Auto 7 Las Q4 W4
Auto 7 Las Q4 W4
Auto 7 Las Q4 W4
Learning Objectives:
Key Concept:
● Common faults
● Safety measures
A hand tool is the best friend of every serviceman. With it, work becomes easy and efficient. But, if
tools are not given careful attention they will easily give up without maximizing its usefulness. If this
condition continues, it will result in a faulty condition. This faulty condition results from ineffective use
which eventually might create the risk of danger and accident.
Common faults of hand tools are usually blamed on manufacturer’s defect. However, it doesn‟t
mean that whenever hand tools become faulty or defective, the manufacturer always carries the
Metal fatigue is one of the usual causes of faulty hand tools specially those that are made from
steel. Like human body that sometimes needs rest, metal fatigue is developed from overuse of tools.
It can also result from too much imposition of force on tools which is less than its capacity to
endure. It will render the tools unserviceable.
Because of wrong habits or attitudes, human error also contributes to faulty hand tools. Wrong
use of tools for the job will create bad effect on the tools. A screwdriver which is intended for
loosening and tightening screws becomes defective and reduces its usefulness when used like cold
Natural tear and wear causes tools to widen or reduce its size. A slack is noticeable when a box
wrench for removing the bolt becomes loose when the internal sides of the wrench is bigger than the
external sides of the bolt‟s head. If used in this condition, both the bolt and the wrench will develop
Tools not kept, not maintained, and unused will become rusty. Tools with jaws become difficult to
operate. It will take time cleaning and removing the corrosion before it becomes functional.
To become more aware of the condition of hand tools, it is good to know some of its specific
1. Cleaning tools. Wire and fiber brush must be tightly fit and securely intact on its
recess. Frayed brushes indicate overuse. Bristles can easily be removed and may
splatter. They can pose danger to the eyes and skin. Likewise, dirty rags can create
dust and affect the respiratory system.
Tools produced in the industry must pass the Work Equipment Law. In this law,
procedures on the extent, fitness, correctness, and usability of tools and equipment are
provided in accordance with specified task. This ensures safety standards before tools are
released in the market.
The following are some of the information you need to know about the safety
requirements of hand tools:
2. User’s manual. It tells where, when and how the tools are to be
used. It also gives information on the limitation of tools if subjected to
constant use. In this manual, users are given warning on the
possible injury one may get if used incorrectly. It also gives detailed
information on how tools are maintained and stored. If tools need to
be assembled, the manual gives a step-by-step instructions on how
to do the task.
3. Physical requirements. Physical requirements of tools have bearing on how
they are manufactured. Their good quality must be:
a. Tensile strength. Tools must belight but durable so that excessive forcein using
them is not necessary. In this manner, strain on hands and shoulders are
reduced. A tool must be strong and reliable to stand the stress of constant use.
Tooth edge of hacksaw and chisel must be tempered and so with a screw
b. Powerful. Tools must not be heavy on the hand side rather than on the end
portion of the driving force, as in a hammer. They must be considerably long to
give a powerful twisting force as in a wrench and screw or a heavy blow when
using hammer. This reduces muscular effort and efficiency of work is achieved.
c. User- friendly. Tools must be easy and comfortable to use. They must be
hand-fit and oval or cylindrically shaped. A square-shaped handle creates
discomfort on palms because of the edge area.
d. Safe Toolsmust have gripping surface on their handles to assure holding power and
avoid slip that may lead to injury. Stopper must also be on pointed and
sharp-bladed/edged tools. Driving tools must be provided with appropriate length of
e. Functionally Accurate. Tools are especially made to measure like torque wrench.
Vernier caliper and feeler gauge must be technically and functionally accurate.They
must give correct reading of division and sub-division of their fractional value or scale.
Inaccurate reading gives wrong data or information and may result in severe damage
to parts.
Functionally accurate tool
1. Give atleast 5 common fault in hand tools.
2. What are the physical requirements of tools?
3. What are the safety requirement of tools?
1. I learned that..
2. I understand
3. If given a chance