Introduction To Statistics
Introduction To Statistics
Introduction To Statistics
Towards this end the course is designed to equip students with a working
knowledge of probability, statistics, and decision making ability in the
presence of uncertainties. It will also introduce them to both theoretical
issues and applications that will be useful in social and academic research
and real life experience. Specifically, this course aims at providing with a
basic understanding of probability, descriptive statistics (summarizing
data), and inferential statistics (making valid generalizations from sample
data) and sampling techniques that are important for research.
Objectives At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Midterms: 20%
5.1. Percentiles
5.2. Quartiles and Inter-quartile Range
5.3. Box-and Whisker plot and identifying outliers
5.4. Skewness
5.5. Kurtosis
6.1. Scatter plot
6.2. The Coefficient of Correlation
6.3. Scatter Plot
7.1. Assigning probability to events
7.2. Probability Rules
7.3. Conditional Probability
7.4. Random variable and Discrete probability distribution
7.5. Binomial Distribution
Reference/text books:
1. Keller G. Statistics for Management and Economics, Sixth
2. Prem. S Mann, Christopher Jay Lacke.Introductory Statistics,
7th edition
3. De Veaux, Velleman and Bock. Intro Stats,4th edition,
published by Pearson
4. Ary, D. and Jacobs, L.C. Introduction to Statistics Purposes
and Procedures. New York, Chicago…Toronto, Sydney. Hld
Rinehart and Winston.
5. Denga, I.d. and Ali, A. An Introduction to Research Methods
and Statistics in Education and Social Sciences. Jos. Savannah
Publishers Ltd.