Amphioxus As A Model To Study The Evolution of Dev

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Amphioxus as a model
to study the evolution of
development in chordates
Abstract Cephalochordates and tunicates represent the only two groups of invertebrate chordates, and extant
cephalochordates – commonly known as amphioxus or lancelets – are considered the best proxy for the chordate
ancestor, from which they split around 520 million years ago. Amphioxus has been an important organism in the
fields of zoology and embryology since the 18th century, and the morphological and genomic simplicity of cepha-
lochordates (compared to vertebrates) makes amphioxus an attractive model for studying chordate biology at the
cellular and molecular levels. Here we describe the life cycle of amphioxus, and discuss the natural histories and
habitats of the different species of amphioxus. We also describe their use as laboratory animal models, and discuss
the techniques that have been developed to study different aspects of amphioxus.


Introduction extending to the front of the animal, beyond the

Cephalochordates, commonly known as amphi- cerebral vesicle (i.e. the most anterior structure
oxus or lancelets, belong to the monophyletic of the central nervous system). The anatomy
group of chordates, which also includes tuni- of cephalochordates is considered vertebrate-­
cates and vertebrates (Figure 1A). Amphioxus like, but simpler, having a prototypical chordate
are marine benthic animals that feed on phyto- body plan. Chordate synapomorphies, present
and zooplankton by filtering the seawater, and in amphioxus and vertebrates, include a dorsal
they are distributed worldwide in sandy habitats hollow nerve chord and notochord, pharyngeal
of tropical and temperate seas (Bertrand and slits, segmented muscles and gonads, post anal
Escriva, 2011). tail, and homologs of pronephric kidney, pitu-
*For correspondence: A fascinating drawing by the Italian scien- itary and thyroid (Figure 1B). However, some (SD'A); typical vertebrate characteristics are not present
tific illustrator Comingio Merculiano in the late
18th century captures the lifestyle of amphioxus in amphioxus such as paired sensory organs
(Figure 2). Unlike the adult, the embryos and (image-­forming eyes or ears), paired appendages
Competing interest: The authors larvae are planktonic and, depending on the and migrating neural crest cells. Their embry-
declare that no competing species, the larval phase can last up to several onic development includes 10 developmental
interests exist. periods, from the zygote to the adult (Carvalho
months in the open sea. Therefore, amphioxus
Funding: See page 10 have a high potential for offshore larval disper- et al., 2021; Bertrand et al., 2021), which are
sion in new coastal areas until they undergo the extremely well conserved among different
Reviewing Editor: Helena Pérez
process of metamorphosis and become juveniles. amphioxus species.
Valle, eLife, United Kingdom
The juveniles already show the typical adult body An interesting anatomical feature of amphi-
‍ ‍Copyright D'Aniello et al. This plan and, at this stage, they adopt a benthic life- oxus development concerns their symmetry.
article is distributed under the
style, prevalently buried in the substrate. In fact, larvae are completely asymmetrical,
terms of the Creative Commons
The name cephalochordate (i.e., cephalo- with the mouth and anus on the left side of the
Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use and (head) and -chordate (notochord)), which was body. However, this asymmetry mostly disap-
redistribution provided that the proposed by Ernst Haeckel in the 1860s (Haeckel, pears during metamorphosis, which produces
original author and source are 1866), does a good job of describing the pecu- an almost symmetrical adult animal (Paris et al.,
credited. liarity of their anatomy, with the notochord 2008).

D'Aniello et al. eLife 2023;12:e87028. DOI:  1 of 15

Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

Figure 1. Deuterostome phylogeny and body plan for amphioxus. (A) Deuterostomes are subdivided into ambulacraria (echinoderms and
hemichordates) and chordates (cephalochordates, tunicates and vertebrates). Cephalochordates, which are commonly known as amphioxus or
lancelets, are further divided into three genera: Branchiostoma, Epigonichtys and Asymmetron. Whole genome duplication (WGD) occurred specifically
in vertebrates. (B). Photograph of a Branchiostoma lanceolatum specimen exhibiting the typical body morphology shared by all cephalochordates.
The body is elongated, with pointed extremities hence its name which comes from the Greek “amphi = both” and “oxus = pointed”, and a series of
chordate synapomorphies are indicated, such as the dorsal nerve chord and notochord, pharyngeal slits, segmented muscles and gonads, atriopore,
caudal fin and post anal tail. Anterior is to the left and dorsal to the top.

The amphioxus genome also shows a than the vertebrate’s one (Acemel et al., 2016;
high degree of conservation with vertebrate Huang et al., 2023). Altogether, the crucial
genomes, but with specific features. Amphioxus phylogenetic position, conserved morphological
has orthologues for mostly all known vertebrate traits and genome organization make amphioxus
gene families, and the gene position and order a useful organism for answering fundamental
in the genome, known as synteny, is also highly questions in biology, particularly with respect to
conserved which greatly benefits comparative vertebrate evolution. Thus, over the last decades,
analyses with vertebrates (Putnam et al., 2008; cephalochordates have become an important
Marlétaz et al., 2018). However, the amphioxus animal model in the fields of evolutionary devel-
genome has not undergone the two complete opmental biology (EvoDevo), immune system
duplications that the vertebrate ancestor expe- evolution, cell signalling, regeneration and
rienced (Figure 1A), although it has undergone genome evolution.
numerous specific gene duplications (Brasó-
Vives et al., 2022).
Moreover, the regulation of gene expression Systematics and diversity
is much simpler than in vertebrates (Gil-­Gálvez The proposed phylogenetic position of cepha-
et al., 2022). And although it is still a point of lochordates has, as with many other metazoan
debate, the amphioxus three-­dimensional chro- groups, undergone major changes in recent
matin structure also seems to be less complicated years. Cephalochordates used to be classified

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Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

Figure 2. A drawing by Comingio Merculiano showing Amphioxus lanceolatus (now known as Branchiostoma
lanceolatum). This drawing of adult amphioxus is based on research done at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn
(SZN) between 1880 and 1890. Some of the amphioxus in the drawing are buried in the sand at the bottom of the
sea, which is a relatively rare occurrence. The typical anatomical features of chordates (see Figure 1B) are clearly
visible, which is a testament to the accuracy of Merculiano’s drawings.
Image courtesy of Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn – Archivio Storico; used with permission (SZN 2022 (L6) Prot. n. 6630). This image is not covered by
the CC-BY 4.0 license and further reproduction of this panel would need permission from the copyright holder.

as the closest group to vertebrates within the are absent in amphioxus such as migratory cells
chordates, one of the two deuterostome clades similar to those of the neural crest, or placode-­
together with the Ambulacraria (Figure 1A). This like ectodermal regions (Abitua et al., 2015;
position, as a sister group of vertebrates, was Manni et al., 2004; Horie et al., 2018).
based above all on the conservation of numerous Another consequence of this newly proposed
morphological characteristics, and also on some phylogenetic classification is a change in the
molecular studies based on rDNA (Winchell hypothesis about the ancestral chordate life-
et al., 2002). Moreover, the other chordate style. In the past, it was hypothesised that verte-
subphylum, the tunicates, shows a great diver- brates arose by neoteny from a sessile organism
gence at the morphological level, especially in with free-­ living tadpole larvae (like ascidians)
adults, whose body plan is completely different (Williams, 1996). Placing cephalochordates as
from that of the prototypical chordate. the earliest divergent chordates suggests that
However, this classification has completely instead the ancestral chordate could have been
changed following studies using larger molecular amphioxus-­like with a free-­living lifestyle even at
data, which finally positioned the cephalochor- the adult stage. This hypothesis is also reinforced
date lineage as the earliest divergent group of by the fact that early vertebrate fossils, such as
chordates (Bourlat et al., 2006; Delsuc et al., Haikouichthys or Haikouella, are similar to amphi-
2006; Delsuc et al., 2008), and placing the oxus in many aspects, such as their small size or
tunicates as the sister group of the vertebrates. their mobile and filter-­feeding lifestyle (Mallatt
This new chordate phylogeny suggests an evolu- and Chen, 2003; Shu et al., 2003a; Shu et al.,
tionary explanation of why tunicates, despite 2003b).
their tremendous anatomical and genomic diver- Unfortunately, clear cephalochordate fossils
gence, share some features with vertebrates that have not yet been found. For many years,

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Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

Figure 3. The life cycle of amphioxus includes benthic and pelagic phases. Adults live at the bottom of the sea
during the benthic phase (1); external fertilization takes place in the water column during the breeding season;
embryos and larvae then join the planktonic community near the surface during the pelagic phase (2). The
length of time spent near the surface depends on the species (and varies from a few weeks to several months).
Metamorphosis results in the mouth migrating from the left side of the larvae to a ventral and midline position
(juvenile/adults). This is accompanied by a significant change in food intake strategy and a shift from pelagic to
benthic behaviour.

Pikaia, the Cambrian fossil from Burgess Shale in afterwards, in 1852, a new species was described
Canada, has been considered a basal chordate, off Peru by Sundevall and named Branchiostoma
but numerous features such as dorsal organ, elongatum (Sundevall, 1852). The same year,
posterior ventral area, posterior fusiform struc- B. lanceolatum was also observed off northern
ture, anterior dorsal unit, and sigmoid rather Germany (Sundevall, 1852). It was then that a
than chevron‐shaped muscles, divide the pale- system capable of species classification became
ontological community about the exact phylo- necessary, and the enumeration of myotomes
genetic position of this controversial fossil, even anterior to the atriopore, between the atriopore
if its unresolved position is most probably within and anus, and posterior to the anus was chosen,
chordates (Morris and Caron, 2012; Mallatt and the global morphology being extremely similar
Holland, 2013). between all described cephalochordates. Thus,
In 1774, the first scientific description of a the classification soon included four species
specimen of amphioxus was made by Pallas from (B. lanceolatum, B. belcheri, B. elongatum and
an animal from off the coast of Cornwall (United Branchiostoma caribbaeum, described from the
Kingdom) (Pallas et al., 1774). Years later, amphi- coasts of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Sundevall,
oxus were rediscovered in the Mediterranean 1853), distributed in a rather cosmopolitan way
Sea first by Costa, 1834, and, two years later, between the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the
independently, by Yarrell, 1836. Apart from the Pacific oceans.
difference in the nomenclature, the Cornish and In 1876, based on differences in pharyngeal
Mediterranean specimens were considered the slits position and fin shape in animals from Torres
same species, Branchiostoma lanceolatum. Strait in Australia, Peters described a second
In 1847, Gray described a new specimen cephalochordate genus, which he called Epigon-
from the coast of Borneo, which he called ichthys (Peters, 1876). Although a later study
Branchiostoma belcheri (Gray, 1847). Shortly reclassified the same species as belonging to the

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Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

genus Branchiostoma (Günther and Reptilia, genetic differences and discriminating taxa
1882), Epigonichthys was later recognised as a with small morphological differences. In fact,
new genus. it was through the use of modern molecular
Finally, in 1893, Andrews described a third approaches, as well as through detailed morpho-
genus of cephalochordates, Asymmetron, for logical descriptions, that Nishikawa and Nohara
specimens from the Bahamas which he named confirmed the existence of three genera, Bran-
Asymmetron lucayanum (Andrews, 1893). The chiostoma, Asymmetron and Epigonichthys
main characteristics of this third genus were the (Nishikawa, 2004; Nohara et al., 2005). Two of
presence of a single row of gonads and the asym- them, Asymmetron and Epigonichthys, possess
metrical metapleural folds, the left one ending asymmetrical dextral gonads, and the third one,
at the level of the anus, while the right one was Branchiostoma, symmetrical gonads (Igawa
continuous behind with the ventral median fin. et al., 2017).
From this period on, many researchers began to The use of molecular taxonomy to define
describe new specimens from different locations species has brought some other surprises in
and to define the classification of cephalochor- the classification of amphioxus species, since it
dates on the basis of the aforementioned meristic revealed the existence of cryptic species among
characteristics. This gave rise to discussions, with animals that previously shared the same name.
numerous synonyms for the same species or Thus, for example, specimens of B. belcheri from
different species sharing the same name. Thus, the Chinese and Japanese coasts were differ-
new genera and subgenera were proposed, such entiated into two different species (B. belcheri
as Amphioxus, Heteropleuron, Amphioxides, and Branchiostoma tsingtauense) (Wang, 2004;
Dolichorhynchus, Paramphioxus, etc. Xu et al., 2005) even if later, according to the
During this period, more than fifty species and rule of priority, the name of B. tsingtauense was
ten genera of lancelets were described. Neverthe- changed by B. japonicum (Wang, 2004; Zhang
less, it was not until 1996 that Poss and Boschung et al., 2006).
made a compilation of all the described species Another example of a cryptic species
and genera, and re-­ examined the different complex, revealed through the use of molec-
meristic data of each, to produce a list as correct ular approaches, concerns A. lucayanum, for
as possible of the lancelet species described in which up to three genetically distinguished major
the world (Poss and Boschung, 1996). This study groups of geographical populations have been
reduced the total number of species to 29, and discovered. For one of these groups, composed
the number of genera to two, Branchiostoma of animals collected in the Red Sea, the name
and Epigonichthys. However, they defined Asym- Asymmetron rubrum has even been proposed
metron as a synonym of Epigonichthys, since they (Subirana et al., 2020; Kon et al., 2006). Thus,
failed to detect synapomorphies of the Epigon- all these studies suggest that the total number
ichthys group that would exclude Epigonichthys of amphioxus species in the world is probably
lucayanum (today called Asymmetron lucayanum) underestimated, and that molecular character-
from this group. Thus, in the absence of argu- isation is likely to increase the total number of
ments to support the fact that E. lucayanum extant species in the near future.
(i.e. A. lucayanum) is the sister-­taxon to all other
Epigonichthys, they followed the classification
proposed by Richardson and McKenzie, 1994 Distribution
with only two genera (Epigonichthys and Bran- The different amphioxus species can be found in
chiostoma) instead of three genera as proposed a cosmopolitan way in all tropical and temperate
in Piyakarnchana and Vajropala, 1961. oceans of the world. Amphioxus have never been
Poss and Boschung described the challenge observed in freshwater, and although they are
of classifying the different species of amphi- present worldwide, they have a preference for
oxus through the use of meristic data as follows: soils of more or less fine sand or shell deposits,
“Multivariate analysis of meristic variation, using and in most cases with little organic decay (see
primarily American species, reveals considerable below). However, they are not always present in
intraspecific variability in key taxonomic features. all suitable sandy sediments, which indicate that
Some species exhibit wide variation in countable other factors, such as pollution or currents, may
segments, whereas others are characterized by play an important role in the dynamic distribution
a narrow range” (Poss and Boschung, 1996). of these benthic animals. Of course, this distribu-
Furthermore, they clearly advocated the use of tion refers to adult animals, which have a benthic
molecular techniques capable of distinguishing lifestyle and are generally found at depths

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Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

between very shallow water (i.e. 0.5 m deep) to substrates with a soft texture and without too
30–50 meters deep. There are also some excep- much organic load. Different species have been
tions since some specimens have been found at described as living in different types of substrate,
greater depths (i.e. about 180 m deep) (Wick- ranging from very fine sand, coarse sand and even
stead, 1975) and in an anaerobic and sulfide-­rich shell deposits, with a clear preference of most of
environment caused by the decomposing body the species for coarse sand with low content of
of a whale at 229 m deep (Nishikawa, 2004), fine particles. This is the case of Branchiostoma
which does not exclude the possibility that deep-­ nigeriense on the west coast of Africa (Webb
water species may be found in the future. and Hill, 1958; Webb, 1958), Branchiostoma
In contrast to adults, the embryonic and larval caribaeum in Mississippi Sound and from South
stages of amphioxus are planktonic. Thus, the Carolina to Georgia (Boschung and Gunter,
amphioxus larvae can drift across oceans thanks 1962; Cory and Pierce, 1967), B. senegalense
to marine currents over a period of time that, in the off-­shore shelf region off North West Africa
depending on the species, can range from a (Gosselck and Spittler, 1979) and B. lanceo-
couple of weeks to several months (Figure 3). latum from the Mediterranean coast of southern
The larvae are mainly found and distributed by France (Caccavale et al., 2021b; Desdevises
coastal currents, although pelagic larvae have et al., 2011). However, B. floridae from Tampa
also been reported in places far away from the Bay in Florida seems to be an exception to this
coast (Goldschmidt, 1905). The study of these rule since they live in fine sand bottoms (Stokes
larvae gave rise to the discussion of a different and Holland, 1996a; Stokes, 1996).
type of amphioxus, called Amphioxides, which All species of amphioxus are gonochoric, and
were considered to be pelagic adults, although only a few cases of hermaphroditism have been
today there is a wide consensus on the larval reported in both B. lanceolatum and B. belcheri
nature of these individuals, which, however, (Yamaguchi and Henmi, 2003; Orton, 1914).
have delayed their metamorphosis in a neotenic In these cases, only a few female gonads (i.e.,
process (Bone, 1957). developing ovaries) were observed in a male (2–5
The distribution of each amphioxus species gonads out of a total of 45–50). A unique case
has been reviewed in Poss and Boschung, 1996. of complete sex reversal has been described in
This kind of information can also be accessed in B. belcheri, where a female amphioxus reared in
the Unesco database, OBIS (McEwan, 2001), the laboratory was sexually reversed into a male
where it can be observed that amphioxus are (Zhang et al., 2001).
found in all tropical and temperate coasts of the Spawning, which consists in the release of
world. An interesting aspect of the differences thousands of oocytes and millions of sperma-
in distribution between species is that, while tozoa in the water column, is concentrated,
some species have been found at very distant in most species, in one period of the year (i.e.
locations around the globe, such as B. belcheri the spawning season), which usually takes place
that can be found in practically all coasts of East during the warmer months (spring-­ summer).
Asia, Oceania and even the African coasts of the The spawning season duration varies between
Indian Ocean, and similarly B. lanceolatum that species, being shorter (between one and three
is found along the entire Mediterranean coasts, months) in species living in temperate waters and
the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North Africa longer (around six months) in tropical species.
(Caccavale et al., 2021b), and even in the Indian Spawning always occurs shortly after sunset,
Ocean, other species are found in much more although the behaviour is different depending
restricted areas. For example, Branchiostoma on the species. Thus, for example, in B. floridae,
senegalensis or Branchiostoma gambiense were up to 90% of the animals spawn synchronously
only described on the West Africa coasts. Several once every two or three weeks (Stokes and
explanations can account for this, but the most Holland, 1996b). On the other hand, in other
widely accepted is that the amplitude of the species such as B. lanceolatum, spawning occurs
species distribution depend upon the type of gradually between the beginning and the end of
marine currents present in each area (Webb, the spawning season (Fuentes et al., 2004). An
1975). exception to this unique annual breeding season
is the case of A. lucayanum, which spawn during
two periods of the year (during the warm months
Habitat and lifestyle of spring and summer, but also in autumn). More-
Adult amphioxus, as already mentioned, live over, in this species, the moon cycle seems to
on the seafloor, burrowed in well-­
ventilated play a major role since spawning is concentrated

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Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

in the days preceding the new moon (Holland, The most likely causes of death in amphioxus,
2011). as in most wild animals, can be summarized as
Concerning the feeding behaviour, the size infections and predation. Thus, our own observa-
of the particles filtered by different amphioxus tions attest that amphioxus in the water column
species, as well as their diet, has been studied. are attractive prey for fishes, and a description of
Amphioxus are able to ingest sub-­micron particles amphioxus predators has been published. In this
thanks to the mucus secreted by the endostyle. case, a stingray was observed to have a gut filled
The size of these particles has been calculated almost exclusively with amphioxus (B. floridae) in
in several species (i.e. B. lanceolatum, B. sene- Tampa Bay (Stokes and Holland, 1992).
galense, B. floridae) and the results are quite Concerning infections, in 1936 Ravitch-­
similar regardless of the species. The size ranges Stcherbo described the presence of a bacteria
from 0.062 to 100 µm, although in B. senegal- which produces a red pigment by putrid decom-
ense particles up to 300 µm were found (Goss- position of tissues, and which is capable of
elck et al., 1978; Ruppert et al., 2000; Riisgard infecting and killing amphioxus (B. lanceolatum)
and Svane, 1999). This particle size suggests in captivity, but the strain of this bacterium was
that the amphioxus diet includes microbes as not described (Ravitch-­Stcherbo, 1936). More
well as phytoplankton, even if, in addition to recently, Zou and collaborators described the
phytoplankton, crustaceans have also been presence of a lethal bacteria and characterised
found in the gut contents of B. senegalense and it as Vibrio alginolyticus in B. belcheri (Zou et al.,
B. lanceolatum larvae (Gosselck and Kuehner, 2016). Finally, other causes of death like tumours,
1973; Webb, 1969). Moreover, much of the such as a chromaffinoma (Stolk, 1961), or the
ingested material exits the anus undigested after presence of parasites have also been described in
1–2 hours and most of the gut contents consist amphioxus. Thus, in 1968 Azariah described the
of detritus, suggesting that amphioxus are indis- presence of a trypanorhynchan larvae, a cestode
criminate suspension feeders (Gosselck et al., known to parasitize fishes, in several individuals
1978). A clear example of this indiscriminate of B. lanceolatum off the coast of Madras in India
filtering behaviour is the fact that several recent (Azariah, 1968), and Holland and collaborators
studies show how different species of amphioxus also described the presence of parasitic larvae of
are capable of filtering microplastics present in the tapeworm Acanthobothrium brevissime in B.
the environment (Cheng et al., 2023; Xiang floridae (Holland et al., 2009).
et al., 2022).
An interesting behaviour of adult amphioxus
is that, as ciliary feeding progresses, the oral cirri, Technical advances in amphioxus
whose function is to prevent the entry of large research
particles, become blocked with these coarse In recent years, the worldwide growing interest
detritus reducing the flow of water through in amphioxus as model organisms for different
the pharynx. When this occurs, the atrial floor research studies has led various groups to develop
is violently raised and lowered, and water is new technical approaches to breed the animals in
expelled from the atrium through the pharynx captivity. Thus, different tools and protocols have
and oral hood, which unblocks the oral cirri been developed for amphioxus maintenance and
(Dennell, 1950). reproduction that allow obtaining large amounts
Several studies have focused on the lifespan of live embryos in the laboratory. These amphi-
of different amphioxus species, usually based on oxus aquaculture systems have been developed
the size distribution of sampled individuals and for the four most studied species, with slight
taking into account that amphioxus grow contin- differences concerning the day/night cycle, sea
uously during their entire life (Stokes, 1996). water recirculation, species-­ specific tempera-
These estimates include a lifespan of 2–3 years ture regimes, natural or artificial seawater, the
for B. floridae (Wells, 1926; Nelson, 1968; Futch presence or not of sand in the tanks, and so
and Dwinell, 1977), a maximum age of 2–3 years forth (Fuentes et al., 2004; Fuentes et al.,
for B. belcheri (Chin, 1941; Chen et al., 2008), a 2007; Holland and Yu, 2004; Yasui et al., 2007;
lifespan of 4–5 years for B. senegalense in north- Holland and Holland, 2010; Li et al., 2012; Li
west Africa (Gosselck and Spittler, 1979), a et al., 2013; Li et al., 2015; Theodosiou et al.,
lifespan of 5 years for B. lanceolatum in the Medi- 2011; Benito-­Gutiérrez et al., 2013; Carvalho
terranean Sea (Desdevises et al., 2011), which et al., 2017; Somorjai et al., 2008).
increases to 8 years in the relatively cold waters Adult amphioxus with mature gonads can be
of Helgoland (Courtney, 1975). artificially induced to spawn in the laboratory

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Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

during the breeding season under controlled 2020; Zhu et al., 2020; Zou et al., 2021; Su
conditions. This is a prerequisite for the in vitro et al., 2020; Kozmikova and Kozmik, 2015).
fertilization of eggs and the achievement of Finally, high-­ throughput sequencing tech-
synchronized embryo’s cultures. Different meth- niques have made it possible to obtain the
odologies have proven effective for successful complete chromosome-­ level genome assembly
spawning induction depending on the species: of four amphioxus species, B. floridae, B. lance-
the first of these was an electric shock in B. olatum, B. belcheri and B. japonicum (Putnam
floridae (Holland and Holland, 1989), but this et al., 2008; Marlétaz et al., 2018; Brasó-Vives
approach also induced unfertilised egg activa- et al., 2022; Huang et al., 2023; Huang et al.,
tion in other species, such as B. lanceolatum, 2014), thus opening the door to functional and
so a different approach was required. A water comparative genomics studies. The use of new
temperature change 36 hours prior spawning sequencing techniques at the level of single cells
is employed for species like B. lanceolatum has been producing significant amount of infor-
(Fuentes et al., 2004; Fuentes et al., 2007). mation in recent years in various animal models.
Gonad maturation is a prerequisite for spawning Amphioxus has not been left behind and this
induction, but it is seasonally restricted to the technique has also started to generate inter-
breeding season and is often quite difficult to esting results in several species (Lin et al., 2020;
obtain in captive animals. Nevertheless, excellent Satoh et al., 2021; Ma et al., 2022).
results have been obtained using tropical species
(B. floridae and B. belcheri) for which it has been
possible to significantly increase the reproductive Amphioxus as a model to
period artificially in the laboratory, beyond the understand chordate evolution
limited breading season (Li et al., 2013; Holland In this article we have focused mainly on known
and Li, 2021). data on the biology and natural history of amphi-
Animal husbandry, therefore, allows obtaining oxus. However, most of the recent scientific work
large amounts of eggs and embryos on demand, published on amphioxus focuses on the evolution
opening the door to modern functional of developmental mechanisms and genomes. As
approaches to study developmental gene func- we have presented in this review, because of
tion and the molecular mechanisms of gene and their phylogenetic position among chordates,
genomic regulation. The first studies focusing on their prototypical characteristics, and the possi-
gene expression using amphioxus embryos were bility of obtaining a large amount of externally
based on classical analyses through in situ hybrid- developing and transparent embryos, amphioxus
ization in the 1990s (Holland et al., 1992). The were mainly used to try to understand how the
first functional studies were carried out through evolution of genomes and of the control of devel-
the use of pharmacological treatments capable of opmental processes led to the morphological
activating, inhibiting or modifying certain signal- complexity found in extant vertebrates.
ling pathways (Bertrand et al., 2017). Other Concerning genomics, obtaining whole
methods to manipulate gene expression through genome sequences for amphioxus (Putnam
gene overexpression or gene knockdown by et al., 2008; Marlétaz et al., 2018; Huang et al.,
microinjection in the unfertilized eggs of mRNAs 2014), and also for tunicates (Dehal et al., 2002;
or morpholinos have also been developed in Dehal and Boore, 2005), allowed the 2R hypoth-
different amphioxus species (Aldea et al., 2019; esis proposed by Ohno, 1970 to be confirmed.
Onai et al., 2010; Schubert et al., 2005). According to this hypothesis, two rounds of whole
Classical embryo micromanipulation tech- genome duplications took place during the early
niques, including grafting, have also been devel- evolutionary history of vertebrates, although
oped (Le Petillon et al., 2020). Importantly, data in lamprey suggest that only one of these
through the use of the TALEN and CRISPR-­Cas9 duplications might be shared by gnathostomes
gene-­editing approaches, and Tol2-­based trans- (jawed vertebrates) and cyclostomes (jawless
genesis, it has been possible to obtain knock out vertebrates including lampreys and hagfish)
and transgenic lines in B. floridae and B. belcheri (Simakov et al., 2020). Amphioxus genomic data
for different genes, which has lifted an important also helped reconstructing the chordate ances-
brake on functional studies using amphioxus and tral karyotype, and the evolution of gene families
has boosted the research in the evolutionary in this clade. Finally, recent epigenomic analyses
developmental biology field (EvoDevo) (Holland showed that chromatin conformation evolu-
and Li, 2021; Li et al., 2014; Li et al., 2017; tion (Acemel et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2023)
Hu et al., 2017; Zhong et al., 2020; Ren et al., and complexification of developmental gene

D'Aniello et al. eLife 2023;12:e87028. DOI:  8 of 15

Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

Box 1. Outstanding questions about the natural history

of amphioxus.
# How much amphioxus diversity remains undiscovered? In other words, how many species
are valid?
# What are the ecological factors that restrict the distribution of amphioxus species to
specific places?
# What environmental, physiological and/or endocrine factors are responsible for the
spawning induction in the wild?
# Why do certain species develop gonads in captivity in a simple way, while this process is
extremely complicated in other species?
# What are the greatest threats to amphioxus conservation?
# What mechanisms allow morphological and anatomical conservation between different
amphioxus species despite their high genetic polymorphism?

regulation (Marlétaz et al., 2018) and of the Conclusions

interconnectivity between signalling pathways The interest in the study of cephalochordate
(Gil-­Gálvez et al., 2022) might have participated biology and ecology has experienced alternating
to the emergence of vertebrate specific traits. periods of great popularity and long periods
Studies of amphioxus development, through of stagnation. Today, however, the number of
the analysis of gene expression or function, and research groups using amphioxus as a model
of the role of different intercellular communica- organism is growing and they are located all over
tion pathways, led to several key advances in our the world. Moreover, the interest in amphioxus
understanding of morphological evolution within
covers a wide spectrum of research fields, ranging
the chordate group. First, conservation of the
from classical embryology, through EvoDevo, to
expression of orthologous genes in homologous
functional and comparative genomics (see Box 1
structures between amphioxus and vertebrates
for a list of outstanding questions about the
allowed highlighting the key actors controlling
natural history of amphioxus).
the formation of chordate synapomorphic traits.
Unlike many other animal models, there is not
Hence it has been shown, for example, that both
a specific meeting for researchers interested in
amphioxus and vertebrates possess an embry-
amphioxus, although the European Society for
onic territory at the gastrula stage called the
Evolutionary Developmental Biology (https://​
dorsal organizer, which is responsible for early has sponsored a satellite meeting
axial patterning and for neural induction (Le
dedicated to amphioxus for the past decade.
Petillon et al., 2017; Yu et al., 2007).
On the other hand, studies in amphioxus also This meeting, which takes places every two years,
pointed out differences with vertebrate devel- is typically attended by almost one hundred
opmental modalities that could be linked to the participants.
emergence of vertebrate traits such as an unseg- Modern technological approaches are driving
mented head musculature (Aldea et al., 2019; amphioxus research, and undoubtedly the technical
Bertrand et al., 2011; Meister et al., 2022). developments we have discussed, and in partic-
Lastly, embryological studies on amphioxus may ular the obtaining of the transcriptomic profile of
also shed light on unsuspected roles of certain each cell type, will help resolving old questions in
signals in the control of chordate development. the future. Examples of such questions include
For example, a recent work showed the role of the evolutionary appearance of the neural crest
the nitric oxide pathway in normal pharyngeal cells typical of vertebrates, or the evolution and
development through an interaction with the complexification of the vertebrate brain from that
retinoic acid signaling pathway in amphioxus of the chordate ancestor. The multiplication of data
(Caccavale et al., 2021a), which calls for a more produced by high-­ throughput sequencing tech-
detailed examination of embryonic function of niques will also certainly raise new and interesting
nitric oxide in vertebrates. questions, as much on the evolutionary level as on

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Feature article The Natural History of Model Organisms | Amphioxus as a model to study the evolution of development in chordates

that of embryonic development or physiology of Grant reference

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species of amphioxus as model organisms, one collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit
point on which the entire scientific community the work for publication.
agrees is that this is an extremely exciting time
to be working with this fascinating little animal. Decision letter and Author response
Decision letter
Author response​
Acknowledgements sa2
The authors thank present and past members of
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Observatoire Océanologique, Banyuls-­sur-­Mer No new data was generated for this article.
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