Ca Ge 9

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GE 9


Joe Carl B. Castillo, MA-PHILO

1. Which is true about Moral Skepticism?
A. Moral Skepticism refers to doubt about moral
arguments and judgments about right and

B. Moral Skepticism is a meta-ethical theory that

no one has any moral knowledge.
2. In some societies, Abortion is morally acceptable
while in other societies of the world, it is morally
unacceptable. What kind of moral view is this?

a. Moral Nihilism
b. Moral Skepticism
c. Universal Moral truths
d. Objective Moral truths
3. Which is true about Moral Nihilism?

A. Moral Nihilism is a meta-ethical view that

nothing is morally right or morally wrong; that
morality does not exist.

B. Moral Nihilism is a meta-ethical view that ethical

claims are generally false.
4. How do Moral Skeptics view the question, “Why should
we be moral?

a. Moral Skeptics view the question “Why should we be

moral?” as meaningless.
b. Moral Skeptics view the question “Why should we be
moral?” as meaningful.
c. Moral Skeptics view the question “Why should we be
moral?” as reasonable.
d. Moral Skeptics view the question “Why should we be
moral?” as absurd.
5. How do Moral Nihilists view the question, “Why should
we be moral?”
a. Moral Nihilists view the question “Why should we be moral?” as
b. Moral Nihilists view the question “Why should we be moral?” as
c. Moral Nihilists view the question “Why should we be moral?” as
d. Moral Nihilists view the question “Why should we be moral?” as
6. Which statement is true?

a. Moral skeptics assert that terrorism is not morally

b. Moral Nihilists believe that rape is still wrong.
c. Moral skeptics assert that there is no such thing as
morally right or morally wrong.
d. Moral Nihilists assert that one can never know whether
one’s moral claims are indeed true.
7. Morality is to Flesh as Ethics is to _______.

a. Love
b. Action
c. Hope
d. Word
8. According to Rev. Paul Glenn, Morality is the relation of human
activity with the dictates of ________.

a. Reason
b. Emotions
c. Feelings
d. God
9. Which is true about the quality of Good according to
Rev. Paul Glenn?

A. A thing is good inasmuch as it can control a

tendency, appetite, and desire.

B. A thing is good inasmuch as it can answer a

tendency, appetite, and desire.
10. Which is true about Technical Norm?

A. Technical Norm is the standard with which certain

actions pertaining to survival, health, and well-being
are done.
B. Technical Norm has something to do with the techne as
the application of the episteme (theoretical
11. The following are examples of Technical
Norm, except
a. A good carpenter who properly builds a chicken coop
according to design, durability, etc.
b. A good farmer who tills the soil properly, employs crop
rotation, plants crops according to soil type, etc.
c. A good teacher who employs good teaching strategies.
d. A good student who chooses relaxing music rather
than upbeat music.
12. Which is true about Aesthetic Norms?

A. Aesthetic Norm is the standard that corresponds

to our senses and sensibilities.

B. Aesthetic Norm is the standard instituted for

strengthening the bonds that keep the
community together.
13. Which norm can GMRC be categorized?

a. Technical Norm
b. Aesthetic Norm
c. Societal Norm
d. Moral Norm
14. Which Norm can this example be categorized?
Arguments on Abortion
a. Technical Norm
b. Aesthetic Norm
c. Societal Norm
d. Moral Norm
15. Which Norm can this example be categorized?
The fashion sense of female actresses
a. Technical Norm
b. Aesthetic Norm
c. Societal Norm
d. Moral Norm
16. Which Norm can this example be categorized?
Picking one’s nose in public

a. Technical Norm
b. Aesthetic Norm
c. Societal Norm
d. Moral Norm
17. These are standards that involve the values, manners,
customs, and practices that are considered proper by society
and the community.
a. Technical Norm
b. Aesthetic Norm
c. Societal Norm
d. Moral Norm
18. Which of the following comprises the norm of morality?

a. Divine Reason and Human Feelings

b. Divine Reason and Human Reason
c. Divine Feelings and Human Reason
d. Divine Reason and Human Faith
19. When can we say that our action is morally bad
according to Rev. Glenn?
a. Our action is morally bad when our action is in agreement with the
dictates of reason.
b. Our action is morally bad when our action is in agreement with the
dictates of feelings.
c. Our action is morally bad when our action is in disagreement with the
dictates of reason.
d. Our action is morally bad when our action is in disagreement with the
dictates of feelings.
20. The following are factors in the development of moral
behavior, except

a. Nature
b. Culture
c. Nurture
d. Science
21. Morality is a result of empathy and ________.

a. Love
b. Sympathy
c. Sociality
d. Apathy
22. It is a view that everything that happens or exists is caused
by sufficient antecedent conditions, making it impossible for
anything to happen or be other than it does or is”.
a. Determinism
b. Moral Skepticism
c. Moral Nihilism
d. Ethical Relativism
23. Why does an individual whose actions are determined
not to be held morally responsible for such acts?

a. Because the individual might be ignorant.

b. Because the individual has no free will in doing
such acts.
c. Because the individual is a moral skeptic.
d. Because the individual is a moral nihilist.
24. It is a view that denies common or universal or
objective moral values.
a. Determinism
b. Moral Skepticism
c. Moral Nihilism
d. Ethical Relativism
25. What is the condition for responsible, moral
a. Reason
b. Love
c. Freewill
d. Conscience
26. Which is true about Culture according to
Montemayor (1995)?
A. Culture is caused and motivated by man’s
intrinsic yearning for perfection and happiness.

B. Culture is the unstoppable result of man's social

nature, human association, and contact.
27. According to Ethical Relativism, Moral values are

a. Objective
b. Subjective
c. Universal
d. Determined
28. Miya was diagnosed with Kleptomania. One day, she went to
Gmall of Digos and stole lipstick. Is Miya responsible for
stealing lipstick?
a. Yes. Because stealing is stealing, no matter what's her
b. No. Because she does not know what is the right thing
to do.
c. Yes. Because stealing is neither right nor wrong.
d. No. Because she cannot control her actions to steal.
29. Christians believe that marriage is a monogamous union
between a man and a woman before God. Abdul, a devout
Muslim, is married to five women.
In the context of Ethical Relativism, is Abdul's action is

a. Yes. Because marrying more than one is against God's command.

b. Yes. Because according to Natural law, one is not allowed to marry
more than one.
c. No. It is an Islamic belief that a Muslim male can marry more than
one provided that he can support his family. One cannot judge a
Muslim using Christian standards.
d. No. No one has the right to judge since no one can know what is
right or wrong in this context.
30. What makes an act a human act?

a. Knowledge, freedom, and voluntariness are present in the act.

b. Knowledge, freedom, and involuntariness are present in the
c. Knowledge and freedom are present in the act.
d. Knowledge and voluntariness are present in the act.
31. The following are essential elements of a human
act, except
a. The act must be deliberate.
b. The act must be free.
c. The act must be based on emotion.
d. The act must be voluntary.
32. The following are modifiers of human act, except

a. Ignorance
b. Concupiscence
c. Violence
d. Temperance
33. Which is true about Invincible ignorance?

A. Invincible ignorance destroys the

voluntariness of an act.
B. Invincible ignorance does not destroy but
lessens the voluntariness of an act.
34. Which is true about Habit?

A. Acts from Habit destroy voluntariness.

B. Acts from Habit are always voluntary, at least in cause,

as long as the habit is allowed to endure.
35. Breathing is to act of man as _______ is to human act.

a. Yawning
b. Whistling
c. Sneezing
d. blinking of an eye
36. According to Rachel, where does the objectivity of
morality lie?

a. Natural Law
b. Conscience
c. Values
d. Reason
37. How does Scheler view values?

a. Values are objective.

b. Values are objects of feelings rather than the mind.
c. Values are objects of mind rather than feelings.
d. Values are subjective.
38. Which is true about values according to Scheler?

A. Values are either positive or negative.

B. Values are objects of feelings.

39. The following are values in the hierarchy of Values,

a. Sensory Values
b. Vital Values
c. Spiritual Values
d. Societal Values
40. Which values in the Hierarchy is the highest?

a. Pleasant-unpleasant
b. Noble-vulgar
c. Justice-Injustice
d. Holy-unholy
41. Which statement is correct?

a. A value is lower if it contains in its essence, the ability

to exist through time - to endure.
b. Higher Values are less divisible.
c. A value is lower if it generates other values.
d. A value is lower if it is independent of the organism
experiencing it.
42. Which statement is correct?

a. Justice is higher than life.

b. Pleasure is higher than life.
c. Life is higher than Ideal society.
d. Justice is higher than Ideal society.
43. Which value in the hierarchy of values is considered the

a. Pleasant-unpleasant
b. Noble-vulgar
c. Justice-Injustice
d. Holy-unholy
44. Which is true about man’s realization of values?

A. Good is the realization of a higher value in place

of a lower value.

B. Evil is the realization of a higher value in place of

a lower value.
45. Which of the following is an example of vital values?

a. Drinking water
b. Eating pizza
c. Heaven
d. Health
46. For Kant, genuine morality is based on moral law and
moral laws are based on __________.

a. Feelings
b. Reason
c. Intuition
d. Natural Law
47. It is also called "bracketing of
a. Logic
b. Moral Evaluation
c. Epoche
d. Epoch
48. What are the Two Basic Emotional Acts according
to Scheler?
a. Love and Indifference
b. Love and Hate
c. Hate and Care
d. Positive and Negative
49. What is the highest form of valuing in the
hierarchy of values?
a. Pleasure
b. Utility
c. Vitality
d. Holiness
50. What virtue is developed with the seed of compassion
according to Mengzi?

a. Virtue of Righteousness
b. Virtue of Propriety
c. Virtue of Benevolence
d. Virtue of Wisdom
51. Mengzi called moral feelings as ____________.

a. Seeds
b. Fruits
c. Sprouts
d. Flowers
52. Which statement is true?

A. According to Scheler, the manner of giving meaning to

an object is an act of the intellect.

B. According to Scheler, the manner of giving meaning to

an object is an act of the heart.
53. The following are the determinants of good reason
according to Rachels, except

a. Factual
b. Free from human prejudice and preconceptions
c. In accordance with conscience
d. Recognition and proper application of moral
54. What is the first step of moral deliberation?

a. Identify the stakeholders.

b. Weigh the consequences.
c. Gather the facts.
d. Articulate the dilemma.
55. In this step, one identifies the moral values or principles that
are central to the conflicting positions being taken.

a. Gather the facts.

b. Articulate the dilemma.
c. Identifying the stakeholders.
d. Listing the alternatives
56. In which step, one uses his/her creative thinking
a. Gathering the facts
b. Articulating the dilemma
c. Weighing the consequences
d. Listing the alternatives
57. In this step, one eliminates alternatives according to
the moral principles that have a bearing on the case.

a. Listing the alternatives

b. Weighing the consequences
c. Identifying the stakeholders
d. Comparing the alternatives with principles.
58. Which statement is correct?

a. When you weigh the consequences, you should

disregard the negative consequences.
b. When you weigh the consequences, you should pay
attention to the negative consequences.
c. When you weigh the consequences, you should choose
those options with more negative consequences.
d. When you weigh the consequences, you should stop
59. It is an ability to imaginatively discern various possibilities for
acting within a given situation and to envision the potential
help and harm that are likely to result from a given action.

a. Moral Courage
b. Moral Imagination
c. Moral Seduction
d. Moral Complexities
60. It is the capacity to overcome the fear of shame and humiliation in order
to admit one’s mistake, confess a wrong, reject evil conformity, renounce
injustice, and also to defy immoral or imprudent orders.

a. Moral Courage
b. Moral Imagination
c. Moral Seduction
d. Moral Complexity
61. Moral courage begets moral ___________.

a. Feelings
b. Reasoning
c. Decision
d. Action
62. Which of the following is a component of Moral Action?

a. Moral decision
b. Moral Sensitivity
c. Moral dilemma
d. Moral reasoning
63. It is also called moral complexity.

a. Moral Courage
b. Moral Imagination
c. Moral Seduction
d. Moral Distress
64. It is the shift from what is morally right to what is
technically legal.

a. Moral Complexity
b. Moral Distress
c. Moral Seduction
d. Moral Courage
65. What is the object of experience, according to
a. Bearer of Reason
b. Bearer of Values
c. Bearer of Feelings
d. Bearer of love
66. What are Brentano’s two characteristics of
a. Love and hate
b. Good and Bad
c. Positive and Negative
d. Love and Indifference
67. What virtue is formed with the seed of shame?

a. Virtue of Righteousness
b. Virtue of Propriety
c. Virtue of benevolence
d. Virtue of Wisdom
68. According to Scheler, what is the lowest form of

a. Vitality
b. Pleasure
c. Holiness
d. Utility
69. What is true about good reason?

A. Good reason is based on hearsay.

B. Good reason is free from biases and
70. The following are some steps of Moral
Deliberation, except
a. Gather the facts.
b. Identify the stakeholders.
c. Make decision.
d. Follow your feelings.
71. It means "a state of being useful, beneficial".

a. Inutility
b. Praxis
c. Utility
d. Hedonism
72. These are particular pleasures such as
gluttony, sex, etc.

a. Intellectual Pleasure
b. Base Pleasure
c. Higher Pleasure
d. Spirited Pleasure
73. A person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is
the most important thing in life; a pleasure–seeker.

a. Sadist
b. Hedonist
c. Utilitarian
d. Ethicist
74. It is a common currency framework that calculates the
pleasure that some actions can produce.

a. Felicific Statistics
b. Felicific Mathematics
c. Felicific Gram
d. Felicific Calculus
75. In Utilitarianism, how can we determine whether the
action is good?

a. Through its end

b. Through its purpose
c. Through its usefulness

d. Through one’s disposition

76. How can we measure whether an action is good or bad
in utilitarianism?

a. Through its consequences

b. Through its purpose
c. Through its intention
d. Through its characteristics
77. Who argued that man's actions are governed by two
great masters: pleasure and pain?

a. Immanuel Kant
b. David Hume
c. John Stuart Mill
d. Jeremy Bentham
78. According to Mill, what makes us different from

a. Human beings are capable of knowing base pleasures.

b. Human beings are capable of searching and desiring
for higher intellectual pleasure.
c. Human beings know how to act.
d. Human beings are capable of searching and desiring
for instinctive pleasure.
79. Which is true about Utilitarianism?

A. Utilitarianism emphasizes means over ends.

B. Utilitarianism emphasizes ends over means.
80. Which is true about happiness according to
Jeremy Bentham?

A. Bentham equates happiness with pleasure.

B. Bentham equates happiness with sacrifice.

81. What does the Greek word “deon” mean?

a. Consequences
b. Duty
c. Character
d. Utility
82. According to Deontological Ethics, what is the
main motivation or intention in human actions?
a. The value of Utility
b. The value of Happiness
c. The value of Character
d. The value of Obligation
83. For Kant, the center of his ethical philosophy is
his primary emphasis on the importance of
a. Reason
b. Pleasure
c. Happiness
d. Character
84. According to Kant, what is the property of
rational will?
a. Freedom
b. Conscience
c. Autonomy
d. Heteronomy
85. Who asserted that a human person acts primarily
on inclination?
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Immanuel Kant
c. Aristotle
d. David Hume
86. According to Kant, when can we act morally?
a. We can act morally when we suppress our
feelings and inclinations.
b. We can act morally when we follow what our
conscience tells us to do.
c. We can act morally when we abide with laws of
the land.
d. We can act morally when our parents tell us
what to do.
87. According to Kant, what is emphasized in Categorical

a. The Means of the action

b. The motive of the action
c. The maxim
d. The result of an action
88. What is true about Deontological Ethics?

A. According to Deontological Ethics, the

righteousness or wrongness of an act can be
determined by its outcomes or results.

B. According to Deontological Ethics, a person is

good if his action emanates from his sense of
moral obligation.
89. Which statement is true?

A. According to Kant, “to be a good person is to act

from feelings alone”.

B. According to Kant, “to be a good person is to act

based on duty.
90. Which is true about human beings?

A. Human beings are rational beings.

B. Human beings are sentient beings.

91. What does the Greek word “telos” mean?

a. Utility
b. Happiness
c. Purpose
d. Reason
92. It is a Greek word that means condition of human
flourishing or/ of living well.

a. Philia
b. Phronesis
c. Autonomos
d. Eudaimonia
93. What does the Greek word “phronesis”
a. Reasoning
b. Conscience
c. Practical Wisdom
d. Human Flourishing
94. What does the Greek word “Mesotes”
a. Mean
b. Happiness
c. Conscience
d. Purpose
95. Virtue Ethics is also known as ___________.

a. Duty Ethics
b. Character Ethics
c. Right Ethics
d. Teleological Ethics
96. According to Aristotle, what is man’s highest purpose
or ultimate good?

a. Happiness
b. Pleasure
c. Blessedness
d. Reasoning
97. According to Aristotle, what defines human
a. Function or Activity of Feelings
b. Function or Activity of Conscience
c. Function or Activity of Reason
d. Function or Activity of Freedom
98. What is the purpose of vegetative soul?

a. Mobility/ Sensation
b. Reproduction/Growth
c. Thought
d. Reflection
99. What does the Greek word “Arete” mean?

a. Utility
b. Virtue
c. Mean
d. Happiness
100. Virtue Ethics is also known as Character Ethics. How can a
person develop his character according to Aristotle?

a. Character is developed through acquiring knowledge.

b. Character is developed through acquiring credentials.
c. Character is developed though habit/ repetition and
d. Character is developed through recollection.
101. One of the Attributes of Natural Law is immutability. What does
immutability mean?

a. Changeable
b. Imminent
c. Unchangeable
d. Determined
102. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, it refers to human
beings’ final end which one attains perfect happiness.

a. Eudaimonia
b. Beatific Vision
c. Ecstatic Experience
d. Pleasure
103. It is also called the Subjective Norm of Morality.

a. Natural Law
b. Eternal Law
c. Conscience
d. Human Law
104. It is called the Objective Norm of Morality.

a. Conscience
b. Natural Law
c. Human Law
d. Eternal Law
105. Which is true about conscience according to Aquinas?

A. Conscience serves as an absolute standard of the

B. Conscience is absolute, universal, and objective
ground of morality.
106. The following are the attributes of Natural Law, except

a. The Natural Law is Obligatory.

b. The Natural Law is Universal.
c. The Natural Law has its proper sanctions.
d. The Natural Law is changeable.
107. The following are basic precepts of Natural Law,

a. Marriage between a man and a woman.

b. Self-preservation or Survival
c. Propagation of our species
d. To live in peace and in harmony with other men
108. Which content of Natural Law can this statement be
categorized? – “Do good and avoid evil.”

a. Formal Norm
b. Material Norm
109. Which content of Natural Law can this statement be
categorized? – “Be honest”.
a. Formal Norm
b. Material Norm
110. Which content of Natural Law can this statement be
categorized? – “Do not kill an innocent person”.

a. Formal Norm
b. Material Norm

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