Phytochemical and Taxonomical Studies of

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Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, 2018; Special Issue A6 : 26-32 SJIF Impact Factor 6.

ISSN: 2322-0015 UGC Approved Journal No. 63628

Phytochemical and Taxonomical Studies of Lepidium sativum

L. (Brassicaceae)

Sangekar SN *1, Devarkar VD 2, Shaikh TJ 3, Shahane MK4 and Kshirsagar UM 5

*1Department of Botany, Shiv Chhatrapati College Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

2Department of Botany, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Omerga, Maharashtra, India
3 Departments of Botany, Yashwantrao Chavan College of Science, Karad, Maharashtra, India

4 Haribhau Devkiran High school and Junior College, Solapur, Maharashtra, India

5 Maharashtra secondary and Higher secondary Vidyalaya, Barshi, Solapur, Maharashtra, India


Manuscript Details ABSTRACT

Available online on
Almost 75 – 80 % of developing countries rely on traditional
ISSN: 2322-0015
medicines, mostly on chemical constituents and drugs which is
Editor: Dr. Arvind Chavhan obtain from plant, for their primary health care needs,
according to World Health Organisation (WHO). In recent
Cite this article as: times, focus on plant research has increased all over the world
Sangekar SN, Devarkar VD, Shaikh TJ, Shahane and a large number of evidence has collected to show immense
MK and Kshirsagar UM. Phytochemical and potential of medicinal plants used in various traditional
Taxonomical Studies of Lepidium sativum L. systems.Similarly it has been already proved that the correct
(Brassicaceae), Int. Res. Journal of Science & identification and authentication of taxa is most important in
Engineering, 2018; Special Issue A6: 26-32. plants science. The Lepidium sativum L. has enormous
traditional uses against various diseases. The present
© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access review aims to Phytochemical, Morphological and anatomical
This article is distributed under the terms review of Lepidium sativum L. In the present work
of the Creative Commons Attribution phytochemistry and taxonomical enumeration of Lepidium
4.0 International License sativum L. is carried out.
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and Keywords: Phytochemistry, Morphology, Anatomy, Lepidium
reproduction in any medium, provided you give sativum L., Brassicaceae.
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and
the source, provide a link to the Creative
Commons license, and indicate if changes were

National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? – April 27, 2018”
© 2018| All right reserved |26
Sangekar et al., 2018 27

INTRODUCTION Anatomy with illustration: The T. S. of Root, Stem and

leaf were taken by fine blade and the sections were
Lepidium sativum L. (Family: Brassicaceae) is a stained by the method of double staining, and the
common plant in India, profoundly used as Ayurvedic illustration of all sections and habit of plant were made
medicine, and also used as Modern medicine. Lepidium by 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 tip Rotring Isograph Technical
sativum L. is an annual plant commonly known as Drawing Pen on A4 sized drawing paper.
“chandrashoor”, “aleev” in Marathi language and also
Qualitative analysis: Test for qualitative analysis of
known as “halloo”. The leaves of the plant are used in
starch, protein, fat, tannin, saponin, glycosides and
salads, cooked with other vegetables and used to
alkaloids was taken and confirm the presence or
garnish food. Leaves are stimulant and diuretic [1, 2].
absence of compounds in plant parts ie. Root, Stem and
The seed bran has high dietary fibre content and also it
has high water holding capacity. Seed bran can be used
as a rich source of dietary fibre [3]. The roots of halon
Quantitative analysis: Total Ash values, Moisture
are acrid and bitter which are useful in treatment of
contents, Sugar in root, alkaloids, Nitrogen, Potassium,
secondary syphilis and used as a condiment [4]. The
Calcium, Phosphorus, Crude protein, free amino acid
aqueous extract of L. sativum seeds promoted
were calculated in percentage
hypoglycaemic activity both in normal and diabetic rats
without interfering insulin secretion [5]. In recent trend
the re-emerging connection between plants and human
health especially depends on their antioxidant activities RESULT AND DISCUSSION
that may delay or reduce the hazardous effects of free
radicals. The major causative for the generation of free L. sativum L. (Family -Brassicaceae ) is commonly
radicals in food, drug and living systems is the known as “chandrashoor” in this region, the flowering
oxidation process. and fruiting period is June to December.

The L. sativum widely used in folk medicine treatment

METHODOLOGY in used for treatment of asthma , bronchitis and cough,
and also used to relief from waist pain after maternal
Collection and Identification: Lepidium sativum L. delivery in Women’s, and as energisers.
(Family: Brassicaceae) was collected from Aurangabad
region of the Maharashtra. The survey of the study area Morphology (Taxon Treatment) (Fig .01)
was conducted during June 2017. Identification of the Lepidium sativum L. Sp. Pl 644. 1753; Hook F. & Anders.
collected specimens was made with the help of standard In Hook. f. fl. Brit. India 1: 159 1872; Naik, fl. osmanabad
Floras [6, 7]. Herbarium specimens are deposited in the 35. 1979.
Department of Botany, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College,
Omerga. Library and Herbarium of Botanical Survey of Erect, Glabrous, Annual branched herb. 10 - 45 cm tall.
India, Pune was consulted for review of literature and branches bluish green in colour. Lower leaves
also for identification of the specimen. pinnatisect or variously divided, ca 3-7 cm long
(Sometime Entire) , lobes inciso dentate, upper ones
Histochemical screening: Histochemical screening was entire. (Fig .02). Flower actinomorphic, across in
performed as per standard methods given in by terminal simple or compound, Inflorescence 10-15 cm
Gangulee et. al.[8], Evans [9], Harbone [10], Peach long racemes. pedicels 3-3.5 mm long. Sepals 4, obtuse,
&Tracey [11], Rastogi & Mehrotra [12] and Johansen 1-1.5 mm long petals white, 2-2.5 mm long. Stamen 6
[13]. (Sometime 4), Gynocium fused, Carpel 1. (Fig .03).

Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A6, April, 2018:
28 | National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? –2018”

Figure 1. Lepidium sativum (Habit)

Figure 2. Habit Photograph

Figure 5. T. S. of Root

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Sangekar et al., 2018 29

Fruit Two-seeded, elliptic, flat, tip broadly winged,

with notched tip, grey, about 6 mm long silicula. Stalk
quite erect, 5–8 mm long. Seeds Glabrous, Broun, 2 x 1
mm. (Fig .04).

Notes: cultivated for edible seeds as a winter crop, also

escaped around fields and roadsides.

Trichome (Fig .08)
The bicellular unisererrate type of trichomes is present
in Lepidium which is measured about 20-25 µ length.
Figure 6. T. S. of Stem
Stomata (Fig .09)
The Lepidium stomata shows the tetracydic type of
stomata the guard cells were measured about 3-4 x2-3 µ.

1) T. S. of Root (Fig .05)
The T.S. of Lepidium root shows the outermost layer is of
epidermis. Epidermis is composed of thick walled barrel
shaped cells which is compactly arranged. The
epidermal layer interrupted by root hairs. The
epidermal cells were measured about 2.1 x 3.5 µ.

The epidermal layer is followed by cortical cells, the

cortical cells further of three type’s i.e. outer, middle &
inner cortex. The outer cortex is composed 3-4 layer &
the outer cortical cells were measured about 2.5-3 x -3.5
µ. The middle cortex is composed of 2-4 layer & the cells
of middle cortex is measured about 3.5-4 x 4.5-5 µ and
the inner most cortical layer is of 7-11 layers of inner
cortical cells which is measured about 1.5-2 x 3.5-4 µ.
The centrally located stele is comport vascular elements
strand. The stele is delimiting by endodermis the
vascular strand is composed of phloem parenchyma &
xylem elements.

The phloem parenchymatous cells were increased about

1.5- x 2-2.5 µ. Were the xylem elements measured about
3-4 x 4-5 µ.

2) T. S. of Stem(Fig .06) The T. S. of Lepidium stem

shows outer most layer is epidermis which is composed
of parenchymatous patches.

Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A6, April, 2018:
30 | National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? –2018”

Below to epidermis there is presence of cortex. Cortex is 3) T. S. of Leaf (Fig .07)

of 3-4 layered & composed of compactly arranged cells T.S of the Lepidium leaf shows the bi-layer (upper
with the measurement of 3 - 3.5 x 3.5 -4 µ. The cortical epidermis & lower) of epidermis. The epidermis is of
zones were adjacent to the epidermis & interrupted by two type. Upper epidermis is composed of thick walled
parenchymatous patches. barrel shaped cells with compact arrangement. The
epidermis is covered by cuticle & interrupted by
The stele is present at the center of T. S. The setele is stomata. The epidermal cells were measured about 3-4 x
delimiting with endodermis the endodermis is ring like 4.5-5 µ. The vascular tissue is located at the center of
appearance of compactly arranged cells. The stele is midrib. This is composed of xylem & phloem elements.
composed of vascular strand, pericycle, endodermis&
pith. The pericycle present just below to endodermis. The vascular strand delimiting with bundle sheath cells
& having diameter of 7-9 µ.
The pericycle not distinct from vascular strand. The
vascular strand is composed of phloem arenchyma & The chlorenchymaatous cell is present between the two
xylem elements. The phloem parenchyma is 8-12 epidermis & the chlorenchymaatous cells were
layered &it’s interrupted by xylem elements. measured about 3-3.4 x 3.5-4 µ.

Table 1: Qualitative analysis

Lepidium sativum L.
Sr. No. Test Root Stem Leaf
1 Starch + + +
2 Protein + + +
3 Fat + + +
4 Tannin _ + +
5 Saponin + + +
6 Glycoside + + +
7 Alkaloids + + +
Lepidium sativum L.
1 Starch + + +
2 Protein + + +
3 Fat + + +
4 Tannin _ + +
5 Saponin + + +
6 Glycoside + + +
7 Alkaloids + + +
Lepidium sativum L.
1 Starch + + +
2 Protein + + +
3 Fat + + +
4 Tannin _ + +
5 Saponin + + +
6 Glycoside + + +
7 Alkaloids + + +

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Sangekar et al., 2018 31

Table 2. Physiochemical investigation

Sr. Parameter Percentage of content in Plant Part
No Root Stem Leaf
1) Total ash 23.30% 17.10% 20.20%
A Water insoluble ash 16.20% 15.10% 19.10%
B Water soluble ash 00.70% 01.70% 01.10%
C Acid soluble ash 22.60% 13.70% 17.30%
D Acid in soluble ash 00.60% 03.40% 02.90%
2) Moisture content 06.69% 05.20% 07.10%
3) Total sugar 00.78% 01.23% 02.10%
A Reducing sugar 00.56% 01.00% 01.79%
B Non reducing sugar 00.22% 00.23% 00.31%
4) Total alkaloids 02.10% 10.18% 07.00%
5) Nitrogen 03.90% 07.20% 07.40%
6) Potassium 00.12% 00.21% 00.19%
7) Calcium 00.13% 00.70% 00.92%
8) Phosphorous 00.22% 00.40% 00.70%
9) Crude protein 19.10% 17.80% 29.30%
10) Total free Amino acid 00.44% 00.79% 00.90%

Qualitative analysis Total amount of ash in the leaf was 20.20 %, water
soluble was found to be 01.10% water insoluble ash
Root gave the negative test for tannin but other was19.10%, acid soluble ash was 17.30% acid insoluble
metabolites are seen in scattered in few cells of cortex. ash was found to be 02.90%
Leaves shows the presence of all metabolites like starch,
protein fat tannin saponin glycosides and alkaloids, the Moisture contents: Moisture content in root 6.9%, stem
collenchymatous cells of midrib shows presence of 5.2% and leaf is found in 7.1%.
alkaloids and protein The values were found in increase in number root <
stem< leaf.
Quantitative analysis
Total sugars: Total sugar content in root 00.78%,
Phytochemical investigation reducing sugar is found in 00.56% and non reducing
Ash values: Total amount of ash in the root was 23.30 %, sugar is 00.22 % Total sugar content in stem01.23 %,
water soluble was found to be 00.70 % water insoluble reducing sugar is found in 01.00% and non reducing
ash was16.20 %, acid soluble ash was 22.60 % acid sugar is 00.23% Total sugar content in leaf 02.10%,
insoluble ash was found to be 00.60% reducing sugar is found in 01.79% and non reducing
sugar is 00.31%.
Total amount of ash in the stem was 17.10 %, water
soluble was found to be 01.70% water insoluble ash Total alkaloids: Total alkaloids in root is found in 2.1%,
was15.10%, acid soluble ash was 13.70% acid insoluble in stem 10.18% and leaf 07% is found.
ash was found to be 03.40%
Nitrogen: Amount of nitrogen in root 03.90%, stem
07.20% and in leaf 07.40% is found.

Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A6, April, 2018:
32 | National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? –2018”

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Potassium: Amount of potassium in root is 00.12%, stem Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg; 1955, 3-4.
12. Rastogi & Mehrotra and Rastogi RP, Mehrotra N
00.19% and in leaf 00.21% is found.
(1995). Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants, CDRI,
Luknow and P.I.D, New Delhi, 1999, 4: 493-498.
Calcium: Amount of calcium in root 0.13%, stem 0.7%
13. Johansen DA. Plant Microtechnique . Mc Graw Hill
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Phosphorus: Amount of Phosphorus in root 00.22%,

stem 00.40% and in leaf 00.70% is found. © 2018| Published by IRJSE
Crude protein: Amount of Crude protein in root
19.10%, stem 17.80% and in leaf 29.30% is found

Total free amino acid: Amount of Total free amino acid

in root 00.44%, stem 00.79% and in leaf 00.90% is found.


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8. Ganguly J, Krishnamurthy S & Mahadevan S. Biochem. J.  High visibility within the field
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