Chiller Trouble Shooting 17
Chiller Trouble Shooting 17
Chiller Trouble Shooting 17
Read Safety Section before installing or using equipment
Turbo Refrigerating is a will help avoid injury to falling over vertical
supplier of fluid chillers, personnel and/or damage to stainless steel plates in a
icemaking, and ice storage the equipment. Both are thin falling film. Because of
equipment. TURBO® does valuable assets to your method of chilling the
not engineer or design fluid operation. Take the time to liquid heat exchangers are
chilling systems, ice protect them. often referred to as falling
systems, ice plants, or film chillers.
processing lines. TURBO Read the manual contents
can provide assistance in before you start your HTD Series
locating qualified installation or operation. HTD stands for High
companies familiar with the This will save time by Temperature Difference.
installation and operation of ensuring that all necessary Fluids are chilled or heated
TURBO chillers. Contact materials and tools are over large temperature
the factory at the address or available when the differences, ranging from
telephone numbers listed at equipment arrives. 5°F to 60°F in a single pass
the end of this section. using R-22, ammonia or
History glycol as the refrigerant
Information on safety, inside the plate. Systems are
installation, operation, TURBO has been available in direct
maintenance and trouble- producing a line of fluid expansion (DX), flooded
shooting is contained in this chillers since 1984 and recirculated models.
manual. If you have equipment as well as Flow rates are available
questions concerning any of icemakers and ice over a wide range but are
these phases, contact generators for the ice typical considered relatively
TURBO or one of its industry since 1960. The low. Higher flow rates can
distributors to ensure that chillers described in this be obtained with HF
you fully understand the manual are part of a family chillers.
instructions and guidelines. of products designed
specifically for the HF Chillers
You must read all of the industrial market for a HF stands for High Flow.
information carefully and variety of cooling needs. Fluids are chilled over
make sure that all personnel narrow temperature
involved in the installation Fluid Heat Exchangers differences, ranging from
have also read and HTD and HF series heat 1°F to 2°F. The plate’s long
understood the information exchangers are designed to narrow geometry enables
and safety instructions. This instantaneously chill fluids high fluid flow over the
plate. Ammonia, R-22 and and uniform fragmented the field (trailer mounted
glycol are all available for nuggets. TURBO has units) or in the processing
use in direct expansion, produced the C-line area
flooded and recirculated icemaker since 1964. This • Concrete icing
systems. product line uses a water • Ingredient icing
defrost to produce ice in (bakeries)
Applications capacities ranging from 1 • Fish icing
HTD/HF chillers are ton per dry to 200 tons per • Poultry icing
suitable for a variety of day in CAR and CAR-LR • Chemical and dye
applications including: (ammonia) and CF (R-22) processes
• Food models. • Emergency cooling
• Beverage loads
• Chemical TURBO® TIG/TIGAR • Ice slurries
• Manufacturing Ice Generators • Catering trucks
In industrial applications • Salad bars or display ice
Models where ice is being used for • Food processing
A number of standard and processing or for top icing,
special chiller plates are TURBO produces a series Ice Storage Systems
available in a variety of of wet ice generators called TURBO® rakes and storage
configurations to meet the TIG (R-22) and TIGAR bins were introduced in
many applications. Standard (NH3) series. These hot gas 1967. There are three basic
plate sizes include: defrost icemakers are built sizes in the hydraulic
• 48” x 60” with the same high quality version as well as two
• 72’ x 60” standards and engineering larger versions known as
as the TURBO® icemakers automatic ice rakes
• 96” x 60”
of the sixties. The only (described in this manual).
• 144” x 24”
difference is that the The smaller hydraulic
icemaking process produces models range in capacity
slightly wetter ices due to from 20 to 87 tons while the
the hot gas defrost, and the larger automatic ice rakes
Chillers are available in R-
standard system used to range from 100 to 300 tons
22, ammonia, and glycol
produce dry, uniform ice of ice storage.
with direct expansion (DX),
nuggets is eliminated. As a TURBO rakes have been
flooded, and recirculated
result, a random shaped used in USDA inspected
refrigerant feed. Chillers
piece of fragmented ice is installations.
can be furnished with their
produced at a lower cost per
own high side and
ton. USDA Design
condensing unit or
All TURBO® ice storage
connected to existing
In applications where systems are designed to
refrigeration systems.
totally dry, uniform ice is meet USDA guidelines and
not required; the meet rugged industrial
Associated Equipment
TIG/TIGAR series offers a standards which make them
low cost alternative. the most reliable in the
Icemakers/Ice Generators
industry. Each system is
Typical Applications designed to make the
• Produce (broccoli, loading and unloading of
Packaged ice applications
carrots, etc.) – top icing in the ice storage system as
require a dry sub-cooled ice
safe and simple as possible. Optional Rake Features TURBO® block press the
Regardless of size, all of the most reliable on the market.
ice storage systems operate Although TURBO designs
in basically the same simple and builds the ice storage Special Applications
yet reliable manner. system to be as flexible as
possible, the standard TURBO is in the business
system may not meet a of supplying equipment to
The entire load and unload particular application. meet the needs of the
sequence is automatic and TURBO can design a customer. If you have an
does not require the storage system to meet application or a need that is
operator to be in contact almost any need. not discussed here, contact:
with the ice or any moving
parts in the ice storage TURBO® Block Press Turbo Refrigerating, LLC
system. TURBO offers another Sales Department
feature to make optimum P.O. Box 396
The continuous presence of profits from your ice Denton, Texas 76202-0396
an operator is not required production. Instead of Phone: 940-387-4301
although it is recommended. throwing away the snow Fax: 940-382-0364
At the end of the day, the produced by the breaker Web Site:
bin is empty (on a design bar, ice sizer, screw
day). The bin refills conveyors, or other
overnight and is full when handling devices, install a Customer Service
personnel return to work. TURBO® block press. This
block press converts the The TURBO service
NOTE: All controls are snow into ten or fifty-five department provides
adjustable to allow the pound blocks of ice. assistance for all customer
load or unload rate to needs. TURBO conducts
match the customer’s Introduced in 1977, the training schools at the
production and/or block press is a completely factory and at various
delivery requirements. automatic, hydraulic locations throughout the
powered unit capable of world.
Rake Variations producing from 120 to an
CB and Automatic rakes are excess of 400 ten pound NOTE: The model and
available in a number of blocks per hour. serial number of your
standard sizes to The block press is available TURBO equipment is
accommodate bulk storage with a block bagger located on the data
capacities ranging from 20 attachment, which means: nameplate attached to the
tons to 400 tons. Models are electrical control panel.
available in standard 10’, • Eliminates handling Please refer to the model
12’-6”, 15’ and 20’ widths; until the block is in the bag and serial number when
20’ to 55’ length; heights • A better product making inquiries about
from 9’ to 25’ making it • Higher profits the equipment. This will
possible to produce a enable our personnel to
variety of standard Rugged industrial handle your questions
capacities. construction and stainless quickly and accurately.
steel or UHMW in all areas
of ice contact make the
High Values
TURBO highly values its friends and customers in the industry. Please remember to:
Turbo Refrigerating, LLC Company may be required upon delivery to
(the “Company”) agrees to to pay arising from the sale transporting carrier.
sell the Equipment or delivery of the
described herein upon the Equipment or the use 3. Delivery
following terms and thereof. Prepaid freight, if
conditions of sale which, applicable, will be added to (a) The Company will
accordingly, supersede any the purchase price and endeavor to make shipment
of Buyer’s additional or invoiced separately. Where of orders as scheduled.
inconsistent terms and price includes transportation However, all shipment dates
conditions of purchase. or other shipping charges, are approximate only, and
any increases in the Company reserves the
1. Terms and Prices transportation rates or other right to readjust shipment
shipping charges from date schedules.
(a) All orders are to be of quotation or purchase
accompanied by a twenty order shall be for the (b) Under no circumstances
percent (20%) down account of and paid by will the Company be
payment or an acceptable Buyer. responsible or incur any
irrevocable letter of credit liability for costs or
confirmed on a U.S. Bank (d) Contract prices are damages of any nature
acceptable to Turbo. No subject to adjustment to the (whether general,
orders are to be entered Company’s prices in effect consequential, as a penalty
without payment or L/C in at time of shipment unless or liquidated damages or
hand. otherwise specified in a otherwise) arising out of or
separate Price Adjustment owing to (i) any delays in
(b) All orders are subject to Policy attached to the delivery or (ii) failure to
the approval of the proposal or other contract make delivery at agreed or
Company’s home office. document of the Company. specified times due to
Unless otherwise stated, circumstances beyond its
standard terms of payment (e) If Buyer requests reasonable control.
are thirty (30) days net from changes in the Equipment
the earlier of date of or delays progress of the (c) If shipment is delayed or
shipment or readiness of the manufacture or shipment of suspended by Buyer, Buyer
Equipment for shipment. If the Equipment, the contract shall pay (i) Company’s
partial shipments are made, price shall be adjusted to invoice for the Equipment
payment shall become due reflect increases in selling as per payment terms, (ii)
and payable to the partial price caused thereby. Company’s handling and
shipment. storage charges then in
2. Shipment effect, and (iii) demurrage
(c) In addition to the charges if loaded on rail
purchase price, Buyer shall Shipment is F.O.B. cars.
pay any excise, sales, Company’s plant or place of
privilege, use or any other manufacture, unless 4. Limited Warranty:
taxes, Local, State or otherwise specified. Risk of Warranty Adjustment:
Federal, which the loss shall pass to Buyer
returning the Equipment or the Warranty and Warranty ANY OTHER CAUSE
any part or parts will not be Adjustment extended to the WHETHER BASED ON
reimbursed by the Company by the original WARRANTY (EXPRESS
Company. manufacturer of such parts, OR IMPLIED) OR TORT
in no event shall such other OR CONTRACT, and
(d) SPARE AND manufacturer’s warranty regardless of any advices or
REPLACEMENT PARTS create any more extensive recommendations that may
WARRANTY warranty obligation of the have been rendered
ADJUSTMENT Company to the Buyer for concerning the purchase,
such parts than the installation or use of the
The Company sells spare Company’s Warranty Equipment.
and replacement parts. This Adjustment covering parts
subparagraph (d) is the manufactured by the 5. Patents
Warranty Adjustment for Company as set forth in this
such parts. Buyer must subparagraph (d). Expenses (a) PATENT INDEMNITY
make claim of any breach incurred by the Buyer in AND CONDITIONS
of any spare or replacement replacing, repairing, or
parts warranty by written returning the spare or The Company agrees at its
notice to the Company’s replacements parts will not own expense to defend and
home office within thirty be reimbursed by the hold Buyer harmless in the
(30) days of the discovery Company. event of any suits instituted
of any alleged defect for all against Buyer for an alleged
such parts manufactured by (e) LIMITATION OF infringement of any claim
the Company. The LIABILITY of any United States Patent
Company agrees at its covering solely to the
option to repair or replace, The above Warranty structure of the Equipment
BUT NOT INSTALL, Adjustment sets forth as originally manufactured
F.O.B. Company’s plant, Buyer’s exclusive remedy by the Company per the
any part or parts of material and the extent of the Company’s specifications,
it manufactures which, Company’s liability for and without modification by
within one (1) year from the breach of implied (if any) the Buyer, provided buyer
date of shipment shall prove and express warranties, shall (i) have given the
to the Company’s representations, instructions Company immediate notice
satisfactory (including or defects from any cause in in writing of any such claim
return to the Company’s connection with the sale or or institution or threat of
plant, transportation use of the Equipment. THE such suit, and (ii) have
prepaid, for inspection, if COMPANY SHALL NOT permitted the Company to
required by the Company) BE LIABLE FOR ANY defend or settle the same,
to be defective within this SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR and have given all needed
Parts Warranty. The CONSEQUENTIAL information assistance and
Warranty and warranty DAMAGES OR FOR authority to enable the
period for spare and LOSS, DAMAGE OR Company to do so. Buyer
replacement parts not EXPENSE, DIRECTLY shall defend and indemnify
manufactured by the OR INDIRECTLY the Company against all
Company (purchased by the ARISING FROM THE expenses, costs and loss by
Company, from third party USE OF THE reason of any real or alleged
suppliers) shall be limited to EQUIPMENT OR FROM infringement by the
Section 2: SAFETY
Here are some safety points to Important • Follow directions and
keep in mind when creating an Indicates hazards or unsafe illustrations.
efficient yet safe working practices which could cause • Check to see that all
environment. minor personal injury or equipment meets
product or property damage. applicable installation
Safety Definitions codes for your area as well
Note as state and federal
Statements or labels in this Gives helpful information. requirements.
manual or on the product • Have sufficient safety
preceded by the following Machinery Is Dangerous warnings on all equipment.
words are of special • Make sure all safety
significance: Machinery can hurt you if you devices and guards are in
are not careful. Use caution place.
Warning during assembly and operation
Indicates severe personal of equipment. Note:
injury or death will result if Warning labels attached to the
instructions are not followed. ALWAYS: chiller, equipment installed
• Read the entire manual with the chiller, and on access
Caution first. panels should be followed.
Indicates a strong possibility of • Use common sense and be They are shown in Figures 2-1,
severe personal injury or death careful. and 2-2.
if instructions are not followed. • Have enough manpower.
• Have the proper tools.
2. When working with completed his own task, when it has actually been
electrical equipment and remove his own lock. turned back on.
where the accidental
starting of such C. If the equipment controls F. If a machine is locked out
equipment or release of are so located that only one and it is necessary to leave
stored energy would lock can be the area, recheck the lock
create a hazard, the accommodated, a special upon returning to make
employee must turn off attachment that sure that the machine is
all power to the unit or accommodates several still locked out. While
use energy isolating locks must be used. This supervision will make
devices and apply his attachment will be issued every attempt to avoid the
personal lock, and have to all designated removal of locks, there
the supervisor of that employees. may be situations when it
area apply his personal must be done. This recheck
lock. At all times when D. Should an employee be is for your protection.
maintenance is being required to work on
performed on our another piece of equipment G. It is sometimes necessary
equipment, that and need to leave his lock to operate equipment for
equipment will have 2 on the present equipment, purposes of testing or
locks on it, one by the another lock must be making adjustments prior
person performing the obtained from the plant to the actual completion of
maintenance plus the manager. the work. It is recognized
one of the supervisor. that electricians must work
E. Should it be necessary to on live circuits from time
3. In instances where operate a piece of to time, particularly when
multiple circuits are in equipment which is locked trouble-shooting, but
a circuit breaker box, out, every effort should be extreme caution must be
an attaching made by supervision to used under these
mechanism will be locate the employee whose circumstances. Never work
placed on the outside of lock is on the equipment. If alone when changing live
the box to allow that that employee cannot be wiring.
box to be locked out located, the supervisor may
and prevent the door obtain a master key for the VII. Outside Contractors
from being opened. lock. The supervisor must
personally assure himself Whenever outside servicing
B. Each employee who that it is safe to remove the personnel are to be engaged in
performs the duties lock. The lock should than activities covered by the scope
prescribed above will be be returned to the proper and application of this lockout
provided with an individual employee. and tag procedure, such
safety lock and one key. If personnel are to be informed of
more that one employee is This procedure must be used this procedure by the person
assigned to a task, each with extreme caution and good responsible for their work
employee is required to judgement. There is danger activity and are to direct them
place his own lock and tag that the employee involved to follow its requirements.
so the controls cannot be will return thinking that the Failure to do so shall require
operated, even though machine is still locked out, that they do not be permitted to
another person may have continue working in the plant.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are provided for all refrigerants (ammonia, Freon, glycol, refrigerant
oils) typically used in chiller applications.
This section lists common problems and suggests solutions with various chillers and chiller systems. Some of the problems and solutions
apply to optional equipment o r equipment supplied by others and may vary. Many problems are easy to solve if you know what caused
them. If your problem is not covered in this section, contact Turbo Refrigerating at: 1-940-387-4301 Ask for the Service Department.
The following pages describe problems you might encounter and provide diagnostic instructions and solutions.
Chiller MCS turned off. Turn switch to “ON” position. For dedicated system the
icemaker should be on before the compressor starts.
Emergency stop button depressed. Determine reason emergency stop button was used and correct
before resetting.
Overload relay on magnetic starter Determine cause of motor overload. Depress manual reset
tripped. button.
Unit drawing high amps Loose terminal connections. Tighten connections (qualified electrician).
(compressor or water pump
Defective motor bearings or motor. Replace. Check compressor/motor alignment and mounting
bolts before restarting.
Chiller evaporator temperature too High discharge pressure: Check pressure sensing connection to regulator. Replace if
high; leaving water temperature too - Defective water regulating valve necessary.
high (water cooled).
- Fouling at condenser (water cooled). Clean condenser by brushing and/or acid treatment. Consult
. manufacturer for water treatment recommendations.
- Faulty water pump (water or Replace pump. Check pump suction and discharge for
evaporative cooled). obstructions.
- Fouling at condenser (air cooled). Clean with air, water hose, or brushing. Remove debris from
condenser inlet.
- Fan turning too slow (air cooled). Change sheave to increase speed up to FLA of motor. Consult
factory before restarting. Check for restrictions.
Low on NH3. Search for leak and repair. Add refrigerant to maintain proper
. level in recirculator or surge drum (flooded) and high pressure
Hand expansion valve improperly Balance all hand expansion valves to maintain adequate
adjusted. refrigerant to all sections. Open the valve(s) if necessary until
proper evaporator temperature is obtained. Note: It may be
necessary to close the hand TXV to other sections/chillers to
increase flow to chiller that is not operating properly. Adjust
hand expansion valve to maintain 40-45 PSIG in each chiller.
Reference chiller specifications for evaporator temperature.
Plugged or restricted liquid line Clean strainer. Restrictions can be observed by temperature
strainer. drop across the strainer resulting in lower temperature at outlet.
If temperature can not be measured isolate the strainer and
remove it for visual inspection.
Air or other non-condensable in Bleed air from condenser. Replace refrigerant charge if
refrigerant system. contamination can not be removed.
Restriction in piping. Check all isolation valves for proper position – open or closed.
Except for the hand expansion valves all other valves should be
fully open or closed and should not be used for throttling or
flow control.
Power off to condensing unit. Check power, circuit breaker, and disconnects to all motors,
starters, and control switches.
- Strainer plugged. Check water pump impeller for wear – replace impeller or
-Float valve defective (make-up water pump if necessary.
line to cooling tower).
-Pump impeller worn
Condenser pump prime lost – low Add water to cooling tower. Determine cause of water loss.
water level in sump. - leak in sump or piping
. - water line broken
- isolation valve in water line closed
Condenser water make-up valve closed Clean, repair, open, or replace valve.
or restricted.
Recirculating water pump off: Check pump for restrictions. Reset starter overload relay.
-Motor overloads tripped. Locate water feed restriction. Add water to tank.
-Water recirculating pump prime lost. Remove and clean.
Low water level in reservoir. Remove and clean.
-Strainer plugged. Clean, repair, or replace valve. This check is installed and
-Check valve stuck closed. normally located outside the unit at the liquid line connection to
-water connection broken or water the ice generator
supply lost
-water level sensor switch defective Verify connection to the water solenoid valve and check the
upstream water piping and valves outside unit.
Evaporator plates oil logged. Drain oil from NH3 recirculation unit oil reservoir. Raise
evaporator plate temperature by placing manual defrost switch
(MDS) in manual position or by spraying plates with warm
water (not to exceed 90°F).
High suction pressure. Water temperature too high. Water temperature above 60°F (based on incoming city water).
Improperly adjusted hand expansion Check expansion valve adjustment (close to reduce refrigerant
valve (overfeeding refrigerant). flow). Set to maintain 15 PSIG in all sections.
High discharge pressure. Refrigerant system overcharged. Verify actual charge. Reduce charge as required.
Note: Optional condensing unit
supplied by others or Dirty condenser. Clean.
separately, consult supplier’s
data for additional information. Non-condensable in refrigerant. Air in system. Remove by purging.
Readjust to correct setting.
Head pressure controls improperly set. Normally 190–220 PSIG for water cooled; 170–190 PSIG for
evaporative cooled; 210–250 PSIG for air cooled.
Low oil pressure. Oil reservoir full indicating need for Drain oil reservoir and add new oil to compressor.
Note: Optional condensing unit maintenance.
supplied by others or
separately, consult supplier’s Plugged or stopped up oil strainer. Clean. Purge line.
data for additional information.
Low oil level in crankcase. Consult supplier’s data.
Defective compressor oil pump. Check rotation and wear. Replace as required.
Oil leak Check all areas around system for signs of oil leakage. Repair
leak and recharge system with oil.
Excessive vibration of motor Misalignment. Realign to within specifications.
and compressor.
Note: Optional condensing unit Loose motor/compressor hold down Tighten. Check alignment.
supplied by others or bolts.
separately, consult supplier’s
data for additional information. Flooding of compressor. Adjust high pressure liquid line hand expansion valve setting.
Check refrigerant level controls on NH3 recirculation unit to
Excessive motor temperature. Defective or worn bearing. ensure high refrigerant level switch is operative.
Note: Optional condensing unit
supplied by others or Structural support under unit Remove coupling and check bearing.
separately, consult supplier’s insufficient.
data for additional information. Reinforce structural support. Shim as required. Consult factory
for guidelines.
To help you get the best Weekly Inspections (Includes • General neat
performance from your Chiller accessory equipment used housekeeping
system, follow the maintenance with the Chiller System)
instructions listed below. If you Clean the chiller weekly:
have questions concerning the Check the oil level in the • Clean the water
maintenance or upkeep of your compressor. distribution pan and
equipment, contact: header. The
Check for signs of oil leakage. distribution header
Turbo Refrigerating can be easily
Service Department Check the refrigerant liquid disassembled to
P.O. Box 396 level in the receiver (if remove debris inside
Denton, Texas 76202 applicable) or during pump- the header or clear
Phone: 940-387-4301 down to ensure that the level is plugged holes.
Fax: 940-382-0364 proper and has not changed • If necessary remove
the water distribution
Daily Inspections Check the receiver. Inspect header from the water
valve packings and relief valve distribution pan and
Inspect the chiller daily to for indications of refrigerant wipe out all loose
determine that the unit is loss. debris in the pans.
operating properly. Observe t he Unplug holes in the
fluid flow over the plates to Check for 20-30% refrigerant pans as required to
ensure the water distribution level in the receiver (or the ensure complete flow
system is free of debris. Check supplier’s recommendation) over the entire plate.
as required. while operating. • Check for indications
of discoloration on
When starting, observe that the Check unit at least once a week. the frame, water,
discharge and suction pressures A visual inspection includes and pans, panels, and
are correct on the gauges and is not limited to: headers. If necessary
are stable to ensure the proper • Leaks use citric acid to
refrigerant feed to the chiller. • Vibration of piping clean the areas using
on other components a non-abrasive
• Capillary tubes cleaning pad. Follow
rubbing the cleaning with a
• Unusual noises fresh water rinse.
• Tight bolts, nuts,
Maintenance 03/04 Turbo Refrigerating, LLC 6-1