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Global climate change could potentially interrupt progress toward a world without
hunger. A robust and coherent global pattern is discernible of the impact of
climate change on crop productivity that could have consequences for food
availability. The stability of whole food system may be at risk under climate
change because of short term variability in supply. However, the potential impact
is less clear at regional scales, but it is likely that climate variability and change
will exuberate food insecurity in areas currently vulnerable to hunger and
undernutrition. Likewise, (Tim Wheeler, Von Braun, 2013) , it can be anticipated
that food access and utilization will be affected indirectly via collateral effects on
household and individual incomes, and food utilization could be impaired by loss
of access to drinking water and damage to health. The evidence supports the need
for considerable investment in adaptation and mitigation actions toward a climate
-smart food system that is more resilient to climate change influences on food
security (Tim Wheeler, Von Braun, 2013).

Population explosion and its many associated effects e.g. urbanization, water
pollution, deforestation have already caused enormous stress on the world’s fresh
water resources and, in turn, environment, health, and economy. According to
latest World Health Organization estimates, about 900 million people still lack
access to proper sanitation, millions if people die every year from water related
disasters and diseases, and economic losses in other order of billions of dollars
occur due water related disasters. With the global climate change anticipated to
have threatening consequences on our water resources and environment both at
the global level and at local/regional levels e.g. increases in the number and
magnitude of floods and droughts, increases in sea levels, a general assessment is
that the future state of our water resources will be a lot worse than it is now (Tim
Wheeler, Von Braun, 2013). The fact that over 300 rivers around the world are
being shared by two or more nation states and that there are already numerous
conflicts in the planning, development, and management of water resources in
these basins further complicate matters for future water resources and resolving
potential future water related conflicts will need to overcome many challenges.
These challenges are both biophysical science-related and human science -related
and human science -related. The biophysical science challenges include;
identification of the actual causes of climate change, development of global
climate models (GCMs) that can adequately incorporate these causes to generate
dependable future climate projections at larger scales, formulation of appropriate
techniques to downscale the GCM outputs to local conditions for hydrologic
predictions, and reliable estimations of the associated uncertainties in all these.
The human science challenges have social, political, economic, and environmental
facets that often act in an interconnected manner; proper communication of our
climate-water scientific research activities to fellow scientists and engineers,
policy makers, economists, industrialists, farmers, and the public at large crucially
contributes to these challenges. The present study is intended to review the current
state of our water resources and the climate change problem and to detail the
challenges in dealing with the potential impacts of climate change on our water

Urambo district water catchment unreliable due to unpredictable change of

climatic conditions has led to scarcity of water especially in dry seasons for the
following months of August, September , and October by which the community
faces water scarcity in their areas, uses much time and walk at distant to seek for
water obtained with low quality and quantity. The problem of poor conservation
and protection and other driving forces contributes more to the adverse of
negatively climatic change at Urambo district causing poor health of the water
resources .


Main Objective
The main objective of this project is to assess the impact of climate change on
water sources at Urambo District Council in Tabora region

Specific Objectives

The specific objective of this project titled assessment of impact of climate change
on water resources are as follows

i. To evaluate changes in the quantity and availability of water sources due

to climate change (Hydrological models-These models simulate the
movement and distribution of water within a specific region. The use of
input data such as precipitation, temperature, land use, and vegetation to
assess changes in water availability)

(Geospatial analysis; - Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) To

integrate and analyses spatial data. This helps to identify hotspots of water
scarcity or contamination and understand the spatial relationships between
deferent factors.)
ii. To propose adaptive measures and sustainable strategies to mitigate the
adverse effects of climate change on water sources (climate projection-
utilize climate models to project future climate scenarios including
changes in temperature, precipitation patterns and extreme weather events.
This information is crucial for understanding how climate change will
impact water resources)
(Risk assessment and Early warning System; -Develop systems to assess
climate related risks and provide early warnings for extreme events. This
proactive approach enables communities to prepare for to respond to
potential climate related challenges.)

iii. To identify vulnerable areas or communities facing heightened risks of

water scarcity and water quality.
(Community feedback and surveys-To engage with local communities to
gather first-hand information on water related challenges, perceptions, and
experience. This qualitative data can complement quantitative assessment)

(Health data- To examine health data to identify regions with a high

incidence of water related diseases. This can indicate potential water
quality issues.)


The study is limited to assess the impact of climate change on water sources at
Urambo town in Urambo District council found in Tabora region only, and
therefore in timely conducting the research within respect to the time.

definitely I will come up with the best solutions to secure the important element
we find in energy, food security, health, economy and international collaboration.


 To promote public awareness on climate change impacts and know how to

concur with this problem of climatic change.
 To promote public participation and awareness in the management of
scarce resource and natural biodiversity in general.
 To enhance collaboration in the management of transboundary water

 Clear understanding of the driving forces for climatic change will be

helpful for the communities to improve on the protection and conservation
of the natural resources restricting for the negative change of the climatic
The picture below simply gives the psychology of the negative and positive
impact of climate change to promote life or death.


Climate change is a long-lasting change in the weather arrays across tropics to
polls. It is a global threat that has embarked on to put stress on various sectors.
This study is aimed to conceptually engineer how climate variability is
deteriorating the sustainability of diverse sectors worldwide (Caney, 2015).
Specifically, the agricultural sector’s vulnerability is a global concerning scenario,
as sufficient production and food supplies are threatened due to irreversible
weather fluctuations. In turn it is challenging the global feeding patterns,
particularly in countries with agriculture as an integral part of their economy and
total productivity (Caney, 2015). Climate change has also put the integrity and
survival of many species at stake due to shifts in optimum temperature ranges,
thereby accelerating biodiversity loss by progressively changing the ecosystem
structures. Climate variations increase the likelihood of particular food and water
borne and vector borne diseases and recent example is a coronavirus pandemic.
Climate change also accelerates the enigma of antimicrobial resistance, another
threat to human health due to the increasing incidence of resistant pathogenic
infections (Pouria Nakhaei et al, 2023 ). Besides, the global tourism industry is
devastated as climate change impacts unfavorable tourism spots. The
methodology investigates hypothetical scenarios of climate variability and
attempts to describe the quality of evidence to facilitate readers’ careful, critical
engagement. Secondary data is used to identify sustainability issues such as
environmental, social, and economic viability. To better understand the problem
gathered the information in this report from various media outlets, research
agencies, policy papers, newspapers, and other sources. This review will be the
assessment of climate change mitigation and adaptation approaches worldwide in
the aforementioned sectors and the associated economic costs. According to the
findings, governments involvement is necessary for the country’s long-term
development through strict accountability of resources and regulations
implemented in the past to generate cutting-edge climate policy. Therefore,
mitigating the impacts of climate change must be of the utmost importance, and
hence, this global threat requires global commitment to address its dreadful
implications to ensure global sustenance (Pouria Nakhaei et al, 2023 ).

Climate system is a complex and interactive system consisting of five major

components; the temperature, hydrosphere, cryosphere, the land surface and the
biosphere. The term climate normally refers to the average weather condition,
where weather is a fluctuating state of the atmosphere around us and described by
the variable’s temperature, precipitation, and wind among others (Daniel et al,
2012). Therefore, climate is the average state of these variables over a long period
of time (ranging from months to millions of years, the classical period is 30
years), and is most obviously characterized by the atmospheric component of the
climate system (Daniel et al, 2012).

Human activities contribute to climate change by causing changes in earth’s

atmosphere in the amount of greenhouse gases, aerosol (small particles), and
cloudiness. Greenhouse gases and aerosols affect climate by altering incoming
solar radiation and outgoing infrared (thermal) radiation that are part of Earths
energy balance. Changing the atmosphere abundance or properties of these gases
and particles can, therefore, lead to warming or cooling of the climate system
( Paul J Beggs, et al, 2023).According to recent report by WHO 884 million
people in the World do not have access to clean and safe water. As a result,
1.4million children die every year from water borne diseases that is 1 child loose
life every second. The majority who suffer this problem are from Sub-Sahara
African Countries . Most Sub – Saharan Countries including Tanzania are poor
and their people are lacking some of the basic services including Water ( Paul J
Beggs, et al, 2023).

Political instability, Power monger, and impact of climate change have been
pulling behind the struggle toward socio-economic development. There for
despite of being endowed by various resources like minerals, artificial forest,
National Parks, Lakes and great rivers, fertile soil and favorable climate but
these government have been failed to supply their people with adequate social
services especially Water. In Tanzania there is numerous water bodies which if
well managed could help to supply water to every citizen. Despite of being among
the country which have best implemented the millennium development goals,
Tanzania is still experiences the dramatic water scarcity especially in rural areas.
The central region in Tanzania such as Dodoma, Singida, Tabora and Shinyanga
are in Semi-arid areas, hence are good examples of the areas experiencing
Scarcity in great magnitude. The purpose of water scarcity and environment
assessment is to present the brief over view of the water scarcity issue and related
climate change risks and impacts particularly related to water sanitation hygiene
services and to develop conclusions and recommendations based on common
areas of strengths and weaknesses across countries. It is generally acceptance that
water is most crucial and valuable resource for human life from all the perspective
from survival purposes to an Increase in wealth. A considerable number of
researches recognize the global trend of increasing water demand and decreasing
water availability: therefore, the vast number of regions is subject to water
scarcity issue. In recent years, researchers have developed various water Scarcity
quantifying tools aiming to measure water Scarcity within the region or country
and 5 support decision making and policy elaboration to address water scarify.
These tools are named Indexes, and there are dozens of such indexes which vary
depending on index Comprehensiveness ranging from simple and straight forward
to Complex and Multidimensional, or on measurement objectives from water
necessary to satisfy human needs to water required to presence biodiversity or
enlivenment. The large number of indexes makes it almost impossible to cover the
whole range; therefore, the scope of this is limited to the indexes measuring water
availability to satisfy human needs and concentrates just in the water used for
human activities excluding the water requirement the environment or biodiversity.
Water becomes an issue in different parts of the world, and it is predicted to
continuously expand over great territories and to affect a greater shape of the
world population and environment. Furthermore, water plays a vital role in
agriculture and food security in every part o the world. In that Context, many
researchers and scientists have developed indexes aiming to measure the level of
water scarcity. The indexes vary greatly depending on the level of the complexity,
the amount a data required and the objectives. Each index has advantages and
limitations; therefore, it is important to comprehend the applicability of indexes in
real life. The most widely used indexes measuring water required to satisfy human
needs and places additional focus on the index measuring the water required for
agricultural use. The thesis also discusses the usability of water scarcity indexes in
the decision- making process. Therefore, in order to get more reliable and usable
results combination of indexes has to use.
Key words
 Water Scarcity
 Water poverty
 Water stress
 Indexes

Additionally, the thesis excludes indexes evaluating the state of water

resources influenced by natural phenomena. It focuses on the most common
indexes and addresses them evolution from a simpler from a simpler to a more
holistic and complex approach. It even describes the comprehensive indexes
Customized lo measure water availability for agricultural purposes. The thesis
presents the advantages and limitations o each index in question and discusses
the applicability of indexes in decision making and policy development

2.1 Water Scarcity

This chapter will give an overview of water resources for human survival and
well-being as well as any human activity; it will provide various information on
water availability on the globe. Variants types of water use will be listed and
define and the importance of water recourses for every aspect of human life will
be made to differentiate such widely used terms as water stress and water scarcity
and the list of various water scarcity factory with possible reasons for such
scarcity will be provided Water as Valuable finite resource According to water
encyclopedia (i) Water is the essential resource for any life on the planet
Water availability dictates where people can live and determine the quality of
their life, and also, water sufficiently (sufficient) has a strong correlation with the
rate and degree of society development within a certain region. Generally, people
utilize water for a variety of activities. The U.S Geology Survey (Is defined
Several Main purposes water use to analyze the current future water demand.

The U.S Geological survey list includes the water use for
 Commercial
 Domestic
 Industrial
 Irrigation
 Live stalk
 Mining
 Public supply
 Thermo electric power purposes.

2.1.1 Drinking water

This category refers to the water that is recognized as the human right. As stated
by the UN - committee on Economic Social and Cultural nights the human right to
water entities and affordable water for personal and the individual physical
accessible and affordable water for personal and the individual physical health.

2.1.2 Domestic water:

This category indicates the water that is used by household on daily bases mainly
for hygiene, Cooking, washing dishes, laundry and watering the garden.
According to W.H.O (5), in order to ensure human Primary needs, about 50 to 100
liters of water per person is required.

2.1.3 Food Security

This category According to Mulled Mulling,(2,530) features the water that is used
for agriculture or livestock purposes usually by fames on individuals who grows
Food for their our Consumption as a life necessity and for survival.

2.1.4 Economic Production

This category includes water used for the production of goods (industrial and
mining use).The human is relying just economically on such production and water
shortage or surplus does not directly influence their domestic or drink water
requirements (2,530).

2.15 Environment Needs

This category determines the water used by the ecosystem which the human is a
part of the water quality and the amount of elongation of water cycle is not
sufficient for sustention of the ecosystem, it can lead to various negative outcomes
like health effects from water pollution or biodiversity loss. Eutrophication is
considered to be the most common water quality issue which originated from the
increase of phosphates and Nitrogen concentration in water due to industrial
effluents, runoffs from farms or Sewerage Systems. Polluted water cannot be used
for drinking, hygienic, agricultural or Industrial needs. Therefore, a direct
correlation between water quality and the quantity of water Suitable for use can.
According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
(WBCSD) (7) more than 660 million people in the world lack the access to clean
drinking. The agriculture Consumes the biggest amount of fresh water with more
than 70% of World's water used for Irrigation Around 80% of the used water that
is returning back to nature is estimated to be untreated, which in turn, reduces the
quality and thus the quantity of potentially usable water. Water Scarcity is a more
relative and dynamic term which refers to the lack of Stability and Consumption:
It can strengthen with the increase of water demand and weaken it specific actions
are taken to meet the increased demand. Since the term water Scarcity have been
defined, it is important to determine the reasons for water Scarcity
 Physical Scarcity
 Economic Scarcity
 Managerial Scarcity
 Institutional Scarcity
 Political Scarcity

However, the above mentioned above are not covering all the possible situations.
Scarcity could vary in time by being temporary or continuo’s, which is the most
threading to drinking and domestic water uses and could be considered as failure
to comply with human rights, in some cases scarcity may decelerate and restrict
the potential growth or economic development, for example, due to the physical
shortage of water manufacturers of famers (2, 531).concluding everything stated
above, authors say that water scarcity issues are not that water scarcity issue are
not that Straight-forward and cannot be addressed by sample in create of
investments or adaption of technologies. The water human relation is more
complex, it depends on population distribution over a specific area, impact from
human activities on the environment on human life. Additionally, it depends on
the ability of different sectors to unitize financial resources, incorporate
knowledge and technologies or use its authority to counter the access to water
resources. One the great challenges in solving this problem is weak or an
adequate investment in the sector. There is no big water project invested which
can serve large population like three regions. Therefore, in areas where traditional
water sources can no longer provide enough water throughout the year, new water
sources are required. There for Urambo District Council sampled by this study to
represent the area with excessive water scarcity in the country found in West
region that is largely found in Semi-Arid lands.

3.1Data collection
Information from the community by through different techniques will be
used to gather historical climate data, hydrological data, and information
on water sources. Such as use of satellite imagery, weather stations, and
on-site measurement. Important details concerning impact of climatic
changes on water resources. The historical and current climate data
including temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events. Long-
term datasets help to identify and project future scenarios.

3.2 Climate model

Models will be employed in order to project future climate scenarios by
considering factors like temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather
events. Generally the projection of this methodology will give the general
picture, climate projections of the future negative outcome if no effective
measures to be taken into account to save the water resources for future
generation in Urambo District.

3.3Hydrological model
In order to simulate the behavior of water resources in Urambo District,
there will be need to employ the hydrological models, and therefore
different climate conditions will be evaluated such as runoff, recharge, and
overall water availability. A tool to determine the trend of water
availability in catchments will be used in order to know how much climate
change impacting water resources. These models simulate the movement
and distribution of water within a specific region. The use of input data
such as precipitation, temperature, land use, and vegetation to assess
changes in water availability)

3.4 GIS mapping

Urambo District as case study area will be created into maps to visualize
the spatial patters of climate change impacting on water resources , Also
GIS mapping will help to integrate various data sources to create spatial
models that highlight changes in water availability and giving advantages
to visualize and analyses complex relationship developed in order to truck
rivers and system of water allocating modelling and assessing the
hydrological situations to observe clearly how much the negative change
climate impact on the water sources.

3.5 Field Survey

Making the transect walk with the host around the study area together with
elders to gather information. This will involve conducting of the field
survey in the study area in order to validate models results and gather site
specific data. Interviewing of local communities and stakeholders to
understand their observations.

3.6 Water quality analysis

Polluted water cannot be used for drinking, hygienic, agricultural
Industrial needs. Therefore, a direct correlation between water quality
and the quantity of water Suitable for use can
3.7 Report and communication
Flow of information and clear communications should be used
between the stakeholders and day to day techniques that would need to
be implemented to improve management to combat the impact of
climate change on water sources.\

There will be a community that is Cleary understanding on the importance of
protecting and conserving of the essentially scarce resources and sustainability
including water sources that will be conserving the environment while
maintaining the conducive climate for both plants and animals.

The research will be conducted for about three Months at least to get a clear
foundation on solving the problem facing an area.



and Project
study area
and data

Consultation, Consultation Consultation

Compiling , Compiling and research
data and data and writing
research research
writing writing

1 Transportation 50,000/=

2 Data collection 150,000/=

3 Internet 50,000/=

4 Stationary 150,000/=

5 Lodging 60,000/=

TOTAL 460,000/=
Paul J Beggs, et al. (2023). Compound impacts of climate change, urbanization and
biodiversity loss on allergic disease . International Journal of Epidemiology,
Pages 655–663,.

Caney, S. (2015). Climate change.

Pouria Nakhaei et al. (2023 ). Contributions from climate variation and human activities
to flow regime change of Tonle Sap Lake from 2001 to 2020. Journal of

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