Laboratory Report: Thyroid Function Test
Laboratory Report: Thyroid Function Test
Laboratory Report: Thyroid Function Test
• Circulating TSH measurement has been used for screening for euthyroidism, screening and diagnosis for
hyperthyroidism & hypothyroidism. Suppressed TSH (<0.01 µIU/mL) suggests a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism
31022903792-Mrs. K KANAKA DURGA-56 Years-Female
and elevated concentration (>7 µIU/mL) suggest hypothyroidism. TSH levels may be affected by acute illness
and several medications including dopamine and glucocorticoids. Decreased (low or undetectable) in Graves
disease. Increased in TSH secreting pituitary adenoma (secondary hyperthyroidism), PRTH and in
hypothalamic disease thyrotropin (tertiary hyperthyroidism). Elevated in hypothyroidism (along with decreased
T4) except for pituitary & hypothalamic disease.
• Mild to modest elevations in patient with normal T3 & T4 levels indicates impaired thyroid hormone reserves &
incipent hypothyroidism (subclinical hypothyroidism).
• Mild to modest decrease with normal T3 & T4 indicates subclinical hyperthyroidism.
• Degree of TSH suppression does not reflect the severity of hyperthyroidism, therefore, measurement of free
thyroid hormone levels is required in patient with a supressed TSH level.
Sick, hospitalized patients may have falsely low or transiently elevated thyroid stimulating hormone.
Some patients who have been exposed to animal antigens, either in the environment or as part of treatment or
imaging procedure, may have circulating antianimal antibodies present. These antibodies may interfere with the
assay reagents to produce unreliable results.
Note:(LL-VeryLow,L-Low,H-High,HH-VeryHigh ,A-Abnormal)
Consultant Pathologist
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# For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-NSRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named
or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been carried out at the point generation of the said specimen by the
sender. NSRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.
Note:(LL-VeryLow,L-Low,H-High,HH-VeryHigh ,A-Abnormal)
Consultant Pathologist
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