Jrsocmed00141 0007
Jrsocmed00141 0007
Jrsocmed00141 0007
17 Volume 82 1989 3
M J Dobson MA DPhil Department of Community Medicine and General Practice, University of Oxford,
Medical School, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU
Keywords: malaria; marsh fevers; England; medical history; Anopheles atroparvus mosquito
Malaria has long been one of the most debilitating especiallie nere the sea coastes ... and other lowe
diseases of mankind. Over the centuries malaria has places about the creeks which gave me a most cruell
accounted for innumerable deaths and has shaped the quarterne fever". In the 17th century Thomas
course of human history in regions far beyond its Sydenham wrote that 'if one spends two or three days
present geographical distributionl-3. in a locality of marshes and lakes, the blood is in the
The history of malaria in England has recently first instance impressed with a certain spirituous
attracted the attention of a number of scholars but miasma, which produces quartan ague.. ... Daniel
few studies have examined the true extent and impact Defoe related a story of Essex marshmen taking their
of malaria on English society in the pastl4-7. This brides from the uplands but losing them soon
paper summarizes the findings of a large historical afterwards as they succumbed to the ague fever:
survey of patterns of disease and mortality in 'the reason, as a merry fellow told me, who said he had had
England8-'0. It is based on a wealth of literary and about a dozen and a half wives (though I found afterwards
quantitative sources and pieces together clinical, he fibbed a little) was this: that they, being bred in the
demographic and geographical evidence to form parts marshes themselves and seasoned to the place, did pretty
of a fascinating epidemiological puzzle. From the well with it, but that they always went up into the hilly
complete set of evidence there appears no doubt that country or, to speak their own language, into the uplands
malaria was once indigenous to the coastal and for a wife. That when they took the young lasses out of the
estuarine marshes of England, that its prevalence was wholesome and fresh air they were healthy, fresh and clear
sharply controlled by the distribution and habits of and well: but when they came out of their native air into
the English Anopheles atroparvus mosquito and that the marshes among the fogs and damps, there they presently
within its geographical bounds malaria had a changed their complexion, got an ague or two, and seldom
profound effect on the marshland populations of this held it above half a year or a year at the most . . . .
country for several hundreds of years. And an anonymous poem by a Fenman read:
As early as the 16th century the English marsh-
lands were singled out for their extreme unhealthiness 'The moory soil, the watry atmosphere
With damp, unhealthy moisture chills the air.
(Figure 1). Residents and visitors described the 'marsh Thick, stinking fogs, and noxious vapours fall,
fevers' of these districts, variously calling them Agues and coughs are epidemicall;
'agues', 'tertian fevers', 'quartan fevers' or 'inter- Hence every face presented to our view
mittent fevers' and attributing them to the noxious Looks of a pallid or a sallow hue'4.
vapours of the stagnant marshes. The topographer,
John Norden, visited Essex in the 1590s but was Even by the early 19th century, Edward Hasted
unable to 'comende the healthfulness of it: And writing of the north Kent marshes, could still describe
'the severe agues which the inhabitants are very rarely
without, whose complexions from those distempers become
of a dingy yellow colour, and if they survive, are generally
afflicted with them till summer, and often for several years,
so that it is not unusual to see a poor man, his wife, and
whole family of five or six children, hovering over their fire
in their hovel, shaking with an ague all at the same time"5.
Hasted's vivid description reminds us of the
illustration by Thomas Rowlandson which forms
Figure 2.
Many documents describing tertian and quartan
fevers in early modern England have been examined
and this set ofclinical and epidemiological information -
EnpgAih Channel
albeit limited by modern standards - does tend to
confirmn that marshland ague was, indeed, plasmodium
malaria8. The alternating hot and cold fits and the
Figure 1. Parishes in Essex, Kent and Sussex described as periodicity of the fever according to type were
'unhealthy' or 'healthy' by 18th-century topographers. notable features of the disease. Many observed the
Parishes along the North Sea coast of Essex, the Thames, characteristic enlargement ofthe spleen, the anaemic
Medway and Stour estuaries, and the low-lying coastal and lethargic condition of the patient, and the relapse
marshes of Kent and Sussex are deemed very 'unhealthy' and several months after the primary attack. The expres-
constantly subject to 'agues' sion 'ague-cake' was often used to describe the
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4 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Supplement No. 17 Volume 82 1989
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Figure 2. 'Ague and Fever'. Etching by Thomas Rowlandson, after a design by JDunthorne (1 788), describing the characteristic
stages of malaria beginning with a fit of shivering and succeeded by dry heat and finally copious sweating (published with
kind permission of Wellcome Institute Library, London)
prominent spleen of a malaria victim. It was noted, endemic English forms rather than the more fatal
too, that the marsh fever was non-contagious and was P. falciparum5.
confined to low-lying, slightly salty estuarine and And yet, one of the most striking findings of this
marshy environments. It displayed two seasonal study has been the extent to which malaria affected
peaks - the primary attacks occurring in the autumn its marshland victims. Few other areas of the English
and the relapses the following spring. Its highest countryside were subject to such extreme levels of
fatality rates were amongst children and strangers sickness, suffering and death. Mortality rates for over
or the non-immunes while those repeatedly attacked 500 marshland and non-marshland southeast England
by the disease were left in a permanent cachetic state. parishes have been measured and compared using
Physicians also realized that the marsh fever, unlike 17th and 18th century English parish registers and
most other acute fevers, would yield to large doses of techniques of historical demography. On every count,
cinchona bark though they noticed that the bark could the marshland populations recorded the highest adult
not completely eradicate the disease once the patient and child mortality rates. Average crude death rates
stopped taking it. This bark had been brought back were as high as 60, 70 or 80 per 1000 - levels which
from Peru by the Spanish in the 17th century and was could be two to three times those of neighbouring non-
later to be the source of the alkaloid quinine. marshland parishes (Figure 3). Life expectancy at
Observers like Robert Willan who 'took the trouble birth was little more than 30 years for the sickly
to compare minutely' the marsh agues with other marshland residents and nearly half of all recorded
English fevers (such as typhus, relapsing fever, deaths occurred at age 10 years or below. Burial
typhoid and influenza) were convinced that their patterns from year to year occurred at age 10 years
clinical and epidemiological characteristics were as or below. Burial patterns from year to year and season
different as their 'exciting causes'"6 but when com- to season were also extremely volatile in the marshes
paring the English marsh fever with the notorious and there was a very close correspondence between
tropical fever they astutely noticed that 'whether on fluctuations in summer temperatures and the level
the marshy coasts of Essex and Kent, or the more of mortality in the autumn and following spring. The
dreadful banks of the Gambia and Niger, it is not hottest summers were always followed by the
improbable that the fever so destructive to European unhealthiest and most mortal times in the marsh-
life is of one character'7. English malaria was thought lands. The parish registers contain little information
to cause fewer direct fatalities than its tropical on cause of death but from time to time the vicar
counterpart and almost always 'when marsh-malaria scribbled in the burial record that the deceased died
destroys life' in the English climate 'it is by from 'fatigue' or was just 'worn out'. If the vivax
secondary, not by primary effects'"8. It seems likely form of malaria did not kill its victims outright, then
that Plasmodium vivax and P. malariae were the it certainly had a profound indirect effect on the
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Supplement No. 17 Volume 82 1989 5
+ +
J I North Sea
0 5 mls
0 1 0 km
7 Mckeown T. The modern rise of population. London: districts ofEngland. Sixth report of the medical officer
Edward Arnold, 1976 of the Privy Council: Public Health Records. London:
8 Dobson M. 'Marsh fever' - the geography of malaria in printed by G. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1863
England. J Hist Geog 1980;6:357-89 19 Talbor R. Pyretologia. A rational account of the cause
9 Dobson M. When malaria was an English disease. Geog and cure of agues. London: R. Robinson, 1672
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10 Dobson M. Contours of death: contours ofhealth. Disease larvae and pupae of British mosquitoes (Culicidae). A
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13 Defoe D. A tour through the whole island ofGreat Britain Subjects. New Series No. 123. London: HMSO, 1919
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18 Whitley G. Report as to the quantity of ague and other localities of the places by which it is produced. London:
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