Feb 10-14 TVE DLL 7
Feb 10-14 TVE DLL 7
Feb 10-14 TVE DLL 7
Teacher Tuesday
ALLENE GELLE PEARL F. GALVADORES Wednesday Learning Areas Thursday
T.L.E 9 – Household Services
Teaching Week February 10-14, 2020 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM , 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM Quarter 4th QUARTER
I. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the procedures and techniques in cleaning, and sanitizing toilet and bathroom.
II. Performance The learners independently clean and sanitize toilet and bathroom according to standard operating procedure.
III. Objectives 1. Demonstrate the standard 1. Demonstrate the standard 1. Identify the types of bathroom 1. Identify the proper
cleaning of bathroom cleaning of bathroom supplies and its characteristics. maintenance and storage REMEDIAL
After performing amenities: amenities: 2. Tell the importance of each of bathroom cleaning CLASSES
this activity, you Floor cleaning Sink and faucet bathroom supply. tools and materials.
should be able to: Toilet bowl ceiling 2. State the importance of
2. Use the cleaning tools and 2. Use the cleaning tools and maintaining the life of
materials properly. materials properly. bathroom cleaning
3. State the importance of 3 State the importance of supplies and tools.
cleaning bathroom. cleaning bathroom.
IV. Subject Matter Procedures And Techniques In Procedures And Techniques In Types of Bathroom Supplies Maintenance and storage of Bathroom
and Materials Cleaning Bathroom And Toilet Cleaning Bathroom And Toilet Cleaning
Accessories Accessories
A.Review/ The demonstrators will explain the The demonstrators will explain the The class will be asked about their The teacher will gather some ideas
Presenting New procedure of cleaning bathroom procedure of cleaning bathroom schema of the types of bathroom supplies. from the class to make it interactive.
Lesson amenities before the execution. amenities before the execution.
B. Motivation The class will have a group game in A video clip will be presented in the
which they will classify or group the class and the students will be asked
different bathroom supplies according to about their understanding of the video
its type. shown.
E. Abstraction A clean and presentable bathroom A clean and presentable bathroom A clean and presentable bathroom reflects A clean and presentable bathroom
reflects one’s personality and reflects one’s personality and provides one’s personality and provides an inviting reflects one’s personality and provides
provides an inviting advertisement to an inviting advertisement to visitors advertisement to visitors indicating that an inviting advertisement to visitors
visitors indicating that members of indicating that members of the family members of the family are doing a great indicating that members of the family
the family are doing a great job. are doing a great job. job. are doing a great job.
F. Application The students will demonstrate the The students will demonstrate the Answer page 104 A. 1-5
standard cleaning of bathroom standard cleaning of bathroom
amenities. amenities.
G. Evaluation Scoring rubrics for the activity – Scoring rubrics for the activity – page Answer page 104 B. Review Lesson 4.3, A 1-5
page 97 97
VII. Reflection
A. No. of learners
____ Out of ____ pupils got ____of ____ Out of ____ pupils got ____of ____ Out of ____ pupils got ____of the ____ Out of ____ pupils got ____of ____ Out of
who earned 80% in
the items correct the items correct items correct the items correct ____pupils
the evaluation
got____ of the
items correct
B. No. of learners
who require
_____ pupils is/are needing _____ pupils is/are needing _____ pupils is/are needing remediation _____ pupils is/are needing _____ pupils
additional activities
remediation remediation remediation is/are needing
for remediation.
D. No. of learners _____ pupils continue to require _____ pupils continue to require _____ pupils continue to require _____ pupils continue to require _____ pupils
who continue to remediation remediation remediation remediation continue to require
require remediation. remediation
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Head Teacher IV