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Original Article
27 January 2023 Climate change-related impacts on water resources can significantly lead to
biodiversity loss. Species with specific water resource adaptations, including
Keywords: threatened and endemic species, are in danger of going extinct. The effect of
climate change on biodiversity related to water scarcity or shortages has
Diversity, received less attention despite being acknowledged. This paper provides up-
to-date collective information and knowledge gap on the impact of climate
change on water and how it impacts biodiversity with a particular focus on the
Phenology, connection between climate change impacts, water resources, and the species
Species Distribution, biodiversity. Sixty (60) original peer reviewed research or review articles, and
Reproduction, reports were reviewed to highpoint the impact of climate change on water
Water Shortages resources and its implications on biodiversity including human being. We
highlight that the impact of climate change on water resources (e.g., water
scarcity and shortages) exerts more pressure on biodiversity conservation as it
directly affects the growth and behaviour of species and modifies their
habitats, population size, composition, interactions, timing of reproduction,
reproductive phenology, and growing season. Furthermore, being the part of
earth’s biodiversity, humans are also affected by the climate change water-
related problems. This review earmarked that water shortages due to climate
change puts the human population at great risk in terms of crop productivity,
food security, and a variety of economic activities. Well–designed
infrastructure to harvest water, mitigate and adapt to climate change is vital
for protecting biodiversity from climate risks i.e., water shortages. This review
paper is useful to government agencies charged with climate change and
environmental conservation and policymakers mostly in developing nations
to widen goals where the impact of climate is more noticeable. In addition,
several deaths of animals and human due to water shortages have been
15 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063
Ojija, F., & Nicholaus, R. (2023). Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and its Implications on Biodiversity: A
Review. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 6(1), 15-27. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063.
Ojija, Fredrick., and Regan Nicholaus. 2023. “Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and its Implications on
Biodiversity: A Review”. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources 6 (1), 15-27.
Ojija, F., & Nicholaus, R. (2023) “Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and its Implications on Biodiversity: A
Review”, East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, 6 (1), pp. 15-27. doi: 10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063.
F. Ojija, & R. Nicholaus. “Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and its Implications on Biodiversity: A Review”,
EAJENR, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 15-27, Jan. 2023.
Ojija, Fredrick., & Regan Nicholaus. “Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and its Implications on Biodiversity: A
Review”. East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Vol. 6, no. 1, Jan 2023, pp. 15-27,
16 | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063
tend to contaminate and ruin water quality, droughts al., 2009). Also, wild animals will need more water
decrease the available amount of water needed for during droughts since they will have to rely more on
animals and plants to survive (Muluneh, 2021). evaporative cooling to remove extra heat (Turner et
Previous scientific studies claim that climate change al., 2022). Furthermore, changes in species'
is having an increasing impact on biodiversity as it geographic ranges, growing seasons, reproductive
negatively affects water resources (Fonseca, 2022; phenology, primary production, and diversity are
Sternberg et al., 2015; Talukder, 2022) by among the anticipated effects of climate change on
increasing droughts as a result of long-term water supplies (Fonseca, 2022; Habibullah et al.,
evaporation, floods, ocean warming and 2022; Moullec, 2022; Numata et al., 2022; Ornelas
acidification (Boone & McCleery, 2023; Muluneh, et al., 2018). Thus, any change in water resources
2021). (i.e., quantity and quality) brought on by the effects
of climate change on precipitation might result in
As the climate becomes drier, it puts more strain on biodiversity loss (Fonseca, 2022; Habibullah et al.,
wildlife communities that already have limited 2022; Nyembo et al., 2022); change in animal
access to water because increased evaporation behaviour and physiology (Turner et al., 2022); and
reduces the quantity and quality of the water (Cui & many other negative impacts (Table 1).
Corlett, 2016; Engelbrecht et al., 2015; Tietjen et
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East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063
Change in Species Reproduction Timing, die or fail to grow as a result of changing favourable
Phenology, and Growing Season water parameters (Eisemberg et al., 2016; Muluneh,
2021; Wiig et al., 2008).
Wildlife, i.e., plant and animal species, requires
water resources to reproduce, grow, and thus Moreover, the increase in acidification and salinity
survive (Prato, 2009; Vásquez-Aguilar et al., 2021). in water bodies, especially in marine ecosystems, is
However, because of the fast-changing climate, posing threats to aquatic biodiversity (Muluneh,
wildlife communities in particular are likely to 2021; Pearce, 2008; Talukder, 2022). Preceding
change in response to a change in water resources, studies reveal that ocean acidification affects the
i.e., scarcity and shortages (Chhaytle et al., 2022; reproduction and development of various animal
El-Fakharany & Salem, 2021; Prato, 2009). A species through a range of physiological responses
change in the amount and/or quality of water (Leal Filho, 2019; Sternberg et al., 2015). These
resources due to a changing climate could interrupt include reallocation of resources, fertilization rates,
species' reproduction timing, phenology, growing sperm motility, and velocity, e.g., in copepods and
season, and primary production (Coffinet et al., sea stars (Eisemberg et al., 2016; Talukder, 2022).
2018; Prato, 2009; Tietjen et al., 2009). The Other studies show that acidification alters
availability of rainfall and thus water resources fuels metabolic activity and fatty acid composition of
primary production, which in turn stimulates animal some species (e.g., predatory snails), and respiration
reproduction (Muluneh, 2021). However, the rates and timing of reproduction of cold-water
decrease in food availability due to water scarcity corals and Antarctic fish, respectively (Talukder,
and shortages could cause the death of animals 2022). Because of this, the growth season and
and/or change their physiological processes (Caten development of aquatic species are equally affected
et al., 2017; Mwabumba, 2022). For instance, some (Leal Filho, 2019). For instance, increasing
animals may hibernate and/or stop reproducing until acidification makes it difficult for shellfish and
water resources are available. corals in the ocean to build shells and rigid
skeletons, making corals particularly vulnerable
Severe water shortages due to droughts can further (Talukder, 2022).
lead to a relative decline in the population of some
species and even their local extinction, especially In the case of plants, those species that are intolerant
for the most vulnerable ones (Hulme et al., 2013; to drought or warm weather usually wilt or die due
Hunninck et al., 2020; Meng et al., 2016). Changes to water scarcity and shortages (Sternberg et al.,
in water quality due to flooding and higher 2015). Some of them tend to alter their flowering
temperatures in lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans can and growing seasons, i.e., by extending their seed
result in changes in the nutrient dynamics that affect dormancy (Numata et al., 2022). Previous reports
aquatic species (e.g., productivity) (Dueñas et al., show that numerous blooming plants, particularly
2021). For instance, it was claimed that alterations those in tropical rainforests, have been observed to
to the Amazon's yearly flooding cycles had a be affected by climate change's impact on water
detrimental effect on the Giant South American availability and rainfall patterns, which further
Turtle's ability to successfully lay its eggs affect their reproductive phenology (Numata et al.,
(Podocnemis expansa) (Eisemberg et al., 2016). 2022; Sternberg et al., 2015). As a result, their
Also, most of the species that live and reproduce blooming and fruiting trends have been declining
either in cold or warm water can alter their (Numata et al., 2022). Also, the desiccation and
reproduction and growth rates as a result of severe death of plants are further effects of decreased total
increasing or decreasing temperatures (Prato, 2009; rainfall and a water deficit (Sternberg et al., 2015).
Wiig et al., 2008). Similarly, their offspring might In general, wilting, change in flow, and growing
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East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063
season of plants pose a significant negative impact communities due to the declining water resources
on wild animals that forage on vegetation and their caused by the warming climate (Muluneh, 2021).
Furthermore, water scarcity and shortages due to
Change in Species Migration and Population rising global temperatures and increasing floods
potentially affect wildlife populations over longer
Climate change’s impact on water resources is the time periods by altering what can grow and exist
most critical factor that can determine species' within a community (Fonseca, 2022; Nunez et al.,
distribution and ranges on the planet (Fonseca, 2019; Talukder, 2022). As climate change impacts
2022; Gonçalves, 2021; Pacheco et al., 2010; water resources, it interferes with food supply,
Sternberg et al., 2015). It is posing a threat to the migration, and breeding timing of species
population and migration of wildlife species and (Crosmary et al., 2012; Prato, 2009). This is
their habitats by altering the hydrology, circulation, because, with water scarcity, many plants could die
and availability of water resources (Chhaytle et al., out, causing a lack of food for wild animals and thus
2022; Nunez et al., 2019). The combined effects of affecting their population health (Eguiguren-
water shortages and an increase in temperatures Velepucha et al., 2016; Ojija et al., 2017). Also,
cause wetlands (i.e., lakes, ponds, streams, riparian extreme temperatures cause water supplies (i.e.,
ecosystems) to dry out, decreasing the amount of rivers, streams, and ponds) to dry up, which in turn
water resources available to support a diversity of causes water scarcity in many terrestrial ecosystems
species (Engelbrecht et al., 2015; Mkiramweni et (Turner et al., 2022). A shortage of water can alter
al., 2016; Salehi, 2022). Owing to water scarcity, animal physiology and behaviour, as reported by
animals are forced to migrate and expand their home McCluney et al. (2012). When water runs dry,
ranges to areas with enough water resources animals cannot get enough to drink, which therefore
(Gonçalves, 2021; Tietjen et al., 2009; Turner et al., increases body water balance stress (Turner et al.,
2022). Because of this, animals compete for 2022). Thus, they must modify their physiology and
available water and food resources, and the weak behaviour in order to survive. If the frequency and
ones will eventually die (i.e., ‘survival of the intensity of water scarcity and the occurrence of
fittest’). Furthermore, aquatic species that live in flooding increase, it may further lead to the death of
cold water would be forced to expand their home many species (Figure 1) and a change in their
ranges or leave warm water areas (Brown et al., population (Nunez et al., 2019). Plant and animal
2020; Muluneh, 2021); and decreasing water depth species that are intolerant to drought or warm
due to droughts could affect animals that live in weather could eventually go extinct, which in turn
deeper water and even those found in shallow water. affects the population and community structure of
While adaptable species to water scarcity and those species (Coffinet et al., 2018). Therefore, it is
flooding will survive, and others migrate, the end not only droughts that are affecting species'
result will be biodiversity loss (Muluneh, 2021; population structures but also extreme rainfall and
Turner et al., 2022). In general, wildlife species floods as a result of climate change (Eisemberg et
have been compelled to shift to or seek out suitable al., 2016). Overall, these events affect essential food
locations with water supplies and vegetative resources and water supply to support biodiversity
(Rhodes, 2019, 2014).
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Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063
a dead (a) buffalo in the park, Zimbabwe b) baby elephant in Amboseli National Park, Kenya
(https://guardian.ng/news/world/drought-hit- (https://news.mongabay.com/2009/10/kenyas-pain-
zimbabwe-to-transfer-thousands-of-animals/) part-two-decades-of-wildlife-decline-exacerbated-by-
drought/ ) due to drought.
Global warming can make water contaminated and Change in Species Distribution and Interactions
unfit for consumption, which could have a negative
impact on wildlife populations (Rhodes, 2014; As climate change alters the distribution of water
Tietjen et al., 2009). The wild animals’ normal resources (McCluney et al., 2011), the availability
bodies would not function without water, and a of water (e.g., precipitation, fog, soil moisture,
shortage of vegetation can cause a spread of surface water) greatly alters the distribution and
additional problems (Turner et al., 2022). A lack of interactions of species (Loarie et al., 2009;
adequate water will affect vegetation growth, McCluney et al., 2011; Tsalyuk et al., 2019). As a
resulting in hunger, the death of wild animals (Fig result of this, most animals commonly disperse or
1), and a decline in the wildlife population gather together around water sources, i.e., streams,
(McCluney et al., 2011). Also, animals would suffer ponds, or pools (Valeix et al., 2010, 2008), which in
from diseases due to contamination of water bodies turn attracts predators and puts their lives in danger
(Ojija et al., 2017). A scarcity of water could result (Trinkel et al., 2004; Valeix et al., 2008). In
in wild animals migrating from one place to another addition, Valeix et al. (2010) revealed that huge
in search for greener pastures and water to drink, herbivores tend to congregate around sparse water
thereby affecting their local population (McCluney sources in African semi-arid and desert savannas.
et al., 2011). Moreover, changes in ocean Because of this, interactions between and among
temperatures can lower oxygen levels in marine species, as well as competition (Ferry et al., 2020)
ecosystems, thereby affecting populations of some for water and other resources, are high at these
species, e.g., the sea star Pisaster ochraceus waterholes (Crosmary et al., 2012; Valeix et al.,
(Habibullah et al., 2022), and insects such as 2010). Areas around waterholes commonly have
mayflies, which live in oxygenated cool water aggressive interactions, which can result in fighting
(Nunez et al., 2019; Talukder, 2022). Also, other and/or loss of life for some wild animals (McCluney
previous research has found that the availability of et al., 2011; Tietjen et al., 2009; Tsalyuk et al.,
water resources has a significant impact on the 2019). Aggressive interactions for water sources
migration and movement patterns of wild animals have been observed in elephants (Loarie et al., 2009;
(e.g., Loarie et al., 2009; Tsalyuk et al., 2019). O’Connell-Rodwell et al., 2011; Tsalyuk et al.,
2019), and between predators and other ungulates
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East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063
(Ferry et al., 2020; Périquet et al., 2021). Because of Impact of Climate Change-Related Water
these interactions, most African herbivores of Shortage on Humans
various species have been found to adjust their
drinking habits in response to predation danger and Climate and water on the planet Earth are closely
water availability (Valeix et al., 2008). In addition, linked such that any change in the climatic system
a reduction in drinking frequency or time in many causes a change in the water system (Kundzewicz,
animals around waterholes has been linked to an 2008). Climate change will affect the world future
increased predation risk (Valeix et al., 2010, 2008). freshwater resources in regard to freshwater quality,
Subsequently, most wild animals move or relocate availability, quality, and destructive potential. The
to other areas to meet their water resource water-related issues are brought about by climate
requirements, avoid fierce competition, and also change which impacts humans as part of the
avoid predators. biodiversity on the planet (Agnes et al., 2021).
Water shortages, or simply droughts, are a result of
The relationships between species, i.e., their the relationship between basin-level water and
interactions, are significantly influenced by the climate change. Because it makes it harder to obtain
availability of water (Ferry et al., 2020; Loarie et al., clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and
2009; Tietjen et al., 2009). Species interactions, growing food, it has an impact on people's
such as those between predators and prey, plants wellbeing. Due to this, a rising number of people
and other plants, and plants and herbivores, are worldwide do not have access to enough water
thought to play a significant role in how ecosystems (Agnes et al., 2021). According to a 2017 UN
and ecology evolve as water resources vary (Ferry estimate, 2.2 billion people worldwide face a water
et al., 2020; Périquet et al., 2021). Predator-prey, deficit, and by 2025, that number is predicted to rise
plant-plant, and plant-herbivore interactions are to 2.5 billion. The demand for water for home,
therefore impacted by variations in water industrial, agricultural, and recreational uses will
availability in many ecosystems (McCluney et al., increase as the human population continues to grow,
2011; Valeix et al., 2010, 2008). Also, it has been placing an increasing strain on the limited
observed that changes in water availability have a freshwater sources available. Therefore, continuing
significant impact on species interactions, climatic change is anticipated to result in more
particularly in dryland environments (Ferry et al., economic collapse, disease outbreaks, and other
2020; McCluney et al., 2011; Tietjen et al., 2009). water-borne illnesses. In various regions of the
For instance, research reveals that plant-plant world, battles over water rights for commercial
interactions in dryland environments can change exploration have been provoked by ongoing climate
based on water availability from facilitation to change. Additionally, due to water shortages
competition, and the outcomes of plant-herbivore brought on by climate change, nearly 2.2 billion
interactions can change from mutualistic to people worldwide lack access to safe drinking
herbivorous (McCluney et al., 2011; Tietjen et al., water, according to UNICEF and WHO (2019).
2009; Valeix et al., 2010, 2008). Additionally, these
interactions might affect how species migrate and In Sub-Saharan Africa, 400 million people lack
how their populations change (Loarie et al., 2009; access to drinking water as a result of climate
Trinkel et al., 2004). Therefore, species with change (Kummu et al., 2016). In addition, over 50%
specific water resource adaptations, including of the world's population now spends at least one
endangered and endemic species, are in danger of month of the year in areas that may lack access to
going extinct. clean water. This number is anticipated to rise to 5.7
billion from 4.8 billion by 2050 (Burek et al., 2016).
According to the United Nations' Sustainable
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East African Journal of Environment and Natural Resources, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023
Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.37284/eajenr.6.1.1063
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