concentration and a measure
of performance (profits or prices). However, the econometric evidence is rather mixed – for example, see Gilbert (1984),
Weiss (1989), and Shaffer (2004b) – and often does not support the framework’s prediction.
The main characteristic of the NEIO approach is the direct assessment of firms’ conduct by means of theoretically-based
methodologies, hence ruling out indirect (and possibly ambiguous) inferences about market power drawn on concentration
measures, yet requiring additional specific information on costs and demand. The most frequently adopted NEIO methods
within the banking studies include the mark-up test, the H-statistic, the Lerner index, and the Boone indicator.
The Bresnahan-Lau mark-up test consists in the estimation of a simultaneous model of demand and supply equations that
contains a conduct parameter quantifying the degree of banks’ market power. It can be interpreted as either a conjectural
variation coefficient or the deviation of the perceived marginal revenue schedule of a bank in the industry from the demand
schedule, and its estimated level depends on the degree of market power prevailing in the industry (Iwata, 1974; Bresnahan,
1982; Lau, 1982). This method has been applied to banking data in several recent studies (e.g.: Toolsema, 2002; Coccorese,
2008; Delis et al., 2008; Rezitis, 2010; Qin and Shaffer, 2014; Mirza et al., 2016).
The H-statistic, introduced by Panzar and Rosse (1987), is calculated as the sum of the estimated elasticities of revenues
to factor prices. The sign and magnitude of that sum has been interpreted as an index of the degree of market power, and the
method has been widely used as in Claessens and Laeven (2004), Schaeck et al. (2009), Bikker et al. (2012), and many other
studies.2 This method requires bank-level data and thus cannot be implemented with our dataset.
The Lerner index (Lerner, 1934) evaluates a bank’s market power as a function of the difference between price and mar-
ginal cost (divided by price), which should be zero in perfectly competitive markets, but positive in presence of market
power that allows banks to set prices above marginal cost (the latter being estimated from a standard cost function). One
advantage of this index is to provide a bank-level measure of market power, but, accordingly, it requires bank-level data
and again cannot be applied with our dataset. Weill (2013) has used both the H-statistic and the Lerner index to test for con-
vergence in banking competition across EU countries. Hyde and Perloff (1995) have noted some weaknesses in each of the
markup (Bresnahan), Panzar-Rosse, and Lerner methods.
Lastly, the Boone indicator (Boone, 2008) is an industry-level figure, calculated on firm-level data as the elasticity of firms’
profits with respect to their costs: higher values are likely to indicate more intense competition as long as the latter enables
more efficient firms (i.e. those with lower marginal costs) to earn relatively higher profits or market shares than less efficient
In this study, we focus on the banking industries of 13 EU countries, and estimate a simultaneous equation model of
demand and supply for loans based on Bresnahan (1982) and Lau (1982) so as to gauge the degree of market power of banks.
We employ balanced panel data covering the years 2007 to 2019. The novelty is that the behavioural index ordinarily pro-
vided by this model is built as a function of a number of structural and economic factors. This structural model framework
enables us to simultaneously identify the relevant determinants of the competitiveness of European banking markets, and
hence their loan price.
In the literature analysing banking industries, other papers have tried to provide empirical evidence on the evolution and
determinants of banks’ market power. However, they have typically adopted a two-step sequential approach: first, a bank-
level Lerner index is estimated; then, it is regressed over a number of banking and market observable characteristics.
Claessens and Laeven (2004) explore factors that may affect market power in the banking industry in an extensive sample
of 50 countries over the period 1994–2001. Using the Panzar-Rosse H-statistic, they report that greater competition is asso-
ciated with increased entry by foreign banks and fewer restrictions on entry and activities. Shaffer (2004a) provides further
discussion and explanation of their analysis.
Fernandez de Guevara et al. (2005) focus on the evolution of market power in the banking sectors of five European coun-
tries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom) during the period 1992–1997. Overall, their results show that
using concentration measures as proxy for the competition environment in banking markets may be misleading. Moreover,
their estimated bank-level Lerner indices do not provide evidence of an increase in the degree of competition within the EU,
and appear to increase with bank size, operating efficiency, loans-to-assets ratio, and economic expansion.
Fernandez de Guevara and Maudos (2007) concentrate on the Spanish banking system over the period 1986–2002 in
order to analyse the explanatory factors of banks’ market power. They find an increase of Lerner indices from the mid-
1990 s, and show that market power of banks is higher when they have a larger size (although such relation is non-
linear), focus especially on the traditional intermediation activity, maintain lower liquidity, and are characterized by higher
efficiency, while market concentration does not play a significant role.
Ayadi et al. (2010) investigate the determinants of market power (proxied by the Lerner index) in seven EU banking
industries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Finland, Netherlands, and Spain) for the period 2000–2008. Overall, market
power increases with market concentration, but decreases with the cost-to-income ratio (i.e. with cost inefficiency),
We express thanks to an anonymous referee for suggesting these references.
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
capitalization (imputed to the fact that in the sample period, because of a rapid rise in asset prices, being leveraged might
have contributed to greater profits), and branch network density.
Fungacova et al. (2010) examine bank competition in Russia by assessing the determinants of the Lerner index of local
banks over the years 2001 to 2006. Their main findings are that competition has only slightly improved, although the aver-
age Lerner index is approximately the same of developed countries, and that banks’ market power is positively influenced by
market concentration, and negatively affected by risk (as measured by non-performing loans), while bigger bank size is asso-
ciated with higher market power only up to a certain point (beyond which it becomes detrimental).
While studying bank penetration, market structure and banking conduct of Austrian banks in the year 2006, Burgstaller
(2013) finds that their mark-ups (proxied by ad-hoc estimated Lerner indices) do not show any link with market concentra-
tion while are negatively related to bank office density, population density, and inefficiency.
Aiming at assessing the degree of market power in 17 Central and Eastern European banking markets in the years 2002 to
2010, Efthyvoulou and Yildirim (2014) find some convergence in country-level Lerner indices (calculated as the average of
bank-level Lerner indices in each country, weighted by banks’ deposits market share) only up to the onset of the global finan-
cial crisis. Besides, market power is higher when banks are more operationally efficient, earn more income from non-interest
sources, are better capitalized, and have a better asset quality.
Mirzaei and Moore (2014) investigate the determinants of bank competition for a large sample of countries in the period
1999–2011. They employ the country-level values of the Lerner index and the Boone indicator (as reported by the World
Bank Global Financial Development Database), and find, among other things, that a more concentrated banking system faces
greater competition in advanced economies but hampers competition in developing economies, and that market power is
higher where per capita GDP is larger and bank credit grows slowly.
Rakshit and Bardhan (2019) consider a sample of 70 Indian commercial banks so as to measure and explain the degree of
competition over the period 1996–2016. Their estimated Lerner indices show to be positively associated to operational effi-
ciency, profitability, the share of non-interest income, capitalization, and GDP growth, while negatively related to the inci-
dence of bad loans.
Aguilar and Portilla (2020) study the evolution and determinants of market power in Peru’s regulated microfinance sector
from January 2003 to June 2016 by means of both a conventional and an efficiency-adjusted Lerner index. Their main evi-
dence is that both indices decreased until 2014 and then significantly grew, and that the largest companies as well as the
more efficient ones are characterized by greater market power.
As stated above, we use the Bresnahan-Lau model to identify several factors that appear to affect market power in a group
of euro area banking sectors, through the estimation of a simultaneous two-equation system. In this light, the present study
is one of the first attempts to employ such technique for the banking sector, and one of the few in the broader market power
literature. Similar Bresnahan-Lau settings – i.e. with the behavioural parameter depending on external factors – have been
developed only by Jans and Rosenbaum (1996) for the U.S. cement industry, Gallet (1997) for the U.S. rayon industry in the
1930 s, and Coccorese and Pellecchia (2013) for investigating the role of multimarket contact within the Italian banking
industry. In its basic design (i.e. with a unique conduct parameter), the Bresnahan-Lau mark-up model has been applied
to the banking sector, among others, by Shaffer (1989, 1993), Suominen (1994), Toolsema (2002), Coccorese (2008), Delis
et al. (2008), Rezitis (2010), Qin and Shaffer (2014), and Mirza et al. (2016).
Although this NEIO approach has a strong theoretical background and is able to overcome several limitations that char-
acterize the SCP paradigm, it is not exempt from potential drawbacks. For example, by means of simulation experiments,
Hyde and Perloff (1995) find that the Bresnahan-Lau model works well only if the underlying equations are properly spec-
ified. Corts (1999) argues, both analytically and with simulations, that the conduct parameter derived within conjectural
variation models may fail to measure market power accurately, while Perloff and Shen (2012) show that estimates based
on the linear model inherently suffer from a severe multicollinearity problem, hence the estimated parameters in the opti-
mality equation – including the market power parameter – might be imprecisely measured. The latter problem can be, nev-
ertheless, mitigated if at least one of the equations has some other functional form.
3. The model
We apply an established theoretical framework and follow prior literature in presenting its details, explanation, and esti-
mation. In this framework, a profit-maximizing bank chooses its level of output (here proxied by loans) so that its marginal
revenue equals marginal cost.3 In a market with n banks, marginal revenue corresponds to the demand price under perfect
competition, while it is equal to the marginal revenue of the whole industry in case of perfect collusion among all banks.
While such a model can be developed and estimated using bank-specific data, here we apply the parsimonious version
proposed by Bresnahan (1982, 1989) and Lau (1982) for which country-level data suffice. The trade-off inherent in this
approach is the loss of any ability to estimate bank-specific patterns of conduct. However, this does not impose any assump-
tion of identical conduct across banks within a country. Rather, the estimated parameter will quantify the average conduct
As is standard, this equilibrium condition can be interpreted as applying in expectation (i.e., according to a bank’s ex-ante perception) or in an ex-post sense
after the bank has learned its true marginal revenue function. The same model can be extended to apply to a vector of outputs, as in Shaffer (1996). Suominen
(1994) also reports multiproduct estimates based on this model, but overlooked a key cross-equation parameter restriction.
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
across all banks within a country. The practical usefulness of such a parameter is that, for any country in which a substantial
amount of market power is indicated, this country could be targeted for additional analysis using a more detailed, bank-
specific database. This step could be important in light of recent findings by Altunbas et al. (2019) that the level of aggrega-
tion of competition measures can have contrasting effects on systematic risk.
One important advantage of our approach is that, unlike the bank-specific datasets that are sometimes used in empirical
studies, we are able to construct an appropriate measure of the average banking wage rate, rather than having to use the
rough proxy of the ratio of wage expenses to banking assets, which is known to exhibit systematic bias with respect to scale
and other relevant variables.
For a given country c at time t, the loan market demand is represented as
Q c;t ¼ Q c;t ðPc;t ; Xc;t ; dÞ ð1Þ
where Qc,t is the aggregate level of loans, Pc,t is the loan interest rate charged by local banks, Xc,t is a vector of exogenous
variables affecting the demand curve, and d is a vector of unknown parameters to be estimated.
The industry’s true marginal revenue function is equal to
Q c;t ðÞ
MRc;t ¼ P c;t þ @Q c;t ðÞ
while the perceived marginal revenue function for the generic bank i operating in that country, and supplying the quantity
of loans qi,c,t, is
qi;c;t ðÞ
MRi;c;t ¼ Pc;t þ ki;c;t @Q c;t ðÞ
@P c;t
The positive (unknown) parameter ki,c,t measures the competitiveness of oligopoly conduct. Under conventional theoret-
ical models of profit-maximizing equilibrium, its value is expected to range from 0 to 1: when ki,c,t = 0, each bank acts as
though marginal revenue coincides with market demand, so that price equals marginal cost and the behaviour is perfectly
competitive; when ki,c,t = 1, banks refer to the industry marginal revenue when setting price and output, which indicates joint
monopoly or perfect collusion. Intermediate values of ki,c,t denote various degrees of imperfect competition or market power,
with aggregate output less than the competitive value. Negative values of k should reflect an unsustainable deviation from
long-run equilibrium characterized by pricing below marginal cost; hence, aggregate output will exceed the competitive
norm (Gruben and McComb, 2003; Shaffer, 2004b).
The presence of individual ki,c,t’s causes an overparameterization of this model, which can nonetheless be solved by aggre-
gation. As a result, we are able to use country industry data for both demand and cost variables, and for each country the
industry’s marginal cost function MCc,t can now be interpreted as the horizontal summation of the n banks’ marginal cost
functions (Bresnahan, 1989; Shaffer, 2004b, pp. 292-293). We are then left with a single parameter kc,t, which measures
the average conduct of the banks operating in country/market c at time t (Bresnahan, 1989, pp. 1016–1017). Note, as
described above, that this aggregation does not impose any restriction or assumption on the degree of heterogeneity of com-
petitive conduct across banks, but – as a trade-off for the parsimony of using country-level data – cannot provide any infor-
mation about such heterogeneity within a country.
After aggregating for the n banks in the market, we can write the equilibrium condition MR = MC as
Q c;t ðÞ
Pc;t þ kc;t @Q c;t ðÞ
¼ MC c;t ð4Þ
or else
Pc;t MC c;t ¼ ð5Þ
@Q c;t ðÞ
where gc;t ¼ 1
@P c;t Q c;t ðÞ
is the semi-elasticity of market demand with respect to price.
In Equation (5) we get a measure of the deviation of price from marginal cost MC, hence from the competitive price level.
Shaffer (1993) proves that –k is also a local (or linear) approximation of the percentage deviation of total industry output
from the optimal level of production that characterizes the competitive equilibrium.
We might expect that k could potentially vary systematically as a function of various bank-specific factors such as size,
and this hypothesis could be tested with a dataset of bank-specific variables. However, as noted above, our reliance on
country-level data precludes estimating such effects in this model, and our estimate of k will correspond to the average level
of conduct across banks within a given country. This approach follows standard literature.
As we aim at investigating the factors affecting banks’ market power in European countries, we specify our behavioural
index kc,t as a function of a vector Yc,t of industry and macroeconomic characteristics of country c at time t (to be specified
kc;t ¼ kc;t ðYc;t Þ ð6Þ
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
Two important advantages of this empirical approach are the provision of an easily interpreted test statistic that encom-
passes the various oligopoly solution concepts, and – as noted above – the possibility to use industry aggregate data (Shaffer,
2004b, p. 294). It is also able to capture any monopsony power (Shaffer, 1999, p. 191). It is worth noting that the estimation
of k does not rely on any particular definition of local banking markets within a country. If each country in the sample actu-
ally comprises multiple local or regional markets, the estimate of k would represent the average degree of market power of
the banks across those separate markets (Shaffer, 2001, p. 88).4
Finally, if each nation in our sample spans a complete market (or set of markets), we would not expect any bias in our
estimation of the market power parameter (Shaffer, 2001, p. 90); conversely, if some national economies in our sample
are so open as to comprise less than a full market (that is, if cross-border competition is significant in the EU banking indus-
try), the estimated market power parameter will overstate the true value and thus overstate the degree of market power
(Shaffer, 2001, pp. 90 and 99, footnote 7). Following the literature, we do not attempt to measure or control for such cross-
border competition, but merely note its potential effect on the estimates. This sensitivity to the undermeasurement of complete
markets is a possible disadvantage of the Bresnahan-Lau test, along with its requirements for nonlinear system estimation and
data on aggregate industry demand.
We also acknowledge that, like various other tests for market power, it can be fooled by expense preference behaviour if
banks choose to exercise some market power in the direction of inflating their costs rather than profits (Edwards, 1977;
Shaffer, 2004b, p. 297) As noted in Shaffer and Spierdijk (2017, p. 19), this measure is also closely related to measures pro-
posed by Rothschild (1942), Genesove and Mullin (1998), and Wolfram (1999).
4. Econometric specification
For estimating the market power index k, we need a simultaneous model that includes the demand equation (1) and the
supply relation (5) where kc,t is specified as in (6).
For empirical estimation, we must specify particular functional forms. Our demand function takes a semi-logarithmic
form, following prior studies (Lopez et al., 2002; Captain et al., 2007; Coccorese and Pellecchia, 2013) and avoiding the iden-
tification trap explained in Lau (1982):
lnQ c;t ¼ a0 þ a1 Pc;t þ a2 Z c;t þ a3 POPc;t þ a4 YPC c;t þ ec;t ð7Þ
In (7), Qc,t is the amount of loans provided in country c and year t, Pc,t is the average interest rate on loans, Zc,t is the inter-
est rate of long-term government bonds (a proxy for the price of a substitute for bank loans; long-term bond yields guarantee
some variability among countries, at the same time allowing to capture the specificities of each national financial market),
POPc,t measures the country population (a variable that accounts for the absolute market size), YPCc,t represents the per cap-
ita Gross Domestic Product (which controls for the level of local income), and ec,t is the error term.
Our choice of a semi-logarithmic demand function has the advantage of not imposing constant elasticities (which would
happen when using the double-logarithmic functional form), a desirable assumption when dealing with time-series data. In
addition, the estimation of the coefficient a1 directly provides a measure of the average value of the price semi-elasticity of
demand g.
Regarding the supply relation (5), we assume that marginal cost derives from a translog cost function (an acknowledged
hypothesis in the analysis of banks’ costs, consistent with substantial prior literature) with three inputs (deposits, W1, labour,
W2, and capital, W3) and one output (loans, q):
lntci;c;t ¼ b0 þ bq lnqi;c;t þ bh lnW h;c;t þ bT lnTIMEþ
( )
1 2 X3 X 3
þ bqq lnqi;c;t þ bhk lnW h;c;t lnW k;c;t þ bTT ðlnTIMEÞ þ
2 h¼1 k¼1
3 X
þ bqh lnqi;c;t lnW h;c;t þ bTq lnTIMElnqi;c;t þ bTh lnTIMElnW h;c;t þ mi;c;t ð8Þ
h¼1 h¼1
where tci,c,t and qi,c,t are bank i’s total costs and output, respectively, Wh,c,t (h = 1,2,3) are the exogenous prices of the
inputs, and TIME is a time trend included to capture the possible effects of technological change over banks in the sample
period5 (Zardkoohi and Fraser, 1998).
Similar reasoning can be applied to the question of multiple outputs in the context of a scalar-output empirical model. To the extent that additional outputs
exist, the estimated conduct parameter would be interpreted as the average country-specific pattern of conduct across all banking outputs.
The standard errors of the elasticities have been calculated by means of the delta method. Details on the procedure are supplied in Appendix A.
Our formulation of the cost function is consistent with the ‘‘intermediation approach”, the most widely adopted in banking, for which deposits represent an
intermediate input in the production of loans, in conjunction with other factors, as banks are regarded as a channel of funds from depositors to borrowers. An
alternative concept, the ‘‘production approach,” considers banks as firms producing a variety of services to customers, thus viewing both deposits and loans as
outputs of banks. For more details, see Mester (2008), pp. 151–152.
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
In the translog cost function, the symmetry condition implies ahk = akh. In addition, linear homogeneity in input prices
requires that:
3 X
3 X
3 X
bh ¼ 1; bhk ¼ 0ðh ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ; bqh ¼ 0; bTh ¼ 0:
h¼1 k¼1 h¼1 h¼1
We impose the previous conditions by dividing total costs and factor prices by W3,c,t. Finally, for each country we aggre-
n P
gate across the banks operating therein, so that qi;c;t ¼ Q c;t and tci;c;t ¼ TC c;t . All the above leads to the following national
i¼1 i¼1
translog cost function:
TC c;t W h;c;t
ln ¼ b0 þ bQ lnQ c;t þ bh ln þ bT lnTIMEþ
W 3;c;t h¼1
W 3;c;t
( )
1 2 X2 X 2
W h;c;t W k;c;t 2
þ bQQ lnQ c;t þ bhk ln ln þ bTT ðlnTIMEÞ þ
2 h¼1 k¼1
W 3;c;t W 3;c;t
2 X2
W h;c;t W h;c;t
þ bQh lnQ c;t ln þ bTQ lnTIMElnQ c;t þ bTh lnTIMEln þ tc;t ð9Þ
W 3;c;t h¼1
W 3;c;t
2 019
þk5 ZSCOREc;t þ k6 GDPGRc;t þ kk Yk ð12Þ
The Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI), here calculated on total assets, controls for the possibility that banks in more con-
centrated markets are able to exploit greater market power, in line with the SCP paradigm. The number of branches per thou-
sand adult inhabitants (BRPC) is a proxy of branch density that allows to take into account the role of penetration of the
banking system within the economy. We expect a negative sign of the related coefficient, since the number of banks in a
market (hence, bank office density) is typically inversely related to the distance between the lender and the (closest) com-
peting banks, which implies that more banks are likely to induce harsher competition and lower loan rates (Degryse and
Ongena, 2005, p. 236).
The ratio between total equity and total assets (EQAST) is added to control for the level of bank capitalization. We con-
jecture that better capitalized banks enjoy higher market power, because they have access to cheaper funds (due to the fact
that their probability of failure is lower, which reduces the interest expenses on uninsured debt: see Berger, 1995, p. 435),
suffer less from moral hazard problems, and may take more risk (with likely positive effects on revenues and profits). INEFF
aims at capturing the impact of banks’ operational inefficiency on market power, and is calculated as the ratio between non-
interest expenses and total operating income (Fernandez de Guevara et al., 2005; Efthyvoulou and Yildirim, 2014). Such vari-
able should exhibit a negative coefficient as long as less efficient banking industries (characterized by higher cost-to-income
ratios) enjoy lower margins.
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
We also include the country-level Z-score (ZSCORE), a widely used indicator of overall bank stability (Boyd and Graham,
1986; Hannan and Hanweck, 1988; Boyd and Runkle, 1993; Maechler et al., 2007; Laeven and Levine, 2009; Demirgüç-Kunt
and Huizinga, 2010; Delis and Kouretas, 2011; Beck et al., 2013; Fang et al., 2014; Lepetit and Strobel, 2015; Coccorese and
Ferri, 2019). Particularly, it measures banks’ distance-to-default: their individual insolvency risk is higher (i.e., they are
financially less stable) when their Z-score is lower, and vice versa. The index is calculated as
ROAc;t þ EQAST c;t
ZSCOREc;t ¼ ð13Þ
where ROAc,t is the average return on assets of banks in country c at time t, EQASTc,t is their average equity-to-assets ratio,
and rROA is the standard deviation of ROA over the years t-2, t-1 and t. ZSCORE may show either a positive or negative coef-
ficient, depending on whether insolvency risk within the banking sector implies a higher or lower mark-up. A stable banking
system (i.e. far from insolvency) allows banks to operate more comfortably especially with customers, with whom they can
develop tighter relationships that are likely to increase their market power (Petersen and Rajan, 1995), although this is
nonetheless a desirable outcome for borrowers that would not be otherwise financed. On the other side, more stable banking
systems are also attractive and tend to induce entry from competitors (Kabir and Worthington, 2017, p. 119), which reduces
incumbents’ mark-up.
Finally, GDPGR is the real growth rate of GDP of each country, which reflects the business cycle and can indicate whether
banks’ market power varies with the macroeconomic conditions of each country. As Angelini and Cetorelli (2003) observe,
banks’ response to business cycle dynamics is not unambiguous. According to the model by Rotemberg and Saloner (1986),
banks’ mark-up may be countercyclical, since a relatively high demand increases each participant’s incentives to deviate
from the collusive agreement; thus a reduction of mark-ups is convenient for maintaining discipline. On the other side, fol-
lowing the model by Green and Porter (1984), lower levels of demand determine less business prospects for banks, which
may lead to price wars in case banks misinterpret the fall in market demand as deviations from cooperative agreements, thus
implying again a drop of mark-ups that are now cyclical. As long as banks’ mark-up is countercyclical (cyclical), we should
get a negative (positive) sign for GDPGR.
Substituting (12) in (11), we get:
TC c;t W 1;c;t W 2;c;t
Pc;t ¼ bQ þ bQQ ln Q c;t þ bQ 1 ln þ bQ 2 ln þ bTQ ln TIME
Q c;t W 3;c;t W 3;c;t
k1 HHIc;t þ k2 BRPC c;t þ k3 EQAST c;t þ k4 INEFF c;t þ k5 ZSCOREc;t þ k6 GDPGRc;t þ kk Yk
þ sc;t ð14Þ
In summary, in our structural model the system to be estimated is given by equations (7) and (14). Lau (1982) proves that
a necessary and sufficient condition for the correct identification of the conduct parameter k in a system of demand and cost
equations is that the demand function must not be separable in at least one exogenous variable that is included in the
demand function but excluded from the marginal cost function. In our specification, this condition is met through the use
@ 2 Q c;t
of the semi-logarithmic demand function, since, for example, it is @Pc;t @POP c;t
¼ a1 a3 Q c;t –0.
Our (balanced) dataset includes 13 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain) for the period 2007 to 2019.6 Information on individual banking sectors come
from various databases managed by the ECB (European Central Bank), particularly those regarding balance sheet items, consol-
idated banking data, MFI interest statistics, and banking structural financial indicators. Data on government interest rates, pop-
ulation and GDP have been collected from Eurostat (the EU statistical office). Economic figures have been converted into
constant 2010 values by means of the GDP deflator. In Table 1 some descriptive statistics of the data are provided.
We estimate our system of equations by non-linear three-stage least squares, thus assuming that their error terms are
correlated across equations, but uncorrelated over time (Neven and Roller, 1999). Following the standard practice, we use
all exogenous variables as instruments; because of the intrinsic endogeneity of Qc,t and Pc,t, we also use their first lagged val-
ues as instruments, so as to deal with possible problems of correlation between these variables and the error terms
(Coccorese and Pellecchia, 2013).
We estimate four specifications of our model. We first treat the behavioural parameter k as a constant (i.e. kc,t = k0), thus
resembling the customary Bresnahan-Lau mark-up test (Model 1). Then, we estimate three further systems where kc,t is a
function of: a) only the supposed explanatory variables HHI, BRPC, EQAST, INEFF, ZSCORE, and GDPGR (Model 2); b) only
the year dummy variables (Model 3); c) both the country-level regressors and the year dummies (Model 4). The results of
such estimations are shown in Table 2.
Sample countries (all belonging also to the European Union and broader European Economic Area) have been selected on the ground of data availability for
the entire period. For other European countries, some banking data were missing from ECB for at least one of the years under inspection, while we have opted
for working on a balanced panel (especially because we use our empirical results for computing the values for the behavioral parameter by country and year).
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
Table 1
Summary statistics and data description.
Regarding the demand equation, the values of the adjusted R20 s (0.85) prove that the overall fit is good, while the coef-
ficients of the explanatory variables are highly comparable across the two models, and are all significant at the 1% level.
The negative sign of the loan price, P, confirms the downward slope of the demand curve. The coefficient of Z is positive,
confirming that government bonds yield is a good proxy for the price of a substitute of bank loans. By calculating the elas-
ticities of both P and Z (ranging between 0.51 and –0.55, and between + 0.40 and + 0.45, respectively), it appears that |eQ,P|
> eQ,Z (see Table 2): because the cross-price elasticity is smaller than the own-price elasticity, we verify that European banks
have succeeded in lessening price competition in their home markets through some combination of differentiating their
products and providing fringe services to customers.7
Because the value of the own-price elasticity of demand is less than 1 in absolute value, it appears that banks are choosing
to produce in the inelastic portion of the demand curve. A profit-maximizing equilibrium requires marginal cost (which is
always positive) to equal marginal revenue (which however is negative for inelastic demand). Inelastic demand thus indi-
cates some combination of the following conditions: (1) banks are not behaving in a profit-maximizing way but are pursuing
some other financial objective such as size maximization; (2) the banking industry is not in equilibrium for some substantial
portion of our sample; and/or (3) bank-level demand functions are substantially more elastic than the aggregate demand
function, which would indicate a high level of competition (a low degree of market power). Below, we shall refine these ini-
tial impressions by looking at the estimated values of the behavioural index k.
The POP variable has a positive coefficient, so more populated markets are associated with higher loan demand, as we
would expect. Finally, the coefficient of YPC is also positive, meaning that the level of per capita GDP has a constructive role
in stimulating loan demand, again consistent with economic theory.
As regards the supply equation, we can observe that it fits the data properly, since the adjusted R2 equals 0.62 in Model 1
but reaches 0.79 in Model 4. All coefficients of the marginal cost functions are significant at the 1% level, except lnQ (in Mod-
els 1 and 3) and lnTIME (in Models 1 and 2).
In the same equation, we can now evaluate the behavioural parameters characterising European banks. In Model 1 (where
k is held constant across countries and over time), the market power index is equal to 0.4983, significantly different from
both 0 and 1 at the 1% level of significance. The interpretation of this finding is that during the sample period the perceived
marginal revenue of EU banks has been about 50 per cent of the marginal revenue that would be taken into consideration by
a monopolistic firm or a perfect cartel. Having tested that k significantly differs from both zero and one, we can reject the
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
Table 2
System estimation results.
The systems have been estimated by non-linear three-stage least squares with optimal weighting matrix and robust standard errors.
The instruments used are: levels and logs of first-lagged Q and P; levels and logs of Z, POP, YPC, TC, W1, W2, W3, TIME (in Models 2 and 4, further instruments
are: levels and logs of HHI, BRPC, EQAST, INEFF, ZSCORE, GDPGR; in Models 3 and 4, further instruments are: levels of year dummies).
The elasticities have been computed at mean values of the variables (their z-values are based on standard errors calculated by the delta method).
Significance for the parameter estimates: *** = 1% level; ** = 5% level; * = 10% level.
hypotheses of both perfect collusion and perfect competition in the EU as a whole. Nonetheless, the value k = 0.4983 portrays
a situation where European banks have a substantial market power: actually, considering that a symmetric Cournot equilib-
rium would generate k = 1/n (Bresnahan, 1982, p. 88), our point estimate of the conduct parameter corresponds roughly to a
symmetric Cournot duopoly where just two banks divide the market evenly.
In Fig. 1 we portray the average situation of European banking markets when k = 0.4983. All curves have been drawn
starting from the estimated values of parameters of Model 1. The market equilibrium in the sample period is E, where mar-
ginal cost MC equals perceived marginal revenue, corresponding to the (calculated) value of loans (Q) of 570 thousand mil-
lion euro at the aggregate country level. We can note that this figure is rather close to the median value of our sample (514
thousand million euro: see Table 1), and that European banks did not behave as joint profit-maximizing firms, since the equi-
librium quantity is set where the industry’s marginal revenue MR is negative, i.e. where the market demand was perceived to
be inelastic (as we noted before). This evidence matches with our estimated own-price elasticity of demand (-0.5527). Actu-
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
Fig. 1. Estimated average country-level demand, marginal cost and marginal revenue for the EU banking industry (based on Model 1).
ally, a collusive agreement among banks would have implied to set the quantity where marginal cost is equal to the indus-
try’s marginal revenue, i.e. point M (where Q = 346 thousand million euro). Hence, we can reject the hypothesis of a mono-
poly conduct of European banks.
Nonetheless, we observe that their behaviour is far from being close to perfect competition, because in such situation,
corresponding to point C in Fig. 1 (where firms do not perceive any difference between their marginal revenue functions
and demand function, thus acting as price takers and therefore setting a price equal to marginal cost), the calculated Q would
amount to 936 thousand million euro, about 64% more than the actual equilibrium. On this point, Fig. 1 helps to demonstrate
that k measures the gap between the perceived MR curve and the demand curve, relative to the distance between the indus-
try’s MR curve and the demand curve: as k = 0.4983, the perceived MR is about in the middle between the industry’s mar-
ginal revenue curve and the market demand curve.
Since the estimation results are consistent across Models 2 to 4, we focus on the empirical evidence characterizing Model
4, i.e. the full specification, from which we can assess the impact of our selected factors on the behaviour of banks. There is no
significant link between market concentration and market power, as the coefficient of HHI is not statistically different from
zero. Therefore, our results do not support the SCP paradigm (consistent with, among others: Fernandez de Guevara et al.,
2005; Fernandez de Guevara and Maudos, 2007; Anzoategui et al., 2010; Delis, 2012; Efthyvoulou and Yildirim, 2014;
Rakshit and Bardhan, 2019), while it suggests that in concentrated markets banks may not be always able to exploit market
power advantages.
In line with prior literature (Angelini and Cetorelli, 2003; Casu and Girardone, 2006; Coccorese, 2008; Ayadi et al., 2010;
Burgstaller, 2013), the variable BRPC shows a negative and significant coefficient, meaning that a higher number of branches
per inhabitants, by likely implying a stronger local competition among banks, is associated with weaker market power. On
the contrary, more capitalized banking systems are characterized by higher market power, as the EQAST variable exhibit a
positive and significant coefficient, an evidence that corroborates previous findings (Delis, 2012; Ghosh, 2018; Rakshit
and Bardhan, 2019). Hence, better capitalized banks benefit from higher margins due to higher loan rates (linked to the pos-
sibility of acquiring riskier assets) and/or lower deposit rates (deriving from lower bankruptcy costs for customers that imply
lower funding expenses).
The coefficient of INEFF is negative and significant (at the 10% level in Model 2): the evidence is that more efficient banks
(i.e. those with lower operating inefficiency) enjoy higher market power (Fernandez de Guevara et al., 2005; Ayadi et al.,
2010; Cubillas and Suarez, 2013; Efthyvoulou and Yildirim, 2014; Ghosh, 2018; Aguilar and Portilla, 2020), possibly thanks
to better management or superior production technologies. We therefore get support to the efficient structure hypothesis
(Demsetz, 1973), according to which improving efficiency leads to higher profits through preventing competition from other
banks (Fernandez de Guevara and Maudos, 2007, p. 291).
By contrast, a higher stability of the banking industry, as measured by the Z-score, is significantly associated with lower
market power, as the negative coefficient of ZSCORE (significant at the 5% level) indicates. Therefore, pursuing stability at the
industry level is a relevant factor for enhancing competition and reducing banks’ rents. This result clearly corroborates the
‘‘competition-stability view” (Berger et al., 2009; Schaeck et al., 2009).
Finally, the countries’ economic performance also affects banks’ behaviour; particularly, since the coefficient of GDPGR is
negative and significantly different from zero, banks’ market power tends to decrease with the improvement of macroeco-
nomic conditions (Rotemberg and Saloner, 1986; Toolsema, 2004). This result indicates that in prosperous times the possi-
bility of extending lending activities might increase competition among banks and hence reduces mark-ups, while in periods
characterized by low economic growth there is an increase of their market power and a corresponding reduction of compet-
itiveness within banking systems.
At the bottom of Table 2 we have reported the estimated price elasticity with respect to each of the explanatory variables
associated to the behavioural index, in order to gauge their individual effects on banks’ competitive conduct. Among them,
we note that the most significant figure characterizes the equity-to-assets ratio (EQAST): the value of eP,EQAST is about 0.48,
which means that a 10% increase of EQAST is associated with an increase of about 4.8% in the value of the loan interest rate
charged by banks. So, for example, if the equity-to-assets ratio raises from the median value (6.7092) to the third quartile
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
(7.8244), corresponding to + 16.6%, the price would increase by about 8%. Since the third quartile of P (4.6858) is 29% higher
than its median (3.6313), we conclude that the effect of a better capitalization of banks on loan price cannot be considered as
negligible in magnitude.
In both Models 3 and 4, year dummies reveal that market power has declined almost monotonically during the sample
period, likely reflecting regulatory and supervisory steps aimed at improving competition, while perhaps initially reflecting
an impact of the global financial crisis as well. This is good news for policy makers because there has been a contrary fear
that consolidation (especially following the onset of the crisis) might have weakened competition.
Building on the specification of k as presented in Equation (12), we are able to compute different kc,t’s for the various
countries and years. At the bottom of Table 2 we report the average, the minimum and the maximum values of such kc,t’s:
as it is evident, all of them are positive and fall into the theoretical zero-one interval. Based on the estimation results of
Model 4, in Table 3 we provide the estimated indices of market power for all countries and years. We again observe that,
on average, the mark-up index noticeably decreases during the period 2007–2012, when the global financial crisis severely
hit Europe with ensuing economic consequences. This indication matches with the evidence by Weill (2013), even if the lat-
ter is based on the calculation of the Lerner index and the H-statistic for EU countries at the bank level.
Slovakia and Slovenia, representing the last sample countries to have joined the European Union (in May 2004) and the
euro area (in 2007 and 2009, respectively), show the highest values of k over the sample period (about 0.50 or more), while
the lowest average level characterizes Spain, Germany, and France (0.30 or less).
Greece and Ireland show a relatively high value for their mean of the behavioural index throughout 2007–2019 (about
0.45). Together with Portugal and Spain, those countries were heavily hit by the European sovereign debt crisis. Not casually,
all such four countries reached their minimum of k between 2011 and 2012, i.e. when the debt crisis reached its peak.
After 2012, countries showing an increasing pattern of k are Ireland, Slovenia, Greece, and, to a lesser extent, Spain and
Portugal. For Austria and Belgium, the lowest value of the behavioural parameter is attained in 2012 as well, but in the fol-
lowing years it remains quite low. For all the other countries, k is at its minimum between 2016 and 2019.
The period under investigation includes the introduction of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, one of the pillars of the
European banking union that rest on the foundation of a single rulebook for all EU countries. The Single Supervisory Mech-
anism (SSM) is a banking supervision tool involving the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national supervisory author-
ities of the participating countries, and automatically comprises all euro area countries (while other EU countries can choose
to participate upon request). It was created in 2012 but entered into force on the 4th of November 2014, and aims at guar-
anteeing the safety and soundness of the European banking system as well as at increasing financial integration and stability,
which were severely hit by both the 2007–09 global financial crisis and the 2010 sovereign debt crisis. Such events produced
fears for contagion to the entire financial sector, and adversely affected many financial institutions who suffered from lim-
ited profitability and liquidity, an increasing trend in non-performing loans, and declining investment opportunities
(Tziogkidis et al., 2020).
Within the SSM, the ECB directly supervises the most significant banks of the euro area countries (which hold over 80% of
total banking assets) through supervisory reviews, inspections and investigations, while the ‘‘less significant” credit institu-
tions continue to be monitored by the respective national supervisors in close cooperation with the ECB (ECB, 2018).
Since the SSM seeks to ensure the soundness of the European banking sector through a uniform regulatory framework, it
entails a level playing field with likely diminished barriers to competition, since credit institutions across various jurisdic-
tions have an equal opportunity to compete because of the reduction in the costs of compliance due to homogeneous reg-
ulatory practices and standards across countries (Okolelova and Bikker, 2020).
By looking at both the Lerner index and the Boone indicator, and focusing on the aggregate of five EU countries (Austria,
France, Germany, Italy and Spain), Okolelova and Bikker (2020) have empirically quantified the change in the competitive
behaviour of euro area banks under the uniform supervision guaranteed by the SSM, finding a significant decrease in the
Table 3
Estimated values of k by country and year (Model 4).
Country Year
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Country
Austria 0.8537 0.5365 0.4106 0.3836 0.2791 0.2468 0.3177 0.2935 0.3011 0.2852 0.2798 0.2883 0.2589 0.3642
Belgium 0.8248 0.4880 0.3454 0.3223 0.2465 0.2261 0.3131 0.3074 0.3015 0.2817 0.2605 0.2567 0.2301 0.3388
Finland 0.9365 0.6786 0.5631 0.4270 0.3154 0.2651 0.2725 0.2416 0.2761 0.2433 0.1983 0.2291 0.2367 0.3756
France 0.7854 0.4528 0.3108 0.3627 0.2783 0.2312 0.2180 0.1989 0.2073 0.1925 0.1262 0.1042 0.1174 0.2758
Germany 0.7622 0.4566 0.3303 0.3425 0.2699 0.2261 0.2172 0.2203 0.2212 0.1788 0.2353 0.2480 0.2273 0.3027
Greece 0.8977 0.5813 0.4582 0.4487 0.3777 0.2955 0.3883 0.3818 0.4333 0.4287 0.4471 0.3464 0.3419 0.4482
Ireland 0.8403 0.5741 0.4047 0.3441 0.3207 0.2758 0.3391 0.4406 0.3624 0.4988 0.5108 0.5038 0.4636 0.4522
Italy 0.9395 0.6001 0.4545 0.4616 0.3825 0.3524 0.3054 0.3038 0.3080 0.2522 0.2733 0.2663 0.2495 0.3961
Netherlands 0.8308 0.5131 0.3974 0.4464 0.3664 0.3273 0.2987 0.3012 0.3044 0.2729 0.2520 0.2622 0.2398 0.3702
Portugal 0.8630 0.5267 0.3668 0.3142 0.2345 0.2370 0.2875 0.2874 0.3091 0.2614 0.2951 0.3068 0.2967 0.3528
Slovakia 0.9009 0.7558 0.6893 0.5949 0.5931 0.5618 0.5472 0.4818 0.4252 0.3910 0.3747 0.3443 0.3616 0.5401
Slovenia 0.9405 0.6493 0.5233 0.4392 0.3698 0.3328 0.4303 0.4689 0.4960 0.4824 0.4448 0.4402 0.4213 0.4953
Spain 0.7715 0.4343 0.2910 0.2461 0.1976 0.1470 0.2588 0.2519 0.2214 0.2122 0.1902 0.2038 0.1899 0.2781
Yearly avg. 0.8574 0.5575 0.4266 0.3949 0.3255 0.2865 0.3226 0.3215 0.3206 0.3062 0.2991 0.2923 0.2796
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
market power of the ECB-supervised institutions in the two years after the commencement of the SSM (2015–2016), as com-
pared to the two previous years (2013–2014).
By estimating two different conduct parameters for the sub-periods 2007–2014 and 2015–2019 within our empirical
framework, we now try to evaluate whether the outset of the SSM in late 2014 has represented a structural break in the
behaviour of national banks. For the purpose, we interact k with two binary variables: PRE_SSM takes a value of 1 for the
years from 2007 to 2014, and 0 otherwise, while POST_SMM is equal to 1 for the period 2015–2019, and to 0 in the remaining
Table 4 reports the results of this new system estimation (Model 5). Overall, they are fairly close to those reported for
Model 1 in Table 2. The behavioural parameters amount to 0.5532 for the pre-SSM period and 0.4871 for the post-SSM per-
iod, respectively, both significantly different from 0 and 1. We notice that the single value estimated in Model 1 lies between
those obtained from Model 5, for which, as the chi-squared test at the bottom of Table 4 reports, the hypothesis that they are
indistinguishable from each other is rejected at the 5% statistical level.
Hence, in line with the evidence of Okolelova and Bikker (2020), we find that in the period 2015–2019 the behaviour of
European banks has been significantly closer to competition than in the 2007–2014 period. Of course, we cannot ascribe this
result exclusively or mainly to the SSM and its rules involving a direct supervision on the most significant banks of the var-
ious countries; nonetheless, the clear evidence is that its implementation is associated with a significant drop of the Euro-
pean banks’ market power.
The pattern of the various kc,t’s, shown in Table 3, does not allow a clear understanding about the existence of conver-
gence (or divergence) in market power of banks across the euro area countries, particularly because it exhibits important
fluctuations during the sample period.
One of the aims of the European Union has undoubtedly been financial integration among member countries since, by
designing a homogeneous framework of rules, it could have created further opportunities to firms and customers. Capital
flows, for example, have actually exhibited a steady growth of volume. Nonetheless, financial integration was also believed
to stimulate competition, particularly in the banking sector as a consequence of the removal of entry barriers, the reduction
of existing excess capacity, enhanced geographical diversification, and increased concentration through M&As (Casu and
Girardone, 2009). Yet, the global financial crisis of 2007 adversely affected financial integration in the EU, which particularly
suffered the effects of the sovereign debt crisis that started in 2010. In this period, massive state aid – in terms of recapital-
ization and impaired asset measures – surely limited the competitive forces among banks (Maudos and Vives, 2019).
Table 4
System estimation results with pre-SSM and post-SSM behavioural parameters.
Model 5
Coef. z
Demand equation (dependent variable: lnQ)
Constant 10.0809 65.23 ***
P 0.1527 4.62 ***
Z 0.1445 6.55 ***
POP 0.0466 47.79 ***
YPC 0.0723 19.95 ***
Marginal cost equation (dependent variable: P)
Constant 26.5903 2.54 **
lnQ 0.7214 1.07
lnW1W3 15.2909 8.46 ***
lnW2W3 21.5557 11.15 ***
lnTIME 3.0183 1.90 *
Behavioural parameter k
kPRE_SSM (2007–2014) 0.5532 4.23 ***
kPOST_SSM (2015–2019) 0.4871 4.41 ***
Adj. R2 demand eq. 0.8474
Adj. R2 marginal cost eq. 0.6520
N. observations 169
e Q,P 0.5793 4.62 ***
e Q,Z 0.4625 6.55 ***
kBEFORE SSM = kAFTER SSM (v2-test) 5.6721
kBEFORE SSM = kAFTER SSM (p-value) 0.0172
The systems have been estimated by non-linear three-stage least squares with optimal weighting matrix and robust standard errors.
The instruments used are: levels and logs of first-lagged Q and P; levels and logs of Z, POP, YPC, TC, W1, W2, W3, TIME.
The elasticities have been computed at mean values of the variables (their z-values are based on standard errors calculated by the delta method).
Significance for the parameter estimates: *** = 1% level; ** = 5% level; * = 10% level.
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
In this section we aim at testing the presence of convergence among our euro area country members with respect to
banks’ market power. Empirical traces of such convergence would represent an important signal of the ongoing achievement
of financial integration.
To assess whether banks’ conduct in each country is converging to the euro area average level, we consider two notions of
convergence, b-convergence and r-convergence (Barro and Sala-i-Martin, 1991), which are common in the growth literature.
In our framework, we have b-convergence if countries where banks have less market power tend to catch up with those
where banks’ enjoy a higher value of k, while we have r-convergence if the dispersion of our conduct measure across coun-
tries shows a declining trend over time. These indicators are the most adopted in the analysis of convergence, and are com-
plementary but not excludable: actually, b-convergence is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for r-convergence to
take place (Weill, 2013, p. 104).
In econometric terms, the b-convergence test involves a regression of the growth rate of the mark-up variable on its initial
value, whereas the r-convergence test is performed by regressing the variation of the difference between the conduct
parameter and its average euro area level on its starting level. In both cases, we have convergence if the dependent variable
is negatively correlated with the start-of-period value.
Given the characteristics of our sample, we employ panel data specifications of both convergence tests. More in depth, b-
convergence is assessed by estimating the following equation (Canova and Marcet, 1995):
lnkc;t lnkc;t1 ¼ co þ c1 lnkc;t1 þ ci ð15Þ
where ci are fixed effects for the N countries entering Equation (15). As told, there is b–convergence if the coefficient c1 of
the initial level of k is negative, as this implies a convergence effect toward the initial level.
The specification of the r-convergence test is as follows (Parikh and Shibata, 2004):
DW c;t ¼ d0 þ d1 W c;t1 þ ci ð16Þ
with DWc,t = Wc,t – Wc,t-1 and Wc,t = lnkc,t – mean(lnkt), while ci is again a set of dummies that is added to capture the coun-
try effects. Now, there is r-convergence if d1 less than 0.
The first column of Table 5 reports the results of the convergence tests. Both c1 and d1 exhibit negative and highly signif-
icant values, thus supporting the hypothesis of convergence of banks’ behaviour in EU countries. We interpret this evidence
as a signal of increasing banking integration, in terms of a reduction of both the differences in banks’ market power across
countries (b-convergence) and the dispersion of the mean values of k between countries during the sample period (r-
Our evidence confirms the findings of previous studies assessing convergence towards similar competitive behaviour in
European banking industries (e.g.: Andries and Capraru, 2012; Weill, 2013; Lapteacru, 2018; Karadima and Louri, 2020). In
terms of integration, this is a reassuring result especially considering the period under study, since there was some jeopardy
that the global financial crisis led to competition bias because of state aid granted to banks in several countries. While it lies
beyond the scope of our study to explore possible channels or causes of the observed convergence, future research could
potentially investigate that question.
So as to assess whether the establishment of the SSM has also contributed to the convergence of banks’ market power, we
analyse b-convergence and r-convergence for the periods 2007–2014 (pre-SSM) and 2015–2019 (post-SSM) by estimating
the following equations:
lnkc;t lnkc;t1 ¼ co þ c1a lnkc;t1 PRE SSM þ c1b lnkc;t1 POST SSM
þ cia PRE SSM þ cib POST SSM ð15Þ
i¼1 i¼1
DW c;t ¼ d0 þ d1a W c;t1 PRE SSM þ d1b W c;t1 POST SSM
þ cia PRE SSM þ cib POST SSM ð16Þ
i¼1 i¼1
where PRE_SSM and POST_SMM are the dummy variables that we introduced in Model 5, assuming the value of 1 for the
years 2007–2014 and 2015–2019, respectively, and 0 otherwise.
We report the estimation results in the second column of Table 5. In terms of magnitude, both b-convergence and r-
convergence seem to have increased in the 2015–2019 period, i.e. when the SSM has been in effect. Actually, since |c1a|
< |c1b| (both negative and significantly different from 0), the convergence trend of market power among the banking systems
of our sample appear to have been faster under the SSM regulation. Likewise, as |d1a| < |d1b| (both negative and statistically
significant at the 1% level), the conduct of banks in each sample country shows to have converged quicker to the average
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
Table 5
Tests of convergence of k.
conduct change when the SSM has been fully operational. Nonetheless, the chi-squared test reported at the bottom of each
regression shows that for both couples of coefficients the difference among them is not significantly different from zero at
the 5% level.
There is a possibility that (at least some) banks may have begun adjusting their plans and conduct during the two-year
period between the announcement of the SSM and its implementation. Therefore, as a robustness check, we estimated an
alternate specification in which the transition years 2013–2014 were omitted from the sample, so that the pre-SSM period
is defined as 2007–2012 while the post-SSM period is defined as 2015–2019. Although this step leaves a smaller pre-SSM
sample, it should provide cleaner pre-SSM data (undiluted by any interim adjustments) and thus perhaps show greater sta-
tistical significance in the estimated changes. The empirical results of this new specification are reported in the third column
of Table 5, and are consistent with our expectation: for b-convergence, the coefficient falls from 0.3369 (pre-SSM) to
0.4849 (post-SSM); for r-convergence, the estimated parameter reduces from 0.4694 to 0.5943. Hence, the difference
in the convergence speed between pre- and post-SSM is even higher than before, even if in both regressions the reported chi-
squared test again indicates that such difference is statistically indistinguishable from zero at the 5% level.
We conclude that the adoption of the SSM may have combined with a more rapid banking integration, although there is
not a clear indication of an association between the two events (at least in the very first years of the enactment of this new
banking supervision tool).
7. Conclusions
Financial integration in the EU markets is expected to deliver important benefits to member states. Among them, the
development of banking competition is certainly one of the most important, since banks play a critical role in the economy:
a lower degree of market power induced by a more competitive framework would allow lower prices of the various financial
services, therefore boosting credit, investment and growth. Few studies have analysed banks’ market power in the most
recent years, when the EU markets have suffered from the global financial crisis and credit institutions have been exposed
to serious pressures and troubles. Indeed, many of those economies have struggled to recover prior performance levels, even
after much time and recent efforts to build a stronger banking union.
Accordingly, this paper has studied the evolution of market power in the banking sectors of 13 euro area countries over
the years 2007 to 2019, i.e. those covering the global financial crisis and its aftermath, also providing some evidence on its
convergence among nations. Based on prior theoretical and empirical literature, we have estimated a simultaneous equation
model, where the excess of price over marginal cost – measuring banks’ market power – has been considered as a function of
a vector of variables, in order to identify observable factors that have the potential to increase or lessen it.
Our results show that euro area banks have been able to maintain a considerable degree of market power, even if it seems
to have decreased during the sample period, especially after the implementation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. In
addition, market power generally appears higher in case of less widespread branch networks, more capitalized but less effi-
cient or less stable banking systems, and more difficult macroeconomic conditions. Two separate tests provide a clear indi-
cation of convergence in the behaviour of banks across EU countries.
The nonetheless substantial market power of banks can be ascribed to the unique characteristics of banking markets,
where asymmetric information motivates close lending relationships between customers and banks, which allow the former
P. Coccorese, C. Girardone and S. Shaffer Journal of International Money and Finance 117 (2021) 102443
to maintain access to credit even in difficult times but enable the latter to impose significant market power on its clientele.
Yet, the clear significant evidence of some ongoing convergence of behaviour among euro area banking sectors may be
regarded as a success of the integration process that has taken place since the Nineties.
Future research could extend this analysis in several directions. Given access to appropriate bank-level data, it would be
possible to explore within-country dependence of market power on bank size or other characteristics, and to estimate alter-
native measures of market power. A multi-product version of the model could be estimated to compare market power across
various banking services and outputs. Finally, channels or causes of competitive convergence across countries could also be
studied. Each of these extensions might uncover additional implications for optimal regulatory policy.
We wish to thank an anonymous referee for constructive and thoughtful comments on an earlier version of the paper.
Appendix A
b1 ¼ ½a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 0
It follows that
@ eQ; P =@b01 ¼ ½0 P 0 0 0
and that
If the model is non-linear, it may happen that j – k.
Of course, elasticities also depend on covariates x. However, so as to simplify notation, we omit x among the arguments of g().
See Greene (2012), pp. 1083.
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In the last expression, K–1 denotes the generic determinant of the conduct index different from K, while k–h indicates its
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