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Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid

Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
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ISSN: 2289-7879

Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Nanofluid Characteristics that

Effects on Heat Transfer Enhancement: Review and Comparison
Hashim Alsammarraie1,*, Mohd Khairol Anuar Mohd Ariffin1, Eris Elianddy Supeni1, Siti Ujila

1 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia


Article history: This review describes and compare the recent studies for numerical and experimental
Received 3 March 2023 researches in the improvement of Nanofluid on flow, thermal conductivity, and heat
Received in revised form 6 June 2023 transfer for various heat exchanger applications. The Nanofluid consists of two parts which
Accepted 14 June 2023 are nanoparticles and base fluid. This study investigated nanoparticles' and base fluid's
Available online 1 July 2023
effects separately—the main preparation techniques and latest heat exchanger
applications that used nanofluid technology, which has been touched upon. Nanofluid
technology is one of the hot topics and high Impact that researchers have worked on in
the latest decades. Therefore, this review paper investigated and collected the data from
the latest results in this area based on nanofluid characteristics and effects of particle
material, volume concentration, particle size, particle shape, fluid temperature, acidity,
magnetic field, and electrical pulsing individually. Many recent studies were recast using
a common parameter to settle comparisons of data between the research group in the
Keywords: same study and conditions to identify its thermal enhancement. The latest trends of
Nanofluid; heat transfer nanofluid technology have been stated in this research alongside the recommendations
enhancement; hybrid nanofluid; for future studies that present the leaks in each area of study. Heat transfer enhancement
nanotechnology applications; has been increased in different nanofluids, metallic, non-metallic, organic, inorganic and
nanofluid characteristics hybrid, by up to 300%.

1. Introduction

The latest trends of technological development in mechanical and thermal systems refer to the
necessity of increasing the thermal efficiency in these systems. Thus, many researchers have studied
the heat transfer enhancement inactive, passive, or hybrid methods. The first found of
nanotechnology in Mesopotamia, and artists they used that for a glittering effect on the surface of
the pots [1]. Medieval artisans used a suspension of gold nanoparticles for their windows to make
deep red colours without knowing their secrets. In the 15th century in Italy, ceramicists used metallic
nanoparticles dispersed in a liquid to make shininess pottery [2]. The term "nanofluid" was stated by
Sus [3]; he refers to a liquid containing a dispersion of submicronic solid particles (nanoparticles) with

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Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

a particle size of 1–50 nm. Nanofluid is a suspension of nanometer-sized particles or fibers in a liquid
called (base fluid). These additional particles will effect on physical properties of the base fluid, e.g.,
density, viscosity, specific heat, and thermal conductivity. Lately, many researchers studied the
changing of base fluid from pure Water to a liquid more efficiently by adding a liquid, like ethylene
glycol, to create a high thermal conductivity fluid. Many review papers agreed that the addition of
nanoparticles and the changing of base fluid gave the systems high performance, but those review
papers didn't make a comparative analysis between the experimental and simulation studies in this
field or didn't mention the characteristics that effect of the heat transfer enhancement of these
thermal applications [4-8] Many studies determined the thermal conductivity of different
nanoparticles in various fluids with volume concentrations between (0.1-4%) they found an
enhancement in the system of 4.9-50% compared to its base fluid. Convection I the study of heat
transport processes effected by the flow of fluids [9]. Convection has three types; natural convection
is a phenomenon in which the fluid motion is driven by buoyancy forces due to the variation in density
by temperature difference [10]. Force convection means that an external force device, such as a
pump, is used to promote the fluid motion for the process. Mixed convection is a unique case of the
convective transportation phenomenon; it's a mixing of natural and forced convection, which occurs
in heat exchangers, solar panel systems, and most electronic cooling systems.
Nanofluid is liquid content of metallic (Fe2O3, Au, Ag Al2O3), non-metallic (silica, ceramic, glass),
organic (proteins, sugars), inorganic (calcium phosphates), friendly environmental (roots, stems,
leaves, bulbs) or hybrid nanoparticles (MgFe2O4, Al2O3+Cu) with a 0.1-100nm size suspended in a
base fluid, such as water, ethylene glycol, glycerine, acetone, etc. [11-13]. In recent years, it has been
noticed that the addition of nanosized particles to the base fluid can improve its thermal conductivity.
This research presents the latest enhancement in each character that can change the thermal
conductivity and the heat transfer quantity; this research aims to aggregate the latest research on
the nanofluid technology to simplify to the researchers about the latest trends and the
recommendations for new researchers based on authors' knowledge. Many researchers applied this
magnificent fluid in many heat exchanger applications that will enhance the heat transfer coefficient,
which increases the heat exchanger efficiency [14]. Several review papers have been published
concerning the synthesis and applications of the usage of nanofluids [15]. The Nanofluid is regarded
as a novel class technique to optimize the heat transfer efficiency of the heat exchangers owing to
the high dispensability of the nanoparticles within the base fluid and the high stability of the
suspension. Figure 1 shows the Nusselt number increasing for different nanofluids. Bazdar et al., [16]
studied the effects of changing the wavelength of the sinusoidal microchannel and CuO nanofluid on
flow and heat transfer properties. The flow was simulated at Reynolds numbers range of 3000-7500
with volume fractions of 0, 1.5, and 3%. Figure 1 presented the Nu result of this study. Table 1 shows
the heat transfer enhancement or thermal conductivity of many studies in the nanofluid area.
Bisheh et al., [17] investigated the Impact of hybrid nanofluids (Ag-TiO2/Water) at 1.5-3-6%
concentration with10000-18000 Re on improving the performance of a heat exchanger with
turbulent induction elements and concluded that the heat transfer coefficient had increased by 52%
at 6% of Ag-TiO2/ Water. Elfaghi et al., [18] studied the Forced Convection Heat Transfer
Enhancement in Pipes numerically Using Al2O3/Water Nanofluid with (0.5-1-2% of concentration) in
the Reynolds number range from 6000 to 12000. The Nusselt number results are shown in Figure 1.
Hybrid DWCNT-TiO2 /water nanofluid has been investigated by Zheng et al., [19] on the influence of
the shape of the vortex generator on fluid flow and turbulent heat transfer in a channel. The results
show that the heat transfer gains higher performance with the usage of the hybrid nanofluid.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Fig. 1. Nusselt number increase for different nanofluids

Table 1
Heat transfer enhancement or thermal conductivity of many studies in the nanofluid area
Reference Method Nanoparticles Base fluid Geometry and Flow Enhancement
Ataei et al., [20] Experimental Al2O3:TiO2 (0.5%) Water Minichannel/laminar 16.97% HT
Ahmad et al., Experimental ZnO (0.1-0.4%) Water Car radiator/laminar 70% HT at 0.2%
Chopkar et al., Experimental Al-Cu 70:30 (0.19- ethylene Turbulent 2.25 TC ratio
[22] 2.50%) (20-40nm) glycol
Alshehri et al., Simulation Al2O3-TiO2 (2.5:1.5, W-EG Circular pipe/ turbulent 52% HT
[23] 5:3%) 70:30
Li and Peterson Experimental Al2O3(2-10%, Water Laminar 1.51 TC ratio at
[24] 36nm), CuO (2-6%, (28.9- CuO-W (33.4C)
29nm) 34.7C)
Bayat and Simulation Al2O3(0-10%) EG-W circular tube/Turbulent 33.9% HT
Nikseresht [25] 60:40
El Bécaye Maïga Simulation Al2O3 (1-10%) Water Circular tube/Turbulent 50% HT
et al., [26]
Vandrangi et Simulation SiO2, Al2O3 (1%) W-EG Circular tube/ laminar 52.9% HT
al., [27] 40:60,
Bianco et al., Simulation Al2O3 (1-6%) Water Circular tube/ turbulent 30% HT
Usri et al., [29] Experimental Al2O3 (0-0.6%) EG-W Turbulent 14.6% HT
(13nm) 40:60
Kumar et al., Simulation CuO, Al2O3, SiO2 Water Circular tube/ turbulent 58.79% HT at
[30] (0.2-0.6%) (Al2O3 0.6)
Liu et al., [31] Experimental Cu (0.1-0.2%) (50- Water Laminar 1.24 TC ratio
Devireddy et Experimental TiO2 (0-0.5%) EG-W Turbulent 37% HT
al., [32] (21nm) 40:60
Xie et al., [33] Experimental Al2O3 (5%) Water, EG, Pump oil>EG>
(60.4nm) pump oil, G> W in TC
glycerol ratio

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Selimefendigil Simulation CuO (0-0.035%) Water Face step/ laminar 30% Nu

and Oztop [34]

Hamid et al., Experimental TiO2 (0.5-1.5%) EG-W Turbulent 29% HT

[35] (50nm) 40:60
Kherbeet et al., Experimental SiO2(0-1%) Water Face step/ laminar 66% HT
Di Ilio et al., Simulation Al2O3, CuO (0-10%) Water Wavy wall/ laminar 20% HT (Al2O3)
Sun et al., [38] Experimental Fe3O4(0.1-0.5%) Water Circular tube/laminar 9.16% HT
Gupta et al., Experimental ZnFe2O4 (0.02- Water Circular tube laminar 43% TC
[39] 0.5%)
Li et al., [40] Experimental C (0.25-1%) Acetone Microchannel/ laminar 73% HT
Manay and Experimental TiO2 Water Rectangular 39.7 HT
Sahin [41] microchannel
Saffarian et al., Simulation Al2O3, CuO (1-4%) Water Wavy, spiral pipes 78.25% HT
[42] /turbulent
Behnampour et Experimental Ag Water Trapezoidal, 100% HT
al., [43] Rectangular, Triangular
Irandoost et al., Simulation Al2O3 (2,4,6%) Water Microchannel/ laminar 1.98 PEC
[44] (10,30,50,70nm)
Fayadh et al., Simulation CuO (1-3-5%) Water Solar collector 1.155 K
Gholizadeh et Experimental Ag+Fe3O4(1-5%) Water Diesel engine / shell and 47.12 HT
al., [46] and Simulation tube

Initial research and development technology demonstrated the potential of the heat transfer
nanofluid for applications in industrial sections and research institutes all over the world to keep the
effort in research and development in this field. Lately, that effort has increased and taken much
attention from researchers [47].
In 2010, the nanofluid-related publications were 2720, And that number can be seen increasing
each year, which shows the importance of this field. Its success led to being applied in several
applications and systems. In 2019, there were more than 14600 Publications published and indexed
in the Google Scholar search engine. Figure 2 shows the number of publications in the Google Scholar
search engine from 2010-2022. The nanofluid research has increased worldwide because nanofluid
increases the performance of the application that reduces energy consumption which leads to
reduced operational costs. Hence can maintain the whole system and increase its lifespan.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Fig. 2. Shows the number of publications in the Google

Scholar search engine from 2010-2022

2. Preparation Methods for Nanofluids

Nanofluids contain two parts Nanosized particles and base fluid. To maintain the thermal
properties of the Nanofluid should reach a high stability suspension of nanoparticles in the base fluid;
some fluids require special treatment to reach that stability without changing their chemical
properties. There are two main techniques for the preparation of nanofluids: the single-step method
(SSM) and the two-step method (TSM) [48-51].

2.1 Single-Step Method (SSM)

The single-step method concurrently produces and disperses the nanoparticles into the base
fluid; this method can give stability to metallic nanofluids [52]. The aggregation can be reduced with
the direct evaporation condensation method. In this stage of preparation, the condensation forms of
nanoparticles through directly contacted between the vapor and base fluid; the continuous
circulation of base fluid can reduce the agglomeration of the nanoparticles [53,54] This technique is
preferable because it prevents oxidation of the particles; this method is suitable for research
purposes, can produce small quantities, also can produce ultra-thin coated nano layers (2-10nm)
which give more stability in the liquid.

2.2 Two-Step Method (TSM)

The two-step method is the most common and economical method for nanofluids preparation,
especially for large-scale production, that can be used in nanotubes, Nanofibers, or nanomaterials
such as metallic, non-metallic, and hybrid Nanosized particles [55]. The nanoparticles are in a powder
form by physical or chemical methods of preparation, then that nano powder is suspended in a base
fluid like water, ethylene glycol, engine oil, etc., in successive processing steps using ultrasonication
method or surfactants to reach higher stability and can keep its thermal properties longer, this
technique is suitable for producing large quantities, this method required higher concentrations with
the usage of oxide nanoparticles compared with the SSM [56-58]

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

3. Applications of Nanofluids

Nanofluids can be used to optimize heat transfer and energy efficiency in various applications.
Industrial systems and devices that need high thermal efficiencies like micro-manufacturing,
chemical sectors, metallurgical, heating, and air-conditioning to reduce and distribute the heat from
these systems or devices to the air to prevent overheat and failures in the systems [59]. Tsai et al.,
[60] investigated experimentally for an electrical application the thermal resistance of heat pipes
using gold nanoparticles in water liquid, they found a significant reduction in the temperature by 40%
and 37%.
Many industrial researchers studied the addition of nanoparticles in engine oils and coolants, and
they found a magnificent enhancement in efficiency and sustainability; after that, they experienced
that technique in gear oils, lubricants, and transmission fluids in vehicles [61-63]. Yu et al., [64] and
Paramane et al., [65] determined the improvement of adding nanoparticles to the power
transformers cooling system oil [66] They studied the heat transfer enhancement in a flat plate solar
collector using different nanofluids. Nanotechnology has enhanced the nuclear system cooling to
face the high heat flux that is convicted from the nuclear core. Recently nanotechnology has taken
part in many devices like Central Processing Unit (CPU) coolers in the computer, especially the
supercomputers CPU and the same value with the microprocessors [67-69]. Studied the heat transfer
of a microchannel heat sink in forced convection with a supercomputer circuit board. This technology
has been involved in many areas like solar collectors, space applications, radars, heavy military
vehicles, chemicals, oil, gas, food industry, drinking products, paper, printing process, textiles, and
biomedical applications [70-73]. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) applied
this magnificent technology in various applications and systems, and they announced they gain many
benefits from that technique starting from reducing the vehicle mass in their missions’ vehicles
outside the planet and to improve the functionality and durability furthermore, to enhance power
generation, storage and propulsion for rovers and EVA suits [74]. Nanotechnology played an
important role in various applications, especially the huge systems like nuclear reactors in their
cooling [75,76]. Recently modern military radars applied nanotechnology in the cooling system of the
radar, and found that the efficiency of the waste heat recovery heat exchanger increased for
nanofluids, that huge among of heat can be calcified as pollution, therefore, many researchers and
environmental activists trying to reduce and minimize thermal pollution and recover the energy
waste [77-79].

4. The Heat Transfer in Nanofluids

The heat transfer in heat exchanger channels represents energy transportation along the channel.
In general, there are three types of flows in heat exchanger channels: laminar, transition, and
turbulent [38,79]. These flows Reynold's number can be calculated by:

𝜌 𝑉𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝐷
𝑅𝑒 = (1)

4.1 Laminar Flow

When the fluid particles flow in smooth paths in layers with an expected path and no mixing, the
Reynolds number < 2300. Zhang et al., [80] and Li et al., [81] studied the heat transfer evaluation of
a micro heat exchanger cooling with spherical carbon nanoparticles suspended in acetone as a base
fluid in Reynolds number range 256-1376, the thermal performance index results that increase with

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

the increase in volume fraction and Reynolds number Figure 3 shows the results and Table 2
summarizes the enhancements of various types of nanofluids in laminar flow conditions:

Fig. 3. Present the increase in thermal performance with the increase

in volume fraction and Reynolds number

Table 2
Summarizing enhancements of various types of nanofluids in laminar flow conditions
Author Method Nanoparticles Base fluid Geometry Enhancement
Pahlevaninejad et Simulation Al2O3 0.5-1.5% Water Wavy microchannel 21%↑ Pd
al., [82]
Yildiz et al., [83] Experimental Graphite 0.5- Water Microchannel 25% HT
Yang et al., [84] Simulation Cu/CuO/ Al2O3 Water Wavy channel 9% Nu
Jaferian et al., [85] Simulation Al2O3 0-4% Water Trapezoidal, sinusoidal, 3.6 PEC
stepped microchannel
Ahmed et al., [86] Simulation Cu 0-5% Water Wavy channel 25% Nu avg
Hussein et al., [87] Experimental TiO2 SiO2 Water Flat tube 61% Nu
Hussein et al., [88] Experiment SiO2 1-2.5% Water Flat tube 50% HT
Firlianda et al., [89] Experiment MnFe2O4 Ethylene Mini heat exchanger shell 50% Nu
0.02-0.075% glycol and tube
Amini et al., [90] Simulation Al2O3 0.5% Water Microchannel with rotating 15.5% Nu
Jung et al., [91] Experimental Al2O3 0.6-1.8% Water Microchannel 150% HT

4.2 Turbulent Flow

Turbulent flow is a type of fluid flow in which the fluid undergoes irregular fluctuations and
mixing, with the Reynolds number Re>4000. Hussein et al., [92] Studied numerically on turbulent
forced convective heat transfer using nanofluids TiO2 with Water as a base fluid in a range of (10000-
100000 Re) in different volume fraction range 1-4%. Figure 4 presents the average Nusselt number

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

(Nuavg) results, which means the increase in the Reynolds number and volume fraction increases the
average Nusselt number. Table 3 summarizes the enhancements of various types of nanofluids in
turbulent flow conditions:

Fig. 4. Present the increase of Nusselt number with the increase in

Reynolds number and volume fraction [92]

Table 3
Summarizing enhancements of various types of nanofluids in turbulent flow conditions
Author Method Nanoparticles/ Base fluid Geometry Enhancement
Yang et al., [93] Simulation SiC 4% EG/Water Sinusoidal 1.67 PEC
Hussein et al., Simulation TiO2 1-4% Water Flat tube 20% HT
Salman [94] Simulation Al2O3, CuO, SiO2, ZnO 1- Water Flat with ribs 66% HT
Pendyala et al., Simulation Al2O3, CuO, SiO2 1-5% EG/Water 3D car radiator 110% HT
[95] 60/40
Ahmed et al., Experimental ZnO, Al2O3 0.1-0.4% Water Car radiator 70% HT
Ali et al., [97] Experimental ZnO 0.01-0.3% Water Car radiator 46% HT
Leong et al., Simulation Cu 0-2% EG Car radiator 45.2% HT
Kaska et al., Simulation Hybrid AIN-Al2O3 1-4% Water Flat tube 50% HT
Bazdar et al., Simulation CuO 0-3% Water Wavy microchannel 90% Nu
[100] 1.95 PEC
Manavi et al., Simulation Al2O3 1-5% Water Wavy channel 30% Nu
Farag et al., Simulation Sio2, Al2O3, CuO 1-5% Water Lobed swirl generator 87% HT
[102] pipe

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

5. The Characteristics that Effect on Nanofluids Heat Transfer

Several parametric effects on the nanofluids' heat transfer have been studied in this review,
particle material, volume concentration, particle size, particle shape, fluid temperature, acidity,
magnetic field and electrical pulsing. Those characteristics can enhance the nanofluid heat transfer
enhancement ratio up to 3.00 compared to its base fluid [103,104].

5.1 Effect of Particle Material

The effect of particle material on the heat transfer enhancement is shown in Figure 5 in different
nanoparticles (Al2O3, TiO2, ZnO, SiO2) with water as the base fluid. From that figure can be analysed
that the addition of ZnO nanofluid to the horizontal flat tube radiator conditions got the highest
increase in heat transfer enhancement among other nanofluids, and SiO2 gets the lowest value due
to its low thermal conductivity [105]. Table 4 present the thermal properties for some nanoparticle
materials [106-112].

Table 4
Present the thermal properties of some nanoparticle materials and base fluids
Material Density Kg.m3 Specific heat J/Kg.K Thermal conductivity W/m2 K
Water 998 4182 0.606
Ethylene glycol 1115 2430 0.253
Kerosene 783 2090 0.15
RT-50 800 2000 0.2
ZnO 5600 4108.6 50
Al2O3 3980 773 38.5
TiO2 3900 697 11.8
MnFe2O4 4870 857 12.522
Engine oil 884 1910 0.114
SWCNT 2600 425 6600
DWCNT 2600 519 2000
CWCNT 2600 425 6600
MoS2 5060 904.4 0.39721
Ag 10490 429 0.235
Cu 8978 381 377
CuO 6500 540 18
Fe3O4 5180 670 9.7

Khan and Ahmed [105] analysed numerically the performance of four different nanoparticles
(Al2O3, TiO2, ZnO, SiO2) suspended in water in a horizontal flat tube radiator. The result shows that
the ZnO nanofluid enhanced the radiator by up to 19.35% of its thermal properties compared to
distilled Water. Figure 6 presents the increase in heat transfer performance of the nanofluids in
different volume concentrations.
Bubbico et al., [113] studied experimentally the heat transfer efficiency of TiO 2, ZrO2, SiC, and
Al2O3 suspended in water, tasted that in a heated and instrumented pipe with 4mm hydraulic
diameter and 200mm length, Al2O3 showed higher heat transfer coefficients than other nanofluids
and water.
Pendyala et al., [95] analysed numerically the heat transfer performance of a three-dimensional
(3D) car radiator consuming CuO, Al2O3, and SiO2 in ethylene glycol- water mix fluid (60:40) in various
volume concentrations 1%-5%, Al2O3 nanofluid resulted in high heat transfer coefficient compared
to other nanofluids and base fluid up to 90%.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Fig. 5. Present the increase in heat transfer performance of the

nanofluids in different volume concentrations

Fig. 6. Present the increase of heat transfer performance of different

nanofluids materials in different volume concentrations [105,115]

As noticed from the results above, each material has its specific thermal properties that are
different from one material to another; not all materials have been studied either experimentally or
in simulation; we recommend that future studies focus on uncommon nanoparticle materials or try
to combine suitable hybrid nanoparticles.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

5.2 Effect of Particle Volume Concentration

The effect of particle volume concentration is shown in Figure 7 for different nanofluids with
different volume concentrations in heat transfer efficiency; the nanoparticles can increase the heat
transfer with the increase in nanoparticles volume concentrations; several works in the literature
review studied its work with different volume concentrations. Generally, the Nanofluid can increase
the heat transfer coefficient with the increase of the nanoparticles volume concentrations [114].
Manay et al., [115] studied the thermophysical properties of nano ferrofluids in water
experimentally as a base fluid, MnFe2O4 and ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles have been dispersed in pure
water in different volume fractions (0.25,0.5, 1%) to study the gradient of thermal conductivity
enhancement effectively.
Khan and Ahmed [105] studied numerically in automobile radiators the thermal properties and
performance analyses of (Al2O3, TiO2, ZnO, and SiO2) in four different volume concentrations (0.5, 1,
1.5, 2%).
Kaska et al., [99] studied hybrid nanoparticles in water as a base fluid by mixing AlN with Al2O3 at
four-volume fractions (1, 2, 3, 4%) to enhance the heat transfer significantly; results showed the best
enhancement in heat transfer at 3% of volume concentration 50% compared to pure water.
In this research, most of the researchers agreed that the heat transfer enhancement increase
with the increase in the volume concentration; the results above show there are limits to that
increase of heat transfer enhancement. Therefore, we recommend in future studies increasing the
percentage range of the volume concentration to reach the maximum limit of heat transfer
enhancement with volume concentration, especially for the hybrid nanofluids.

5.3 Effect of Particle Size

The effect of particle size on thermal conductivity enhancement has been studied by a few
researchers; they agreed that the particle size could enhance the Nanofluid; the bigger size, the
highest the thermal conductivity. The nanoparticle size is measured as (nm), and the nanosized is
differently measured from one shape to another; the usual size particle for a spherical shape is
around (2-80nm), and for a cylindrical shape, around (600nm) [116]. The nanoparticle commercially
is found as nano powder. Therefore, that can be sized and measured by using a TEM micrograph

Fig. 7. TEM test for Al2O3 nanoparticles [118]

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Pahlevaninejad et al., [119] calculated the average Nusselt's number in Al2O3 numerically with
water as base fluid with three different nanoparticles diameters (25, 45, 100 nm), the results of how
that the 100nm got the highest Nuavg.
Yang et al., [120] studied the SiC nanofluid with ethylene glycol and Water as a base fluid in a
sinusoidal heat exchanger channel in four different particles size (16, 28, 66, 90nm) with water and
with EG/H2O, from Figure 8, can agree with Pahlevaninejad et al., [119] that the thermal conductivity
enhancement increase with the increase of the nanoparticle size.
Salman [121] investigated the effect of nanoparticles size in SiO2 with water as a base fluid in a
range 30-60nm in different Reynolds numbers numerically, the results show an increase in the
Nusselt number with the increase in the Reynolds number and an increase in the Nusselt number
with the decrease of nanoparticle size, the heat transfer results reveal that the SiO 2 with 30nm got
the highest value of the enhancement Figure 9.

Fig. 8. The thermal conductivity enhancement for SiC nanofluid

in different particle sizes in water and ethylene glycol as base

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Fig. 9. The enhancement in Nusselt number in different SiO2

nanoparticles size

Few studies have been recorded on the effect of nanoparticles size on thermal conductivity; from
the results above, we can agree with the researchers that the increase in the particle size leads to an
increase the thermal conductivity.

5.4 Effect of Particle Shape

Many researchers studied the effect of different particle shapes (spherical, cylindrical, platelet,
Brick, blades, rods, etc.) on the thermal conductivity of the nanofluids [122]. Murshed et al., [123]
studied the thermal conductivity enhancement for two different TiO 2 nanoparticles shapes (15nm
sphere, 10*40 nm rod) suspended in water with volume concentration range (0.5-5%), rod
nanoparticle shape got the highest enhancement ratio up to 1.33 compared with pure water.
Bhattad and Sarkar [124] studied the effect of nanoparticles shape on the thermohydraulic
performance of plate evaporator experimentally using different hybrid nanofluids (Alumina + Cu, CuO
+ Cu, Titania+ Cu, Silica + Cu); the researcher studied different types of nanoparticles shapes (brick,
cylindrical, platelet, spherical), the thermal performance factor show that the brick type got the
highest value then spherical and cylindrical lastly the platelet type as shown in Figure 10.
Amin et al., [125] investigated the effect of nanoparticles shape on an Al2O3 with water and
ethylene glycol as base fluid nanofluid in a based flat plate solar collector application efficiency
numerically; in this research, different types of nanoparticles shapes have been studied (blades,
platelets, cylinders, bricks, spherical) with different nanoparticle concentration (1-5%), the blades
type got the highest thermal conductivity enhancement among other shapes, followed by platelets,
cylinders, bricks, and spherical shape, Figure 11 presents the thermal conductivity enhancement of
alumina nanofluids for different particle shapes.
Xie et al., [126] studied the effect of SiC nanoparticle's cylindrical and spherical shape suspended
in Water as base fluid on nanofluid thermal conductivity; the results show the cylindrical shape
enhanced the thermal conductivity of the Nanofluid up to 37.5%, that enhancement resulted because

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

the cylindrical shape got 600nm size compared to the spherical 26nm, and we agreed obviously that
the particle size effect on the nanofluid thermal conductivity increasing with the increase in the
particle size.

Fig. 10. Thermal performance factor for CuO-Cu hybrid fluid

in different particle shapes

Fig. 11. Thermal conductivity enhancement for different

particle shapes

Limited studies experimentally or numerically have investigated the effect of nanoparticles

shape; there is a leak in this area of study because there is no agreement between the studies on the
arrangement of the best particle shape on thermal conductivity, and the area of the shape plays a
role in that enhancement as we explained previously. Therefore, we agree that there is a need to
increase the experimental studies on this effect, and that will be a novel study.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

5.5 Effect of Fluid Temperature

The thermal conductivity of the nanoparticles is more affected by temperature-sensitive than its
base fluid. All the studies in the literature review agreed that the value of the heat transfer increase
with the increase in the fluid temperature in its 'limits'. Figure 12 presents the heat transfer
enhancement for SiO2- Water nanofluid in different fluid temperatures experimentally and
Hussein et al., [87] studied experimentally and numerically the heat transfer enhancement for
three different fluid temperatures (60, 70, 80 C) in automotive cooling system application, SiO 2
nanoparticles were suspended in pure Water in a volume concentration range (1-2.5%), observed
from the results the heat transfer enhancement increases with the increase of fluid temperature
Figure 12.
Gupta et al., [117] analysed the heat transfer in a circular tube using ZnFe2O4 at different
concentrations (0.02-0.5%) with different temperatures (30-80C). The researchers studied the effect
of the nanofluid temperature on the thermal conductivity, the thermal conductivity at (30C was 0.625
W/m.K), and at (80C was 0.75 W/m.K); hence, the thermal conductivity increased with the increase
of the nanofluid temperature.

Fig. 12. Heat transfer enhancement for SiO2- water nanofluid in

different fluid temperatures experimentally and numerically

From the studies above, all the researchers agreed that the heat transfer increase with the
increase of fluid temperature; that increase is different from one material to another, so we
encourage future studies to study experimentally or simulate the effect and enhancement of
different nanofluids and compare the differences from fluid to another.

5.6 Effect of Acidity

Few researchers have studied the effect of fluid acidity on the nanofluid thermal conductivity Lee
et al., [127] studied the acidity effect on CuO-Water nanofluid (0.03-0.3%) of volume concentration

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

and (25nm) of particle size and (3,6 pH), the results present that the (3pH) Nanofluid got 1.12 thermal
conductivity enhancement ratio compared to its base fluid and the (6pH) Nanofluid got 1.07 thermal
conductivity enhancement ratio.
Ali et al., [97] investigated the convective heat transfer augmentation for car radiator
experimentally using ZnO with water nanofluid, the researcher prepared the nanofluid solution in
different volume concentrations (0.08-0.3%), and the acidity value maintained too (2.2 pH) the lower
value, the higher thermal conductivity enhancement.
The studies on the acidity effect have settled that when fluid acidity increases, the thermal
conductivity increase.

5.7 Effect of the Magnetic Field and Electrical Pulsing

Many researchers lately investigated the effect of the magnetic field on nanofluids; those studies
resulted that the nanofluids can be affected under a specific amount of (G) in its thermal conductivity;
Figure 13 can be noticed that while the magnetic increase the nanofluid thermal conductivity
Kharat et al., [128] studied the evaluation of the thermal conductivity of NiFe2O4 with Water
under the influence of the magnetic field experimentally; results show the thermal conductivity
increase with the increase of the magnetic field, as shown in Figure 13.
Amani et al., [129] measured the thermal conductivity of spinel-type MnFe2O4 nanoparticles
suspended in Water as a base fluid in a uniform magnetic field. Figure 13 presents the results; the
increase in the magnetic field raises the thermal conductivity, hence increasing the thermal
enhancement of the nanofluid and the system.
Karimi et al., [130] investigated the effect of magnetic field on Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 Nanofluid's
thermal conductivity in a range of (0-500G) and different nanoparticles volume fraction (0-4.8%)
experimentally, the conclusion set that the increase in the magnetic field increases the thermal
conductivity match the results of the previous studies.
Xu et al., [131] applied pulsating flow on graphene oxide nanoparticles experimentally with Water
in a pin-fin microchannel, then analysed the heat transfer; the pulsing range was (1-5Hz) and
(272,407, 544 Re) with a mass fraction (0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2%), the low frequency (f < 2 Hz)
pulsating flow has no significant effect on nanofluid heat transfer enhancement compared to higher
The previous studies on the effect of the magnetic field show that the thermal conductivity
increase with the increase of the magnetic field (G) and increases with the increase in electrical
This type of study is fully needed in many applications which use nanofluids that effect by a
magnetic field or electrical waves.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

Fig. 13. The enhancement of the thermal conductivity while

increasing the magnetic field for MnFe2O4 and NiFe2O4

6. Heat Transfer Enhancement in Ethylene Glycol and Water as Base Fluid

The studies in the enhancement of the base fluid for nanofluids does not have less important in
the heat transfer optimization; many publications have studied the heat transfer enhancement in
different base fluids like water, ethylene glycol, glycerine, acetone, pump oil, etc. or even
combination between them in specific quantities [132,133]. Table 5 summarizing some publications
on the thermal optimization of the addition ethylene glycol.
Heat transfer enhancement using MnFe2O4 – ethylene glycol has been studied experimentally in
a mini shell and tube heat exchanger by Firlianda et al., [89] has been successfully carried out; the
researchers studied the effect of adding MnFe2O4 to ethylene glycol as base fluid; the results of heat
transfer analysed by using LMTD method, the highest value was obtained at 0.075% of nanoparticles
concentration of MnFe2O4.
Rao and Ravibabu [134] investigated the enhancement of adding Al2O3-Water+ ethylene glycol
in an automobile radiator experimentally; the volume fraction range was (0.01 to 0.08%), the
nanofluid after preparation was stable, and the research found the heat transfer performance
increased by 48% compared to pure water at 0.08% of volume fraction which leads to increase the
overall automobile radiator performance.
Li et al., [135,136] investigated experimentally thermophysical properties of ZnO nanoparticles in
(50-50) EG-W and with EG in different volume concentrations; they agreed that the performance had
been increased by up to 30% compared to its base fluid.
Lee et al., [137] studied the comparative thermal conductivity enhancement ratio for CuO and
Al2O3 nanoparticles in Water and ethylene glycol in the concentration range (1-4%) for CuO and (1-
5%) for Al2O3 in the two-step method, the results show the ethylene glycol fluids thermal conductivity
enhancements value higher than the pure water as base fluid.
Recently, researchers studied mixing ethylene glycol with water to give the base fluid a higher
thermal conductivity, therefore Vandrangi et al., [138] studied the fluid dynamic of ethylene glycol-

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

water mixture numerically to predict the nanofluid heat transfer coefficients and mixed it with Al2O3
and SiO2 nanoparticles in different Reynolds number (5000, 80000 Re).

Table 5
Summary of thermal optimization in ethylene glycol studies
Reference Method Nanoparticles Base fluid Geometry Enhancement
Yang et al., [139] Simulation SiC 4% EG-W, 50:50 Sinusoidal mini 37% PEC
Leong et al., [140] Simulation Cu 0- 2% EG Car radiator 12% HTC
Shah et al., [141] Experimental Graphene oxide EG 11.3% TC
Pendyala et al., [95] Simulation CuO, Al2O3, EG-W 60:40 3D car radiator 90%HTC (Al2O3
SiO2(1,3,5%) 5%)
Subhedar et al., [142] Experimental Al2O3(0.2-0.8%) W-Mono EG Car radiator 30% HTC
Delavari and Simulation Al2O3 (0-1%) W, EG Car radiator 114% HTC
Hashemabadi [143]

7. Discussion

This study presents and investigates the latest studies that investigate nanofluid technology,
starting from the importance of nanofluid technology on thermal performance and the preparation
techniques, then sight the applications that include nanofluid technology as an important addition to
enhance its thermal efficiency and present the nanofluid technology coefficient in the heat transfer
applications. This work investigated the important characteristics that affect the nanoparticle and
nanofluid enhancement in the latest studies, like the effect of particle material, particle volume
concentration, particle size, particle shape, inlet fluid temperature, fluid acidity, magnetic field, and
electrical pulsing. Furthermore, analyse the latest studies in the addition of ethylene glycol as base
fluid and compare it with water in different nanoparticles Table 5 presents studies that investigated
the thermal conductivity enhancement in ethylene glycol base fluid compared to Water. This study
aims to provide researchers with a wide range of information about this magnificent technology and
to present the leaks in each step and the recommendations for their future studies about the
uncertain data in this area of study, either experimentally or numerically.

8. Conclusion and Recommendations

Based on the studies above and the authors' knowledge of nanofluid technology found there is a
leak in specific studies in this technology as below:

i. Expand the thermal applications that the nanotechnology used in and try to apply and
investigate the thermal performance experimentally and numerically.
ii. Study the difference between the single-step method (SSM) and the Two-step method
(TSM) for different nanofluids in metallic, non-metallic, and hybrid fluids.
iii. Investigate experimentally and numerically the heat transfer enhancements in new hybrid
fluid nanoparticles.
iv. Study the nanofluid heat transfer enhancement in a higher range of volume concentration
to find the peak limit of the enhancement considering the pressure as a loss and calculate
the performance evaluation criteria (PEC) to certain the enhancement evaluation method
for the experimented application.

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Volume 107, Issue 2 (2023) 1-26

v. Based on the studies above, there is a leak in the experimental studies about the effect of
particle shape on thermal conductivity.
vi. The nanofluid studies so far not all has been investigated the effect of inlet temperature
on the heat transfer coefficient.
vii. The latest trends in nanofluid technology are changing the common base fluid (pure
Water) with other liquids that have more thermal effectiveness, like (ethylene glycol,
acetone, and glycerine) and making a comparative study on its thermal enhancement.

This research was not funded by any grant.

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