Nonsyndromic Delayed Eruption
Nonsyndromic Delayed Eruption
Nonsyndromic Delayed Eruption
Abstract Dental eruption is a very finely regulated process. A delay in tooth eruption may be due to a disturbance
caused by local, systemic, or genetic abnormalities. Delayed eruption of multiple teeth in the absence of
any etiology is very rare. Here, we report a case of delayed eruption in a 16‑year‑old female patient with
multiple congenitally missing teeth and bilaterally ankylosed deciduous teeth with no underlying systemic
or genetic disease.
Keywords: Ankylosed teeth, congenitally missing teeth, delayed eruption, impacted teeth, nonsyndromic
Address for correspondence: Dr. Valen Dela D’souza, A.J. Institute of Dental Sciences, Kuntikana, Mangaluru - 575003, Karnataka, India.
Submitted: 02‑Aug‑2020, Revised: 14-Sep-2020, Accepted: 29‑Jan‑2021, Published: 19-Mar-2021
Local causes are varied and range from the physical barriers A 16‑year‑old medically fit female patient visited our dental
to local metabolic disturbances, trauma and infection. The outpatient department with a complaint of irregularly placed
systemic conditions include rickets, cretinism and endocrine teeth for 10 years. Her family history revealed nonconsanguineous
dysfunction. The genetic disorders such as Cleidocranial marriage of parents. Her parents had similar complaints of
dysplasia, Gardner syndrome and osteopetrosis are crowding of teeth. The patient was moderately built and
also possible causes. In general, systemic causes lead to nourished and did not exhibit any physical or skeletal abnormality
widespread impact on most of the dentition, as opposed and showed no signs of mental retardation.
to local factors that tend to affect a smaller number of
teeth.[2‑5] The patient had generalized crowding and rotation in the
upper and lower arches [Figures 1 and 2]. The maxillary
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DOI: How to cite this article: D'souza VD, Rao PK, Kini R. Nonsyndromic
10.4103/jomfp.JOMFP_323_20 delayed eruption of multiple teeth: A rare case report. J Oral Maxillofac
Pathol 2021;25:S51-3.
© 2021 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow S51
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Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | Volume 25 | Supplement 1 | March 2021 S53