Phytochemical and Taxonomical Studies of
Phytochemical and Taxonomical Studies of
Phytochemical and Taxonomical Studies of
ISSN: 2322-0015 UGC Approved Journal No. 63628
4 Haribhau Devkiran High school and Junior College, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
5 Maharashtra secondary and Higher secondary Vidyalaya, Barshi, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? – April 27, 2018”
© 2018| All right reserved |26
Sangekar et al., 2018 27
Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A6, April, 2018:
28 | National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? –2018”
Figure 5. T. S. of Root
Trichome (Fig .08)
The bicellular unisererrate type of trichomes is present
in Lepidium which is measured about 20-25 µ length.
Figure 6. T. S. of Stem
Stomata (Fig .09)
The Lepidium stomata shows the tetracydic type of
stomata the guard cells were measured about 3-4 x2-3 µ.
1) T. S. of Root (Fig .05)
The T.S. of Lepidium root shows the outermost layer is of
epidermis. Epidermis is composed of thick walled barrel
shaped cells which is compactly arranged. The
epidermal layer interrupted by root hairs. The
epidermal cells were measured about 2.1 x 3.5 µ.
Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A6, April, 2018:
30 | National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? –2018”
Qualitative analysis Total amount of ash in the leaf was 20.20 %, water
soluble was found to be 01.10% water insoluble ash
Root gave the negative test for tannin but other was19.10%, acid soluble ash was 17.30% acid insoluble
metabolites are seen in scattered in few cells of cortex. ash was found to be 02.90%
Leaves shows the presence of all metabolites like starch,
protein fat tannin saponin glycosides and alkaloids, the Moisture contents: Moisture content in root 6.9%, stem
collenchymatous cells of midrib shows presence of 5.2% and leaf is found in 7.1%.
alkaloids and protein The values were found in increase in number root <
stem< leaf.
Quantitative analysis
Total sugars: Total sugar content in root 00.78%,
Phytochemical investigation reducing sugar is found in 00.56% and non reducing
Ash values: Total amount of ash in the root was 23.30 %, sugar is 00.22 % Total sugar content in stem01.23 %,
water soluble was found to be 00.70 % water insoluble reducing sugar is found in 01.00% and non reducing
ash was16.20 %, acid soluble ash was 22.60 % acid sugar is 00.23% Total sugar content in leaf 02.10%,
insoluble ash was found to be 00.60% reducing sugar is found in 01.79% and non reducing
sugar is 00.31%.
Total amount of ash in the stem was 17.10 %, water
soluble was found to be 01.70% water insoluble ash Total alkaloids: Total alkaloids in root is found in 2.1%,
was15.10%, acid soluble ash was 13.70% acid insoluble in stem 10.18% and leaf 07% is found.
ash was found to be 03.40%
Nitrogen: Amount of nitrogen in root 03.90%, stem
07.20% and in leaf 07.40% is found.
Int. Res. J. of Science & Engineering, Special Issue A6, April, 2018:
32 | National Seminar on “ “Journey of Bioscience from Wild to Urban & What Next? –2018”