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1. Truth remains true no matter how much pain it 4.

The following are values that can be described as

may bring to a person who became part of it, bipolar EXCEPT one. Which is the exception?
without consideration for relationship, compromises a. Pakikisama
and conditions. As human beings, we are bound to b. Utang na loob
live with the truth because the truth will set us free. c. Pagtulong sa Kapwa
This is a reflection of what ancient philosophical d. Hiya
a) Idealism 5. Newly-wed couple may choose with whose side
b) Realism would they want to reside. This freedom can be
c) Existentialism considered as what classification of family according
d) Perennialism to place of residence?
a. Matrilocal
Philosophically, aesthetics, is viewed as the nature b. Patrilocal
and value of the arts and those responses to natural c. Bilocal
objects that find expression in the language of the d. Neolocal
beautiful and the ugly. What does this imply?
I. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. 6. How do you describe a morally upright person?
II. Positivity and negativity are just a state of mind; a. He knows what is right.
you are what you think of yourself and what you b. He believes in what is right.
would want to become. c. He rejoices for what is right.
III. The way we perceive others is influenced by our d. He lives according to what is right
self-behavior and attitude toward them.
IV. We are who we are and no one can conquer nor 7. When can an act be considered good and
take control of our beliefs neither change our ways righteous?
and systems thinking a. If it comes from a good intent
a. I and II only b. If it is approved by the society
b. I, II and III c. If it benefits the majority
c. I, II and IV d. If it is according to the moral law
d. I, II, III and IV
8. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. What does
3. In order to give the request of a candidate for this mean and imply?
valedictorian who is terminally ill, the teacher a. Illiterate people are free from court liabilities and
accorded the valedictorianship to him even if the charges. As such, it should be consistently practiced.
other student is more deserving of the recognition. b. Senior Citizens are exempted from the rule of law
Ethically, how would you describe the teacher’s as one of their privileges. However, they should not
decision and action? a) L abuse it.
a) Lesser evil, for having good intent but on the c. Everyone is bound by law, regardless of
account of wrong action. educational attainment, Therefore, he/she must
b)Greater evil, for being biased to the deserving child obey the law.
that he will bring in his entire life. d. Inability to know the rule cannot be a reason for
c) Lesser good, for doing good in favor of the dying being exempted from the consequences of the
person. violations committed. Thus, everyone must learn and
d) Greater good, for being kind and considerate to understand the law.
9.Which of the following are considered human c. Positive and negative impact of political ads on the
rights based on the Universal Declaration of Human behavior of residents of Iba, Zambales
Rights? d. Effect of violent films on level of anxiety among
a. Peace, liberty and justice teenagers
b. Right to life, dignity and self-development
c. General welfare, human dignity and brotherhood 15. What recommendation can be addressed
d. Conscience, reason and action towards bullying reduction as an identified problem
in the school grounded on the action research
10. The case of a policeman, who vehemently shot made?
the mother and her son even without being in the A. confer with parents of identified bullies.
influence of liquor, can be considered what form of B. Assign police enforcers in very floor of the school
voluntariness? building.
A. Perfect voluntariness C. Create more student-involved activities to divert
B. Imperfect voluntariness students’ attention.
C. Conditional voluntariness D. Plan for field trip to City Jail for them to reflect on
D. Simple voluntariness the consequences of bullying.

11. In developing a lesson plan, where does values 16. An act becomes moral or good when it conforms
integration begin to the natural purpose for which the said act is
a. In preparing materials as springboard conceived. It adheres to what principle of morality?
b. In setting goals and objectives a. The object of the human act.
c. In proceeding to discussion and activity execution b. The motive of the human act.
d. In assessing the learning outcome c. The circumstance
d. The truth for evidence
12. It is said that through action research, teachers
become aware and critical of their practice and 17. With regard to the nature of man, which of the
thereby, prepared for such innovation and change. following comprise his spiritual dimension?
Having this concept in mind, what action research a. Sense and emotion
perspective underlies the given premise? b. Intellect and free will
A. Inquiry c. Common sense and imagination
B. Pragmatism d. Memory and instinct
C. Reflection
D. Collaboration 18. Which of the following hierarchy of values,
according to Max Scheler, pertains to the well-being
13. When action research intends to influence of the individuals and the community?
thinking skills, sense of efficacy, willingness to share a. Pleasure values
and communicate and attitudes toward process of b. Vital values
change, what does it implore? c. Spiritual values
A. Structured pedagogies d. Values of the holy
B. Professional growth and development
C. Knowledge transformation 19. Which of the following can be considered as the
D. Sense of collaboration greatest human values, on which other human
values rest?
14. Which of the following topics can be considered a. Peace
as an action research? b. Love
a. Relationship between socio-emotional skills and c. Truth
profile fo grade 10 students d. Right Conduct
b. Psychotherapy intervention in mitigating issues on
stress and depression among grade 7 students
20.Which Filipino character is evidenced by crab d. It depicts issues and problems with at least 2
mentality, gossip and destructive criticism that bring alternative courses of action and appears to have an
others down and cause their loss of dignity, exact right answer to the issue or problem.
reputation and motivation?
A. Kanya-Kanya syndrome 24. Which is the similarity between Piaget’s and
B. Colonial mentality Kohlberg’s moral development perspectives in the
C. Passivity and lack of initiative context of rules?
D. Extreme personalism a. They both tend to consider rules and regulations
handed down by parents, elders and other external
21. Jean Jacques Rousseau viewed that there is no authorities.
child born evil, but what makes him do evil works is b. They interpret rules as established out of social
the environment surrounding him. What does this control and individual’s power.
mean? c. They describe relative, exceptional, and flowing
A. The world where a child lives is sinful. standards.
B. Every child is a gift and a blessing who is pure, d. They define rules as established by considering
good and innocent, but what he/she witnesses and broad and general circumstances.
lives with around him/her is what he/she becomes.
C. The child has the power to control his/her 25. We usually remember pleasant experiences
environment the way he/she wants. more permanently than unpleasant ones because of
D. The child has no choice, but to live in the world of disapproval from others and frustrations in the past
misery. that arouse a feeling of guilt. Which is this technique
for adjustment and enhancement?
22. According to Brofenbrenner’s Ecological System, A. Projection
what makes a human person is the combined set of B. Repression
factors around him. Therefore, which of the C. Fixation
following has the least contribution in making a D. Regression
person’s identity and character?
a) The home that sets the foundation of values in 26. In what sexual orientation can we categorize a
him/her. person who is not sexually attracted nor has the
b) The school that restructures and strengthens the desire to get attracted to either same or opposite
values in him/her. sex?
c) The media that complements the set of values A. Metrosexual
informing his/her preferred identity. B. Pseudosexual
d) The church that supports and nurtures his/her C. Bisexual
actions with moral principles. D. Asexual

23. The following statements are TRUE about moral 27. Arrange the following steps for an effective
dilemma, EXCEPT one. Which is the exception? action research using a particular model: 1.
a. It is an issue, problem or conflict situation in which Collection and organization of data; 2. Interpretation
moral reasoning is the basis of one’s choice of of data; 3. Identification of problem area; 4. Action
alternative courses of action for its solution. based on data; 5. Reflection
b. The courses of action are possible and feasible A. 1-2-3-4-5
under circumstances producing some kind of physical B. 3-1-2-4-5
or mental conflict. C. 3-4-2-3-5
c. It attempts to stimulate learners to develop more D. 5-4-2-1-3
complex moral reasoning patterns through
successive and sequential stages.
28. The following are primary concepts of action 32. From the Acronym “ROOT” of family traits, which
research EXCEPT one. Which one is it of the following is the main core of all given traits?
a. It is a process, in which participants examine their a. Respect
own educational practice. b. Openness
b. It has the potential to generate information and c. Obedience
theories contributory to knowledge and science d. Resilience
c. It is used by teachers, supervisors, and 33. When parents become negligent, what kind of
administrators to improve the quality of their kids would they raise
decisions and actions. a. Timid and lack of confidence
d. It focuses on immediate applications and b. Passive and dependent
emphasizes real problem in local setting. c. Confused and manipulative
d. Ignorant and no direction in life at all
29. When action research intends to influence
thinking skills, sense of efficacy, willingness to share 34. Catholics may prepare for an extravagant fiesta as
and communicate and attitudes toward process of a form of expressing their gratitude and tribute to
change, what does it implore? their patron saint, but it may be a waste of resources
A. Structured pedagogies for non-Catholics. What is this paradoxical mind set
B. Professional growth and development called?
C. Knowledge transformation A. Genocentrism
D. Sense of collaboration B. Egocentrism
C. Ethnocentrism
30. Upon conducting an action research, Teacher D. Ethico-centrism
Ephraim was able to realize that using “build me in”
technique in teaching concepts on self- 35. What are the three general subject areas of
understanding and social integration helped out in morality?
ensuring action learning, student engagement and a) Meta Ethics, Normative Ethics, Micro Ethics
collaborative, critical, and creative thinking skills b) Normative Ethics, Meta Ethics, Applied Ethics
among his students in Values Education class. c) Moral Ethics, Applied Ethics, Meta Ethics
Therefore, what implication did this realization bring d) Meta Ethics, Micro Ethics, Applied Ethics
A. Building a reflective practice based on proven 36. Who defined curriculum as a sequence of
technique potential experiences set up in schools for the
B. Contributing to professional culture of teaching purpose of disciplining children and youth in group
C. Feeling confident in decision- making ways of thinking and acting?
D. Creating meaningful and lasting change for the a. John Dewey
school b. Marsh and Willis
c. Caswell and Campbell
31. Despite the many disasters that hit the country, d. Smith, Stanley and Shore
such as typhoon, earthquake, volcanic eruption,
landslide and flooding, Filipinos remain steadfast 37. Teacher Grace focused on what actually
with a smile after all. This shows what great Filipino happens in the classroom when the curriculum is
value? practiced. What curriculum approach does Teacher
A. Resilience Grace focus?
B. Perseverance a. Curriculum as a Content
C. Cheerfulness b. Curriculum as a Product
D. Kindness c. Curriculum as a Process
d. Curriculum as a Link
38. Which fundamental principle for curriculum a) I, II, III, IV, V
content refers to the logical arrangement of the b) I, II, IV, V
content? c) I, II, III, V
a. Balance d) I, II, III, IV
b. articulation
c. sequence 44. What model is used for the Systemic Instruction?
d. continuity a. Madeline Hunter Model
b. Barak Rosenshine Model
39. In designing the curriculum, the following c. Lorin Anderson Model
questions are to be considered, EXCEPT one: d. Thomas Good and Jere Brophy Model
a. What learning outcomes need to be achieved?
b. How will the achieved learning outcomes are 45. Teacher Mariel believes that curriculum changes
measured? that occur can coexist and oftentimes overlap for
c. How can stakeholders help in achieving the long periods of time. What Axiom does Teacher
learning outcomes? Mariel refer to?
d. What learning experiences and resources should a. Curriculum is a product of its time.
be employed? b. Curriculum change is inevitable, necessary and
40. Ralph Tyler’s curriculum model involves the c. Curriculum changes made earlier can exist
following principles EXCEPT one: concurrently with newer curriculum changes.
a. Purposes of the school d. Curriculum change depends on people who will
b. Educational experiences implement the change.
c. Organization of experiences
d. Diagnosis of learner’s needs 46. What type of curriculum design is referred to
when subjects such as geography, economics,
41. Which of the following proponents does NOT political science, anthropology, sociology and history
belong to the group are fused into one subject called social studies?
a. Daniel Goleman a. Broad Field Design
b. Robert Gagne b. Correlation Design
c. Lev Vygotsky c. Discipline Design
d. Howard Gardner d. Subject Design.

42. He defined curricula as purposeful activities 47.. Which of the following principles are NOT
which are child-centered. Curriculum for him included in the Subject-Centered Approach?
develops social relationships and small group a. Learning means accumulation of content or
instruction? knowledge.
a. William Kilpartick b. Teacher’s role is to dispense knowledge.
b. Franklin Bobiit c. Make all activities revolve around the over-all
c. Werret Charters development of the learner.
d. Harold Rugg d. The emphasis is on bits and pieces of information
which may be detached from life.
43. What are the components of a curriculum
according to Peter Oliva?
I. Intended Learning Outcomes
II. Teaching-Learning Methods
III. Time Frame
IV. Subject Matter
V. Assessment
48. What are the benefits of curriculum mapping? 53. The following are the beliefs of a Perennialist
I. Ensures alignment of the desired learning teacher EXCEPT one:
outcomes, learning activities and assessment. a. We should develop students’ rational and moral
II. Addresses the gaps or repetitions in the powers
curriculum. b. Socratic dialogue may be employed to develop
III. Visually show important elements of the understanding of history’s most timeless concept.
curriculum. c. Classrooms should be centered around teachers
IV. Connects all initiatives from instruction, and do not allow students’ interests to dictate what
pedagogies, assessment and professional they should teach.
development. d. Vocational and technical education should be
a. I, II, III & IV given more emphasis in teaching.
b. I, II, & III
c. I, II,& IV 54. How can you explain the flavor of a pineapple to
d. II and IV someone who has never tasted one? This question
serves as a challenge given by?
49. Teacher Innah realizes the need to change for an a. Realists
entirely new book instead of using the old one. What b. Pragmatists
category of curriculum change has been shown? c. Empiricists
a. Substitution d. Utilitarianists
b. Alteration
c. Restructuring 55. Cheska has not practiced her teaching profession
d. Perturbation for the past five years. How many units of education
courses should she take before she is allowed to
50. Daniel Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model of the teach?
Curriculum Evaluation includes all EXCEPT one: a. 12
a. Context Evaluation b. 16
b. Input Evaluation c. 14
c. Product Evaluation d. 18
d. Data Evaluation
56. PD 1006: Ferdinand Marcos: RA
51. Daniel Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model of the 7836:_____________.
Curriculum Evaluation includes all EXCEPT one: a. Corazon Aquino
a. Context Evaluation b. Joseph Estrada
b. Input Evaluation c. Fidel Ramos
c. Product Evaluation d. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
d. Data Evaluation
57. Teacher Julie took the written test and garnered
52. Teacher Fey believes that there is no universal, an average grade of 72. On one subject, she scored a
inborn human nature. She believes that humans are grade of 51. Based on PD 1006, did she successfully
born and exist then they freely determine their pass the exam?
essence. What philosophy of education does Teacher a. Yes
Fey adhere? b. No
a. Behaviorism c. Yes, because back then the passing grade was 75
b. Progressivism d. No, she should have obtained a general average of
c. Perennialism 75 and a rating of 60 per subject.
d. Existentialism
58.Teacher Maria went to Enchanted Kingdom 64. The name of the Department of Education,
instead of attending their seminar sponsored by their Culture, and Sports (DECS) was changed to
school. Is this enough reason for the revocation of Department of Education (DepEd) by virtue of what
license after due notice and hearing? law?
a. Yes, according to RA 4670 a. RA 10533
b. Yes, according to PD 1006 b. RA 9293
c. Yes, according to RA 7836 c. RA 9155
d. Yes, according to RA 9165 d. RA 6728

59. What is the legal basis of the CPD Law? 65. Teachers in the 21st century take advantage of
a. RA 10911 technology that enables them to understand,
b. RA 10912 integrate, create, communicate, and compute
c. RA 10219 printed and written materials. Which best describes
d. RA 10129 the 21st century teacher?
a. Multitasked
60. How many CPD units are required for the renewal b. Multiskilled
of license in 2018? c. Multiliterate
a. 0 CPD units d. Multispecialist
b. 15 CPD units
c. 30 CPD units 66. Teacher Myra presents lessons that respond to
d. 45 CPD units the learner’s life survival today and career
preparation in the future. What 21st century
61. Which track includes attendance to CPD education attribute is implied in this scenario?
seminars given by PRC-accredited providers? a. Global Classroom
a. academic track b. Integrated and Interdisciplinary
b. professional track c. Relevant and Real World
c. productive scholarship d. Technologies and Media
d. self-directed learning
67. JC always posts bible verses on social media and
62. What is the maximum number of teaching hours preaches in their church during weekends yet he
for teachers? engages in pre-marital sex with multiple partners.
a) 4 Which type of conscience does he possess?
b) 5 a. Callous
c) 6 b. Erroneous conscience
d) 8 c. Pharisaical
d. Lax
63.Teacher Marcus didn’t let his student Julius, eat
his lunch because he wasn’t able to pass his 68. Teacher Emerson always makes sure that his
assignment which caused the child to faint during students start and end the class with a prayer
their class in the afternoon. Which among the consistently, even if he’s not the teacher assigned.
following educational laws protects the child’s right Which way of describing good moral character does
from unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for his students show?
survival? a. Being morally mature
a. RA 7787 b. Being virtuous
b. RA 10627 c. Being loving
c. RA 7610 d. Being fully human
d. RA 7877
69. In which situation does having a callous 75. What is considered as customary behavior
conscience correctly shown? patterns or folkways which have taken on a
a. Glenn always finds an excuse for every mistake he moralistic value?
commits. a. Norms
b. EJ left Julie without giving any good reason why he b. Rituals
did so. c. Laws
c. Jun always call upon God’s name every time he d. Mores
commits a mistake.
76. Ana hates Ilocanos because they are stingy. What
d. Cyril always feels guilty every time he sees Zeke for
is being shown in this situation?
not paying his debt.
a. Prejudice
b. Stereotype
70. Teacher Monique stresses on her students that
c. Discrimination
whenever they come up with solutions to the
d. Sexism
problems that she gives, they must provide her with
pertinent data to support their conclusions. Who 77. Which of the following is NOT part of the five
among the following does she support? dimensions of multicultural education?*
a. John Watson a. Knowledge construction and process
b. Epicurus b. Equity pedagogy
c. John Locke c. Prejudice elevation
d. Aristotle d. Content integration

71. The ascetic way of life is an influence of which 78. Which can be based on a variety of factors,
thought?* including religion, race ethnicity, age, and sexual
a. Hindu orientation?
b. Shintoist a. Culture
c. Islamic b. Multiculturalism
d. Taoist c. Culture identification
d. Subculture
72. Who emphasized that "human nature is good"?
79. Which of the following is true about MOOCs?
a. Lao Tzu
I. Course is run on the internet
b. Mencius
II. Enrollments are massive
c. Zeno of Citium
III. Enrollments are free
d. Aristotle
IV. Can accommodate large number of students
a. I, II, and IV
73. Teacher Leticia wants to go back in teaching after
b. I, II, III, and IV
working as a call center agent for four years. Is she
c. I and II
d. I and III
a. Yes
b. No 80. Which of the following describes the concept of
c. Yes, as long as she has renewed her license once. growth?
d. No, she needs to take a refresher course. I. These are changes that take place is certain parts
of the body
74. What pillar of learning focuses on the II. Measurable and Observable
development of literacy, numeracy and critical III. Quantitative
thinking? IV. Qualitative*
a. Learning to know A. I only
b. Learning to do B. II and III
c. Learning to live together C. I, II, and III
d. Learning to be D. I, II, III, and IV
81. What is the correct sequence of the reading C. III and IV
skills below according to the theories of Goddel? D. I, II, III, and IV
I. Interfering meanings, drawing conclusions
II. using parts of the book 86. Which of the following directives outlines the
III. classifying and organizing facts standards for Outcome Based Education for Higher
IV. using the dictionary Educational Institutions (HEIs)?
a. I, II, III, IV a. DO 32 s. 2019
b. III, I, II, IV b. DO 42 s. 2017
c. I, III, II, IV c. CHED Memo 46 s. 2012
d. II, III, I, IV d. CHED Memo 52 s. 2007

82. Johnny, a retired personnel, is constantly seen 87. Thinking is the result of the interaction between
biting his nails. According to Freud, which of the individual and the environment. Which of the
following fixations has Johhny acquired during his theories of development support/s this idea?
wee years? I. Erikson's psychosocial theory of development
a. Oral Recepcion II. Kohlberg's stages of moral development
b. Anal Expulsion III. Piaget's stages of cognitive development
c. Anal Retention IV. Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory
d. Oral Aggression A. III only
B. IV only
83. A reader uses metacognition when C. III and IV
I. She previews the text and makes predictions D. I, II, III, and IV
II. makes connections to personal experience or
other texts 88. Which of the following directives outlines the
III. asks clarifying questions standards for Outcome Based Education for Higher
a. II only Educational Institutions (HEIs)?
b. I and II a. DO 32 s. 2019
c. I, II, and III b. DO 42 s. 2017
d. II and III c. CHED Memo 46 s. 2012
d. CHED Memo 52 s. 2007
84. Which of the following shows malignant
tendency during Middle Adulthood? 89. Teacher M wants to elicit critical thinking among
a. Junny no longer participates in activities or her students. Which questions he must AVOID?
contributes to society a. Closed and Divergent Questions
b. Julia no longer allow time for herself for her b. Closed and Convergent Questions
advocacy. c. Convergent and Open-Ended Questions
c. Marcus tends to isolate himself from love, d. Divergent and Open-ended Questions
friendship, and community.
d. Anna tends to believe that she alone is right.

85. Thinking is the result of the interaction between

individual and the environment. Which of the
theories of development support/s this idea?
I. Erikson's psychosocial theory of development
II. Kohlberg's stages of moral development
III. Piaget's stages of cognitive development
IV. Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory
A. III only
B. IV only
90. Which of the following does not describe the c. A student cannot remember even the major
changes in education with the use of technology? details of an accident that she was involved in.
a. Students will become active learners, collaborating d. An exam cheater who knows that cheating is
with one another and with more experienced wrong, but that he needs to do because the
members of society, to seek out information and gain education system is unfair towards him
b. Education will become a lifelong process, 95. To encourage critical thinking, Teacher A
important and accessible to all, and schools will designed an activity in which students will evaluate
become centers of learning – not just for children, in front of the class the reliability and the truth of
but for all members of the community. advertisements that bombard us every day. Which
c. Multimedia learning resources available via form of critical thinking is espoused by the activity?
information networks, will no longer proliferate and a. Decision Making
has become an obsolete feature of education. b. Verbal reasoning
d. The boundaries separating schools from each c. Hypothesis Testing
other and the community will blur or disappear. d. Argument analysis

91. Which timespan describes embryonic period in 96. With Harlow's Psychomotor Domain in mind,
human pregnancy? which of the following scenarios manifests
a. 0 to 2 weeks after conception competence in Physical activities?
b. 2 to 8 weeks after conception a. Student A can do basic movements that require
c. 8 to 36 weeks after conception muscular exertion, strenuous effort, and quick,
d. None of the Above precise movements.
b. Student B has developed more complex
92. With Krathwohl’s taxonomy of psychomotor movements and is involved in sports and dance.
domain in mind, which of the following tasks is under c. Student C can translate stimulus received through
Organization? the senses by doing jumping rope, punting, or
a. Contributing to group discussion by asking catching
questions d. Student D has his innate movement pattern
b. Listening attentively to group discussion formed. These movements include walking, running,
c. Calling a meeting concerning a neighborhood’s and pushing
housing integration
d. Arguing over an issue involving health care 97. Per Bloom's original Taxonomy, which of the
following refers to synthesis?
93. Among the dramatized experience presented in a. Justifying the decision of the Supreme Court
Dale's Cone of Experience, which of the following regarding Same Sex Marriage.
are usually dramas that are based on local history b. Carrying out the instructions in the Chemistry
and are played by local artists? Laboratory Activity.
a. Tableau c. Finishing the research project draft on the subject
b. Pageants Practical Research II.
c. Plays d. Comparing the different interpretations of Taylor
d. Pantomime Swift's songs.

94. Among the following manifestations of defense

mechanisms, which of the following is an example of
a. An older sibling who was scolded by his mother
was verbally abusing his younger sibling.
b. A cheater husband suspects that his wife is
cheating on him, despite having no evidence.
98. Bing insists on getting noodles for himself from a. IV, I, II, III
the serving each time his family attends a gathering, b. III, II, I, IV
even though he usually drops pasta on the floor. c. III, I, II, IV
When his mother tries to assist him, he brushes his d. IV, II, I, III
mother off insists on doing it himself. In the context
of Erikson's psychosocial development theory, what 102. It is generally accepted by scientists that, on
stage of psychosocial development best describes average, our working memory can hold information
Bing's behavior? for only ___ seconds.
a. Industry vs. Inferiority a. 1-3
b. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt b. 5-9
c. Initiative vs. Guilt c. round 18 or less than 18
d. Trust vs. Mistrust d. around 30 or less than 30

99.Charles Letteri listed seven comprehension skills 103. Tutoring is very helpful in augmenting the
that students can develop. Which of the following lectures of the teacher. Which of the following
best describes focusing? tutoring arrangements describes monitorial
a. The ability to select relevant or important tutoring?
information without being distracted or confused by A. Children act as interactive pairs.
irrelevant secondary information B. Older students help younger ones
b. The ability to select a correct item from among C. The class may be divided into groups and monitors
several alternatives and to compare information and are assigned to lead each group.
make proper choices D. A definite procedure is followed and is
c. The ability to identify and place new information administered by trained tutors
into categories through its attributes (physical
characteristics, principles, or functions) 104. Which of the following thinking skills belongs to
d. The ability to integrate complex information into Divergent Thinking?
categories through its attributes (physical I. Fluent thinking
characteristics, principles or functions) II. Original Thinking
III. Flexible Thinking
100. According to Paul Baltes, development is IV. Elaborative Thinking
lifelong. He also believes that development is A. I, II, III, and IV
multidirectional. Which of the following describes B. I, II, and IV
multidirectional development? C. I, III, and IV
a. Development involves the dynamic interaction of D. I and II only
factors like physical, emotional, and psychosocial
development 105. Which of the following is a reproduction of a
b. Development can either be gains or losses real thing in a small scale, or large scale, or exact-size
c. Development is influenced by socio-cultural but made of synthetic materials?
influences A. diorama
d. Development means that characteristics are B. realia
malleable or changeable. C. mock-up
D. model
101. Arrange the values from lowest to highest
according to Max Scheler's hierarchy of values.
I. Vital Values
II. Spiritual Values
III. Pleasure Values
IV. Values of the Holy
106. Robert Gagne suggested 8 levels in the D. Considering learners in difficult circumstances
heirarchy of learning. Which of the following
describes concept learning? 111. Robert Havighurst defined ideal tasks of people
a. Verbal connections are used to create on different stages of their life. Which of the
associations. following developmental tasks should one
b. Voluntary responses are learned accomplish in Middle Adulthood?
c. Common response is given to an entire class of A. Taking on civic responsibility
stimuli B. Establishing an explicit affiliation with one’s age
d. Various concepts are related and combined group.
C. Establishing satisfactory physical living
107. Teacher A is teaching Work Immersion to her arrangements.
STEM students, which is under the Academic Track. D. Assisting teenage children to become responsible
Per DepED Order No. 8 series of 2015, how many and happy adults
percent should she allocate to Performance Tasks?
A. 60% 112. Portfolios are usually done after a student has
B. 50% been exposed after a certain amount of time. What
C. 45% type of portfolio should be used to highlight
D. 40% development and improvement over time, showcase
the process of learning, and show the range of
108. Which of the following teachers is artifacts from planning to drafts to complete
authoritative? products?
A. Teacher A is indifferent and undemanding of A. Showcase portfolio
student involvement. B. Working Portfolio
B. Teacher B assumes the sole responsibility for C. Product portfolio
making all decisions in the classroom. D. Process Portfolio
C. Teacher C is kind, caring, and warm, but also firm.
D. Teacher D accepts the students’ impulses and 113. According to Freud, there are two classes of
actions and is less likely to monitor their behavior. instincts. What are these?
A. Ego and Superego
109. Principals and Master Teachers yearly evaluate B. Oedipus and Electra Complex
the teachers under their supervision and C. Eros and Thanatos
mentorship. Which of the following tools is used as D. Conscious and Unconscious Mind
criteria in rating the performance of public-school
teachers for this purpose? 114. With Krathwohl’s taxonomy of psychomotor
A. Individual Performance Commitment and Review domain in mind, which of the following tasks is under
Form (IPCRF) Valuing?
B. Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers a. Contributing to group discussion by asking
C. Competency-Based Performance Appraisal System questions
for Teachers b. Listening attentively to group discussion
D. Results-Based Performance Management System c. Calling a meeting concerning a neighborhood’s
(RPMS) housing integration
d. Arguing over an issue involving health care
110. Which of the following strands belong to the
Third Domain of the National Competency-Based
Teacher Standards (NCBTS)?
A. Plans and manages the teaching and learning
B. Provides feedback to improve learning
C. Promotion of purposive learning
115. Which of the following is an example of lack of 120. Which of the students is on the active-adoption
object permanence? stage of technology integration?
a. A child wondering where his mom's face went a. Sheena uses technological tools in conventional
when they play the Peek-a-boo game and procedural ways.
b. A child knows that his ball still exists even when b. Mario's choice of technological tools are regular
covered by a blanket. and self-directed
c. A child do not understand why his cousins call his c. Barry uses technological tools extensively and
dad "uncle" unconventionally
d. A child is unable to realize that some things d. Kris uses technological tools in conventional ways
remain unchanged despite looking different. with exploration in mind.

116. Which of the following is a systemic way of 121. Among the memory methods for increasing the
designing, carrying out, and evaluating the total success rate of retrieval of information, which of the
process of learning and teaching in terms of specific following is true about part learning?
objectives? * a. Break up the list into chunks of information
a. Instructional Technology b. Put the most important parts should be in the
b. Technology Integration beginning and in the end
c. Educational Media c. Break up learning sessions rather than cramming
d. Technology in Education all information in at once
d. Use memory techniques
117. Which of the following is defined as the ability
to interpret, and make meaning from information 122. According to psychosocial theory, individuals
presented in the form of an image? * who are shamelessly willing to jump into things have
a. Media Literacy developed maladaptive tendencies in what level of
b. Visual Literacy development?
c. Information Literacy a. Preschool Years
d. Technology Literacy b. Toddlers
c. Elementary School Years
118. Which of the following type of intellegence is d. Infancy
favored in traditional instruction?
I. Visual-Spatial 123. According to Erik Erikson's Psychosocial
II. Verbal-Linguistic Development Theory, which of the following persons
III. Bodily-Kinesthetic shows maladaptation in Adolescence stage?
a. II only a. Netty believes that, if at first she doesn't succeed,
b. I and II then she won't ever try again.
c. II and III b. Robert thinks that his principles are the only
d. I, II, and III principles that should be followed by everyone.
c. Mario does not feel the need to have an identity.
119. Mariel's raw school is Mathematics 10 is 40 out d. Sophia tends to become intimate too freely and
of 50 which is in the 70th percentile. What does this too easily.
a. 70 percent of her classmates got a score lower 124. Which of the following is an assessment task
than 40 that caters the naturalist learners best?
b. 80 percent of her classmates got a score lower a. Describing patterns in several mathematical
than 40 solutions sets.
c. Cindy's score is higher than 80% of her classmates b. Sharing one's reflection on the meaning of life.
d. Cindy's score is lower than 70% of her classmates c. Attending a gym on the other side of town
d. Using of binoculars, telescope, and magnifiers
125. Tomas’ test scores on his six tests are 95, 80, 75, 131. Analyze this essay test then answer the
97, 75, 88. Which measure of central tendency question: State, explain and illustrate with a concrete
would be the highest? example the law of recency. What does the essay
a. Mean test lack?
b. Median a. Clarity
c. Mode b. Specificity
d. Standard Deviation c. Scoring rubric
d. Illustration
126. Here are two groups of students’ scores out a
30-item test. 15,15, 15, 14, 16 and 2, 7, 14, 22, 30. 132. In an essay question, teacher B asked her
Which is TRUE of the score distribution? students to illustrate their answer. Some students
I. They have the same mean. gave a drawing, others gave an example when what
II. The second set of scores is more spread out. she wanted was a concrete example. Referring to the
III. The range is the same. guidelines on writing essay questions what is wrong
a. I only with her essay questions?
b. II and III a. It is very long.
c. II only b. What she asked is unreasonable.
d. I and II c. There is no specification on how the students
should illustrate by drawing or by giving a concrete
127. In assessment, which is used to evaluate the example.
level to which a student has achieved the objective d. She did not consider multiple intelligences of
of an activity? learner.
a. Checklist
b. Holistic rubric 133. If a score distribution has no outliers, which is
c. Analytic rubric MOST likely to be TRUE?
d. Rating scale a. The scores may not be so varied.
b. The scores may be highly varied.
128. Which is an administrative purpose of grading? c. In this case, the median is most reliable measure
a. Helps determine student’s class rank and credits of central tendency.
b. Needed to communicate with parents and d. In this case, the mode is the best measure of
teachers and students central tendency.
c. Pushes students’ desire to work for higher grades
d. Needed to inspire learners 134. The mean of a score distribution is 10 while its
median is 7 and its mode is 5. Which best describes
129. Which type of portfolio is meant to diagnose the score distribution?
students’ learning? a. Negatively skewed
a. Assessment portfolio b. Positively skewed
b. Development portfolio c. Normally distributed
c. Growth portfolio d. Mesokurtic
d. Showcase portfolio
135. Which is TRUE of scores that follow a
130. Which explains the specific feature of a table of negatively skewed distribution?
data which is not self-explanatory? a. Mean is higher than the median.
a. Footnote b. Median is lower than the mode
b. Source note c. Mode is lower than the mean
c. Body of the table d. Mean is higher than the mode
d. Caption
136. You like to get a more reliable picture of the b. I and II
scores of your students in your math class. Which c. II and III
will you compute? d. I, II and III
a. The mean
b. The mean and SD 141. This term refers to the person’s direction of
c. The difficulty index his/her sexual and romantic interests.
d. The discrimination index a. Sexual orientation
b. Gender identity
137. Mary’s score is within X ± 1SD. To which of the c. Gender expression
following groups does she belong? d. Sexual identity.
a. Below average
b. Average 142. John has a medical condition wherein his
c. Needs improvement reproductive anatomy or genital does not fit in the
d. Above average binary definition of male or female. He is regarded as
138. Which text form would you choose if you have a. Transgenderman
a valid and reliable test based on the table below? b. Transgender worman
c. Intersex
d. Cisgender

143. Teacher F uses strategies that focus on the

ability to relate two or more items in a pool of words.
What strategy is she focusing on?
a. Basic Rehearsal Strategies
b. Basic Elaboration Strategies
c. Basic organizational strategies
d. Complex Rehearsal Strategies
a. A only
b. B only
144. Which of the following is an assessment task
c. A and B
that caters the naturalist learners best?
d. B and C
a. Describing patterns in several mathematical
solutions sets.
139. A student may have mastered the rules of
b. Sharing one's reflection on the meaning of life.
subject-verb agreement, gets a perfect score in a
c. Attending a gym on the other side of town
multiple-choice test on subject-verb agreement but
d. Using of binoculars, telescope, and magnifiers.
when he/she delivers a speech in real life, fails to
observed subject-verb agreement rules. So which
145. The following authentic assessment tools are
type of assessment should be encouraged?
learned through doing performance except:
a. Contextualized assessment
a. Reflective Journals
b. Decontextualized assessment
b. Oral Presentations
c. Formative assessment
c. Experiments
d. Summative assessment
d. Dramatization

140. What assessment/s does a teacher give when

he/she makes use of authentic assessment?
I. Product assessment
II. Process assessment
III. Scoring rubric
a. I only
146. Which of the following defines patrilineal C. It is a well-defined procedure used to accomplish a
family? specific activity or task.
a. It is when the family's descent is recognized D. It is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the
through the father's line. nature of learning which is translated into the
b. It is when the father is considered the head and classroom.
plays a dominant role
c. It is when the newly married couple lives with the
parents of the husband
d. None of the above

147. Which of the following statements is/are true?

I. Piaget's Theories focused more on individual than
on social groups.
II. Piaget's theories stressed the role of language in
cognitive development
III. Piaget's theories emphasized the role of culture in
cognitive development
a. I, II, and III
b. I and II
c. I and III
d. I only

148. With Dave’s taxonomy of psychomotor domains

in mind, which of the following tasks is under
a. Copying the Mona Lisa painting.
b. Following instructions to assemble a table from
c. Drives a motorcycle on tight areas between cars
during heavy traffic hours.
d. Perform a skill without assistance

149. There are 3 commonly accepted categories of

metacognitive variables. Which of the following
sentences most probably comes from a person
whose strategy variables are satisfactorily met?
a. I am confident that I am a night owl when it comes
to studying.
b. I know that exactly needs to be accomplished.
c. I am aware of the techniques I use to learn and
how effective they are.
d. I know what kind of effort I should exert to
complete this task.

150. Which of the following correctly defines

teaching approach?
A. It is a systematic way of doing something.
B. It is a long-term plan of action designed to achieve
a particular goal

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